10th edition 2016

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The Truth ISSN 0311 5975

www.thetruth.ng www.thetruth.ng SINCE 1951 WEST AFRICA’S FIRST MUSLIM NEWSPAPER Friday, 16 December 2016 (CE); 17 Rabiul Awwal 1438 (HQ); Fath 1395 (HSh); Vol. LXVI, No. 10 NGN 100

Khalifa of Islam Opens New Mosque in Sweden

Objectives of Jalsa Salana PAGE 3

The Jalsa Salana provides an environment of being in the company of righteous men and women, and therefore one is inspired to improve in his/her personal standard of righteousnessness. We as Ahmadis have made a pledge to give precedence to faith above all worldly matters, and the Jalsa provides the perfect occasion for identifying ways in which to implement this pledge in the best possible ways. The Jalsa also gives us an opportunity to intensify our fervour in the remembrance of Allah, and also to polish up on our obligations towards our fellow human beings.


he World Head of the Ahmadiyya M u s l i m C o m m u n i t y, t h e F i f t h Khalifa, His Holiness, HazratMirzaMasroor Ahmad has inaugurated the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden. It is the second Mosque built by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the country. After unveiling a commemorative plaque, His Holiness proceeded to deliver his weekly Friday Sermon, which was broadcast live around the world on MTA International. Over 80 dignitaries and guests, including the Malmo's City Council

Chairman attended a lunchtime reception organised to commemorate the opening of the new mosque. During his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke in detail about the true purposes of a Mosque; he condemned all forms of terrorism and extremism and spoke about the humanitarian work being conducted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in various parts of the world. Speaking about Mosques misused to spread extremism or to radicalise, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Any Mosque from where evil is spread does not have any

place in Islam. The Quran is very clear that Mosques built with ill-intent should be knocked down.” Huzur said: “Some of the extremist Muslim groups have now also penetrated Europe and their members are living in these countries and posing a grave threat to the peace and wel-being of Speaking about Mosques misused to spread extremism or to radicalise, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Any Mosque from where evil is spread does not have any place in Islam. The Quran is very clear that Mosques built with ill-intent should be knocked down.”Speaking about Mosques misused to

Khalifa of Islam Opens New Mosque in Sweden


he World Head of the Ahmadiyya M u s l i m C o m m u n i t y, t h e F i f t h Khalifa, His Holiness, HazratMirzaMasroor Ahmad has inaugurated the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden. It is the second Mosque built by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the country. After unveiling a commemorative plaque, His Holiness proceeded to deliver his weekly Friday Sermon, which was broadcast live around the world on MTA International. Over 80 dignitaries and guests, including the Malmo's City Council Chairman attended a lunchtime reception organised to commemorate the opening of the new mosque. During his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke in detail about the true purposes of a Mosque; he condemned all forms of terrorism and extremism and spoke about the humanitarian work being conducted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in various parts of the world. Speaking about Mosques misused to spread extremism

or to radicalise, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Any Mosque from where evil is spread does not have any place in Islam. The Quran is very clear that Mosques built with ill-intent should be knocked down.” Huzur said: “Some of the extremist Muslim groups have now also penetrated Europe and their members are living in these countries and posing a grave threat to the peace and well-being of Over 80 dignitaries and guests, including the Malmo's City Council Chairman attended a lunchtime reception organised to commemorate the opening of the new mosque. During his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke in detail about the true purposes of a Mosque; he condemned all forms of terrorism and extremism and spoke about the humanitarian work being conducted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in various parts of the world. Speaking about Mosques misused to spread extremism or to radicalise, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Any Mosque from where evil is spread does not have any

Khalifa of Islam Opens Sweden Ahmadiyya Wraps Up Centenary Celebrations

Huzur Charges Nigeria on Waqf-e-Jadid Scheme


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Khalifa of Islam Opens Sweden





“Prioritize your faith over worldly matters” ---- Huzur advises the youth


n 25 September 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered a faithinspiring address to conclude the National Ijtema (Annual Gathering) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association in the UK (Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya). The objectives of the Ijtema, held for the first time at the Old Park Farm, Kingsley, were to learn and practice the true peaceful teachings of Islam and to promote a spirit of peace, unity and love for one's country of residence. This year more than 5,000 Muslim youths attended the event. During the final session, His Holiness led the Muslim youth in a pledge in which they reaffirmed both their loyalty to their nation and to their faith. Speaking about this pledge during his concluding address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “This covenant that you have made is a solemn undertaking and so these words that you repeat time and time again should not be hollow but should have meaning and should be kept at the forefront of your mind at all times. With your conduct you should

practically manifest this pledge.” His Holiness said that understanding the true meaning of prioritising one's faith over worldly affairs requires Ahmadi Muslims to regularly study the Holy Quran “It is incumbent upon all of us to study the Holy Quran, as it is our pathway to success and salvation. It is that spiritual light that has shown us the true meaning of prioritising our faith over all worldly affairs. It is our means of learning and our means of living.” T h e r e a f t e r, H a z r a t Mirza Masroor Ahmad commented upon some of the issues affecting today's youth in light of the teachings of the Holy Quran. His Holiness emphasised the Islamic injunction of offering the five daily prayers in congregation with humility and sincerity. The Caliph also spoke on the importance of avoiding idle talk and bad company: “When you join together it should be to motivate one another towards righteousness and goodness, rather than to lead one another astray. Even the young Khuddam and older Atfal should keep this in mind and keep good friends and good company at all times.” His Holiness spoke in detail on the importance of chastity as mentioned

in chapter 23, verse 6 of the Holy Quran which stipulates that a sign of a true believer is that he or she are they “who guard t h e i r c h a s t i t y. ” Explaining this teaching, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “To guard one's chastity does not only mean that a person should avoid sexual relations outside of marriage, rather the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) has taught us that it means that a believer should always keep his eyes and ears pure from anything that is indecent or immoral.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued: “In the Holy Quran, even before Allah has instructed women to observe Purdah, He has instructed believing men to lower their gazes and to keep their hearts and minds pure.” Elaborating on the wisdom behind the Quranic teaching of 'lowering one's gaze', Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “By telling men to lower their gaze, Islam actually teaches selfcontrol because normally it is through sight that a man's emotions and desires are stirred… Remember, that modesty is an essential character trait of an Ahmadi Muslim youth and so you must avoid all things that violate the Islamic injunction of chastity.” His Holiness equally

spoke about alcohol and gambling having “farreaching and negative consequences” and said that both of these vices were a means of taking a person away from God Almighty. In terms of alcohol, His Holiness said that the Quran clearly stated that its negative effects greatly outweighed any limited benefits it might have. He mentioned the example of the obedience of the companions of the Holy P rophet M uhammad (peace be upon him) when they learned that Islam had forbidden the drinking of alcohol. Wi t h o u t p a u s e o r hesitation those companions immediately shattered the barrels and vessels that contained their liquor. As regards gambling, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Gambling is prohibited because it is a means of recklessly wasting a person's fairly earned and honest income or wealth... Rather, than seeking dishonest 'easymoney' through gambling, you should seek to earn a living in a fair and honest fashion. Remember, that a true Khadim is he who works hard, with honesty and integrity at all times.” His Holiness also spoke on the Quranic injunction of adopting humility and avoiding arrogance as distinguishing features of

true believers. He said that office bearers within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community must particularly focus on adopting this virtue. “One point I wish to emphasise is that every office bearer, no matter their age or rank, must inculcate a spirit of true humility within themselves. Thus, whether you are a local Qaid, a Mohtamim, the national Sadr or an office bearer of any other rank or position you must remain humble at all times. In chapter 25, verse 64 of the Holy Quran, Allah the Almighty has said that a distinguishing feature of His true servants is that they walk on the earth with humility and leave behind not a single trace of arrogance or pride.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Whilst every Ahmadi has a duty to be humble, courteous and gentle, of course the office bearers have a particular responsibility in this regard. The Khuddam office bearers should be of a standard that even if they are provoked, and even if others seek argument with them, they should respond only by o ff e r i n g p e a c e a n d security, through the greeting of 'salam' [peace] before peacefully removing themselves from that environment.” Concluding, the Khalifa said: “Always keep in

mind the Quranic principle, given in chapter 2, verse 149, in which Allah the Almighty has said that every person has goals and ambitions and that the target for believers should be to excel in virtue and that they should vie with one another in good works. Thus, all Khuddam and Atfal should remember that to be classed as a true believer they must always have the ambition to excel in all forms of goodness and continually seek to better themselves spiritually and morally.” Earlier, a report was presented by Mirza Wa q a s A h m a d , t h e National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association during which he informed of the various activities of the 3day event. During the Ijtema, Ahmadi Muslim youths from over 100 local communities from across the United Kingdom (Qiadats) competed in various academic and sports competitions. The Muslim youths were also able to visit the 'The Hub' where they participated in a number of exhibitions and had the opportunity to ask questions in a confidential environment about religion or social issues



he Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya of Benin Republic (MKAB) recently held her annual convention from September 2nd - 4th, 2016 at Lycee Behanzin, Porto Novo in Benin Republic. The theme for this year's Convention was tagged: "Muhammad: Un

Modele pour Les Dirigeants". On arrival in Benin Republic, the 24- MKAN Delegation which was led by Bro. Sadiq Idowu (Naib Motamad II, MKAN) was warmly received by the Naib Sadr MKA-Benin, Bro Raji Chuhood at Porto Novo before they were lodged at the venue of the Ijtema.

The three days spiritual gathering featured lectures, road prossession, four educational competitions (Recitation of the Holy Qu'ran, Qaseedah, Speech & Quiz) and four sporting events (Football, Tug-of-War, Sack Race & Relay Race) among the twelve regions in MKAB (Cotonou, Porto No-vo,

Loqossa, Bohicon, Dassa, Save, Para kou, Bassila, Nattengo, Kandi, Djougou & Mallanville). On Saturday 3rd September, the Head of the Nigerian Delegation, Bro. Sadiq Idowu was interviewed by the Benin National TV ORTB : Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Béninoise The Nigerian Team

participated in Tug-ofWar and Table Tennis and Alhamdulilah, we won the Gold & Bronze medals. MKA-NIGERIA also played MKA-BENIN in a football friendly match and the Final scores was 3-1 in favor of MKANIGERIA. During the Closing Session, the Amir Sahib

Benin presented a plaque to MKAN in appreciation of her attendance. MKAN also deliver a goodwill message. The total attendance at the Ijtema was Eight hundred and sixty-nine (869).




The Friday Sermon Objectives of Jalsa Salana A A summary of the Sermons of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V

f t e r reciting Surah Al Fatihah, Huzur (aba) announced the inauguration of the Jalsa Salana UK 2014 as the Friday Sermon is also part of the Jalsa Salana. In the previous Friday Sermon, Huzur (aba) said that he had enumerated some of the objectives of attending the Jalsa Salana, which include gaining r e l i g i o u s knowledge and making spiritual progress. The Jalsa Salana provides an environment of being in the company of righteous men and women, and therefore one is inspired to improve in his/her personal standard of righteousnessness. We as Ahmadis have made a pledge to give precedence to faith above all worldly matters, and the Jalsa provides the perfect occasion for identifying ways in which to implement this pledge in the best possible ways. The Jalsa also gives us an opportunity to intensify our fervour in the remembrance of Allah, and also to polish up on our obligations towards our fellow human beings. During Jalsa Salana, we must pay close attention to our acts of worship, as Allah Almighty states: “And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me. (51:57) Therefore, the days of Jalsa Salana must

be utilised by every participant (be it guests or duty workers) to make every possible effort to attain the nearness and pleasure of Allah Almighty, or else, undertaking this arduous journey to attend this auspicious occasion is to no avail. In fact, the responsibility lies doubly on the shoulders of the workers as they must not only serve the guests of the Jalsa Salana, but also listen to the Jalsa program and gain benefit from it. It is imperative to remember that these three days of Jalsa Salana are an opportunity to practically implement these abovementioned objectives in order to progress in faith. The Promised Messiah (as) stated: “The

hearts of my true followers are ever inclined towards the Hereafter.” This means that true followers are always concerned with the attainment of the highest rewards i.e. pleasure of Allah Almighty. It is important than one must make individual and personal efforts to practically implement the objectives, but also to supplicate to God Almighty to help him attain this ultimate objective. O Allah, guide us onto the right path with Your Mercy and Blessings. Fill my heart with Your Love so that my every step leads me to the path that directs me to You. Allah Almighty has taught us ways to supplicate, and given us teachings of the best moral values. The Promised Messiah (as) stated that one cannot attain the high standards of faith unless and until one does not give precedence to the comfort of his brother over his own comfort. He says that one must feel the discomfort of his brother as his own discomfort. Huzur (aba) directed the attention towards some of the highest moral values we must all make every effort to attain. It is absolutely essential to shun all ego and progress in attaining righteousness (Taqwa). If one wishes to attain the blessings of attending Jalsa Salana, he must look past any differences or conflicts he may have with fellow Ahmadis. Huzur (aba) said that we are not like other mis-guided Muslims who have ignorant leaders who inspire their followers to slit the throat of innocent people. We should pray for these misguided Muslims that instead of ruining the name of Islam, they may be guided towards the correct teachings and present the beauty of Islam to the world. The Holy Prophet (saw) has said that a true Believer is one from whose hands and tongues every other human being is safe. Huzur (aba) then recited the following Quranic verse: “You are the best people raised for the good of mankind; you enjoin what is





