GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine and TV Issue 17- Antonio McKay Cover

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A Tribute To Adolfo “Shabba-Doo” Quinones

Photo Credit: SK HOLLYWOOD Phone# 843-509-7205

Inside This Issue: Artists Entertainment Interviews News

GRINDERZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV The information contained in this magazine is for educational, entertainment and general informational pur-poses only. This information is provided by GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV and other sources. We will strive to keep the information as informative and as up-to-date as possible. Through this magazine, you may see the links to various website which are not under the control of GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. We have no control over the nature, content or availability of those sites. This magazine contains materials which are owned by or permitted for us to use. This material includes, but is not limited to, photos, articles, designs, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited. Your views and opinions may differ from the content. Please leave a comment at Editor and Chief, Author Angie Christine

A Letter From The Editor My name is Angie Christine, C.E.O of GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. I am a mother, an author, a writer for Fuzionz Magazine/TV, actress and soon to be talk show host of my very own show titled "The Ultimate Surprise Show". When it comes to being a hard worker, I always strive to come out on top. I decided to create this magazine to applaud and to recognize all of the Grinders across the world who are out there doing their thing. These people come from various backgrounds, work trades, even different religions, but the one thing that makes them all the same is that they are hard workers. It takes a special person to become one. You have to eat, drink, and sleep your skills, your talents, and become that head honcho. I know you all will be very pleased at reading the different interviews and articles inside this special magazine. I would also love your feedback. If you would love to drop me a message, please send all inquiries to Take care and keep grinding! (If you dream it, make it happen). Editor and Chief Angie Christine Assistant Editor Shenoba Kinsey

GrinderZZ Female Flava Of The Month

Alana Woodson Yes, Mrs. Diva is back! A Queen's Desires is a remarkable jewelry company that's run by my friend, Alana. She has a great selection from gold to silver, colorful to trendy, sexy to professional. Alana has been doing her thing in the market, in spite of the Covid 19 pandemic. Alana was also featured in the GrinderZZ 24/7 magazine with a full interview. We loved her so much, that we decided to bring her back as our "Flava of the Month". Valentine's Day is coming soon, and if you're looking for some great jewelry for your wife/girlfriend/mother or sister, she's definitely the one to contact. Mrs. Woodson, we Salute you!

GrinderZZ Female Flava Of The Month

Al "Big Vegaz" Nazon Our "Flava Of The Month" comes to us from, Staten Island, New York. Born in Jacksonville Florida, raised in New York City, Al is a man with a plan, and a Jack of all trades. At 42 year's young, Al has been a producer in the music industry, and a consultant. He's mingled and worked alongside of artist, such as, Choppa Zoe, Poeah Winfrey, and 60 Cent. With 42 music credits, Al is making things happen! If you're seeking help with your music career. Please reach out to "Big Vegaz", and tell him that, Angie sent ya! Rockboy Records presents Dj Digga Debut single " Undefeated " Feat. : Ms Monae, Nubian & Ms Shica. Produced by Al "Big Vegaz" Nazon .. Co Produced by Fly Ty from Rockboy G'z. Executive produced by D/R Period Music Producer & Business Consultant From New York City Current Credits: Undefeated Dj Digga feat.Ms.Shica, Nubian and Ms.Monae on Rockyboy Records Live Stream Host of BeatsandBusiness on the LIVIT Network

Valentine’s Day Tributes

Valentine’s Day Tribute (continued…)

An Interview With Cheryl Song— Former Soul Train Dancer music, and my name is catchy and everyone remembers it. I’m one of the few people who was actually born and raised in Los Angeles. It’s a great city, and I’ve seen so many changes that have gone on both good and bad. I went to a predominantly Asian elementary school, where I was an excellent student – they even let me skip the 5th grade. It wasn’t until middle school and High School (I went to Dorsey High School) where I was exposed to different ethnicities. But going to Dorsey High school, which was predominantly Black, allowed me to learn how to get along with everybody, which was a great benefit.

GrinderZZ: Can you please tell my audience a little about yourself? Cheryl: My name is Cheryl Song. A lot of people ask me if that is my “stage name” but believe it or not, that is the legal name that I was born with. I remember when I was a child, I used to hate my last name, because the kids in school would call me Sing Song, or ask me why wasn’t my name Cheryl Music – just silly stuff like that. And I wondered why I didn’t have a name like Smith or Jones (I was in elementary school at the time, and didn’t know the origin of last names). But now I love my last name – because I DO love

