Alachua County Pavement Management Program

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B. ASSESSMENT OF ROADWAY PAVEMENT ASSET DETERIORATION RATES To determine the roadway asset deterioration rates, staff compared the pavement condition from 2005 to the pavement condition in 2010. In the years in between and including 2005 and 2010, a number of factors have affected the deterioration rates of the County-maintained pavement. The pavement continues to age. Traffic volumes have changed. From 2005 to 2008, traffic volumes increased by an average of 2% per year. Since 2008, average traffic volumes have leveled. The number of roadway miles maintained by the County increased. Twenty-one miles of roadway, predominantly subdivision roads, were accepted for maintenance by the County. The County has repaired 43.7 miles of roadway and has funding for an additional 56.2 miles of capital pavement maintenance. The roadway routine maintenance level of service has dropped, proportionately with the budget. Routine maintenance extends the life of pavement. The 2005 overall condition of Alachua County’s roads, categorized by method of repair, are detailed in Figure 2: 2005 - All County-Maintained Roadway Miles by Required Method of Repair, below.

Figure 2: 2005 - All County-Maintained Roadway Miles by Required Method of Repair JUNE 24, 2010



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