NIGERIA AHMADIYYA CENTENARY On Sunday the 20th of November 2016 the PanAfrican Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK held a function to celebrate the centenary anniversary of the inception of Ahmadiyyat in Nigeria. The event, which took place at the Tahir Hall, Baitul Futuh Mosque, was chaired by the Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK, Mr. Rafiq Hayat. It was attended by senior dignitaries and heads of consular missions of various African Countries, heads of various African Organisations in the UK, and the general membership of PAAMA across the UK. The programme commenced with registration of attendees and an Exhibition display showcasing Ahmadiyya Nigeria's achievement over the last 100 years. After guests and dignitaries were seated the programme officially commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Mansur Abiola Osata and an English translation by Sultan Saddique. In his welcome address the President of PAAMA UK, Tommy Kallon expressed his gratefulness to the distinguished guests for gracing the occasion. He also

gave a brief history of the Jama'at in Nigeria, highlighting some of the

establishment of the Jama'at in Nigeria. He also narrated the sequence of events and

branches and 700 mosques and is most respected and followed in the countr

initial challenges it faced and the clear progress and achievements that have now been established in Nigeria by the Jamaat. A speech on the history of Ahmadiyyat in Nigeria was given by Alhaj Hamzat Olayiwola Adesanu. He enumerated in detail the various key personalities who played vital roles in the establishment of Jama'at Ahmadiyya in Nigeria and highlighted the various events that unfolded during this time to strengthen the

missionaries the Jamaat was blessed with at the time; noting the production of the first Muslim newspaper (The Truth) in the country in 1951 as one of the milestones of the Jama'at in Nigeria. A goodwill message from the Amir of Nigeria Dr. Mashud Fashola was delivered by Ahmed Mamman. In his message the Amir relayed that Ahmadiyya established the first Muslim schools and hospitals in the country. The Jama'at has grown to 500

In his short speech, Mr Godfrey Kwoba from the Ugandan High Commission expressed his delight to be part of the event, noting that Ahmadiyya has been the first in education in many African countries. He associates himself particularly with the humanitarian aspect of Ahmadiyya especially the Jama'at's flagship auxiliary body, Humanity First. The organisation runs more than 20 programs in Africa and Uganda is one of them, he proudly stated.

Chairman of the Association of Nigerians in the UK, Babatunde Loye, in his speech expressed his attraction to the slogan of Ahmadiyya: “Love for All, Hatred for None”. He thanked PAAMA for the honour he was given to attend the event and promised to always grace our events in the future. Her Royal Highness Queen N a a Ts o t s o o S o y o o 1 expressed her gratitude to PA A M A U K f o r t h e invitation and expressed her delight in being accorded the privilege to speak in such a great event. She also echoed the call for peace and stated that this event is a platform for the propagation of peace. Chief Femi Okutubo (Founder/CEO of the Trumpet Group) thanked PAAMA for the continued relationship we have had with him and expressed his desire to continue to work with PAAMA in all aspects. The keynote address was given by the Amir Sahib UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat. The Amir mentioned his roots in East Africa and went on to remind the audience about the emphasis and attention given by Huzur Aqdas to the progress of the Jama'at in Africa. He highlighted the various achievements

Jama'at Ahmadiyya has made in Nigeria through the numerous activities by its auxiliary organisations such as Humanity First and IAAA. He further mentioned that Huzur Aqdas is leading the massive campaign to enable Africa to become selfsufficient. Amir Sahib gave a message which the Khalifa has repeated several times: “I truly believe that the time is fastly approaching for Africa to lead the world and in order to lead the world, it is necessary to bring about revolutionary changes within ourselves. Each citizen and each leader must put aside their own thoughts and interests in order to strengthen, consolidate and serve the national interest” In conclusion the Amir stated that all Ahmadi Muslims should remember Nigeria in their prayers and that, as one of the most progressive nations in Africa, Nigeria it has the potential of doing great things in the future. To conclude the official ceremony, the Amir led the gathering in silent prayers after which dinner was served. Attendance was 375, including members of the PAAMA National Executive and members from all the five regions. Sixty-two guests were in attendance.



h e I n t e r Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA) has opened a “Regional Stakeholders Forum on Emerging Global AML/CFT Issues and Implications for GIABA Member States”. The Regional Stakeholder Forum, which was held recently in Saly, Senegal was organised to inform and enlighten all stakeholders on the global emerging trends in Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, with specific aim of understanding the implications for GIABA member States. The Forum also sought to enlist the support and commitment of all stakeholders in the pursuit of GIABA's mandate and rid the region of trans-national organized crimes. Declaring the forum open, President of the ECOWAS Commission, Marcel Alain

De Souza reiterated the commitment of the ECOWAS Community to peace and security in the region through a holistic approach. According to the President, it was important for ECOWAS to improve the multifaceted and strategic approaches and processes required to ensure the desired results in areas of regional peace and security. He identified key areas of attention to include: adequately resourcing the Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) of member States; the need for judiciary of member States to be more active and timely in the adjudication of relevant cases before them; and that Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the media, youths and women groups among others should be involved in advocating peace and security in the region. The President further recalled his promise on

assumption of office as the President of ECOWAS to strengthen the region, engender reforms and build the credibility of the Institutions. He assured the

i m p o r t a n c e o f comprehensive stakeholder engagement in AML/CFT issues in West Africa, with specific attention on Terrorist Financing to address the

gathering of his commitment to these tasks. He also emphasized the importance of peace and security, stating that without the two, no economic development can take place in the region. Also speaking at the Forum, the Director General of GIABA, Mr. Adama Coulibaly highlighted the

concerns of growing terrorism in the region. The DG emphasized that the need for peace in the region cannot be overemphasized, and he therefore brought to light the high-level advocacy missions embarked upon by GIABA leadership to mobilize authorities at the highest level in member

States. He noted that such highlevel advocacy missions are meant to ensure adequate compliance to global AML/CFT standards and avoid heavy international sanctions that may result from non-compliance. He also called for the need to carry every stakeholder along in the preparation for the 2nd Round of Mutual Evaluation exercises of GIABA member States. He concluded by calling on all stakeholders to expand support and commitment to GIABA and its work to build a peaceful and prosperous region. In their goodwill messages, the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, H.E. Moustapha Cisse Lo and the President of ECOWAS Community Court of Justice, Hon. Justice Jerome Traore both expressed their solidarity to GIABA and promised support for GIABA in their

individual capacities. Particularly, the Speaker highlighted the specific role of Parliament in legislation at various member States and pledge commitment to work with GIABA to rid the region of these deleterious crimes. The Dean of the ECOWAS ambassadors accredited to Senegal also expressed the commitment of the Diplomatic Corps to activities of GIABA and the fight against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. GIABA is a specialised agency of the ECOWAS, charged with the mandate to protect the economies of West African countries from money laundering and to ensure the peace and security of the region through activities aimed at combating terrorist financing and financing of proliferation of small and light weapons.





Kenyan Muslims can wear hijab at Christian schools - court


court in Kenya has ruled that Christian schools may not ban Muslim girls from wearing hijabs as part of their uniforms. A churchrun school had banned female pupils from wearing the headscarf, saying that allowing students to dress differently created discord. But judges ruled education promoters must embrace the principles of diversity and nondiscrimination. Some 11% of Kenyans are Muslims while 83% follow the Christian faith. State schools already allow girls to wear the hijab. The country has had a long-running row over the place of the hijab at schools that are funded by Christian Churches, with some such schools banning the garment outright. But following

this ruling, Muslim girls will be able to wear headscarves to school. They will also be able to wear trousers instead of skirts to school, as long as they are white. This brings Christian schools into line with the uniform policy at state schools. Large swathes of northern Kenya have received very little government support over the decades and have grown to depend on schools and hospitals run by Christian missionaries. In counties like Garissa, Mandera and Lodwar, the best-performing schools were run by Christian missionaries. Rules included studying Christianity and, at Catholic schools, attending Mass together at daybreak. The challenge came as Muslim students joined these schools. One Muslim parent told

the BBC that at first, she had accepted the rules because of the school's great results. She wanted her daughter to go to university. But with time, she found the school to be in conflict with her family's religion. Teachers suspended her daughter rather than allow her to pray in the Islamic way. Eventually this mother became one of the parents who challenged the school's uniform policy,

leading to the court's ruling. She said: "This decision is very good not for my daughter alone but for many students like her in north-eastern Kenya where practically the best schools are run by Catholic nuns." Female students at St Paul's Kiwanjani Day Secondary School in Isiolo County had been banned from wearing a hijab and white trousers in addition to their uniform.

Local authorities ordered that Muslim girls must be allowed to wear hijabs and the Methodist Church challenged their directive in court. But three judges agreed with the local authorities. The judges said students are "bearers and exercisers of the full guarantees in our bill of rights and they are no less entitled to those rights by reason only of being within school gates". Local media report that

the court said the hijab ban discriminated against Muslim girls "in so far as it prohibits and prevents them from manifesting their religion". The case may have knock-on effects for other minorities, such as the Christian sect the Akorino, who wear turbans. One father, John Kamau, told the BBC the ruling had come too late for his son, who was suspended from four different schools for breaking the rules. "The law is good," he said, "but it cannot bring back wasted opportunities and life lost because school principals were overruling the Kenyan constitution and intimidating our children."

Asad Shah killing: 'Disrespecting Islam' murderer jailed


man has been jailed for life a f t e r h e admitted the religiouslymotivated murder of a Glasgow shopkeeper who he claimed had "disrespected" Islam. Sunni Muslim Tanveer Ahmed, 32, from Bradford in Yorkshire, stabbed 40y e a r- o l d A s a d S h a h outside his store in Shawlands on 24 March.Ahmed had said he killed the shopkeeper because he had posted videos online in which he claimed to be a prophet.The killer was told he would serve a minimum of 27 years in prison.Mr Shah was an Ahmadi, a minority sect not recognised by all Muslims. Last month, Ahmed had pleaded guilty to the religiously-motivated murder at a hearing at the

High Court in Glasgow.Jailing him for life at the same court, judge Lady Rae told Ahmed: "This was a barbaric, premeditated and wholly unjustified killing of a much loved man who was a pillar of the local c o m m u n i t y. " H e w a s described as a peaceful and peace-loving man and family man who went out of his way to show respect for those of any faith."The judge branded the attack as "an appalling display of merciless violence". Lady Rae added: "Noone in any civilised country including Scotland has the right to take the life of another whatever offence that individual perceives that he or she has suffered."It is vitally important in modern society that respect and tolerance for others of any race, creed,

colour, ethnic origin or religious belief is maintained and protected by the law of the land."I note with considerable concern that you have expressed no remorse whatsoever for this appalling crime." As Ahmed was being led to the cells to begin his sentence, he shouted to his family and friends in the public gallery in what is believed to be Arabic and they chanted back at him.. Ahmed, a Sunni, claimed that he had killed Mr Shah because he had posted videos online in which the shopkeeper had "disrespected" Islam by claiming to be a prophet. Ahmed watched a clip featuring Mr Shah on his mobile phone as he travelled to Glasgow on the day of the murder and was heard in a phone message to say "listen to

this guy, something needs to be done, it needs nipped in the bud". When he arrived at the shop, Ahmed said he warned Mr Shah that he was there to kill him and asked him to stop claiming to be a prophet. CCTV footage of the attack showed Ahmed pulling a knife out and moving behind the counter and stabbing Mr Shah repeatedly. After Ahmed was jailed, Ch Supt Brian McInulty, of Police Scotland, said: "I hope that the sentencing today will reassure the immediate community in Glasgow's south-side as well as communities all across Scotland that acts of violence such as this are utterly unacceptable and cannot be justified. "Glasgow is a strong, united, multi-faith community that has

immense pride in its diversity. "Religious intolerance in any form is simply not tolerated in our society and Police Scotland will work in partnership with our communities to eradicate such behaviour." The Shah family moved to Scotland from Pakistan in the 1990s to escape persecution over their beliefs.No members of Mr Shah's family were in court to hear the sentence imposed, but friends were in the public gallery. A victim impact statement written by Mr Shah's sister Attia on behalf of Mr Shah's family said: "Our pain goes beyond our vocabulary. We have tried, in an inevitably inadequate way to capture the feelings and emotions that no person should ever have to do. "One of the most tangible

and far-reaching consequences of this tragedy is that, as a family, whilst our bond will last forever, we have fragmented and many of us have or are in the process of leaving Scotland, in search of a new life, away from the memories we used to cherish but are now the source of immense pain and suffering."The statement said Mr Shah's widow has been "brutally deprived of a life and companionship with her soul-mate and kindred spirit, the love of her life".