GrinderZZ: At what age did you first discover your dancing talents? Cheryl: Coming from very strict Asian parents, I didn’t start dancing ‘til a very late age. As a child watching TV, dancing was something for the pretty White ladies, not for someone who looked like me. And growing up in the family that I had, we weren’t allowed to speak up or voice how we felt. That was NOT allowed. So I learned how to bottle up my feelings (which was better than getting yelled at for speaking up). But I found out that dancing was a way I could express myself without speaking – and that was my release and probably my saving grace. But it really wasn’t until high school, where I started dancing. And I loved watching my Black classmates dance, and I wanted to dance as good as them. That’s when I really discovered that I had a knack for expressing myself through physical movement. I took all

the dance classes I could in school, but when I wanted to be a dance major in college, I had such backlash from my parents. My mother TOLD me that I was going to major in either math or science, but my father told me to do whatever I wanted because I would never be anything anyways. GrinderZZ: Growing up, what type of music did you like, and who were your favorite artists? Cheryl: Since my first love was dance, I always gravitated towards dance music, anything with a good beat and a prominent baseline. Whether it was disco, R&B or pop – if it was danceable – that was my music! Growing up, my favorite artists were The Jacksons and The Temptations – but my favorite artist of all time is and will always be Michael Jackson. He was the best dancer, second to none, and his music was so incredible – it just made you want to dance. But now, I do like other types of music and appreciate people’s artistry more than just “could you dance to it”. I love Whitney Houston, Bruno Mars, John Legend, and even Garth Brooks and Andrea Bocelli. GrinderZZ: Did people look at you differently because you were an Asian Female with a lot of Soul? Cheryl: Yes, people DID look at me differently because I didn’t dance like a White girl (laughing). Even in high school, my Black friends said I had “Soul” and I was very proud of that one thing that set me aside from everyone else. I can’t tell you what they nicknamed me, but it was very funny. GrinderZZ: At what age did you first appear on Soul Train? Cheryl: When Soul Train moved from Chicago to Los Angeles, they went around to a lot of the Black high schools to find dancers. Going to the predominantly Black Dorsey High school, I knew some of the students there were dancers on Soul Train. I knew two guys that danced on the show and I saw them looking at me and whispering to each other laughing. Then they came up to me and out of the blue said, “We’re going to bring you on Soul Train” – and I (kind of in shock) said “Okay” – and that was that! GrinderZZ: How was Don Cornelius as your boss? Cheryl: Don Cornelius was a very hard man to work for. He was the boss, and everything was done the way HE wanted it. There was no compromising, no meeting of the minds, he was the dictator. But, in retrospect, this was his baby and it never would have come to being if he wasn’t who he was. You can’t take away the fact that he was an innovator and was one of the first – if not THE first Black person to own his own show on national television. And to have that show outlast any other dance show of its kind is absolutely remarkable.

GrinderZZ: You’ve also toured with the late Michael Jackson, and was featured in the Beat It video, and also worked with the late Rick James. Was there a hard auditioning process to work with either mega superstar? Cheryl: Actually, I did not have to audition for either Michael Jackson or Rick James. For Rick James’ “Superfreak” – I got a phone call from one of the other female Soul Train dancers named Leslie. She told me that they wanted me to be in a Rick James video, gave me the date and location and it was as simple as that. When I got there, Rick James was telling jokes throughout the entire shoot and had everybody in stitches. Rick and I sort of ran around in the same circles, so he knew who I was and immediately started kidding around with me the minute I got on the set. He was so great to work with, and if he wasn’t a musician, he definitely could have been a comedian. Michael and I knew each other, and I had worked with him on several other occasions. We had several conversations over the phone. He would call me and tell me what he wanted or what he needed, and I would facilitate that. One time he called me because he wanted to learn how to do what was called at the time – the “Backslide”. He was very insistent about it and I told him not to worry, that I would find him the right people to teach him. That became what is now known as the “Moonwalk” and I am so proud to have been responsible for that. I went to visit him while he was filming “Billy Jean”. After that was done, he called me and wanted me to find him dancers for “Beat It”. I set up the audition for him, and while I was on the set for “Beat It”, he put me in the scene at the bar where the gang members are called away for the rumble. A lot of people don’t know this, but in my scene where my gangmember boyfriend and I are sitting at the bar - he was just supposed to get up and join the

other guys. But right when they were shooting the scene, he grabbed my hair, pulled my head back and kissed me. Everyone was shocked when that happened, but they decided to keep it in the video. GrinderZZ: I also write for Fuzionz Magazine, and so excited that I was able to interview you on the red carpet of the 2016 Soul Train Awards. How does it feel to still be recognized? Cheryl: Honestly, I am still amazed when I get recognized. I mean, I am truly flattered and absolutely humbled because I left the show in 1990, which was 30 years ago! But to be recognized today is a Blessing, and I feel so fortunate that Don Cornelius allowed me to dance on such a ground-breaking show. GrinderZZ: Are there any new projects coming up that you’re able to speak about at this present time? Cheryl: Yes Angela! I have a special project in the works. I can’t tell you much more, because the legalities are being finalized as we speak. But it is a brand new venture for me, and I can’t wait until it hits the ground! GrinderZZ: What advice can you give to someone that’s starting out in dancing? Cheryl: Be yourself – but be the best YOU that you can be. Practice and train until the movement flows through your body without you having to think about it. But nowadays, things are done very differently. It used to be, you would have to go to a live audition, where they would teach you a routine and choose who they wanted. But now, people put themselves on Tik Tok or Instagram, or they market themselves and the next thing you know, they’ve got a million followers. GrinderZZ: How can fans reach out to you? Cheryl: My Facebook page is Cheryl Song and my Instagram handle is CherylSong1. A lot of people reach me through Messenger. I don’t always have time to answer everyone immediately, but I do my best. GrinderZZ: Cheryl, at this time do you have any last words/shoutouts you’d like to give? Cheryl: I would just like to say Thank You to all the fans of Soul Train who have opened up their hearts to me and accepted me as the first Asian dancer on the show. I never in a million years thought I would receive such love. And I do not take it for granted. I appreciate everyone’s thoughtfulness and kind comments. I’ve been through some tough times, but the love I have received from everyone has made it all worth it – so Thank You!!!

