Artigianato 76

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Il laboratorio di Giorgio Upiglio a Milano. Giorgio Upiglio ‘s Atelier in Milano.

barde (Casartigiani, CLAAI, CNA e Confartigianato), oggi giunte alla terza edizione: Artis è un riconoscimento d’eccellenza di cui sono oggi insignite 230 imprese artigiane, in base a disciplinari d’eccellenza individuati da Regione Lombardia; e Benchart, un progetto volto a sostenere le imprese artigiane e le PMI in un percorso di miglioramento delle loro performance: in pratica, un confronto costruttivo fra le imprese stesse, che permette loro di crescere insieme alle persone che le costituiscono. Ho personalmente visto tanti esempi di giovani che hanno intrapreso con coraggio la strada della bottega e della piccola e micro impresa, e che con la loro determinazione hanno scritto oggi pagine di successo personale ed eccellenza professionale.


Craftsmanship: the jewel in the crown of Lombardy’s production system “The artisan sector is without a doubt the jewel in the crown of manufacturing” says Domenico Zambetti, the Councillor for Artisans and Services of Lombardy’s Regional Authorities: “it is a field in which creativity plays a starring role, the manual work is fundamental, and overall dedicates attention to detail so that at the end of the supply chain, the piece offered is frequently unique”. An interview that unveils an institutional organisation which is aware of the messages, requests and needs of Lombardy’s craftsmen. To what extent does the metier d’art influence production excellence in Lombardy?

Domenico Zambetti: There’s no doubt that the contribution artisans provide to production excellence is crucial. In quantitative terms, artisan businesses nowadays comprise over 30% of Lombardy’s businesses: around 260,000 out of 790,000, for a total of 640,000 jobs. Yet from the qualitative point of view, the artisan field is without a doubt the jewel in the crown of manufacturing: it is a product where creativity plays a starring role, the manual work is fundamental, and overall dedicates attention to detail, so that at the end of the supply chain, the piece offered is frequently unique. What are the main requests that artisans and maitres d’art tend to advance to the Regional Authorities, and what answers has the Councillor’s office provided?

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