News Ambode inaugurates N500M Disability Trust Fund ...Says fund will help physically challenged realize their potentials


agos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode recently inaugurated the Governing Board of the Office for Disability Affairs to manage the N500million Disability Trust Fund, expressing optimism that it would aid people living with disabilities in Lagos State realize their dreams and live a more comfortable life. Governor Ambode, who spoke at the Lagos House, A l a u s a , w h i l e inaugurating the Board, said it was in fulfillment of his administration's promise to ensure that the affairs of people living with disabilities is managed by people passionate enough to show that there is ability in disability. Describing the development as another milestone in his commitment to run an all inclusive government, the Governor said the Board will, on behalf of the State Government, manage the affairs of people living

with disabilities by issuing guidelines for their education, social development and welfare. “The Board will also manage the Disability Trust Fund. In fulfillment of the promise I made on May 29th, 2016, this Fund has in its kitty today, N500m with a marching order to solicit from the public and other charitable organisations, additional support for its objectives. “We could not have done otherwise, given the array of people with disabilities who possess requisite qualification, experience and character. “In addition, we believe in their ability to manage the Disability Trust Fund more judiciously because they have a more personal understanding of the needs and situation of our less privileged people. This fund will give our brothers and sisters a needed boost to make a livelihood for themselves and a chance to fulfill their potentials,” the Governor said. The Governor, however, a s s u r e d t h a t

n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e a r e o b s e r v e d i n D e v e l o p m e n t , M r s “This is an important step N500million Trust Fund, administering the Fund Uzamat Akinbile-Yusuf, towards scaling up efforts to address disability inclusion and further strengthen the fact that social exclusion of persons living with disabilities is unacceptable in the face of economic and social progress in the state”, Akinbile-Yusuf said. In his vote of assurance, Chairman of the Board of Tr u s t e e , O f f i c e F o r Disability Affairs, Dr. Oki Olabodunrin Waheed, thanked the Governor for reposing confidence in him and his team, just as he assured that they would discharge their duties conscientiously. Other members of the Board are Leila Omawumi p e o p l e l i v i n g w i t h and coordinating all affairs said that people living with Atake, Rose Ekaete Mordi, disabilities are still eligible concerning people living disabilities have the same Abdulwahab Matepo, to access the N25billion with disabilities. right as everyone else, D e a c o n e s s A d e d o y i n Employment Trust Fund “It is my belief that the noting that with proper B e y i o k u - A l a s e , D r. (ETF). fund should provide planning, a person with A d e b a y o A d e b u k o l a G o v e r n o r A m b o d e , i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d special needs can have a Shehu, Biola Liadi, Bada while congratulating the facilities required by more fulfilling, healthier Emmanuel Oladipupo, members of the Board, needed parties to also and enjoyable life, hence Hakeem Muri-Okunola, tasked them to ensure that complement the efforts of the fulfillment of the representing the Ministry t h e p r i n c i p l e s o f our administration,” he Governor's promise of the of Youth and Social t r a n s p a r e n c y , said. N500million fund to take Development; and Dr. a c c o u n t a b i l i t y , Earlier, Commissioner care of people living with Babatunde Awelenje. inclusiveness and fairness for Youth and Social disabilities.



touching story of twin brothers who, despite all odds, went on to become great icons in the society! Very stimulating story, emotional and engaging. Lots of lessons to be learned from it. “All my life I watched my parents put Almighty Allah first in all that they do and I have seen the dividends of that investment in all that they own. My dad is so disciplined, I tell my children that if I have half of Grandpa's discipline, my life will be greater and better than what it is today. This man wakes up everyday at 3am to begin his day with Tahajjud prayers. He prays until

Fajr and then he reads passages of the holy Quran with his family. Then after returning from a hard day's work which for 35 years was building roads and bridges all over Nigeria he reads the Holy Quran again with his family. After retirement, he spends his time building mosques and farming, he comes home to lead prayers and in between Maghrib and isha he reads passages of the holy Quran before retiring to bed. This is the first of many book release receptions in his honor inshaAllah. His family & fans in the USA, UK & U.A.E are looking forward to hosting him soon inshaAllah”

This was a snippet from the long captivating and heartwarming speech given by Alhaja Mardhia

Dayisi in the capital of Osun on 27th August 2016 during the launching of her father's

BOYS TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER'. As she read on, her eyes were filled with tears and the entire hall was aroused with passion and excitement driven by her heart-rending lines. The book reports the life of Alhaji Hussein Oyekanmi Sunmonu who is one half of a set of identical twin. An amazing and eventful life that begun far away in Akim Eshiem, Ghana, and moved them both back to Oshogbo in Nigeria and thereafter continues to move them between locations in Nigeria, Ghana, Republic of Benin, the United Kingdom and other parts Funmilayo Sunmonu book 'CARRY ON MY of the world. The story is

stunning and it expresses the joys and challenges of growing up together as identical twins, how those challenges shaped their journey through life. You can always grab a copy of the book by contacting the following n u m b e r : +2348074430526. Online stores where the e-book is also available are: * i B o o k s t o r e *Amazon kindle *Barnes & Noble *Kobo *Baker & Taylor *Copia *Gardeners *Esentral *Scribd *Goodreads *Oyster *Flipkart *Ciando *EBSCO *Vearsa




HolyVerses The Holy Qur’an Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious.



his verse deals with one of the most vital Islamic principles. The Sura under comment enjoys this distinction that in no other Sura has so much light been shed from the point of view of Islam on so many important moral, social and political problems as in this Sura. While the preceding few Suras dealt with the great and triumphant future of Islam, this Sura tells us how the promised bright future of Islam will take a material shape. Whereas in verse 36 above implied reference was made to Khalifat which was to be the main instrument for establishment of the spiritual and political hegemony of Islam, the present verse deals with the subject of Khilafat in clear and unmistakable terms. The preceding few verses, i.e. vv.52-55, however, serve as a prelude to its introduction. In these verses emphasis is repeatedly laid on obedience to Allah and His Messenger. This emphasis implies a hint to the status and position of the Khalifat in Islam. Being the successor of a prophet he must be given unconditional obedience. The present verse embodies a promise that Muslim will be vouchsafed both spiritual and temporal leadership. The promise is made to the whole Muslim nation but the institution of Khalifa will take a palpable form in the person of certain individuals who will be the prophet's Successor and the representatives of the whole nation. They will be , as it were, Khalifa personified. The verse further says that the fulfilment of the promise will depend on the Muslim observing the prayer and giving the Zakat and on their obeying the messenger of God in all religion and temporal matters concerning the nation. When they will have fulfilled these conditions, the boon of Khilafat will be bestowed upon them and they will be made the leaders of nations; their state of fear will give place to a condition of safety and security. Islam will reign supreme in the world, and above all the oneness and Unity of God- the real purpose and object of Islam- will become firmly established. The promise of the establishment of Khilafat is clear and unmistakable. As the Holy Prophet is now humanity's sole guide for all time, his Khilafat must continue to exist in one form or another in the world till the end of time, all other Khalifas having ceased to exist. This is among many other the Holy prophet's distinct superiority over all other prophets and Messenger of God. Our age has witnessed his greatest spiritual Khalifa in the person of Ahmad, the Promise Messiah. The Quran has mentioned three kinds of Khalifas: 1 khalifas who are prophets such as Adam and David. About Adam God says in the Quran, ''I am about to place a vicegerent in the earth'' (2:31) and about David He says: '' O David, we have made thee a vicegerent in the earth'' (38:27).


2 Prophets who are the Khalifas of another and a greater prophet such as the Israelite prophets who all were the Khalifas of Moses. About them the Quran says: "We have sent down the Torah wherein was guidance and light. By it did the prophets who were obedient to Us judge for the Jews''(5:45). 3 Non - Prophet Khalifas of a prophet, with or without temporal powers, such as godly people learned in the law. Their mission is to protect and preserve the law from being tampered with (5:45).Briefly, the verse under comment covers all these categories of Khalifas,Viz., the Holy Prophet's rightly-guided Khalifs ,the Promised Messiah, his Successors and the spiritual reformers or Mujaddids. Their mission, as the above verse says, is to protect the law and to bring back "the erring flock into the Master's fold. 'The special marks and characteristics of these Khalifas are: (a) They are appointed Khalifa through God's own decree in the sense that the hearts of believers inclined towards them and they voluntarily accept them as their Khalifas. (b) The religion which their mission is to serve becomes firmly established through their prayer and missionary efforts; (c) They enjoy equanimity and peace of mind amidst hardships, privations or persecution which nothing can disturb; and (d) They worship God alone e.i in the discharge of their great responsibilities they fear no one and they carry on their duties undaunted and without being discouraged or dismayed by the difficulties that stand in their way. The verse may also be regarded as embodying a prophecy which was made at a time when Islam was very weak and idols were being worshipped throughout Arabia and the Muslims being small in number feared for their very lives, and yet in the course of only a generation the prophecy was literally fulfilled. Idolatry disappeared from Arabia and Islam became firmly established not only in Arabia but also reigned supreme in the whole world and the followers of the Holy Prophet, erstwhile regarded as the dregs and scum of humanity, become the leaders and teachers of nations. The words, 'whosoever is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious '' signify that Khilafat is a great Divine blessing. Without it there can be no solidarity, cohesion and unity among Muslim and therefore they can make no real progress without it. If Muslim did not show proper appreciation of Khilafat by giving unstainted support and obedience to their Khalifa they will forfeit this great Divine boon and in addition will draw the displeasure of God upon themselves.

Malfoozah Sayings of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as)


Sayings of the Holy Prophet (saw)

rophet-hood shall remain among you for as long as Allah shall will. He will bring about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the precepts of prophet-hood for as long as He shall will and then bring about its end. A tyrannical monarchy will then follow and will remain for as long as Allah shall will and then come to an end. There will follow thereafter monarchical despotism for as long as Allah shall will and come to an end upon His decree. Then will emerge Khilafat on the precepts of Prophet-hood.� The Holy Prophet said no more (Mishkaat).



uzur was told of the spared of bubonic plague. He said) What a great warning from God. How unfortunate it would be if even now the people did not get their hearts wake up and did not make peace with God it will be very sad if the people do not turn to God and abandon evil deeds and mischief. Were anybody's children or other relatives to be afflicted by distress, he would forget everything else (and think of nothing but this trouble of his.) why does, then, the man rebel against God. Can he go away from His Kingdom? That being the case, the best security lies in Him alone. He who goes beyond the limits fixed by God is nothing but foolish, if he does so to have peace of mind; he invites and attracts the wrath of God. Now is the time that the followers of the noble religion of God should renew their faith and revive their repentance. This now is the time that God wishes to show Himself and He likes to get His Being admitted.




From The Archives My Hearty Thanks (Part II) (To the members of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at in Nigeria).

