AV 23rd March 2024

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T h e H e a l t h a n d C a r e V i s a i s f o r healthcare professionals and workers from around the world to come to work in the UK health and social care sector For applicants, the benefits of t h e H e a l t h a n d C a r e W o r k e r v i s a include fast-tracked entry to the UK, together with reduced visa fees and e x e m p t i o n f r o m t h e I m m i g r a t i o n Health Surcharge. It also includes the s u p p o r t o f a d e d i c a t e d U K V I a p p l i c a t i o n p r o c e s s i n g t e a m B u t denying family rights to workers who come all the way to a new country, is a sensitive topic and has sparked major controversy in the UK

FIRST & FOREMOST ASIAN WEEKLY IN EUROPE Let noble thoughts come to us from every side VOL 52 - ISSUE 45 23 - 29 MARCH 2024 Women in Conversation championing inclusion and empowerment O F B J P organises car rally in London to support P M Narendra Modi’s election campaign SEE PAGE - 09 SEE PAGE - 1 6-1 7 R CARE OR ABUSE? Full story on page 08 A kaleidoscope of colour and culture Full story on page 22 India to hold world’s biggest election in seven stages from April 19, results on June 4 Continued on page 12 New UK visa policy creates turmoil for health and care workers as the government clamps down on dependents, prompting concerns over policy effectiveness and impact on workforce availability
Saxena F r o m 1 1 M a r c h 2 0 2 4 , f o l l o w i n g p r o p o s a l s
Health and
visa holders are prohibited from
This decision has stirred controversy, shedding
on the
a n n o u n c e d i n D e c e m b e r 2023,
Care Worker
bringing d e p e n - d a n t s w i t h t h e m t o t h e U K .
gove-rnment's l o n g - s t a n d i n g p o l i c i e s , w h i c h a r e
as inadequate and prone to exploitation

r Na ren dra Modi concer ning t he im passe in ne gotiat ions for a fre e tra de ag ree ment bet wee n L ondon an d Ne w Delhi

Initially, the Indian gove r n m e n t e x p r e s s e d e a g e rness to f inalise new trade terms with the UK before the onset of 2024 and ahead o f t h e u p c o m i n g n a t i o n a l e l e c t i o n s i n s p r i n g Fo l l o w i n g P r i m e M i n i s t e r R i s h i Su n a k ’ s v i s i t t o t h e Indian capital for the G20 summit in September, there were indications of a potential breakthrough, with Mr Sunak being invited for an "early" return visit by the Modi government However, given the approaching general election in India next month, prospects for a deal before a new government is elected seem dim

During the phone call on

S m o n W a k e r / N

Rishi Sunak and Narendra Modi

Tu e s d ay b e t w e e n t h e t w o leaders, they addressed some "o u t s t a n d i n g i s s u e s " t h a t had arisen during the negotiations, suggesting that a d e a l i s n o t i m m i n e n t Coinciding with this conversation, New Delhi recently s e c u r e d a d e a l w i t h t h e Eu r o p e a n Fr e e Tr a d e Association (Efta) nations No r w a y, Sw i t z e r l a n d , Iceland , and Liechtenstein in a pact anticipated to a t t r a c t a p p r ox i m a t e l y £ 7 8

b i l l io n o f i nv e s t m e nt i nt o India

A s t a t e m e n t f r o m Downing Street highlighted the leaders' recognition of t h e r o b u s t p a r t n e r s h i p between the UK and India a n d t h e i r d i s c u s s i o n o n recent progress in free trade a g r e e m e n t n e g o t i a t i o n s B o t h le a d e r s a f f i r m e d t h e importance of achieving a historic and comprehensive deal benef icial to both countries

Hester racism row as trivial

Kem i Bad enoch has d efended the Co nservativ e Party's d ec is i o n no t to re fu s e m o ney fr o m i ts la rg es t d onor, Frank Hester, desp ite a cc u s ati o n s o f r ac i sm against him

Dismissing the controversy as "trivia", the business s e c r e t a r y a r g u e d t h a t t h e party should retain the £10 m i l l i o n d o n a t i o n s i n c e Hester had apologised for remarks attributed to him in 2 0 19 re g a rd i n g M P D i a n e Abbott

Badenoch, who was the f irst minister to label the comments as racist, defended Chancellor Rishi Sunak's response to the issue, stating t h a t He s t e r 's a p olo g y h a d

T he specu lation surrou nding Kate M idd leton's disapp earance show s no signs of abating , esp ecially w ith the emerg ence of a new v ideo sh owing her at a farm sh op

Kemi Badenoch

r e s o l v e d t h e m a t t e r S h e emphasised that the reported comments were historical and not recent, suggesting that the party should accept the donation without complication I n a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h T i m e s R a d i o a n d L B C , B a d e n o c h r e i t e r a t e d h e r

by the British Royal Family to conceal the truth Since

Middleton has largely stayed out of the public eye

occurred when a video went viral on social media platforms, depicting Prince William and Kate Middleton

Sunak praises resilience of Post Office victims

Prime M inister Rishi Su nak expressed h is ap preciatio n fo r the resili enc e of hundred s of Post Off ice branch manag ers, including several British A sians, as legislation to o verturn their wrong ful conv ictions was introduced on Wed nesday

The legislation addresses the historic Post Off ice scandal involving the faulty Ho r i z o n a c c o u n t i n g s o f t -

ware, which falsely accused s u b - p o s t m a s t e r s o f f r a u d Su n a k a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e courage and perseverance of t h e p o s t m a s t e r s i n t h e i r q u e s t fo r j u s t i c e , s t a t i n g ,

"While I know that nothing c a n m a ke u p fo r w h a t t h e y ' v e b e e n t h r o u g h , today s legislation marks an important step for ward in f inally clearing their names " He emphasised the govern-

m e n t 's c o m m i t m e n t t o delivering justice to those affected by the scandal and preventing similar injustices in the future

T h e D e p a r t m e n t fo r Business and Trade (DBT) w i l l o v e r s e e t h e n e w Ho r i z o n C o n v i c t i o n s Redress Scheme to provide c o m p e n s a t i o n t o t h o s e whose convictions are overturned by the legislation

UN experts urge review of Shamima

Begum's citizenship

A group o f United Nations experts have urg ed Britain to rep at ri at e S h a m i m a Beg um, who w as stripped o f her citizensh ip

A t t h e a g e o f 1 5 , Shamima left the countr y to marr y a Daesh (Islamic State group) f ighter Now 24 and residing in a refugee camp in northern Syria, Begum lost an appeal last month against the decision to revoke her B r i t i s h c i t i z e n s h i p T h e g r o u p o f f i v e U N s p e c i a l rapporteurs expressed deep concern over the Februar y

s t a n c e , a s s e r t i n g t h a t t h e fo c u s s h o u l d b e o n m o re pressing matters rather than dwelling on past remarks S h e c r i t i c i s e d t h e m e d i a's a t t e n t i o n t o t h e i s s u e , describing it as pure speculation and highlighting that it did not align with the priorities of her constituents or the general public S h e c a l l e d fo r a s h i f t away from constant accusat io n s a n d c o u nt e r-a c c u s at i o n s o f r a c i s m , u r g i n g a focus on issues that genuinely impact people's lives B a d e n o c h e m ph a s i s e d t h e need to move beyond trivial controversies and concentrate on addressing substantive concerns

2 3 r u l i n g a n d c a l l e d o n Br i t a i n t o p ro v i d e B e g u m with protection, including repatriation, while urgently r e v i e w i n g t h e d e c i s i o n t o

Shamima Begum

revoke her citizenship

" B e g u m r e m a i n s stripped of her citizenship, vulnerable, and denied assistance and protection as a possible victim of traff icki n g , " t h e e x p e r t s s t a t e d

They emphasised the importance of respecting protections for victims of traff ick-

ing, especially children, to ensure meaningful support Despite Begum's loss in the Court of Appeal, where all f ive arguments presented by her were rejected, she still has the option to appeal to the UK Supreme Court

The UN experts argued that there is a credible suspic i o n t h a t B e g u m w a s recruited and harboured for sexual exploitation, emphasising that human traff icking is a serious international crime Concerned about the p o t e n t i a l s t a t e l e s s n e s s o f B e g u m , t h e e x p e r t s h i g hl i g h t e d t h a t l a s t m o n t h's judgment effectively left her without citizenship, violating international law

F iy a z M u g ha l, r e po r t e d ly ha ndpicked by Micha el G ove t o comba t Islam ophobia, ha s re sig ned cit ing d oubts a bout t he g ov e rn m en t ’ s co mmi tme nt to t ackling the issue

Mughal, aged 52, stated t h a t t h e D e p a r t m e n t fo r Levelling Up, Housing and Communities had endorsed h i m t o s p e a r h e a d e f fo r t s a g a i n s t e x t r e m i s m a s t h e i n a u g u r a l a n t i-Mu s l i m h a t r e d t s a r A c c o r d i n g t o The Times, Mughal revealed that his name was unveiled by the government just days before he was set to commence his duties, sparking a torrent of abuse that reignited past mental health struggles

Fiyaz Mughal

W h i l e Mu g h a l h a s

right-wing extremists, who deemed him unwelcome in Britain, and Islamists, who b r a n d e d h i m a " h e r e t i c , " exposing him to risks

Ex p r e s s i n g f r u s t r a t i o n , Mughal highlighted the government's perceived lack of seriousness, emphasising the minimal time commitment of his role just two days a month for which he would receive £540 per day

stepped down, the government asserts that no formal offer was extended to him for the role, aff irming that a decision on the appointment w i l l b e fo r t h c o m i n g T h e activist disclosed encountering racial hostility from both

photograph first shared by Kensington Palace on Mother ’s Day that sparked speculation

b r e a t h e d a s i g h o f r e l i e f , h o p i n g fo r a n u p d a t e o n M i d d l e t o n s h e a l t h However,

the mood quickly shifted

pointed out inconsistencies in the video,

I n h i s o w n w o r d s , Mughal expressed indignation, noting the irony of the g o v e r n m e n t 's c a l l s fo r British Muslims to speak out w h i l e fe e l i n g a b a n d o n e d when they do so, with significant personal and professional repercussions

On Th ursd ay, the UK g over nm e nt in tro d u c ed a re v i se d d ef i ni ti o n o f extremism, a mov e met w ith concern from church leaders wh o cau tioned ag ainst potentially disproportionate imp act on Mu slim co mmunities

The previous def inition o f e x t r e m i s m fo c u s e d o n vocal or active opposition to f u n d a m e n t a l v a l u e s l i ke mutual respect and tolerance The updated def inition now specif ies extremism as the promotion of ideologies based on violence, hatred, or intolerance, with

a fo c u s o n a c t i o n s t h a t negate or undermine fundamental rights and democratic principles

Additionally, it addresses the intentional creation o f a n e n v i r o n m e n t c o nducive to achieving extremist objectives The government emphasised that this new def inition is narrower and more precise than its 2011 counterpart, aimed at c a p t u r i n g o n l y t h e m o s t concerning activities witho u t i m p i n g i n g o n p r i v a t e and peaceful beliefs

However, concerns have been raised regarding poten-

tial bias in targeting Muslim c o m m u n i t i e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y amidst recent accusations of I s l a m o p h o b i a w i t h i n t h e r u l i n g Co n s e r v a t i v e p a r t y T h e A r c h b i s h o p o f C a n t e r b u r y, a l o n g w i t h other church leaders, cautioned that the revised def inition could exacerbate division, especially considering the rising levels of hate and a b u s e e x p e r i e n c e d b y Muslim communities

Cr i t i c s a r g u e t h a t t h e new def inition may foster mistrust and division rather than effectively combatting extremism

u n d e r g o i n g a b d o m i n a l s u r g e r y i n Ja n u a r y 2 0 2 4 , Kate
This latest development has ignited further debate online, with users quick to scrutinise the footage and label it as another attempt A s i g n i f i c a n t d e v e l o pment
as fans
a l l e g i n g i t w a s " p h o t oshopped " A m i d s t t h i s f l u r r y o f s p e c u l a t i o n , R o y a l Fa m i l y s o u r c e s h i n t e d a t a n "e x t r e m e l y i m p o r t a n t " a n n o u n c e m e n t fo r t h c o ming Speculation is rife as analysts attempt to decipher the nature of the impending declaration 02 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024 MORTGAGES Remortgages Buy to Let Residential ALFINANCIA PROTECTION Income Protection Critical Illness Life Insurance SERVICES mortgage@majorestate.co 77 High Street, Wealdston Call: 020 8424 Mortgage Ad Dinesh S C Please conta om ~ majorestate.com ne, Harrow, HA3 5DQ 4 8686 / 07956 810647 dviser Shonchhatra act: Sunak, Modi discuss stalled UK-India trade deal R ishi Suna k has e nga ged in r e n e w e d d i sc u ss io n s w it h I n d i a n P r i m e M in is t e
strolling at a farm market in Windsor Initially, viewers
o 0 D o w n n g S t r e e t
C r e d t
Badenoch dismisses
‘KateGate’ refuses to die down

“Right man” wrong timing?

The UK stands at the brink of yet another significant electoral moment amidst a backdrop of formidable challenges both at home and abroad As the forthcoming general election looms on the horizon, with a substantial 20% lead in the polls, the opposition Labour Party hints at a potential shift in power However, the nation's political landscape remains fraught with turbulence, raising doubts about Labour's capacity to implement its economic agenda amid prevailing dysfunctions

In recent years, the British economy and political arena have weathered the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical upheavals such as Russia's aggression in Ukraine While the Conservative government deflects responsibility for global events, it cannot shirk accountability for the tumultuous Brexit process, which has inflicted profound and deleterious effects on the country

The debate surrounding Brexit remains contentious, with many politicians hesitant to broach the subject, partly due to voter reluctance and efforts by prominent Brexiteers to stifle discussion Nonetheless, the UK's current economic challenges - including diminishing exports, sluggish growth, flagging productivity, high taxes, and strained public finances - underscore the pressing need to address the fallout from Brexit

The impulsive decision to depart from the EU, made without adequate planning and fuelled by false promises and misinformation, has plunged the UK into a precarious position Now confronted with the harsh realities of Brexit, the nation finds itself at a critical juncture

Lucy Frazer, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, emphasised that Rishi Sunak remains "the right man" to lead the Conservatives, despite acknowledging "lots of excel-

lent talent on our benches Her remarks come amid speculation surrounding a purported Tory scheme to replace him before the general election, with Commons leader Penny Mordaunt touted as a potential successor

A year ago, Rishi Sunak outlined five pledges for voter scrutiny While the prime minister has fulfilled his commitment to halve inflation by the end of 2023, four pledges remain unfulfilled The UK's confirmation of recession underscores a shortfall in the PM's commitment to economic growth With the general election looming, Sunak's delivery of his remaining promises faces intensified scrutiny

Former defence secretary Ben Wallace cautioned against seeking an alternative to Rishi Sunak amidst reports of a backbench Conservative plot to depose the prime minister Wallace emphasised, "There is no other alternative Ultimately, the only victor of this type of shenanigans is the Labour Party "

Reform UK is a national political party that advocates for common-sense policies on immigration, the cost of living, energy, and national sovereignty However, many voters remain unaware of the party's authenticity and infrastructure Therefore, Britons must exercise their votes with careful consideration and certainty to ensure that their interests are represented effectively

To navigate the road ahead, British leaders must confront the reality of Brexit and endeavour to mend relations with the EU Regardless of the election outcome, addressing these pressing issues should be a paramount priority, steering clear of divisive populism and focusing on sustainable solutions to restore Britain's global stature and foster economic prosperity and stability

Central banks mull rate adjustments amid economic shift

The global economic landscape is undergoing a shift as central banks worldwide consider adjusting borrowing costs amidst easing inflation Some institutions, particularly in emerging markets, have already started cutting rates, but many more are forecast to follow this year, including the US Federal Reserve, t h e E u r o p e a n C e n t r a l B a n k a n d t h e B a n k o f E n g l a n d

Following recent data revealing a rise in US consumer prices during February, economists anticipate the Fed to maintain its interest rate unchanged However, the consensus suggests that the Fed may implement two or fewer cuts this year as it navigates the final stages of its battle against inflation

If economists are right, that would disappoint the Biden administration, which is keen for borrowing costs to fall to pre-pandemic levels sooner rather than later That would ease voter concerns that mortgages have become unaffordable ahead of November’s presidential vote Despite efforts outlined in the State of the Union address to mitigate housing affordability challenges through tax credits, the impact may not match the significance of lowering borrowing costs Disappointing economic indicators may prompt the Fed to postpone rate cuts until later in the year, particularly as the election season intensifies with familiar contenders: incumb e n t P r e s i d e n t J o e B i d e n a n d f o r m e r P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d


During his address to the crowd, Trump issued a warning about the potential demise of American democracy and cautioned of a 'bloodbath' scenario if he were to lose the upcoming US presidential election However, Trump's remarks faced significant criticism from many quarters, with numerous crit-

ics condemning his statements

In the Eurozone, although inflation dipped slightly in February, the European Central Bank refrains from forecasting the timing of its first rate cut Similarly, in the UK, while inflation shows signs of moderation, central bank policy makers remain cautious until consumer price inflation (CPI) returns to the 2% target Even as countries like Japan, which historically maintained relatively higher interest rates, have recently opted to hike rates for the first time in 17 years, this decision signifies a significant departure from its previously entrenched ultra-loose monetary policy This rate adjustment, the first since 2007, comes in response to inflation in Japan hitting its highest level in over 40 years in 2023 This surge in inflationary pressures has compelled Japanese households to tighten their belts, presenting additional challenges for the country

In contrast, India, the seventh-largest country globally and eight times larger than Japan, boasts a substantial economy Despite its size and economic significance, India's inflation remained relatively stable in February, persistently above the central bank's target This continued inflationary trend gives policymakers ample reason to exercise caution in their monetary policy decisions

Moreover, India's robust economic growth in the last quarter further reinforces the need for policymakers to remain vigilant Many experts predict continued strong GDP growth for India in the coming years, underlining the importance of prudent policymaking in sustaining economic stability and managing inflationary pressures effectively

India embarks on historic parliamentary election journey

India, the world’s largest democracy, has commenced its extensive parliamentary election, spanning over two and a half months, to determine its future leadership The Election Commission of India (ECI), serving as the nation’s impartial electoral authority, unveiled the schedule for this democratic spectacle, unrivalled in both its magnitude and historical significance on a global scale

The election covers a huge area, including big cities and small villages with an estimated 969 million eligible voters poised to exercise their right, tasked with electing 543 representatives to the Lok Sabha, the lower chamber of parliament Additionally, two other members are appointed, bringing the total strength of the house to 545

India’s electoral undertaking is monumental, characterised by its vibrancy, diversity, and intricacy, and it's crucial that the process occurs freely and responsibly, devoid of any interference from elements seeking personal benefits from the elections This is why the Supreme Court's decision to prohibit electoral bonds is greatly appreciated These bonds have previously faced scrutiny and were condemned by the highest court for promoting secrecy and the susceptibility to be exploited for money laundering

The revelation of electoral bond data has stirred controversy in the country's political arena, with parties accusing each other of extortion and using it to tarnish their opponents' reputations However, these allegations are short-lived as voters prioritise choosing a party based on genuine efforts for the nation's advancement In reality, the prohibition of these bonds and the disclosure of related data have promoted transparency, ensuring that neither ruling nor opposition

parties can be influenced by external entities This will instil greater confidence in Indian citizens regarding the leaders they elect

In a bid to further ensure a fair and transparent election process, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has also taken necessary precautions, instructing the removal of home s

Furthermore, the ECI has ousted the director general of police (DGP) of West Bengal due to previous removal from active election management duties during the 2016 Assembly Election and 2019 Lok Sabha Elections Additionally, the secr e

Mizoram and Himachal Pradesh have also been relieved of their responsibilities

The commission has directed all state governments to transfer officers involved in election-related activities who have served for three years or are stationed in their home districts This measure is part of the commission's commitment to ensuring fairness and integrity in the electoral process, as emphasised by Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar Officials in these states were found to hold dual positions in the offices of chief ministers, potentially compromising impartiality and neutrality, especially regarding law and order and the deployment of forces during elections

As the election unfolds over the coming months, the integrity of India's democracy will be tested, but with the collective efforts of citizens, electoral authorities, and the judiciary, it is poised to uphold its status as the world s largest democracy

Political Sketchbook

“Why Is India Accelerating Citizenship to Foreigners When UK and

US Is Doing the Opposite?”

I s In dia b ein g a s of t touch w ith the CAA ? Tr ump say s h e w ill be throwi ng out ‘ille gals’ Th e UK wan ts them i n Rwa nda But Ind ia is acce leratin g the ir citi zen shi p! Wha t i s going on? What would a mas ter strate gis t lik e C han akya ma ke of this ?

Strategic Inclusivity: Chanakya might have seen the CAA as a strategic tool to protect persecuted minorities, aligning with his views on the ruler's duty to provide asylum and protection to those in need However, he would likely advocate for care that those seeking to purposely misunderstand do not try to create a false narrative based on exclusion on the basis of religion

State Stability and Security: He may have analysed the CAA from the perspective of state security and stab i l i t y , c o n s i d e r i n g t h e i m p l i c a t i o n s o f i n t e g r a t i n g refugees and migrants Chanakya's focus would likely be on ensuring that the process strengthens the state's security apparatus, rather than creating internal divisions or external conflicts India has taken a risk One which we know even the United States is not willing to take But India’s Ministry of External Affairs argues that this openness fits with India’s traditions of inclusivity for the persecuted over centuries from Parsis, Jews, Christians, who all fled to India to avoid persecution

E c o n o m i c I m p l i c a t i o n s : W i t h h i s s i g n i f i c a n t emphasis on the economy and governance, Chanakya would examine the economic impact of the CAA This includes the process of integrating new citizens into the economy, ensuring they contribute positively and do not burden the state's resources As Citizens their rights proliferate Again this is a massive risk for India But again, India would argue as it grows in wealth, the right thing to do is open it’s doors to the persecuted and take a lead

Legal and Ethical Framework: While Chanakya was pragmatic, he also valued a strong legal and ethical framework for governance He might critique the CAA for potentially giving those who seek to make trouble without cause of ammunition for saying the CAA is conflicting with the secular principles of the Indian Constitution, advising that laws should unify rather than divide to maintain the moral authority of the state But a man of strength of character, Chanakya would say, “do the right thing, not what those without your interests at heart want you to do”

Public Perception and Diplomacy: Understanding the importance of public perception and diplomacy, C h a n a k y a w o u l d l i k e l y a d v i s e t h e g o v e r n m e n t t o engage in transparent and direct dialogue with both domestic and international communities He would stress the importance of maintaining India's reputation as a democratic and secular state, suggesting that the Act be positioned within a narrative that emphasizes c o m p a s s i o n a n d s t r a t

INDIA OFFICE Bureau Chief: Nilesh Parmar (BPO) AB Publication (India) Pvt Ltd 207 Shalibhadra Complex, Opp Jain Derasar, Nr Nehru Nagar Circle, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380 015 Tel: +91 79 4601 2649 Email: gs ahd@abplgroup com © As an Business Pub cat ons 03 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www asian-voice com 23 - 29 March 2024 "Positive anything is better than negative nothing " – Elbert Hubbard
for the week Asian Voice is published by Asian Business Publications Ltd Harrow Business Centre, 429-433 Pinner Road, North Harrow Middlesex, HA1 4HN Tel: 020 7749 4080 • Fax: 020 7749 4081 Email: aveditorial@abplgroup com Website: www abplgroup com
c f o r e s i g h t r a t h e r t h a n exclusion
e g i
c r e t a r i e s i n s i x s t a t e s : G u j a r a t , U t t a r P r a d e s h , B i h a r , J h a r k h a n d , H i m a c h a l P r a d e s h , a n d U t t a r a k h a n d
a r i e s o f t h e g e n e r a l a d m i n i s t r a t i v e d e p a r t m e n t s i n

Unexpected stop: Barack Obama visits No10

F orm er U S Presid ent Barack O ba m a p a i d a v is i t to Dow ning Street on Monday for a private m eeting with Rishi Sunak

Arriving shortly after 3 PM, Obama greeted members of the press with a smile a n d w a v e b e f o r e e n t e r i n g No 10 The visit, described as a courtesy call, coincided w i t h h i s p r e s e n c e i n

London During the approximately hour-long meeting, mostly conducted one-ono n e , O b a m a a n d S u n a k engaged in discussions over

cups of tea, covering various t o p i c s i n c l u d i n g a r t i f i c i a l intelligence

Exiting No 10, Obama w a s a c c o m p a n i e d b y U S

Ambassador to Britain Jane Hartley As he departed, a broadcaster queried, "Why s h o u l d w e c a r e a b o u t d e m o c r a c y i n R u s s i a ? " t o which the former president responded, "I'm tempted " b e f o r e g r a c i o u s l y m o v i n g towards his waiting car with a smile

Following his meeting, O b a m a w a s s c h e d u l e d t o j o i n h i s l o n g t i m e f r i e n d

David Lammy, the Shadow F o r e i g n S e c r e t a r y , a n d Lammy's wife Nicola Green for dinner

Visa declined for Afghan musicians?

A cc o rd i ng to re po r ts , th e Hom e Office has declined v is a s f o r yo u n g A fg h an m usicians sched uled to travel fro m P ortugal to the UK for a tour T h e A f g h a n Y o u t h Orchestra, set to kick off their UK tour at the Queen E l i z a b e t h H a l l i n t h e Southbank Centre, faced a setback Originally based in Afghanistan, the group, consisting of musicians aged 14 to 20, now resides in Lisbon due to exile prompted by the r e t u r n o f T a l i b a n r u l e i n 2021, which included a ban on music

T h e o r c h e s t r a ' s "Breaking the Silence" tour a i m e d t o r a i s e a w a r e n e s s about the challenges faced by Afghan women and girls Scheduled performances in Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham are affected by t h e v i s a r e f u s a l D e s p i t e i n v i t a t i o n s t o p e r f o r m i n European cities like Geneva and Bonn, the group's UK tour has been disrupted E x p r e s s i n g d i s a p p o i n tment, a spokesperson from t h e S o u t h b a n k C e n t r e emphasised the orchestra's significance as a symbol of hope and artistic freedom

Husband and parents imprisoned for wife's condition

A man has been sentenced to jail, alo ng with his parents, after his wife was left in a v eg etative state following an incid ent

in brief


S o u r c e

T h e y u r g e d t h e H o m e Office to reconsider its decis i o n , h i g h l i g h t i n g t h e orchestra's inspiring journey and the value it brings to UK audiences

In response, the Home O f f i c e u n d e r s c o r e d t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f m u s i c i a n s and performers to UK cult u r e b u t m a i n t a i n e d t h a t v i s a a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e assessed based on individual m e r i t s a n d a d h e r e n c e t o i m m i g r a t i o n r u l e s T h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y r e s t s w i t h applicants to demonstrate compliance with these regulations

BMA demands inquiry into utilisation of PAs

T h e B ri ti s h M ed i c al A ssociation (BMA ) is urg ing the Health Secretary to initiate an independent inqu iry into the utilisation of physician associates (PA s) within m ed i c al r o tas i n h o s p it al tru sts across Eng land

Despite not being medic a l l y q u a l i f i e d , P A s h a v e been employed to fill gaps in m e d i c a l s t a f f i n g , r a i s i n g concerns about patient safety and the integrity of medical care Recent investigat i o n s b y b o t h t h e D a i l y T e l e g r a p h a n d t h e B M A h a v e r e v e a l e d i n s t a n c e s w h e r e P A s a r e r e p l a c i n g

d o c t o r s i n m e d i c a l r o t a s , contrary to assurances from Government ministers and NHS England leaders T o a d d r e s s t h i s i s s u e , the BMA has developed a traffic light system to delineate the scope of practice for PAs, emphasising the need for clear guidelines on their r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s P u b l i s h e d on March 7, the BMA's scopi n g d o c u m e n t c a t e g o r i s e s tasks that PAs may undertake independently, under supervision, or should not p e r f o r m C r u c i a l l y , i t emphasises that PAs should n e v e r b e a s s i g n e d d u t i e s

intended for qualified doctors, ensuring patient safety and upholding professional standards

The BMA is committed to collaborating with NHS E n g l a n d a n d t h e R o y a l Colleges to implement these g u i d e l i n e s e f f e c t i v e l y B y establishing a shared unders t a n d i n g o f t h e P A r o l e among medical professionals and NHS trusts nationw i d e , t h e B M A a i m s t o e m p o w e r i n d i v i d u a l s t o challenge inappropriate PA r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s a n d s a f eg u a r d p a t i e n t c a r e s t a ndards

Tata Steel halts Port Talbot coke ovens

T a ta S te el U K h a s announced the com mencem ent of the shutdown of its coke ov ens located in Po rt T albo t starting Wed nesday, i m p a c ti ng a p p ro x im ate ly 20 0 em ployees

The decision to close the operations earlier than initially planned was made due to safety concerns, as the coke ovens can no longer be operated safely These ovens play a crucial role in converting coal into coke, a vital raw material in the steel-

making process

However, the company assures that there will be no i m m e d i a t e r e d u n d a n c i e s , and efforts will be made to r e d e p l o y s t a f f w i t h i n t h e organisation Following the closure of the ovens, Tata Steel will need to procure all the coke required for steelm a k i n g f r o m e x t e r n a l sources

Rajesh Nair, Tata Steel U K ’ s c h i e f e x e c u t i v e , e x p r e s s e d r e g r e t o v e r t h e deteriorating condition of

British born, 44 years old, professional Male, vegetarian, non drinker & nonsmoker is seeking a female partner under 42 years of age. Please forward details to sutindia@gmail.com and we will get back to you if suitable. Alternatively, feel free to contact 07704 344 326.

t h e c o k e o v e n s d e s p i t e efforts to maintain operat i o n s H e e m p h a s i s e d t h e commitment of the workforce and acknowledged the c h a l l e n g e s f a c e d b y t h e plant

Nair also outlined the c o m p a n y ' s r e s t r u c t u r i n g plans, indicating the phased closure of heavy-end iron a n d s t e e l m a k i n g a s s e t s a t Port Talbot within the current calendar year The decis i o n r e f l e c t s t h e a g e i n g infrastructure and aims to address the financial losses incurred by Tata Steel

Ambreen Fatima Sheikh has been in a coma since July 2015, residing with her husband, Asgar Sheikh, 30, and his family in Huddersfield Emergency services were called in July 2015, discovering Ambreen with a severe brain injury upon arrival at the hospital The injury, estimated to have occurred up to 72 hours prior, rendered her permanently unconscious

In December of the previous year, a jury at L e e d s C r o w n C o u r t d e l i v e r e d u n a n i m o u s guilty verdicts against Asgar Sheikh, his mother Shabnam, and sister Shagufa for causing or allowing a vulnerable adult to suffer serious physical harm Additionally, all five defendants were found guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice

The court noted Ambreen s vulnerability and isolation, exacerbated by her lack of proficiency in English and her dependence on her husband's family Justice Lambert emphasised the collective responsibility of the defendants, highlighting their failure to address Ambreen's deteriorating condition and provide the necessary care

While the exact circumstances leading to her injuries remain unclear, the court condemned the defendants' neglect and disregard for Ambreen's well-being

Sadiq Khan's re-election bid: 40,000 council homes vow

Lo nd on M ayor

Sadiq Khan kicked off his re-election campaign with a prom ise to do uble the council ho mes target to 40 ,00 0, emphasising the opp ortunity for chang e amid the city's hou sing crisis

Joined by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, Khan framed the upcoming election as a choice between "chaos and division with the Tories" and "unity and hope with Labour " Despite polls indicating Khan's lead over his Conservative rival Susan Hall, he highlighted the competitive nature of the race, particularly with the voting system shifting to first-past-the-post Khan's ambitious pledge aims to address the housing shortage in London, acknowledging the challenges posed by skyrocketing property prices and rents

However, Khan's housing record faced criticism from Hall, who accused him of failing to address the growing need for new homes Khan defended his plans, stressing the importance of collaboration between a Labour mayor and a Labour government to tackle the housing crisis effectively

Despite challenges, Khan emphasised his commitment to championing London's values of openness, equality, and inclusion, positioning the city's diversity as a strength rather than a weakness

Britain has introduced a proposed draft law that would mandate banks to provide customers with a three-month notice and a clear explanation before closing their accounts This initiative comes in response to former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage s claim last year that he was "debanked" due to political reasons The issue of account terminations gained political significance and this controversy ultimately led to the unexpected departure of NatWest CEO Alison Rose In response In the draft law released for public feedback the finance ministry reiterated the government's stance that customers should not face account closures based on their lawful freedom of expression including political beliefs The proposed legislation requires payment services providers, such as banks, to give a 90-day notice period for account closures up from the current two months Additionally they must provide customers with a detailed explanation for the closure Parliament is expected to approve these new regulations before the summer, with implementation taking place "as soon as practicable "


The Civil Service Muslim Network has temporarily suspended its activities pending an investigation following allegations that it hosted events where speakers encouraged officials to influence government policy on the conflict in Gaza Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden announced an immediate suspension of the network after The Times obtained a memo detailing several webinars discussing the UK government s stance on Israel and Gaza One webinar held in December, led by a Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs official (whose identity remains undisclosed for legal reasons), characterised the conflict in Gaza as a "fight between good and evil," suggesting that Israel was aligned with evil This stance contrasts with UK government policy, which recognises Israel's right to defend itself under international law following Hamas's attack and kidnapping of Israeli hostages on 7 October During these events participants allegedly discussed the "insidious influence" of the "Israel lobby" on British politics criticising the mainstream media for bias and misinformation


