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Gaceta | Capacitación en Ascenso | 13

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Informes e inscripciones: Jessica Ancona | Cel.: 55 8549 4525

ANIVERSARIO SICT Felicidades a la Secretaría de Infraestructura, Comunicaciones y Transportes (SICT) por su 131 Aniversario, en el que ha destacado por la noble labor de fortalecer a México, su economía, la logística y el transporte. ¡Felicidades!

ANIVERSARIO FERROVALLE Muchas felicidades al Ferrocarril y Terminal del Valle de México (FERROVALLE), por 24 Años de consolidarse como el Corazón del Sistema Ferroviario. ¡Que sisgan los éxitos!

FELICIDADES A ALTAMIRA TERMINAL MULTIMODAL En 1998, Altamira Terminal Multimodal inició operaciones en el ramo logístico, desarrollando un concepto único de negocio en todo el continente americano, para incrementar la productividad y la competitividad de sus clientes. ¡Un nuevo año de logros!

ANIVERSARIO AMTI Felicitamos ampliamente a la Asociación Mexicana del Transporte Intermodal (AMTI), por su 23 aniversario de ardua labor para crear una cultura intermodal. ¡Enhorabuena!

DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER EN EL SECTOR MARÍTIMO El 18 de mayo se conmemora el “Día Internacional de la Mujer en el Sector Marítimo”, como reconocimiento a las mujeres que se desempeñan con total compromiso para la mejora continua del sector marítimo-portuario.

Gaceta | Panorama Mundial | 20

En otros mares... China Launches its First Autonomous Container Ship Services. Chinese officials are reporting that they have put the world’s first autonomous, electric container feeder ship into commercial service after a period of extensive trials. The vessel, which was developed through a broad collaboration of Chinese institutions is reported to be a demonstration ship that will provide significant learning for the future development of the technology.

Celebrating the shipping container Birthday, 26 April 1956. It is universally recognized as one of the greatest inventions of the modern world, one that completely changed the way in which business has been done since the 20th century and really and truly made the world a smaller place and the one true architect of Globalization. Global trade up 2.1% in April despite Russia-Ukraine crisis and China’s Covid-19 curbs. The last time there was a comparable increase in global trade was in January, before the outbreak of the war, figures compiled by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy showed. However, congestion in container shipping remained at a high level in April. How ports can be transformed into energy hubs of the future. Today’s economic and societal landscape seems to be increasingly characterized by a lack of trust and a tendency towards risk-aversion. Nevertheless, the reality of current challenges worldwide requires a robust approach with serious, collective commitment.








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Informes e inscripciones: Jessica Ancona | | Cel.: 55 8549 4525

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