I dreamt of a bathroom last nite that was done in varying shades of blue in the shape of fishing boat. The toilet was at the back where the motor would be. It felt like you were stepping into the boat. It was Fascinating! I wish I could show you the picture still in my brain. Our dreams are full of amazing creations. Some are related to things happening in our lives, other times who knows.

Blog & Doodle by Kim Fannin

I think that when we sleep, we are relaxed - allowing our subconscious to deal with stuff, or maybe help us find solutions stifled by our awake anxiety. I don't know if dream psychoanalysts would agree with me, but that's my take on it. I also believe dreams unlock our creativity warehouse - a HUGE place full of ideas our imagination produces daily, then stores until needed.

We Daydream while we're awake. It's good for us. We relax, our mind wanders & we escape to somewhere different. It feels good to just let go of worries, anxiety or anger and just allow ourselves time away from the day. I record my night dreams. I used to write them all out, now I just speak them into a file I keep on my phone. Not necessarily because I want to know their meanings, but more for entertainment sometimes. I'm always amazed of my complete recall when I read them. Even years later. It's like they're imprinted in my brain - because I wrote them down. Enjoy your dreams. Laugh about them. Be happy you have them. Don't try to self analyze them too much. But, do write down the interesting ones. Sometimes, when you go back & re-visit them, you might be able to see why you dreamt it.

C.E.O, Willie Franks, Talks About

Franks International Footwear How many of you guys/gals out there go crazy over shoes? Well let me introduce you all to this man right here. His name is, Willie Franks, C.E.O of Franks International Footwear. Willie's shoes are so extravagant, and glamorous, I call him the “Million Dollar Man”, because I see him making his first million by next year. Let's chat with Mr. Franks and find out a little more about his company. GrinderZZ: Well hello Willie! Welcome to GrinderZZ 24/7's studio. Can you please tell my audience a little about yourself? Willie: Hello, my name is Willie Franks, the owner and CEO of Franks International Footwear (FIF), Inc. GrinderZZ: You are the C.E.O of, Franks International Footwear. How long have you been business? Willie: I started my company in 2015 with the vision to provide the most unique footwear to the market at reasonable prices without compromising on quality. This vision led me to research the industry 2 years prior to starting my company. As I searched the market, I realized there was a lack of black designers in the luxury sector. I felt that it was my calling to provide our community throughout the world with these services, but I knew that I had be very strategic in completing my task. I also knew that association was key in accomplishing my goal. GrinderZZ: In school, did you take any type of design class, or did you get into designing once you graduated from school? Willie: I’ve never taking a designing class in my life, I graduated college with a Degree in Social work, but I’ve always had dreams of owning my own brand.

GrinderZZ: Your shoes are beautiful. When I first saw your catalog, I nearly loss my mind. Have you so far sold any of your footwear to any celebrities you can mention? Willie: I appreciate that and your statement lets me know that I’m on the right track. Since being in business, I’ve had the opportunity to design footwear for, Jason Mitchell, from Straight out of Compton, Luis da Silva Jr. from Fast and Furious, Brandon Mitchell Hall from, God Friended Me, and a few others that I can’t mention at this moment. GrinderZZ: You mentioned to us that you suffered some health issues, due to an injury that made you shut down your storefront, and you basically loss everything except your house. How is everything going now with your health?

Willie: Right as I launched my own brand, life hit and I had to close my storefront, my health declined because of an injury, and I literally lost everything but my home. Times were very difficult from 2017 to 2019, but I never gave up on my dream. I was able to make a complete recover and get back on me feet. GrinderZZ: In August of 2019, you were able to re-launch yourself with your shoes and became a success once again. You partnered up with a famous designer in Italy, and began creating magic once again. How did you feel at that very moment? Willie: A turnaround occurred in August of 2019—I stepped out on faith and restarted my company and re-launched my brand, not knowing what God had in store for me. I officially opened my online store September 1, 2019, and I have had the best time of my life! GrinderZZ: On September 1 2019, you decided to open up your online store so the world can get themselves some of your masterpieces. How many of your orders come from customer's overseas vs. in the States? Willie: Currently about 75% of my products are sold in the USA, and the other 25% have been distributed between Canada and Africa. GrinderZZ: What advice could you give to someone right now who may be interested in designing their own shoe brand? Willie: The most important piece of advice I can give is, to put the time and effort that it takes to understand your plan. Do not cut corners because your brand and products are a direct reflection of you. Willie, it's been a pleasure speaking with you. Happy New Year to you. Continue much success through 2021.

