Salvationist January 2018

Page 1

Canadian Fights Sexual Exploitation in Greece

Racism and the Ministry of Reconciliation

Vietnamese Refugees 40 Years Later


January 2018

Accountability: ASKING THE



Salvationist January 2018 • Volume 13, Number 1


Find 5 Differences

Hi kids! It’s 2018! I like the beginning of a new year. It feels fresh and clean, just like the snow outside. It’s a good time to take a look back at the previous year: What did I enjoy most? What do I wish I’d done differently? And it’s a good time to look ahead at the next 12 months: What do I hope to do? Who do I want to be?

Whatever you do this year, remember that God loves you.

5 Frontlines

Your friend, Kristin

This year, I promise to … Join the J4K Birthday Club

Just for Kids wants to wish YOU a Happy Birthday! Join our birthday club and get a message on your special day. Fill in the coupon below and mail it to Just for Kids, 2 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, ON, Canada M4H 1P4. Or you can email

Name: �����������������������������������������������

17 Perspectives

Corps/church attending: ��������������� Birth date: ����������� month/day/ year

Mailing address: �����������������������������������������������

����������������������������������������������������� Signed: �����������������������������������������������

Defining Actions by Lt-Colonel Jamie Braund

27 People & Places 30 Salvation Stories Weathering the Storms by Joan Banfield

Columns 4 Editorial Better Than Chocolate by Geoff Moulton

25 Grace Notes A Great Fall by Lieutenant Erin Metcalf



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NORRIS ARM, N.L.— Daneeka Dwyer Brenton and Emma Brenton are the newest junior soldiers at Norris Arm Corps. Way to go!

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Just for Kids

24 Calling the Courageous

26 Cross Culture


When a new year begins, many people make resolutions, or promises, to do certain things. Some resolutions you could make for 2018 include: praying and reading your Bible every day, learning to play an instrument, donating some of your allowance to your church or a charity, or improving your marks at school.


Helping Others by Ken Ramstead


Features 8 Asking the Tough Questions Commissioner Susan McMillan and Colonel Lee Graves talk about the Accountability Movement launched by General André Cox. Interview by Geoff Moulton

12 Travelling Mercies The Voong family risked everything to flee Vietnam. They found refuge in Canada with help from The Salvation Army. by Kristin Ostensen

14 Off the Streets In Greece, The Salvation Army’s Green Light Project helps women get out of the red light district. by Jenny Lower

18 Celebration Day Global event encourages The Salvation Army to keep mobilizing.

Just for Kids is an exciting weekly activity page published by The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda for children ages five to 12, packed with Bible stories, games, puzzles, colouring, jokes and more. Email circulation@can. or phone 416-422-6119 to learn how you can receive Just for Kids in your ministry unit. Cover illustration: © akindo/

Read and share it! Church to Catwalk


Jonathan Butler


NBA’s Chris Paul


Faith&Friends I N S P I R AT I O N F O R L I V I N G


20 Greater Things Territorial Social Services Conference challenges workers to motivate, innovate and integrate. by Giselle Randall

22 The Ministry of Reconciliation As racial tensions and conflict rise around the world, how will we respond? by Colonel Richard Munn


Salvationist  January 2018  3



Better Than Chocolate

y wife and I have an arrangement: no more TripleBrownie Fudge Overload ice cream. When we were first married, I bought the decadent treat at the supermarket and finished half the bucket in one sitting. After admitting to my chocolate addiction, we made a pact that I wouldn’t eat any more. But that night, I heard voices calling me from the kitchen. Deep, chocolatey voices. As my wife slept, I crept into the kitchen and peeked inside the freezer. No one will ever know, I thought as I sat in the darkness devouring the forbidden treat. The next morning I heard a cry of alarm from the kitchen. A big streak of chocolate fudge decorated the front door of the fridge. The cold light of morning had exposed my misdeed. Fortunately, my wife forgave me. Then she made me clean the fridge. It’s good to have people who keep us accountable—in all areas of our lives. In the editorial department, accountability means rigorous fact-checking, adhering to copyright laws, promoting transparency and being inclusive in our coverage. Sometimes it means admitting when we’ve made mistakes. In 2016, General André Cox launched the Accountability Movement, which is designed to keep the global Salvation


is a monthly publication of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory André Cox General Commissioner Susan McMillan Territorial Commander Lt-Colonel Jim Champ Secretary for Communications Geoff Moulton Editor-in-Chief and Literary Secretary Giselle Randall Features Editor (416-467-3185) Pamela Richardson News Editor, Copy Editor and Production Co-ordinator (416-422-6112) Kristin Ostensen Associate Editor and Staff Writer 4  January 2018  Salvationist

Army on track in areas of finance, governance, impact measurement and child protection. These are serious matters, and I sat down with Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander, and Colonel Lee Graves, chief secretary, to ask the difficult questions about how the Canada and Bermuda Territory is responding (page 8). Elsewhere in this issue, you’ll read Colonel Richard Munn’s biblical reflection on racism and how we are account-

ity, we must be vigilant. And we have to admit that we all have areas where we fall short. Thankfully, as Lieutenant Erin Metcalf reminds us (page 25), Jesus can put the broken pieces back together again in spite of our failings. His love is better than chocolate, or anything else our hearts can desire. GEOFF MOULTON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

That night, I heard voices calling me from the kitchen. able for our attitudes toward people of diverse backgrounds (page 22). You’ll meet Shawn Perkins from Weetamah Corps in Winnipeg, whose uniform is a constant reminder of his pledge to God (page 24). And Captain Ray Lamont shares how the Army’s Green Light Project in Athens, Greece, is helping women escape from prostitution (page 14). When it comes to accountabil-

Timothy Cheng Senior Graphic Designer Brandon Laird Design and Media Specialist Ada Leung Circulation Co-ordinator Ken Ramstead Contributor Agreement No. 40064794, ISSN 1718-5769. Member, The Canadian Church Press. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV) © 2011. All articles are copyright The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory and can be reprinted only with written permission.


Annual: Canada $30 (includes GST/ HST); U.S. $36; foreign $41. Available from: The Salvation Army, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4. Phone: 416-422-6119; fax: 416-422-6120; email:


Inquire by email for rates at

News, Events and Submissions Editorial lead time is seven weeks prior to an issue’s publication date. No responsibility is assumed to publish, preserve or return unsolicited material. Write to or Salvationist, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4.


The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. Salvationist informs readers about the mission and ministry of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda.


inety delegates from across Canada and Bermuda gathered at the College for Officer Training (CFOT) in Winnipeg in October for the annual Officership Information Weekend. The purpose of the weekend is to give delegates an opportunity to intentionally consider God’s call on their lives to be Salvation Army officers. On Friday evening, Roger and Glenda Barrow, from the Newfoundland and Labrador Division, shared a powerful testimony of their calling at the recent Mobilize—Newfoundland and Labrador congress. “It was as if God put a megaphone to my ears and said, ‘Now!’ ” Roger shared. In the keynote session, Colonel Lee Graves, chief secretary, spoke on Isaiah 43. He reminded delegates that being “saved to serve” means being engaged in God’s service—we don’t want to become “an Army of onlookers.” On Saturday, the CFOT staff gave an overview of life at the college and Lt-Colonel Jamie Braund, secretary for personnel, led a session on officer expectations. Delegates were also given a tour of the cadet residence. Other sessions included opportunities for leadership development, holiness and integrated mission, international perspectives, preparing for CFOT, and understanding the officer’s commission. Commissioner Susan McMillian, territorial commander, spoke to delegates from the Book of Jude during the Sunday morning holiness meeting. She challenged them to live up to

the name “Christian,” and reminded those in attendance that they are called to call others to Jesus, to salvation. Commissioner McMillan added that The Salvation Army is a rescue mission: Salvationists are the first responders, called to rescue the world. At the conclusion of the weekend, many delegates expressed their willingness to be obedient to God’s leading in their lives. One wrote, “I am free! God

had already called me; I just needed to listen and step out in obedience.” Another delegate wrote, “I am certain we heard God’s call to officership clearly and plainly.” “We praise God for those who are responding to his call and we continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers to be sent into the harvest field,” says Major Jennifer Hale, secretary for candidates.

