Athleisure Mag #31 Jul 2018

Page 75

to come down. AJ: I feel like a lot of times you don’t have that many days off. So we try to do mindfulness – just a couple of minutes a day and that usually helps a lot. It’s also about eating good food. CH: Yeah just enjoying and appreciating eating really good food with people that you like. That’s also a luxury for me. AJ: And exercise again. I mean you get so much endorphins from doing that. I don’t even see the workout as work as it’s just part of my routine. When I have a day off, I can do it longer and not be stressed about going someplace else. The worst thing is to be stressed in the gym as it breaks my heart.

AM: How do guys prepare before you hit the stage? AJ: We drink coffee and listen to music. CH: We usually, put on great music and get ready together as we have to be in sync. We talk about what we are going to focus on during the performance …. AJ: Andwho we’re going to be on stage. CH: Yeah like different personalities AJ: Sometimes it’s David Bowie, sometimes it’s Prince, Michael Jackson – you name it and sometimes it’s just me haha! PHOTOS COURTESY | Katie June Burton + Stephanie Noritz

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