By: Late Maulana Naseem Saifi

My Dear Brothers and Sisters.


s-salamu alaykum. As I have told you before I hope to go back to my country-Pakistanvery soon. I should like to seize this opportunity of thanking all of you for the wonderful cooperation that you have given me. My stay here, with the grace of God, has been more successful than I could have ever wished, and it is all due to the grace of God and your kind cooperation. It is quite evident that even though a Missionary can carry on his work single handed, in order to achieve success and produce the desired results it is of vital importance that he must be given unflinching cooperation by his ''flock''. That is why the Holy Prophet, Peace and blessings of God be upon him, has laid so much stress on obedience and loyalty to the leader. I need not repeat all what the Hadith says about this aspect of Community life, for, I am sure, all of you know it full well. I arrived in Lagos on the 6th of August, 1945, the day on which the foundation stone of the Ahmadiyya Mission House, Lagos was laid by my revered predecessor, Alhaj Maulvi F.R. Hakeem. It was a great occasion and I am grateful to God that He blessed my arrival here with this great occasion. Since then, with the exception of a year or so, I have been in this country working to the best of my abilities for the uplift of Late MaulanaNaseemSaifi Islam and for the welfare of the Jamaat in particular and the Muslims in general. The Muslim Students Society of I know the prayers of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II and Nigeria was born in my hands. Their all the righteous and pious members of the community first circulars and announcements everywhere have always been with me. And I am sure were produced in my office. The that it is their prayers that gave me the best of the companions and supporters that any man in position Foundation members of this society, can expect to have. It has been a joy to work with them though now scattered all over Nigeria, and I must say it to their credit that the respect and still cherish the memory of those early honour that they gave me not only surprised me, it even days. I have watched this society grow made me blush at time. I have no means to reward them for all what they have done for me; I pray to God that from strength to strength. He Himself may reward them abundantly on my behalf. Amen. The nearest to me in my capacity as the Amir and to be successful. Mr. H.O. Sanyaolu has always been a Missionary in charge of this country have been the trusted friend and companion not only in Lagos but in members of the Management Committee. I should like my travels all over Nigeria and also in Ghana. He has interpreted my speeches not only to my delight but also to the delight of our audiences, for, his Yoruba is the most refined and he has a way of putting things across. He always sacrificed his comfort for mine and I pray to God that He may very richly reward him for this kind gesture of his. Some others, though outside Lagos, have been as near me as the people in Lagos. I was always increased in my confidence through their fellowship. They are doing a wonderful job in their own areas and it will be no exaggeration if I say that they are the pillars of the Ahmadiyya Community in this country. To name only a few of them: Alhaj Umar Imam, (Maiduguri); Alfa Alh Sanyaolu's photo A.W. Ojoye, (Jos); Alhaj M.A. Gbafe (Kafanchan); to thank them one by one, but the space does not Mr. H.K.A. Funsho, (Kano); Mr. M.A. Sanni, (Iwo); permit. However I received very great cooperation Alfa A.R.A. Oluwa, (Ife); Alhaj Ismail Akanni, (Ife); from people like Mr. I.D. Olokodana, Mr. Hamza Alhaji Raji, (Ode-Omu); Mr. S. Adedeji, (Ondo); Okunnu, Mr. H.O. Sanyaolu, Alhaji A.W. Folawiyo. Alhaji Ajijola Annabi, (Ikare); Alhaj A.A. Abiola, Their loyalty and cooperation cannot be easily (Ilaro); Alhaj A. G Kuku, (Ijebu-Ode); Alfa Abu Bakr surpassed. Any Missionary-in-charge who has people Yusuf, (Agidingbi); Alfa A.B Danmola, (Otta) and a like them around him, is with the grace of God, bound large number of others whose names it is difficult to

mention for lack of space. It was with the cooperation of all the members of the Mission that we were, with the grace of God, able to start a school in Lagos with Mr. I.A.B. Balogun as the first Head-teacher and thus we became a Voluntary Agency in due course. And if we had not become Voluntary Agency we would not have been able to get any of the schools when Universal Primary Education was begun in the Western Region or in Lagos. Now with the grace of God we have ten schools. That has also given us an opportunity of training our young men as teachers. The publication of The Truth has been an uphill task. We started it as a monthly but on the receipt of a letter from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II to the effect that he thought it was a weekly, we did not waste another week; the very next week it came out as a weekly and since then (12 years ago), with the grace of God, we have neither missed any issue nor delayed it. It has been published regularly without a break or delay. Talking of this newspaper which is the first (and was for a long time, the only) Muslim newspaper in West Africa, I cannot omit to mention Mr. Y.A. Safi who worked with me on this paper from the very start. The story of The Truth can never be complete without him. I am glad that the Federal Government gave him a scholarship to study journalism in the United Kingdom; the scholarship was given on behalf of The Truth. On the side of editing The Truth I was greatly helped by my daughter – J.B.S. She started the School Corner and edited it with great enthusiasm. There was a time when the readers said that the most interesting part of the paper was the School Corner. Quite often the news of the Muslim World was also compiled by her. Whenever I found myself too busy with other duties of mine she would become the leader writer or Features writer. It was really a great help that I received from her. Mr. M.B. Abina, the Managing Director of the Tika Tore Press Ltd, gave me the most needed help in the publication of The Truth. He is our Printer from the very beginning and I think that even though we might have been able to bring out our newspaper without his press, we might not have been able to maintain the continuity of which we are now justifiably proud. If, therefore, I say that Mr. Abina has played an important part in the continued existence of The Truth, I am only repeating a hard fact. He deserves my hearty thanks and I pray to God that He may bless his work and his interest in everything connected with Islam. I always look at him as a great, though silent, worker of Islam. In the matter of the publication of literature in Yoruba Language, the names of Mr. H.O Sanyaolu, Alfa .B.B. Balogun and Mr. A.R.A. Otule need to be mentioned. They translated some of the booklets into Yoruba Language. Mr. B.B. Balogun's services for translation were always readily available. May God reward all of them abundantly and may He shower His blessings on the work they have done. I should like to make special mention of Mr. Hamza Okunnu in connection with our street preaching. He was always at my back and call and I am sure Lagos 13




Op-Ed The


A Century Of Ahmadiyya in Nigeria


elebrating a grand and unique event such as the centenary anniversary of any organization is usually a special avenue for fanfare or jollification. While merrymaking is not condemned by Islam, it should, however, be measured, ethical, and done within the bounds of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w). Many festivities often involve physical and material indulgence. These may throw the celebrants off balance making them to forget the spiritual angle of the event or the main purpose of the celebration. A 100 years of Ahmadiyya in Nigeria should not differ much from its global counterparts because they share the same root and similar historical events or antecedents. The celebration should provoke reflections on the individual and collective achievements in the course of fulfilling our spiritual destiny in the Jama'at. Great historical figures celebrate inventions, enduring moral contributions to global peace, and unparalleled ideas or ideals. Hence, a centenary celebration should not fundamentally busy itself with how many plates of food are served or how many guests are invited but should be a time to ask questions and find comfortable answers which will soothe our minds that we are truly making spiritual progress. On the personal angle, each Ahmadi Muslim in Nigeria should read The Conditions of Bai'at and our responsibilities and reflect on how far s/he has fulfilled all the conditions. S/he should ask many questions and allow his/her conscience to respond. S/he must undertake an introspective sojourn; a soul-searching audit of his/her actions to crosscheck which of them is in conformity with the bai'at and which is against. S/he should let his/her self-accusing soul (nafs lawama) rebuke him/her if s/he is straying away from the spirit of obedience to the Khalifa of the time. On a general angle, the Jama'at should have solid, efficient, enduring, and fiscally feasible plan for the future. We should desist from living on past glory. Each officer should serve the Jama'at without any expectation


of material reward. Our words should match our actions and vice versa. If you are the father or mother of the house, do your actions set good examples for your children? Do you allow your children to attend the Jama'at's programmes so as to acculturate into the Jama'at's activities? How many people have joined Ahmadiyya through your good conducts? Do you actively exhort your family to pray in congregation and recite the litany of prayers recommended by the Khalifa? Do you watch MTA International to update yourself with the Huzur's current message? We should also not forget that a man may start a journey but may not end it if the Grace of Allah does not shield him from destruction. Let us learn a lesson from those we started this sojourn together with. Mid-stream, they allowed their rebellious spirit (nafse amara) to divert them away from the light of Khilafat through disobedience. They splintered to form unproductive and unguided groups. The result was that their children and great-grandchildren were also deprived of divine light.

Today they are nowhere to be found. Ahmadiyya of the new century should be full of projections. We need to look back and account for our shortcomings. This is the bane of every human institution: always having challenges to overcome. In this respect, the Jama'at needs to take moral and financial accountabilities seriously. Our missionaries need to lead by moral examples rather than by issuing pulpit directives. They should make more converts and train them to be morally responsible. Each Ahmadi Muslim should be discipline and accountable. We also need to develop small scale businesses to assist our teeming graduates get employed. Mothers should train their children, especially the girls, to know their responsibilities and get them Islamically educated to be marriage materials that can make good homes and be leaders in the society. We pray that Allah, out of His unfathomable ocean of Mercy may bless this present generation and their progeny and cover us with abundance of His Light and Grace in this world and in the hereafter. Long live Ahmadiyyat!

AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA’AT NIGERIA “ Dost thou not see how Allah set forth the smilitude of a good word? it is like a good tree whose root is firm and whose branches reach into heaven. It brings forth its fruit at all times by the command of its Lord. And Allah set forth smilitudes for men that they may reflect.” - Q chp 14:25-26


Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria


SECRETARY TO THE BOARD AbdulHafiz Omoyele MANAGING EDITOR Qasim Akinreti EDITOR AbdulGaniyy Adiamoh ASSISTANT EDITOR Roqeebah Dikko MEMBERS Saheed Timehin, PhD AbdulAzeem Ahmad Taofeeqah Fagbolade Taoheed Shoboyede AbdulWasiu Udi Qasim Adam, PhD Aisha Maishanu Jamil Abubakar AbdulGaniyy Babalola

NEWS 09051133553

GRAPHICS Jamiu Ayinde ADVERTS 08027382429

SUBSCRIPTION 08027382429

EMAIL | WEB thetruthnewsnigeria@gmail.com www.thetruth.com.ng ADDRESS Km. 27, Abeokuta Expressway, Ojokoro, Lagos State | P.O. Box 418 Lagos 100101|

Within a period of 100 years, this community has developed from a few individuals in 1916 to an organization that has been described as the pioneer of Muslim education in Nigeria

It continues to devote its energies to promote positive human values, and contribute generously to the society at large The AHMADIYYA COMMUNITY today in NIGERIA IS currently in: 36 states, 53 circuits and 493 Branches Spread across the country




L-R: Olofin of Ado-Odo, Yewaland, Oba Lateef Akanni; Olu of Imasayi, Oba Gbadebo Oni; Olu of Paramount Ruler of Yewaland, Chairman, Ogun State Council Of Oba's, Oba Kehinde Olugbenle; Onigua of Eggua, Oba M.A.Dosunmu and Olobi of IIobi, Oba Saliu Adedokun, during the courtesy visit on Grand Annual Conference to Commemorate 100 Years of the existence of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at in Nigeria in IIaro, Ogun State

Prime Minister of Canada receives Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Ottawa

President ,Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Dutse,Abuja addressing Atfal and Nasrat Ahmadiyya during the Islamic Vacation Course(IVC)organized by Dutse Jama'at,Abuja.

Lajna Imaillah Ahmadiyya District 7,Abuja organize Take a Walk a Day for Health living in Abuja to mark 100years of Ahmadiyya in Nigeria.

Newly wedded couple, Hafiz Mudathir and Basheerat Giwa with their parents (L-R) Muallim and Mrs Enikanonaiye, Alh. M.M. Giwa and the Groom’s Aunt, after the Nikkah conducted on 21st May 2016 at AlAzhar International College Lokoja Kogi State.

L-R: The Amir Dr. Mashhud Fashola, Naib Amir North, Dr. Yeqeen Habeeb & Naib Amir South - West Alh. AbdulAzeez Alatoye at the end of Ramadhan Dinner in Lagos.

L-R: Deputy Governor State of Osun, Mrs Grace Titilayo-Laoye Tanmori; The Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Nigeria, Dr Mashhud Adenrele Fashola; former National President, Nigerian Labour Congress, Engr. Hassan Sunmonu and Missionary-in-Charge, Maulvi AbdulKhalique Nayyar, during the Grand Lecture of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Nigeria Osogbo, Osun State.