Photo: Matthew Osmond


Salvationists Hear God’s Call at Information Weekend

Territorial leaders stand with delegates who are considering God’s call to be officers in The Salvation Army

NEWS IN BRIEF London Army Combats Waste, Improves Access to Fresh Food The Salvation Army in London, Ont., is participating in a food coalition that rescues high-quality fresh food and redistributes it to people in need. The coalition of more than 30 organizations officially launched in mid-October with the unveiling of a new refrigerated food truck. Volunteers pick up food from grocery stores that would otherwise have been thrown out, but is still good to eat, and redistribute the food to coalition members. The Salvation Army Centre of Hope, which is a member of the coalition, has been chosen as the central food distribution centre. The centre will be used by community agencies from many neighbourhoods, which will share the

fresh produce with the people they serve. According to the London Poverty Research Centre, 26,000 people in London cannot afford to eat a sufficient, safe and nutritious diet on a regular basis. New Location for Neepawa Thrift Store Staff and volunteers officially welcomed customers to a new location for The Salvation Army’s thrift store in Neepawa, Man., in October. The new building is 6,000 square feet—much larger than the previous location—with the thrift store accounting for half of that. The remaining space houses a kitchen, food bank, classroom space and meeting space. This will allow the Army to provide more programming for clients and better serve the community. Salvationist  January 2018  5



New Mural at Salvation Army Youth Centre

he Salvation Army Yakka Youth Centre in Pembroke, Ont., has unveiled a new mural representing hope, freedom, diversity and embracing differences. The community gathered in October for the unveiling of the mural, which was created by the centre’s youth with help from Megan Spence, an artist from the Ottawa Valley Creative Arts Open Studio. The youth expressed that the centre makes them feel accepted and free, so they chose the bird as a symbol of freedom. The village scene represents community, and the water, trees, sun and moon honour our connections to the earth. The main person in the mural is gender neutral because of the diverse identities of the people who come to the youth centre. The youth wanted to create a mural that offers hope and is a reminder of all they are capable of. The mural occupies a wall that is three by six metres and is painted on plywood boards donated by The Home Depot. “The Yakka Youth Centre is a place


where they can be themselves and know that they are heard,” says Amanda Wilson, youth director. “The mural is

something that they have worked long and hard on, but they saw it through and are proud that people admire it.”

Young people at the Yakka Youth Centre are proud of their new mural

Salvationists March in Santa Claus Parades

n November, Salvationists across Canada participated in their local Santa Claus parades, spreading Christmas cheer and bringing attention to the work The Salvation Army does during the holiday season. The Army was well represented in the 113th Santa Claus Parade in Toronto, with around 100 marchers, representing ministry units throughout the Greater

Toronto Area. Participants also included the Canadian Staff Band, New York Staff Band, Ontario Central-East Divisional Youth Band, a large timbrel brigade and, for the first year ever, Salvation Army mascots Sally Ann, Shieldy and Bram. In Winnipeg, The Salvation Army shared a parade float with CTV to promote the annual Toy Mountain campaign. A group of Booth University

Around 100 Salvationists participated in the Toronto Santa Claus Parade

6  January 2018  Salvationist

College students and some cadets from the College for Officer Training also marched in the parade, handing out candy canes as they walked. Prior to the start of the parade, The Salvation Army brought a canteen to the marshalling area, where it provided hot chocolate to parade participants—a muchappreciated gesture on the cold winter night.

A group of students from Booth University College marched with The Salvation Army in Winnipeg



Bermuda Division Holds Congress Worship Team, youth and men from Harbour Light—and MAGA shared in musical ministry. Focusing on Psalm 91, Colonel Lee Graves challenged those in attendance to answer the question: “Is your God a big God, a small God or both?” Another highlight was the presentation of Nothing But Thy Blood (SASB 769) by MAGA. The song and the challenge it presented were woven throughout the weekend. In Saturday morning’s Bible teaching, Colonel Lee Graves reminded those gathered that “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us

who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18). In his message on Sunday morning, the chief secretary focused on the fact that “our Father does not treat us as our sins deserve.” As the morning concluded, the mercy seat was full of people praying for and with each other. Being encouraged and challenged throughout the weekend, Salvationists and friends mobilized, marching into the streets with flags unfurled on Sunday afternoon. Along the way, stops were made in three neighbourhoods to share the good news of God’s love with those within earshot.

Photos: Lieutenant Shawna Goulding

alvationists in Bermuda made beautiful music together as they gathered for a divisional congress in November. With the theme “Harmony in One aCHORD,” the congress weekend included times of worship, music workshops under the leadership of the territorial music and gospel arts department (MAGA), and Bible teaching led by Colonels Lee and Deborah Graves, chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries. The Saturday evening concert was a highlight of the congress as representatives of the division—the Bermuda Divisional Band, Bermuda Divisional

Salvationists worship together at North Street Citadel in Hamilton, Bermuda

A march of witness through the streets of Bermuda

Youth Shelter Celebrates One Year Anniversary


his month, the Brampton Queen Street Youth Shelter marks one year of serving the Region of Peel in Ontario. The shelter opened for business on January 27, 2017, and has been at capacity ever since. The shelter, which was once a hotel, provides emergency housing to male and female youth aged 16 to 24 and has a capacity of 30 youth with a number of overflow beds. Since it opened, the overflow beds have been accessed on a regular basis due to the high number of homeless youth with complex needs in the Region of Peel. “Youth experience homelessness for a variety of reasons, including relationship breakdowns, fleeing abusive or unsafe situations, graduating from the child

welfare system, mental health, addictions, loss or lack of employment, lack of education and financial concerns,” explains Neil Rogers, program manager. “The shelter is filling a need in Brampton that has gone unsatisfied for a long time.” The shelter offers clients intensive case management, life-skills programming, housing services in partnership with Our Place Peel, addictions counselling and referrals to other agencies supporting youth such as the Elizabeth Fry Society, Associated Youth Services of Peel, Peel Youth Village and the Salvation Army REACH program. The shelter is on a busy transit line, which allows the youth easy access to Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto.

Young people receive a warm welcome to the Brampton Queen Street Youth Shelter from Mark Barski, housing specialist—REACH program, and Neil Rogers

Salvationist  January 2018  7

Illustration: © akindo/

Asking the Tough Questions

Accountability Movement highlights our responsibilities to God and each other.

