April 2019 Issue

Page 29



The Gnostic Bible are gospels (chapters) some theologians and scholars say were left out of the New Testament of the Bible but it cannot be proven if these texts and claims are true or accurate. I could say I wrote a chapter of the Bible that needs to be included in the New Testament but a claim cannot be proven true without evidence. I began to pray and recite Luke 21:15 to myself in my head because I knew a confrontation was developing. “For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.” Luke 21:15

This Middle Eastern man began to flick out his opinions about the Bible and the Christian faith. At this point the casual eaves dropping turned into blatant staring and the women shoppers were watching a conversation about Jesus Christ the Son of God take place inside of a fashion boutique in the midst of the hustle and bustle of downtown San Diego. I just wanted to deliver magazines, I wasn't intending to cause a stir. I stood there and I remember my spirit wasn't looking to argue or offend anyone. I remember asking God if I was to give a word to this man to give me the opportunity to do so and to give me the words and the wisdom that none of my adversaries could resist or contradict. Then it happened. As the conversation began to unravel the man asked me, “So, if I just ask for forgiveness, you're telling me I can be forgiven for my sins?” I said, “Yes.” He shouted, “That's too cheap for me. That's too easy. What proof do you have?” His shout caught everyone in the building off guard. I needed to be bold, I couldn't be a sheep, I needed to be a witness for Christ and it was in that moment my prayers came to life. I told the man about two criminals hanging on separate crosses beside Jesus as they each awaited their death from crucifixion. One criminal mocked Jesus while the other asked Jesus to remember him in His Kingdom. The man and the women in the boutique were listening to my story. This was the moment I was praying for, this was the moment for my opportunity to stand for Christ. My eyes glanced the room as I continued to speak. I verbalized how Jesus told the man who asked Him to remember him, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43 Jesus did not have to think about offering forgiveness. Today, Jesus said.

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