London s population has rebounded to a likely record high marking a significant shift from the pandemic-induced exodus seen earlier Research conducted by the Centre for Cities reveals that the temporary flight of Londoners to rural areas during Covid was limited and short-lived Between mid2019 and mid-2021 the capital experienced a decline of 75,500 residents, equivalent to the population of a town like Tunbridge Wells However the trend has now reversed, with 66,000 people relocating to London in 2022, primarily due to a resurgence in international migration This surge has propelled London's population back to 10 1 million, just shy of its pre-pandemic peak While 2023 figures are yet to be released the Centre for Cities anticipates that London s population will likely reach a new high, with a mere 9,000 more residents needed to achieve this milestone Inner London boroughs like Camden and Tower Hamlets have witnessed population inflows surpassing pre-pandemic levels accompanied by rising rents indicating sustained demand for urban living

04 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Barack Obama
Rajesh Nair
W e s t Y o r k s h i e P o c e / P A W r e
(L-R) Asgar Sheikh 31 Khalid Sheikh 55 and Shabnam Sheikh, 52 Sadiq Khan

Three Indians honoured with Diana Legacy Award

at London's S c i e n c e M u s e u m o n

T h u r s d a y T h e s e a w a r d s r e c o g n i s e t h e o u t s t a n d i n g contributions of 20 young i n d i v i d u a l s w o r l d w i d e engaged in social activism or humanitarian work U d a y B h a t i a ' s j o u r n e y began as a 16-year-old mentoring students in the slums of Bichpuri, Uttar Pradesh W i t n e s s i n g t h e c h a l l e n g e s p o s e d b y f r e q u e n t p o w e r cuts hindering education, he d e v e l o p e d t h e i n n o v a t i v e Outage Guard bulb, providing affordable and uninterrupted lighting during outa g e s T h i s i n v e n t i o n h a s b e n e f i t e d 9 5 0 f a m i l i e s , enhancing their educational and employment prospects

Bhatia aims to expand his impact globally, focusing on energy generation and storage Manasi Gupta, aged 24, h a s p e r s o n a l l y c o n d u c t e d over 100 sessions worldwide to promote mental health support Through her found a t i o n , s h e h a s i m p a c t e d over 50,000 lives, fostering an empathetic community a n d d e l i v e r i n g i n n o v a t i v e campaigns Gupta's efforts include creating an illustrated book to raise funds and awareness, reaching millions via social media

Netra Venkatesh, a 17y e a r - o l d s t u d e n t f r o m Dubai, has been recognised

for her humanitarian initiatives, founding SpunkGo in 2020 This platform unites o v e r 5 , 0 0 0 g i r l s g l o b a l l y , offering free life skills webinars and empowering young w o m e n t h r o u g h s o c i a l media advocacy

Other South Asian recipi e n t s i n c l u d e A l i z e y K h a n f r o m P a k i s t a n , N a f i r a N a y e e m A h m a d a n d S h a m i m A h m e d M r i d h a f r o m B a n g l a d e s h , a n d

Pakistani American Sikander (Sonny) Khan Their endeavo u r s r a n g e f r o m e n s u r i n g food security and abolishing social taboos to promoting c l i m a t e e d u c a t i o n a n d addressing water scarcity

British Indians invited to become India Ambassadors

T h e re s on at in g ca ll o f I nd i a n P ri m e M i ni s ter Narendra Mod i's call urg ing members of th e Indian diaspora world wide to encourage their non-Indian friend s to v isit India has found su pp o rt at th e H ig h C o m m is s i o n o f I nd i a i n Lo nd on

The Indian Ministry of Tourism has initiated the Chalo India campaign This initiative aims to empower individuals of Indian origin to become "Incredible India

Ambassadors " Indian High Commissioner to the UK, V i k r a m D o r a i s w a m i , emphasised the opportunity f o r d i a s p o r a m e m b e r s t o serve as outstanding ambassadors for India during a g a t h e r i n g a t I n d i a H o u s e last week

D o r a i s w a m i s t a t e d , There is a genuine opportunity for you to be incredib l e a m b a s s a d o r s o f a n incredible India Ours is not merely a diverse country; it is the embodiment of the

w o r l d w i t h i n o n e n a t i o n

One can traverse every corner of the globe and still not experience all that India has t o o f f e r T h e r e f o r e , t h e p r o s p e c t o f e n c o u r a g i n g e v e r y i n t e r e s t e d f r i e n d t o explore this unique amalgamation of cultures is readily available to you "

Under the Chalo India c a m p a i g n , t h e r e i s n o restriction on the number of non-Indian friends diaspora members can encourage to visit India

Birmingham man jailed for cocaine smuggling

A man has become the ei ghth i ndi vid ual to be sen tenced to prison for hi s inv olvement i n a plot to smugg le £ 1 59 billi on w or th o f c o ca i n e i n to t he country The group had conspired to import 15 tons of drugs for

distribution across the nation Tabrez Hussain's role within the operation was to extract the cocaine from the boxes a n d t r a n s f e r i t i n t o l a r g e holdalls, subsequently loading them into vehicles for transp o r t a t i o n T h e 3 9 - y e a r - o l d ,

r e s i d i n g a t C u t h b e r t R o a d , Birmingham, had previously a d m i t t e d t o c o n s p i r a c y t o supply cocaine, classified as a class A controlled substance He was handed a 17-year prison sentence at Sheffield Crown Court on March 15

Nitish Kumar meets Doraiswami

While on his current trip to L o n d o n, B i h ar C h i ef Minister Nitish Kumar was v isited by sev eral p rom inent i nd iv id ua ls , i nc lu d i ng

Vikram K Doraisw am i, the Indian High Com missioner to the United Kingd om Kumar also had meeti n g s w i t h B a b a M o h i n d e r

Singh, the Jathedar of UK Seva Dal, a Sikh organisation, and a contingent of Biharis residing in Britain

During his discussion with Doraiswami, Kumar shared h i s i m p r e s s i o n s o f t h e

renowned science museum in London, which he had r e c e n t l y v i s i t e d H e a l s o

b r i e f e d t h e e n v o y a b o u t t h e f o r t hcoming science city in Patna, named in h o n o u r o f f o r m e r p r e s i d e n t A P J

Abdul Kalam

The objective of the science city is to showcase the scient i f i c c o n t r i b u t i o n s o f a n c i e n t I n d i a , i n c l u d i n g t h o s e o r i g i n a t i n g f r o m t h e h i s t o r i c a l c i t y o f

Pataliputra, now known as Patna

05 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024 en English Spok aminations in Ex aded SE: Gr GE Briti enewals a r vis as or vis VI f KVI to UK T LT s ( Teest Secure English Language T SEL ettlement enship and S ish Citiz ations or applic ed f ov ) appr s Ts o ack the pr arn and tr ou le s y help SE S y GE Trinit e with the Prepar arning. our English language le f y s o ogres ool that udy t t , an on-the-go s udy App t , Briti , vis o book t trin visit an the QR c Sc est our t y nityselt.co.uk ode or S e
This yea r's thr ee Indian s ar e a mong the re cipie nts of t he Dian a Leg acy Awa rds Uday Bhatia, founder of U d a y E l e c t r i c , M a n a s i G u p t a , f o u n d e r o f H u e s o f t h e m i n d F o u nd a t i o n , a n d N e t r a V e n k a t e s h , c r e a t o r o f SpunkGo, were honoured by Prince William
Uday Bhatia, Manasi Gupta, Netra Venkatesh Recipients of the Diana Legacy Awards with Prince William Vikram Doraiswami with Nitish Kumar

Budget-Friendly Ramadan and Eid Recipes


research by Asda has underscored the profound impact of the ongoing cost of living crisis on communities, notably during Ramadan and Eid.

In response to these challenges, Asda has collaborated with Shelina Permalloo, the 2012 MasterChef Winner, to develop four affordable and appetising recipes starting at just 45p

Shelina Permalloo

per serving. These recipes, including Tropical Overnight Oats, Moroccan Harira Soup, Juicy Beef Kebabs, and Gulab Jamun Barfi for Eid dessert, utilise Asda ingredients and incorporate cost-saving ingredient swaps and store cupboard seasonings

Detailed here are the recipes for Moroccan Harira Soup and Gulab Jamun Barfi




v 1 medium brown onion

v 4 cloves fresh garlic

v 400g tin KTC Chickpeas drained

v 2tbsp Tomato puree

v 1tbsp Cook by Asda cumin powder

v 1/2 tsp Cook by Asda tumeric powder

v 1tsp Cook by Asda paprika powder

v 1tsp Cook by Asda ground cinnamon powder

v 1tsp Cook by Asda ground ginger powder

v 1/2tsp ground black pepper

v Salt to taste

v 50g KTC Vermicelli

v 50g Cook by Asda cornflour mixed with 200 ml water

v 1 litre Asda Vegetable stock

v Fresh Corriander, to serve

v Lemon, to serve


1 Fry off the onions and spices, then add in the chickpeas, and vegetable stock and cook for 15 minutes.

2 Thicken with cornflour to liking, and cook for a further 10 minutes.

3 Add in the vermicelli and cook for 5 minutes and serve.

4 Garnish with coriander and freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Points of Light award for Ramadan Lights UK initiative

celebration of Ramadan has been h onou red with Prim e Minister Rishi Sunak's d aily Points of Lig ht award

Aisha Desai was presented with the award for her Ramadan Lights UK project, which was inspired by her childhood memories of festive Christmas lights in central London She aimed to provide a similar experience f o r M u s l i m c o m m u n i t i e s nationwide

D u r i n g t h e p a n d e m i c , Desai initiated a crowdfunding campaign to illuminate h e r n e i g h b o u r h o o d L a s t

year, she collaborated with t h e ' R a m a d a n O p e n T e n t Project' to oversee the firstever display of over 30,000 eco-friendly lights, forming 61 moons along Coventry Street in London

L o n d o n M a y o r S a d i q Khan inaugurated the lights earlier this month, marking the start of Ramadan Desai

expressed, "Ramadan Lights is about sharing the joy and spirit of Ramadan with our neighbours and celebrating the rich cultural diversity of modern Britain I am honoured to accept this award a n d s a l u t e t h e B r i t i s h M u s l i m c o m m u n i t y f o r their generous support "

Mike Freer, Desai's local MP for Finchley and Golders Green, praised her Ramadan Lights UK initiative, which aims to bring the spirit of R a m a d a n t o c o m m u n i t i e s through light art installations He commended her service to the community and deemed her a worthy recipient of the award

Uber organises "Sundown Spots" Iftar dinners nationwide

Th is Ramadan, U ber is once ag ai n o rg an i si n g s p ec i al Iftar d inners acro ss the U K for its drivers and cou riers D u b b e d S u n d o w n Spots', these pop-up restaurants will offer complimentary Iftar meals after sunset, s e r v i n g a s a g e s t u r e o f a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r t h e h a r d w o r k o f d e l i v e r y c o u r i e r s a n d U b e r d r i v e r s d u r i n g R a m a d a n T h e f i r s t

'Sundown Spot' will launch in London on March 28 at t h e H a l a l r e s t a u r a n t T u r k u o i s e , f o l l o w e d b y e v e n t s i n B i r m i n g h a m , L e e d s , L i v e r p o o l , a n d

Manchester Each location will offer custom menus and provide a designated area for prayer before Iftar Building on the success of last year's 'Iftar Incoming' campaign, Uber will introduce Open for Suhoor on M a r c h 1 1 T h i s c a m p a i g n h i g h l i g h t s t h e n u m e r o u s r e s t a u r a n t s o n t h e a p p e x t e n d i n g t h e i r h o u r s f o r

Suhoor, the pre-dawn meal eaten before fasting begins U b e r E a t s w i l l l a b e l l a t en i g h t r e s t a u r a n t s w i t h

Suhoor badges in the app a n d i l l u m i n a t e b i l l b o a r d s

with neon signs in selected cities Additionally, they will l a u n c h a p o s t - I f t a r f o o d t r u c k o f f e r i n g f r e e s w e e t treats throughout Ramadan R e c o g n i s i n g t h e c h a ll e n g e o f f i n d i n g S u h o o r o p t i o n s v i a f o o d d e l i v e r y , Uber Eats aims to make it easier this year The campaign aims to acknowledge restaurants' efforts in servi n g t h o s e o b s e r v i n g


v 1 tin of Asda sweetened condensed milk

v 6 Royal Dessert Gulab Jamun cut into quarters

v 50g Asda ground almonds

v 100g Asda white chocolate


1 Place the condensed milk and white milk chocolate into a pan on a medium heat

2 Cook the pan mixture until the sides come away and the mixture comes together as one, this will take around 8-10mins.

3 Remove the pan from the heat and tumble in the gulab jamun.

4 Place into a greased small brownie tray.

5 Top with more gulab jamun and almonds for decoration

6 Cut into squares and gift or serve


e s t a u r a n t s e x t e n d e d t h e i r h o u r s o n

Uber Eats during Ramadan, with 288 dessert establishments also extending their operating hours U b e r E a t s w i l l a l s o deploy a unique neon food truck across multiple cities during Ramadan, surprising members of the public with f r e e p o s t - I f t a r t r e a t s Equipped with neon lights, the eye-catching truck will b e t r a c k a b l e v i a m o b i l e phones to avoid disturbing residents with loud jingles during the evenings

Morrisons offers great deals on Ramadan essentials

Mo rrisons has unveiled special offers on a variety of products fo r Ram ad an F r o m c e r e a


d t e a s perfect for pre-dawn meals to tinned ingredients, baking essentials, and snacks for breaking the fast, there's s o m e t h i n g f o r t h e w h o l e family

One can save a remarkable 40%

06 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
n I n 2 0 2 3 , o v e r 2 , 4 0 0
a m a d a
l s
(£8 99) on a 10kg pack of Badshah Superior A g e d B a s m a t i R i c e , n o w p r i c e d a t £ 1 3 i n s t e a d o f £21 99 and enjoy a 35% disc o u n t ( £ 7 4 9 ) o n L a i l a B a s m a t i R i c e , r e d u c e d t o £13 50 from £20 99 You can also snag a deal with better t h a n h a l f - p r i c e s a v i n g s ( 6 6 % ) o n 2 0 0 g o f K T C Vermicelli when purchasing 3 for £1 (usually 99p) F o r I f t a r p r e p a r a t i o n , there's a special offer of 4 f o r £ 2 o n s e l e c t e d K T C 4 0 0 g t i n n e d i n g r e d i e n t s , i n c l u d i n g C h o p p e d T o m a t o e s , C h i c k P e a s , Plum Peeled Tomatoes, and R e d K i d n e y B e a n s Customers can also save on KTC Superfine Gram Flour 2kg and Pura Sunflower Oil 5l Indus World Foods are also on offer at 2 for £4 25, featuring Indus Red Lentils 1kg and Indus Yellow Split Peas 1kg, typically priced at £ 2 2 5 e a c h A s f o r I f t a r s n a c k s , e n j o y d i s c o u n t e d prices on Al Munawwarah Tunisian Dates, Lancashire Farm Greek Style Natural Yogurt 1kg, and Sweetzone Rainbow Belts and Pencil Jelly For beverages, there's a discount on UFC Coconut W a t e r a n d S h l o e r W h i t e G r a p e S p a r k l i n g J u i c e o r Red Grape Sparkling Juice A d d i t i o n a l l y , c u s t o m e r s stock up for Suhoor with K e l l o g s C r u n c h y N u t O r i g i n a l ( 7 2 0 g ) p r i c e d a t just £4 50 T h e s e R a m a d a n d e a l s w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e i n Morrisons stores and online until April 9th
A L o n d o n r es i d en t w h o l au nc h ed a n i ni ti at iv e to create lig ht installations
07 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024

Successful Holi Colour Run

The Holi Colour Run - a joint initiative between Cuerden Valley Park and Gujarat Hindu Society, was a huge success and attracted 250 adults and children as participants

The Holi Colour Run aimed to promote the festival of colours and at the same time create a cultural awareness amongst the host community Volunteers from both the sides came together to make this event a success

GHS Team also put on Bollywood dancing, Indian music and tasty Indian food for all present Ishwer Tailor, President of GHS said, “This programme was a huge success and a very productive partnership with Cuerden Valley Park team has been formed and many more initiatives will be introduced for our members to use park facilities for walking and organising picnics ”

London Mahotsav 2024 unveils its star-studded artists for Wembley event

L o nd on M ah ots av 20 2 4 , a d isting uished celebration o f Indian culture, is set to capti v ate au d i ence w o rld w i d e with a vibrant show case o f I nd i a s r ic h h e ri ta g e T h e event is scheduled to take place on 20 and 21 April at the Sattavis Patidar C entre in Wem bley, Londo n This event promises to be a grand c om m em o ratio n o f Ind i an cultural div ersity and tradition T h e f e s t i v a l , w h i c h e n c o m p a s s e s m u s i c , b u s iness, art, food, and literature, aims to promote homegrown Indian brands on the global stage while facilitating international collaborations With an anticipated attendance of over 2000 individuals from various diasporas, London Mahotsav signifies a s i g n i f i c a n t o p p o r t u n i t y t o strengthen cultural ties and promote global understanding The event intends to highlight the rich cultural fusion between West Bengal and Bangladesh, celebrating the shared heritage of both r e g i o n s T h e i n a u g u r a t i o n ceremony, scheduled at the B r i t i s h P a r l i a m e n t o n 1 9 April, 2024, will be an exclus i v e g a t h e r i n g g r a c e d b y

esteemed partners and distinguished guests

The Bengal British Icon

A w a r d s , h o s t e d b y t h e

B a r o n e s s P a u l a U d d i n , M e m b e r o f t h e H o u s e o f L o r d s , i s a p i o n e e r i n g , u n i q u e , a n d p r e s t i g i o u s event being the only one that pays tribute to Asian success a c r o s s a l l w a l k s o f l i f e , e m p h a s i s i n g i n s p i r i n g achievements and highlighting inspirational role models i n t h e f i e l d s o f b u s i n e s s , s p o r t , e n t e r t a i n m e n t , p h ilanthropy, and popular arts and culture, is scheduled to be one of the key highlights for the night Renowned personalities such as Rituparna Sengupta, Joy Sarkar, Raghav C h a t t e r j e e , S u r o j i t Chatterjee, Devlina Kumar, S a h a n a B a j p a i e , S a m a n t a k Sinha, Debshankar Haldar, Lopamudra Mitra, Tathagata Sengupta, Anindita Mitra London Mahotsav 2024 w i l l f e a t u r e a p l e t h o r a o f stalls showcasing books, garm e n t s , h a n d i c r a f t s , j e wellery, and delectable Bengali cuisine, providing attendees w i t h a c o m p r e h e n s i v e g l i m p s e i n t o t h e r i c h n e s s and diversity of Indian culture

Chinmaya Mission’s Swamini Supriyananda visits UK

Renowned globally as a dist i ng u i s h ed s to r yt el le r a nd H i n du Mo nk , S wa mi n i S u p ri y a na nd a f ro m Ch inmaya Mission is schedu le d t o s h a re i n va lu a b le i nsights on sp iritu ality, selfmastery, and their practical ap p licatio n i n mo dern life during h er upco ming visit to the UK fro m March 23 to Ap ril 2, 2024

Transitioning from psyc h o l o g y t o m o n k h o o d , Swamini Supriyananda was inspired by the teachings of S w a m i C h i n m a y a n a n d a t o

d e l v e i n t o l i f e ' s p r o f o u n d questions beyond the material realm She has dedicated herself to disseminating the knowledge and wisdom of Vedanta

S w a m i n i S u p r i y a n a n d a i s a l s o r e c o g n i s e d f o r h e r children's books, such as "Up U p a n d A w a y H a n u m a n , " " K r i s h n a R o c k s , " a n d " G a n e s h a ’ s M o u s e c a p a d e , " which illuminate the depth and beauty of ancient Hindu s t o r i e s , f o s t e r i n g d e v o t i o n

and positive values in young readers

H e r u p c o m i n g v i s i t includes diverse events for all ages, including an interactive workshop for children t i t l e d " K r i s h n a M y B e s t Friend," a youth conference o n r e s i l i e n c e c a l l e d "Cultivating Resilience," and discourses on the Isavasya Upanishad

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n and the full itinerary, visit www chinmayauk org

Understanding the transience of authority

Your positi on of authority, whether as a high- ranking g overn ment offi cial or a c or p or at e l ea d er, i s n o t se t i n st o n e Regardl ess of the level of power you currently wi eld, it is imp erativ e to un derstand that such roles are transient Ci rcumstances, be it reti remen t, reas sign ment, or other factors, wi ll inevi tably change, alterin g your s tandi ng and in fluen ce Thi s un derstandin g should guid e your action s, ensurin g they are n ot a mi suse of the power en trusted to you Positi ons of authori ty are, by n ature, impermanent; a sli ght shi ft in circums tances can rapidly chang e one's i nfluence an d status

Regrettably, there is a growing tendency to exploit these positions of power to the detriment of those who are either subordinate or less advantaged Often, leaders lose sight of the impermanent nature of authority, acting as though they are invincible During their tenure, they may disregard the respect and dignity owed to others, using individuals merely as tools for their own advancement, indifferent to the emotional pain they may inflict by doing this Such behavior includes neglecting the needs of others and denying rightful claims Yet, this overlooks a fundamental truth: the fleeting nature of power and position

This transience should serve as a vital reminder for all our actions and decisions True leadership is measured by one's respect for and consideration of the needs and rights of those in less privileged positions It's a principle that requires reaffirmation as it becomes increasingly rare in some circles The exploitation of power, whether for personal gain or to oppress others, compromises the ethical foundation of leadership and erodes trust within any community or organization Consider, for example, a prominent CEO who propelled a tech company to new heights over a decade, fostering an innovative culture and achieving remarkable success However, as the company expanded, so did the gap between executives and employees, leading to abuses of power and neglect of employee welfare

When this CEO stepped down, her legacy was marred by these abuses, overshadowing the company s achievements

Why do we forget that leadership should be an opportunity to uplift and serve, creating an environment of justice and equality? The temporary nature of power calls for a leadership style marked by humility and empathy, encouraging decisions that are fair, just, and have a lasting positive impact Historical figures, like Emperor Ashoka of the Maurya Dynasty, exemplify this After witnessing the devastation of the Kalinga war, Ashoka embraced Buddhism and dedicated his rule to peace, non-violence, and the welfare of his subjects, leaving a legacy celebrated for its benevolence and moral governance

Those in positions of power must lead with integrity, empathy, and a profound sense of responsibility toward every societal member Recognizing the momentary nature of power can foster a leadership ethos that prioritizes the well-being and rights of all, ensuring a legacy of respect, fairness, and enduring positive change The true mark of our tenure should be the beneficial impact we leave on the less privileged and those in subordinate positions, guiding us to lead with integrity, humility, and an unwavering commitment to justice, thus securing a legacy of meaningful and lasting transformation

(Expressed opinions are personal)

religious process i o n s T h i s y e a r , ' H o l i k a dahan' will be on March 24 and the colour celebrations on March 25

The festival's roots lie in t h e m y t h o l o g i c a l t a l e o f K i n g H i r a n y a k a s h y a p a n d his son Prahlad, who wors h i p p e d L o r d V i s h n u

Despite the king's attempts t o h a r m P r a h l a d , h e w a s p r o t e c t e d , w h i l e H o l i k a , who tried to burn him, perished instead Holi also signifies the victory of good o v e r e v i l , s y m b o l i s e d b y lighting bonfires to eliminate negativity and spread positivity Additionally, it's

a s s o c i a t e d w i t h L o r d K r i s h n a ' s p l a y f u l c e l e b r at i o n s i n v a r i o u s r e g i o n s l i k e B a r s a n a a n d M a t h u r a , k n o w n f o r t h e l i v e l y Lathmar Holi Vibrant Ho li celebrations in the U K

The UK joyfully embraces Holi, b l e n d i n g t r a d i t i o n a l c u stoms with modern interpretations, a testament to the deep integration of Indian culture into British society I n c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h t h e N a t i o n a l T r u s t , t h e B o u r n e m o u t h P o o l e Christchurch (BPC) Indian community presents "Rang Barse," a Holi festival celebration at the iconic Corfe Castle in Dorset on March 2 3 r d , f r o m 1 2 t o 5 p m S p e a k i n g a b o u t t h e H o l i e v e n t , C h a i r m a n o f B P C I n d i a n C o m m u n i t y ,

M r R am e sh L al s a i d , “Following the resounding s u c c e s s o f l a s t y e a r s Bollywood on the Beach e v e n t , w e a r e t h r i l l e d t o a n n o u n c e o u r u p c o m



music, dancing, food stalls, and Holi activities Open to all and completely free to attend, our Holi festivities a r e e x p e c t e d t o d r a w a

growing Indian community, we anticipate a majority attendance of approximately 2000

from the local white population, alongside t h

community group is a voluntary organisation working for community cohesion with various activities to develop and promote the Indian culture and heritage amongst the larger host community”, He added

Chaitri Navratri celebrations

On March 24, 2024, festivities

Temple will host Holi Puja and Pragatiya on the same

Khel Darshan on March 25,

Bollywood concert raises funds for charities

On March 9, 2024, Harrow Arts Centre hosted a special B ol ly w ood m us i c c on c e rt ti tled The Golden H its of Ki s h or e Kum a r, Mohammed Rafi, and Lata Mangeshkar," attracting 500 attendees

a r i s h m a Raichada at the age of 18

Special guest Rizwan Rafi, the grandson of Bollywood m u s i c l e g e n d M o h a m m e d Rafi, graciously contributed a s i g n e d p h o t o o f Mohammed Rafi, which was

T h e e v e n t a i m e d n o t only to entertain but also to r a i s e a w a r e n e s s f o r t w o notable charities: Dementia U K a n d O v a c o m e , t h

£823 was raised during the concert

The event was organised by Glitz Events, a company

auctioned to further support the fundraising efforts for the two charities

Reflecting on the event s success, Karishma Raichada remarked, "It was an amazi n g o p p o r t u n i t y t o b r i n g people together and raise funds for these two charities "

08 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Rohit Vadhwana Swamini Supriyananda
r i a n C a
r s u p p o r t charity A total
e O v a
n c e
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kaleidoscope of colour and culture
the vibrant festiv al of colo urs, m arks the end of winter and the beg inning of spring, celebrated ov er two days in March Known by variou s nam es across India, it's co nsid ered the second big gest Hindu festival after Diwali
dance, and
S t a t e s c e l e b r a t e H o l i u n i q u e l y w i t h c o l o u r s ,
i n g c e
a t i o n o f H o l i T h i s e
r o m i s e s t o b e a
c o m p l e t e w i t h
t h e S o u t h W e s t U K b o a s t s a
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d i v e r s e c r o w d W h i l e
n d i v i d u a l s , p r i m a r i l y
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” “ T h e B P C I n d i a n
S h ri V a ll a bh N i d h i U K h a s o r g a n i s e d t w o v i b r a n t e v e n t s f o r t h e H o l i a n d
w i l l t a k e p l a c e a t t h e W e m b l e y T e m p l e A d d i t i o n a l l y , L e y t o n s t o n e
y , f o l l o w e d b y D o l u t s a v
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OFBJP organises car rally in London to support PM Narendra Modi’s election campaign

Overseas Friends of BJP

UK organised a spirited car rally on Saturday 16 March 2024, dedicated to showcasing unwavering support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi a n d t h e B h a r a t i y a J a n a t a Party (BJP) in the forthcoming elections in India.

more seats is not impossible

It is our collective responsibility to see that the Modi g o v e r n m e n t g e t s m o r e power ”

C B f u r t h e r s a i d , “ T h e rally is going to culminate at BAPS Temple Neasden The Hindu Temple inaugurated

during the years ”

The event commenced with vibrant performances, s e t t i n g t h e s t a g e f o r a dynamic display of solidarity and enthusiasm After the r a l l y , P a d m a S h r i B o b Blackman MP addressed the enthusiastic crowd, empha-

The rally commenced at S h r e e K u t c h L e v a P a t e l Community (SKLPC) Sports and Community Centre in Northolt and culminated at t h e S w a m i n a r a y a n B A P S Temple in Neasden There was a remarkable turnout of over 250+ cars, reflecting the w i d e s p r e a d s u p p o r t g a rnered by the cause

sising the significance of the event and the pivotal role of the Indian diaspora in shaping the future of India He d e s c r i b e d t h e u p c o m i n g general elections in India as t h e ' b i g g e s t e x e r c i s e o f democracy

" N o w t h e f r i e n d s h i p b e t w e e n I n d i a a n d t h e United Kingdom has grown stronger and stronger ever since we have been involved i n g o v e r n m e n t a n d B J P

Independent Retailers enjoy annual dinner and dance

March 2024 FED London District President Alpesh Patel welcomed the guests

CB Patel, Publisher and E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f o f A s i a n V o i c e a n d G u j a r a t Samachar, flagged off the rally, symbolising the unity a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s H e r e c a l l e d that a decade ago, at the SKLPC campus, a rally was o r g a n i s e d w h e n S h r i Narendra Modi was campaigning for the first time for a member of parliament

CB added, “I was there I t w a s h i s t o r y t h a t t h e r e were only 2 MPs from the BJP in the parliament, then the number was 273 after the election of 2014 and in 2019 they got more than 300 seats Now in the current g e n e r a l e l e c t i o n , 4 0 0 o r

in Abu Dhabi is a fantastic s t a r t f o r t h e n e w e r a o f India

“The overseas friends of BJP are doing a fabulous job t o s p r e a d a w a r e n e s s t o w a r d s S a n a t a n D h a r m a and to expose lies regarding it I can recall the meeting with Late Shri Atal Bihari Bajpai in the office of Asian V o i c e a n d a f t e r t h a t Overseas Friends of BJP was formed

“Many committed pion e e r s l i k e D r M a d h u k a r A m b e k a r a m o n g o t h e r s nurtured this organisation

gained power in India The UK looks to India as a fant a s t i c g r o w i n g e c o n o m y , ” Blackman said

"But we do have that friendship agreement with India signed on cooperation on defence, on security and, indeed, leading to the Free T r a d e A g r e e m e n t N o w that's going to give India and the United Kingdom a t r e m e n d o u s o p p o r t u n i t y India's economy is on the way to being the number one in the world ” Blackman also praised British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak while urging people, including the Indian diaspora, to support him for his re-election in the polls

T h i s s u c c e s s f u l e v e n t was meticulously planned and executed by the OFBJP UK Gujarat Chapter Team led by Deepak Patel, Krunal T h a

promoting the ideals and leadership of Shri Narendra Modi and the

09 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
k a r a n d t h e e n t i r e G u j a r a t C o r e K a r y a k a r t a s t e a m u n d e r s c o r i n g t h e i r commitment
CB kicking off the rally with Shashibhai Vekaria, Dr Madhukar Ambekar, Leaders and members of OFBJP CB Patel addressing the audience Padma Shri Bob Blackman giving a speech Cultural presentation at the event under the guidance of Ragasudha Vinjamuri
A r o u n d 2 5 0 g u e s t s a t t e n d e d T h e Federation of Independent Retailers London D i s t r i c t a n n u a l d i n n e r d a n c e e v e n t a t S a t t a v i s P a t i d a r C e n t r e , W e m b l e y o n 1 7
Standing: Rajni, Gita, Kalpana Pragna, Kirtiben, Narendra, Sunil, Subhas, Bakula, Ranjana, Markand, Daxa, Ashwin and CB Patel Seated: Janubhai, Gurmeet Babbar, Harnoor, Pradip Singh, Gurmeet Singh, Tirmon Singh Grover, Roshni lijeet Kaur and Sonia Khurana FED past president s group photo

Exploring global religious celebrations

The month of March is very auspicious and divine it encompasses several major religious festivals celebrated worldwide Among these are Maha Shivratri and Holi in Hinduism, Ramadan in Islam, Mother’s Day in the UK and Ireland, as well as St Patrick's Day and Good Friday in Christianity

One prominent legend recounts the divine marriage of Lord Shiva with Parvati, his consort, on the auspicious day of Maha Shivratri It is believed that on that night, Shiva performed the cosmic dance of Tandava, symbolising the rhythmic creation, preservation and destruction of the universe The festival of Holi has a cultural significance among various Hindu traditions It is the festive day to end and rid oneself of past errors, conflicts, and debts It is a day to forget and forgive

Muslims believe that in A D 610, the angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammad and revealed to him the Quran, the Islamic holy book The revelation, Laylat Al-Qadar - or the “Night of Power “ - is believed to have occurred during Ramadan Muslims fast during the month as a way to commemorate the revelation

Mother’s Day in the UK and Ireland is held on the fourth Sunday in Lent, before Easter Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, on the other hand, is a religious and cultural holiday held on 17 March, the day of Saint Patrick’s death, the foremost patron saint of Ireland The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general Good Friday is an important holiday in the Christian religion as it commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ It represents the sacrifice and suffering in Jesus life

The true meaning of all religious messages is to put into practice in our day-to-day lives, freeing us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred anger and jealousy and making us honest human beings, extending helping hands to others in their lives

Sur esh and Bhavna Patel

Exploring Insights with Rohit Vadhwana

It's wonderful for readers to engage with thought-provoking and inspiring articles featured in Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar Many of these articles are truly worth preserving

The columns authored by Rohit Vadhwana, who serves as the Deputy High Commissioner of India in Kenya and the Deputy Permanent Representative of India to UNEP and UN-Habitat, are particularly outstanding Presented in both Gujarati (Arohan) and English (Introspection), these columns offer invaluable insights into life philosophy and guide how to attain and embrace success

After many years, a Gujarati individual in Kenya has attained such a prestigious position, which is indeed a matter of pride for us as Gujaratis’ Since we have relocated from Nairobi, Kenya to the UK, it's natural for us to be curious about the current state of affairs in developing Kenya, the conduct of our fellow Gujaratis, and the functioning of their organisations

Through Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice, I would like to request Rohitbhai to shed some light on the Gujarati community and organisations in Kenya We're eager to learn more about it

Sanat Gohil

(Similar suggestions have been made by other readers including Mr Rameshbhai Pandya, originally from N a i r o b i a n d c u r r e n t l y a r e s i d e n t o f S o u t h g a t e , London)

Have a safe Holi

Festivals are a source of great joy in India Holi, the festival of colours, is one such important event It is arguably the most fun-filled and boisterous of all Hindu festivals However, it has been observed that residential societies waste a lot of water during the festival every year