In what ways do we need to be accountable? Colonel Lee Graves: We need to be accountable first to God through his Word. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we learn that Scripture is inspired by God; it teaches us what is true and helps correct what is wrong in our lives. Our mission is the gospel of transformation and the biblical text holds us accountable. 8  January 2018  Salvationist

We also need to be accountable to each other. I believe accountability in this territory begins at the top, between the territorial commander and the chief secretary. We need to model it at the highest level. My hope is that it reverberates through the ranks so that leadership at every level is an example

of accountability. Lastly, it is important for us to uphold the laws of the land. Scripture calls us to pray for those in authority and render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Sometimes legislation is imposed that adds an aspect of complexity to our work, but we must nevertheless be compliant with govern-

Photos: Timothy Cheng

In 2016, General André Cox launched the Accountability Movement, calling Salvationists around the world to “learn afresh the gospel values of integrity, servanthood and transparency.” There are four pillars of the movement: finance, governance, impact measurement and child protection. Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief and literary secretary, sat down with Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander, and Colonel Lee Graves, chief secretary, to explore how the Canada and Bermuda Territory is responding.

ment regulations. Commissioner Susan McMillan: In terms of our stakeholders, the more that we involve Salvationists, our advisory boards and external volunteers in decisions that are made, the more we can be accountable to them. We don’t want to make decisions for people without hearing from them. We’re consulting now more than ever before. And we, in turn, have high expectations for Salvationists, employees and volunteers—accountability is a two-way street. How is The Salvation Army governed differently than other churches? SM: Many churches are governed by an elected board or synod, which makes decisions for the local denomination. Our Governing Council is appointed by the Office of the General. As an international organization, we can collaborate across borders in ways that other denominations and other non-profits cannot. In Canada, we are constituted by an Act of Parliament, a law, which means our constitution is strong and can’t be changed on a whim. LG: Our governance embraces both the ecclesiastical and the temporal aspects of our organization. We build bridges from social work into corps and from corps back into the community. Our governance allows us to maintain this integrated approach, and that makes us unique. While some donors may struggle to understand the connection between our religious and social work, we know that faith is the engine that drives our ministry. How are we becoming more open and transparent? SM: In fiscal matters, we are required to produce consolidated financial reports. Our accounting system now allows us to demonstrate to the public in our annual report everything that is happening in The Salvation Army across Canada. That’s a significant step. We also need to be open in our community relations. When we’re working on new programs, or going into a new area, we must connect with people on the ground so that they have a chance to speak into what’s happening in their community. LG: At the congregational level, we need annual general meetings to hold leadership and corps boards accountable for the receipt and expenditure of resour-

ces. That needs to be an inclusive and consultative conversation. Where have we created forums to ask difficult questions? SM: Three years ago we established a loca l of f icers’ forum, with representative corps sergea nt-majors from every division. The chief and I meet with them regularly by teleconference to hear their concerns and questions. We published an article in Salvationist magazine ( articles/leading-the-way) to encourage people to connect with their divisional representatives. Our Ethics Centre has also been conducting a study program on human sexuality, which is an opportunity for Salvationists to ask those questions. LG: The Journey of Renewal booklet speaks about the shifting culture. Organizationally, we need to create the spaces for difficult questions. But we also need leaders who are welcoming and open to that kind of dialogue. It begins at the training college where we encourage our cadets not just to say, “Yes sir, no sir,” but to reason together. Something is terribly broken if our officers, employees and soldiers feel they cannot ask the hard questions, be respected and receive a fair response. Culturally, we need to get to a place where it becomes more natural, comfortable and expected that we would dialogue together. I think we are making progress in this area. Only 68 percent of corps in the territory are self-supporting and many don’t have the reserve funds to sustain them through emergencies. How will the Army address this challenge? SM: We need transparency at the corps level. Corps treasurers can help congregations understand corps financial statements, sources of income and what their responsibilities might be. At divisional headquarters, we aim to support corps that may be in highly effective mission situations but have few resources. At the territorial level, we’re also reviewing

“Without God we’re not going to be effective, no matter how hard we try.” —Commissioner Susan McMillan our territorial funding model to see if it needs adjustment. LG: We’ve created eight guiding principles that can be considered when developing a strategy to improve the sustainability of a corps. Some corps may be in deficit but are highly effective. How do we measure the impact? What are the outcomes? Is transformation taking place? If so, that’s where we need to put our resources. Where there is ineffectiveness, pruning may be necessary. Before leaving a community, let’s try to reinvent ourselves and re-engage with different models. But to continue to do the same thing we have always done, just because we always have, is not serving the kingdom well. Some Army personnel feel stressed out by the administrative workload. How do we relieve the pressure? LG: We need to acknowledge that the administrative workload can be overwhelming. We have a complexity workgroup that is looking at our organization, from our systems to our structure, in an effort to try to determine how we can become more effective and efficient. Salvationist  January 2018  9

We want to free people so that they can advance the mission as much as possible. SM: We need the organization of staff support and office work so that front-line ministry can happen. That administrative work in itself is not a bad thing, but it’s getting the proper balance so that we don’t overburden people. It’s important that we get the numbers right so that we can compare our statistics over time, to understand where we’ve been and where we’re going. Without accurate data, we can’t make informed decisions. We rely on individuals in the field to be accurate in their reporting. What specific steps is The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda taking to track progress and learn from our experience? SM: Program services compiles statistics for corps and puts them together in ways that help us understand the trends. On the social services side, statistics are kept for government reporting, and that’s necessary as well. But beyond the numbers, we need to get a handle on how we are making a difference in people’s lives and changing communities. LG: Part of it is getting to that transformational storytelling piece. We are working with our National Advisory Board to help us to understand impact

The Journey of Renewal booklet outlines the Accountability Movement and contains practical tips and tools to integrate accountability into your work, mission and ministry. It is available in English and French and can be downloaded at 10  January 2018  Salvationist

measurement, not only to define it better but to develop tools that we can use across the territory. SM: We recently piloted the Halo Project, which measures the positive economic impact that a Salvation Army ministry unit can have on a community. In the case of Montreal Citadel, for example, the economic benefit to the community was $4.76 for every dollar we invest. While that’s extremely helpful, it’s still just an economic measure; it doesn’t explain how the community was improved or individual lives were transformed. We need those who are in the field to help us to understand how we can measure the impact of what we’re doing. Are we sometimes tempted to dodge our responsibility, using excuses such as “That’s not my job,” “I’m too busy” or “I was just following orders”? SM: I don’t think excuse-making is a universal thing. It’s something that you hear from time to time, but we have wonderful personnel who take their responsibility tremendously seriously. I was chatting recently with social services staff who do a midnight soup run for people on the streets. They don’t submit time sheets, they consider it volunteer work. “We love it, and we want to serve,” they told me. These are employees who’ve grasped the significance of what they do, who are willing to add volunteer time to what they’re already doing. We must keep empowering people to do their job, and help them understand how valued they are. Then they’re going to take pride in it. LG: We have to be prepared to speak truth in love. We need to be honest and transparent with each other. In fairness to everybody, we need to identify expectations and hold each other accountable to them. We have a wonderful evaluation tool called PEAC (Performance Excellence and Coaching), added with the work the leadership development department is doing around the LEADS framework ( to identify leadership capabilities. All of these tools

“We need to create the spaces for difficult questions … where it becomes natural and expected.” —Colonel Lee Graves are going to strengthen the good people around us. The Royal Commission in Australia recently investigated instances of abuse in Salvation Army institutions in that country. What safeguards do we have in place for children? SM: The Salvation Army acknowledges and deeply regrets the harm suffered by children under its care in Australia and is working with the government on a national redress scheme for survivors. It’s no coincidence that care for children is now one of the pillars of our accountability movement. In our territory, we have rigorous screening and training of staff, church members and volunteers who will work with children. We’ve been centralizing our database to be sure that we’re not placing anyone at risk. LG: We have a territorial abuse advisor, Nancy Turley, who is helping us ensure we have policies and procedures to keep people safe. We also have a whistleblower policy, with a confidential phone number

for reporting abuses. Upon the report of abuse, an investigation is launched with step-by-step procedures for dealing with offences. Is there a danger that excessive planning and risk management may cause us to be too “safe” and miss places where God is calling us to step out in radical faith? LG: Yes, we have to guard against overreaction. Finding the balance is critical. We don’t want to stymie a person’s passion, nor do we want to create mission paralysis. But we do have to be careful at the same time. If we could all be good students of orders and regulations and operating policies, then we would be a stronger organization. We also need to use common sense: look before you leap and don’t work in isolation. SM: We don’t want people to be so afraid to make a mistake that they don’t try something new. On the other hand, I’ve been in some dangerous places in my life, and my experience has been to trust people on the ground. For example, the Army was working in a difficult neighbourhood outside of Buenos Aires in Argentina. The captain there was an amazing woman who could walk through

that dangerous neighbourhood and be entirely safe because everyone knew her. But when she saw trouble brewing and told us we needed to leave, we left. You have to trust that our expert ministry workers know what they’re doing. It’s easy to get discouraged or blame others when things don’t go well. How do we counter a culture of cynicism and negativity? SM: As leaders we need to be encouragers and recognize the wonderful work people are doing. I think the cynics are fewer and farther between than they once were, and I sense a general enthusiasm as I travel the territory. LG: It’s the servant leadership principle. We need humble, honest leaders who can create a culture that’s conversational. We’re not helped when everybody agrees just because they feel they have to agree. We’re made better sometimes when we don’t agree; healthy disagreement can lead to growth. The Bible uses the metaphor of iron sharpening iron (see Proverbs 27:17). SM: It’s better to speak up to your leader to identify a problem and work out a solution than to walk around with a negative