L-R: Former National President, Nigeria Labour Congress, Alhaji Hassan Sunmonu; Naib Amir, Special Duties, Alhaji Ahmed Al-hassan and former Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaát Nigeria, Alhaji Hussein Sunmonu, during the end of Ramadan Dinner at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Headquarters in Lagos. (Photos Isa Bayoor Ewuoso)




Jamaat Ahmadiyya Nigeria - A Case For Socio-political and Religious Repositioning By: Muallim (Hafiz) Yunus Omotayo


y desire to write on this subject is actually stimulated by the profound impression I got from that very scintillating memoir written by Maulana Naseem Saifi, the third Amir and Missionary In-charge of Nigeria (1945-1965) titled My Hearty Thanks, published in the last edition of The Truth Newspaper. Conspicuously, the literary piece provides us with some insights into an exclusively glorious period in the trajectory of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya in Nigeria during that particular formative stage which saw the Jamaat enjoying a unique socio-religious influence in Nigeria. However, the most impressive and inspiring aspect of the narrative is the high personality that characterized the Jamaat's leadership which reflected on the socio-political position of influence that the Jamaat achieved at that point in time. No doubt, from what I have read about him, I have come to realize that the man was indeed not just a devoted missionary but also a visionary leader of a phenomenal proportion. His activities and the landmark achievements which he recorded by the grace of Allah have not only proven to me that what an indigene can achieve, a foreigner can achieve better; but also that a foreigner can sometimes achieve what an indigene may not be able to achieve. Let's leave the historical achievements and focus our attention on some of his dynamic leadership qualities which he deployed as the Amir and the Missionary Incharge in keeping the Jamaa'st ship sailing to the shore of progress. Let us look at how he was able to establish an enviable socio-religious position through his

outreach and his socialisation with the larger Nigerian society. It is highly impressive to note how, as a missionary, holding the mantle of leadership in a foreign country, he made use of every opportunity that came his way. In his own words, ''I had utmost freedom of movement and speech, and made fullest use of this freedom.''. He recounted how he was a member of the committee that formed the Religious and Arabic syllabus for West Africa School Certificate. He was one of the founding fathers of the Nigerian Union of Journalists and became NUJ's first Vice-President, the Treasurer of the Nigerian Press Club and an Executive Member of the Guild of Newspaper Editors. Similarly, he was one of those who brought Muslim Congress of Nigeria into existence and was initially elected its first president, which he however declined to accept. And he frankly remarked that ''the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria was born in my hands.'' And particularly noted that ''Their first circulars and announcements were produced in my office”. Now is the time to have a sober reflection over what all this glorious past meant to us - the people of the present. And as we look at the present situation of things, we may well ask ourselves: Do we really believe or are we actually convinced that the Jamaat is presently occupying its rightful socio-political and religious position and influence in Nigeria compared to what the situation was during that glorious period of Maulana Saifi? If the answer is a capital NO, then, is it not necessary that each and everyone of us ponder over the reality and try to discover what was right with the leadership

and membership of that period that made things positive for them, while concurrently think over what is wrong, again, with both the leadership and membership of the present time that has caused the Jamaat to shrink from its earlier social placement? What do we think our leadership at the national level should do or be doing to enable us recover our rightful position of influence in Nigeria? And at the local Jamaat levels, what do we think the missionaries, presidents and other leaders should be doing to reposition the Jamaat at the grassroots? I am particular about those of us who are missionaries because of the examples of Maulana Saifi; for, undoubtedly, as a missionary, he successfully established an enviable precedent for us to emulate. But how do we go about it? I am reminded of a very fine point recounted by Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan in his biography of Hadhrat Maulawi Nurudin where he mentioned the advice given by a revered sage to Hadrat Nurudin (ra). He writes: Wherever you should take up your residence you should establish friendly relations with the Chief Constable of the town, a good physician, a saintly personage and a leading citizen.'' We have read how both Maulana Hakim Nurudin and Maulana Naseem Saifi have, by all standards, abided by the biddings contained in the above advice. The question remains what approach(es) do we think can work for us to achieve the same feat in this part of the world? May Allah help us and grant us ultimate progress and success in this enterprise. Amin

A Tribute to Mama Yahya


ama (Asmau Abake AbdusSalaam) told me a story at the demise of my father in August 1999 which I wish to share. She said she loved going to parties and that was usual of her life style but one day my father just came in and sat her down and said 'I have now found a new faith in Islam. If you wish to go along with me, our union is intact. If you cannot, then we stop here.' Mama said she was confused and later went to her family for an advice but the family asked her to follow her husband 's decision and that was how she became an Ahmadi Muslim. I could cast my mind back to the 1970s when Mama went for a burial ceremony at Abeokuta. Baba had changed the door key to her room before her arrival but Mama decided to stay at the door for some days until the issue was resolved. Mama would always advise you to obey your husband. It was the story that made me realize the agreement between them that led to this incidence. Mama hailed from Ago-oka, Abeokuta and her village is Akinwunmi - very close to Begbinlawo along Ayetoro - Abeokuta road. Her mother- side hailed from the north and settled at Ilaro. Her family compound is called “Ile Lemomu” as the grandfather of her mother was the Imam of the Central Mosque of Ilaro. Mama was a producer of the local soda soap called 'kongi'. She soaked a drum full of caustic soda to do this as she sold in bulk to others in Ilaro and Ifo

markets. She also sold kolanuts in bulk and retail. Mama was very hardworking and agile. It pained her at her old age when she could go no-where again but she still sold kolanut in retail till the evening of her demise as some money was still found on her wrapper. She trained us to be hardworking especially doing house chores. The clothes on line should not be there after sunset. She would never buy vegetables to cook at night unless she has removed the dirts therein during the day. You should not use any cup to get water from the water-pot, etc Mama would shell melon that would last her for almost six months, wash the shelled melon, sundry and keep in a closed container especially when she nursed babies and could not go to the market during the period. Home management was part of her life. She became an Ahmadi Muslim in the fifties. She cherished observing her prayer on time till her death. Mama died on the 15th of November 2016, at the age of 92 years. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. She was buried the same day at the Ahmadiyya Cementary, Ilaro. She left behind four children, twenty-three grand children - five of whom are Hafizul Quran..Two of her great grand children are also Hafiz while two are Hafiz in the making. May Allah grant her Aljanna firdaus. (Alhaj Yahya AbdusSalaam)


The families of Owolabi hereby request for prayers for their late mother Alhaja Risikatu Aduke Bolanle Owolabi who died on the 17th July, 2016, he survived by children,




FromTheArchives My Hearty Thanks (Part II) continues from page 8

streets will remember him as my preaching companion for a long time to come. His green turban was always very conspicuous. Coming to my office I must admit that I am very lucky to have asked and urged Mr. A.RA. Otule to dedicate his life for the service of Islam. He yielded to my request and came to be the Secretary General of the Mission. Thus he became my right hand in the running of the Community. His hard work and loyal cooperation has always given me great relief. I can never condone indifference and inefficiency and it is generally (and very truly) believed that it is difficult to work with me. A man has to put his heart and soul in the work and forget everything else till the work assigned to him has been done. That is the only

Alh Otule's photo

thing that can please me. And there are very few people who can do that. I do not like the spirit of the hired labourer who measures his wages with the work done. That may be good enough elsewhere, but not in the religious Missions. Mr. Otule is a self-sacrificing and hard working person and that is why the two of us have always enjoyed working with one another. I am greatly indebted to the staff of our schools, Ahmadi, non Ahmadi Muslims and Christians alike. Their loyal services are the backbone of our success. Special mention has to be made of Mr. S.B. Giwa (who has also helped the mission in various ways more especially through his radio broadcasts and contact with the students of various institutions) Mr. Idris Jumat, Mrs. Onatolu and Mr. A.G. Akinlawon, My thanks also go to the staff of the press where Mr. Bisiriyu Jadesimi, and Mr. F. Lawal with others, have given long and meritorious service. Our Sale Department has been quite active, and its success owes a great to the honesty and hard work of Mr. A.K. Mustafa who is a trained Missionary God's ways are mysterious. His blessings can never be counted. He gives abundantly. Nigeria is the only country where Ahmadiyya Mission is running two Dispensaries. These Dispensaries are a feather in our cap. They are maintained by Lt. Col. Dr. M.Y. Shah (Lagos) and Dr. Ziaud Deen (Kano) And it must be said to the credit of these two Doctors that their example has added to our faith. Their services are of great value and their cooperation is unique. Isn't that a blessing of God? And am I not lucky that this blessing of God has come to Nigeria during my stay here. May God bless these Dispensaries and our Doctors as well as other workers. Many Pakistani Missionaries have worked with me in Nigeria namely Maulvi M.A. Qureshi (now in Ivory Coast); Maulvi E.I Janjua; Maulvi S.A. Shah; Maulvi M.A.Saqi (now in Liberia); Maulvi M.B. Shad. Maulvi N.D Ahmad; Maulvi N.A. Munir; Maulvi B.A

Shams; Maulvi M.A. Arif; Alhaj, F.H. Khan and others. I am grateful to them for the cooperation they gave to me and also for the work they did under my humble supervision, for, their work always brought honour to me. I am glad that one of them – Maulvi N.D Ahmad – is now taking my place. I wish him the best of luck. I am grateful to all these Missionaries and I wish them success wherever they may be. The Nigerians who have worked with me as Missionaries include Alfa A.B. Danmola, Alfa J.J.A. Bada, Alfa Braimoh Oyarebu, Alhaji A.W. Elyas, Mr. H.A Ibrahim, Mr. A.K. Mustafa, Mr. Jibril Ijeoma. I pray to God that He may reward them for their cooperation with me and services to the cause of Islam. It will be of interest to note that Alhaj A.W. Elyas, Mr. Hashim Ibrahim and Alfa J.J. Bada came forward to dedicate their lives as a result of my appeal to the members of the Jamaat. I should also like to thank two Pakistani gentlemen who are in the teaching profession and are giving their best to the country. They are Mr. A.M Bhatti. Principal, Muslim Teacher Training College, Surulere and Mr. F.A Afzal, who is teaching at the Ijebu Muslim College, Ijebu Ode. There can be no greater tribute to the religious life of Mr. Bhatti than that a high official of the Education Department once said in his report that he is too good a Muslim. This is just another way of saying that Mr. Bhatti is one of the best Muslims. Mr. Afzal has also been doing a great deal to help the Muslims at Ijebu-Ode and I am glad to say that his efforts are very highly appreciated by all and sundry. He has taken very keen interest in the building of a Mission House there. Mr. Bhatti's company and cooperation have been a great source of inspiration for me. I wish him and Mr. Afzal God's grace and His blessings. As a Missionary of Islam I feel that everybody who is doing any service to Islam deserves my hearty thanks. And here I should like to mention three more members of the Mission. They are Messrs M.B. Amin, A.S. Olatunde and Zafrullah Elyas They are regular broadcasters on Islamic subjects and their services deserve to be admired by everyone.

Alh M B Amin's photo

Mr. Amin is also writing a weekly religious column in one of the National dailies; this column is undoubtedly a great help to the readers of the said newspaper in understanding the true teachings of Islam. My hearty thanks to the three of them. May God bless their work and reward them abundantly. Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in Nigeria has produced some of the nicest young men that any community can boast of. Mallam M.M. Habeeb, Messrs. Abdul Aziz Haliru ; A.I.

Alh A I Yusuf's photo

Yusuf (He has complied with the conditions of the Will of the Promised Messiah and is paying his contribution accordingly) F.S Shijuwola; Y.L. Balogun, A.W. Aina; Salihu Idris; A.K. Mustafa, M.Gimba, A. Shobambi and many others. The Community needs the sincere services of our young men of today. I wish them the best of luck and I pray to God that they may not only continue to be active but their activities may always be on the right lines and such that will bring the blessings of God. I cannot close this letter without mentioning the women section of the community which is known as Lajna Imaillah. Special credit goes to the Lajnas of Ondo, Ilaro, Otta, Ijebu Ode and of course Lagos. They always attended the Annual Conferences with great zeal and in fact the success of our Annual Conferences to a large extent depended on these Lajnas. They brought the members of Nasiratul Ahmadiyya with them and that also added to the usefulness of the Conferences. In Lagos, the burden of the preparation of food of hundreds of people who attended the Conferences, rested on the shoulders of the Lajna Imaillah of Lagos. And everybody will agree with me that they always did well. Sister Birikisu Ayoka (the chairwoman); Alhaja Ayesha Ajide, Sisters Zinat Olokodana, Hannat Balogun, Maryam Awena and many others spared no pains to make the work of the Lajna successful. The Chariwoman and Alhaja Ayesha Ajide have always been the nearest to us. The Alhaja hopes to vist Rabwah at no distant a date. My wife who has been responsible for the running of Lajna Imaillah wishes me to convey her hearty thanks to all the women of the Community and she says that she prays –as, of course, I also pray- for all of them that God may be their Helper and Protector. Amen. My Dear Brothers and Sisters! Twenty years is a long time and I have very sweet memories of all these years. I have enjoyed working with you and for you Please, pray for me that God may always be my Helper and He may always enable me to serve His cause. Amen. Nigeria, I love you. My dear Nigerians, I am very grateful to you for all you have done for me. God bless you and your coming generations. Amen. Come to Pakistan and meet me there. I shall always be looking forward to the happiness of some of you visiting my homeland. I hope some of you will come to Pakistan and meet me there.




