Athleisure Mag #31 Jul 2018

Page 98

what we are talking about regarding the vagina. The “vagina” actually includes the lips, vulva or labia-minora and majora, the opening to the vagina and the clitoris. Starting with puberty, the powerful effects of estrogen and progesterone, cause changes of the vagina including pubic hair, enlarging and more prominent labia or lips and more noticeable white vaginal discharge. As you age and lose your subcutaneous fat in your body, the fat in the vagina also decreases making the lips looks thinner. Childbirth probably has the most dramatic effect on the vagina, especially if you have a vaginal delivery. A recent statistic

showed that “30% of women who have a vaginal birth will have some form of trauma to the tissue and muscles in the vagina and pelvic floor. The vagina and all its elastic glory can only stretch so much during childbirth. With each vaginal delivery there is a little more stretching which has an accumulative effect that ultimately changes the outward appearance of the vagina. The pelvic floor muscles that stretch, distend and tear in the vagina to allow the baby’s head to come through this tight space will never be quite the same over time. The more vaginal deliveries you have, the more the vagina stretches, especially in the vaginal opening. Women often chose to have an elective cesaean section to avoid any trauma caused to the

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