Risk Manager Magazine Spring 2011

Page 20

With more companies investing in security systems, it makes sense to step back and think about an integrated approach that combines access control systems, intruder alarms and CCTV.


ccording to a 2010 survey from

Traditionally, installers would physically

and controls who gets into a building and

the Small Firms Association, 45%

connect the three different systems via

where they go from there. When this is

of businesses were victims

a series of inputs and outputs.

part of an integrated system, managed

of crime in the past two years and

There is far more work

from a PC software application, it gives

60% suffered crime on two

involved in making three

the operator and manager full control

or more occasions. Theft

separate systems talk to

of the system and a full audit trail of

of stock and cash, along

one another so that,

movement within the building, backed

with criminal damage to

for example, the CCTV

up by visual images and intruder alarm

premises were the most

cameras begin recording

status at that time.

common incidents,

the moment an alarm is

while the average

tripped. Not only is this

cost of an incident

type of setup more time-

was almost €3,000.

consuming and cumbersome

Naturally, businesses have

to install, it also creates the

responded by investing more money in security

problem of having to deal with three different equipment vendors.

and prevention. The survey

Integrated systems have the intelligence to disarm the intruder alarm system only for the areas where the person entering has been granted access. In a multi-tenanted building where someone opens the door and disarms the alarm, they could leave the whole

found CCTV usage increased to

For the business itself,

just over 38% of firms, and almost 30%

managing this kind of

a fully integrated system

of companies now have some form of

infrastructure – usually

that knows where people

access control system.

with a third party security

building vulnerable. With

should be going, the

management platform –

other areas of the building

Like the legs of a stool, a good security

adds further complexity

remain protected.

system has three parts: an intruder

and cost. There is an easier

alarm, access control, and closed circuit


TV. In the past, however, that has meant

Integrated systems really come into their own when

three separate systems for a company’s

Combining the three

security team to run and three different

elements of a security system

Integrated systems have the intelligence to disarm the intruder alarm system only for the areas where the person entering has been granted access.

CCTV is included. Let’s take the example of a building protected by proximity card access; by itself that system might not prevent unauthorised entry by someone who had somehow managed to obtain a card. When you have an integrated system, the CCTV will record footage of

manufacturers for the installers to deal

– access control, intruder alarms and

the person entering when they present

with. At a time when there are plenty of

CCTV – into one system is not only more

the card. If a door has been forced, that

other challenges facing businesses, this is

powerful but also more cost-effective.

registers not only on the access control

Access control by its nature manages the

and the intruder alarm systems but

movement of people within a building

when combined with CCTV, it will record

an unnecessary complexity.


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