GrinderZZ: How can fans reach you? Willie: They can reach me via my website which is and they can also find me on Instragram GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs? Willie: Yes, there have been some challenges since I started my business, but I’ve stayed focused and true to the vision of FIF. So in my final words, I encourage all the readers to never



The Adventures of Super Dee By Demetria Alexis Crandell

love to show the many talents of people in the GrinderZZ Magazine. This little lady right here, is among some of that talent. She's sweet, she's gifted and she's my 8 year old daughter, Demetria Alexis Crandell. Let's talk to this first time author and hear about her new book coming soon, called “The Adventures of Super Dee.” GrinderZZ: Hello Demetria, and welcome to the GrinderZZ studio. Can you please tell my audience a little about yourself? Demetria: Hi! My name is Demetria. I'm 8 year's old, and I'm in the 3rd grade. I love to sing, dance, draw pictures, and to cook. GrinderZZ: You were born in Newport News Virginia, but moved and lived in Las Vegas for 5 years with your mommy and your big sister, Briana. How was it like living in Las Vegas? Demetria: I love and miss Vegas. I miss my school, Paradise Elementary, and my cook teacher, Mrs. Nava, Ms. Dee, and Mrs. Gee. I also miss the principle, Ms, Stover. I miss my friends too. GrinderZZ: When did you first get into writing stories? Demetria: I was 5 years old. I love writing stories. It's fun! You can create any character and make them say and do what you want them to do. GrinderZZ: How do you like living in Augusta Georgia? Demetria: I love it! I still miss Vegas, but I love Augusta because my buddy Braylin lives here and I like my new friends and teacher from school, Mrs. Franklin.

GrinderZZ: I know that you love to cook. Please tell my audience, what you like to cook? Demetria: I like to make vegetables. My favorite are greens. I also like to make spaghetti and meatballs and tacos. GrinderZZ: Can you tell us about your new book titled, “The Adventures of Super Dee?” Demetria: It's about a little boy name Daryl. He has autism and he's afraid to go to school, because he switched schools and he doesn't know anyone there. Super Dee is a toy doll that gives him the courage and the push to break out of his shy shell and conquer school.

GrinderZZ: Will you create more books off the same character, meaning The Super Dee character? Demetria: Yes! I'm going to write more Super Dee books! I love that character. She's a super hero for children with autism. GrinderZZ: I remember when the doctors first diagnosed you with having autism and I cried. I thought it was something I did wrong while I was carrying you. Autism children are extremely smart. Demetria: I care not to use that word. I really still don't understand what it really means. All I know is, I'm a smart little girl and one day I'm going to go to college and have a great big career! GrinderZZ: What advice could you give someone who wants to write a book? Demetria: Nike said.....JUST DO IT, and Demetria Alexis Crandell said to do it as well. Don't be scared. Just buy a notebook and have some pens and pencils around so you can write your stories. GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs? Demetria: First, I want to say I love you God. I also want to say, I love you and wish I could see my grandma, my grandpa and my uncle Johnny, in Heaven. I want to shout out to you mommy, because you love and take care of me......shout out to my big sister, Briana, my big brother, Demetrius Jr., my dad, Demetrius Sr., my grandparents in Virginia, my aunt Danielle, Samantha, Shenoba, Lassie, my step sisters, Lindsey and Niecey, my best friend, Braylin, my step dad, Daryl Brown, my teachers back in Vegas, my new teacher, Mrs. Franklin, in Augusta Georgia, my cousins, Johana, Cheryl, Tisha, Tashina, Lindrell, Tysa, Alisha, Johnette, Kane Brown, Blessing, and RJ. And, last but not least, MY ILLUSTRATOR, AUTHOR RUSTY TRIMBLE, and to all of my friends and family that I may have missed, I love you all! Thank you!

Photo Credit: Author Rusty Trimble

An Interview With

This is the very first time that GrinderZZ has had the pleasure of interviewing an artist. Cole and his team were the designer's behind the James Brown mural that graces the side of a building located on the corner of James Brown blvd. Let's talk to Cole. GrinderZZ: Hello Cole, and welcome to the GrinderZZ 24/7 studio. Can you please tell my audience a little about yourself? Cole: Sure! Yes, I am an artist, videographer, husband and dad. I've been drawing and painting since I was young. I've worked at many different types of graphic and production companies and decided to start my business in 1999 doing a little bit of everything i had learned. Regardless if I'm using paintbrush, computer, or video equipment to get a job done, I try to approach every project from a creative perspective. GrinderZZ: At what age did you know you were gifted with the art of creativity? Cole: When I was very young I loved to draw and around 12 years old I started drawing superheroes from the covers of comic books. In high school, I always drew on everything, from school desk to book covers, but the first "painting" I did in the 11th grade took me by surprise when it turned out way better than I expected. I felt at the time that it was an accident that I wouldn’t be able replicate. To my delight, it was no accident. It was very obvious to me that this was a gift God had given me. GrinderZZ: Did you ever create anything big project's in high school? Cole: Not too many big things, I did design a large Guns and Roses Float for a raft competition down at the river and won 2nd or 3rd

place for it but mostly I painted my friends jean jackets with images from Album covers and personal paintings. GrinderZZ: The James Brown mural looks spectacular! Have you done any other murals on any other celebrities? Cole: Only One in Harlem Ga of Laurel and Hardy. Honestly, I don’t really do portraits that often, but when I heard about this opportunity to paint a mural and represent James Brown in downtown Augusta, GA, there was nothing in the world that would deter me from doing everything I could to do this project. Even though the sketch included five portraits of Mr. Brown and I then wanted each one to be a different style that I had never done. Each portrait was a new challenge for me. I lost many nights of sleep waiting for an answer to see if I would be the chosen artist to get to paint this mural, and then questioned myself if I could actually pull it off on a wall that big. Thank the Lord, He daily gave me the ability!