Marriage and Marriage Certificate by R.S.A Banjo


ye people fear your lord who created you from a single soul and created there from its mate and from them twain spread many men and women; and fear Allah, in whose name you appeal to one another, and fear Him particularly respecting ties of relationship. Verily, Allah watches over you – Q4 verse 2. Right from the beginning of creation, and of course, the creation of man on earth, the gracious God has given a special gift to humanity in the form of marriage. The arrangement is not a progressive one. It is pre-planned, packaged, sanctioned, ordained, blessed and institutionalised by Allah. It is a system put in place for the procreation of man on earth. For this reason, Allah makes bold to say that all the prophets and the elects were given wives and children without exception, by marriage- “And indeed, we sent Messengers before thee and we gave them wives and children ....”Q3 verse 39. Hence for this reason, there is no religion in the world which opposes the institution of marriage. Rather all youths subscribed to it. That is why to this day marriages are contracted and conducted in every clime and are ascribed to by different religions. Either in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Hinduism and other known faiths, marriage is one important aspect of their activities . All these beliefs for one reason or the other issue marriage certificates to couples to fasten ties of marital relationships. Marriage certificates have become a document of great import. Lest one wonders why marriage certificate is so vital in marriage it is because of the social, economic, religious and identification attachments. When you consider the rate at which marriages conducted in churches, mosques, registries are falling apart, failing, breaking, cracking and trivialised, the question maybe asked what purpose is served by marriage certificate in the life of married couple. What is the worth of the document? When you look at the mode of the issuance of marriage certificate, the flaw in it become so clear. Marriage certificates are issued during marriages. It is just like putting the cart before the horse. Here couples are issued certificate before they ever embark on the difficult terrain of marital life. Of all the activities of man, marriage is only one that is treated differently or accorded unexplainable honour. Unlike others, certificates are issued at the conclusion or completion of a project, be it contract, educational, scholarship and others like building and roads to confirm that a job has been satisfactorily completed. Marriages are not so! Take a woman and “drag” her to the Church, Mosque or registry, you are given a certificate of “well-done” and do what you will with yourselves. Marriage certificate has been abused, made worthless and has rendered marriages as having no meaning. The Quran tells us about the purpose and reasons for marriage. It outlines the expectations thus: “And one of His signs is this; that He has created wives for you from among yourselves that you may find PEACE OF MIND, in them and He has put LOVE and TENDERNESS between you. In that surely are signs for people who reflect“ – Q 30 : 22 . When you ponder at the frequency couple in

marriages are scattered and separated, you begin to wonder perchance the 3 tripods on which marriage is poised and sustained are no longer present in marriages nowadays. Nevertheless, we are not unmindful that divorce has been associated with marital life from time past, just as old as matrimony itself. But the rate at which separation comes into the lives of married couples, gives cause for serious concern. If marriage certificate has not helped mothers, but seem to have worsened it, then the idea calls for a review. Many married men have a wrong conception of the document and adjudged it as a certificate or licence to do and undo whatever they choose with their partners because by their estimation, it has given them the fiat as the senior partner in the arrangement to brutalise, silence or made a wash-hand basin of their partner. Where is the peace of mind; where is the love and where is the tenderness Allah outlined as expectations from marriage? It must not be imagined that ill-treatment of wives is a peculiarity of one tribe or religion in the world. It is a universal phenomenon among humankind and it cuts across all borders and boundaries. So, maybe if the issue of certificate during marriage is taken out of marital contracts and ceremonies, perhaps some of the ignorant partners would have a rethink and behave appropriately as expected. For the bad ones in marriage, let us remind them of one Indian narrative. It states that when God created the first man on earth, He gave him a woman as his partner and wife. The man was happy (as often is the case with the newlyweds) After living together for a while, the man took the woman back to God saying he does not have any need for her. Without seeking explanation, God took the woman back and the man went away. After sometime, the man came back to God begging God to have the woman back. Without question God gave the woman back to him. After a long while, the man came back fuming that God should please take the “evil yoke” (woman) off his shoulders as he could do without her. Instead, God enjoined the man to go and learn how to live with his partner. The lesson this narrative brings to the fire is that nowadays most men have failed , not ready and are not prepared to learn or imbibe the spirit of tenderness which will make them live peacefully with their partners. Nevertheless, it is not to be imagined that the man-folk is always the cause of marriage failures. Some women are just as bad as the male counterpart. The subterranean struggle for women lib, equality of the two sexes syndrome of “what a man can do, woman can do it better” and such other fake propaganda. In light of the abuse of certificate issuance in marriage by couples, scrapping the ideas will properly augur well for the future couples. No doubt some will argue that at least there is some good in the issuance of the document. And as in everything, there is always good and the bad side of it. Nothing can be said to be bad outright and neither is one that can be said to absolutely good without bad side. Therefore, if marriages are to be saved and by implications the marriage certificate, then the various institutions concerned with the issuance of marriage certificates should stand up and be upright in salvaging the situation through practical steps to protect the life span of the two special gift from God Almighty and of course the certificates they issue.

Before we go to considering other solutions, the Gracious God has preferred an effective antidote for a stable marriage. That, if applied, will not only make couples see themselves as partners –husband and wifebut enable them adopt a middle course during confrontations. God Almighty warns in Quran 64 verse15; ''O ye who believe, surely among your wives (and husbands) and your children are some that are really your enemies, so beware of them. And if you overlook, and forgive and pardon, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful''. Couples are warned to beware of such situations less they give themselves up to battling with hypertension for the greater part of their life. To stem the trend of marriages breaking up frequently, vigorous counselling of couple not only before and after marriage but at intervals should be undertaken. Besides, institutions and religious authorities may cause the issuance of certificates to be delayed until much later, but definitely not during or immediately after solemnisation of nuptial ties. This will constantly remind couples that they are being watched and monitored. One other area to be looked into seriously is that which has to do with the families of the couples. Many home and of course many parents have been negligent and have abandoned their parental responsibilities of training, proper upbringing, good culture and mannerism. Many a parent is so indulgent that as soon as children have grown to manhood or womanhood and particularly if such have some levels of education, parents see them as lords and untouchables. They find it difficult to caution them, call them to order and if need be scold the children to guide them aright. Such children become the proverbial okra plant that is taller than its grower. So, in effect, much needs to be done by parents' families to save the situation. Nevertheless, if parents fail to do the right thing in correcting, directing, admonishing and counselling their wards, it is most likely that both the spoilt child and the parent would eventually come to grieve and lamentation in the end. One other solution for saving marriages is to uphold the relevance of communal effort in the upbringing of children. An adage says it is one person that bears and delivers the child but many eyes look after it for proper upbringing. As brother's keepers, the onus is on the community, especially within religious setups, to act as the protectors and guardians of the upcoming young ones-male and females. Individual within a given community should be able to act as counsellors, give the right direction and correct appropriately when children are growing into adulthood. This can happen when parents do not interpret that gesture to witch hunting and the counselling is done in good faith and the fear of God. Above all, the last option put in place by the Quran as panacea for resolving crisis will readily balance up the shortcomings threatening matrimony. Quran chapter 4 verse 36 provides thus; ''and if you fear breach between them, then appoint an arbiter from his family and arbiter from her family. If they, the arbiters, desire reconciliation, Allah will effect it between them. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-aware''.




Yours Sincerely Fire Outbreak in the Well?


his title is put interrogatively because its affirmation is better imagined than experienced. Its affirmation, may Allah forbid it, can be so bizarre that one can be psychologically troubled as it will amount to witnessing the inconceivable. Ordinarily, the well is supposed to be the source of water that kills fire and therefore, nothing can be more enigmatic than counting fire among those things that can share the well with water, because the prey and the predator have never been known to enjoy peaceful co-existence. However, as bizarre and absurd as the affirmation of this title may be, it is now discovered rather mysteriously that fire is now building its castle right inside the well. This strange discovery has thrown all the right-thinking faithful into a trauma and they now scamper about, brain-storming on devising or creating what may now be an effective fire extinguisher since water has been rendered ineffectual. This short, uncanny parable typifies the pitiable condition the Muslim world finds itself today and our holy fold is dancing to the tune. It has been prophesized and we are all aware that the inferno of Satanism and godlessness is destined to consume the world in the Latter Days and the only source of water to put out the inferno is the WELL symbolizing the fold of the Promised Messiah (as) whose advent was equally prophesized by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). At the advent of the Messiah (as), the evils, it was said, will metamorphose into virtues, and all ungodly behaviours shall be totally banished without leaving any traces behind. The lions, snakes, and other ferocious creatures shall become benign and mildmannered. This, however, is not to be taken literally as the wild animals cannot change their savagery. It only means the snakes among men, the lions among men, all the wolves in human skin and so on shall all shelve their ferocity, become meek and innocuous. All men and women who are lethal to their fellow human beings shall slough off their satanic tendencies as they join the fold of the Promised Messiah (as) and then become “born-again”. As the inferno of the Satanism, wickedness and godlessness rages on in the world, the perfect teaching of the Promised Messiah (as) shall extinguish such inferno; meaning that sins in their various shapes and

manners shall have no place in the fold of Promised Messiah (as). In the Promised Messiah's fold shall be found the assemblage of people who have been spiritually transformed and the assembly shall be completely devoid of any streak of Satanism and godlessness and thereby creating a kingdom of God on earth. It, therefore, can only be described as unsavoury IF certain unwholesome deeds begin to creep into this holy fold. This is because it is unheard of that fire and water become the best of friends and pitch a tent together inside the well. In the light of the above, the fold of the Promised Messiah (as) shall be inconsistent with certain heinous deeds and that is why the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is characterized by so many SHALL NOT's. For example, Ahmadi Muslims SHALL NOT be found guilty of pregnancy prior to nikah; Ahmadi Muslims SHALL NOT be found guilty of dishonesty within and outside the fold; Ahmadi Muslims SHALL NOT be found guilty of evil associations like witchcraft and other similar cults; Ahmadi Muslims SHALL NOT be found guilty of absolute loss of trust among the members and so on and so forth. All these evils and gross moral turpitude should be absolutely alien to the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (as). If these backstreet and irksome activities which make us shudder with revulsion, should occur in this holy Jamaat, then fire, indeed, has warmed its way into the well. It shall then be interpreted as Jesus Christ (as) in his second advent, is being crucified again by the very people who claim to accept him, (May Allah forbid this). If any member of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat shows the symptoms of any unwholesome deeds, the rest of the members should swiftly call him to order, reminding him the content of the oath of bai'at which he signed. We should remind him that the oath of bai'at is a covenant between man and his creator and whoever breaks the covenant does so at his own peril (Q 48:11). One can recall vividly here the situation in Ibadan Jamaat of 1970's and 1980's. Then, people were not always in a hurry to sign the oath of bai'at because we were afraid of the consequences of not keeping faith with the oath. That time, signing of bai'at was never a frivolous activity. People would look intensely before they leapt into it and as they eventually signed the bai'at, their lives would never remain the same again. The

Transition: Alhaja Safiat Abike Timehin


lhaja Safiat Abike Timehin was born to a noble family of Ogunbekun in Lekki area of Lagos State in 1932. She was the second wife of Alhaji Abdul Fatah Adisa Timehin, former Naib Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah Ahmadiyya Nigeria. Alhaja Safiat Timehin was, prior to her death, a very loving, caring and devoted Ahmadi muslim who spent virtually all her life showing kindness to people especially those around her. As a devoted mother and wife, she inculcated the art of kindness, humility, piety and honesty in all her children. Though not literate, Alhaja Timehin was one of the greatest advocators of knowledge and education. Her soul was taken by Her Creator on Friday night 18thof November 2016, at the age of 84 years. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. She was buried the following day at Ahmadiyya Cementary, Ilaro. She was survived by her husband, and four children: Mrs Saidat Adetunji, Dr S.O.Timehin, Mrs Naheemat Babalola and Alhaji Abdul Hafiz Timehin.


slogan then was ALL MUSLIMS ARE EQUAL BUT SIGNING THE OATH OF BAI'AT MAKES SOME MUSLIMS TO BE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. Signing of bai'at should continue, even today and for ever to make a difference. During his tour of Ekiti State a couple of months back, the Amir Sahib, Dr Mashhud Fashola, in his Jamaat sermon in Ado-Ekiti, frankly reminded the congregation that being a member of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat does not confer on anybody an automatic membership of Paradise. According to the Amir, the potential inmate of Aljanna is that member that adheres strictly to ALL the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) as enumerated and summarized in the bai'at form. The strict adherence to the oath of bai'at shields the members of the Jamaat against Satanism and godlessness and thus, prevents them from being swallowed by the scourge of the Latter Days. As sincere Ahmadi Muslims, we are qualified as bonafide members of the spiritual house of the Promised Messiah (as). In respect of this divine house, the Promised Messiah (as) said: “…whoever fully lives up to my teaching, he alone enters that house of mine with reference to which God, the Almighty has promised: “I shall, Myself, protect all those who are in this house”. Therefore, whoever does not live up to the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) is depriving himself the membership of the divine house and denying himself the protection of Allah. Such a member is bound to be consumed by the conflagration of the Latter Days. Ahmadi Muslims should therefore be mindful of their deeds, renew their bai'at and reinvigorate their commitment to the institution of bai'at and Khilafah. In their daily actions, Ahmadi Muslims should not sacrifice the Jamaat's principles for expediency whereby they yield to the dictate of their flesh while trampling upon the covenant they made with Allah. Ahmadi Muslims should be wary of such activities that are not only sinister but ominous for the future of the Jamaat. We should all make concerted efforts to prevent any strange marriage between WATER and FIRE so that we may remain sincere and dedicated faithful who shall be constant in our readiness to stand by and defend the truth till the end of our sojourn on this ephemeral world.