To purchase your copy of this daily Salvation Army devotional, visit, email or phone 416-422-6100 today. For the ebook, visit

attitude. To just grumble about it doesn’t help you or the organization; it brings everyone down, including yourself. How do we keep accountable on our spiritual journey? LG: Spiritual health is one of our territorial priorities. Whether you’re an officer, soldier or employee, we’re encouraging resources for personal faith development. This includes spiritual directors, spiritual retreats, RightNow Media (a streaming web service with Christian programming) and resources for spiritual disciplines ( SM: Someone in a devotional talk recently used the example of the airplane and the oxygen masks. When there is an emergency and the oxygen masks come down, the flight attendant tells you to put your own mask on first before you help your neighbour in distress. If you don’t, you’ll both pass out. It starts with taking care of our own spiritual health and ministry flows from there. Without God we’re not going to be effective, no matter how hard we try. Watch future issues of Salvationist magazine for articles on each of the accountability pillars.

COMING SOON ACROSS AN OCEAN AND A CONTINENT The Salvation Army as a Canadian Immigration Agency 1904-1932

Canadians commonly associate with The Salvation Army. Few know, however, that between 1904 and 1932, the Army was an official immigration agency, approved and financially sponsored by Canada’s Department of Immigration. During that time, the organization brought to Canada approximately 111,000 British settlers, most of them juvenile male farm helpers and young female domestics. Across an Ocean and a Continent is a descriptive account of the Army’s immigration work, detailing how it conducted that work, offering first-hand reports of trips across the Atlantic and Canada in its chartered ships and trains, discussing its dealings with Canada’s Department of Immigration, and the public’s perception and reception of its efforts. Enlivened by more than a dozen personal recollections, this book not only expands our appreciation of The Salvation Army as a worldwide social agency but also provides another important chapter in Canada’s immigration history. “R.G. Moyles knows how to make historical data come alive through striking facts and gripping first-hand accounts.” —General John Larsson (Rtd) Dr. R. Gordon Moyles is a professor emeritus at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, having taught Canadian literature and served as the associate dean of arts. He was born in Newfoundland and

Women (Frontier Press, 2014). Dr. Moyles is a member of The Salvation Army Edmonton Temple and shares an active retirement with his wife, Ada. ISBN: 978-0-88857-532-6

Canada and Bermuda

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RELIGION / The Salvation Army / Church & Doctrine


Labrador, was educated there and at the University of London, England. He has written 30 books, 12 of them on The Salvation Army, the most recent being Glory! Hallelujah! The Innovative Evangelism of Early Canadian Salvationists (Triumph Publishing, 2013) and Maud, Emma, Evangeline: America’s Love Affair with the Three Booth


Brass bands, Christmas kettles, thrift stores—these are what most


CONTINENT The Salvation Army as a Canadian Immigration Agency 1904–1932


Salvationist and Army historian Dr. R. Gordon Moyles offers a descriptive account of The Salvation Army’s immigration work and presents first-hand reports and personal recollections from those who journeyed to Canada with the Army’s help.

Salvationist  January 2018  11

Vietnamese boat people are rescued by the U.S. Navy near Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam

The Voong family risked everything to flee Vietnam. They found refuge in Canada with help from The Salvation Army.



n January 1979, Man Phong Voong and Denh Sieng Phu made an impossible decision. Facing great danger—and possibly even death— they left their home in Vietnam, hoping to escape a country in turmoil. Carrying what little possessions they could, they took their two children—at the time, a toddler and an infant—and boarded a boat, aiming for Hong Kong. For nearly two months, the Voong family drifted through the ocean, unsure 12  January 2018  Salvationist

if they would ever reach their destination. More than 13,000 kilometres away, Diane Ford Robinson was watching the refugee crisis unfold from her home in Ottawa, and was moved by the images she saw of the Vietnamese boat people. “They were fleeing in these little boats, and a lot of them were drowning,” she recalls. A soldier at Woodroffe Temple (now Barrhaven Church), Robinson was a key member of The Salvation Army’s refugee

Dangerous Journey Before they left, the Voongs were living in Mong Cai, a village on the VietnamChina border. In December 1978, the villagers received a military order to relocate to the remote interior of Vietnam. The Voongs had heard many horror stories about life there—famine, disease, death. They knew their chances of survival were slim; they needed to get out of Vietnam before it was too late. Leaving by boat was their only option. “It was terrifying,” says Randy Ho, Sieng’s younger brother, who took a separate boat with their parents. “You don’t know where you’re going to end up. You’re out in the middle of the ocean, you don’t have directions—you just try to follow the sun.” There were 109 passengers on the wooden boat that carried the Voongs. At one point in their journey, a powerful storm descended on the 18-metre boat, and a bucket brigade worked desperately to keep them afloat. During those 50 days at sea, they had to dock three times to make repairs, many passengers on the boat were terribly seasick, and one person died. Many boat people never made it to safety. “Some of our neighbours and friends lost their loved ones because their boats flipped over,” Randy shares. “They watched their own children drown because they couldn’t get out of the boat. It was very sad.” By the time the refugee crisis ended, it’s estimated that between 200,000 and 400,000 boat people perished, succumbing to storms, disease, starvation or pirates. As the journey dragged on and the Voongs’ supplies ran low, they would go ashore and sell their possessions to buy food. Though their children were too young to be aware of what was happening, the voyage took its toll. “They were always hungry,” remembers Sieng. “They would cry and cry.” Warm Welcome Randy’s boat made it to Hong Kong, while the Voongs ended up at a refugee camp in Macau where they lived in barracks-style housing for nearly one year.

Photo: U.S. Navy/Wikimedia Commons

Travelling Mercies

sponsorship committee in Ottawa—a joint project of Woodroffe and Ottawa Citadel. “As Christians, we saw the need and thought, It’s a small step, but if we could just help one family … ,” she says. That family was the Voongs.

“Mr. Ting was one of my dad ’s closest friends,” says Kyle Voong, who was a toddler when they first arrived in Canada. “He came over every week, even years later, after I’d gotten older. It was sad when he passed away a couple of years ago. I’ll always remember him as part of the family.”

ment party, Sieng received gifts and a plaque recognizing her years of service. It was a tearful goodbye for everyone. “We miss her every day. Hopefully, she will come visit us once in a while,” Bejancu says with a smile. Looking back, Sieng is grateful to Bejancu and the Army for the positive work environment and the opportunity to support her family financially. Working for the Army has been one way for her to return the help she was given. “I have to say thank you, Salvation Army, from the bottom of my heart,” Sieng says.