GrinderZZ: Have you done any other murals in other states? Cole: I’ve only painted projects in SC, GA, & NC. Mostly in schools & local businesses. GrinderZZ: When Daryl and I first met you, he was so speechless and happy at the same time staring at his father's images. How did it feel with the news, family and friends, and some of the family of the late, James Brown at your ribbon cutting ceremony? Cole: Man, that was such a special day for me. I painted mostly at nights to avoid the summer heat so I rarely was there in the daytime. To meet you and Daryl out of the blue that day and see the approval and emotion on his face confirmed to me that I was on the right track. I battled a lot of insecurities throughout the process of this mural because I didn’t want it to just be about the artwork and colorful pictures of James but I wanted his spirit and the impact of his music to be seen and felt. The unveiling ceremony was so special because I got a chance to see and hear from the many

GrinderZZ: What advice can you give to some up and coming artist that's reading this interview? Cole: The advice I can give would echo one of James Brown's mottos given to him “The hardest working man is show business�. Be the hardest working man/woman in the art business. I never felt like I was the best artist around, but I do feel that I try very hard to be the best artist that I can be by challenging myself, and doing things that are not comfortable. I've already mentioned that I was not comfortable doing portraits (before doing this project), especially attempting to paint each one in a different style. If you look back at my work I have failed many times in the past trying to mix a realistic style with a graphic style but found success for the first time in this project from years of effort. GrinderZZ: How can people reach out to you? Cole: You can reach me on Facebook: Cole Frank Phail, on Instagram at Cole637 or my website at GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs you would like to give at this present time? Cole: I thank the Lord Daily for taking such good care of me and my family, for the peace of mind knowing that I can fail and get back up with His help and try again the next day. Thank you so much Cole for coming by the studio. Happy New Year! Cole Phail d/b/a Master Productions 706-339-3838

Inspiring Writer Porsha Quarles When my sister reached out to me to tell me about her friend, Porsha, I just had to put her in the magazine. Porsha isn’t an author as of yet, but she’s on her way in becoming one very soon. Porsha is currently writing her life story as we speak, and I felt it would be great to give her an interview, so she can get a taste of what her fame going to be about. Let’s talk to Mrs Porsha. GrinderZZ: Hey Porsha! Welcome to GrinderZZ. Can you please tell my audience a little about yourself? Porsha: Hello everyone! My name is Porsha Quarles, and I was born and raised in Charlottesville, Virginia. I really can't just shout out just one person for raising me into the woman I am today. I have to thank my mothers Iris Quarles, and Assunta Quarles, including my dad, Orlando Quarles. I am currently 28 years of age and I reside in a small town called Barboursville, Virginia. I currently work as a security officer full-time, and am preparing to continue my education in college to complete my Bachelors of Science degree in Human Services. I am looking forward to an excessive amount of positive changes in my life, which means, I'll be stepping outside of my comfort zone. However, how can you say that you are ready for success if you are not ready for change? GrinderZZ: The other day, you mentioned to me that you've been writing ever since you were little. Did it just hit you one day, or were you influenced by someone? Porsha: Honestly, writing was my go too mechanism whenever I needed to get something off my mind. It didn't matter whether it was good or bad, I would just write. Writing is the one thing that I do the most beyond listening to music, because if nobody else is listening to me or available to talk, I just know that I can depend on my notepad and my pen to make everything alright. I never intended on becoming a millionaire or anything, but look at Tyler Perry. He took his struggles and turned them into blessings by writing. Truth be told, I feel that more people should write because we all at some point in our life needed to vent to someone, and they weren't available If you write it all down, your mind and body start to become one, because, you are gradually calming down and realizing that it is more to life than being angry and resentful. GrinderZZ: How far have you gotten writing your biography? Porsha: If you asked me have I typed up my biography, then I will tell you, No! But, if you ask have I written anything down, then I can say yes. I have journals filled with my life stories from beginning, up into this point in my life. In fact, meeting you Ms. Angie, you’ve prepared me more to really go out here and put my all into this biography. The tips that you expressed to me

was more than any information that was given from those that counted me out, so, I thank you for that. GrinderZZ: In school, were you ever in any creative writing classes? Porsha: Oh yeah, absolutely! I joined writing groups, poetry contests, and an after school writers program to strengthen my writing. My teachers in school use to tell me that I am a really strong writer. I never received a grade lower than a B on any writing assignments. If you tell me there is a writers club or an opportunity to write where I can assist others, I will definitely accept it. Writing is not even a curricular activity in my mind. Writing to me is more of a passion. I feel free when I write. Just give me a quiet place with just myself and my thoughts and I am all in.