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Features Spending in the way of Allah (Continued from the last edition)


irst we all have to understand that mankind were one community, created by the same one God, and He is ever conscious of their welfare. That is why He prescribes remedies that will alleviate their miseries and sufferings here and in the hereafter. He desires that man should live in paradise both in heaven and here on earth, where there is no compulsion, disorder, persecution or bloodshed. In short man should live here on earth in perfect peace, and a blissful life in the hereafter. At the same time Allah has created some rich and some poor. Spending in the way of Allah addresses the inequality between the rich and the poor. We Ahmadi muslims consider ourselves, and rightly too, the flag bearers of Islam in this age. I repeat, what I have said earlier, how adequately prepared are we? Or in the words of Huzur Hazrat Mirza Bashirudeen Mahmud Ahmad,” How does Ahmadiyya, the true Islam propose to deal with the problem of social inequality in the world? It is not only the religion of Islam that first issued the command to spent in the way of Allah; it started from the creation of man. In an effort to answer this call and bridge the gap between the rich and the poor different religions, countless movements, under different names, at different times in different countries sprang up. In his address during jalsa 1942, Hazrat Mirza Bashirudden Mahmud Ahmad, traced at length, the history of efforts made by different religions, countries and movements to address the issue of inequality either at a local, national or universal level. He proved beyond any doubt how they all failed woefully. He then proceeded to state how the religion of Islam though Ahmadiyya effectively tackled the problem. Huzur said that, the standard of equality aimed at by Islam is much more easily attainable than the standards, which the European and American communities have set themselves. Islam can succeed in bringing about reconciliation between the classes in proving reasonable standard of comfort for everybody at much less expense than would be the case with other committees. On the one side, the object is to provide luxuries for the other; the object is to make adequate provision for the necessaries of life for the poor and to prohibit luxuries and means of indulgence to the rich. Islam can restore peace and comfort for mankind with much less effort and expense than is possible under other economic systems Islam desires to bring about equality by persuading everybody to adopt simple modes of living; that is why it prohibits the wearing of silk by men, it prohibits eating and drinking out of vessels of gold and silver, and the erection of stately buildings for the sake of pomp and show. Islam provides scope for individual efforts, encourages it, and seeks to induce the rich by persuasion and moral exhortation to make voluntary contributions towards the relief of the poor. I have already pointed out the injurious result that are bound to follow from the suppression or discouragement of individual effort and initiative and also those that are bound to result from violent and compulsory dispossession of universal peace, comfort and happiness can be secured only under a system which keeps alive individual effort and initiative and secures adequate means for the relief of the poor by persuasion. Other movements generally advocate compulsory acquisition of all surplus wealth. If a rich man is deprived compulsorily of his surplus wealth, he is not likely to feel any affection towards those for whose benefit he has been deprived, nor will

By: Hajia Aisha Maishanu

the poor under such a system have any particular feelings of gratitude or affection for the rich. If on the other hand, a person voluntarily devotes his surplus wealthy to the service of humanity, he is bound to be inspired by feelings of benevolence and affection towards others, while the beneficiaries are bound to hold him in high esteem and affection. This system promotes universal goodwill between different sections of mankind. It may be said; this is very well as a teaching but what we want to know is whether Islam has ever succeeded in providing food, clothing, shelter, medical relief and means of education for the poor. If it has ever succeeded in securing these conditions, we should be told how the system worked in practice. In answer to this, it is important to realize in the first place that only that teaching can be successful which is able to deal with conditions arising in each succeeding age. It should possess enough elasticity to be able to achieve the ideal, which it sets before us according to the circumstance of each age. An absolutely fixed and rigid system may prove beneficent at one time, or in one place, but may cease to be of any use at another time or place. It must be able to adjust itself to the changing circumstance of human life. By elasticity I mean elasticity in application, not in principles and ideals. In the early days of Islam, the social and economic teachings of Islam proved fully equal to the demands made upon it. The Holy Prophet [saw] not only insisted upon simple modes of living but as soon as Muslims achieved political power, history bears witness that the needs of the poor were fulfilled from zakat and supplemented by voluntary subscription. The companion used to make great sacrifice, so much so that on one occasion Hazrat Abu Bakar contributed the whole of his property. When, during the time of the Khalifas, the boundaries of the Islamic state became wider the needs of the poor were fulfilled in a more organized manner. In the time of Hazrat Umar, regular records were maintained of the whole population and the necessities of life were provided for everybody according to fixed scales. In this way everybody rich or poor was adequately provided for and the means adopted were suited to the circumstances of those time. Today zakat and voluntary contributions do not seem to suffice and something more is called for so, for the establishment of the new system, it was inevitable that someone raised by God should inaugurate a new order. That person is no other than the promised Messiah and Mahdi [as]. He fulfilled fully and effectively the new order, the foundations of which have been laid under divine command and in strict accordance with Islamic teachings, in his AlWasiyyat in 1905. Allah has commanded the believers thus: And spend for the cause of Allah And cast not yourselves into ruin With your own hands, and do good Surely Allah loves those, who do good. Suratul Bakara, verse 196. In this verse no definite rules were laid down in respect of voluntary contributions. Muslims were warned that in addition to zakat, they would have to pay other taxes and make other contributions, but the quantum of the taxes and the form, which they were to take, was not prescribed. The promised Messiah [as] announced under divine command that those who desire to win real paradise must volunteer from 1/10 to 1/3 of their properties and belongings. Full details will be found in “The Wasiyyat”, one of his books.

Today it is only the Ahmadiyya community among all other Islamic sects in the world that is answering the call of Allah and that of the Holy Prophet [saw] to spend in the way of Allah. We have different schemes under which monies are collected some monthly, some yearly. The funds collected are not spent in any one country, but are devoted to the relief of poverty and distress all over the world. This is besides those funds that are exclusively for running the day-to-day affairs of the community. Under the “Humanity First” scheme, (an international NGO) humanitarian services are rendered to people all over the world that needed help, irrespective of creed or color. These services include the building of houses for the poor, clothing, feeding and training in various fields. The aim is to train the selected local people so that they in turn would train others. Humanity First has also come to the aid of people affected by natural disasters throughout the world. “Humanity First” is an international charitable trust established to promote and safeguard the preservation of human life and dignity. Drawing strength from our global resources, we aim to relieve suffering caused by natural disasters and human conflicts. This scheme is now fully established in 43 countries of the world. This gigantic work, unprecedented in the history of the human race, is being carried out by sacrifices from members of the Ahmadiyya community who consider such sacrifices a rare and blessed opportunity to win the pleasures of Allah. These are families who live from hand to mouth, who go out in the morning to find any job to keep the soul and body together. Whatever they get, they reduce a portion and keep. They continue to do so until it reaches their need of the day. They then use it and donate money they earn that day in the way of Allah: So in this age it is only the Ahmadiyya community that gives practical effect to the Islamic social and economic teachings. So, a lot is expected from us. We should not allow this momentum to slow down in the least and seek refuge from Allah least we fall into the category of those whom Allah says; Behold, you are those who are called Upon to spend in the way of Allah; But of you there are some who are Niggardly. And whoso is niggardly, Is niggardly only against his own Soul. And Allah is self sufficient, and It is you that are needy. And if you Turn your backs, he will bring in Your stead a people other than you, Then they will not be like you. Suratul Muhammad, verse 39. We should instead strive to be among those of whom Allah says-; O ye who believe shall I point Out to you a bargain that will Save you from a painful punishment? That you believe in Allah and his Messenger, and strive in the cause Of Allah with your wealth and your persons. That is better for you, if you did but know. He will forgive you your sins, and make you Enter gardens through which streams flow, And pure and pleasant dwellings in garden of eternity.That is the supreme triumph? And He will bestow another favor which you love, Help from Allah and a near victory. So give glad tidings to the believers. Suratul Saff, verse 11 to 14. May Allah enable us to succeed, amen.




Children’s Corner The Holy Quran and Its Etiquette What is the Quran?

The word Quran means that which is often read or recited. The Quran is the record of the verbal revelations in Arabic from God Almighty to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), over a period of about 22 years and 5 months (610-632.AD).These revelations first started in the month of Ramadhan (Al-Quran 2:186). All revelations up to-date were rehearsed to the Holy Prophet every year in Ramadhan by the Arch-Angel, Gabriel. In the last Ramadhan of the Holy Prophet's life, the whole of the Quran was rehearsed to him twice by the Arch-angel, Gabriel.

COMPILATION OF THE HOLY QURAN The divine revelations were committed to memory and also written down by scribes appointed by the Holy Prophet (saw). He himself indicated the arrangement of verses and chapters in the Quran as we find it today. However, the compilation of the whole Quran in one volume was undertaken after his death.

First Quranic revelation was Surah Al-Alaq, Verse 2-5. Last Quranic revelation was Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 282, or Surah AlMaaidah, verse 4. The total number of letters in the Holy Quran is 323, 760. The total number of words in the Holy Quran is 86, 430. The number of Ruku' in the Holy Quran is 540. The number of places of Sajdah - Tilawat (prostration during recitation) is 14. (Agreed upon)

WORD SEARCH PUZZLE THE TRUTH NEWSPAPER | FRIDAY, 16 DECEMBER 2016 Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining 50 letters spell a secret message.

CHAPTERS AND VERSES OF THE HOLY QURAN The Quran is divided into one hundred and fourteen Surahs or chapters. This division is based upon their subject matter and has the authority of the Holy Prophet (saw). Each Surah has a name given to it, and is further divided into Aayaat or verses. However, the division of the Quran into thirty Siparahs or parts is arbitrary. A reference to a particular verse of the Quran is generally represented by two numbers separated by a colon ":". For example, the reference (29:49) means the 49th verse of the 29th chapter.

A very distinctive feature of the Holy Quran is that it contains a divine guarantee for its perpetual preservation. "We sent down this book and verily We shall safeguard it". (15:10) As a result of this guarantee, the text of the Holy Quran has remained unchanged over the past fourteen hundred years. SOME MORE FACTS ABOUT THE QUR'AN





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The Friday Sermon Objectives of Jalsa Salana A summary of the Sermons of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V

Continued from page 3

good and forbid evil and believe in Allah.� (3:111) Huzur (aba) expressed his desire that Muslims in the world today would understand this beautiful teaching of Islam. He said that since the Muslim leaders have rejected the claim of the Promised Messiah (as), it is incumbent upon the Ahmadis to show the beautiful face of Islam to the world. Huzur (aba) said it is extremely important to look after the underprivileged amongst us, not by d o i n g t h e m a f a v o u r, b u t b y understanding this as their God-given right. In this regard, Huzur (aba) mentioned a recent survey which has shown that it is the religious communities that give the most charities in the world, and among the religious communities, it is the Muslim communities that are most advanced in this philanthropic generosity. The Jalsa Salana is an occasion where the comfort of others must be taken into account and because of such a large crowd gathering in a small vicinity, many instances arise, when one must display an attitude of affection and self-sacrifice towards others, even at the cost of his/her own comfort. Similarly, one must shun all pride and adapt an attitude of humility. Truth, expression of truth and justice must prevail in all our actions, even if it means giving witness against a loved one. Forgiveness and patience are virtues that every Ahmadi must practice. The most beautiful Quranic injunctions regarding absolute justice and kinship have no comparison in any other scriptures. When all participants of Jalsa Salana will adopt these high moral standards, a most beautiful atmosphere will be created, which naturally attracts people towards Ahmadiyyat. Huzur (aba) said that there must be many in the audience who have been a source of inspiration for others to accept Ahmadiyyat, as people from around the world write letters about

The Jalsa Salana is an occasion where the comfort of others must be taken into account and because of such a large crowd gathering in a small vicinity, many instances arise, when one must display an attitude of affection and self-sacrifice towards others, even at the cost of his/her own comfort. Similarly, one must shun all pride and adapt an attitude of humility. Truth, expression of truth and justice must prevail in all our actions, even if it means giving witness against a loved one. Forgiveness and patience are virtues that every Ahmadi must practice.

their most positive and spiritual experiences at Jalsa Salana. They often express their astonishment as to how such a large crowd of people can gather in peace. During the Jalsa Salana Germany held two months ago, a nonMuslim couple who had a negative impression of Islam attended the Jalsa with the intention of being severely critical of it. Instead, they were so inspired and impressed with the event that they accepted Ahmadiyyat and performed Bai'at.

