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Hours Schuur estimates she works on any given week



Year Senior Resources started staff and work with other nonprofits to help particular clients. She has also worked in fast food and retail, which involved customer service.

“Almost every job you work in, you work in customer service,” she said.

“If you can’t do customer service, then you really can’t do a job nowadays.”

Schuur will have been at Senior Resources of Freeborn County for two years in March.

One lesson the job has taught her: Don’t take things for granted.

“We’ve have clients that we have had for many years, and we had one that just passed away on Christmas,” she said. “She was always a delight to talk to.”

The center has also had clients who used to work for the organization.

“Seniors is a really big chunk in Freeborn County,” she said. “We don’t just serve Albert Lea, we do serve all the little towns as well.” paperwork that may be needed for grants.

“Most days, I work a little bit on each grant that we have, whether it’s through the Area Agency on Aging, or whether it’s through a different grant that we may have through another program.”

She will also answer calls, do counseling, coach

The organization also provides rides for medical and mental health-related appointments for younger individuals who are not wheelchair bound.