People should be asked to play Holi only with dry colours They should avoid colours that are mixed with harmful chemicals, as these may lead to skin allergies and even cause blindness if they get into the eyes

Also, everyone should take care not to waste water while celebrating the festival Every drop of water is precious and costs money

So play a safe Holi with caution and let the colours of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness to one and all

Extend Soneri Sangat's outreach

The weekly 'Soneri Sangat' program, a unique initiative by Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar conducted over Zoom, is truly praiseworthy Utilising technology to facilitate discussions on various timely topics demonstrates a commendable commitment to community service

However, there's one area of concern I would like to address While the program currently focuses on London, recognising it as the capital with a vibrant Gujarati community, it's important to remember that Gujaratis reside outside of London as well To foster a more inclusive environment, we suggest considering the inclusion of other regions like Preston Highlighting places such as Preston and its celebrated Gujarat Hindu Temple would enrich the program by showcasing the diversity and contributions of Gujaratis beyond London

I would also like to mention that Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar feature a wealth of innovative content However, Editor CB Patel's writing has been given a break for a long time Previously, CB Patel maintained close connections with public institutions and organisations, actively participating in annual events and inaugurations while sharing insightful commentary on national and global affairs His eloquent speeches inspired socially impactful initiatives, and we were fortunate to have supported and collaborated on endeavours such as the campaign for direct flights between London and Ahmedabad, as well as the Hare Krishna Temple initiative

We extend a special invitation to CB Patel to visit Preston and the Gujarat Hindu Mandir once again We will be very happy to welcome you

Soneri Sangat

through their innovative Zoom program series, 'Soneri Sangat'

Dr Krishna Pujara, CEO of Enfield Saheli, led an enlightening discussion on "Women Empowerment" with esteemed guest speakers

The guest speakers for this program included Sushma Bhanot (MBE), an Ayurveda Consultant and Co-Director at Coolherbals; Chinu Kishore, a representative of the Assamese Community for Promoting Arts and Culture; Minal Jaiswal, a lecturer at GBS who also manages the community forum 'Indians in London'; and Kamu Palan, Director at Golden Tours

Detailed report of this event will be published in the coming edition You can visit our youtube channel (@abplgroup8772) to view the videos of this zoom series

Plans to relocate failed asylum seekers

Unlike the existing voluntary returns pro-

a s s i s t s failed asylum seekers in returning to their home countries, this initiative t a r g e t s i n d i v i d u a l s u n a b l e t o r e t u r n t o t h e i r c o u n t r i e s o f o r i g i n T h e U K g o v e r n m e n t h a s faced hurdles in implementing a separate deportation scheme to Rwanda for those deemed to have entered the c o u n t r y i l l e g a l l y , d u e t o court objections regarding Rwanda's safety standards To address these concerns, the government is pursuing the Safety of Rwanda Bill, w h i c h s e e k s t o d e s i g n a t e Rwanda as a safe destination

in brief

However, this new voluntary relocation scheme is i n d e p e n d e n t o f t h e b i l l ' s approval and does not hinge on parliamentary consent, as reported by BBC Under

this scheme, failed asylum seekers opting for relocation would be permitted to work legally in Rwanda and w o u l d r e c e i v e a d d i t i o n a l s u p p o r t u p o n a r r i v a l Furthermore, the initiative will be extended to other i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h o u t l e g a l status in the UK, including foreign criminals Labour's shadow immig r a t i o n m i n i s t e r , S t e p h e n Kinnock, has criticised the proposed scheme, suggesting that the government's resort to offering financial incentives indicates recognition of the challenges faci n g i t s o r i g i n a l R w a n d a deportation plan


Research indicates that cancer-related deaths among middleaged adults have declined by a noteworthy third since the 1990s owing to significant advancements in treatment and screening methods Despite an overall rise in cancer cases fewer individuals aged 35 to 69 in the UK are succumbing to the disease compared to any time since the early 1990s The findings published in the British Medical Journal attribute this positive trend to national screening initiatives which have led to the earlier detection of bowel, breast, and cervical cancers, facilitating more effective treatment interventions A period of remarkable medical breakthroughs has ushered in a "golden era," enabling individuals to survive cancer diagnoses that were once considered fatal Additionally, a reduction in smoking rates has resulted in a fifty per cent decrease in lung cancer deaths among middle-aged individuals compared to a quarter-century ago Experts from Cancer Research UK conducted a comprehensive analysis of cancer-related mortality among midlife populations, examining 23 different cancer types They observed significant declines in death rates for 17 of these cancers Notably, there have been substantial reductions in middle-aged deaths attributed to breast and prostate cancer, the two most prevalent forms of cancer in the UK These advancements are attributed to innovations such as new hormone therapies and immunotherapies, which have revolutionised treatment outcomes


A former colleague s email accused Ian Fry, a primary school teacher, of endangering women, prompting Fry to sue for libel Yasmin Agilah-Hood s message to Fry's school alleged that he posed a threat to female staff citing unproven allegations of misconduct Despite Fry's denial he claims the email has damaged his reputation as mere gossip Mrs Justice Hill deemed Agilah-Hood's words defamatory and clarified their meaning Agilah-Hood identifying as a mixed-race queer neurodivergent visual artist creative practitioner and performer presented herself as a whistleblower but admitted lacking evidence Hill concluded the email suggested Fry was a safeguarding risk, unfit for his job, harming female staff and women Unless a settlement occurs the case will proceed to trial


A senior meteorologist Jim Dale has issued a warning of a potentially frightening hot summer in April for the UK due to climate change Dale attributes Britain s prolonged winter weather to climate change and predicts that it will also lead to warmer summers in the months ahead Speaking to GB News, Dale stated, "We will see hot weather start to bake in during the course of April and at times in the summertime We are not divorced from what is going around the globe and what is going on is quite frightening in terms of the temperature profiles The USA has just had its warmest winter ever "


The departure of Tory MPs from their seats during this parliamentary term has incurred a cost to the government exceeding an estimated £4 million This revelation coincides with an analysis by the Liberal Democrats of the intricacies of Jeremy Hunt s Budget, revealing a significant reduction in funding for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) in real terms Government data indicates that the average taxpayer expenditure on running a by-election between 2021 and 2023 was approximately £450,000 Thus the occurrence of nine unprecedented Tory by-elections since 2019, excluding those prompted by the death of an MP, would equate to an expenditure of around £4 05 million The cost incurred by local councils in conducting these by-elections is reimbursed by the government and subsequently disclosed by the Communities Department


A councillor in Brent is urging the government to prohibit the use of chewing tobacco known as "Paan " which is prevalent among the South East Asian community citing the unsightly mess it leaves on streets and public areas The issue is particularly pronounced in parts of Brent notably around Wembley where evidence of Paan usage is ubiquitous making it challenging to traverse even short distances without encountering signs of its presence Brent Council under Labour leadership has previously campaigned against Paan spitting, erecting signs and posters to discourage its use However, Anton Georgiou, the Liberal Democrats' local councillor for Alperton, is advocating for more comprehensive efforts focused on education and enforcement to break the cycle of Paan-related littering and staining

10 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Ju be l D'Cruz
O n M a r c h 1 4 , 2 0 2 4 , A s i a n V o i c e a n d G u j a r a t S a m a c h a r c e l e b r a t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n ’ s D a y
A cc o rd in g to T h e T im es , fa i led as yl u m seekers in the U K will h av e th e o p t i o n to rec ei v e u p to £ 3 , 0 0 0 und er a new vo luntary sch eme to relocate to
g r a m , w h i c h
“People and communities have been at the heart of my work”

Since embarking on her professional journey in 1992, Rabina Khan has been a tireless ad vocate fo r the people and co mmu nities of Tow er Hamlets

From her early days coordinating support for victims of racial abuse during tumultuous times, to managing women's projects under the Bethnal Green City Challenge initiative, Rabina's commitment to community welfare has remained unwavering

With 12 years of service as a councillor, Rabina has been deeply involved in local governance, ensuring that the voices of her constituents are heard and their needs addressed As a school governor and dedicated advocate for education, she has played a pivotal role in shaping the future of young minds in Stepney and Shadwell

Currently pursuing an MA at Birkbeck University, Rabina continues to expand her knowledge and expertise, reflecting her ongoing commitment to personal and professional growth as she prepares to contest elections from Bethnal Green and Stepney

Here, she discusses her candidacy and plans for her constituency

How do you intend to address the needs of the constituents in Bethnal Green and Stepney?

The Liberal Democrats are clear on key issues: ending the outdated leasehold system, investing in green technologies, skills training, and tackling air and water pollution As a party, we will work to boost the economy, cut pollution,

and improve quality of life

We have an ambitious housing plan to build the much-needed homes Britain needs, hold rogue landlords to account and address the housing crisis that prices out a generation of young people

As an MP for Bethnal Green and Stepney, I will be accessible to all the communities, tackling rising living costs, high energy bills and housing concerns I'll advocate for youth employment opportunities, and fight for local businesses and a safer constituency while making climate change a more inclusive agenda

Delays in GP appointments, dentists and ambulances and crumbling schools expose the Tories' empty promises and the people of Bethnal Green and Stepney deserve better

In your book "Ayesha's Rainbow," you explore themes of identity and belonging How do you plan to advocate for the cultural and social diversity of your constituency if elected?

I am the daughter of immigrant parents and was brought up in Britain in the mid-1970s and were the only family of colour on Rochester Street where we lived I never saw someone like me at school, in books or at the table of decision-

making This is why campaigning for racial justice has been a key feature of my life

People and communities have been at the heart of my work, with a particular focus on advocating for the rights of underrepresented groups and tackling critical issues such as knife, gun and acid crime During the Covid pandemic, I campaigned for Iceland to be included in the government’s Free School Meals supermarket voucher programme because children from underprivileged and those from Black Asian and Minority communities were hit hardest by the pandemic I campaigned to close the digital divide for children unable to access online education and cited this in my article for Operation Black Vote and supported their call for a Covid Race disparity inquiry

What message do you have for the voters of Bethnal Green and Stepney as they consider their options in the upcoming election?

Electing me, I promise people will have the busiest constituency surgery in Tower Hamlets Concerns about housing, rent, children and adults with special needs, schools, and immigration matter to me deeply My record speaks for itself as a councillor who ran the busiest surgery As a party, we can achieve a lot, but as a community, we can achieve even more It's not just about shouting the loudest on issues like Gazait's about finding someone who can navigate a complex political system to bring about real change and that's exactly what I aim to do

UK children exposed to online violence

Re searc h published on Friday re v e a l s t ha t c hil dr e n i n Brita in are encountering violent cont ent online, incl uding m aterial promoting sel fharm , while st il l in prima ry school

For these children, such e x p o s u r e h a s b e c o m e a n " i n e v i t a b l e p a r t " o f t h e i r internet usage, highlighting the urgent need for effective safeguarding measures, espec i a l l y f o r m i n o r s L a s t October, Britain enacted legi s l a t i o n i m p o s i n g s t r i c t e r

rules on social media platforms, including mandates to p r e v e n t c h i l d r e n f r o m accessing harmful and agei n a p p r o p r i a t e c o n t e n t through age limits and verification measures

Although the law grants Ofcom the authority to levy fines on tech companies faili n g t o c o m p l y w i t h t h e s e requirements, the penalties have yet to be enforced as the r e g u l a t o r m u s t f o r m u l a t e codes of practice to implem e n t t h e m e a s u r e s

Messaging platforms, particu l a r l y W h a t s A p p , h a v e opposed a provision in the l a w t h a t t h e y a r g u e c o u l d compel them to compromise end-to-end encryption

According to Ofcom, all 247 children aged 8-17 who p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e r e p o r t , conducted by research agenc y F a m i l y K i d s & Y o u t h between May and November, encountered violent content p r i m a r i l y t h r o u g h s o c i a l m e d i a , v i d e o - s h a r i n g p l a tforms, and messaging apps

Sadiq Khan's policing watchdog rebuked

Sa diq Kha n's policing ove rsight body has faced repriman d from the Infor ma tion Commissione r's Office (ICO) for a dat a b reach potent ia lly e xposing the per sonal det ails of n earl y 400 individuals

The Mayor's Office for P o l i c i n g a n d C r i m e ( M O P A C ) , r e s p o n s i b l e f o r supervising the Metropolitan Police's operations, received criticism from the ICO on

T h u r s d a y , l a b e l l i n g t h e b r

potential to undermine public trust in the criminal justice system "

However, the ICO also acknowledged the breach as "an inadvertent error" and expressed satisfaction with t h e " c o r r e c t i v e m e a s u r e s " i m p l e m e n t e d b y M O P A C following the incident The

v isas’

T h e I n d i a n c o h o r t stands as the largest group, w i t h a r o u n d 2 5 % o f t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t u d e n t s i n the UK The total Indian student population in the UK, including the recent graduates seeking further academic and work opportunities, is estimated to be around 500,000 with 43% o f ‘ g r a d u a t e r o u t e v i s a s ’ being issued to the Indian s t u d e n t s i n S e p t e m b e r 2023 What makes this all very significant apart from the hundreds of millions of pounds they bring into the c o u n t r y , i s t h a t e a c h o f them can vote in the UK g e n e r a l e l e c t i o n s T h i s makes them a silent, hidden vote bank

This year, when both I n d i a a n d t h e U K a r e expected to conduct their g e n e r a l e l e c t i o n s , t h e s e h a l f - a - m i l l i o n s t u d e n t s would be eligible to participate in the democratic processes of both these countries The UK electoral policy extends voting rights to citizens of Commonwealth nations, granting these students the franchise in the B r i t i s h G e n e r a l e l e c t i o n s 2024, in addition to their eligibility to vote in their home constituency in the I n d i a n G e n e r a l e l e c t i o n s 2 0 2 4 H o w e v e r , m o s t Indian students may not cast their votes in either of t h e e l e c t i o n s W h i l e t h e I n d i a n s y s t e m a c k n o w le d g e s n o n - r e s i d e n t o v e rs e a s v o t e r s , i t r e q u i r e s these citizens to vote in person As a result, due to t h e i r a c a d e m i c c o m m i t -

ments in the UK, students may forego their suffrage in their home country in

2 0 2 4 A d d i t i o n a l l y , m a n y s t u d e n t s a r e u n a w a r e o f t h e i r p r i v i l e g e a n d a r e unlikely to register themselves on the voter list for the British elections

T h e h a l f - a - m i l l i o n strong Indian student population is a dormant voter group in the U K This diaspora group holds significant sway, particularly in t h e m a r g i n a l s e a t s F o r instance, the winning margin of 2023 by-elections in the ‘Uxbridge and South Ruislip’ Constituency was l e s s t h a n 5 0 0 v o t e s Situated within this constituency is the University of Brunel that boasts over 1 6 0 0 I n d i a n s t u d e n t s I f these students register and vote, they can wield a cons i d e r a b l e i n f l u e n c e i n a constituency that elected the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in 2019

Similarly, the ‘Welwyn H a t f i e l d ’ c o n s t i t u e n c y w h i c h h a s c o n s i s t e n t l y e l e c t e d t h e p r e s e n t S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e f o r D e f e n c e G r a n t S h a p p s s i n c e 2 0 0 5 h o u s e s t h e University of Hertfordshire which hosts around 7000 I n d i a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l s t ud e n t s L i k e w i s e , a r e t h e c o n s t i t u e n c i e s o f ‘ S o u t h -

Coventry’ with a slim winning margin of 399 votes in the previous elections and h a v i n g t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f

Coventry that hosts around 5000 Indian students; and the Hendon constituency with around 3000 Indian s t u d e n t s s t u d y i n g i n i t s U n i v e r s i t y o f M i d d l e s e x a l o n e A p a r t f r o m t h e s e c o n s t i t u e n c i e s , t h e r e a r e more than two-dozen cons t i t u e n c i e s , w h e r e t h e Indian students may be the ‘ X - f a c t o r ’ i n t h e 2 0 2 4 British General elections

C o n v e r s a t i o n w i t h t h e s e s t u d e n t s i n d i c a t e that the political parties are yet to engage these decisive voters; most of whom have n e v e r b e e n e x p o s e d t o British democratic apparatus As we approach a comp e t i t i v e B r i t i s h e l e c t i o n later this year, it is imperative for the Political parties,

incumbent MPs, and the a s p i r i n g c a n d i d a t e s t o invest time in understanding the needs of these valuable guests as they possess significant voting influence that could shape the outc o m e s o f t h e u p c o m i n g elections

These political players may reach out to students i n d i v i d u a l l y , t h r o u g h t h e Student Unions of the indiv i d u a l U n i v e r s i t i e s , o r through pan-UK organisat i o n s l i k e t h e I n d i a n N a t i o n a l S t u d e n t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o n ( I N S A ) a n d National Indian Students a n d A l u m n i U n i o n ( N I S A U ) w h i c h w o r k s along with Indian students a n d s u p p o r t t h e i r i s s u e s ranging from applications, scholarships, accommodation, representation, activities, and placements The INSA, with their student a s s o c i a t i o n i n o v e r 4 5 U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d Educational Spaces, is one of the largest Indian students’ bodies in the U K ; whereas NISAU, which is a more centralised and comparatively smaller body, has P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n s l i k e V i r e n d r a S h a r m a f r o m L a b o u r P a r t y a n d L o r d Bilimoria, as its patrons

Since these organisations interact with students at c l o s e q u a r t e r s , p o l i t i c a l parties may understand the s t u d e n t s ’ i s s u e s a n d t a p t h e i r p o t e n t i a l v o t e r s t h r o u g h t h e s e s t u d e n t associations

W i t h o n l y a f e w months remaining before electoral lists are finalized a n d b a l l o t s c a s t , B r i t i s h political stakeholders have a p r i m e o p p o r t u n i t y t o connect with the continually expanding Indian student diaspora in the UK

This engagement not only has the potential to significantly impact electoral outcomes but also enhances the vibrancy and inclusivity of British democracy

(Nitish is a D Phil scholar at the University of Oxford He is also working with the ‘Diasporic Communities’ desk at the International Centre for Sustainability, London )

Sunak to host European summit

11 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www asian-voice com 23 - 29 March 2024
Rabina Khan
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v e n t a b l e m i s t a k e w i t h t h e
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b r e a c h o r i g i n a t e d f r o m a mistake by MOPAC's parent o r g a n i s a t i o n , t h e G r e a t e r L o n d o n A u t h o r i t y ( G L A ) , w h i c h m a n a g e s t h e L o n d o n g o v u k w e b s i t e , i n c l u d i n g M O P A C ' s w e b pages and forms A total of 394 individuals were affected by the breach, with MOPAC promptly notifying them of the inadvertent exposure of their data Cross-border voices in Democracy: Indian students to play decisive role in British General Elections 2024 Nitish Rai Parwani T h e U n it ed K i ng d o m attracts international stud ent s to i ts u n iv ers i ti es from across the w orld F or the ongoing academic year, the Hom e Office issued a s tag g ering 4 8 6, 1 07 ‘ sp onsored stud y
B r i t is h P r im e Min i st e r Rishi Su nak has confir med that he will host E uro pean leaders at a gathering o f t h e E u r o p e an Po l it i c al Co mmu nity, scheduled to t a ke p l ac e a t B l e n hei m Palace o n July 1 8 T h i s a n n o u n c e m e n t p u t s t o r e s t s p e c u l a t i o n regarding the delay in setting a date for the meeting There had been suggestions that Britain was hesitant to confirm a date for the European Political C o m m u n i t y m e e t i n g , c o m p r i s i n g o v e r 4 0 E u r o p e a n s t a t e s e s t a blished in 2022 following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, due to Prime M i n i s t e r R i s h i S u n a k ' s contemplation of holding a national election in May However, Sunak
fied last week that he had no intentions of holding a general election in early M a y , i n d i c a t i n g s t r o n g l y t h a t t h e n a t i o n a l v o t e w o u l d b e d e f e r r e d t o a later time in the year Rishi Sunak

Continued from page 1

Under the garb of poor policies and the worry of straining an already reeling economy and health care system, human rights take a back seat Living with one ’ s family is a fundamental right and Employment Rights Act 1996 allows a ‘reasonable amount of time’ to care for dependents

According to Carehome UK, there are 16,700 care homes in the country Most of these care homes are either privately owned by companies, local councils or charities The ones that are privately owned are in large numbers run by Asian owners

From NHS to care homes, corner shops to high streets, premium properties, businesses and entrepreneurs, ethnic minority workers who have their origin in South Asia and the Far East, have been instrumental in forming the framework of the country’s day-to-day functioning

According to The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, migrants who moved to the UK recently (that is, fewer than 5 years ago) are much more likely to live in privately rented housing (74%) compared to the average among all foreign-born (37%) and UK-born and foreignborn residents have similar levels of participation in social housing Not to forget that the strain on the NHS is because of a shortage of staff, and not because immigrants don’t pay their share of NHS surcharge when they come to the country They also pay their rent and taxes

Following the Covid crisis, which left one in ten care worker positions vacant, the UK welcomed thousands of workers However, rampant abuse of the system, including allegations of modern slavery, prompted the government to enforce stricter immigration rules This tightening follows the issuance of 106,000 care worker visas in 2023, revealing numerous unvetted companies granted licenses Consequently, measures were introduced, prohibiting care workers from bringing dependents into the country

The Homecare Association raised concerns with Care Minister Helen Whately, criticising the Home Office's approach Reputable home care providers, like Grosvenor and 1st Homecare, reported difficulties delivering care visits due to visarelated obstacles The stringent documentation demanded by the Home Office hinders efforts to address the national shortage of care workers Concerns persist within the social care sector about reliance on international recruitment, with calls for better funding to attract more domestic workers

Asian Voice sought perspectives from the community and received contrasting views While an Asian care home owner told us that these visa schemes have been wrongly exploited by some care workers, another sympathised with the workers who he feels are wrongly penalised for making up for the shortage of care staff in the UK

Major setback for Indians

Last year, 120,000 dependents accompanied 100,000 workers on the care visa route, prompting the


need for this policy change

The recent visa crackdown in the UK responds to the recordhigh immigration numbers reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) earlier this month According to the data, net migration to the UK reached 672,000, highlighting a significant influx of individuals into the country

Indian nationals featured prominently across various visa categories, emerging as a dominant force in skilled workers, medical professionals, and students Notably, the Health and Care visa category witnessed a substantial 76% increase in Indian applicants, indicating a growing interest in healthcare opportunities in the UK However, there was a slight decline of 11% in the Skilled Worker route, with visas dropping from 20,360 in the previous year to 18,107 in the current year

India was among the top three non-EU nationalities for immigration in the year to June with 35,091 Indian health and care workers bringing 47,432 relatives during the period

According to official figures, the most common non-UK nationality in the NHS is Indian, comprising 10 1% of full-time equivalent nurses and health visitors, and 8% of doctors

Despite this decrease, Indian nationals continued to lead in the student visa category, constituting the largest group of students granted leave to remain under the post-study Graduate visa route They accounted for 43% of all grants, reflecting robust academic ties between India and the UK

Moreover, there was a notable rise in sponsored study visa grants to Indian nationals, with 133,237 visas issued in the year ending September 2023, marking a 5% increase from the previous year

In terms of dependant visas, Indian nationals ranked second in the number of dependants, trailing behind Nigeria The figures surged from 2,127 to 43,445 in the year ending September 2023, underscoring the familial connections and support networks established by Indian immigrants in the UK

The move is likely to have a major impact on Indians, especially those from southern states like Kerala, which is home to a larger portion of the UK's overseas care workers population

Cannot overlook abuse of the scheme

Sew a Singh A tkar, the owner of multiple care homes in the UK spoke extensively to Asian Voice about his views on the change of laws in the care worker visa scheme

Atkar believes, “The only

trouble in the last two years is that the government ignored how these skilled workers visas were given to people, such that it became a time the biggest scam that could have happened in two years ”

According to Atkar, approximately 130,000 care workers came and nearly 300,000 dependents came, affecting net migration He said, “A lot of these care companies are companies who got sponsored, where a lot of company domiciliary care paid £25,000 and you could bring the whole family legally into the UK and avail all the benefits until 70 years of age and up This happened to an extent that at some point, the system had to break To make the case for only genuine workers who can who want to come to work, the care companies will pay the fair wage to employ the right people The company must have a CQC registration or an Ofsted registration ”

He further explained that in his observation, some genuine companies are facing shortages of care staff, because the fees that are paid by Social Security are not enough to pay supermarket earners People are working on more than one job besides being a care worker

“But the abuse that has happened in the last two years particularly, resulted in a situation which has stopped dependents from coming from March 11 ”

Sewa Singh believes the misuse of this visa scheme put strain on the NHS, housing as well as overall services that the country provides to its citizens, which is already not enough for the current residents

In his recent hiring of workers from India and getting sponsorship licences, close to 50 percent of the candidates agreed to come to the UK without dependents So, there are visibly potential candidates who are availing the visa despite this clause after all

Do n’t penalise peo ple

According to another care home owner who did not want to be named, told Asian Voice, working in healthcare including the NHS and care homes owned by the council or privately or by a charity demands passion and commitment along with hard work around the clock When separated from one's family, it's challenging to fully dedicate oneself to work whole-heartedly And contrary to the popular narrative that immigrants are a burden on the country, allowing families to accompany immigrants in fact contributes to the socioeconomic fabric of a country, as we have seen since the Ugandan

expulsion Britain has only benefitted from immigrants

Immigration lawyer Shoaib M Khan told Asian Voice that 73,000 applicants were sponsored for skilled work visas in the health and care sector in the year 2022, the last period for which numbers are known

This number rose further in 2023, with the publication of exact numbers still awaited Khan told the newsweekly, “The changes brought in by the government are short-sighted, regressive and counterproductive They hinder people who wish to come and care for vulnerable people in the UK, but they will also be harmful for Britain and British society The care industry in the UK, including the NHS, is already suffering due to a lack of competent and qualified carers These reforms will just make that worse and it will be elderly, vulnerable and sick people in the UK who will suffer as a result It is also ungrateful towards the people who leave their homes to come and look after our sick and elderly people

“What is needed is for us to welcome and thank such people rather than treating them as some unwelcome group who we are performing a great favour for by allowing into our country These people already left their homes and lives in their own countries to come to look after our needy people To now expect them to leave their own families, including their young children, behind is needlessly cruel and nasty It will discourage some from even coming to the UK if they cannot bring their children and others who do come will be constantly distracted by the fact that they are away from their families It is a cruel irony that we expect people to come and care for our vulnerable people but to leave behind their children and dependents to be cared for by others

“This will certainly affect the workforce available to care homes and will lead to them having to spend even more time and resources on attracting and recruiting competent carers Even if the government does wish to reduce net migration, it needs to focus on the right areas and not penalise people who are already serving this country, just because they are easy targets Carers must be allowed to bring their families with them so they can lead happy, fulfilled lives while they are in the UK, and perform their jobs better as a result as well ”

One of the largest home care providers in the UK has revealed that it is compensating numerous migrant workers to stay at home without work due to the Home Office's failure to renew essential immigration permits Darren Stapelberg, CEO of Grosvenor Healthcare, the third-largest domiciliary care provider in the UK, expressed concerns over the drastic shift in policy He disclosed that his company is now paying reduced wages to 30 Zimbabwean workers and anticipates having to do the same for an additional 90 workers soon Despite a significant shortage of care workers, exacerbated by the departure of eleven of his staff, Stapelberg lamented the loss of valuable contributors to society

UK deputy PM calls for election AI safeguards

Br it is h De p u ty P ri m e M in i st er Oliver Dow den urged democratic nat i o ns w o r ld w i d e to u ni te i n ad dressing the menace of artificial intelligence (AI) w ielded by hostile states to underm ine free elections and propagate misinformatio n S p e a k i n g i n S e o u l a t t h e Summit for Democracy, Dowden unveiled plans for what he termed a "pioneering" international government agreement aimed at combating the deceptive manipulation of AI by foreign powers during e l e c t o r a l p r o c e s s e s D r a w i n g attention to the recent agreement among leading technology firms at the Munich Security Conference to collaborate in combating AIgenerated deepfakes engineered to deceive voters, Dowden emphasised the imperative for governments to emulate such cooperation H e s t r e s s e d t h e n e e d f o r a coordinated response from governments to effectively tackle the threat posed by AI-driven disinformation campaigns orchestrated by adversarial states

Former race tsar criticises Church's slavery fund

Tory peer and fo rmer equality tsar T o ny S e w el l h as c ri ti c is e d th e Chu rch o f Eng land 's £10 0 m illion slavery reparation fund, likening it to " almost like bribery "

Lord Sewell, who chaired Boris J o h n s o n ' s C o m m i s s i o n o n R a c e and Ethnic Disparities, suggested that the church's decision to establish the fund was politically motivated and merely for appearances, as reported by The Times The f u n d , a n n o u n c e d i n J a n u a r y t o address the Church of England's connections to transatlantic slave r y , a i m s t o a l l o c a t e r e s o u r c e s towards investment, research, and engagement to address historical injustices

H o w e v e r , c r i t i c i s m s h a v e emerged regarding the size and pace of the fund, with calls for a target of £1 billion A spokesperson for the Church Commissioners for England emphasised the ongoing impact of African chattel enslavem e n t a n d a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e c h u r c h s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y i n t h i s regard They stated that the £100 million commitment to establish the Fund for Healing, Repair, and J u s t i c e i s p a r t o f t h e c h u r c h ' s response to its past wrongs

In response to the criticism, an i n d e p e n d e n t o v e r s i g h t g r o u p recently stated that £100 million is " i n s u f f i c i e n t " t o a d e q u a t e l y address the historical and ongoing repercussions of slavery, emphasising the need for deeper reflection and more substantial action

12 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Sewa Singh Atkar Shoaib M Khan Tony Sewell

Inaugural International Women's Day event uplifts

North London

Th e inaugu ral International Women's Day event w as jointly ho sted by th e Lo hana Community o f North L ondo n ( LCNL ) and th e Y oung L ohana S ociety (YL S) The event w as h eld in th e JV Go kal Hall at Dhamech a L ohana Centre in South Harrow and witnessed an overwh elming tu rnou t of over 300 ladies and gentlemen

The event commenced with a warm welcome from


unconventional paths, drawing from her experience in the world of football She reminded the audience “If you want to go fast, go alone If you want to go far, take others with you ”

Following these inspiring speeches, a diverse and dynamic panel engaged the audience on various topics, including parenting, equal partnerships in marriage, and breaking societal

Amit Chandarana, Secretary of LCNL, followed by an inspiring account from Meena Jasani, President, who shared her courageous journey as a cancer survivor

The audience was then treated to the wisdom of four remarkable keynote speakers who left an indelible mark on everyone present Jay Rughani spoke about the adoption of her daughter with her husband, Sanjay Rughani and recounted her harrowing near-death experience following a medical mishap and living with brain Injury She emphasised the importance of mental health awareness Her message was “People may look fine on the outside however you have no idea

what is going on inside Mental Health is the spoken and unspoken words ” Sujata Din delved into the significance of self-care and navigating the challenges of women's well-being, stressing the importance and educating the audience from her own experiences

Reena Ranger OBE encouraged resilience and self-reflection, reminding attendees that failure is merely a stepping stone towards growth She brought an exhilarating sense of belief and energised the audience through her story Uma Cresswell, an advocate for breaking gender norms, urged women to embrace

British Asian GP elected to Membership of the Faculty of Public Health

Dr Aaliya Goyal, GP is a speci a li s t i n O c cu p a ti o nal Health, Nati onally Elected Member of RC GP Cou ncil S h e h a s be en ele ct ed to Membership of th e Faculty o f P u b li c Hea lth t h ro u g h Distinction, in recog nition of h er w o rk to ov erc o me health inequalities, p articularly in South A sian com munities

Speaking to Asian Voice about this, Dr Goyal said, “I h a v e b e e n r e c o g n i s e d f o r u s i n g m y v o i c e a n d p l a tforms in a multitude of ways such as writing, education and participation in community engagement events in gurdwaras, mosques temp l e s a n d c o m m u n i t y c e ntres, in formal and voluntary r o l e s I w a s o f f e r e d a n opportunity to contribute to a p u b l i c a t i o n i n D i a b e t i c M e d i c i n e o n “ A d d r e s s i n g H e a l t h I n e q u a l i t i e s i n Diabetes through research” after attending a conference

h o s t e d b y D i a b e t e s U K where I was able to share learning from a past role in B l a c k C o u n t r y I n t e g r a t e d Care Board

“Coincidentally, one of the first publications I discussed Health Inequalities in was Asian Voice newspaper in 2021, where I was featured in an article discussing the importance of men in advocating for all women to overcome health inequalities experienced by women

in our communities I espec i a l l y v a l u e b e i n g a b l e t o speak to doctors training to be GPs at conferences for the Royal College of GPs and as an opening speaker for the Health Inequalities a n d P o p u l a t i o n H e a l t h module in the virtual learning platform hosted by NHS England ”

Becoming a Member of the Faculty of Public Health a l l o w s D r A a l i y a t o c o ntribute to their special interest groups in many areas t h a t s h e c a r e s a b o u t a n d h i g h l i g h t t h e F a c u l t y o f Public Health’s work across the organisations she works with

“I am grateful for the s u p p o r t o f P u b l i c H e a l t h colleagues I know We have the aligned goal of improving the health of well-being of local communities and n a t i o n a l p o p u l a t i o n s t o enable good health for all,” she told the newsweekly

Akshata Murty hails vitality of role models

Ak sh a ta Mu rty i s a bu s inesswoman with firsth and experienc e in investing in initiatives led by women

I n c o m m e m o r a t i o n o f

International Women’s Day t h i s m o n t h , t h e S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y a l u m n a o r g anized a unique mentoring s e s s i o n a t 1 0 D o w n i n g Street in London, inviting

f e m a l e r o l e m o d e l s a n d business leaders to inspire girls and young women M u r t y h o n o u r e d women in business, paying t r i b u t e t o h e r m o t h e r , S u d h a M u r t y , w h o w a s recently appointed to the Upper House of the Indian Parliament for her philanthropic contributions

She remarked, “I deeply appreciate the remarkable efforts involved in running a b u s i n e s s M y m o t h e r ' s pursuits in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics empowered her to break academic and professional barriers, granting her a front-row seat to the technological revolution "

taboos surrounding women's health and career choices The panel was hosted by Sonal Magecha, with panellists Bhavna Radia, Krupa Jasani Robertson, Ronak Paw, Jeet Rughani, Lavina Mehta MBE and Roshni Thakrar The discussion provided invaluable perspectives for all; their insights were truly inspiring

The success of the event was a testament to the dedicated efforts of the organising team from LCNL and YLS, led by Meena Jasani, Tulsi Tanna, Amit Chandarana, Shivangi Karia, Chandni Dattani, Jeet Rughani, Ronak Paw, Roshni Thakrar, Sonal Magecha, Shriya Rajani and Jay Rughani Their commitment ensured an engaging and empowering experience for all attendees

As the event drew to a close, attendees were treated to Indian High Chai, networking opportunities and an array of women-focused stalls The event buoyed the palpable sense of inspiration that permeated the gathering, it was truly special

13 www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly
Dr Aaliya Goyal Krupa Jasani Robertson, Bhavna Radia, Lavina Mehta MBE, Roshni Thakrar Jeet Rughani Reena Ranger OBE Meena Jasani Ronak Paw Jay Rughani Tulsi Tanna Una Cresswell Sujata Din Sonal Magecha and Amit Chandarana Keynote speakers from left to right: Sujata Din, Una Cresswell, Reena Ranger OBE and Jay Rughani Panel discussion by Sonal Magecha with panellists Bhavna Radia Krupa Jasani Robertson Ronak Paw Jeet Rughani Lavina Mehta MBE and Roshni Thakrar

Inspiring curiosity and creativity in young readers

Babita Sharm a, acclaimed author, journalist, and TV personality, has dedicated fifteen years to covering major g lobal new s events as a presenter for BBC News In 2019, sh e released a book on the history of the corner shop in Britain, published by Two Road s, following her w ell-received docum entary "Booze, Beans & Bh ajis: The Sto ry of the Corner S hop" o n BBC Four

Her latest work, "Priya Mistry and the Paw Prints Puzzle," is a captivating mystery set in a corner shop, interwoven with her family history and extensive research on South Asians in the newsagent business The book is available from March 14 at RRP £12 99

In an interview with Asian Voice, Babita talks about the book and inclusivity in storytelling

Can you tell us more about your character Priya Mistry and what inspired you to create her?