GrinderZZ: Besides your biography, is there any other work you're working on, or have done before that you can speak about on this interview? Porsha: So to all those that are reading this interview I have been very eager to start this organization I created. I won't spoil it and share the name yet. However, it was created from the heart, and based on events that actually occurred within my life. I remember being a victim of rape at the age of 9, and how that made me feel. I was truly in shock and devastated and that was something hard for me to express. So as time passed I remember hearing another young woman expressing the same situation that I had been in. I couldn't tell my mother at that time how I felt, or what occurred, but I did eventually express it to her. So not only was I a victim, I also was struggling to have a relationship with my parents. I had insecurities and depression was real. I sat back and thought about ways to make a difference in my community. I decided to create a nonprofit organization for young girls ages 8-18. I wanted to be that voice to let women know that I hear them. I was there and let me help guide you in the right direction, because we are in this together. It's about confidence, family, building relationships, trust and understanding. If that means I have to teach them how to write, or I have to provide a service where my team and I will provide basic hairstyles and haircuts to build confidence, then that is what we'll do. So that is one of my next projects that I am planning to put into effect soon. GrinderZZ: Who are your favorite authors? Porsha: I never had a favorite author, until I read a poem by Maya Angelou—“Phenomenal Woman.” That poem really made me feel on top of the world. After that poem, I was just in tune with reading all of her work. If I’m not reading her poems, I would just find something

that catches my eye, or a book that speaks on reality situations, such as Steve Harvey's book, “Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man. “ GrinderZZ: Can you give any words of encouragement to anyone right now who maybe reading your interview and thinking about writing a book? Porsha: Absolutely! If you have a gift no matter what it is, keep that as a focus. Don't allow fear or excuses to stop you from doing something that you feel you are destine to do. Rise above all things, and keep your eyes on the prize. Opportunities for greatness does not always come knocking on your door, but when they do, you better get ready. I have used my talent in secret not allowing others to read my work or know what I can express. Here I am today being given the opportunity to have my interview in a magazine, so if I can do this, then who knows what other things will be in store. Be willing to take risk, and be open to change. Like I mentioned, there is no room for fears or excuses. Just be like Nike, and just do it! I guarantee you, you'll feel a lot better in the long run. It may not happen right away, whatever it is you’re planning to accomplish, but time and patience will show a beautiful result. GrinderZZ: Once your book is done, would you love to come back and talk about it with us? Porsha: Of course, you guys will hear more from me, especially if Ms. Angie invites me to speak LOL! GrinderZZ: How can fans reach out to you? Porsha: If you guys are interested in reaching out to me, whether to follow me, or even to have a conversation, definitely follow me on Instagram at beautifullll28, find me on Facebook, Porsha Shields, and last but not least, reach out via email ,and I'll definitely respond back. GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs you would like to give at this time? Porsha: I first have to give all glory and honor to my lord and savior for making all of this possible, because truly, I would have never thought I would be doing anything like this. I also shout out my sister and greatest friend, Danielle White for the meet and greet. Who knows more about my goals than my sister, because, listen honey, I know she was sick of me. Lol! Ms. Angie, darling, I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of your magazine! Lastly, my husband Jimmie Shields, family and friends for their support through all of my plans and accomplishments.

Anthony Hines

Welcome back everyone. Now, my next guest is a cool guy. I've known him for 10 years, and let me tell you this......if you've never believed in the power of God, here is one man that can tell you, God is great! Let's chat with Anthony, aka To, and you'll find out what I mean. GrinderZZ: Hello there Anthony, and welcome to my GrinderZZ studio. Can you please tell my audience a little about yourself? Anthony: I am a single father of two. My daughter is 19 and my son is 12, amazing kids I have been blessed with. I am a cancer survivor going on 4 years. I have experienced things I wouldn't wish on anybody, as far as cancer goes. Chemo and radiation takes a big toll on your body. At the end of the day I like to be an inspiration to people by saying keep your head held high and smile all the time. Hard times will pass. Also, I am a die-hard PITTSBURGH STEELERS fan. GrinderZZ: Man I could go on for hours and tell people about how remarkable and how good, God has been to you. Could you please explain that extra Blessing God has planted on your body? Anthony: Well not to sound like a cliché, but God blessed me with my children and with them being in my mind made me work harder to fight thru the cancer trial and tribulations. If you not going to fight for yourself you have to fight for your kids. GrinderZZ: Being a single father, there's one thing I can admire about you, and that is, you are a great father. Was it hard putting in that extra work in being a single father? Anthony: It’s a lot of work. You have to work extra hours to pay regular bills and be able to get the things the kids ask for. When you are doing everything by yourself it can seem like a struggle at first but in time you get used to it. Now honestly the biggest thing I had to work on being a single parent is making sure the kids still showed respect to their mother. That actually is harder than working. When a child ask you why the other parent don't want them is a question that just stops you where you stand and you really can't answer it. That’s the hardest part.

