1 minute read

October 2020


The Alabama PALS Clean Campus Program is excited to announce a new partnership with the Alabama Youth Environmental Council. The AYEC is comprised of high-school students throughout the state who “act as ambassadors to engage youth in projects and volunteerism that promote sustainability in our communities.”

The council members recently attended a Zoom virtual meeting to learn more about how the Clean Campus Program works and to brainstorm ways they can be most useful. Our mutual goals of litter education, cleanups and recycling align perfectly and make this partnership a perfect fit. Each member will become the leaders for their school and community to disseminate our new Clean Campus video and to plan local cleanups. We are also planning for AYEC members to make some short instructional videos for social media posting purposes.

This exceptional group of young people will be a wonderful asset to the Clean Campus Program this school year! If you would like to find out more about the AYEC or the Clean Campus Program, please give me a call or email at 334-263-7737 or jamie@alpals. org. It is also not too late for your local schools to become a member of the Clean Campus Program for 2020-2021! Schools may find more information at www.alpals.org. As always, the Clean Campus Program is available at no cost to schools thanks to our wonderful corporate sponsors.