Priya Mistry is a character born from my personal connection to the corner shop environment As a proud corner shop kid, I wanted to reflect on my childhood experiences and appreciate the uniqueness of the world I grew up in For me, the character of Priya serves as a vessel to explore the corner shop world in a relatable and exciting way for young readers The inspiration comes from my desire to delve into the fun and adventurous aspects of creative writing for children

Having written a nonfiction book for adults, the shift towards children's literature enabled me to infuse a sense of wonder, curiosity, and excitement into the narrative Priya embodies this exploration, bringing to life the vibrant world of the corner shop through her character By choosing Priya as the central figure, I wanted to give young readers a relatable protagonist who navigates the everyday and the extraordinary in her corner shop world

Can you share any exciting twists or challenges Priya faces in solving this mystery?

Without revealing too much, what sets Priya apart is her ingenious approach to solving mysteries She possesses a special mission kit equipped with intriguing items that enhance her superpower detective skills, adding an element of excitement and

unpredictability to her investigations One captivating aspect of Priya's journey is her collaboration with some of her favourite customers, each possessing hidden powers Together, they form a formidable team that embarks on spectacular adventures to aid Priya in her mission Readers can anticipate a blend of clever problemsolving, unexpected alliances, and the thrill of uncovering hidden powers

What messages or themes do you hope readers will take away from Priya Mistry's adventures?

I hope readers will draw inspiration from Priya Mistry's boundless curiosity for life She constantly explores new and exciting ways to tackle challenges, fostering a sense of excitement and

of the narrative Having grown up with books that lacked characters reflecting the diversity of the world around me, it became crucial that any child picking up this book could find themselves or people they knew within its pages Collaborating with the brilliant illustrator Ali Pye, we worked on establishing the right tone and colours for the book The ultimate goal was to celebrate Priya's world, ensuring it radiates with a spectrum of

creativity among readers I want the audience to appreciate the joy of embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, mirroring Priya's fearless and inventive mindset Overall, the messages I hope readers take away include the power of curiosity, resilience in the face of adversity, and the thrill of approaching life's challenges with a positive and inventive mindset

How important was it for you to incorporate diversity and representation into your book, both in terms of characters and settings?

Ensuring diversity and representation in my book, particularly in the characters and settings, was a priority throughout creating the Priya series Over several months, meticulous attention was given to crafting Priya's character, not only in terms of her appearance but also in the overall tone

Spotlight on Queer representation and relationships

Indi an fi lm m aker Ku m ar Chheda's debu t short film "Halfway" p remiered at th e

M A MI Film F estiv al, winning the S ilv er Aw ard for Bes t Fi lm It also h ad its i nt ern ati o n al p rem i e re a t the BFI FL ARE Londo n Film Festiv al as the only Indian entry

Additionally, "Halfway" h a s b e e n c h o s e n b y t h e British Council as one of the top five films from the festival, to be distributed in over 200 countries and 20+ lang u a g e s a s p a r t o f t h e i r F i v e F i l m s 4 F r e e d o m p r ogram, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year I n a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h Asian Voice, Kumar spoke a b o u t t h e i n s p i r a t i o n behind his short film, the challenges he faced during i t s p r o d u c t i o n , a n d w h a t a u d i e n c e s c a n t a k e a w a y from the film

1 Can yo u tell u s abo ut th e inspiration behind the story and w hat motivated you to explore the theme “Queer”?

Well, there's no answer more cliché than this, but t h e f i l m i s s o m e w h a t i n s p i r e d b y m y o w n l i f e experiences Like many, I've experienced love and heartbreak firsthand There are times when we don't put in the effort to make things work and allow people to leave our lives This film is an attempt to explore an alternate reality, to view my o w n r e l a t i o n s h i p s f r o m a m o r e m a t u r e p e r s p e c t i v e and envision love enduring Choosing to tell this story through a queer lens was deliberate It aims to depict

colours that mirror the diversity and vibrancy present in our real-world communities

Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring young sleuths or writers who are inspired by Priya's adventures?

My advice to aspiring young writers is simple: Write! Let your imagination run wild and put your thoughts down on paper or type them out The most significant hurdle for aspiring or experienced writers is often overcoming the initial hesitation to start Don t worry too much about making perfect sense initially Writing itself unlocks creativity and allows ideas to flow more freely Embrace the exploration process and let your thoughts take shape on the page Remember, the more you write, the more you hone your skills and develop your unique voice

love without boundaries or r e s t r i c t i o n s , e m p h a s i s i n g that love is simply love 2 What were some of th e challenges you faced d uring production and how did you ov ercome them?

Making an independent short film is always chall e n g i n g , a n d c r e a t i n g a queer film added another

layer of difficulty There's minimal funding available for indie queer shorts, so we knew we had to give it our all With limited resources, we had to be creative, shooting at Juhu beach (Mumbai) without formal permissions and racing against time We aimed for inclusivity in both our set and crew, but balancing quality and ethical filmmaking posed its own challenges However, I was fortunate to have an incredible crew who championed the story we wanted to tell

3 What do you h ope audiences will take aw ay from watching " Halfw ay"?

I h o p e t h a t H a l f w a y evokes that warm feeling of love once again for audiences It explores the comp l e x i t i e s o f r e l a t i o n s h i p s , something universal to all, r e g a r d l e s s o f b a c k g r o u n d By reflecting on the chal-

lenges and beauty of love, I aim to resonate with viewers and evoke memories of their own relationships For the queer community especially, I h o p e t h e f i l m p r o v i d e s c o m f o r t a n d v a l i d a t i o n , showcasing love stories that r e f l e c t t h e i r o w n e x p e r iences and identities

4 F inally, what s next fo r you as a filmm aker?

Currently, I'm immersed i n t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f m y d e b u t f e a t u r e f i l m t i t l e d " P E C H , " c e n t r e d a r o u n d two 12-year-olds in Mumbai I'm actively seeking international co-production opportunities for the project and aiming to commence filmi n g b y y e a r - e n d Additionally, I'm engaged in writing a commissioned feature and developing a new television series, all revolving around themes of society and family As a filmm a k e r d e e p l y r o o t e d i n p o l i t i c a l n a r r a t i v e s , I f i n d i n s p i r a t i o n i n t h e w o r l d s s t r u g g l e s a n d h a r d s h i p s , d r i v i n g m e t o t e l l s t o r i e s that resonate on a global scale While "Halfway" may be my least overtly political work, I take pride in its subtle contribution to normalising queerness

Jasbinder Bilan unveils a captivating historical children's novel

Renowned Costa A wardwinning author Jasbind er Bilan introd uces readers to her latest masterpiece, ‘Nush and the Sto len Em erald’

Following the success of "Asha & the Spirit Bird," Bilan delves into a mesmerising historical narrative filled with intrigue, adventure, and cultural exploration Set in the backdrop of colonial India, "Nush" follows the journey of Nush, the maharani of an Indian kingdom, as she grapples with the encroachment of the British East India Company

As she navigates through unfamiliar territories and confronts challenges, Nush discovers her inner strength and resilience Alongside themes of colonialism and identity, the novel unravels an action-packed royal mystery that captivates readers of all ages

About writing her new book, Jasbinder said, “‘Nush and the Stolen Emerald’ takes me on a new challenge It is an exciting historical adventure which examines the rights and wrongs of our colonial past Again, it is a story rooted in India but with a very relevant contemporary twist

My Indian Maharani sneaks on board the ship bound for England instead of her brother and makes it her mission to return home with the ancestral emerald stolen from their kingdom by the East India Company I loved writing it and can’t wait to hear what readers make of it

Bilan's adept storytelling and rich narrative make ‘Nush and the Stolen Emerald’ a compelling read for young audiences, offering a blend of historical insight and gripping adventure

14 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Kumar Chheda Babita Sharma
C e d t a n S h a p
Jasbinder Bilan

Ketan Dattani

Minorities and a Bid for Inclusion in Environmental Decision-Making

Maxwell Ayamba, an impassioned advocate for environmentalism and a respected academic, emphasises the pressing need for enhanced diversity and inclusivity within environmental endeavours, particularly against the captivating backdrop of England's rural vistas

W i t h a p r o f o u n d l e g a c y a s t h e p i o n e e r i n g f o u n d e r o f t h e S h e f f i e l d E n v i r o n m e n t a l M o v e m e n t i n 2 0 1 6 , a n d h o l d i n g a P h D i n B l a c k S t u d i e s f r o m N o t t i n g h a m U n i v e r s i t y , A y a m b a d r a w s from a wealth of experience spanning over two decades in the field

T h e d i s c e r n i n g e y e r e v e a l s a s t a r k dichotomy between the landscapes of the UK, wherein he observes a glaring neglect of t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f r a c e , e c o l o g y , a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l j u s t i c e M o r e o v e r , i t i s within my own sincere experiences where I h a v e a l s o c l e a r l y y e t u n f o r t u n a t e l y w i t n e s s e d i n e q u a l i t i e s b e t w e e n e t h n i c minorities and their contribution(s) to a long-lasting environment

In a similar manner, Ayamba unveils a disquieting truth: the English countryside, often romanticised, serves as a lucrative d o m a i n f o r a b i g , s h a r k - l i k e b u s i n e s s , generating billions of pounds for various enterprises However, this prosperity rarely trickles down to those who lack privilege and are marginalised from the benefits of rural life In both our views, the system perpetuates a cycle of exclusion, favouring the privileged while leaving taxpayersthose funding the management of these spaces, uninformed and disenfranchised T o b r i n g t h e p o i n t h o m e f u r t h e r , "wealth and aristocracy," Ayamba asserts, "still wield considerable influence in the

c o r r i d o r s o f t r a d i t i o n a l e n v i r o n m e n t a l organisations and discussions within the House of Lords Yet, the voices of the marginalised - BAME communities, lowerincome groups are conspicuously absent from these arenas of decision-making A r e p o r t b y t h e U K g o v e r n m e n t ' s E n v i r o n m e n t a l A u d i t C o m m i t t e e f o u n d that ethnic minorities are underrepresented in senior positions within environmental organisations In 2021, only 3% of board members in environmental organisations w e r e f r o m S o u t h A s i a n a n d B l a c k backgrounds, despite minority individuals making up approximately 14% of the UK population

Lacking representation and awareness o f p e r t i n e n t p o l i c y i s s u e s , t h e s e communities are effectively sidelined from the discourse

I can safely say that in contrast to mainstream environmental organisations predominantly led by white voices, these g r a s s r o o t s m o v e m e n t s , c o n c e r n e d w i t h addressing immediate social or economic challenges, lack the institutional support a n d r e s o u r c e s t o e v o l v e i n t o f o r m a l environmental entities Instead, they pivot their focus towards issues such as religion, employment, health, and education

Ayamba's poignant insights, as well as m y p e r s o n a l f i n d i n g s i l l u m i n a t e t h e i m p e r a t i v e f o r a p a r a d i g m s h i f t a departure from the status quo towards a more inclusive environmental movement that embraces diversity in all its forms Only t h r o u g h a m p l i f y i n g t h e v o i c e s o f marginalised communities and fostering genuine inclusivity can true progress be realised in safeguarding our planet's future

Young author Aadhyatm Jain shares insights into his book 'Redemption of Gralius'

Subhasini Naicker

In literature, the boundless nature of age allows young minds to exhibit remarkable creativity beyond their years. Aadhyatm Jain epitomises this notion, consistently striving to make each year of his life memorable

Remarkably, at the age of five, he embarked on a solo journey from India to the UK by airplane

By six, he had learned and memorised the Bhaktamar Stotra in Sanskrit Continuing his adventurous spirit, at seven, Aadhyatm delved into the world of hiking, successfully conquering the three national peaks of the UK

In an interview with Asian Voice, Aadhyatm provided insights into his book, discussing its genre, main themes, characters, and the influences behind his writing and storytelling

Could you provide a brief summary of your book, including his genre and main themes?

In my book, "Redemption of Gralius," readers are introduced to Jack Watson, an 11-year-old boy determined to save his homeland from the clutches of evil Alongside his ten friends, Jack embarks on a perilous journey to thwart the plans of a malevolent force that has overtaken their island and now seeks to conquer the world With all the adults gone, the fate of their island rests in the hands of these courageous

youths Led by an evil wizard who commands formidable forces from a distant galaxy, the challenges they face are immense As the story unfolds, readers will discover the sacrifices these boys must make and witness their resilience as they confront their adversaries "Redemption of Gralius" offers an exhilarating tale of bravery, friendship, and the fight for survival against insurmountable odds

How did you approach creating and developing characters in your stories? Are they inspired from real people or are they entirely fictional?

Many of my characters, including the protagonist Jack Watson, draw inspiration from aspects of my own personality Jack shares my love for solving puzzles, as well as a passion for playing the guitar, showcasing his cleverness throughout the story Meanwhile, the other characters, such as Jack's friends, are reflections of individuals I know in real life For example, my friend Advik served as the basis for the character Tom Like Advik, Tom is depicted as intelligent, albeit somewhat shy Additionally, the evil wizard in the story is modelled after a real-life dictator who instigated an unnecessary war in 2022, adding a layer of depth and realism to the narrative

During that time, when my cousin visited from India, I found myself faced with the task of creating a monster for my story on

the spot Struggling to come up with an original idea, I enlisted my cousin s help in brainstorming As we discussed various options, including the infamous Annabelle doll

Can you share a favourite scene or a moment from your book?

That holds a very special meaning to you?

In the book, there's a section where characters have to solve a riddle to enter the courtyard Personally, I enjoy solving riddles, which is why I chose to engage with this part of the game However, there's a frustrating moment where one character dies, and it's particularly irksome because they happened to be one of my favourite characters I had to delete them, which presented a challenge because they were inspired by a friend from school named Sean Sean has a habit of

briefly appearing and then disappearing, which is fine, but it's reminiscent of how the character exits the book

Are there any authors or books that have influenced your writing style or storytelling?

One of my favourite authors is myself I write stories and enjoy reading them for my own pleasure In addition to my own work, I admire several other authors, with JK Rowling, Adam Blade, David Valium, and Rudyard Kipling ranking among my favourites Their writing styles captivate me, especially the humour they infuse into their stories JK Rowling's Harry Potter series has been a significant inspiration for me in my own writing journey

Are there any specific themes or messages you hope readers will take away from your book?

While I don't have a specific message I aim to convey, there's one sentiment I strongly believe in: age should never be a barrier to pursuing your passion for writing It doesn't matter how old you are; anyone can pick up a pen or sit at a keyboard and begin to write Writing is a creative outlet that knows no bounds, and it's never too late to start or too early to begin honing your craft Whether you're young or old, writing can be a fulfilling and enriching endeavour that allows you to express yourself and share your unique perspective with the world

Labour’s squad for asylum removals

L abour ha s unve iled plans t o e s t a b li sh a d e d i ca t e d s qu a d o f 1 , 0 0 0 o f fi ci a ls t a sk e d wi t h lo c a t i n g a n d e xpe ditin g t he r emova l of fa ile d a sy lu m se ek e r s an d fore ign crimina ls fr om t he U K S h a d o w H o m e S e c r e t a r y Y v e t t e C o o p e r announced the creation of t h e " R e t u r n s a n d E n f o r c e m e n t U n i t " i n response to a 40% decline in asylum removals since 2010 U n d e r L a b o u r ' s p r o p o s a l , the unit would consist of both domestic and international civil servants, with overseas officials responsible for negotiating repatriation agreements L a b o u r i n t e n d s t o f i n a n c e t h e i n i t i a t i v e through savings generated by resolving the asylum case backlog within the Home O f f i c e a n d d i s c o n t i n u i n g the use of hotels to accommodate asylum seekers Additionally, the party plans to implement a fasttrack asylum casework system for applicants from safe c o u n t r i e s , e n s u r i n g e x p ed i t e d p r o c e s s i n g w i t h i n weeks However, a report b y t h e I P P R t h i n k t a n k raised concerns about the potential costs of up to £3 9 billion for the removal of the first 20,000 individuals

15 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Aadhyatm Jain

Women in Conversation championing inclusion and empowerment

On Mo nd ay 1 1 M arch, Asian V oice in assoc ia ti o n w i th t h e R o ya l A i r F o rc e m a rke d International Wom en ’ s Day w it h t h e th i rd an nu a l W o m en i n C o nv ers a ti o n p anel discussion around th e t h em e " I ns p i re In cl u si o n "

T he ev ent was held at th e T a j, L o nd o n and in clu d e d netwo rking and a panel discussion It w as attended by w omen from div erse professions and backgrounds

CB Patel, Chairman and E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f o f A s i a n

Voice and Gujarat Samachar was present among the dist i n g u i s h e d a u d i e n c e A i r Commodore Wendy Rothery of the Royal Air Force led a team of RAF personnel in uniform R u p a n j a n a D u t t a , M a n a g i n g E d i t o r o f A s i a n Voice who hosted the event on behalf of Asian Business Publications Limited (ABPL), welcomed the guests with a brief history of Asian Voice a n d G u j a r a t S a m a c h a r

Elaborating on the theme of the panel discussion, she said that it stood for creating an e n v i r o n m e n t w h e r e e v e r y i n d i v i d u a l , i r r e s p e c t i v e o f gender, background, identity, or any other difference, feels equally valued, respected and fully engaged S h e h i g h l i g h t e d t h e important role that various women have played in the

history of Asian Voice and G u j a r a t S a m a c h a r a n d acknowledged their invalua b l e c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e organisation's five decades of service to the Britain Asian community She also highlighted the vision and leadership of CB Patel, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Asian Voice and Gujarat in making t h e p u b l i c a t i o n s a l e a d i n g voice for the community

Welcoming the audience, A i r C o m m o d o r e W e n d y Rothery thanked Asian Voice f o r h o s t i n g t h e e v e n t a n d expressed the RAF’s delight at supporting the initiative Insig hts fro m th e panel d iscu ssio n

Rupa Popat, Founder & Managing Partner of Arāya V e n t u r e s m o d e r a t e d t h e panel discussion The panellists were Sandeep Mahal MBE, Interim Co-Executive D i r e c t o r o

Priya Guha MBE, Venture Partner at Merian Ventures; and Mamta Singhal MBE, Chartered Design Engineer,

her journey of challenging cultural norms and building a successful career despite societal pressures

mother in her 20s brought specific cul-

she consistently challenged Mamta Singhal said that she was motivated by the scarcity of women in engineering to champion diversity and mentor people in her field

The panellists highlighted the importance of mentoring in navigating challenges and overcoming the f e a r o f s e e k i n g h e l p D i s c u s s i n g c a r e e r h i ndrances, Mamta shared her struggles as a neurodiverse person while obtaining her C h a r t e r s h i p P r i y a G u h a shared her transition from a career diplomat to technolo g y , a n d S a n d e e p M a h a l reflected on the pandemic's impact leading her to her

current role as the interim C o - E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r o f t h e R o y a l S h a k e s p e a r e Company (RSC)

The panellists highlighted the importance of fostering inclusion in the workp l a c e M a m t a S i n g h a l s t r e s s e d t h e n e c e s s i t y o f r e l a t a b l e r o l e m o d e l s a n d p u r s u i n g w h a t o n e l o v e s , making the job more enjoya b l e S a n d e e p e m p h a s i s e d t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f b e i n g open to diverse perspectives C o n c l u d i n g t h e p a n e l discussion Rupanjana Dutta said, “Women are not aiming to occupy existing seats at the table Instead, our goal is to broaden the table, increase its capacity and welcome a d i v e r s e r a n g e o f p e r s p e ctives ”

In conv ersation w ith the aud ience S o m e i n s i g h t f u l i s s u e s e m e r g e d d u r i n g t h e Q & A with the audience, in particular about the need to priorit i s e p e r s o n a l w e l l - b e i n g Sandeep advocated self-care by sharing her practice of writing a self-love letter, prio r i t i s i n g f a m i l y t i m e , a n d e n g a g i n g i n r e a d i n g f o r r e l a x a t i o n w h i l e M a m t a emphasised the importance of exercise, healthy eating, and strategic time managem e n t f o r s e l f - n u r t u r i n g P r i y a e c h o e d t h e s e s e n t iments, highlighting the significance of job satisfaction and the necessity of reassessm e n t w h e n n e e d e d Rupanjana talked about findi n g p e a c e i n m e d i t a t i o n ,

f t h e R o y a l S h a k e s p e a r e C o m p a n y ;
E n g i n e e r i n g F e l l o w , V i s i t i n g P r o f e s s o r , a n d a d i v e r s i t y i n e n g i n e e r i n g advocate S a n d e e p M a h a l M B E shared
S h e s a i d m a r r y i n g y o u n g
t u r a l e x p e c t a t i o n s , w h i c h
and becoming
16 AsianVoiceNews www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024 AsianVoiceNewsweekly
L to R: Moderator Rupa Popat, Sandeep Mahal MBE, Mamta Singhal MBE, Priya Guha MBE Members of the Royal Air Force, the panellists and CB Patel Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar Air Commodore Wendy Rothery RAF CB Patel, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Flt Lt Margaret Welton BSc (Hons) MIET Rupanjana Dutta, Managing Editor Asian Voice

breathwork, and journaling

When asked about navig a t i n g t o k e n d i v e r s i t y a n d feeling different due to race and gender, Priya shared her experience as the first woman c o n s u l g e n e r a l i n S a n


highlighted the advantages of her unique position Mamta a

remained focused on her role as a chartered engineer while prioritising technical competence Sandeep, as the sole representative of the global majority on the senior leaders h i p t e a m , d i s c u s s e d t h e weight of expectations while addressing societal issues

Another significant topic addressed was how male coll e a g u e s a n d e m p l o y e r s c a n s u p p o r t w o m e n d u r i

m e n o p a u s e , w i t h S a n

stressing the importance of dialogue and Mamta empha-

the need for support-

colleagues and bosses, and the need for organisational

observed the progress made

n l y a n d i n c r e a s e d m a l e awareness T h e c o n v e r s a t i o n a l s o included critical topics such as retirement, work-life bala n c e , a r t i f i c i a l i

t e l

i g e

c e , and women in business Vote of thanks and message fro m CB Patel

In his message and vote of thanks CB Patel, Chairman a n d E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f , A s i a n Voice and Gujarat Samachar said, “This event marks the third collaboration between the RAF and Asian Voice in the Women in Conversation series, and I would like to

thank the RAF for making t

Commodore Wendy Rothery could be here along with the team from RAF I would also l

this event together

"Women In Conversation has a strong message for

often talk about the various roles that women play

entrepreneurs, academics,



is, without a

the story

progress itself The stories of the eminent panel-

and the RAF personnel

17 www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly
Photo courtesy: Vineet Johri
d w e l l i n g o n n e g
i v e
c k n o w l e
n g t o k e n i s e d a t t i m e s b u
c i s c o R a t h e r t h a n
a t
s s
s o a
e d f e e l i
d e e p
s i s i n g a c t i v e o r g a n i s a t i o n a l s u p p o r t T h e a u d i e n c e
b a c k i n g R u p a n j a n a D u t t a
i n d i s c u s s i n g m e n o p a u s e o p e
h i s e v e n t p o s s i b l e I a m d e l i g h t e d t h a t A i r
e t o t h a n k S q u a d r o
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CB Patel with Sqn Ldr Amir Khan

Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel

S o many ema ils I r ecei ve are f rom pe ople unha ppy wi th t hei r IFAs So how do yo u cr oss examine (sorry the Ba rriste r i n me coming out) your f inanci al ad visor or wea lth manage r?

In the context of a debate or cross-examination with an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) who holds the view that a 4-5% per annum return is acceptable, while also engaging in practices such as indiscriminately investing in funds ("spray and pray"), refusing to acknowledge the inability to hold cash in down markets, failing to outperform major indices like the S&P 500, not disclosing commissions or kickbacks for selecting specific funds, and having qualifications that might be perceived as less rigorous due to multiplechoice examination methods, the following questions are crafted to critically engage with these positions

These questions aim to challenge the IFA's strategies, ethics, and the value they provide to their clients, reflecting a perspective that demands higher standards in investment advice and transparency

1 On the Accepta bi lit y of 4-5% Re turns: "Given the long-term average annual return of the S&P 500 has been significantly higher than 4-5%, can you explain why you believe a 4-5% return is satisfactory for investors, especially in light of inflation and the opportunity costs associated with not investing in higherperforming assets?"

2 O n Di ve rsi fi ca ti on Ve rsu s "Sp ra y a nd Pr ay " : "How do you differentiate your investment strategy from a 'spray and pray' approach, and can you provide empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of your method in achieving superior risk-adjusted returns for your clients Why do you think a fund holding 50-100 stocks, and therefore were a single stock to even double, result mathematically in barely any impact on the portfolio, shows that the fund manager is competent rather than unsure of himself with so many holdings, especially considering billionaires such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, have less than 3% of their capital in any stock after their 8th largest holding? How many holdings will I have exposure to across all the funds you will put me in, by geography, style (eg value, growth) and theme (eg AI) – will it be 200, 300 holdings, making this problem of returns even harder?"

3 On Ca sh Hold ings i n Down Ma rkets: In scenarios where market downturns are anticipated or occurring, what strategies do you employ to preserve client capital, and why do you believe holding cash isn't a viable option during such times?"

4 On Be nchmar ki ng Ag ainst Major Indices: "Can you provide transparent, verifiable data that demonstrates your managed portfolios consistently outperform major benchmarks such as the S&P 500 over the long term, after fees? Given the markets rise roughly 5 years out of 7, why would I want diversification when that implies many investments that fall when the market is rising in those 5 out of 7 years? And is it no the case that in down years, there is an increased correlation among stocks, so actually cash would be better then?"

5 On D isclo sure o f Commi ssions a nd Ki ckbacks: How do you ensure full transparency with your clients regarding any commissions, kickbacks, or other financial incentives you receive for recommending particular funds or investment products?"

6 On Qua lif icati ons and E xpe rtise: "How do you supplement your qualifications, with continuous professional development to stay abreast of advanced investment strategies and market dynamics "

7 On P ortfol io Customi za tion: "How do you tailor investment strategies to individual client needs and risk tolerances, rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, especially in light of your broad fund selection strategy, or a low, medium, high risk bucket strategy?”

8 O n F e e S t r u c t u r e s a n d C l i e n t V a l u e : "Considering your fee structure, how do you justify the value you provide to your clients, particularly if your investment performance does not consistently beat low-cost index funds after fees?"

9 On Ethi ca l Sta nd ards a nd Cli ent Best Inte rest: "How do you align your investment recommendations with the highest ethical standards and ensure they are always in the best interest of your clients, irrespective of the potential for financial gain on your part?"

10 On the Role of IFAs in Inv estor Succe ss: "Given the increasing availability of financial information and low-cost investment platforms, how do you define the role of an IFA in ensuring investor success, and what makes your approach unique and indispensable?"