GrinderZZ: I also want to congratulate you on your new podcast show. Please tell my audience about it, and tell is about your team that works with you on the show. Anthony: Thank you. The name is BARE NAKED TRUTH PODCAST. The idea actually started as a joke on Facebook and a couple of my friends joined in. We started filming with just a little regular android camera sitting on top of books in my mom kitchen. In time we was able to upgrade the equipment were using. For example, instead of books, we have an actual stand. We have lighting, but we’re still shooting off a phone. Lol, a better phone. As far as the BNTP content we cover topics based on what’s happening in the society at the moment. We interview guest as often as possible, we like to, definitely, promote black business. My team consist of myself aka MR.STIR.THE.POT next is YA FAVORITE CUZZIN and the momma of the group is PIXXIE. We each bring different styles to the show. YA FAVORTIE CUZZIN has the questions lined up if we have a guest, PIXXIE brings in the female aspect of things and MR.STIR.THE.POT adds the comedy for laughs. We work well together we just trying to grow. Just hit 4500 views on Youtube, so were happy about that. GrinderZZ: I've seen some of your podcast, and this was why I said to myself, I need to put him in my magazine. We have to start supporting each other. Are you getting that extra support from other friend's, and family members about your show? Anthony: We are getting support and love shown. People have had us at their own events, hosted few shows etc. So I would say the love is real and upcoming. GrinderZZ: Sadly, this entire year has been nothing but a disaster. The Corona virus has taken the lives of people we know, and also, held is all hostage in our own homes for safety issues. How has this virus slowed down your podcast? Anthony: We had a lot of interviews lined up but for the safety of everyone we have to change the route of doing the show, meaning now it’s going to be more virtual which takes away from the actual in person content. Things are different in person rather than online. Corona has really stopped a lot of things. But all you can do is figure out a way to go forward and proceed. GrinderZZ: How are you able to explain to your child/children about the Corona virus, and how important it is to wear a mask, and to keep their distance from people when in the public?

Anthony: They're smart kids they see what’s on the news, so really nothing to explain unless they ask me a question. To be honest my son stays in the house. Lol. He needs anything I go get it. My daughter is in another state at the moment but when I talk to her on the phone I make sure if she goes out to be masked up and social distance. GrinderZZ: In 2 years, where do you see yourself going with your podcast? Anthony: Hope to be worldwide and on TV. GrinderZZ: How can fans reach out to you? Anthony: We have a Facebook page also. BARE NAKED TRUTH PODCAST. You can drop topics or opinions or ideas anytime. GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs? Anthony: Definitely got to shout out my team. The BARE NAKED TRUTH FAMILY. YA FAVORITE CUZZIN and PIXXIE and shout out to you for giving me this opportunity. Thank you, ( We have a clothing line at bntpodcast.)

Anthony, I do appreciate you coming by for this interview. May God continue to Bless you and your family. Please, come back anytime to give us some updates on your podcast show.

An Interview With Actor/Producer/Writer, Antonio McKay

Happy New Year everyone! 2021 is looking very hot for us, at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. So hot, that we were able to land an interview with actor/producer/writer, Antonio McKay. Antonio was able to give us some time in between promoting his movie that he produced and wrote called, Sangre Negras, which translate to, Black Blood. Let's hear from him, and find out what makes him tick! Photo Credit: Frank Pinnock

GrinderZZ: Happy New Year Antonio, and welcome to GrinderZZ. Please, tell my audience a little about yourself? Antonio, it's been such a pleasure speaking with you. Again, thank you for taking the time out to do this interview with us. Please, don't be a stranger. Stop by anytime when you're in town. GrinderZZ: You were born in Chicago, Illinois, and a lot of people probably didn't know, you're half Hispanic and half Jamaican. I feel that's great to be mixed from 2 different worlds. How was it like for you growing up? Antonio: Simply put, I am an Actor/writer/producer/ dancer/singer, I’m basically an entertainment survivor, highly ambitious, fairly confident, and I never give up. Photo Credit : Airic Lewis

Photo Credit : Airic Lewis

Photo Credit: Frank Pinnock

GrinderZZ: At what age did you first catch the acting bug? Antonio: Well, it was interesting that’s for sure! Early on, I didn’t identify with either side. I’d been taught that race wasn’t as important as how you carried yourself, and how you treated others. I thought that was the way that everyone thought…..WRONG! As I grew older, I became a bit of a 'militant,' trouble maker, a rebel so to speak, so much so that my parents sent me to Jamaica to straighten me out, and boy did it! The Jamaican School system is based on the old English System which included "caning’' as a disciplinary option, needless to say, I came back a much more disciplined young man, and that discipline helped me navigate any racial or ethnic animosity thrown my way to be dismissed as irrelevant to my mindset. I reverted back to my youthful idea that I was a person of the world, and whenever anyone tried to pigeonhole me by race or ethnicity, I wouldn’t acknowledge it at all. I wasn’t going to put any limitations on myself. I think I caught the acting bug before I really knew what acting really was about. I remember sitting in front of the TV with my mom watching old Errol Flynn movies, thinking Robin Hood was real. I told my Mom and dad I wanted to ride horses, shoot a bow and arrow, sword fight, and yes, even at 3 or 4, kiss pretty girls! My dad said 'He doesn’t really do all that, he is an actor!” So then, even though I didn’t tell anyone, that is what I decided I would become.