Begin Again Years of Service It’s been nearly four decades since the Man Phong Voong (centre, sitting), Denh Sieng Phu (second from right) With support from Voong family stepped off the plane in and their family enjoy their first Christmas in Canada with Mjrs Kevin and the Army, the Voong Ottawa and met The Salvation Army, Mary Rideout, then COs, Woodroffe Temple family quickly set but the link remains to this day. about becoming “Every year, at Christmastime, we At the same time, the City of Ottawa self-sufficient. A member of the Army’s always connect and have a visit,” says launched Project 4,000—an initiative refugee committee helped Man, a carRobinson. “Often, Sieng will make homethat aimed to bring 4,000 Vietnamese penter, find work at a door company, made eggrolls for my family—it is a real refugees to the city. Churches were while Sieng was offered a position with Christmas treat.” encouraged to get on board, and The the Army’s recycling centre in Ottawa. “The Salvation Army has always been Salvation Army did. At the end of October last year, Sieng there for our family,” says Kyle. “They Randy and his family received sponsorted her last donations, retiring from did a wonderful job of integrating us sorship first, coming to Ottawa after her position at the warehouse after 37 with the Canadian culture. I couldn’t just a few months in a camp. “Once we years. be more thankful for them.” were here in Canada, we were able to “Sieng was a reliable hard worker,” Now that they are both retired, Man connect with Sieng—I knew my sister says Carmen Bejancu, retail district and Sieng plan to spend more time with was in Macau,” Randy says. “At the camp, manager, Ottawa and Thunder Bay, Ont., their children, Kyle, Nancy and Jenny, all they asked my sister if she had any relawho worked with Sieng for 23 years. “It of whom have attended university and tives abroad, and so they used us as a would amaze you, how dedicated she have good jobs. reference to come to Ottawa.” was to her job. She never complained And over at Barrhaven Church, the But the sponsorship was nearly and was always positive.” sponsorship process has begun again— derailed by a spelling difference. “In Sieng was the person the local thrift this time, with a family from Syria. Vietnam, our last name should be ‘Ho,’ store managers called when they were “Sponsoring the Voongs was a wonderful, but Sieng spelled it ‘Phu’ because of a running low on stock. She would find rewarding experience,” says Robinson, different dialect pronunciation,” Randy what they needed and make sure that a member of the church’s refugee comexplains. the product went to the store as soon mittee for a second time. “We had no It took several months for the as possible. hesitation in doing it again.” Canadian government to verify their But more than relation, but finally the Voongs arrived just a conscienin Canada in February 1980. tious worker, Sieng “The Salvation Army had a big welwas known for her come party for us,” Sieng remembers. kindness and con“We felt lucky to have such a warm welcern for others. “She come from The Salvation Army. It was was like our mother very touching.” here, for everybody,” The first Salvationists they met were Bejancu says. “She Larry Ting and his family, members of wou ld br i ng u s Woodroffe Temple, who picked up the Chinese food and Voongs at the airport. tea. If it was cold, “Larry Ting and his family were down she would give our to earth, just like family to us,” Man says. drivers socks or “It was especially helpful that they spoke gloves. That’s the our language, given that we didn’t speak kind of person she or understand English. They explained a was.” Sieng and Man with Carmen Bejancu, manager of the Army’s recycling lot of things to us and helped us settle in.” At her retire- centre in Ottawa, at Sieng’s retirement luncheon in October 2017 Salvationist  January 2018  13

Off the Streets

In Greece, The Salvation Army’s Green Light Project helps women get out of the red light district.

Photo: Jenny Lower


Since 2015, Athens’ red light district has seen an influx of immigration tied to the refugee crisis


n a Thursday afternoon at The Salvation Army in Athens, Greece, Captain Rachele “Ray” Lamont is engaged in conversation with two young women who have been quietly waiting their turn in the hectic lobby. A translator explains that the women are hoping for assistance. But The Salvation Army isn’t taking any new registrations here—the organization is almost out of supplies. “We’re going to work something out,” Captain Lamont tells the translator. She turns to the young women: “To the best 14  January 2018  Salvationist

of my ability, I want to help you.” They make arrangements for the women to come back the following Wednesday. At the end, Captain Lamont gives each woman a hug. Captain Lamont, a Canadian Salvation Army officer, is the anti-trafficking co-ordinator for Greece. The pair from the lobby are women who are being sexually exploited through prostitution. Both are from Bangladesh and are supporting their children back home. Their families don’t know what they’re doing here in Greece. “They thought that when they got

here, it would be a better life,” Captain Lamont says. “They couldn’t find work. So this is where they are now.” Captain Lamont heads up the Army’s Green Light Project, aimed at getting women from the red light district off the streets. The project’s headquarters sit on Satovriandou, a grim stretch of city blocks in the Omonia Square neighbourhood serviced by mostly migrant and some Greek women. In this part of town, pollution is so strong it burns the nostrils. Empty lots are converted to trash dumps. Though the business of prostitution

has never been easy, it’s become more difficult since the Greek financial crisis. Almost 24 percent of Greeks are unemployed. Enforced austerity has slashed rates for sexual services, leaving many women struggling to survive. The Salvation Army is one of a handful of faith-based organizations that minister to persons who are being sexually exploited and victims of sex trafficking in Athens’ toughest neighbourhoods. The Green Light Project, which launched in 2013, aims to build relationships and holistically support women in the red light district. “Our goal is to transform souls and communities from a state of surviving to thriving,” Captain Lamont explains. The Green Light Project offers a safe, supportive and judgment-free environment for women and children who work and live in the red light district, with programming that aims to meet their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. “The biggest thing we are focusing on now is building credibility and trust,” Captain Lamont says. “We want to play a non-judgmental role in their lives, to say that we’re going to love you where you’re at.” Brothel-based prostitution is legal in Greece but unregulated street walking is not. Registered prostitutes working out of licensed brothels must be over 18 years of age, unmarried, able to work legally in Greece, and are subjected to medical examinations each month. “There are only 6,500 jobs in the brothels and an estimated 18,000 women, men and transgender persons in Athens who are being sexually exploited,” says Captain Lamont. “Many are forced to work illegally on the streets because there are not enough ‘jobs’ in the brothels.” About 80 percent of the women Captain Lamont encounters are not from Greece. Many are from Albania, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Romania, Ukraine and Russia. About one in five women are Greek, and most of these women are supporting dependents either in Athens or back home. Sex trafficking is unfortunately too common. New faces often circulate into this neighbourhood for two or three weeks up to a few months before they’re moved again. This is done to elude the authorities, because a pimp has sold them, or they are simply sent to the next location on the circuit.

Cpt Ray Lamont (front, centre) with women who are receiving support through The Salvation Army’s Green Light Project

For the majority of the women on Satovriandou, “a life event connected to the economic or refugee crisis has taken them by surprise,” Captain Lamont says, “and then they find themselves here because of it. “None of these women want to be sexually exploited,” she continues. “None of them ever thought that this would be their lives.” The Only Way to Help Less than a mile from The Salvation Army’s headquarters, a dramatic sculpture of a fallen angel dominates Karaiskaki Square in the Metaxourgiou neighbourhood. In the blocks surrounding the concrete plaza, approximately 80 legal and illegal brothels stay open for business around the clock. They’re easy to spot, distinguished even in daylight hours by an illuminated white LED light above the door. Karaiskaki Square houses the headquarters of Nea Zoi, “New Life,” a Greek evangelical organization that since 1996 has journeyed into Athens’ brothels to build relationships with the women there. President Martha Polyraki oversees the organization’s weekly walks through the neighbourhood. She guides a visitor through one now. In Metaxourgiou, pimps and traffickers keep a close eye on their wares. Turning a corner reveals a drug encampment, where addicts inject each other with heroin. The johns entering and exiting the

