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n Bobby is a rare find and the tip of the spear! You will scour the country to find a bull with not only a balanced set of EPDs but with all his EPDs at the top of the breed. He is in the top 30% for 11 traits and they are the traits that pay the bills.

n We’ve been pleased with his ability to create very docile calves while advancing carcass traits for both marbling and ribeye area. His sire group also had outstanding testicle development averaging 37.5 cm at 11 months.

n We are calving his first daughters this spring and have not been let down – moderate in size, very capacious, perfect udders, and best of all, they calve easily and are great mother cows.

n He sires progeny that demonstrate incredible fleshing ability on very little feed, creating massive-bodied bulls, and females with a true brood cow look.

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled

n Bulls sold in our King of the Range Production Sale were a high-averaging sire group at $6,300 and the heifers in our Queen of the Prairie Female Sale were also at the top.

CDI Entourage 156U

Sire: HHS

Mr Entourage 867B

HHS Miss 836Z

MCM Top Grade 018X

Dam: HHS Miss Lucky Ava 847A

HHS Miss 870U

ASA# 3484454

PB SM n Dam is now owned by Lazy C Diamond Ranch, full brothers working at Bichler Simmentals and Keller Broken Heart Ranch.

Semen: $40/unit volume discounts available

Semen will be available at Stavick Simmental.

Stavick Simmental

Veblen, SD

Mike: 605-237-4663

Owen: 605-551-9016 stavickx@tnics.com • stavicksimmental.com