GrinderZZ: Your acting has been traced back 30 years, including gigs in the TV shows, Highlander, Trapper John, MD, Law and Order, and you also appeared in a bunch of movies. My favorite one was, Scary Movie. What was it like working with the Wayans Brother's? Antonio: The Wayans were great, especially Keenan. He was very professional, and allowed me to improve. Some of my stuff was cut out, but what I really enjoyed was the opportunity to work with, Carmen Electra! GrinderZZ: You have more than 25 theatre production experiences that travels from Broadway, all the way to Hong Kong. How different are the plays and the audiences in the United States, vs. abroad? Antonio: I played the title role of "Dracula" a stage play that was mounted by a Chinese ProPhoto Credit: Airic Lewis ducer that I met while in Hong Kong. We hit it off, and I discovered he was a fairly well known Theatre producer in China .He asked me, "if you could play one role onstage, what role would it be?” I answered, "Dracula!” Two months later, I was rehearsing for an Asian world tour of what else, "Dracula! It’s all in who you know right? It was a short run of one month, but one thing I noticed about Asian Audiences was that, unlike North American audiences, they were very quiet during the performance. I thought we were doing a lousy job, until the conclusion, when they burst into exuberant applause. GrinderZZ: You've written and produced a great movie, called, Sangre Negras, and was able to land an all-star cast. What made you come up with the name, and can you give us a brief description on what the movie is about? Antonio: My producing partner and Director, Frank Pinnock had been working on a movie deal that had fallen through that very day. Frustrated, we decided that we had to film something, anything! So, we put our heads together, and he asked me what my favorite television show was back in the day when I was a kid. I said "Dallas!" He said " The Sopranos," so we decided to combine the two, but give it a Latin Flavor, and make the central family Latin, but till keep the content of the show diverse enough to attract all audiences. We set out to film a web episode, [since that was all we could afford]. However, to make a long story short, the webisode turned into an hour long TV pilot. Once we secured Erik Estrada to portray the Patriarch of the Santos family, we decided to go all the way, we secured more financing and filmed 8 hour long episodes suitable for a network. Sangre Negra the series, revolves around the adventures and conflicts the surrounding the wealthy and prominent Santos family, specifically the 3 Santos brothers, Guillermo, Christian, and Ricky, a Lawyer, Policeman and Mob boss. Respectfully, the lives of these3 siblings become irrevocably entwined resulting in Deadly consequences.

GrinderZZ: You character in Sangre Negras is Pretty Ricky Santos. Was this character fresh from your mind, or was the character based off of someone you know? Antonio: "Ricky Santos is basically an exaggerated version of myself. I’ve always been a fan of, “The Gentleman Bandit," like Thomas Crown, or "To catch a Thief,' Suave, Cool, Intelligent, dangerous, but charming, never using violence, unless absolutely necessary. I also loved the role of Michael Corleone as portrayed by Al Pacino in the Godfather, so I combined the best qualities of those characters, and create a Gangster not often seen on television. GrinderZZ: Your movie is being played on Tubi, which is fantastic because I downloaded it on my phone to watch when I'm on the go. Will Sangre Negras also be released on DVD anytime soon? Antonio: YES, we are planning a Blu-Ray release in the summer of 2021 before the release of Season 2 of Sangre Negra. GrinderZZ: Are you currently working on any new movies? Antonio: Currently, I’m completing the scripts for Season2 of Sangre Negra as well as a Murder Mystery, about a Pop singing group called 4bidden. I’m also developing an update on The Zorro legend called, 'The Count of Capistrano". I’m also working on an Urban drama called, 'The Platinum Queen". GrinderZZ: Can you name 3 actors/actresses you would love to work with in the future? Antonio: Billy Dee Williams, [my longtime inspiration, and reason I became an actor], Kate Beckinsale, and Hallie Berry.

Photo Credit: Frank Pinnock

GrinderZZ: What advice could you give to someone who wants to break out into the business of acting? Antonio: Make sure you think long and hard, and if there is anything else you could see yourself doing, do it, because, unless you have absolutely no choice but to be in show business, it’s just not worth the heartache, rejection, and frustration that comes with it! However, if you can’t picture yourself pursuing any other profession, then go for it, and never give up on your dream. GrinderZZ: How can fans reach out to you? Antonio: INSTAGRAM is amacsangrenegra; FB is Antonio McKay, and the website is I, also, have Twitter, but I don’t ever use it! LOL. Please everyone watch the series, and let us know what you think. Remember, this an original, independently financed TV series. The 1st of its kind. We hope you enjoy it! GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs you would like to give at this time? Antonio: Same here Angie, and I’ll take you up on that offer. Antonio, it's been such a pleasure speaking with you. Again, thank you for taking the time out to do this interview with us. Please, don't be a stranger. Stop by anytime when you're in town.

Photo Credit: 4Kareem

Photo Credit: Frank Pinnock


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