brothels run the gamut of age, ethnicity and affluence. One man whom Polyraki says is Greek looks to be in his 50s or 60s, with stringy red hair pulled into a ponytail. Some appear to be middle-aged businessmen: there’s one with a black laptop bag and another who drives off in a navy BMW. Others appear younger and foreignborn, perhaps migrants themselves. One man in his early 20s pops into a doorway before emerging moments later, crossing the street and entering another establishment. Thirty seconds later he leaves again and heads down the street, only to turn up outside another business a few blocks later. Since the economic crisis, many patrons shop around for the best price. In most of these brothels, one girl works a roughly eight-hour shift supervised by a madam. The prostituted woman may be controlled by a pimp, a trafficker or a “lover boy”—a term Polyraki uses to describe men who lure women into romantic relationships and then convince them to turn to prostitution. Often, the women start out exchanging sex for drugs but eventually get swept up working for someone else. Several times a week, Nea Zoi volunteers venture in pairs into brothels. Kali Long, 25, worked with the organization from 2012 to 2014 while serving as a missionary with the Free Methodist Church. She says the typical Athens establishment is far from luxurious. “It reeks. It’s dark. It has a funky feel Salvationist  January 2018  15

about it. It’s filthy,” she says. “A lot of girls who work the morning shift, they don’t see daylight.” Long still remembers the 21-yearold Bulgarian woman she encountered on her first brothel visit in 2013. The woman was naked, but she showed Long pictures of her daughter, a little girl about five years old. From time to time, she would get called out into the lobby for prospective clients, where she’d do a little spin—“about 10 euros for anything you want,” Long says. “I remember feeling like I could have met this girl walking down the street,” she says. “Maybe speaking about her daughter was a way of saying, ‘This isn’t really me who you’re seeing. This is the best part of me here in this picture.’ ” As with The Salvation Army, Nea Zoi focuses on building relationships. Women can come by their offices for counselling, medical services or simply a safe space. Their staff doles out hugs. “Jesus came to everybody. The only way you can help them is by giving them Christ,” Polyraki says. She sees Nea Zoi’s outreach as an extension of Jesus’ saving mission. “I become his instrument—his hands, his heart,” she says. Freedom Through Faith For many women, the lack of job skills traps them in the cycle of prostitution. Threads of Hope was started in 2014 by Cecilia Sakatira, a Zimbabwean volunteer with Nea Zoi who wanted to extend the organization’s mission through practical channels. The organization trains women on

Women gather for a meal at the Green Light Project

16  January 2018  Salvationist

Cpt Ray Lamont (right) serves in Athens with her husband, Cpt Jean-Curtis Plante, regional business and administration officer, and their sons Micaiah and Josiah

the cusp of leaving sex work in the trade of sewing. The non-profit sells purses, tote bags and other textiles through its online store. Many women had never seen a sewing machine until they came here. They undergo a three- to six-month training period, during which they’re often still prostituted. Once that period is complete, they can apply for a place in the Threads of Hope workshop. The part-time position pays only minimum wage, but it’s dignified work that offers a chance at healing, Sakatira says. She currently has five women working in the program. She hopes to move to a bigger space that will allow her to accommodate up to 10 women.

“As a Christian, it’s my responsibility to help as I have been helped to discover who I am and who God created me to be,” Sakatira says. “These women need help to rediscover their hope, their dreams, their identity and their value.” At present, Captain Lamont is actively seeking funding to develop the work of the Green Light Project. The desire is to create a drop-in centre that would be open three afternoons per week. During the drop-in times, there would be an on-site psychologist available for oneon-one counselling and group work, as well as access to medical practitioners, showers, laundry facilities and hot meals, and structured activities that meet the needs of the women. Though Captain Lamont struggles to find the time and resources to build the program she wants, her firm commitment to the work keeps her going. Because of past experiences, Captain Lamont says she can understand the mentality that leads women who are being sexually exploited to feel trapped. “Most of these women have been told that there is nothing better than this for them, and they believe it,” she says. “This leads them to despair and to wonder how they will ever get out.” Captain Lamont and the Green Light Project aim to show these women that it is possible to get out—there is hope. Reprinted from Caring (Fall 2017), with additional reporting by Kristin Ostensen.


Defining Actions People are at the heart of The Salvation Army’s mission. BY LT-COLONEL JAMIE BRAUND

Photo: Scott Streble


hat does The Salvation Army do? That’s a question I’m regularly asked during my travels. The quick and easy answers—we help people, we pray with people, we feed people—don’t do justice to who we are or what we do. In my current leadership role, I am increasingly aware of the people of The Salvation Army. They are janitors, cooks, nurses, daycare workers, euphonium players, preachers, addiction counsellors, soldiers, accountants, cadets, business managers, officers, thrift-store cashiers—and the list goes on. Which of these captures the essence of The Salvation Army? The default response is usually our mission statement: “The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world.” This covers a lot of who we are and what we do. However, it’s only words. It only truly defines us if we live it out. I’m often drawn to the final phrase of the statement. We are to be “a transforming influence in the communities of our world.” I live close to a street that has been transformed as a Toronto subway line is extended, with daily construction at every intersection near our home. The subway is being promoted as something that will transform our community. Is that the same as what we say we do? One of the greatest things about The Salvation Army is the way that God uses our people to bring about transformation in the lives of other people. We’re interested in people, not streets. That’s why we help people, and pray with people and feed people. We have summer camps, daycare centres, addiction treatment facilities, long-term care homes, brass bands, seniors’ groups and Sunday worship. We do all that, and much more, in an attempt to live out our mission—to share with people about Jesus, to meet their needs and to be an influence for change.

A shelter worker offers a client a listening ear

Are we doing too much? Is it too little? By God’s strength, the people of The Salvation Army continue every day to do what God wants us to do. Our territory has about 700 officers, 9,000 employees, 30 cadets and 16,000 soldiers, as well as countless volunteers. How much can we do that will really make a difference? I believe that we could use our enormous resources—of people, property and finances—even more effectively and efficiently to accomplish our mission. If we’re going to figure that out, we’re going to need to have open, transparent and cooperative conversations. I’m dreaming of a day when the people of The Salvation Army can be more supportive, less disapproving; more generous, less restrictive; more optimistic, less despairing. I also think we need to see the challenge, once again, to be different. Jesus talked to his disciples about how people in the world treat one another, and then he said to them, “Not so with you!” (Matthew 20:26). That’s one of the greatest challenges that Jesus gives us—to treat one another in a way that challenges the current angry, divisive norms of our culture. Imagine the trans-

formation that could take place in the communities of our world. Recently, I visited Bay Roberts, N.L., and Vernon, B.C., for corps anniversary celebrations. As well as enjoying great food, inspiring music and breathtaking scenery, I got to see Salvation Army people living out the mission. These ministry units are places, like so many others, where the love of Jesus is being shared, where real needs are being met and where communities are being transformed as people come into a relationship with the living God. When I’m sitting at territorial headquarters in Toronto, I remind myself that what The Salvation Army is doing is happening in more than 400 communities across Canada and Bermuda, in the lives of people—janitors, cooks, nurses, daycare workers, euphonium players, preachers, addiction counsellors, soldiers, accountants, cadets, business managers, officers and thrift-store cashiers. And I’m so grateful that I get to be part of it. Let’s keep doing it! Lt-Colonel Jamie Braund is the secretary for personnel in the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Salvationist  January 2018  17

Photos: Dave Bird

Traffic was brought to a standstill on Regent Street as Salvationists of all ages and nationalities marched to Trafalgar Square for an open-air meeting

Celebration Day

Global event encourages The Salvation Army to keep mobilizing.