British Asian leaders and entrepreneurs join forces to drive positive change

A business leader is calling fo r B ri ti s h A si an entrepreneurs to create lasting and po sitive impact by jo i n in g t h e B ri ti s h A si an Trust's Fo und ers Circle D r N i k K o t e c h a O B E

DL, Chairman of the Randal Charitable Foundation and UK Advisory Council memb e r o f t h e B r i t i s h A s i a n T r u s t , h a s r e c e n t l y h i g hlighted the important role p l a y e d b y B r i t i s h A s i a n entrepreneurs in disrupting a n d r e s h a p i n g i n d u s t r i e s a n d c h a m p i o n i n g s o c i a l causes in the UK and globally He recognised the same ethos of disruption and positive social change in the

work of international develo p m e n t o r g a n i s a t i o n t h e British Asian Trust

Founded in 2007, by His M a j e s t y K i n g C h a r l e s I I I when he was The Prince of Wales, the Trust is committed to working alongside the private sector, British Asian l e a d e r s a n d b u s i n e s s

Tourism leaders advocate reinstating tax-free shopping for visitors

A tourism trad e body is issuing a stark warning tod ay, labelling the discontinuation of tax-free shopp ing for overseas v isitors in the UK as "an act o f economic self-harm " This caution co mes as recent fig ures reveal th at visito r numbers at po pular attractio ns have yet to rebound to pre-pandem ic levels

Bernard Donoghue, Chief Executive of the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions, criticised the government's decision to eliminate VAT-free sales for tourists in 2021, arguing that it has rendered the UK "less competitive and less attractive as a destination " Donoghue emphasised the urgent need to reinstate the scheme and expand it to encompass visitors from the EU

“Getting rid of tax-free shopping for overseas visitors is an act of economic self-harm,” said Donoghue, adding that tourists were shortening their stays in the UK to go shopping in Paris, Milan, Rome or Madrid instead

His critique coincides with the release of figures by the association, indicating that Britain's tourist destinations have yet to fully recover from the impact of the Covid pandemic Last year, these attractions welcomed a total of 146 6 million visits, marking a 19% increase from 2022 but still representing an 11% decline from pre-pandemic levels in 2019

Furthermore, although the recovery in visitor numbers to the UK in 2021 compared favourably with other Western European countries, projections from VisitBritain, citing forecasts by Oxford Economics, suggest that the UK's market share is anticipated to diminish relative to rival destinations by 2028

New tax could cost millions of UK households £200

The im plementation of the p ropo sed " boiler tax" h as been delayed prio r to its schedu led launch d ue to concerns about potential increases, with projections sug gesting th e lev y co uld reach £200 by 2025 T his tax aim s to incentiv ise h ouseholds to transition from conventional gas boilers to more environm entally friendly heating alternatives

Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho confirmed the scheme will be postponed by a year despite opposition from her own party A Tory source told the media: “Claire’s priority is to make sure people who don’t yet have an alternative to a gas boiler aren’t being punished ”

“She’s always fought hard to make sure we are helping people, not forcing them The extra time also gives British suppliers time to grow ” Helena Bennett, the head of climate policy at Green Alliance explained: “The building sector is in serious jeopardy of not meeting its net-zero targets, and this is only causing further setbacks ”

Mike Foster, Chief Executive of the Energy and Utilities Alliances, cautioned that the Conservative government has strategically positioned a potential dilemma for the anticipated incoming Labour administration

Foster predicts that the proposed boiler tax could soar to approximately £200 by next year Critics argue that postponing the tax's implementation from April 1st to the following year will hinder the UK's ability to achieve its emissions reduction targets However, the government asserts that it will streamline access to heat pump grants for households across the UK, particularly amidst the ongoing Cost of Living crisis

e n t r e p r e n e u r s f r o m a l l b a c k g r o u n d s , t o w o r k t o g e t h e r t o h e l p t a c k l e

widespread poverty, inequality and injustice in South Asia

T h e F o u n d e r s

Circle, introduced by the Trust, fosters coll a b o r a t i o n a m o n g e n t r e p r e n e u r s a n d p h i l a n t h r o p i s t s , w i t h t h e

M i d l a n d s s e r v i n g a s t h e

T r u s t ' s i n a u g u r a l r e g i o n a l

Chapter Through strategic initiatives, mentorship programmes and networking, they can shape a brighter future for communities in need C o l l a b o r a t i o n , D r

Kotecha emphasised, is key t o a c h i e v i n g m e a n i n g f u l c h a n g e M i d l a n d s - b a s e d l e a d e r s a n d e n t r e p r e n e u r s are invited to join this miss i o n b y r e a c h i n g o u t t o Midlands@britishasiantrust org uk The British Asian Trust s u p p o r t s a m b i t i o u s , s u st a i n a b l e s o l u t i o n s t h a t enable marginalised people to achieve their full potent i a l S t a r t e d i n 2 0 0 7 , t h e T r u s t h a s h a d a p o s i t i v e i m p a c t o n t h e l i v e s o f almost 12 million people in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka They work w i t h t h e i r s u p p o r t e r s towards a South Asia that is better for all

Debt charity: 6.7million Britons in financial crisis

A c a m p ai g n g r o up s tat ed that a stagg ering 6 7 ind ividuals in Britain are currently fa ci ng fi n anc i al h ar d sh ip due to the escalating co st of liv ing crisis A su rvey cond u ct ed f or D eb t J us ti c e revealed that 1 3% of adu lts had missed three or more credit or bill payments within the past six month s Th is p erc en ta g e no t ab ly in c rea se d to 2 9 % a m o ng ind ividu als ag ed 18 to 24 and a quarter am ong tho se ag ed 25 to 34

The assertion is corroborated by data from charit i e s , r e v e a l i n g a n o t a b l e surge in requests for assist a n c e w i t h p r o b l e m a t i c debts Official figures also i n d i c a t e a n u p t i c k i n t h e n u m b e r o f i n d i v i d u a l s

declaring insolvency C r o s s l i g h t A d v i c e , a c h a r i t y o f f e r i n g d e b t a n d f i n a n c i a l g u i d a n c e i n London and the south-east of England, reported a 20% increase in inquiries during the first two months of 2024 c o m p a r e d t o t h e c o r r esponding period last year T h i s r i s e u n d e r s c o r e s t h e escalating demand for supp o r t a m o n g i n d i v i d u a l s g r a p p l i n g w i t h f i n a n c i a l challenges While energy bills and certain other expenses have decreased from their peak levels, rents and mortgage p a y m e n t s r e m a i n s i g n i f icantly elevated compared to p r e - c r i s i s l e v e l s , p l a c i n g c o n s i d e r a b l e s t r a i n o n household budgets

Bank of England expected to maintain interest rates amid inflation uncertainty


w h en th e Monetary Policy C omm ittee unv eils its latest decision If interest rates remain u n c h a n g e d t h i s w e e k , i t would signify the fifth cons e c u t i v e m e e t i n g w i t h o u t a d j u s t m e n t , f o l l o w i n g 1 4 c o n s e c u t i v e i n c r e a s e s

Predictions from the swaps m a r k e t ,

o n s e m p h a s i z e t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f s u f f i c i e n t evidence indicating a sustained decrease in inflation b e f o r e c o n s i d e r i n g r a t e reductions This month, the E C B o p t e d t o m a i n t a i n rates unchanged, while the Fed is expected to follow suit “ ‘ N o t y e t ’ i s t h e k e y phrase that unites the message of the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the E C B a t p r e s e n t , ” s a i d S a n d r a H o r s f i e l d , economist at Investec

18 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Dr Nik Kotecha OBE DL
land is poised to maintain interest rates at their cu r ren t lev el s th i s w eek as i t a w ai ts clearer indications of co o li ng p ay g r o w th and s erv ic es i n fl ati o n, p o te nti a lly pav ing the w ay for a red uc ti o n i n bo r ro w i ng co s ts F i n anc i al m ar ke ts ov er wh elm i ng ly a ntic ip ate that th e BoE's bench mark rate will remain u nchang ed at 5 2 5 p er ce nt
of Eng
w h i c h r e f l e c t expectations of future BoE interest rates, suggest the possibility of the first downw a r d m o v e o c c u r r i n g b y A u g u s t , w i t h o n e o r t w o additional cuts anticipated by the year's end T h i s s t e a d y m o n e t a r y policy in the UK aligns with the strategies of major central banks like the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank These instit u t i

Adani Group plans $14 billion investment in FY25

Kumar Venkatasubramanian named CEO of P&G India

Kuma r Ven ka ta subra m an ia n, an alumnus of IIM-Calc utta, has bee n a ppoint ed as t he C hi ef E x e c ut i v e Of f ic e r (CEO) of P&G India, ef fec tive f rom M ay 1, 2 02 4 Joining P&G's sales team

i n I n d i a s t r a i g h t f r o m

Y 2 4 , w h i c h i s a r o u n d U S D 1 0

b i l l i o n u n t i l M a r c h 3 1 Sources suggest that these i n v e s t m e n t s w i l l p a v e t h e way for exponential profit g r o w t h W i t h t h e g r o u p aiming for a USD 100 billion c a p e x o v e r t h e n e x t 7 - 1 0 years, a significant portion w i l l b e a l l o c a t e d t o t h e rapidly expanding sectors of r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y , g r e e n hydrogen, and airports A p p r o x i m a t e l y 7 0 % o f t h e p l a n n e d c a p e x w i l l b e directed towards the group's

g r e e n p o r t f o l i o , p r i m a r i l y f o c u s i n g o n r e n e w a b l e power, green hydrogen, and g r e e n e v a c u a t i o n T h e remaining 30% will primarily support the development of airports and ports businesses

In the calendar year 2023, the portfolio achieved USD 9 5 billion EBITDA, marking a notable 34 4% year-on-year i n c r e a s e A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e net debt has decreased by 4% f r o m M a r c h 2 0 2 3 t o

September 2023

Infosys founder's grandson becomes India's youngest millionaire

I n f o sy s fo u n d e r N R N ar aya na Murt hy ha s gifted h is gr an dson Eka grah Rohan M u r t y 1 5 , 0 0 , 00 0 sh a r e s, e quiva le nt to a 0 04 per cent st ake in the compa ny , va lued a t ov er R s 240 cr ore, as per a n e x ch a n g e fi li n g Th i s t r a n s fe r h a s p o t e n t ia lly m a d e f ou r - m o n t h -o ld E k a g r a h I n d i a 's y o un g e st m illion aire F o l l o w i n g t h i s o f fmarket transaction, Murthy's stake in Infosys now stands at 0 36 percent, down from the previous 0 40 percent, or over 1 51 crore shares

This significant gift adds

to the legacy of Infosys, a company that started in 1981 with $250 and has evolved i n t o o n e o f I n d i a ' s m o s t e s t e e m e d f i r m s I t h a s s e t new standards for corporate g o v e r n a n c e a n d w e a l t h

K e r a la - ba s e d e n e r g y t e ch s t a r t u p , ' cha r ge M O D', h a s un v e ile d it s e x pa n sio n st rat egy , an nouncing pla ns to de ploy 1,200 a ddit ion al EV char gers na tionwid e an d 600 m ore in Ker ala The company aims t o in st all 1 ,000 slow charg ers an d 200 fast charg ers a cross v arious stat es in India , along with 500 slow char ger s an d 100 fast cha rge rs in Kera la T h e s e p l a n s a r e i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e existing 1,500 charging stations in Kerala and 2,000 stations nationwide 'chargeMOD' is also set to introduce Ultra Fast Chargers with capacities ranging from 120 kW to 340 kW, e n h a n c i n g c h a r g i n g s p e e d s f o r E V u s e r s across the country M Ramanunni, the CEO and Co-Founder of 'chargeMOD', expressed pride in the startup's growth, noting that it h a s e v o l v e d f r o m a v e n


Ekagrah Rohan Murty is the third grandchild of the M u r t h y s a n d t h e s o n o f R o h a n M u r t y a n d A p a r n a Krishnan The name Ekagrah h a s r o o t s i n S a n s k r i t a n d symbolises unwavering focus and determination S u d h a M u r t y , c of o u n d e r o f I n f o s y s , concluded her tenure at the I n f o s y s F o u n d a t i o n i n December 2021 but remains a c t i v e i n p h i l a n t h r o p y t h r o u g h h e r f a m i l y ' s f o u n d a t i o n R e c e n t l y , s h e was sworn in as a member of the Rajya Sabha

c a m p u s i n 2 0 0 0 , K u m a r b o a s t s n e a r l y 2 4 y e a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e , p r i m a r i l y i n v a r i o u s s a l e s r o l e s a c r o s s India Currently serving as t h e C E O f o r P & G ' s operations in Australia and New Zealand, he has been credited with driving record m e t r i c s t h r o u g h c a t e g o r y growth and robust retailer partnerships

B e f o r e a s s u m i n g h i s current position, Kumar led the sales team at P&G India until 2020 The incumbent CEO, LV Vaidyanathan, will be departing the company to

p u r s u e o t h e r e n d e a v o u r s f o l l o w i n g 2 8 y e a r s o f dedicated service to P&G S t a n i s l a v V e c e r a , P & G P r e s i d e n t , A s i a P a c i f i c , Middle East, and Africa said, “Kumar is no stranger to the I n d i a o r g a n i s a t i o n , h a v i n g spent many years building and executing our business s t r a t e g i e s h e r e T h e I n d i a b u s i n e s s a n d p e o p l e w i l l immensely benefit from his

l e a d e r s h i p a n d v i s i o n , a n d

collectively I am certain they will take the India business to n e w h e i g h t s w h i l e m a i n t a i n i n g a b a l a n c e d growth outlook ”

O n h i s n e w r o l e , V e n k a t a s u b r a m a n i a n s a i d ,

“The India organisation is on a m o m e n t u m , d e l i v e r i n g c o n s i s t e n t r e s u l t s a n d a b a l a n c e d t o p a n d b o t t o ml i n e g r o w t h I t w i l l b e important for us to remain f o c u s e d o n o u r i n t e g r a t e d growth strategy, as I believe it is the right strategy for us to deliver sustained outcomes We will focus on a portfolio of daily use products where p e r f o r m a n c e d r i v e s b r a n d choice and raises the bar on all aspects of our superiority strategy– product, package, brand communication, retail execution, and value ”

I n d i a h a s a n n o u n c e d a r eduction in import tax es on cer tain e lect ric ve hicles for c om p a n ie s i n v e s t i n g a min imum of $500 million in m a n u f a ct ur i n g fa c i li t ie s w i t h in t hr e e y e a r s T h i s m o v e c o ul d p o t e n t i a l ly support Tesla's ambit ions to pe net ra te the In dian mar ke t The policy shift aligns with Tesla's lobbying efforts in New Delhi, which began last July In exchange for o f f e r i n g t o c o n s t r u c t a f a c t o r y i n I n d i a , T e s l a s o u g h t a r e d u c t i o n i n i m p o r t t a x e s , w h i c h C E O E l o n M u s k p r e v i o u s l y

c r i t i c i s e d a s a m o n g t h e highest globally D e s p i t e l o n g s t a n d i n g efforts by Musk to enter the Indian market, New Delhi had been reluctant to grant a c c e s s w i t h o u t a c o m m i t m e n t t o l o c a l m a n u f a c t u r i n g I n r e c e n t months, Tesla officials have m a d e m u l t i p l e v i s i t s t o India, with Musk himself m e e t i n g P r i m e M i n i s t e r Narendra Modi last year Businesses meeting the i n v e s t m e n t a n d manufacturing criteria will be permitted to import a r e s t r i c t e d q u a n t i t y o f

electric vehicles (EVs) at a reduced tax rate of 15% for cars priced at $35,000 and h i g h e r P r e s e n t l y , I n d i a imposes taxes ranging from 70% to 100% on imported cars and EVs, based on their value

“ W e i n v i t e g l o b a l c o m p a n i e s t o c o m e t o India I’m confident India will become a global hub for EV manufacturing and this will create jobs and improve trade,” commerce minister Piyush Goyal told reporters at a press briefing after the policy was made public by his ministry

e nh a nc i n g re gi o n al c on n ec t i v i ty throughout India

The regional airline also launched its first flight to Sindhudurg from Bengaluru o n t h e s a m e d a y “ W e a t FLY91 are incredibly proud t o l a u n c h o u r i n a u g u r a l c o m m e r c i a l f l i g h t , ” s a i d M a n o j C h a c k o , M a n a g i n g

Director and Chief Executive Officer of FLY91 “This is not j u s t a b o u t r e a c h i n g a destination; it’s about taking flight with the dreams and

With a

period of 108 months, the project is slated for commissioning in February 2032

It is anticipated to create direct employment for 500 i n d i v i d u a l s d u r i n g t h e construction phase and 300 d u r i n g o p e r a t i o n Additionally, the project is e x p e c t e d t o g e n e r a t e i n d i r e c t e m p l o y m e n t f o r

aspirations of a nation ” W i t h a n e x t e n s i v e b a c k g r o u n d i n t h e t r a v e l industry, Chacko has held prominent leadership roles a t E m i r a t e s A i r l i n e s , K i n g f i s h e r A i r l i n e s , A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s , S O T C , and WNS

F L Y 9 1 p r o v i d e s f l i g h t s e r v i c e s c o n n e c t i n g G o a , Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Sindhudurg

19 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
S o ur c e s in d i ca t e t h a t t he Ada ni G roup is pre pa ring to inject ov er Rs 1 2 lakh crore ( a p pr ox i ma t e l y U S D 1 4 b il l io n ) i n t o it s di v e r se p o r t fo l io of c om pa ni e s, e ncomp assin g sect ors such a s p or t s , e n e r g y , a i r po r t s, c omm od it i es , c em e nt , a n d media in the upcoming fiscal y ear start in g April 1 T h i s s u b s t a n t i a l investment underscores the g r o u p ' s c o m m i t m e n t t o amplifying its businesses, as it aims to double down on its ambitious USD 100 billion investment target over the next 7-10 years Analysts project that the p r o j e c t e d c a p i t a l expenditure (capex) for the fiscal year 2024-25, spanning from April 2024 to March 2 0 2 5 , w i l l s u r g e b y 4 0 % compared to the estimated c a p e x i n c u r r e d i n F
NHPC bags 200 MW capacity solar power project in Gujarat N HP C , a st ate- ru n h y d ro p ower m ajor, h as secured a 20 0 M W solar pow er project at Gujarat State Electricity C orporatio n's (GSEC L) 1 ,125 M W RE Park in Khavd a The p r o j ec t, d ev elo p e d o n a b u i l d - o w n - a n d - o p e r a t e basis, is estimated to co st aro und ₹ 847 crore GUVNL conducted an er e v e r s e a u c t i o n f o r t h e project on February 2, with NHPC receiving the Letter of Intent (LoI) on March 14 The project, contracted at a tariff of ₹2 66 per unit, is expected to be completed w i t h i n 1 8 m o n t h s I t i s p r o j e c t e d t o g e n e r a t e approximately 473 million units (MU) in the first year a n d a b o u t 1 0 , 8 5 0 m i l l i o n units over 25 years O n M a r c h 9 , P r i m e M i n i s t e r N a r e n d r a M o d i inaugurated NHPC's 2,880
Dibang Multipurpose P r o j e c t i n A r u n a c h a l Pradesh T h e p r o j e c t a i m s t o a n n u a l l y g e n e r a t e 1 1 , 2 2 3 million units (MU) of clean a n d g r e e n h y d r o p o w e r , w h i c h w i l l b e i n t e g r a t e d i n t o t h e N o r t h e r n G r i d
India to cut EV import tax for $500M investment, boosting Tesla
, 0 0 0 p e o p l e d u r i n g construction and 500 during operation
New airline, FLY91 begins commercial operations from Goa FLY9 1, a fresh entrant in the Indian aviati on market, inaugurated i ts commercial operations on Monday wi th its debut fli ght from Goa’ s Ma n oh ar I n t e rn a ti o n al Ai r po rt t o B e n g al ur u' s Kempegowda I nternational Ai r po rt T he 7 : 5 5 a m departure signified FLY91's de di c a t i on t o
N R Narayana Murthy
t u r e l e d b y f o u r engineering students into an entrepreneurial powerhouse " D e s p i t e t h e h u r d l e s p o s e d b y i n e x p e n s i v e i m p o r t e d c h a r g e r s , c h a r g e M O D r e m a i n s s t e a d f a s t i n o u r d e d i c a t i o n t o s t r i k i n g a n e q u i l i b r i u m between quality and affordability By placing u t m o s t i m p o r t a n c e o n r e l i a b i l i t y a n d e f f i c i e n c y , ' c h a r g e M O D ' e n d e a v o u r s t o maintain its position as an architect within the EV charging sector," he was quoted in a release Ramanunni further highlighted that they have established new benchmarks in the electric vehicle charging sector by developing a comprehensive ecosystem encompassing E V c h a r g i n g h a r d w a r e a n d s o f t w a r e , a l l crafted and produced in India Kerala-based startup, 'chargeMOD' to deploy 1,200 more EV chargers across India Star Health eyes NRI business through GIFT S ta r H e a l th a n d Al l i ed I nsurance Company is set t o re v ol ut i on i s e t he i n s u ra n c e l a n ds c a pe f or N o n - R es i d e nt I n di a n s ( NR Is ) by offeri ng dollard e n om i n at e d i n s ur an c e products from the Gujarat I nternational Financ e TecCi ty ( GIFT City) Scheduled to launch its i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n s u r a n c e product suite in the fiscal year 2025, Star Health has obtained registration as the f i r s t h e a l t h i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y t o e s t a b l i s h a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s C e n t r e ( I F S C ) international office in GIFT City T h i s m o v e m a r k s a s i g n i f i c a n t m i l e s t o n e f o r Star Health, enabling it to extend its global reach and b r o a d e n i t s b u s i n e s s h o r i z o n s W i t h p l a n s t o i n a u g u r a t e o p e r a t i o n s through a branch by the e n d o f t h i s m o n t h , t h e company aims to cater to t h e n e e d s o f t h e g l o b a l I n d i a n c o m m u n i t y b y providing health insurance solutions in US dollars This i n i t i a t i v e i s e x p e c t e d t o cater specifically to NRIs, o f f e r i n g t h e m t a i l o r e d insurance coverage suited t o t h e i r u n i q u e r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d preferences

Indian diaspora

in Malaysia applauds PM Modi's leadership and vision at 'Sadbhawna' event

D i s ti ng u i s h ed v o i ce s o f t h e I n d i an d ia sp o r a i n M ala ys i a h ailed Prime Minister Narendra M od i’s strong and prog ressiv e l ea d ers h i p fo r I nd ia ’ s r ap i d transformation during the last 1 0 years and his v isio n of a free, o pen and inclu siv e Ind o-Pacific reg ion S p e a k i n g d u r i n g t h e Sadbhawna event ' India’s Global O d y s s e y f o r C o m m u n a l H a r m o n y a n d W o r l d P e a c e ’ o r g a n i s e d b y t h e I n d i a n Minorities Foundation (IMF) in a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h N I D Foundation in Malaysia’s capital city 17 March, eminent dignit a r i e s , b u s i n e s s l e a d e r s , v i c e chancellors, academicians and m e m b e r s o f I n d i a n d i a s p o r a attributed India's ascent to global prominence as a testament to t h e n a t i o n s a d v a n c e m e n t i n t e c h n o l o g y a n d e c o n o m i c prowess under PM Modi in past 10 years They said PM Modi fulfilled the aspirations of millions b y b u i l d i n g R a m T e m p l e a t A y o d h y a a n d r e c o n n e c t i n g youth with Bharat’s rich heritage and culture

A 'Malaysia Resolution' was

also passed on the occasion with t h e I n d i a n d i a s p o r a p l e d g i n g their support for India’s progress and actively contributing to PM Modi's vision of a Viksit Bharat (developed India) by 2047 This Sadbhawna event included the l a u n c h o f a b o o k “ I g n i t i n g

Collective Goodness: Mann Ki B a a t @ 1 0 0 ' , w h i c h c h r o n i c l e s

Prime Minister Narendra Modi s dialogue session with India since October 2014

M e m b e r o f P a r l i a m e n t ( R a j y a S a b h a ) a n d I M F

Convenor Satnam Singh Sandhu presided over this event which was attended by Deputy High Commissioner of India at Kuala L u m p u r , M s S u b a s h i n i

US reports death of senior Hamas military leader Marwan Issa

Marwan Issa, a prom inent leader of Ham as, was repo rted to hav e been killed in an Israeli ai rs tri k e, ac co r d i ng to st atements m ad e by White House official Jake Sulliv an Issa serv ed as Ham as's deputy m ilitary command er, m aking him one of the highest-ranking lead ers of the org anisation to have d ied since th e o ns et o f th e c o nf li c t o n October 7th

T h e P a l e s t i n i a n g r o u p , which holds control over Gaza, has yet to issue an official statement regarding the reports of M a r w a n I s s a ' s d e a t h I s r a e l i media sources have indicated that Issa was targeted in a strike o n a t u n n e l c o m p l e x l o c a t e d beneath the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza last week

As the deputy commander of H a m a s ' s m i l i t a r y w i n g , t h e I z z e d i n e a l - Q a s s a m B r i g a d e s , I s s a w a s c o n s i d e r e d o n e o f

Israel's most-wanted individuals

Additionally, the European Union, having designated him as a terrorist and placed him on its blacklist, directly linked Issa to the 7 October attack orchestrated by Hamas, resulting in t h e d e a t h s o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y

1,200 people

During the first Palestinian i n t i f a d a , M a r w a n I s s a w a s i m p r i s o n e d b y I s r a e l f o r f i v e years, and later detained by the P a l e s t i n i a n A u t h o r i t y i n 1 9 9 7 until the onset of the second intifada in 2000

S i n c e O c t o b e r 7 t h , t h e Israeli military has targeted and killed several senior leaders of Hamas Notably, Hamas political leader Saleh al-Arouri died in an explosion in Beirut's southern suburb of Dahiyeh Israel is widely believed to be responsible for that attack

Narayanan, NID founder Prof Himani Sood besides other dig-

nitaries, and esteemed members

o f t h e M a l a y s i a - b a s e d I n d i a n D i a s p o r a i n c l u d i n g T a m i l s , Malayalees, Punjabis, Gujaratis and Sindhis in larger numbers

During the event, the members of the Indian diaspora said M o d i i s t h e m o s t s u c c e s s f u l I n d i a n P r i m e M i n i s t e r w h o s e good governance is behind the c o u n t r y ' s i m p r e s s i v e g r o w t h story and inclusive development which has led to the upliftment of 25 crore Indians out-of-poverty during the past 10 years

India grants OCI eligibility to 7th Gen Indian-origin Mauritians: President

India extends a goodwill gesture by approving a special provision, allowing 7th generation Indian-origin Mauritians eligibility for the Overseas Citizen of India Card, as announced by President Droupadi Murmu During her address at the State Banquet hosted by Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, President Murmu also disclosed India's commitment to support the redevelopment of the sacred Ganga Talao complex in Mauritius into a religious, cultural, and tourist destination

During her state visit, Murmu emphasised that this decision underscores India's profound respect for our shared cultural values Ganga Talao, nestled in a secluded mountain area in the Savanne district of Mauritius, is a crater lake situated approximately 550 metres (1,800 feet) above sea level

Pakistan blamed for airstrike deaths of Afghan women, children

Pakista n has ackn owle dge d cond uc t i n g " in t e lli g e n ce - ba s e d a n t i -t e r r o r i st op e r a t i on s" i n Afg ha n ist an follo win g accu sations by t he Taliba n of causing the dea ths of eig ht wome n a nd childre n While pre cise det ails of the ope rat ion were n ot disclosed in a n officia l stat eme nt, it was sta te d t o be a response to a milita nt at tack tha t resulted in the de at hs of se ve n P ak ista ni soldier s The Taliba n ha s re futed any conn ection to the militan ts, assert ing tha t the reckle ss st r i ke s t a r ge t e d civ i lia n homes " Z a b i h u l l a h M u j a h i d , a s p o k e s p e r s o n f o r t h e T a l i b a n g o v e r n m e n t , w a r n e d P a k i s t a n not to "blame Afghanistan for the lack of control and problems in its own territory" in a statement released on X (formerly T w i t t e r ) " S u c h i n c i d e n t s c a n h a v e v e r y b a d c o n s e q u e n c e s

which will not be in Pakistan's control," he added

Since the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan in 2021, tensions have escalated between A f g h a n i s t a n a n d P a k i s t a n P a k i s t a n h a s r e p o r t e d a n increase in militant attacks and has accused "certain elements a m o n g t h o s e i n p o w e r " o f actively supporting the militant group Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and utilising them as a proxy against Pakistan

The statement clarified that the operation's target had been a n o t h e r g r o u p , H a f i z G u l Bahadur, which Pakistan accuses of attacking a military post near the Afghan border in North Waziristan Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari had previously pledged to "respond forcefully" to the soldiers' deaths, irrespective of the origin or affiliation of the group responsible

Donald Trump rules out Vivek Ramaswamy as his vice-president candidate

D on a l d T r um p h a s e x c l ud e d V iv e k R amaswamy as a potent ia l running ma te but is cont empl ating him for a Ca binet posit ion, source s familiar with t he matte r discl osed Trump conve yed to Ra ma swamy directl y that he woul dn't b e conside red for the vice preside ntial role, yet is ev aluating him for var ious posit ions, incl uding Homel and Security secr e t a r y C e r t a i n a l l ie s of T r um p v i e w R amaswamy as a suit abl e candidate due to his str ong publ ic spe aking skills and his b ackg round as an In dian -Amer ica n son of an immigrant, which t he y b elieve coul d mitigate criticism of str in gent immigra tion policie s Their discussion is just a fraction of the numerous conversations Trump has engaged in recently with allies regarding potential administration positions as he secures the R e p u b l i c a n n o m i n a t i o n S o u r c e s f a m i l i a r

w i t h t h e p r o c e s s , s p e a k i n g a n o n y m o u s l y , reveal that Trump assesses potential picks based on loyalty, ideological alignment, and perceived electoral influence Among those w h o h a v e c a u g h t T r u m p ' s a t t e n t i o n f o r potential Cabinet roles are former GOP prim a r y a d v e r s a r y N o r t h D a k o t a G o v e r n o r

Doug Burgum, Representative Elise Stefanik, and former US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer

According to individuals familiar with his thoughts, Trump seeks a running mate who prioritises substance over the spotlight and can significantly bolster his chances against President Joe Biden in the race Trump has shared with close advisors and allies that none of the speculated names for potential running mates have left a notable impression on him

in brief


Conestoga College in Kitchener – 100 kilometres west of Toronto has witnessed the fastest growth in international student enrollment over the last three years: from just shy of 13 000 in 2021 to over 30 000 in 2023

These record numbers surpassing any other college in Canada have brought in hundreds of millions of dollars However with the government cracking down on the international education program, other colleges have begun to point fingers at Conestoga, essentially accusing it of indiscretion in enrolling ever larger numbers, therefore killing the golden goose


Iceland s meteorological office reported a fourth eruption from a volcano, painting the night sky with bright orange lava and billowing smoke

The eruption commenced at 2023 GMT, revealed a fissure stretching approximately 2 9 kilometres, matching the scale of the prior eruption in February Preceding the eruption, authorities had issued warnings about imminent volcanic activity in the Reykjanes peninsula, situated just south of Reykjavik Notably, the eruption site fell within the same region as the previous outbreak on February 8, positioned between Hagafell and Stora-Skogfell


The New Zealand government has clarified comments made by its Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Winston Peters in India on the Hardeep Singh Nijjar murder case after Canada lodged objections “New Zealand’s position on the allegations remains unchanged If they are proven correct then that would be of serious concern The minister’s point is that this is an ongoing criminal investigation It needs to run its course before clear conclusions can be drawn ” said John Tulloch spokesperson for the Deputy PM In India Peters had said there was no conclusive evidence or findings from the Canadian Government that validated the involvement of Indian agents in Khalistani terrorist Nijjar s murder in Surrey in June last year


Ugandan security forces have heightened their vigilance following reports of fighters affiliated with an Islamic State-linked group entering the country over the weekend The army has expressed concerns that militants from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) are plotting attacks in urban centres, as well as targeting places of worship, schools, and public gatherings The public has been urged to stay vigilant in order to prevent falling victim to ADF terrorism The ADF has been associated with a string of fatal assaults in Uganda including an attack on a school last June

'Bl oodbath for wh ole cou ntry' : Trump w arns if he los es US pres idential elections

At a rally in Ohio, Donald Trump declared November's elections as the "most important date" in US history, warning of dire consequences if he does not emerge victorious Trump emphasised, "The date – remember this, November 5 – I believe it's going to be the most important date in the history of our country " He warned of potential turmoil if he were not re-elected, stating, "Now if I don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole, that's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a bloodbath for the country That'll be the least of it But they're not going to sell those cars The bloodbath comments came in as he criticised China s plans to manufacture cars in Mexico "They're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected," he said


At least four people, including three Indian nationals, have been arrested in US state New York along the Canada border when they were trying to enter the US illegally The US Border Patrol arrests 4 people, including a woman, when they were jumping off a moving freight train on the International Railroad Bridge in the city of Buffalo The men had left the woman who became immobile due to an injury as they were approached by the police and were caught shortly after a foot pursuit The three men are being processed for removal and detained in Batavia Federal Detention Facility awaiting a deportation hearing for charges under Sections 212 and 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act

20 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
Indian Diaspora in Malaysia along with Member Parliament and IMF Convener Satnam Singh Sandhu while adopting the Malaysia Resolution with a pledge to contribute for Viksit Bharat during Sadbhawna Event at Kiala Lumpur


Hong Kong has enacted a stringent security law deemed essential for maintaining stability, yet it faces criticism for potentially exacerbating the erosion of civil liberties Dubbed Article 23, the law introduces new offences such as external interference and insurrection, carrying penalties as severe as life imprisonment The legislation underwent rapid approval, swiftly advancing through the city's pro-Beijing parliament in under two weeks Article 23 builds upon a contentious national security law (NSL) previously enforced by China, which already criminalises acts of secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with foreign entities within Hong Kong


A 27-year-old Indian student died as his watercraft collided with another in the US state of Florida Venkataramana Pittala from Telangana was driving a rented Yamaha personal watercraft (PWC) that collided with another PWC operated by a 14-year-old boy from the South Florida mainland Pittala a student at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis was set to graduate in May according to a GoFundMe page set up to raise funds to send his mortal remains back to his family in Telangana Personal watercraft are tandem boats often referred to as jet skis, the name of a popular model manufactured by Kawasaki


Brazil is in the grip of an

Putin wins Russian presidential polls with 88% votes


B lieutenant colonel who ascended to power in 1999, the outcome serves as a stark reminder to the West that an assertive Russia will remain a force to be reckoned

with, whether in times of conflict or peace, for the foreseeable future The early outcome indi-

cates that Putin, aged 71, will comfortably clinch another s i x - y e a r t e r m , s u r p a s s i n g Josef Stalin and setting a record as Russia's longestserving leader in over two centuries

According to an exit poll c o n d u c t e d b y t h e P u b l i c Opinion Foundation (FOM), P u t i n s e c u r e d a n o v e rwhelming 87 8% of the vote, m a r k i n g t h e h i g h e s t - e v e r result in Russia's post-Soviet history Similarly, the Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM) reported Putin's sup-

Another Indian dies in US, family alleges murder, cops rule out crime angle

A 20-y ear -old India n st uden t was discover ed dece ased in the Unit ed S tat es, with his fa mily assert ing foul play

A b h i j e e t h P a r u c h u r u , h a i l i n g f r o m Burripalem in Andhra Pradesh's Guntur district, was pursuing engineering at Boston U n i v e r s i t y H i s p a r e n t s , P a r u c h u r i Chakradhar and Srilakshmi Boruna, reside in Connecticut, officials confirmed A s p e r h i s f a m i l y ' s a c c o u n t , h e w a s allegedly murdered by unknown individuals on the university campus on March 11, and his body was reportedly found in a car abandoned in a forest Authorities identified his body using his cell phone signals after receiving a complaint from his friends

The Consulate General of India in New York, however, stated that the preliminary


Siddharth Jawahar, a 36-year-old IndianAmerican, faces indictment by a grand jury in connection with a Ponzi scheme Authorities have ordered his imprisonment until sentencing The FBI is

parties at an immigration summit have called for urgently addressing the Green Card backlog an issue that is majorly impacting Indian professionals and the issues related to the H-1B visa At the first-ofits-kind Tech Immigration Summit at the US Capitol hosted by the Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora (FIIDS) the lawmakers pushed for removing the seven per cent country quota when it comes to issuing Green Card or legal permanent residency to foreign guest workers in specialised categories In the absence of

immigrants would be more than 20 years and over 70 years in many cases

port at 87% Initial official results aligned with the poll findings, affirming their accuracy

"The elections are obviously not free nor fair given how Mr Putin has imprisoned political opponents and prevented others from running against him," the White House's National Security Council spokesperson said

The election comes just over two years since Putin triggered the deadliest European conflict since World War Two by ordering the invasion of Ukraine He c a s t s i t a s a s p e c i a l m i l i t a r y operation"

investigation has dismissed any suspicion of foul play

Paruchuru s parents are in direct touch with detectives Initial investigations rule out foul play," the consulate said in a post on X

"Deeply saddened to learn about the unfortunate demise of Abhijeeth Paruchuru, an Indian student in Boston," it said

The consulate also mentioned that it provided aid in documenting and repatriating his remains to India It affirmed its continued communication with local authorities and the Indian-American community regarding the situation

Paruchuru's final rites were conducted in h i s h o m e t o w n i n A n d h r a P r a d e s h o n

Monday Since the start of 2024, there have been at least nine reported deaths of Indian and Indian-origin students in the US

Bestway Group’s extensive flood relief efforts in Pakistan

D u ri n g t h e mo ns o o n s e as o n o f 2 02 2 , Pakistan faced o ne o f its wo rst natu ral di sasters in recent h isto ry as heavy rains triggered severe floo ding acro ss the co untry Th e devastation resu lted in over US D 30 billio n wo rth o f damages, di sp laci ng mo re th an 33 millio n Pakistanis and claiming th e li ves of tho usands In respo nse to this crisis, Bestway Gro up , under th e leadersh ip o f Chairman Sir Anwar Pervez OBE H Pk, lau nch ed a comp rehensive reli ef effort to aid tho se affected by the floods

Recognising their responsibility to the communities they invest in, Bestway Group i n i t i a t e d t h e ' H u m S a h a r a ' F l o o d R e l i e f P r o g r a m m e t h r o u g h t h e B e s t w a y

