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Daphne High School has joined the Clean Campus Program! At the direction of Dr. Betsy Anderton, the school will weave the Clean Campus Program into their existing agriculture and environmental programs. The outdoor classroom area at Daphne High School includes greenhouses, ponds, hydroponic growing areas, farm animals and many, many other inventive ways to teach about living on the land. Incorporating an anti-litter component is a natural fit as the students learn about being good stewards of their outdoor learning space.

I was fortunate enough to visit Daphne High School recently and see their outdoor workspace firsthand. It is truly spectacular! I also presented the Clean Campus Program to Anderton’s class, then we went back outside to have an impromptu campus cleanup. The students found water bottles that were left behind on practice fields as well as trash that had clearly blown into various parts of campus. The students were shocked by how much litter was hiding around in areas that looked pretty tidy otherwise! Sometimes it just takes a little extra effort and attention to find lurking litter!

Daphne High School is a very impressive place to visit. We are thrilled they are now a part of the Clean Campus Program, and we know the students that participated in our cleanup will now be extra vigilant when it comes to litter.

Is there a school near you that could benefit from being a part of the Clean Campus Program? If so, have them give me a call or email at 334-263-7737 or jamie@ alpals.org. As always, the Clean Campus Program is available at no cost to schools thanks to our corporate sponsors. We are here to help you as you journey toward a litter-free community!