Alachua County Pavement Management Program

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I. INTRODUCTION A. BOARD DIRECTION The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners directed staff to provide a progress report of the Pavement Management Program and to provide the information necessary for the Board to be able to discuss the roadway capital maintenance needs of the County, including life-cycle cost set-asides for new infrastructure. This report addresses these directions. Staff presents this report in nine sections: Section I: “Introduction,” describes Alachua County’s roadway network; Section II: “Pre-funded Transportation Improvement Program Roadway Pavement Condition (2005),” briefly reviews the pavement condition in 2005, before the Board allocated substantial funding to capital pavement maintenance; Section III: “2005 to Present Funding of Transportation Improvement Program,” summarizes the funding that has been allocated to capital pavement maintenance on the roads that are Alachua County’s maintenance responsibilities and discusses a number of funding issues which have affected the County’s ability to maintain its infrastructure; Section IV: “Recent Roadway Infrastructure Project/Ongoing Projects,” reviews the resurfacing and unimproved roads surface treatment projects since 2005; Section V: “Current Pavement Condition Analysis,” explains the pavement rating system utilized by staff, explains how that rating system applies to Alachua County roads, and details the current condition of the pavement on County maintained roads and assesses the rate of deterioration since 2005; Section VI: “Pavement Management Plan Options,” presents three alternative plans for addressing the pavement backlog and options for addressing multimodal and stormwater infrastructure on existing roadways; Section VII: “New Infrastructure Life-Cycle Cost for Capital Maintenance," expresses the estimated annualized amount of revenue required to set-aside (annually) the life-cycle replacement costs for new infrastructure; Section VIII: “Funding Options,” presents a program decision matrix for identifying funding needs and potential sources for the needed revenue; and Section IX: “Conclusions and Recommendations,” draws conclusions and presents a recommendation for the type of plan Alachua County should adopt and how the plan should be funded.

JUNE 24, 2010



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