Foundation The program aimed to provide essential relief supplies such as food, water filtration units, blankets, and mosquito nets to affected families Additionally, the group mobilised on-ground teams and collaborated with various organisations to ensure effective distribution of aid Companies and charitable trusts in the United Kingdom and Pakistan joined hands to actively participate in the rehabilitation a n d r e c o n s t r u c t i o n a c t i v i t i e s B e s t w a y Group announced a donation of USD 1 0

million in material and financial support and organised a successful fundraiser in London, raising over USD 3 0 million The generous contributions facilitated the provision of vital relief supplies to thousands of i n d i v i d u a l s a c r o s s t h e f l o o d - a f f e c t e d regions

Among the notable achievements of the relief efforts were the distribution of over 20,000 ration bags and meals, 20,000 water filtration units providing clean drinking water to over a million people, and the airl i f t i n g o f o v e r 2 0 t o n n e s o f m e d i c i n e s Additionally, the construction of 500 permanent homes and distribution of tents and blankets offered shelter and protection to thousands of affected families

Indian-origin couple, daughter killed in "suspicious" fire

In Ont ario province, Canada, an Indian-origin coupl e a nd t he ir te enage daughter tr agica lly l ost their lives in a "suspicious" fir e, as confirmed by local authorities

The fire swept through their residence situated in the Big Sky Way and Van Kirk D r i v e a r e a o f B r a m p t o n o n M a r c h 7 , a s detailed in a press release by the Peel Police Following the extinguishing of the blaze, investigators discovered what appeared to be human remains within the charred remains of the house However, the precise number of individuals who perished in the fire could not be determined at the time

The charred remains were identified as

those of three family members: 51-year-old Rajiv Warikoo; his wife, 47-year-old Shilpa Kotha; and their 16-year-old daughter, Mahek Warikoo

P o l i c e s a i d t h a t t h e y r e s i d e d a t t h e address before the fire Peel police Constable Taryn Young said the fire had been deemed suspicious, the CTV news channel reported

"At this time, we are investigating this with our homicide bureau, and we are deeming this as suspicious as the Ontario Fire Marshal has deemed that this fire was not accidental," the report quoted Young as saying

Singapore opposition leader charged with lying to parliament

Singapo re's o ppo sitio n leader, P ritam Singh, f aces charges of p erjury befo re a parliamentary c ommittee, stemm ing from his h andling o f a f ormer p arty l awmaker who misled parliam ent in a s ep arate inc ident

Singh has denied the allegations and stated his intention to contest the charges in court Prosecutors plan to seek fines against Singh, and there's a possibility he may lose his parliamentary seat

The charges relate to MP Raeesah Khan, a former member of the Workers' Party, who falsely accused the police of mistreating a sexual assault victim in August 2021 Khan later admitted to fabricating the story, was fined, and subsequently resigned from the party, relinquishing her seat in parliament

F o l l o w i n g a p a r l i a m e n t a r y c o m m i t t e e investigation into the incident, Mr Singh was summoned as a witness and provided testimony regarding his handling of Ms Khan's case

Ms Khan alleged that Mr Singh encouraged her to persist with her false narrative despite being aware of its inaccuracy Mr Singh refuted this claim but acknowledged that he had given Ms Khan too much time to settle herself before closing this issue with her " Subsequently, the committee concluded that Mr Singh had not been truthful in his testimony under oath and recommended a criminal investigation into his conduct Mr Singh has expressed his disagreement with the committee's findings and stated his intention to clear his name

Indian Americans tell US government on terrorist activities in US against India

A group of eminent Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley has held a special meeting with senior officials of the Department of Justice, FBI and police and said that the US soil is being used for terrorist activities against India The group held the meeting with senior officials of the Department of Justice, FBI and local police this week on increasing hate crimes against Hindus in C a l i f o r n i a D u r i n g t h e m e e t i n g , I n d i a nAmericans expressed their displeasure and dissatisfaction that the law enforcement agencies in the US have not been able to take any action against those who are espousing terrorism activities in India, according to multiple persons present in the meeting

21 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024 in
highest reading
intense heatwave, breaking records as the heat index soared to 62 3 degrees Celsius, the highest in a decade, according to weather authorities The heat index accounts for humidity, reflecting what the temperature feels like Alerta Rio, the weather system reported a maximum temperature of 42°C in the city on Monday The record-breaking 62 3°C was recorded in
Rio at 09:55 local time marking the
since Alerta Rio began recording such data in 2014
of orchestrating
multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme, with efforts now underway to locate potential victims in the Miami area As per the indictment, between July 2016 and approximately December 2023, Jawahar accumulated over USD 35 million from investors associated with Swiftarc However, only about USD 10 million was allocated towards investments in various companies
actively urging victims of the
adviser, based in Texas, to step forward Jawahar stands accused
lawmakers from both the Democratic and Republican
a move, the Green Card waiting period for
side nt Vladimir Put in secured a r e cor d po st -S ov ie t la n d sli de victory in R ussia's e le ct ion, furt h e r so li d i fy i n g hi s h o ld o n p ow e r De s p i t e t h o u sa n d s o f op p on e n t s s t a gi n g pr o t e st s a t p ol li n g s t a t i o n s d ur i n g n oo n , an
a s ne it her free nor
in ' s d o m in a n c e r e m a i n s
u t i n , a f o r m e r K G
d the Un ited Sta tes decla ring the vot e
unshak en F o r P
Vladimir Putin Sir Anwar Pervez OBE H Pk Pritam Singh

India to hold world’s biggest election in seven stages from April 19, results on June 4

As many as 49 7 crore are men, 47 1 crore are women, 1 8 c r o r e a r e f i r s t - t i m e v o t e r s , 1 9 7 4 c r o r e a r e y o u n g v o t e r s ,

48,000 are transgenders, 82 lakh are aged above 85 and 2 18 lakh are centenarians M r K u m a r f u r t h e r m e n t i o n e d t h a t a s s e m b l y elections in Jammu and Kashmir would be conducted shortly after

the Lok Sabha polls He explained that simultaneous elections were impractical due to a shortage of security personnel, emphasising the Commission's responsibility t o e n s u r e t h e s e c u r i t y o f a l l candidates participating in the a s s e m b l y p o l l s i n J a m m u a n d Kashmir

By-elections will also be held f o r 2 6 a s s e m b l y s e a t s a c r o s s

Navy to transport 35 Somali pirates to India for legal proceedings

F o ll o wi n g a s ig ni f i c an t o peration on the high seas t o re sc u e th e h i ja c ke d merc hant vessel Ru en and i ts crew of 17 members, th e Navy is now preparing to bring the 35 S omali pirates, c a p t u re d d u ri n g t h e o p er at i o n , b ac k to I nd i a T h i s dar i ng mi s s i o n i nvolved th e deployment o f m ar i ne c o m ma n do s , wh o were p ara-dro pped from a C-1 7 airc raft, and resulted in exchanges of gunfire with the p irates

T h e p i r a t e s , w h o h a d s e i z e d c o n t r o l o f t h e M V R u e n t o u t i l i s e i t a s a " m o t h e r p i r a t e s h i p " f o r launching assaults on other commercial vessels in the v i c i n i t y , w e n t a s f a r a s s h o o t i n g d o w n a s m a l l s p o t t e r d r o n e d e p l o y e d f r o m t h e d e s t r o y e r I N S K o l k a t a d u r i n g t h e o p e r a t i o n T h e y w i l l n o w f a c e p r o s e c u t i o n u n d e r Indian laws

“There is now also the M a r i t i m e A n t i - P i r a c y A c t , which was notified last year,

to prosecute such cases The u s u a l p r a c t i c e i s t o s e t apprehended pirates adrift o n t h e i r s k i f f s a f t e r disarming them to ensure they do not pose a threat to other vessels But these 35 pirates opened fire on our warship If they are let go, they will re-group and begin their piracy attacks again,” an officer said D i s c u s s i o n s a r e currently ongoing with the owners of the Malta-flagged M V R u e n , w h i c h i s transporting approximately 3 7 , 8 0 0 t o n n e s o f c a r g o valued at around $1 million The talks revolve around the decision of whether to bring

the bulk carrier to India or to arrange for its handover at an alternative location

Reports indicate that the

INS Kolkata intercepted the MV Ruen, which had been hijacked on December 14, approximately 260 nautical m i l e s e a s

Subhadra, P-8I long-range


Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra concludes in Mumbai

multiple states, including Bihar, G u j a r a t , H a r y a n a , J h a r k h a n d , M a h a r a s h t r a , R a j a s t h a n a n d Tamil Nadu

Mr Kumar, announcing the dates, sent out a strong message on the circulation of fake news on s o c i a l m e d i a , s a y i n g p o l i t i c a l parties should ensure responsible social media behaviour -"verify before you amplify"

E C orders transfers of h ome secretaries of six states ahead o f Lok Sabha election A c c o r d i n g t o m e d i a r e p o r t s , t h e E l e c t i o n C o m m i s s i o n h a s instructed the transfer of home s e c r e t a r i e s f r o m G u j a r a t , U t t a r P r a d e s h , B i h a r , J h a r k h a n d , H i m a c h a l P r a d e s h , a n d Uttarakhand in anticipation of the Lok Sabha polls Additionally, the p o l l i n g b o d y h a s r e l i e v e d t h e s e c r e t a r i e s o f t h e g e n e r a l a d m i n i s t r a t i v e d e p a r t m e n t i n Mizoram and Himachal Pradesh of t h e i r d u t i e s F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e Election Commission has removed Rajeev Kumar from his position as the Director General of Police in West Bengal However, following h i s r e m o v a l , t h e W e s t B e n g a l government promptly appointed h i m a s t h e s e c r e t a r y o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n a n d t e c h n o l o g y department

Five foreign students injured in mob attack at Gujarat University: Police

Five foreign n ational st ude nts studying a t Gujar at Univer sit y suffe red seve re injuries fol lowing a lat e-night br awl a t the ca mpus, p ol ice sa id Th e st u de n t s, w ho a r e fr om Uzbekistan, Afghan istan , Sout h Africa an d Sri Lank a, were offering na ma z in their rooms when a group of people all egedl y prote st ed an d shouted re ligious slogans, police sa id This led to an alte rcation b etween the two groups The incident took place at Block A hostel where the foreign students reside, said police

Several visuals shared on social media showed a group of people pelting stones in the hostel and vandalising bikes At least five vehicles were damaged in the incident

Ahmedabad city additional commissioner of police (ACP) (crime) Neerajkumar Badgujar said that a first information report (FIR) has been filed and assured that the attackers will

be arrested soon Speaking to the reporters, Ahmedabad c o m m i s s i o n e r o f p o l i c e G S M a l i k s a i d , “ A r o u n d 3 0 0 f o r e i g n s t u d e n t s s t u d y i n Gujarat University, and 75 foreign students stay in A Block (Hostel) Yesterday, around 10:30 pm, a group of students were offering namaz Around 20-25 people came and asked them why they were offering namaz here and should read it in the masjid An argument broke out between them, stones were pelted, a n d t h e i r r o o m s w e r e v a n d a l i s e d b y t h e people who came from outside ” Crime branch arrested Kshitij Pandey, 22, a r e s i d e n t o f A m b i k a A p a r t m e n t s i n Shastrinagar, Jitendra Pandey, 31, a resident of Ghatlodia, and Sahil Dudhakia, 21, a resident of Memnagar Last week, the crime branch arrested Hitesh Mevada from Sola and Bharat Patel from Vastral

India shreds Pakistan at UN over references to Ayodhya, CAA

India shar pl y criticised Pak istan , like ning it to a "broke n record" stuck in t he past , after Is l a ma b a d ' s e nv o y m e n t i on e d t h e Ra m

Te m pl e in Ay o d hy a a n d t he Ci t i ze n sh ip Am e n d me n t A ct i n r e ma r k s t o t h e UN Gener al Assemb ly

India s Permanent Representative to the U N , A m b a s s a d o r R u c h i r a K a m b o j , m a d e these remarks in response to comments by Pakistan's Ambassador Munir Akram during the plenary meeting where the resolution ' M e a s u r e s t o c o m b a t I s l a m o p h o b i a ' , introduced by Pakistan, was adopted by the 193-member UN General Assembly

consecration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya a s w e l l a s t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e Citizenship Amendment Act


c onvened at Mumbai’s Shivaji



is displ

d a

rred th

th e E l e c ti o n C o mm iss ion o f India (EC I ) u nveiled the timetable f or th e Lok Sabha elections D u r i n g h i s a d d r e s s a t t h e r a l l y h e r a l d i n g t h e commencement of INDIA's joint poll campaign, Gandhi asserted that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lacks the a u d a c i t y t o a l t e r t h e

C o n s t i t u t i o n H e emphasised that truth and the support of the Indian populace were in his favour Additionally, other leaders of INDIA took on the BJP at t h e r a l l y , a l l w h i l e a c k n o w l e d g i n g t h e s i g n i f i c a n t c h a l l e n g e o f m a i n t a i n i n g u n i t y w i t h i n the bloc and ensuring the effective transfer of votes

S a m a j w a d i P a r t y c h i e f A k h i l e s h Y a d a v opted out of the rally

"One final point concerns a delegation (and its remarks) that, much like a broken record, remains sadly stagnant while the world progresses," she said M u n i r A k r a m r e f e r e n c e d t h e

Ms Kamboj said it is "unfortunate indeed t o w i t n e s s t h i s d e l e g a t i o n ' s l i m i t e d a n d misguided perspective on matters relating to my country, the more so, when the General Assembly considers a matter that demands wisdom, depth, and a global outlook from the entire membership - perhaps not the forte of t h i s d e l e g a t i o n " M s K a m b o j d e l i v e r e d a statement in explanation of India's position during the adoption of the resolution on 'Measures to combat Islamophobia' at the UN General Assembly The General Assembly a d o p t e d t h e r e s o l u t i o n , w i t h 1 1 5 n a t i o n s v o t i n g i n f a v o u r , n o n e a g a i n s t a n d 4 4 abstentions, including India, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Ukraine and the UK

18 Hindu refugees granted Indian citizenship

Eighteen Hindu refugees fro m Pakistan in Ahmedabad were granted Indian citizensh ip

Gujarat Minister of State f or Home, Harsh

Sanghavi Held at th e dis trict co llecto r's of fice, Sanghavi c onferred Indian citizensh ip to th e 18 individu al s, enco uraging them to actively p articipate in the c ountry's develop ment

He expressed his hope that they would

and Kutch have the authority

citizenship to minorities from

Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, as per gazette notifications issued in 2016 and 2018 As per the statement, a total of 1,167 Hindu refugees from Pakistan residing in Ahmedabad h a v e

p Sanghavi lauded the initiatives of PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah in facilitating citizenship for minorities from neighbouring nations Notably, on March 11, the Union government announced the implementation of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, a i m e d a t g r a

h i p t o undocumented non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan

22 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
C hief Election C omm issioner Rajiv K umar anno unced that th e 2024 g eneral election for 54 3 Lok Sabh a seats will be cond ucted in seven p hases, comm encing on April 19 and conclu ding on Ju ne 1 This m arks the initiation of the world 's largest d em ocratic exercise, w ith t h e B J P s tri v i ng fo r a t h i rd co nsecutive term in p ower Th e electio n results w ill be d isclosed on Ju ne 4 I n f o u r s t a t e s S i k k i m , Odisha, Arunachal Pradesh, and A n d h r a P r a d e s h s i m u l t a n e o u s elections for both Lok Sabha and the assembly will be conducted N o t a b l y , J a m m u a n d K a s h m i r , under President's Rule since 2018, was excluded from the list The t o t a l n u m b e r o f r e g i s t e r e d electors or voters in India are around 96 8 crore (968 million), the Election Commission of India said while announcing the poll schedule
g u i d e d - m i s s i l e d e s t r o y e r
t o f S o m a l i a S u p p o r t i n g t h e d e s t r o y e r w e r e p a t r o l v e s s e l I N S
m a r i t i m e p a t r o l a i r c r a f t , h i g h - a l t i t u d e l o n ge n d u r a n c e d r o n e s , a n d a d d i t i o n a l m a r i n e commandos who were aird r o p p e d b y t h e C - 1 7
aircraft of the Indian Air Force
eaders of the Oppo sition Ind ian Nation al Developmental I nc l u s i ve Al l i an c e (I N DI A)
r es s l e a de r Ra h u l Ga ndh i, w h
c o mm enc
ar k t o c o m m e m o ra t e t h e c u l m ina t io n o f t h e Bh ar a t Jodo Nyay Y atra, sp earh eaded b y C o ng
r in
ay of unity o ccu
y a f te r
in Mumbai, citing the necessity of being in U t t a r P r a d e s h f o r election arrangements In a letter
to Rahul
Yadav explained his absence, a t t r i b u t i n g i t t o h i s i n v o l v e m e n t i n t h e L o k Sabha nomination process S o m e m e m b e r s o f t h e C o n g r e s s p a r t y h a v e e x p r e s s e d r e s e r v a t i o n s a b o u t t h e t i m i n g o f t h e B h a r a t J o d o N y a y Y a t r a , s u g g e s t i n g t h a t t h e t i m e dedicated to it could have b e e n b e t t e r u t i l i s e d f o r election readiness
o n Sa t u r da y d u r in g a c a m p a t te n de d b y
c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e n a t i o n ' s p r o g r e s s A c c o r d i n g t o a n o f f i c i a l s t a t e m e n t , t h e d i s t r i c t c o l l e c t o r s o f A h m e d a b a d , Gandhinagar,
to grant
b e e n g r a n t e d I n d i a n c i t i z e n s
n t i n g
z e n
h i
c i t i

BJP tops electoral bond funding at £69.86bn

T he BJP lead s in electoral b ond fu nd s, rec eiv ing th e h ighest am ount at £ 69 86bn s i nc e t h ei r i n ce p ti o n i n 20 18 Follo wing closely are W es t Be ng a l s T ri n am o o l C o ng r es s ( £ 1 3 9 7b n) , C o ng r es s ( £ 1 3 3 4 bn) , a nd BRS (£1 3 22bn)

A c c o r d i n g t o E l e c t i o n C o m m i s s i o n d a t a , F u t u r e Gaming and Hotel Services emerged as the top buyer, c o n t r i b u t i n g £ 5 0 9 b n t o Tamil Nadu's DMK through the now-defunct payment mode O d i s h a ' s r u l i n g p a r t y BJD ranks fourth in recipie n t s , s e c u r i n g £ 9 4 4 5 b n , trailed by DMK at £6 565bn, and Andhra Pradesh's ruling party YSR Congress, which r e d e e m e d b o n d s w o r t h nearly £4 428bn

The JD(S) obtained elect o r a l b o n d s t o t a l i n g £897 5mn, with a significant c o n t r i b u t i o n o f £ 5 0 0 m n f r o m M e g h a E n g i n e e r i n g , the second-largest buyer of such bonds Future Gaming, l e d b y l o t t e r y m a g n a t e Santiago Martin, emerged as

t h e l a r g e s t p u r c h a s e r o f e l e c t o r a l b o n d s , a c q u i r i n g bonds worth £13 68bn, with nearly 37 per cent directed to the DMK

Among the major contributors to the DMK were M e g h a E n g i n e e r i n g ( £ 1 0 5 b n ) , I n d i a C e m e n t s ( £ 1 4 0 m n ) , a n d S u n T V ( £ 1 0 0 0 m n ) T h e T M C ranked as the second-largest recipient of electoral bonds, receiving a total of £13 97bn, following the BJP

T h e D M K w a s a m o n g the few political parties to disclose the identity of the donors, while major parties such as the BJP, Congress, TMC and AAP did not disc l o s e t h e s e d e t a i l s t o t h e

E l e c t i o n C o m m i s s i o n , which has now made public those filing as per a Supreme Court order

T h e S u p r e m e C o u r t , headed by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud, rebuked the S t a t e B a n k o f I n d i a o n Monday for failing to disclose comprehensive details r e g a r d i n g e l e c t o r a l b o n d s , deeming its stance "unacc e p t a b l e " T h e 5 - j u d g e b e n c h d i r e c t e d t h e S B I chairman to submit an affidavit by March 21st, affirmi n g t h e d i s c l o s u r e o f a l l E l e c t o r a l B o n d s d e t a i l s , i n c l u d i n g t h e u n i q u e a l p h a n u m e r i c a n d s e r i a l n u m b e r s o f r e d e e m e d bonds

MoD signs contracts worth £80.73bn with HAL for 34 ALH Dhruv Mk III Helicopters

The C abin et Commit tee on Se curity (CCS) has appr oved t he p r o cu r e me n t of 3 4 A dva nced Light He licopte rs ( AL H) Dh ru v M k III w it h O pe r a t i o n a l R o le

Equipment The M in ist ry of Defen ce ha s sign ed t wo cont ra ct s wor th £80 73 bn wit h H in d us t a n A e r on a u t ic s L im it ed (HAL) for th ese helic opt e r s, o ut of w hic h t he In dian Army will receiv e 25 a nd the India n C oast G uard will re ceive n in e This pr oc u r e m e n t f a ll s u n d e r t h e B uy ( I n d i a n - ID DM –I n d i g e n o u sl y D e si g n e d , Dev eloped & Man ufa ct ured ) ca teg or y, mar king a signific a n t st e p t ow a r d s s e lfr eliance T h e I n d i a n A r m y w i l l receive the ALH Dhruv Mk III UT (Utility), designed for

various purposes including S e a r c h & R e s c u e , Recce/Casualty Evacuation, Troop Transportation, and Internal Cargo operations This helicopter has demons t r a t e d i t s c a p a b i l i t i e s i n c h a l l e n g i n g h i g h - a l t i t u d e terrains such as the Siachen Glacier and Ladakh T h e A L H M k I I I M R (Maritime Role) variant, designated for the Indian Coast

Guard (ICG), is tailored for t a s k s i n c l u d i n g M a r i t i m e S u r v e i l l a n c e a n d I n t e r d i c t i o n , S e a r c h a n d R e s c u

and Pollution Response utilising its external cargo carrying capacity Demonstrating resilience, it has performed effectively even in challenging sea and land conditions

Holy relics of Lord Buddha return home after 26-day exposition in Thailand


along with those of h is two m ai n di s c i p l es , A ra h an t S ar i p u tt a a nd Ma h a Mo ggallana, were ceremon i o u s l y br o u g h t ba c k to I n di a f ro m T h ai l an d I n D elhi, Buddh ist mo nks and religio us leaders gathered to o ff e r p ra ye rs to Lo rd Bu ddha, marking th e signifi cant return o f these sacred relics

The revered relics, cherished by Buddhist devotees worldwide, were transporte d b a c k t o I n d i a o n F e b r u a r y 2 2 v i a a s p e c i a l I n d i a n A i r F o r c e a i r c r a f t , a c c o r d e d t h e s t a t u s o f a ' S t a t e G u e s t ' M i n i s t e r o f S t a t e f o r E x t e r n a l A f f a i r s

a n d C u l t u r e , M e e n a k s h i Lekhi, presided over a humble reception ceremony to w e l c o m e t h e r e l i c s u p o n their return to their homeland

Among the sacred artef a c t s a r e t h e f o u r H o l y P i p a r a h w a R e l i c s o f L o r d Buddha, along with relics of h i s e s t e e m e d d i s c i p l e s W h i l e t h e r e l i c s o f L o r d B u d d h a a r e c u r r e n t l y h o u s e d a t t h e N a t i o n a l Museum, those of his disciples were temporarily relocated from Madhya Pradesh to Delhi before their journey to Thailand for an exposition

O n F e b r u a r y 2 3 , t h e relics were ceremoniously

SC summons Baba Ramdev, Acharya Balkrishna over contempt notice

T h e S u p re m e C o u rt h as s u m m o n ed P a tan j ali

A yurveda's m anaging director, Acharya Balkrishna, and yoga guru Baba Ramd ev to appear in the next h earing re g ar d i ng th e m i sl ea d i ng ad v er ti se m en ts c as e T h is action was taken after the com pany failed to respond to a contempt no tice

Additionally, the court has issued a notice to Baba Ramdev to justify why cont e m p t p r o c e e d i n g s s h o u l d not be initiated against him I n F e b r u a r y , t h e c o u r t

strongly criticised the misleading advertisements for herbal products that claim to cure diseases, stating that they had deceived the entire nation

The court had previousl y i s s u e d a n o t i c e t o P a t a n j a l i A y u r v e d a n d i t s managing director, Acharya Balkrishna, questioning why c o n t e m p t p r o c e e d i n g s s h o u l d n o t b e i n i t i a t e d against them for allegedly violating the firm's commitment made in court regardi n g t h e a d v e r t i s i n g o f i t s

products and their medicinal effectiveness

Furthermore, the court had instructed the company and its officers to refrain from making public statements against any medical systems It also sought clarification from the government regarding the actions t a k e n a g a i n s t P a t a n j a l i Ayurveda for its purportedly inaccurate claims and misr e p r e s e n t a t i o n s i n a d v e rt i s e m e n t s a s s e r t i n g t h e c u r a t i v e p r o p e r t i e s o f i t s medicines

Gujarat orders probe into Hijab removal during board exam

M ed i a r ep o rt ed th at th e Gu j arat edu ca ti o n dep artment took action against a bo ard exam su p ervis o r i n Bharuch district after alleg ati o ns a ro s e th a t s h e i n st ru ct ed i nv ig i la to r s to remo ve the hij ab o f Mu slim s tu dents du ring a math ematics exam

The incident took place at Lions School, a private i n s t i t u t i o n l o c a t e d i n Ankleshwar town, prior to t h e S e n i o r S e c o n d a r y Certificate board examinat i o n I l a b e n S u r a t i y a , t h e exam centre administrator and principal of the school, allegedly directed invigila-

t o r s t o c o l l e c t t h e h i j a b s from students before they commenced the examination B h a r u c h D i s t r i c t E d u c a t i o n O f f i c e r S w a t i Raulji ordered an inquiry into the incident after the parents of one of the students approached her “On checking the CCTV f o o t a g e , t h e i r [ p a r e n t s ] c o m p l a i n t w a s f o u n d t o have merit and so, I have pulled out the board exam supervisor of the school and o r d e r e d f u r t h e r i n q u i r y , ” R a u l j i t o l d T h e I n d i a n

Express “The school, in its primary verbal explanation,

has said that the students were asked to remove the veil to verify their identity as per the hall ticket ” T h e g u i d e l i n e s o f t h e G u j a r a t S e c o n d a r y a n d H i g h e r S e c o n d a r y E d u c a t i o n B o a r d d o n o t h a v e a n y s p e c i f i c r e s t r i ctions on the attire that can be worn by students “ T h e r e i s n o e x p l i c i t mention of any prohibitions in the attire of students and so, once the identification has been done, the students are allowed to wear outfits o f t h e i r p r e f e r e n c e a n d appear for the exam, ” Raulji told media

enshrined at a specially constructed mandapam within the Sanam Luang pavilion i n B a n g k o k , a l l o w i n g t h e public to pay their respects N o t a b l y , t h i s m a r k e d t h e i n a u g u r a l d i s p l a y o f b o t h t h e h o l y r e l i c s o f L o r d Buddha and those of his disc i p l e s t o g e t h e r , a s a n n o u n c e d b y t h e U n i o n

Culture Ministry previously A s p e r t h e s c h e d u l e , these holy relics were displayed at Ho Kum Luang, Royal Rujapruek, Chiang Mai, from March 4-8; Wat M a h a W a n a r a m , U b o n Ratchathani, from March 9-13: and Wat Maha That, A o l u e k , K r a b i , f r o m March 14-18

23 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
e o p e r a t i o n s , R a p p e l l i n g , C a r g o & P e r s o n n e l T r a n s p o r t a t i o n ,
e li c s o f L o rd Bu ddh a,

Modi touts achievements in South India tour

W h e n Mo di sa y s A r t i cl e 3 7 0 w il l b e a bolishe d, it happens

When Modi says t hat R am's templ e wil l b e b uil t, it happens When M o di sa y s t h a t ou r e c on o my wi l l b e str ong , In dia becomes t he fastest-growing economy in the wor ld, ” Pr ime Minister Nare ndr a M o di d e cl a r e d in h is ca m pa i g n speech in Telan gana on Mar ch 16 P M Mo di wa s in T e l a n g a n a 's N a g a r k u r n oo l , a n d it w a s t h e s e con d d a y o f h is f iv e -d a y t ou r focusin g on the South Indian sta tes P r i m e M i n i s t e r N a r e n d r a M o d i , k n o w n a s t h e B J P ' s k e y campaigner, has returned to the southern region with a focus on the Ram Mandir issue His 120hour visit to the south began on March 15, with the BJP aiming to expand its presence in the region after securing 303 seats in the 2019



Out of the 543 L o k S a b h a s e a t s , 129 are located in t h e f i v e S o u t h I n d i a n s t a t e s I n the 2019 elections, t h e B J P s e c u r e d only 29 seats out of the 129, with the majority of these victories coming from Karnataka, w h i c h h a s 2 8 s e a t s T e l a n g a n a , with 17 Lok Sabha constituencies, contributed four seats to the BJP's tally Despite being in power in Karnataka, the BJP failed to secure any seats in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh Notably, the party emerged as the runner-up in five seats in Tamil Nadu and one seat in Kerala In Andhra Pradesh, the BJP has formed alliances with the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) led by Chandrababu Naidu and Pawan Kalyan's Jana Sena Party (JSP), and is set to contest six seats

Tamilisai Soundararajan quits as Telangana governor

T a m i l i s a i S o u n d a r a r a ja n ' s r e si g na t i o n a s T e l a ng a n a g o v e r no r wa s a nn o u nc e d duri ng PM Modi 's e lecti on ra l ly i n Ja g t i a l d i s tr i ct o n Mo n d a y R e ce nt o p i ni o n polls a mong p arty me mbe rs h a v e i nd i ca t e d t h a t h e r retur n to e lectora l polit ics i s cru ci al fo r the BJP in Ta mil Na du consti tuencie s such a s T i r u n e l v e l i , K a ny a ku m a r i , and So uth Che nnai

T h e B J P ' s n a t i o n a l l e a d e r s h i p , a l o n g w i t h senior party members and P r i m e M i n i s t e r M o d i , decided to nominate her as a candidate for the Lok Sabha e l e c t i o n s i n T a m i l N a d u , a c c o r d i n g t o s o u r c e s T a m i l i s a i s u b m i t t e d h e r r e s i g n a t i o n t o P r e s i d e n t D r o u p a d i M u r m u , w i t h c o p i e s s e n t t o M o d i a n d

Union Home Minister Amit Shah Modi has been staying

PM Modi lauds performance of Punjab’s 15-year-old badminton player

P rim e Minister Narend ra M odi h a s p rai s ed 1 5- y ear -o l d b ad m in to n p l ay er T a nv i S harma from P unjab for her o utstandi ng p erfo rmances i n n at io n al and i nte rna ti o na l badminton champ ionship s in 2 0 2 3 S h arm a's r em a rka bl e achievement includes winning a g o ld m ed al at t h e S e ni o r A sian Ch am pionsh ip in M alaysia, earning h e r w i d e sp rea d re co g n i ti o n a cr o ss th e cou ntry I n a l e t t e r a d d r e s s e d t o t h e y o u n g b a d m i n t o n p l a y e r , P r i m e M i n i s t e r N a r e n d r a M o d i c o n v e y e d h e a r t f e l t congratulations on behalf of the nation, recognising her remarkable achievement o n t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t a g e P M M o d i


expressed pride in India s s p o r t i n g t a l e n t a n d e m p h a s i s e d t h e government's dedication t o s u p p o r t i n g a t h l e t e s t h r o u g h i n i t i a t i v e s l i k e t h e T a r g e t O l y m p i c

Podium Scheme (TOPS)

T h e i n i t i a t i v e s a r e geared towards offering top-tier training facilities and access to international coaching expertise for Indian athletes, empowering them to excel on the g l o b a l s t a g e P r i m e M i n i s t e r M o d i

underscored Tanvi's inspirational influence on the younger generation, highlighting how her achievements will serve as a source o f m o t i v a t i o n f o r a s p i r i n g a t h l e t e s nationwide

ernor of M izoram until his passing in 2020

Vivek Sahay, a 1988-batch IPS officer previously serving as D i r e c t o r G e n e r a l o f H o m e Guards, was appointed as the new DGP This decision came after Rajeev Kumar, who had b e e n a p p o i n t e d b y t h e s t a t e government in December, was removed from the post by the Election Commission The poll panel instructed the state chief s e c r e t a r y t o p r e s e n t a l i s t o f t h r e e e l i g i b l e o f f i c e r s , f r o m which Sahay, Mukherjee, and Rajesh Kumar were nominated

T h e E l e c t i o n C o m m i s s i o n s e l e c t e d S a h a y , w h o s e appointment was announced in the afternoon and came into immediate effect, according to a n o f f i c i a l o r d e r b y C h i e f Secretary B P Gopalika During the 2021 assembly polls, Sahay, w h o w a s i n c h a r g e o f C h i e f M i n i s t e r M a m a t a B a n e r j e e ’ s security, was suspended by the E C I f o l l o w i n g a n i n c i d e n t i n w h i c h B a n e r j e e s u f f e r e d a n injury to her left leg during a campaign in Nandigram, East Midnapore Banerjee alleged it was a "planned attack " Sahay was later reinstated to his post after the elections

at the Telangana Raj Bhavan s i n c e S u n d a y f o l l o w i n g a public rally in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh

After landing in Chennai a i r p o r t i n t h e e v e n i n g , Tamilisai told reporters that she voluntarily resigned to take up public service “I am r e t u r n i n g t o d i r e c t a n d h o n e s t p o l i t i c s U p o n a c c e p t a n c e o f m y r e s i g n a t i o n l e t t e r b y t h e President, I will inform the m e d i a a b o u t m y f u t u r e plans,” she said Tamilisai said neither Modi nor Shah r e s t r i c t e d h e r a f t e r s h e e x p r e s s e d h e r i n t e r e s t t o r e t u r n t o p o l i t i c s

Expressing gratitude to the p e o p l e o f T e l a n g a n a a n d Puducherry, she said they would continue to support h e r a s s h e h a d q u i t h e r comfortable life for public service

