The SPHINX | Summer 1989 | Volume 75 | Number 4 198907504

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school year which were very successful, especially our Valentine's Day extravaganza with the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority from neighboring Wayne State University. In conjunction with the Pre-Law Fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta, we were able to have Judge Dennis Archer, a Michigan Supreme Court Justice, lecture to minority students about opportunities in the field of Law. Finally, we closed off a successful year by sponsoring the school's first Black Achievement Awards in which we honored students and faculty members in the areas of academics, athletics, leadership, community involvement and so forth. In addition, we honored brothers in our chapter with special awards. We would like to congratulate brother Darryl Robinson, The Alpha Phi Alpha Eta Xi chapter Man of the Year, Brother Egbert Mathurin, The Brotherhood Award, Brother Dante Dixon, The Neophyte of the Year Award, and brother Jerry Ashford, The Special Service Award. We are planning numerous activities during this 1988-89 school year and hope that it is more successful than the previous. Leading the way will be Jerry Ashford, President, Egbert Mathurin, Vice President, Dante Dixon, Treasurer and Dean of Pledges, and Darryl Coppelletti, . Good luck to all our brothers everywhere and let that Alpha light shine! — Darryl Robinson

siue lOtO Pi: Dock on the Right Track

I bring you greetings from your fellow brothers of Iota Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Our 1988-89 year started off on a down swing. Iota Pi, as recently as the beginning of fall quarter '88, was faced with a debt of over $4,000 owed to SIUE. Although the indebtness came from monies owed from the 1985 State C o n v e n t i o n , our charter here at SIUE would have been cancelled. Through the hard work of the brothers of Iota Pi and a nice Fraternal contribution of $200 from the Beta Eta Chapter at SlU-Carbondale, we managed to stay on top by raising the money in a short period of time. The Sphinx/Winter 1989

The lota Pi Chapter, Southern Illiois University at Edwardsville

During the fall quarter of 1988, the Brothers of "The Pi" sponsored a clothing drive here at SIUE to donate to needy families in the East St. Louis area. Also as an ongoing activity for us, we participated in "welcome week" for the freshman class and "preview SIUE" which is an open house that introduces students and their families to the school and its many activities. We also participated in the food collection drive in conjunction with the Tower Lake housing staff. By the start of winter quarter, Iota Pi was in full swing and back on the right track. We started our list of activities with a dedication to our great fraternity brother Martin Luther King, Jr. This event celebrated the legacy of our fraternity brother by bringing together singers, speakers, and students in an effort to keep "The Dream Alive." For the third year, with a concept brought about by Brother Phillip Rodgers to bring black greeks closer together, Alpha Phi Alpha cosponsored the Black Greek Marchdown with all of the black greek organizations on the campus of SIUE. to note: for the first time on this campus the brothers of Iota Pi became the 1989 step champions here at SIUE. We continued our winter quarter by taking a step in the sense of opening up the lines of communication and service between white and black greeks on their campus, Iota Pi became big brothers to Gamma Sigma Sigma Sorority, Inc. Iota Pi, once again not being afraid to take chances, took on a challenge to sponsor two performances by the

Katherine D u n h a m Center for Performing Arts of James Baldwin "The Amen Corner." To round up the rest of our spring quarter, our other various activities include: project Alpha in East St. Louis in conjunction with Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter; junior Alphamen (jam crew); the Alpha grandson program (started here at Iota Pi; SIUE special Olympics; SIUE spring festival; read and rockathon, just to name a few. Our Executive Board for the 1989-1990 school year will consist of Phillip W.D. Rodgers, President; Donald L. Grant, Vice-President; Eric Lardge, Secretary; and Robert Mock, Jr., Treasurer. Next year we plan to work even harder. We have set our goals for next year and we plan to accomplish them. Our goals include working much harder in the Edwardsville community and the East St. Louis/St. Louis metropolitan area. Our theme for next year is "We've only just begun."

ohio Cicely Tyson Speaks at King Celebration

The Brothers of Eta Tau Lambda send g r e e t i n g s to the A l p h a Brotherhood around the world and vow to hold the light of Alpha on high for all to see. Eta Tau Lambda will be the host Chapter for the Midwestern Regional Page 47

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