The SPHINX | Summer 1989 | Volume 75 | Number 4 198907504

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youth can achieve self-actualization and success. The previous Annual Banquet memorialized Brother William Orville Ross, and the Banquet this year will address his life achievements. He was a trained and qualified entrepreneur, w h o owned and operated a very profitable business. Here was a local Brother achieving success in business, and Pontiac youths must be encouraged and shown that they can d o the same. The third purpose of the Annual Banquet is to present scholarships to promising students capable of making contributions to the community. The first two scholarships were a w a r d e d in June, 1986 to Roderyck Blake w h o enrolled at Yale University; and to Margaret Billings, w h o enrolled at the University of D a y t o n . The second year, scholarships were awarded to Royalla Nelson, w h o enrolled at O a k l a n d University; and to Darlene Petway, w h o enrolled at H o w a r d University. The third year, scholarships were awarded to Rayfus W. Jones, Jr. w h o enrolled at Michigan State University; and to Jordan Lee Warren, Jr., w h o enrolled at Lawrence Institute of Technology.

Illinois Revive, Rekindle, Rebuild . . . Working Toward A Better Future O v e r 400 Brothers from Alpha's 24 Chicagoland Chapters participated at the fraternity's Star-Studded 82nd Founder's D a y A w a r d s Banquet held December 2, 1988 at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, Illinois. T h e Banquet's t h e m e : "Revive, R e k i n d l e , R e b u i l d . .. Working T o w a r d A Better Future" was implanted in each Brother's heart and mind, by the guest speaker Brother Paul King. Brother King a member of Xi Lambda Chapter, challenged the Brothers to take the leadership in a drive to assist the poor, d o w n t r o d d e n and those incapable of helping themselves. He also urged the brothers to speak-out against injustices, saying, "We are guilty by our silence." Noting that Alpha's estimated 100,000 membership includes promiment lawyers, physicians, politicians, journalists, ministers, educators, businessmen and members of the criminal justice system, Brother King T h e S p h i n x / W i n t e r 1989

Representatives from the 24 Chapters in the Chicagoland area which jointly sponsor annual Founder's Day events. said, "We have the education, money and an awesome a m o u n t of power to d o anything necessary to initiate positive change." The speaker stated that this may be a different era, but the problems now are similar to those 82 years ago when the Seven Jewels realized that there was strength in unity and organized the Fraternity. Brother King urged the brethren to focus on those p r o b l e m s with manageable objectives. He stressed that those w h o are privileged must help the less fortunate move forward and prepare to compete more equitable now and in the 21st century. Brother King indicated that each brother has a responsibility to help Alpha to achieve its objectives of: providing services to m a n k i n d and promoting scholarship and achievement. Dignitaries in a t t e n d a n c e were: Brother M a y o r Eugene Sawyer of Chicago, IL, Brother Alderman D a n n y K. David of Chicago, IL, Brother M a y o r Joseph Freelon of M a y w o o d , IL, Brother Alderman Keith Caldwell of Chicago, IL, Brother Enoch Clarke Bey, Chicago, Park District Official Deputy of Chicago Police Superintendent Brother Rudy Nimmocks, Brother Dr. James Smallwood, a prominent physician of Chicago, IL, Brother D w a y n e Mitchell, Cook County Hospital Administrator, Former Illinois State Representative, Brother Louis C a l d w e l l , B r o t h e r Vernon Will iams, the first Black Manager for Illinois Bell and Circuit Court Judge Brother William E. Peterson, w h o recently retired after 16 years of services.

Brothers w h o joined the Fraternity 50 years and 25 years ago were recognized and honored, in addition, Brother Erwin France, master of ceremonies, received an a w a r d for his services to the Fraternity in conjunction with "Project A l p h a . " Those Brothers w h o entered Omega Chapter in 1988 were remembered in a moving segment of the program titled: " M o m e n t s of Reflections." Brother Jadonal E. Ford, the General Chairperson was assisted by representatives from the Chicagoland Alpha Chapters.

Illinois Mu Mu Lambda Awards $ 8 , 0 0 0 in Scholarship Mu Mu Lambda Chapter concluded its 1987-88 youth development program with the chapter's VI Annual Beautillion. Ten outstanding, Black, m a l e high s c h o o l s e n i o r s w e r e presented to an audience of over 700 at the Holiday Inn O'Hare Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois. Scholarships totalling $8,000 were awarded to college b o u n d students. Since its founding in 1976, Mu Mu Lambda has awarded over $50,000 in college scholarship. The chapter's VII A n n u a l Beautillion will be held on June 24, 1989 at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois. The following officers were installed at the chapter's 12th Installation Banquet in September: Fred L. Miller, President; Dennis T h o m a s , Vice PresiPage 49

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