Artigianato 55

Page 48

In questa pagina, dall’alto e da sinistra: “Giorno”, contenitore in pietra leccese con base in legno, finitura mogano; “I custodi”, portagioie in pietra leccese con base in legno, finitura palissandro; “Le cummari”, tre portagioie in pietra leccese con base in legno, finitura palissandro.

Nella pagina a fronte, dall’alto: tavolini della collezione “Mobili in pietra”: basi in legno sormontate da un gambo in pietra leccese, alla sommità bracci di legno sostengono un cristallo. On the opposite page, from the top: tables of the collection “Mobili in pietra” (Furniture in stone): bases of wood supporting a stem of Lecce stone, at the top arms of wood hold up a crystal.

On this page, from the top down and from the left: “Giorno” (Day), container in Lecce stone with a wooden base, mahogany finish; “I Custodi” (the Custodians), jewel box in Lecce stone with wooden base, rosewood finish; “Le Cummari” three jewel boxes in Lecce stone with wooden base, rosewood finish.

Daniele’s Trees

In the territory of Cursi, near Lecce, “Lecce stone” (pietra Leccese) finds a place in homes with objects designed by Daniele Lanzilotto. The land is starting to give new fruits again. The land in question is the Salento, in the south of Italy, lovingly embraced by the Mediterranean as few other territories of Italy. The operating area is Cursi, a small village surrounded by craters dug by people of the place to extract ashlars of soft golden stone that is used to build cities and decorate façades. In this landscape, at the upper edges of the craters and among the olive trees, moves Daniele Lanzilotto, a strangely blond youth, perhaps son of the many peoples, even Nordic, who have inhabited these parts. He, too, is captivated by the idea of creating with these stones and being therefore, the silent protagonist of a design work that has within it the nature of this countryside. This is how objects are born, that want to live, however, inside the homes, and that

clearly communicate the outside landscape with their characterizing marks: plasticity, harmony, colour, transparencies and luminousness. Daniele’s objective: to find again, through objects of everyday use, that lost equilibrium with the natural materials of the place, and make them live again with grace and elegance, almost in contrast to the worn and

mistreated landscape of our lack of respect. Daniele wants to establish an intense dialogue with his territory, which becomes his archive of design reference, defining in this way a sort of “barter” between the material and the project.His new symbolic fruits are like trees with their arms stretched out, delicately sustaining their transparent foliage, therefore open and limitless.


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