99FM Master Your Destiny Journal - 2nd Edition

Page 147

we were very much considered part of nature, and then suddenly we were separated from it, and then reintroduced to it again. MYD: What would you say would be the single most important takeaway for you after doing this walk? AØ-N: After spending time with the two Ju/’Hoansi-San men, and everything that we experienced together, I realised it’s not just about us being surrounded by nature or moving through nature, but that we are nature – that’s my biggest lesson. I think the whole walk was about shedding layers until we reached the true skin, and in essence we are all the same – that’s what it’s really about. We might live our lives differently, but the only thing you have to promise yourself is to live your life with a happy heart. MYD: What would your message be about what we can learn from this ancient culture? AØ-N: I would say that they are true, they are honest and they make you realise that we are all just people. The San will never, ever care about what you do or where you come from or how much money you make – it’s absolutely insignificant, and I think that’s the biggest relief for people. They facilitate space where you can breathe.

“For me the interesting thing about doing this walk with these two Ju/’Hoansi-San was that we struggle so much to coexist with mother nature, but for them, they struggle to coexist with everything that is so modern.” 145

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