High Court orders repatriation of Pakistani juveniles

In a no tewo rthy tu rn of events, two juveniles of Pakistani origin are set to be repatriated later this month Th is decisio n comes after th e P unjab and Haryana High Co urt initiated s u o mo tu p r

gs r ega rd i ng th e detention o f acqu itted p ri soners Th e State of Pu njab has signalled a p otential rep atriation date o f March 28

During the continued hearing before the Bench of Acting Chief Justice Gurmeet Singh Sandhawalia and Judge Lapita Banerji, the State counsel presented a copy of a communication dated March 13 between the Government of India and the Punjab Additional Chief Secretary (Home) regarding the matter Previously, the Bench had cited an affidavit, noting that it revealed the presence of three Pakistani-origin children in observation homes within the State

The journey of Saunak Das

in brief


The 27-year Uzbek woman had arrived in Bengaluru on March 5 and was found dead in her hotel room on March 13 In connection with the murder the police have apprehended two male hotel employees, both in their 20s and from the northeastern state of Assam The suspects allegedly believed the female guest possessed a significant amount of cash and sought to enrich themselves swiftly by robbing her Subsequently, the Bengaluru Police recovered a stolen mobile phone and 20,000 rupees (£200) in cash from the suspects


Indian state Telangana’s Police is set to make history by deploying trained eagles to address the escalating threat of drones during VVIP visits and public gatherings Taking a cue from European nations such as the Netherlands and France, where eagles have been trained to intercept enemy drones, Telangana Police has spent the past three years preparing three eagles for this purpose In a recent demonstration witnessed by Director General of Police Ravi Gupta and senior IPS officers at the Integrated Intelligence Training Academy (IITA) in Moinabad on the outskirts of Hyderabad, trained eagles effectively brought down drones


India’s first historical Saragarhi Museum was recently dedicated to the nation symbolising unparalleled sacrifice and bravery of 21 Sikh soldiers who attained martyrdom in the Battle of Saragarhi Built to commemorate the sacrifice of the martyrs of Saragarhi the museum offers a befitting tribute to 21 soldiers of 36 Sikhs who fought against 10,000 Afghans on September 12, 1897 Artefacts, equipment and signalling technique used during the battle has been displayed in the museum which has seven galleries that depict the Saragarhi Post and several other aspects


Manjit Kaur, a 62-year-old woman farmer from Nila Naloya village in Bhunga block, received the Sardari Prakash Kaur Sara Yadgari Award from Punjab Agricultural University After learning that her daughter's cancer was linked to chemical-laced crops, Kaur transitioned to natural farming She now sells naturally grown vegetables catering mainly to cancer patients Additionally Kaur manages a self-help group producing and selling pickles and other organic products including homemade bhujiya with homegrown nuts

to the bustling metropolis often h i n g e s o n a c a d e m i c s u c c e s s

Saunak Das had a stellar role m o d e l i n h i s d i l i g e n t e l d e r brother However, Das himself w a s n ' t p a r t i c u l a r l y s t u d i o u s

Despite his keen passion for s p o r t s , w h i c h l e d h i m t o r e p r e s e n t h

One of the unlooked for advantages

during the worst days of Maoist insurgency, when people feared t r a v e l l i n g t h r o u g h J a n g a l M a h a l o f w h i c h Gopiballavpur is a part Das J u n i o r , w h o w a s l i v i n g h i s urban dream in Calcutta, was assured safe passage A f t e r r e l o c a t i n g t o Jhargram and later Calcutta, Saunak Das started a successful waterproofing business with a f r i e n d D e s p i t e



The collapse of an illegal under-construction building in Kolkata's western fringes resulted in at least nine fatalities and 17 injuries early on Monday The incident sparked a heated political debate over potential corruption under the TMC regime in Bengal Despite approximately 18 hours passing since the collapse, several individuals were still believed to be trapped under the rubble raising concerns of a higher death toll Among the victims were two women residing nearby Following the collapse of the five-storey building, which was reportedly constructed by filling up a water body, on shanties in the densely populated Azhar Mollah Bagan area of Garden Reach, state Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari asserted that the locality harboured no fewer than 800 unauthorised buildings

SOUTH INDIA 24 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com
23 - 29 March 2024
EC appoints Sanjay Mukherjee as the new DGP Officials in West Beng al state h a v e c o nf i rm ed t h at t h e Election C omm issio n o f Ind ia h as app ointed S anjay Mukherjee as the new Director General of P oli ce, rep lac ing Viv ek S ah ay M u kh er j ee, a 1 98 9 - ba tc h I P S o f fi c er , co m es fr om a d is ting ui shed bac kgro und ; h is father, Arun Prasad M ukh erjee, w a s a h i g h ly d ec o rat ed I P S o fficer w ho serv ed
DGP West Beng al, director of the CBI, and l
an ad v is o r
n Hom
as th e gov
ater as
to U
e Minister Indrajit Gupta and
G rowing up in the one-s treet t o w n o f G o pi b al l a v pu r i n M idnapore district, Saunak Das harb oured a stron g des ire to e scape its confine s Despite the c omfort of his family home and i ts e x p a n s i v e g a r de n , he y earned for a sm all flat in the b us t l i n g m e tr o po l i s H i s a s p i r a ti o n to li ve t he ur b a n dream stemm ed partly from a de sire to establis h his identity i n a large r s etti ng and pa rtly f rom the teas ing he endured as the rural relati ve whenever he vi sited his mother's f amily in the outskirts of Calcutta F o r t h o s e h a i l i n g f r o m provincial towns, the path
i s d i s t r i c t i n t h e s t a t e g y m n a s t i c s c h a m p i o n s h i p , e x c e l l i n g i n a c a d e m i c s w a s a n o n -
negotiable requirement
in that l i t t l e s c h o o l w a s t h a t e v e n
of studying
h i s i n i t i a l embrace of urban luxuries, he s o o n b e c a m e d r a w n t o s u s t a i n a b l e l i v i n g a f t e r encounters with eco-conscious f r i e n d s I n s p i r e d b y t h e i r c h o i c e s , D a s g r a d u a l l y transitioned to organic living, starting with his own
c h a n g e s a n d e v e n t u a l l y launching an organic produce delivery service
o c
di n
Narendra Tanvi Sharma Sanjay Mukherjee Saunak Das

Global Spirituality Mahotsav

left the participants with indelible learnings on spirituality and universal brotherhood

Th e Global Sp irituality Mah otsav concluded su ccessfully with to pnotc h sp iritual heads fro m vario us o rgani sa tio ns T h e se ss io n als o saw an h onou r conferred u pon Rev D aaji by the Commo nwealth S ec r et ar i at a s t h e G lo b al Ambassador of P eacebuilding and Faith in th e Co mmonwealth '

A string of enlightening talks from various gurus including Shri Bawa Jain ji – Secretary-General f o r t h e W o r l d C o u n c i l o f R e l i g i o u s L e a d e r s ; D r R o l l i n McCraty - scientist, psychophysiologist, Executive Vice President a n d D i r e c t o r o f R e s e a r c h a t HeartMath Institute; Dr Joseph Howell - Founder of the Institute of Conscious Being among many leaders of many other organisations

T h e f o u r - d a y s u m m i t w a s attended by spiritual leaders from all faiths and beliefs on one platform at the world's largest medit a t i o n c e n t r e T h e H o n ’ b l e President of India, Smt Droupadi M u r m u , a n d t h e H o n ’ b l e V i c e President of India, Mr Jagdeep

Dhankhar, graced the summit on 15 and 16 March respectively The summit has been brought by the M i n i s t r y o f C u l t u r e ( G o v t o f India) and Heartfulness themed "Inner Peace to World Peace" The conference has emphasised bringing interfaith dialogues and helping people of every age and every walk of life connect with spirituality in daily life

S m t D r o u p a d i M u r m u -

Hon’ble President of India said:

“Global Spirituality Mahotsav will take humanity towards spirituality Spiritual icons like Mahavir, R a v i d a s a n d G u r u n a n a k h a v e given India a unique identity as

the spiritual hub of the world Bharat is the land of ideals of A h i m s a a n d C o m p a s s i o n , t h e knowledge of our ancient sages gave us and strengthened which our great spiritual gurus are guiding us Today the great spiritual leaders and lakhs of people have joined together to bring harmony irrespective of different belief systems ”

R e v D a a j i – G u i d e o f H e a r t f u l n e s s a n d P r e s i d e n t o f

Shri Ram Chandra Mission said in his acceptance speech, “My heart and head bow before you in gratitude This award is not personal This organisation would not have

UK Court orders Nirav Modi to pay $8 million to Bank of India


i ssu ing a sum m ary j ud g em ent requiring h im to pay $8 million to the Bank of I n d i a ( BO I ) T h i s r ul i ng , w h ic h o c c ur s w h en th e cou rt deems o ne party's case to lack merit or wh en th at p arty fails to ap pear, arises from a legal d ispute between B OI an d M o d i 's D u b aib as ed c o m p an y, F i re st ar

Diamond FZE

BOI sought to recover $8 million from the company, consisting of $4 million in

principal and an additional $4 million in accrued interest Court documents reveal that BOI had provided a $9 m i l l i o n c r e d i t f a c i l i t y t o F i r e s t a r , b u t w h e n r e p a ym e n t w a s d e m a n d e d i n 2018, Modi failed to fulfil t h e o b l i g a t i o n G i v e n F i r e s t a r D i a m o n d F Z E ' s D u b a i l o c a t i o n , t h e U K court's summary judgement i s p o i s e d t o e x p e d i t e t h e recovery process, potentially leading to the auctioning of Modi's properties and assets worldwide R e p r e s e n t i n g t h e B O I , barrister Tom Beasley effec-

t i v e l y a s s e r t e d t h a t M o d i had no chance of success and that a trial was redundant Despite Modi filing a d e f e n c e , t h e c o u r t h e a r d that he neglected to respond to the bank's application for a summary judgement

Presiding over the case, Judge Jonathan Klein ruled t h a t e v e n w i t h M o d i ' s imprisonment, he had been afforded the chance to contest BOI s claim We are s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h e j u d g em e n t a n d a n t i c i p a t e t h e f o r t h c o m i n g p r o c e d u r e s , " stated BOI solicitor Milan Kapadia

Arms dealer Sanjay Bhandari allowed to challenge his extradition to India

Sanjay Bhandari, a UK-based arms dealer wanted in India, has been granted permission by the High Court in London to appeal against his extradition order If upheld, the order would have seen him returned to India to stand trial for charges including tax evasion and money laundering This development follows an extradition order issued by W e s t m i n s t e r M a g i s t r a t e s ’ C o u r t i n

November 2022

UK Secretary of State Suella Braverman authorised his extradition to India last year following the ruling by the Westminster court, as reported by the media Despite this, the 62-year-old businessman, known for providing consultancy services to defence manufacturers vying for Indian government

contracts through his company Offset India S o l u

against the decision

“I am satisfied that the grounds are reasonably arguable,” ruled Justice Pushpinder Saini after a half-day renewal appeal hearing on Thursday

The case is set to advance to a four-day substantive hearing at the Royal Courts of J u s t i c e i n L o

Represented by Janes Solicitors, Bhandari sought permission to appeal against the l o w

Initially, three grounds were granted in

October, with an additional four approved during this week's hearing

Arunachal inherent part of China, claims Chinese military

Days after Indi a d ismi ssed Beijing' s objectio n to PM Mo di s vi sit to A runachal P rad es h, the C hinese mili tary reaf firmed i ts clai m over the regio n, labelli ng i t as an "i nh erent p art of C hina's territory " C h i n e s e d e f e n c e m i n i s t r y s p o k e s m a n

senior colonel Zhang Xiaogang said the southern part of Xizang (the Chinese name for Tibet) is an inherent part of China’s territory, and Beijing “ never acknowledges and firmly opposes ” the “so-called Arunachal Pradesh illegally established by India”, official media

been recognized without you all T h i s a w a r d b e l o n g s t o Heartfulness And to the guiding force behind all this – the hierarchy of Masters So far, we have been treading alone With this Global Spiritual Mahotsav, many of the spiritual leaders including M a h a r i s h i s , T r a n s c e n d e n t a l Meditation headed by Maharajas, and Brahmakumaris to name a few among the list of 300 spiritual organisations- if each organisation with its ocean of abhyasis come together, what we all can achieve together It will be a wonderful moment to witness each one in harmony interacting with

love, respect, trust and honour Gods and Angels will descend on the planet to witness humanity creating heaven on earth It is very easy provided we want to have it Very simple little interest is required Close your eyes morning and evening for five minutes, c e n t r e y o u r s e l f , i n v o k e G o d ’ s grace and see what all he can do t h r o u g h u s W e p r a y w i t h a l l hearts that, may Mother Earth become really a heaven on earth T h a n k y o u I c a n n o t e n d t h i s w i t h o u t t h a n k i n g R t H o n P a t r i c i a S c o t l a n d – S e c r e t a r y General of the Commonwealth Secretariat ”

India became 3rd most polluted country in world

India ranked third in air p oll ut i o n in 20 2 3 , f o ll o w i ng B ang lad es h a nd P aki s ta n, acco rding to the 'World A ir

Q ua li ty Re p o rt 20 2 3 ' b y I QA i r Wi t h an av e ra g e annual PM 2 5 concentration

o f 54 4 m i cr o g ra m s p e r cubic metre, Ind ia's air quality ranked am ong th e lowest o u t o f 1 3 4 c o un tri e s s u rv eyed I n 2 0 2 2 , I n d i a w a s ranked as the eighth most p o l l u t e d c o u n t r y w i t h a n a v e r a g e P M 2 5 c o n c e n t r ation of 53 3 micrograms per cubic metre

In the list of the top 50 most polluted cities worldwide, India dominated with 42 cities featured Begusarai emerged as the most polluted urban area in 2023, foll o w e d b y G u w a h a t i a n d

Delhi Begusarai, located in Bihar, recorded an average P M 2 5 c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f 118 9 micrograms per cubic metre, a significant increase from 19 7 micrograms per cubic metre in 2022 when it was not listed

Between 2022 and 2023, G u w a h a t i e x p e r i e n c e d a doubling of its PM2 5 concentration, soaring from 51 t o 1 0 5 4 m i c r o g r a m s p e r c u b i c m e t r e M e a n w h i l e , Delhi, known for its persis-

t e n t a i r p o l l u t i o n issues, saw its PM2 5 c o n c e n t r a t i o n r i s e f r o m 8 9 1 t o 9 2 7 m i c r o g r a m s p e r cubic metre during the same timeframe O t h e r I n d i a n c i t i e s f e a t u r i n g i n the top 50 most poll u t e d c i t i e s o f t h e world list included Greater N o i d a ( 1 1 ) , M u z z a f a r n a g a r (16), Gurgaon (17), Arrah (18), D a d r i ( 1 9 ) , P a t n a ( 2 0 ) , Faridabad (25), Noida (26), Meerut (28), Ghaziabad (35) and Rohtak (47) According t o I Q A i r , t h e d a t a i n i t s report was gathered from more than 30,000 air quality monitoring stations across 7,812 locations in 134 count r i e s , t e r r i t o r i e s , a n d regions

Protest in Karnataka over assault case, BJP's Tejaswi Surya detained

here reported Zhang's comments came in reaction to India's bolstering of its military preparedness via the Sela Tunnel in Arunachal Pradesh, as reported on the Chinese defence m i n i s t r y ' s w e b s i t e C h i n a , w h i c h c l a i m s

Arunachal Pradesh as South Tibet, routinely objects to Indian leaders’ visits to the state to highlight its claims Beijing has also named the area as Zangnan India has repeatedly r e j e c t e d C h i n a ’ s t e r r i t o r i a l c l a i m s o v e r Arunachal Pradesh, asserting that the state is an integral part of the country

c i p a n t s c h a n t i n g Hanuman Chalisa ' Just a day earlier, Surya had issued an

u l t i m a t u m t o t h e S i d d a r a m a i a h g o v e r n m e n t , demanding the arrest of all the accused by noon Speaking about the incident, Surya, said the Congress government is failing to implement law and order in the state and then b o a s t i n g a b o u t m a k i n g a ‘Brand Bengaluru ’ “The government speaks of building the brand Bengaluru I want

to ask the CM and the Deputy CM You speak of building a b r a n d B e n g a l u r u H o w c a n you do so with this kind of a law and order situation? What happened to Mukesh yesterday could happen to any person sitting and going to his business honestly in a calm, u n p r o v o k e d m a n n e r a n ywhere in the city,” he asked the government

25 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
conferred the prestigious Global Peace Ambassador’ to Rev Daaji in the presence of Vice-President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar Hon ble President of India Smt Droupadi Murmu with leading spiritual gurus from India Hon'ble President of India Smt Droupadi Murmu was presented a memento of the Indian national emblem by Rev Daaji
Secretary General, Commonwealth, Patric a Scotland
L ond on h
sig nificant setback to incarcerated diam ant ai re Ni r av M o d i by
he Hig h Co urt in
i o n s , s o u g h t p e r m i s s i o n t o a p p e a l
t e r t h i s y e a r
n d o n
c o u r t ' s v e r d i c t o n e i g h t g r o u n d s
a c o u r t o r d e r b y J u s t i c e R o b e r t J a y l a s t
e r
T en s i o n e s ca la te d i n B e n g al u ru , Ka rn a ta ka, o n Tues day as sev eral B JP leaders , i ncludin g MP Tejasvi Surya, o rg a n i s ed a d em on s t ra ti o n protestin g the physi cal assault on a shopkeeper T h e a s s a u l t a l l e g e d l y occurred because the shopk e e p e r p l a y e d ' H a n u m a n Chalisa' over a loudspeaker d u r i n g A z a a n S u r y a , a l o n g with other BJP leaders, was detained
pating in the
t o s l o g a n s b e i n g r a i s e d
those detained were U n i o n M i n i s t e r S h o b h a Karandlaje
BJP MLA S Suresh Kumar
called for a peaceful
sion from the victim s
w i t h p a r t i
shortly after partici-
protest, leading
The BJP had

Essential tremor linked to Dementia risk: Study

R es ea rc h i nd i c ate s th at i nd i v i d u als a ff lic te d w i th e s se nti al tre m o r, a m o v em e nt d i s o rd er c h a rac te ri se d by i n v o lu n tar y s h ak i ng , are t h ree ti m e s m o re s u s ce p ti bl e t o d em ent ia c o m p ared to th e g e neral p opulace E ssential tremor stands as one o f the mo st p revalent tremor d isord ers, s u rp a ss i ng e v en P a rk in so n ’ s d i s eas e in f re qu en c y Be yo n d e xp e ri enc i ng tr em o rs in t h ei r a rm s an d h an d s , indiv iduals m ay also exhibit u ncontro llable sh aking in the head, jaw, and v oice S t u d y a u t h o r E l a n D L o u i s , M D , M S c , a t U n i v e r s i t y o f T e x a s S o u t h w e s t e r n M e d i c a l C e n t e r i n D a l l a s a n d a F e l l o w o f t h e A m e r i c a n A c a d e m y o f N e u r o l o g y , said, “While many people living with essential tremor experience mild tremor, in m a n y i n d i v i d u a l s , t h e tremor can be quite severe

Not only do tremors affect a person ’ s ability to complete daily tasks such as writing a n d e a t i n g , o u r s t u d y suggests that people with essential tremor also have a n i n c r e a s e d r i s k o f developing dementia ” T h e r e s e a r c h e n c o m p a s s e d 2 2 2 individuals diagnosed with essential tremors, with an a v e r a g e a g e o f 7 9 a t t h e s t u d y ' s c o m m e n c e m e n t P a r t i c i p a n t s u n d e r w e n t c o g n i t i v e a s s e s s m e n t s t o a s c e r t a i n t h e i r c o g n i t i v e s t a t u s w h e t h e r n o r m a l , e x h i b i t i n g m i l d c o g n i t i v e impairment, or dementia at the outset Among them, 1 6 8 d e m o n s t r a t e d n o r m a l c o g n i t i v e a b i l i t i e s , 3 5 d i s p l a y e d m i l d c o g n i t i v e i m p a i r m e n t , a n d 1 9 showcased dementia at the s t u d y ' s i n i t i a t i o n T h r o u g h o u t t h e s t u d y p e r i o d , 5 9 i n d i v i d u a l s d e v e l o p e d m i l d c o g n i t i v e i m p a i r m e n t , w h i l e 4 1 progressed to dementia

Young amblyopia patients at higher risk of serious disease in adulthood: Study

A r e ce n t UC L s t u d y re veals that chi ldren w ith a mb l y o p i a , co mm o n l y k n ow n as la zy e ye , fa ce h e i g ht e n e d r i s k s o f hy perten sion , obes ity, an d m e t a b o l i c s y n d ro m e i n a dulthood, a lon g with a n e le v a t e d l i k e li h oo d o f he art atta ck s I n a p u b l i c a t i o n i n clinical medicine, the study's a u t h o r s e m p h a s i s e t h a t while they have identified a c o r r e l a t i o n , t h e i r r e s e a r c h does not establish a causal r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n amblyopia and adult health i s s u e s T h e r e s e a r c h e r s e x a m i n e d d a t a f r o m o v e r

126,000 participants aged 40 to 69 in the UK Biobank c o h o r t , a l l o f w h o m u n d e r w e n t o c u l a r examinations

A m o n g t h e 3 , 2 3 8 participants who reported experiencing lazy eye during c h i l d h o o d , 8 2 2 p e r c e n t continued to have reduced

vision in one eye as adults T h e s t u d y r e v e a l e d t h a t individuals with childhood amblyopia had a 29 percent h i g h e r l i k e l i h o o d o f d e v e l o p i n g d i a b e t e s , 2 5 percent higher likelihood of h y p e r t e n s i o n , a n d 1 6 percent higher likelihood of obesity M o r e o v e r , i n d i v i d u a l s with childhood amblyopia were at a heightened risk of h e a r t a t t a c k s , e v e n a f t e r a d j u s t i n g f o r o t h e r r i s k factors such as additional d i s e a s e s , e t h n i c i t y , a n d socioeconomic status This e l e v a t e d r i s k o f h e a l t h complications was observed n o t o n l y i n p a r t i c i p a n t s w h o s e v i s i o n p r o b l e m s persisted into adulthood but also to some degree in those w h o h a d e x p e r i e n c e d amblyopia as children but had 20/20 vision as adults, a l t h o u g h t h e c o r r e l a t i o n was less pronounced in the latter group

Unlock digestive wellness with Garlic


Indian superfoods to add to your diet to prevent diabetes, control blood sugar

u d d e n s p i k e s F u r t h e r m o r e , f e n u g r e e k seeds are packed with vital amino acids that stimulate insulin production, thereby c o n t r i b u t i n g t o b e t t e r blood sugar regulation

Fla xseeds: Packed with

a l p h a - l i n o l e n i c a c i d

( A L A ) , a n o m e g a - 3 fatty acid, these tiny p o w e r h o u s e s o f f e r

s i g n i f i c a n t b e n e f i t s

ALA plays a crucial r o l e i n e n h a n c i n g i n s u l i n s e n s i t i v i t y ,

enabling the body to u t i l i s e i n s u l i n m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y M o r e o v e r , f l a x s e e d s a r e r i c h i n f i b r e , which aids in promoting a feeling of fullness and helps reduce unhealthy cravings

B i t te r G our d : D e s p i t e i t s n a m e , b i t t e r g o u r d i s highly valued in Ayurveda a s a n a t u r a l r e m e d y f o r

diabetes Packed with plant c o m p o u n d s s u c h a s

c h a r a n t i n , i t m i m i c s t h e a c t i o n o f i n s u l i n , t h u s assisting in the regulation o f b l o o d s u g a r l e v e l s

Traditionally consumed as a juice or vegetable dish, b i t t e r g o u r d c a n a l s o b e

enjoyed in powdered form J a m u n ( B l a c k P l um ) : This seasonal treat not only delights the taste buds but also packs a potent antid i a b e t i c p u n c h J a m u n s e e d s , i n p a r t i c u l a r , a r e h i g h l y a d v a n t a g e o u s , a s they contain anthocyanins, a n t i o x i d a n t s k n o w n f o r e n h a n c i n g i n s u l i n sensitivity and supporting p a n c r e a t i c b e t a - c e l l f u n c t i o n , e s s e n t i a l f o r insulin production

Low doses of common anaesthetic can improve depression symptoms

Re s ear ch p u bl is h e d i n M o l ec u lar P s y ch i at ry indicates th at adm inistering lo w d o s es o f keta m in e, a comm only used anaesthetic, can allev iate so cial deficits by reinstating functionality i n th e an ter io r in su l ar co rtex Whi le ketam ine i s frequently em ployed in low d o s es fo r d ep r es si o n tr eat m en t, i ts p r ec is e m e ch a ni s m s w it h in th e br ai n rem ai n s o m e w h at am bi g u o u s K eta m i ne typically consists of a blend of tw o distinct fo rms: (S )ketam ine and (R)-ketam ine

When the research team o p t e d t o e x a m i n e t h e impacts of (S)-ketamine and

(R)-ketamine on depressionlike symptoms in mice, they initially needed to select a suitable model Recognising t h a t p r o l o n g e d s o c i a l i s o l a t i o n c a n i n d u c e d e p r e s s i o n a n d s o c i a l impairments, they selected a chronic (lasting at least 6 w e e k s ) s o c i a l i s o l a t i o n mouse model

S u b s e q u e n t l y , t h e

researchers employed a t e c h n i q u e e n a b l i n g t h e m t o d i r e c t l y c o m p a r e n e u r o n a l a c t i v a t i o n a c r o s s t h e e n t i r e b r a i n s o f m i c e t r e a t e d w i t h ( S )ketamine, (R)-ketamine, or saline (utilised as a c o n t r o l ) i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w i n g b e h a v i o u r a l assessments "In this way, we were able to observe differences b e t w e e n ( S ) - k e t a m i n e a n d (R)-ketamine treatments in terms of neuronal activation a c r o s s t h e w h o l e b r a i n without having a predefined h y p o t h e s i s , s a i d R e i

Yokoyama, the study's lead

Genes influence blood pressure from early childhood: Research

R e s ea rc h f i nd s t h at h y p er te ns i o nrelated genes impact bl ood pressure from a you ng age, i ncreasing the risk o f c a rd i o vas c u l a r d i s ea s e as y o u become o lder PhD Cand id ate Karsten Ovretveit at the N orwegian U ni versity of Sci ence and Tec hnol ogy's (NTNU) De p ar t me nt o f P u b li c H ea l t h an d Nursi ng said, “We are talki ng about reall y smal l di fferences, s o small that t h ey m a y f al l w i t h i n w h at i s c o ns i d er ed no r m al bl o o d p r es s u r e The p ro blem i s that they tend to last your wh ole li fe ”

The study shows that high blood pressure occurs in all age groups and that it is related to hereditary factors Ovretveit said, “We found that genetic factors affect blood pressure from the f i r s t y e a r s o f c h i l d h o o d a n d throughout your entire life Lifestyle d i s e a s e s a r e o f t e n c a u s e d b y a c o m b i n a t i o n o f h e r e d i t y a n d environment Diseases are often the

result of not only one but very many genetic variants ”

“By keeping their blood pressure at a low level, people with a high genetic risk score can achieve a lower risk of disease than people diagnosed with high blood pressure who we consider genetically protected,” Ovretveit said T h e r e s e a r c h e r s u t i l i s e d h e a l t h data obtained from participants in the HUNT Study from Trondelag and the British 'Children of the 90s' study to investigate the importance of genetic r i s k f a c t o r s T h e l a t t e r s t u d y encompasses health information from nearly 14,000 children, tracked from birth into their twenties T h r o u g h c o m p a r i n g t h e b l o o d pressure levels of children with the highest genetic risk to those with the lowest risk, the researchers observed that the average blood pressure in the former group began to surpass that of the latter as early as age three


"Notably, we found that chronic social isolation led t o d e c r e a s e d n e u r o n a l a c t i v a t i o n i n t h e a n t e r i o r i n s u l a r c o r t e x a b r a i n r e g i o n i m p o r t a n t f o r e m o t i o n a l r e g u l a t i o n d u r i n g s o c i a l c o n t a c t a n d that (R)-ketamine, but not (S)-ketamine, reversed this effect ” " T h e s e f i n d i n g s highlight the importance of the anterior insular cortex for the positive effects of ( R ) - k e t a m i n e o n s o c i a l i m p a i r m e n t s , a t l e a s t i n m i c e , " s a i d H i t o s h i Hashimoto, senior author of the study

Morning meditation practices to beat stress

T he mo rning lays the foundation fo r the day ahead It s easy for stress to sleep in w hen confronted with im pending dead lines and an endless list of tasks However, imagine beginning yo ur day with a feeling of serenity and co ncentration Meditation provid es a p otent metho d to counter m orning stress, allow ing you to establish a more m ind ful approach to the d ay

Here are three effective morning

m ed itation practices to consider:

Gratitude meditation: Start by taking a s e r i e s o f d e e p b r e a t h s a n d f i n d i n g a c o m f o r t a b l e p o s t u r e D e d i c a t e a f e w m o m e n t s t o c o n t e m p l a t e t h i n g s y o u ' r e thankful for, whether significant or trivial It could be the presence of a supportive friend, the enjoyment of a delightful cup of coffee, o r t h e s e r e n e b e a u t y o f a s u n r i s e B y d i r e c t i n g y o u r a t t e n t i o n t o t h e p o s i t i v e elements in your life, you nurture a feeling of gratitude

Bo d y sc an m ed i tati o n: T h i s e x e r c i s e directs your attention towards your physical sensations Begin by closing your eyes and directing your focus to your toes Observe any tension or tightness present in this area w i t h o u t p a s s i n g j u d g m e n t G r a d u a l l y progress through your body, acknowledging each body part and consciously releasing any tension you encounter M indfulness of breath m ed itation: This m e d i t a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s e r v e s a s a fundamental practice Find a comfortable seated position and concentrate on your n a t u r a l b r e a t h i n g p a t t e r n N o t i c e t h e sensation of your chest and abdomen rising a n d f a l l i n g w i t h e a c h i n h a l a t i o n a n d exhalation

26 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com Health Views Disclaimer: The information provided is for general knowledge only and not a substitute for professional medical advice
a daily routine of ingesting a small flake of garlic with water on an empty stomach each morning has been suggested as a potential remedy for various stomach and gastric issues This simple yet purportedly effective practice is believed to offer a range of benefits, including alleviating discomfort associated with common digestive ailments
23 - 29 March 2024
In dia is renowned for its d i ve r s e c ul i n a ry h er i t ag e , whic h harbours a plethora o f h i d d e n t r e a s ur e s s up e rf o od s re n ow n e d f o r their potential in diabetes m a n a g e m e n t T he s e n a t ur a l i n g r e di en t s a re k n o wn t o s u p po rt s t a b le blood sugar levels and can s e a m l e s s l y i n te g r a te i n t o your daily diet Fe n u g re e k : A s t a p l e i n g r e d i e n t i n I n d i a n cooking
d v
f o r i n d i v i d u a l s m a n a g i n g d
b e t e s A b u n d a n t i n f
i c u l
o t h e b l o o d s t r e a m , a v e r t i n g s
that offers a wealth
f a
t a
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i b r e , p a r t
a r l
galactomannan, they help slow down the absorption o f s u g a r i

Farah Khan gives followers a tour of Karan Johar’s new closet


Karan Johar and Farah Khan shared yet another hilarious video of them mocking each other on Instagram. Farah shared a tour of KJo’s new closet, remarking that she feels “very poor.” As she begins the video, Farah says, “We are going into Karan Johar’s new closet!” He steps aside and chats

with her along the way

Karan leads Farah through his massive bedroom, as he says, “First you have to go through my bedroom!” Farah replies, “I’m willing to go through your bed!” To which, KJo says, “Which is where nothing happens ” As Karan walked ahead towards his closet, he opened a rack to show and said, “Farah these are all the clothes that you will never wear because they are actually good!” He t h e n s h o w e d t h e s h i m m e r y j a c k e t s a n d Farah instantly added, “Oh my god I am feeling very poor!”

The next board had an array of denims, while another one had oversized clothes “That's so your thing!” he added A third chamber had designer jackets and more s h i m m e r y j a c k e t s , t o w h i c h F a r a h hilariously noted, “These are all the dancer clothes you have brought here from Shava Shava!”

Sharing the post, Farah wrote in the caption, “Sunday BLING for all #karah fans! @ k a r a n j o h a r ' s n e w c l o s e t i s j u s t U N B E L I E V A B L E ! ! # o l d f r i e n d s a r e thebestfriends” Karan shared the post on his Instagram Stories and put the caption, “We need a show!!!”

H r i t h i k R o s h a n c o m m e n t e d o n t h e hilarious banter, “Hahahahahaha ” Singer and music composer Vishal Dadlani added, “You guys are crazy!” Malaika Arora and S h r e y a G h o s h a l a l s o c o m m e n t e d w i t h laughing face emoticons

Ranbir Kapoor flaunts Raha’s name on his outfit for Alia’s birthday dinner

Whenever a woman-oriented film is made, people think it’s bashing men: Kriti Sanon


Kriti Sanon is busy promoting her upcoming film ‘Crew’ alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tabu At the trailer launch in Mumbai recently, she spoke about the stereotypes surrounding a women-centric film but how this film breaks barriers by being a pure comedy.

