1 minute read


n Jet Blacks first calves are on the ground, and we are really excited about them! They are exceeding our already high expectations for attractiveness, structural integrity, and added frame.

n Jet Black is extremely attractive in his head and neck, ties in well to his shoulder, and is smooth through his center rib and hip.

n Whether you're looking to make elite females or powerful, big ribeye bulls, Jet Black fits the bill.

n He has the potential to take purebred Simmentals to a new level of eye appeal without sacrificing genotype.

n Dam is a beautiful and feminine female with a high-milking yet sound udder, and impeccable hoof quality.

Semen: $40/unit

Semen available through owners and Cattle Visions 573-641-5270. www.cattlevisions.com

Jim Wulf Family Starbuck, MN

320-288-6433 (Travis) twulf09@hotmail.com www.bredforbalance.com

Kurt, Chase and Levi Elliott Blanchard, ND Levi 701-430-0661 cattle.elliott@gmail.com