Sophias Diary Summer Guide

Page 89


1 egg 2 tblsp vegetable oil 2 tblsp milk half tsp vanilla extract 3 tblsp fresh raspberries half cup (60g) Self raising flour tblsp caster sugar 1 tblsp strand sprinkles 3 flat bottomed ice cream cornet cones


1. GET AN ADULT to preheat oven to 180C (fan oven)/ 200C/Gas Mark 6 2. Weigh out all your ingredients 3. Break the egg into a cup, then separate the egg by making a claw shape with one hand and pour through the whole egg and catch the yolk. Put the white in to the bowl (save the yolk for another recipe)

By Crafty Chefs 4. Whisk the egg white with a fork to make some bubbles. Add the oil and milk and mix again, then add the vanilla extract. 5. Take 6 raspberries and put them to one side. Add the remaining raspberries to the wet mixture. 6. Put the flour in another mixing bowl, then add the sugar 7. Tip the wet ingredients into the flour bowl and stir the ingredients together with a tablespoon until completely mixed. The mixture will be quite wet. Lastly add the sprinkles until evenly distributed. 8. Put the ice cream cornet cones in a muffin tray or loaf tin so they stand up straight. Add a raspberry to each one then scoop and slide the mixture into the cone using 2 spoons and add one raspberry on the top of each. 9. ASK AN ADULT to place into the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. 10. Leave to cool, enjoy! Summer 2019


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