o forward!” was the strong message from General André Cox to Salvationists and friends who gathered at Regent Hall Corps—and via internet livestream around the world—for The Whole World Mobilising Celebration Day on October 8, 2017. The event, in the heart of London, England, recognized the many ways in which people around the world have responded to the General’s call to leave their halls and find creative ways to meet needs in and take the gospel message to their communities. The day of praise and celebration included participation from the corps sections, including the worship group, ensembles from the United Kingdom and many International Headquarters (IHQ) officers and employees. In the Sunday morning meeting, the band’s playing of People Need the Lord reflected the call to mobilize. Majors Caroline and Richard Mingay, corps of f icers, welcomed inter18  January 2018  Salvationist

national leaders General André Cox, Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women’s Ministries, Chief of the Staff Commissioner Brian Peddle and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, World Secretary for Women’s Ministries, General John Larsson (Rtd), Commissioner Freda Larsson and Commissioner Gisèle Gowans. The Chief led a call to worship and reminded listeners that loving God includes loving people and that no one is beyond the reach of God. Flags representing each of the five international zones were brought forward, along with The Whole World Mobilising flag, and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle spoke of Mobilising flags being carried in territories where Christianity is threatened or along hot, dusty roads. She spoke about how lives have been transformed through the initiative. Lt-Colonel Kalie Webb, IHQ, introduced the prayer focus with a series of pictures of the many ways in

which Salvationists have mobilized by marching, offering practical assistance and through creative activities. During this time the congregation formed small prayer groups around the hall. Commissioner Cox said that no one could have imagined how the vision of a mobilized Army would have captured the hearts of Salvationists around the world as they have discovered the importance of going back out to the streets. A reminder of a Bible character who reached out in faith was given through the singing company’s lively performance of Dare to be a Daniel. Regent Hall Songsters—with guest soloist Suzanne Rose from Kettering Citadel—sensitively contributed My Covenant before the General addressed the congregation. Quoting the words of the Army’s Founder, William Booth, about the poor and lost, that “these are our people,” he continued: “We cannot sit complacently in our places of worship because—unless we’re fully engaged in

mission—there are people who may never experience the love of God. The challenge for The Salvation Army, 152 years into history, is to capture the vision of the early pioneers to change the world. If ever the Army chooses to demobilize—to go back into barracks—ultimately it will not exist.” In the final moments of the meeting many responded in commitment. In the afternoon, traffic was brought to a standstill on Regent Street, as—led by the band and the international leaders—Salvationists of all ages and nationalities marched to Trafalgar Square for an open-air meeting. Hundreds of people stopped to listen. As conversations were shared, copies of the leaflet “Who is this Jesus anyway?” and Army literature were distributed and the young people handed out Red Shield balloons. Music was provided by the band and male vocal group FourHymn. Konverse Dance from Barking Corps supplied energetic dance and the Chief of the Staff linked items together in an engaging manner. Arriving back at Regent Hall, the marchers barely had time to draw breath before they were launched into the celebration meeting, which was led by Ester Ellen Nelson, an Icelandic Salvationist who is project manager for The Whole World Mobilising. Energy levels were boosted by lively performances from Konverse Dance and W1 Gospel Choir. The meeting included thoughtprovoking video segments that showed the extent to which the international Salvation Army has responded to the General’s call to get out of their halls and engage with their communities, including a piece about the Mobilising campaign, a peacemaking song from

A large crowd gathered for the open-air meeting in Trafalgar Square

Kenya and the Lord’s Prayer in a variety of languages. New videos created especially for the event included a short film by the U.S.A. Eastern Territory’s Bill Booth Theater Group, testimonies from India and the United States, a remix of a speech given by the General, created by Salvation Factory, U.S.A. Eastern Territory, and a modern twist by DJ Morph on the traditional Salvation Army song Rouse, Then, Soldiers, Rally Round the Banner!, calling today’s Army to “rally up!” Before the celebrations began, the Chief of the Staff led a time of prayer for people around the world who have been affected by disaster and terror. The international approach was obvious throughout, including prayers from IHQ officers in their native lan-

The afternoon celebration event concluded with flag-waving, singing and party streamers

guages and cultural dress, and a group Bible reading presented by a representative from each of the five IHQ zones. A clear example of mobilizing was provided by Zena Osterberg, from Hadleigh Temple Corps. A keen timbrelist, Osterberg shared how God had led her to use her passion for this traditional Salvation Army instrument. She began a group called Timbreltastic which was aimed, she explained, “in the community rather than in our church building.” Since beginning the group in June 2016, more than 80 people have taken part, of whom more than two thirds previously had no links with the corps. As Osterberg left the platform to applause, she quietly placed her tambourine on the mercy seat in a touching act of symbolism. The General laid down a challenge for all Salvationists. “The call is to go,” he said, “to go out into the world, not remaining hidden in our halls.” Explaining how The Whole World Mobilising has seen people try innovative and imaginative ways to reach their neighbourhoods, he reminded Salvationists and friends: “God calls us to be a force for transformation in every community.” Setting out his objective that emphasis on mobilizing should not end when 2018 comes around, he concluded with a clear, strong rallying cry: “Salvation Army, it is time to go forward!” The meeting closed with the fullthroated singing of I’ll Go in the Strength of the Lord, with the final note punctuated by the firing of streamers over the congregation. Salvationist  January 2018  19

Greater Things

Territorial Social Services Conference challenges workers to motivate, innovate and integrate.

Leaders from The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda attend the opening banquet of the 2017 Territorial Social Services Conference. From left, Lt-Col Sandra Rice, DC, Ont. CE Div; Commissioner Susan McMillan; Mjr Glenda Davis; Lt-Col Marsha-Jean Bowles; and Colonel Lee Graves, chief secretary


t the 2017 Territorial Social Ser v ices Con ference, held October 23-25 in Mississauga, Ont., more than 350 people from across the Canada and Bermuda Territory gathered for a time of education, networking and worship. The theme of the conference was “Motivate, Innovate, Integrate.” Guest speakers included Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander, Colonel Geanette Seymour, former director of the International Social Justice Commission, Lt-Colonel Marsha-Jean Bowles, secretary for program, and Major Glenda Davis, social services secretary. At the opening banquet on Monday evening, Major Davis welcomed delegates to the conference, acknowledging that it was taking place on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe. “Today, this meeting place is still home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to share together on this land,” she said. 20  January 2018  Salvationist

tools and preparing for an accreditation, to understanding the dynamics of exploitation and responding to the global refugee crisis. Christine Cha, community and family services program co-ordinator at Guelph Citadel, Ont., attended a session on Indigenous spirituality by Major Shari Russell, territorial Indigenous ministries consultant. “We have a lot of guests who have an Indigenous background, so I really want to be able to understand their perspective, to better serve them,” she says. “When they’re talking about their struggles, I feel like I’ll have some better questions to help them walk through what they’re experiencing.” In another session, Major Russell facilitated the KAIROS blanket exercise, an experiential learning activity in which participants act out the story of Canada, from the perspective of Indigenous

Following the meal, the music and gospel arts department led people in praise and worship, and then Commissioner McMillan spoke, reflecting on the purpose of The Salvation Army. She noted there are more than 170,000 charitable and non-profit organizations in Canada, and many offer similar programs or services. “So why do we exist?” she asked. “We exist because we believe we have something deeper to offer—something truly transforming.” Commissioner McMillan challenged delegates to adopt an integrated mission approach in their communities. “To be a Salvation Army, we need to understand that our mission is to bring complete health—physical, mental, social and spiritual health—to every person our ministry touches.” Compelling Workshops After morning devotions on Tuesday and Wednesday, delegates attended a wide variety of workshops, from managing finances and evaluating programs, to implementing new case management

Hua Zhang and Lt-Col Marsha-Jean Bowles participate in the KAIROS blanket exercise, led by Mjr Shari Russell

