2 minute read

AET: Embracing the Future while Honoring the Traditions of the Past


There is no doubt that we live in an ever-changing world. With every passing day, it seems new technologies are emerging that at one time seemed to be from a science fiction movie. The agriculture industry has been no stranger to improvements in technology, whether it be precision agriculture practices or disease-resistant crops. Agriculture education has also seen its fair share of change through the years; however, we still hold true to the values of classroom and lab instruction, FFA and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects. SAE programs have especially made great strides in embracing technology.

An SAE is a work-based learning program that every agriscience student is encouraged to participate in. These could include students working on a farm or for another agriculture business, owning their own business, or even doing scientific research. The possible projects are endless and should cater to the student’s particular interests in the agriculture industry.

Many past FFA members recall keeping detailed record books in their agriscience class that documented every detail of their projects. By the time they graduated, they may have filled out several of these journals. Today’s agriculture students still keep those same detailed and accurate records but do so utilizing today’s technology. Alabama agriscience programs utilize a service known as The Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET). AET is an online record-keeping service that specializes in assisting students in advancing their SAE projects. No matter the size or scope of the student’s project, AET has features that help them input records, income and expenses, honors and awards, along with anything else you could imagine.

This tracking system can aid students and FFA chapters in several ways. One example is that the AET system is linked directly to National FFA Proficiency awards as well as State and American FFA Degree applications. This allows students to easily generate these competitive applications to receive recognition for all of their hard work. These records can also be used to validate that student’s investments not only in their project, but their investment in local businesses. Students can track how much money they spend with local businesses when they buy feed and other supplies. Through this, students not only learn the value of keeping good records but are also encouraged to build good relationships with local industry.

FFA advisers can also benefit greatly from utilizing AET. The system can be used to manage chapter activities. Students can then enroll in these activities, providing teachers accurate data of who all participated in a particular event. They can also use it to manage specific groups of students such as officer teams and various committees. It also aids them in working with individual students in the summer months to help further supervise and support their Supervised Agricultural Experience projects.

No matter your opinions about how fast the world is changing in regard to technology, rest assured that some of these technologies like AET are making a positive impact on today’s youth and preparing them for successful futures.

The AET system helps keep record of past FFA meeting agendas and minutes.

The AET system helps keep record of past FFA meeting agendas and minutes.

The Portfolio feature lets FFAs upload photos that aid in documenting their SAE projects.

The Portfolio feature lets FFAs upload photos that aid in documenting their SAE projects.

Students can track how much money they spend with local businesses when they buy feed and other supplies.

Students can track how much money they spend with local businesses when they buy feed and other supplies.