The SPHINX | Summer 1989 | Volume 75 | Number 4 198907504

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A w a r d , " as well as Being Single m a g a z i n e ' s prestigious " P i n n a c l e " award. Ebony magazine has also selected Mr. W o o d s as a 1989 Eligible Bachelor. Brother W o o d s is active with his local alumni chapter of the Alpha Phi A l p h a Fraternity (Alpha G a m m a Lambda) and he has recently been selected to serve as the New York State Director of the Alpha Phi A l p h a / B o y Scout alliance to strengthen the coordination between the Fraternity and its national youth program The Boy Scouts of America. For the past two years Brother W o o d s has managed the U.S. A r m y (Active/Reserve) Advertising account at The Mingo G r o u p , Inc., a major New York Black advertising agency. Brother lames R.




A. Woods



Rack u p a n o t h e r first for Brother JAMES R. WILLIAMS, Past General President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity as he climbs another rung on the ladder of success. Brother Judge James R. Williams was sworn in last T h u r s d a y as the first black judge of the Court of C o m m o n Pleas of Summit C o u n t y . An overflow crowd of more than 500 friends and supporters attended the 4 p . m . ceremony as Judge Nathaniel R. Jones of the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals administered the o a t h . Judge Jones presented Judge Williams as a person of "character, knowledge and commitment" w h o is in touch with the world and in touch with his community. Judge Williams said his diverse background should help him to be a good judge at the C o m m o n Pleas level. He was a teacher in the A k r o n schools for four years. He became an attorney in 1965 and w a s in private practice. He also served on A k r o n , O h i o City Council from 1970 to 1978 as W a r d 4 and at-large councilman. He was U.S. attorney of Ohio's n o r t h e r n district from 1978 to 1982, a n d has been an Akron Municipal Judge since 1983. Brother Williams is married to his f o r m e r high s c h o o l sweetheart, C a t h e r i n e Douglas of C o l u m b u s , Miss., and they have two adult children; son, Brother Michael D. Williams, a member of the City Council in A k r o n , O h i o , and daughter, Jacqueline, a social worker in A k r o n .

The Boy Scouts of America has announced that Brother WILLIAM A. W O O D S will be one of the 1989 Silver Beaver A w a r d recipients in the M a n h a t t a n council. The Silver Beaver is the highest a w a r d a Boy Scout Council can bestow on one of its volunteers and is given for recognition of years of outstanding service to the betterment of youth through the Boy Scout Program. Brother W o o d s , an Eagle Scout, District A w a r d of Merit Honoree, District Comissioner and M a n h a t t a n Boy Scout Executive Board member, has been the recent recipient of Dollars & Sense magazine's "Best a n d Brightest Business a n d Professional Men's

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T h e S p h i n x / W i n t e r 1989

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