Talking to the press, Kriti said, “I feel, jab bhi koi women wali film aati hai, ladkiyan hain, to sab sochte hain ki serious hai bahot, ya phir kuch mudda hoga, ya phir men bashing hogi, all that Aisa kuch bhi nahi hai as you can see women can do comedy very very well (I feel when there’s a womeno r i e n t e d f i l m a n d i t ’ s a b o u t t h e g i r l s , everyone thinks it’ll be very serious, or tackle with an issue or bash men and all that But this film does none of that and women can do comedy very well )”

Kartik Aaryan buys swanky new SUV worth ₹4.17 cr

Actor Kartik Aaryan has added a luxurious new addition to his long list of cars He recently added a Range Rover SV to his collection, reportedly worth Rs 4 17 cr He shared a picture of his swanky new ride on his Instagram handle In a video taken by a paparazzo, Kartik could be seen performing a puja for his new car as his pet dog, Katori, looked on

He also shared a picture of him and Katori on Instagram, enjoying the spacious boot of the car, writing, “Humaari Range thodi si badh gayi (Our range has grown a little )” Actor Sunny Singh commented under his post, writing, “Chal sagar chinese phir (Let’s go get Chinese )” in a callback to Kartik’s post when he was gifted a McLaren GT by Bhushan Kumar Back then he shared a picture of his swanky gift, joking, “Chinese khaane ke liye nayi table gift mil gayi (Got a new table to eat Chinese as a gift )” Actor Bhuvan Arora wrote, “Riksha se nikla, par rover mere range mein (I came by rikshaw but the Rover is in my range )” Filmmaker Kabir Khan and others also left him congratulatory messages

C a l l i n g h e r e x p e r i e n c e w o r k i n g w i t h Bebo and Tabu “refreshing,” she said it was different “We usually get to work with men, it was very refreshing to work with women T h e s e w o m e n a r e s o t a l e n t e d , I h a v e admired them for years We all look up to them in what they bring to the table and for how they’ve reinvented themselves ” Kriti added, “The way this film was written and these characters are, there’s such life and chemistry between these three ” ‘ C r e w ’ t e l l s t h e s t o r y o f t h r e e f l i g h t attendants The trailer shows how the airline they work for is bankrupt, and the trio encounters a man with gold bars attached to his chest The movie also features Diljit D o s a n j h a n d K a p i l S h a r m a i n a c a m e o

Produced by Ekta Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor, ‘Crew’ is slated for release on March 29

Ranbir Kapoor rang in his wife and actor Alia Bhatt’s birthday with an intimate dinner for Neetu Kapoor, Isha Ambani with husband Anand Piramal, Akash Ambani with wife Shloka Ambani, and Soni Razdan The party also included filmmaker Rohit Dhawan with his wife Jaanvi Dhawan, and director Abhishek Varman, among other close family and friends

As Ranbir and Alia exited the dinner party at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai, paps clicked them Fans were quick to spot Raha’s name on the black jumper

Kapoor was missing from the celebration, Ranbir paid her a cute tribute by wearing a black T-shirt with her name written on it Raha Kapoor was born in November

Last year, Kartik had said in an interview that his mom controlled his finances, and he didn’t know how much money he had in his bank account He said he would take his m o m ’ s p e r m i s s i o n w h e n e v e r h e w a n t e d something “I wanted to buy a car on my birthday, but mummy refused, saying that there is no money She said maybe next year or sometime later, but, abhi nahi le sakte (you cannot buy one right now) I have no option but to believe what my mother tells me, because I don’t even know where to check how much money I have ” T h e a c t o r ’ s c a r c o l l e c t i o n i n c l u d e s a M c L a r e n G T , a B M W 5 S e r i e s , a M I N I Cooper S Convertible, a Porsche 718 Boxster, and a Lamborghini Urus Capsule Edition

On the work front, he will soon be seen in the third film of the ‘Bhool Bhulaiya’ franchise with Vidya Bayan and Triptii Dimer He’ll also star in ‘Chandu Champion ’

On the work front, Ranbir was last seen

AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceN
h i l e t h e i r o n e - y e a r - o l d d a u g h t e r R a h a
S h a r i n g h i s p i c s o n X , a f a n w r o t e ,
w a s m i s s i n g R a h a a t A l i a s b i r t h d a y
"Ranbir Kapoor wearing customised T-shirt with Raha's name on it (crying emoji) " Another fan wrote, "Ranbir Kapoor is the coolest dad!" One more said, “Aww, Ranbir celebrations
i n t h e h i t S a n d e e p R e d d y V a n g a f i l m ‘Animal ’

Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat tie the knot, share first pics

Actor couple Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat posted first pictures from their wedding in a joint post along with a sweet note. The first picture showed the two holding hands and walking as their guests showered them with flower petals. Kriti kissed Pulkit on his forehead as he held her in the next photo. A candid picture showed Pulkit tying something around Kriti’s neck. The last picture was clicked from the back as the duo walked amid their family and friends

Sharing the picture, they captioned the p o s t , “ F r o m t h e d e e p b l u e s k y , T o t h e morning dew Through the low and the high, It’s only you

From the start to the end, In every now and every then, When my heart beats different, It’s got to be you Constantly, C o n s i s t e n t l y , C o n t i n u a l l y , Y o u ! ” F o r t h e wedding, Kriti wore a pink lehenga and traditional jewellery Pulkit opted for a green sherwani and white shoes

After dating each other for a couple of

years, Kriti and Pulkit tied the knot at Delhi NCR s ITC Grand Bharat on Friday evening Pulkit was previously married to Shweta Rohira

Kriti and Pulkit have appeared together in several films, such as ‘Veerey Ki Wedding,’ ‘ T a i s h ’ a n d ‘ P a g a l p a n t i ’ P u l k i t r e c e n t l y appeared in the third instalment of ‘Fukrey’ and had a brief role in Zoya Akhtar's web show ‘Made in Heaven’ Season 2 Kriti is gearing up for the release of her upcoming movie, ‘Risky Romeo,’ scheduled for May 2024

Lillete Dubey & Kush Khanna's 'Lime Green Shirt' to premiere at BFI Flare 2024


Kaushik Ray

returns to the BFI Flare festival with his directorial The Lime Green Shirt, which premieres under the ‘Tenderhearted’ category on Saturday 23rd March and Sunday 24th March 2024 at BFI Southbank Jointly produced by Ray’s own production house, Taran Tantra Telefilms with Neeraj Churi alongside Berlinale Talent Pooja Chauhan (Goldfish)

The 16-minute short, picturised in the English language with Bengali, revolves around Saraswati Sinha (Lillete Dubey, Monsoon Wedding), a retired and widowed doctor, who lives alone in Richmond, North Yorkshire Desperate to reconnect with her son Akash (Kush Khanna, Boogie Man), with whom she has become estranged over the years, Saraswati travels to London to stay with him A successful trader with a stylish Penthouse apartment, Akash seems to have it all Yet, beneath the veneer of success, he is plagued by deep-seated traumas and crippling self-doubt, which he blames on his strict upbringing by an unforgiving mother who demanded academic greatness at the expense of his passion for music As the unintended consequences of her authoritarian parenting become painfully clear, Saraswati realises she must confront her fears and transgenerational traumas if she wants to rebuild a relationship with the son she barely knows Inspired by a true incident in the filmmaker’s life, the picture was shot last year, with two original songs written by Kaushik and the lead actor Kush The poetic storytelling is inspired by social realism of filmmakers like Mike Leigh and the humanism/colour palettes of Satyajit Ray


years after actor Sushant Singh

Rajput was found dead inside his Mumbai flat, the CBI pro his death is still pending Now, his elder sister, Shweta Singh Kirti, has requested Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intervention in the same

Last week, Shweta took to her Instagram h a n d l e a n d a d d r e s s e PM Modi She wrote w a n t e d t o b r i n g t o attention that this is month of Bhai’s passing away and we still don’t know any updates on the investigation that is being conducted by the CBI I would highly request your intervention into the matter because as

Orry reveals getting paid to attend weddings his primary source of income

Orhan Awatramani, or Orry, as he is most popularly called, is a popular social media personality He is often seen with actors Janhvi Kapoor, Nysa Devgn, Sara Ali Khan and Ananda Pandey and was even recently spotted with Rihanna at Anant Ambani’s star-studded pre-wedding festivities in Jamnagar.

In a recent interview with Forbes India, he opened up about how much he earns by attending events Orry spoke about how he brings “joy” to people by attending their events He said, “For now, my focus is to spread the message of happiness It resonates with people, keeps me going, and allows me to attend events that bring joy to others and myself These appearances are currently my primary source of income ”

H e a d d e d , “ P e o p l e c a l l m e t o weddings and they are happy to pay me anywhere between Rs 15 lakh- Rs 30 lakh They want me to attend not as a guest but as a friend, maybe to the groom or someone else So, my actual audience keeps me so afloat that they want me there at their events ” Orry also spoke a b o u t h i s e x c l u s i v e m e r c h - l i m i t e d edition T-shirts featuring his emojis, key chains, bag tags, and stickers which are currently for “gifting only ”

S p e a k i n g a b o u t t h e c r a z e f o r h i s merchandise, Orry recalled how last year he gifted some merchandise, and his team got calls from Delhi and Haryana, where people “wanted to order as many as 300 of those hampers for gifting ” He added he received innumerable requests to sell these items, but for now, “they’re only a way to show appreciation ”

Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister requests PM Modi’s intervention in pending CBI probe into his death

It will

will really

e a r t s w h o e b e e n l o o k i n g f o r kind of relief, answers, ts to know the truth, what happened that day on 14th of June,” she added

Last year, Shweta wrote a book titled ‘Pain: A Portal To Enlightenment,’ in which she detailed the trauma of losing

her brother Last month, the Bombay H i g h C o u r t q u a s h e d t h e L o o k O u t Circular (LOCs) issued against Rhea Chakraborty, her brother and her father by the CBI in connection with its proof of Sushant’s death CBI requested the bench to stay the operation of its order for weeks so that the agency could file an appeal in the Supreme Court The HC bench, however, refused to stay its order

While the Mumbai police registered an Accidental Death Report and started a probe into the case of Sushant’s death, h i s f a t h e r , i n J u l y 2 0 2 0 , l o d g e d a c o m p l a i n t w i t h t h e B i h a r p o l i c e , alleging that the actor’s girlfriend, Rhea Chakraborty and her family members had abetted his suicide The case was later transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation, which has since then been carrying out a probe into it

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a f a m i l y a n d a s a c o u n t r y , w e a r e grappling with so many answered s in this case ” Y o u r a t t e n t i o n w i l l lly help us to get to n o w w h e r e t h e C B I h a s r e a c h e d i n i t s investigation
e v e n h e l p u s t o i n c u l c a t e t h e f a i t h within
o w l i n g h
our judiciary system It
bring peace to a lot of

Anushka Shetty set to make


debut with ‘Kathanar: The Wild Sorcerer’

Actor Anushka Shetty is all set to make her Malayalam debut with Rojin Thomas’ period fantasy drama ‘KathanarThe Wild Sorcerer,’ which also stars Jayasurya and Vineeth.

Sharing pictures of the team welcoming Anushka on board, Rojin wrote on his Instagram, “Honored to collaborate with the exceptional Anushka Shetty on our Kathanar’s cinematic journey! #dreamcast #kathanarthewildsorcerer #sreegokulammovies (sic)” In the pictures, Anushka can be seen all smiles as she accepts flowers and an idol of Lord Krishna from the film’s team Anushka also shared the pictures on X, writing, “Entered into the world of #Kathanar - The Wild Sorcerer’ ” ‘Kathanar - The Wild Sorcerer’ is written by R Ramanand and is touted to be released in two parts The film tells the story of a 9th-century Christian priest, Kadamattathu Kathanar, endowed with magical powers Jayasurya will essay the tit-



Kalliyankattu Neeli, who is described as a bloodthirsty ghost with divine beauty The first part of the film will likely hit screens this year, with the makers planning to dub it in English, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Chinese, French, Korean, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, and Japanese A n u s h

Karnataka, and hails from a Tulu-speaking family, but she has interestingly never acted in a Kannada film After debuting in

h P u r i J a g a n n a d h ’ s h e i s t f i l m ‘Super,’ which also starred Nagarjuna and Ayesha Takia, she gained fame in Telugu with films like ‘Vikramarkudu,’ ‘Arundhati’ and ‘Vedam ’

However, it was the ‘Baahubali’ films that skyrocketed her fame, and she pulled back after that, choosing to act in a few projects Her most recent film was the 2023 rom-com ‘Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty’ with Naveen Polishetty

Ajith Kumar to team up with Adhik Ravichandran for next

Film producers Mythri Movie Makers have roped in Ajith Kumar for Adhik Ravichandran’s ‘Good Bad Ugly ’ Filming for the movie starts in June and is touted as a Pongal 2025 release The film will also feature a musical score by Devi Sri Prasad Producer Naveen Yerneni of Mythri Movie Makers said, “It’s an honour to collaborate with the iconic star Ajith Kumar sir Director Adhik Ravichandran’s script and narration were so riveting from the word go We are excited to materialize a gripping and engrossing cinematic experience for the fans and film lovers ”

Producer Y Ravi Shankar says, “It’s a delight to team up with Ajith Kumar, sir Adhik’s directorial craftsmanship has been very much evident with his previous films, and this one has ingredients that will take him to the next level ”

D i r e c t o r A d h i k R a v i c h a n d r a n s a y s , “There are priceless moments in everyone ’ s life and career, and this one is beyond my belief Working with my matinee idol AK sir has been a long cherished dream and I’m e m o t

h him I thank producers Naveen Yerneni sir and Ravi Shankar sir for this opportunity ”

The film has a seasoned technical crew bringing their expertise to one of the biggest p r o j e c t s o f I n d i a n C i n e m a A b i n a n d h a n Ramanujam will be the DOP, and Vijay V e l u k u t t y w i l l b e t h e e d i t o r S u p r e m e Sundar Kaloian Vodenicharov will choreograph stunts

Samantha Ruth Prabhu reveals she was shaking during ‘Oo Antava’

Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu has recalled her first shot of the hit ‘Oo Antava’ song and how she was “shaking during it from fear.” Speaking in an interview, Sam shared that “shaking is not my thing.”

She said, “I think the decision to do Oo Antava was similar to doing Raji (her character in The Family Man 2 I think the good side of not having too many people around you is no people in your ear putting their opinions that you need to cater to This is the good side The flip side is, that I need to make mistakes, learn from them and own my gut instincts The decision to do Oo Antava came from the place where I had to explore that facet of being an actor I have always been very uncomfortable with my sexuality I am not very comfortable or confident I

have always operated from l l k ‘I am not good enough, I d pretty, I don’t look like th girls ”

Talking about the cha said, “For me, it was a hug The first shot of Oo Anta shaking from fear because my thing But, how I have as an actor and person is myself in the most difficu circumstances and fight t overcome them That is like how I am slaying these demons ”

‘Oo Antava’ is a dance number from the 2021 film ‘Pushpa: The Rise ’ The song also starred Allu Arjun, apart from Samantha

Vijay, Kamal Haasan donate ₹1 crore each to Nadigar Sangam’s building

Actors Vijay and Kamal Haasan have donated generously for the completion of the construction of the building for Nadigar Sangam, officially known as the South India Artistes’ Association Based in Chennai, Tami Nadu, the association’s new building’s foundation stone was laid by Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan in 2017

Thanking Vijay for his contribution, Nadigar Sangam’s General Secretary and actor Vishal shared a picture on X, writing, “@actorvijay Thank u means just two words but means a lot to a person when he does it from his heart Well, am talking about my favourite actor our very o w n # T h a l a p a t h i V i j a y b r o t h e r f o r DONATING ONE CRORE towards our #SIAA #NadigarSangam building work God bless u (sic)”

He added that the contribution has motivated them to complete the construction as soon as possible He wrote, “Yes we always knew the building will be incomplete without your support and involvement Now you have fuelled us to make it happen as soon as possible brother #NandriNanba your style @actorvijay (sic)”

Vishal also met Kamal Haasan along w i t h K a r t h i a n d f i l m m a k e r P o o c h i Murugan Thanking him for the contribution, the actor wrote, “Dearest monument of Indian film industry @ikamalhaasan sir Have no words or space here to evaluate and not exaggerate what transpired yesterday when me @Karthi Offl and Poochi Murugan sir met u U started the movement by giving us a cheque of one crore years back and now u continue to support the cause The proposed iconi c # S I A A b u i l d i n g # N a d i g a r s a n g a m building by giving us another one crore (sic)”

In 2010, it was proposed that the Nadigar Sangam building be demolished a n d a n e w o n e b e c o n s t r u c t e d T h e events that followed led to a falling out between Sarathkumar and his daughter V a r a l a x m i w i t h V i s h a l a n d K a m a l Sarathkumar had taken over the lease of the land after the building’s demolition, but the move was challenged After a reelection, Vishal and Nassar took over as the association’s General Secretary and President

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Priyanka Chopra to lend voice to Disneynature documentary film ‘Tiger’

Actress Priyanka Chopra has been announced as the narrator for Disneynature’s documentary film ‘Tiger ’ The film will start streaming on Disney Hotstar on Earth Day, April 22 Described as a compelling story that lifts the veil on the planet’s most revered and charismatic animal, ‘Tiger’ will take the viewers on a journey alongside Ambar, a young tigress raising her cubs in the forests of India.

"In the film, the cubs-curious, r a m b u n c t i o u s a n d a t t i m e s a b i t clumsy-have a lot to learn from their savvy mother who will do all she can t o k e e p t h e m s a f e f r o m p y t h o n s , bears and marauding male tigers,"

Dream to be part of Dev Patel’s vision: Sobhita Dhulipala

Actress Sobhita Dhulipala is all set to make her Hollywood debut with Dev Patel’s ‘Monkey Man ’ In a recent interview with PTI, she opened up about the film and shared that she is super excited to make her Hollywood debut alongside ‘Lion’ star Patel She talked about the muchawaited movie on the sidelines of the Lakmé Fashion Week X FDCI The 31 year-old actor said “It’s my f i r s t t i m e w o r k i n g i n a n e w industry, it’s Hollywood So that is super exciting for me Mine is not a big part but at the end of the day, it is a dream to be a part of Dev Patel’s vision ” She further talked about the film’s reception at SXSW and added, “I just came back from the world premiere at Austin It w a s a m a z i n g , w h a t a b e a u t i f u l reception I had goosebumps from the whole experience People were hooting, cheering, clapping and screaming There was a standing ovation ”

‘Monkey Man’ marks Patel’s

standing ovation at the movie’s SXSW world premiere earlier last week As the audiences cheered for h i m , h e g o t e m o t i o n a l w h i

produced by Patel, Jomon Thomas, Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfeld, Ian Cooper, Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee, C h r i s t i n e H a e b

theatres on April 5

Disney said in a press release The documentary film is directed by Mark Linfield, with Vanessa Berlowitz and Rob Sullivan serving as co-director It is produced by Linfield, Berlowitz and Roy Conli

"It’s just wonderful to be able to be a part of something so special and to tell the story of this magnificent animal that comes from my countryI was very honoured I have always loved tigers and I feel a kinship with the female tiger-I feel very protective o f m y f a m i l y A m b a r ’ s j o u r n e y i s something I think every mom would really relate to,” Chopra said in a statement

On the occasion of Earth Day,

‘Tigers On The Rise,’ a companion f i l m t o “ T i g e r ” , w i l l a l s o s t a r t s t r e a m i n g o n D i s n e y H o t s t a r N a r r a t e d b y A m e r i c a n a c t o r B l a i r

Underwood, the film celebrates the remarkable comeback of one of the world’s most iconic animals " T i g e r p o p u l a t i o n s h a v e rebounded so successfully, many of t h e b i g c a t s a r e v e n t u r i n g f r o m India’s forest reserves into farms and v i l l a g e s a m o n u m e n t a l c h a l l e n g e for both people and animals The h e r o e s i n t h i s s t o r y a r e t h e v e t s , s c i e n t i s t s a n d c o m m u n i t y p a t r o l s dedicated to ensuring that tigers and p e o p l e c a n c o e x i s t , " t h e o f f i c i a l description read

Ed Sheeran performs in Mumbai, hangs out with Indian celebrities

British singer Ed Sheeran was in Mumbai, India lately as part of the Indian leg of his + – = ÷ x Tour, when he sang over 30 songs in his two-and-half hour-long concert at the jampacked Mahalaxmi Race Course grounds in South Mumbai. His concert also included Indian artistes such as Diljit Dosanjh and Armaan Malik. The Grammy winner said he was happy to be back in the country He first visited India in 2015 and then performed at a concert in 2017

“I know India is a big place but everyone here at the concert is not necessarily from Mumbai People have travelled a long way to be here today People got on trains and planes, they drove, and got kids I know a lot goes into you spending your Saturday night with me I did not take this for granted, I appreciate all the efforts of people to come here Thank you so much for giving your Saturday night, you could be doing anything but you are spending it with me, ” said Sheeran, promising fans that he will return next year “This is just the beginning,” he added

popular Punjabi track ‘Lover ’ Sheeran later shared in an Instagram post, “Got to bring out @diljitdosanjh tonight in Mumbai and sing in Punjabi for the first time I’ve had such an incredible time in India, more to come!” He also teamed up with Malik for their 2022 single ‘2Step ’ After their performance, Malik said, “Ed, there’s something that unites us all Indians, I taught you this a few days back Would you like to do it with me?”, and the two of them did Shah Rukh Khan’s signature open-arm pose on stage

The 33-year-old singer belted out a medley of songs, including ‘Tides,’ ‘The A-Team,’ ‘Perfect,’ ‘Happier,’ ‘Don’t Call Me Baby,’ ‘Castle On The Hill,' ‘Galway Girl’ and ‘Eyes Closed ’ One of the highlights of the concert was him jamming with Dosanjh on his

The show began around 5 pm with Indian singer Prateek Kuhad and English musician Calum Scott serving as the opening act before Sheeran took to the stage at 7 30 pm Dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt, with ‘Mumbai’ embossed both in front

and on the back, the artiste expressed gratitude to the audience who attended his Mumbai concert for the second time

“Anyone who has to come see me play again, thank you for coming If anybody is seeing me live for the first time, I want to explain that everything here tonight is live,” Sheeran said A few minutes later, he said, this was “the best show ever ” in his tour and that he was having the most fun

Towards the end, Sheeran returned to the stage, wearing a kurta that read ‘Mumbai’ in Hindi and sang hits such as ‘Shape of You’ and ‘Bad Habits ’ “Mumbai, I love the ‘Shape of You’ I’ll never forget tonight Please go home safe,” Sheeran said He simply waved at the crowd before making an exit Bollywood celebrities such as actors Madhuri Dixit Nene, Priyamani, and filmmakerchoreographer Farah Khan attended the concert Days ahead of the concert, the singer met a host of Bollywood celebrities, including Shah Rukh Khan Farah Khan also organised a starstudded part in Sheeran’s honour which was attended by Aryan Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar, Dixit Nene, Malaika Arora, Rajkummar Rao, Patralekhaa, Huma Qureshi, and Arshad Warsi

Hansal Mehta’s next web series to release mid next year

Filmmaker Hansal Mehta has kickstarted the shoot of his next web series ‘Gandhi’ featuring Pratik Gandhi in the lead. Produced by Applause Entertainment, the show is based on historian and author Ramachandra Guha’s books, ‘Gandhi before India’ and ‘Gandhi: The Years that Changed the World ’ The first schedule of the shoot r

Maharashtra A report quoted an unnamed source as saying,

completing the schedule in India, they will be shooting in London for

the next one ” In more details, the London schedule was of utmost i m p o r t a n c

experience of the world outside India and completed his education properly ‘ G a

collaboration after ‘Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story’ and ‘Baai ’ The report quoted the source as saying, “Pratik is playing the main lead role of Gandhi Besides Pratik, Addinath Kothare is also a part of the series in a pivotal role The details about other cast members are yet to be disclosed ”

30 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com CROSS-PLATFORM
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Smriti Mandhana leads RCB to first WPL 2024 title

R o ya l C h al len g er s Bang alore (RCB) secured its f irs t ti tle ac ros s f ranch i se leag ues by defeating Delh i C ap itals by eight wickets in t h e f i na l m a tc h o f th e Wom en ’ s P remier League's second season at th e Arun J a it le y S ta d i um in New Delh i

In pursuit of 114 runs, S m r i t i M a n d h a n a g u i d e d R o y a l C h a l l e n g e r s w i t h crucial contributions from S o p h i e D e v i n e a n d E l l y s e Perry, leading the team to victory in the final over E a r l i e r i n t h e m a t c h , S h r e y a n k a P a t i l p l a y e d a p i v o t a l r o l e f o r R C B , claiming four wickets and helping restrict DC to a total of 113 runs in 18 3 overs

Sophie Molineux pivotal o v e r t i l t e d t h e m a t c h i n

f a v o u r o f t h e R o y a l Challengers as she dismissed S h a f a l i V e r m a , J e m i m a h Rodrigues, and Alice Capsey in a single over Molineux's e x c e p t i o n a l p e r f o r m a n c e earned RCB nine wickets, marking the highest tally by any team in WPL history

Additionally, Shreyanka Patil clinched the purple cap with 13 wickets, while her t e a m m a t e s A s h a S o b h a n a

and Sophie Molineux shared t h e s e c o n d s p o t o n t h e h i g h e s t w i c k e t - t a k e r l i s t N o t a b l y , s t a r a l l - r o u n d e r E l l y s e P e r r y c l a i m e d t h e orange cap with 347 runs in nine matches, boasting an impressive average of 69 40 Meanwhile, DC skipper Meg Lanning secured the second position in the highest rungetters list with 331 runs in nine innings

Ram Baboo breaches Paris Olympics mark

R am Ba bo o o f I nd i a a ch i ev ed th e q ua li fi cat io n standard for the m en's 20 km r ac e w a lk at t h e P a ri s

Olym pics, setting a personal best time of 1 hou r and 20 m inutes at th e Dud inska 50 M eet in Slovakia Baboo, who won bronze in the 35 km race walk at the H a n g z h o u A s i a n G a m e s , secured third place in this Race Walking Tour GoldL e v e l e v e n t , m a r k i n g t h e first time an Indian athlete has reached the podium in t h i s c o m p e t i t i o n T h e Olympics qualification cuto f f i s 1 : 2 0 : 1 0 C e s a r Rodriguez of Peru claimed first place with a time of

1 : 1 9 : 4 1 , f o l l o w e d b y E c u a d o r ’ s B r i a n P i n t a d o with a time of 1:19:44

At 24 years old, Baboo joins a prestigious group of I n d i a n m a l e r a c e w a l k e r s w h o h a v e m e t t h e qualification mark for the O l y m p i c s , i n c l u d i n g A k s h d e e p S i n g h , S u r a j

i c a n t l y i n t h e 2 0 2 3 season Even if deployed as a n I m p a c t P l a y e r , P a n t ' s presence is anticipated to provide substantial batting p r o w e s s , p a r t i c u l a r l y w i t h

P a n w a r , S e r v i n S e b a s t i a n , Arshpreet Singh, Paramjeet S i n g h B i s h t , a n d V i k a s

Singh Meanwhile, Priyanka Goswami stands as the sole female race walker to have s e c u r e d q u a l i f i c a t i o n , a c h i e v e d a t l a s t y e a r ’ s N a t i o n a l O p e n R a c e

Walking Championships in Jharkhand

However, with a limit of three athletes

at the Olympics, the Athletics Federation of India

India announces squad for five-match hockey test series

H a rm an p r ee t S i n gh , t h e drag-flicker, will lead a 2 7member stro ng Indian team i n a five-match away ho ckey T est series against Australia C h ie f c o ac h Cr aig F u lto n h as o pted to include almost t h e e nt i re c o r e gr o u p o f p ro b a bl es u n de rg o i ng training in Bhubaneswar

Scheduled to depart for Australia on April 1, India will play their opening game o n A p r i l 6 , f o l l o w e d b y matches on April 7, 10, 12, and 13 All games will be held in Perth

This tour against one of t h e b e s t h o c k e y - p l a y i n g n a t i o n s h o l d s s i g n i f i c a n t

i m p o r t a n c e a s t h e I n d i a n team aims to fine-tune its preparations for this year's Paris Olympics T h e t o u r p r o v i d e s Fulton with an opportunity to assess his probable 16m e m b e r s q u a d f o r t h e q u a d r e n n i a l s h o w p i e c e event

B u t h a v i n g s a i d t h a t , a h e a d o f t h e P a r i s O l y m p i c s t h e I n d i a n s w i l l h a v e a n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t a s s i g n m e n t i n t h e Belgium leg of the Pro League in May, which will give Fulton more options “ T h i s w i l l b e a v e r y important tour for us as it will not only ascertain the level we are at and the areas we want to get better ahead of the Paris Olympics but t h i s i s a l s o a n i m p o r t a n t tournament for the players,” F u l t o n s a i d i n a H o c k e y India release

World No 1 Swiatek sweeps past Sakkari for second Indian Wells title

Ig a Sw iatek, th e world num ber one, defeated Greece's M aria Sakkari 6-4, 6-0 to clinch her second Ind ian Wells WT A title, repeating h er v ictory ov er Sakkari from two years ago S wiatek, a four-time Grand Slam cham pion, asserted her d ominance in the second set, securing her 19th career title and seco nd of 2 0 2 4 De s p it e S a kk ari ' s eff o rt s in th e o pening set, Sw iatek's po werful forehand secured her th e victory after 44 m inutes of p lay

Just 24 minutes later, the Polish star swiftly sealed the victory She broke Sakkari at love to take a commanding 2-0 lead and smoothly cruised to the finish line Swiatek, who bounced back strongly from a thirdr

J a n u a r y , n o t e d t h a t h e r 1 2 d a y s i n t h e C a l i f o r n i a d e s e r t w e r e m o r e c h a l l e n g i n g than her score lines might indicate She lost just 21 games and didn't drop a set

"I'm really proud of myself," she said "Even though this tournament looked like the scores, maybe I had everything under control, it wasn't from the beginning to the end so easy

"So I'm happy I could improve during the tournament I felt really good in the last two matches, a big amount of confidence," added Swiatek, whose run included a grudge match victory over Linda Noskova -- the Czech teen who stunned her in the third round in Melbourne

the absence of Harry Brook in the upcoming season F o l l o w i n g a n e a r - f a t a l accident while returning to his home in Roorkee, the I n d i a n w i c k e t k e e p e rb a t s m a n e n d u r e d a c h a l l e n g i n g p e r i o d P a n t u n d e r w e n t n u m e r o u s s u r g e r i e s i n 2 0 2 3 a n d u n d e r w e n t a n i n t e n s i v e strength and conditioning r e g i m e n T h r o u g h o u t t h e cricketing calendar of that

Kumari tops World Cup and Paris Olympics trials

Former World No 1 D eepika Kumari , wh o took a break from competiti on after g ivi ng bi rth i n December 2022, demon strated her remarkable return by toppin g the selection trials for the upcomin g World Cups an d Paris Olympi cs

The three-time Olympian, who recently claimed two gold medals at the Baghdad Asia Cup in February, secured her spot in the fourmember squad alongside Bhajan Kaur, Ankita Bhakat, and Komalika Bari Former youth w o r l d c h a m

displacing Simranjeet Kaur

After a hiatus of 20 months, the 29-yearo l d D e e p i k a s h o w c a s e d h e r p r o w e s s b y defeating Simranjeet in a four-set match to win gold at the Baghdad leg of the Asia Cup India is still vying for a quota in the women ’ s section for the Paris Olympics, with the upcoming third stage of the World Cup in Antalya from June 18 to 23 serving as the final qualifying event before the Games in July-August

IOne in a Billion

31 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com SPORT 23 - 29 March 2024
per country in i n d i v i d u a l t r a c k a n d f i e l d events
now faces the decision o f s e l e c t i n g t h e representatives for the Paris G a m e s f r o m t h e p o o l o f seven qualified race walkers
Ram Baboo Rishabh Pant back in Delhi Capitals training camp ahead of new season Rishabh Pant, the d ynam ic w icketkeeper-batsman from India, h as returned to the training cam p o f the Delh i C ap itals Following approval o f h is fitness by the Board of C ontrol for Cricket in India ( BCC I) ahead o f th e 2024 I n d i an P rem i e r L e ag u e ( IP L), Pant was seen honing h is batting skills in the DC nets A f t e r a d i s a p p o i n t i n g season in the previous year, Delhi Capitals are eager to h a v e P a n t b a c k i n t h e i r ranks for IPL 2024 A video r e l e a s e d b y t h e t e a m o n their social media platforms showcased Pant engaged in rigorous batting drills The return of Rishabh P a n t p r o m i s e s t o b o l s t e r D e l h i ' s b a t t i n g l i n e u p , w h i c h s t r u g g l e d s i g n i f
y e a r , P a n t ' s a b s e n c e w a s k e e n l y f e l t , p a r t i c u l a r l y during key events such as t h e W o r l d T e s t
2023 ODI World Cup
Championship Final against Australia and the
Rishabh Pant
h e A u
p e n i n
n d e x i t a t t
s t r a l i a
n an inspirational journey defying the odds, professional boxer and promoter Tony Bange, alongside the first and only Indian professional boxing world c h a m p i o n , P r i n c e P a t e l , h a s c a r v e d a unique path in the sports world Faced with the challenge of lacking support from mainstream UK promotional teams, t h e y e s t a b l i s h e d t h e i r o w n c o m p a n y , Platinum Punch Promotions This bold m o v e w a s n o t j u s t a b o u t p r o m o t i n g fights; it was about breaking barriers and changing the narrative Despite being underestimated and told they would never become champions, the duo has proven critics wrong Prince Patel, with a background adorned with multiple a m a t e u r n a t i o n a l c h a m p i o n s h i p s a n d representing England internationally, has risen to become a world champion under their banner This achievement is not just a personal victory for Patel and Bange but a h i s t o r i c m i l e s t o n e f o r I n d i a n a t h l e t e s , emphasizing
a n d t h e p o t e n t i a l w i t h i n t h e I n d i a n c o m m u n i t y t o e x c e l i n s p o r t s b e y o n d traditional expectations
stands as a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e i r p e r s e v e r a n c e a n d vision, aiming to inspire more Indians to p u r s u e s u c c e s s i n s p o r t s , b o x i n g a n d beyond Through their journey, Bange and P a t e l a r e n o t j u s t p r o m o t i n g b o x i n g matches; they are advocating for a future w g s t s
of inclusivity
p i o n B a r i e a r n e d h e r p l a c e ,
32 AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com 23 - 29 March 2024
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