Huzur (aba) reminded the workers that through their model behaviour and service, they are doing silent Tabligh. But in actuality, every guest (man, woman, child) attending the Jalsa Salana is doing silent Tabligh as well. This exemplary behaviour during Jalsa Salana should not be a temporary display of model behaviour but each individual must endeavour to bring about a permanent change towards goodness. Huzur (aba) stressed on the importance of saying “Salam� to one another. This act of saying salam can actually become the source of establishing peace in the world today, the condition being that one must say salam to everyone (not only to friends and relatives) with the best possible intention and with the most genuine compassion. In the end, Huzur (aba) also drew the attention of all Jalsa participants towards some organizational matters. Men who are accompanied by their children aged 7 or above must remain in the marquee and listen to the Jalsa program instead of roaming around outside, which causes disturbance along with lack of discipline. Similarly, women with little children must refrain from indulging in conversations while the program is in progress and make every endeavour to listen to the speeches. One must listen to all the speakers rather than picking and choosing a few select orators, as every speech is replete with knowledge and source of blessings. Workers on duty must discharge their duties with full responsibility and participants are urged to listen to the workers, even if they are younger than them in age. Especially during times of peak congestion, display patience and show exemplary discipline. Everyone, including workers and participants, is in charge of security, so keep an eye on your surroundings and report any untowardly behaviour to the authorities. May Allah enable us to reap the blessings of this auspicious occasion,





Every Ahmadi Should Volunteer for 'Waqf-e-Arzi’ urabbis and office holders and every (Friday Sermon Al Fazl 12th February 1977) Ahmadi should tell others to volunteer for 'Waqf-e-Arzi'. There is no doubt that The Promised Messiah (as) states: this is a sacrifice and it is a difficult road, but there is “I, myself, am fully experienced in this path and by also no doubt that we cannot receive Allah's Grace the sheer Blessings and Mercy of Allah the Almighty, without sacrifice.” I have derived great comfort and pleasure. It is my (Friday Sermon Al Fazl 27th August 1969) heartfelt desire that if for devoting my life in the way of Allah, I have to die and be reborn and die and be The Need for 'Waqf-e-Arzi' reborn yet again, then every time my desire should “There is a great need for temporary dedication keep increasing with enthusiasm. Therefore, since I ('Waqf Arzi'). A part of the Jama'at has forgotten that am experienced myself and have experienced that the members are 'Murabbis' (spiritual teachers) Allah the Almighty has given me such favour that if I themselves and the number of 'Murabbis' even with was told that there is no reward or profit in this the slight increase that we have is not sufficient. The devotion and that there is only pain and suffering, Jama'at thinks that reformation and guidance is the even then I would not stop from serving the cause of sole responsibility of 'Murabbis', whereas every Islam.” Ahmadi should attend to this task, and that is why I (Malfoozat; Vol. 1, p. 370) have drawn the attention of the Jama'at to the Scheme of 'Waqf-e-Arzi' which provides both spiritual and Advice to dedicate part of leave periods physical benefits. (Report of Majlis Mushawarat 1966, pages 14-15 Al-Fazl Nov.3,1971) Government Employees and 'Waqf-e-Arzi' “Those members who are government employees The Purpose of 'Waqf-e-Arzi' is to Teach the or employees of other institutions get some leave Holy Quran every year. Instead of using this leave for themselves Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh said: or their kin, they should use it in the service of God “The main purpose of the 'waqf-e-arzi' drive is that by devoting their leave for this Scheme.”(Friday members voluntarily and at their own expense go to Sermon Al Fazl 23rd March 1966) outlying Jama'ats and conduct classes to teach the Lawyers and 'Waqf-e-Arzi' Holy Quran so that those members in turn become “Some professionals like lawyers have time off examples for the world.” when the courts are closed. Ahmadi lawyers can use (Friday Sermon 28th March 1969; Printed in Al- this time to devote it for the publication of the Fazl, 14th May 1969) knowledge and teachings of the Holy Qur'an.”(Friday Sermon 10th August 1966) Waqfe arzi promotes acquisition of Knowledge. College Professors and School Teachers Should The second Khalifa said; Also Participate in 'Waqf-e-Arzi' “Look! I am a human being. The one who will “In the same manner, College Professors, lecturers, follow me and during whose era there will be School Teachers and mature College students victories, he also will be a human being. He, by should, in their periods of leave, work under this himself will not be able to teach all (the newcomers). Scheme. Some school students can also participate, You have to become their teachers. Therefore, you because there are those school students who, because must learn now so that you could teach them. It has of their age and health, can shoulder these been decreed by God Almighty that you will be made responsibilities. They too should submit their names learned instructors. Therefore, it is extremely for this Scheme, provided they can bear their own essential that you study so that you may become expenses.” (Friday Sermon Al Fazl 23rd March teachers to the newcomers. If you do not study 1966) yourself then what will you teach them? What knowledge can an illiterate and ignorant teacher Students and 'Waqf-e-Arzi' impart to a student?” “I especially ask students to proceed on 'waqf-earzi' (Anwar-e-Khilafat) because the summer holidays are approaching. Their knowledge will increase and they will strive to be an 'Waqf-e-Arzi' is a means of Self-Reformation example for the people they will be interacting with. “The second benefit of the Scheme of 'waqf-e-arzi' Their exemplary behaviour will leave a deep is that the people proceeding on this Scheme are impression on others because of their young age.” enabled to examine their weaknesses before they (Friday Sermon Al Fazl 12th February 1977) leave and thus are provided with an opportunity to pray for the removal of those weaknesses. They are Ahmadi Women and 'Waqf-e-Arzi' thus prepared for 'waqf-e-arzi' by gaining more “Those who go on 'Waqfe Arzi' are grouped in twos. knowledge of the faith through reading religious Ahmadi women also participate. They are sent literature that they intend to take with them. They are outside only if their husbands, or fathers or brothers motivated to become examples for the people they accompany them. Otherwise they are asked to are getting ready to visit. The groups of 'waqfe- arzi' function within their own locality to train other have benefited greatly from the blessings of prayer.” women so that in order to please God, sisters can


forge relations of love with other sisters.” (Friday Sermon Al Fazl 12th February 1977) Waqfe arzi in summary 1. Spend the days (two to six weeks) that you have devoted in special prayers and remembrance of Allah. 2. The training of the Ahmadi Jama'at at the location you are sent to is your first responsibility. Wherever you are sent, pay increased attention to regularity of congregational prayers. Every person must at least be able to read the Arabic text of the Holy Quran. Attention should also be given to translation and interpretation. The recitation of the Holy Quran should become prevalent among children, the young and old, as well as women. 3. Members of the Jama'at should be persuaded to participate in Jama'at work and particularly to pay their prescribed chandas on time. 4. Lovingly resolve any misunderstanding or riff between two Ahmadi brothers if it exists, but never involve yourself in local disputes. 5. Pay attention to training and reformation of the members of the Jama'at. 6. Try to be active and take an interest in Jama'at work. 7. Prepare your own food. If under severe constraint, hire someone to cook for you even if your relatives present offer to do so. Inform and invite as many members as possible to join the blessed Scheme of 'Waqf-e-Arzi'. Separate applications on behalf of each member should be made to Amir and each application should include the following information: (i) How many weeks are to be devoted? (ii) When and from what date will the applicant be available? (iii) How far can the applicant travel from his residence at his own expense? (iv) Age and Educational level of the applicant. (v) Ability to read the Holy Quran with and without translation. (vi) How many books of the Promised Messiah (as) has the applicant read? (vii) Has the applicant any experience of preaching or training? (viii) Has the applicant ever been an office holder of the Jama'at or of Ansarullah or Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Auxiliaries? 9. Send detailed Weekly Reports to Amir about your activities. 10.Check the Jama'at visited for the existence of Musis (subscribers to the Will) and to see if each Musi is discharging his minimum responsibility of teaching the Holy Quran to at least two members annually.

The Truth “And say, Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away; falsehood does indeed vanish away fast.

“Every morning should be a witness for you that you spent the night with righteousness, and every evening should testify for you that you went through the day with the fear of Allah in your heart.” - The Promised Messiah

Holy Qur’an 17:82

New Mosque opened by Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Regina, Canada


he Ahmadiyya M u s l i m Community is pleased to announce that on 4 November 2016, the Wo r l d H e a d o f t h e Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad inaugurated the Mahmood Mosque in Regina, which serves as the capital city of Saskatchewan Province in Canada. Upon arrival, His Holiness officially inaugurated the Mosque by u n v e i l i n g a commemorative plaque and offering a silent prayer in thanks to God Almighty. His Holiness then delivered the weekly Friday Sermon from the newly built Mosque in which he outlined the true and

entirely peaceful objectives of Mosques. Furthermore, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad praised the efforts and sacrifices of the local Ahmadi Muslims who raised funds for the construction of the Mosque and even played a great role in its physical construction. His Holiness mentioned that the money spent on constructing the Mosque was greatly reduced due to the sacrifices made by the local Ahmadi Muslims who volunteered their time to help construct the Mosque. A total of 41,500 man-hours were dedicated by the local Ahmadi Muslims in building the Mosque. Contrasting the peaceful actions of Ahmadi Muslims with the actions of extremist Muslims, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

said: “Whilst certain Muslims are busy in spreading disorder in the world, Ahmadi Muslims are dedicating their time and wealth for building Houses of God. Ahmadi Muslims are acting in accordance to saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said that whosoever builds a House of Allah in this life, builds a house for himself in heaven.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued and said that the sacrifices made by Ahmadi Muslims were in order to attain the pleasure of Allah and to dispel misunderstandings about Islam. “The sacrifices by Ahmadi Muslims are for the sake of informing the world that Mosques and the

teachings of Islam are not the cause of disorder in the world, rather they are a means of bettering ourselves in this life and in the Hereafter. They draw mankind towards loving their Creator and His Creation.” His Holiness remarked that Ahmadi Muslims in Canada were extremely fortunate as they lived in a country where they could build Mosques and freely practice their faith, whereas Ahmadi Muslims living in Pakistan were unable to do so. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Often Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan write to me in great distress asking for prayers that the laws change so that they can build Mosques or even halls where they can offer their

prayers in congregation. Currently, they are not even permitted to build a room with an extended place for the Imam to stand in and so Mosque features such as minarets and domes are out of the question. In fact in some areas the conditions are so harsh that Ahmadi Muslims cannot even construct buildings that face towards Mecca.” His Holiness said that at a time where materialism was increasingly dominant, it was the duty of Ahmadi Muslims to inform others about the blessings of spirituality and religion. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “At this moment in time, the majority of the world considers material progress as its sole objective… In such times, it is the responsibility of Ahmadi

Muslims to inform the world that the pursuit of materialism cannot bring eternal joy or contentment. Rather, the true and everlasting means to happiness and peace is attained by fulfilling the rights of God.” His Holiness said that the Mosque was bound to spark interest amongst the local population and that the local people would take note of the conduct of those who attended the Mosque. Therefore, it was incumbent upon Ahmadi Muslims to exhibit excellent moral conduct and righteousness at all times.

The Truth Published by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria and printed by Raqeem Press. Office: Km. 27, Abeokuta Expressway, Ojokoro, Lagos State. TELEPHONE: 09051133553; ADVERTS: 07068820428; CIRCULATION: 08027382429; EMAIL: thetruthnewsnigeria@gmail.com; EDITOR: ABDULGANIYY ADIAMOH. All correspondence to P.O. Box 418 Lagos 100101. ISSN 0311 5975

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