Photos: Giselle Randall


peoples, demonstrating the impact of colonization in a powerful way. “You feel that you are the one impacted,” says Hua Zhang, business manager at the community and rehabilitation centre in Windsor, Ont. In the exercise, Zhang represented the children who went to residential schools and never returned home. “I felt terrible, abandoned. You can’t merge into Western culture, and you can’t go back to your family, your community. You’re just isolated, for your whole life.” Dr. Marlene Brant Castellano, a member of the Mohawk Nation, professor emeritus at Trent University and recipient of the Order of Canada, presented workshops that encouraged those attending to consider how they are contributing to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. The conference was an opportunity for delegates to gain practical knowledge and skills to apply in their local context. Nancy Lemire, community ministries co-ordinator at Kootenay Valley Community Church in Cranbrook, B.C., attended a session on compassion fatigue. “I’m taking away tools for prevention,” she says. “I experienced compassion fatigue a few years ago. It was ugly. I took some time off work, and feel quite healthy, but I don’t want to go there again. I love what I do, and I want to keep doing it!” It was also a place to wrestle with difficult issues, such as the role of harm reduction in addiction treatment. Major Judy Regamey, executive director of the addictions and residential centre in Edmonton, attended a panel discussion that addressed varying viewpoints. “What I appreciated most is the concept that harm reduction is not just supplying needles and drug paraphernalia. It’s so

A team from Aged Care Plus in the Australia Eastern Territory participated in the conference as part of a study tour to Canada and the United States. At the pre-conference workshops on Monday, Sharon Callister, CEO, and Peter Bewert, executive manager, presented a master class on “Making Moments Matter,” their model of care for people with dementia. Colonel Geanette Seymour, chair of the board for Aged Care Plus, spoke at lunch on Tuesday of the model’s person-centred approach. “We’ve intentionally moved away from a clinical model of engagement,” she said. “It’s all about relationship. It’s no longer doing for, providing for, giving to. It’s doing life with older Australian citizens. It’s our responsibility to live with them in a way that is relational and allows them to find fulfilment.” After the conference, the team visited various Salvation Army care centres in New York and Vancouver. much broader than that,” she says. “It’s also the way you approach relapse, or having a safe place to sleep at night. So it confirmed in my mind some of the things we’re doing.” Hope and Transformation Over lunch on Wednesday, Major Davis spoke about motivation, reminding those gathered of the significance of their work. “We are working together as one Army for something that’s bigger than ourselves,” she said. “We are part of the bigger picture of God’s kingdom and his work in the world. We have purpose. When life has meaning, we have hope. And hope motivates.” After the closing banquet that evening,

Delegates from Bethany Hope Centre in Ottawa. From left, Mjr Erin Verhey, chaplain; Sandra Randall; Barbara Damm-Smith; and Naomi Praamsma, executive director

Lt-Colonel Bowles offered a final word, sharing some personal stories. “When Jesus shows up, there is transformation. Transformation comes through personal relationships,” she said. “As you return to your area of ministry, to your family, to your colleagues, to your clients, I pray for you and for myself that we’ll have many ‘God moments,’ many opportunities to offer life transformation to the people around us, that we’ll be a part of this story that God is continuing, a story of redemption. We’re part of that. We are called to greater things.” A jubilant concert by the Canadian Staff Songsters, led by Major Len Ballantine, brought the conference to a close.

From left, Abisole Odumosu, Christine Cha, Lori Fitzgerald and Michelle Leegsma attend a workshop on building resilience in times of change for ministry units that provide residential services for people experiencing homelessness

Salvationist  January 2018  21

The Ministry of Reconciliation As racial tensions and conflict rise around the world, how will we respond?

22  January 2018  Salvationist

are my Father’s.” Either instinctively, or by precise calculation, Bramwell embodied the ministry of reconciliation, the commission of Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). The phrase is renowned: panta ta ethne, all people groups. The matter is currently at the forefront of our thinking, when it seems that rabid ethnic nationalism is inexorably on the rise. Pervasive and Complex Let us not be naive or sanctimonious; racial prejudice is inherently present in us all, to some degree. So, like any primal sin, it must be intentionally countered

and rigorously fought. •• Racism is pervasive and complex, described as racial prejudice plus power. •• Racism may be hidden, yet embedded in institutional life. •• Racism can be present even though people avoid using direct racist terminology. •• Racism can be invisible to the dominant ethnicity, yet plainly evident to the disempowered ethnicity. •• Racism can be so entrenched in institutions and culture that people unintentionally and unwittingly perpetuate racial division. In addition, however, racism can also be overt, systematic and cruel. While

Photo: © freshidea/


n the immediate aftermath of the First World War, General Bramwell Booth, son of the Founders and second international leader of The Salvation Army, embarked on a daring countercultural initiative to raise substantial funds for the defeated German people, who were suffering from harsh international sanctions. British Salvationists had lost their fathers, husbands and sons by the thousands in the “war to end all wars.” And yet, here was General Bramwell seeking money for a compassionate cause. He travelled to Berlin and was greeted with great national affection. In the cauldron of that context he made the statement: “Every land is my fatherland, for all lands


ethnic hostilities, rivalries and atrocities are too numerous to adequately list, they are epitomized by the African slave trade, the Nazi supremacist movement, the Holocaust, South African apartheid, the Indian untouchable castes, the JapaneseKorean-Chinese conflicts, the Rwandan genocide, the treatment of Indigenous people in North America and Australia, and the abuse of trafficked workers in oil-rich Saudi nations. The Human Race It is important to note that the category of “race” has no scientific basis. Genetically and biologically, AngloSaxons, Asians, Africans, Latinos, etc., are identical. The idea of different races is a social construction, one created a century ago in the dubious science of eugenics. In contrast, the Bible refers to people groups, distinguished by language, culture and geographic boundaries. We can affirm: the only race is the human one. The distinguishing characteristic of humans is that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. This divine likeness is unique among the created order and comes from the “breath of God” in us (see Genesis 2:7). In multiethnic Athens, Paul asserts the unity of the human race: “From one person God made all nations who live on earth” (Acts 17:26 CEV). At the heart of racism is the original sin of idolatry. Rather than seeing the spiritual image of God in each other, we are drawn to a physical image. It is a short line from this racial idolatry to racial pride, the belief that the people with my physical features are inherently superior to people with different physical features. This is exemplified in the egregious “curse of Ham” (see Genesis 9), constructed to justify the enslavement of Africans by Europeans and North Americans. And yet, early in Scripture, we read of tribal conflict, long-standing rivalries, cultural subjugation and, indeed, ethnic cleansing. This is especially complex when intertwined with the story of the people of Israel, the ethnicity central to the salvation story. The People of Israel Beginning with the people known as Hebrews, God’s “treasured possession,” to the fact that Jesus was born and crucified a Jew, Scripture records the unique role embodied by the people of Israel.

God choosing to act in history includes the reality that Hebrew culture, history, names, literature, cuisine, indeed, the very soil and geographic boundaries of Israel, are forever synonymous with the salvation story. We can see how readily this selection could be interpreted as a divine affirmation of ethnic superiority. This includes a voice within Judaism as well as misappropriation by other people selfidentifying as the “new Israel” to sanction racist ideology—North American slave owners and Afrikaners in South Africa. This is heinous misinterpretation. Rather, Scripture records that the people of Israel were chosen because of their insignificance (see Deutoronomy 7:7), that the people fleeing the Egyptians were in fact ethnically mixed (see Exodus 12:38) and that covenant fidelity is to be the guiding principle of this special relationship (see Exodus 19:5). God says bluntly, “Are not you Israelites the same to me as the Cushites?” (Amos 9:7). Jew and Gentile The Jewish-Gentile relationship is present early, where God says to Abraham, “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). Jesus exemplifies this grace in his interactions with the Samaritan woman, the Roman centurion and the Canaanite woman. A central figure in his teaching is the “good Samaritan,” described as a “neighbour” (see Luke 10). Panta ta ethne is then powerfully reinforced with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost when “Godfearing Jews from every nation under heaven” each hear the wonders of God declared by the Galileans in their own native tongue—15 distinct ethnicities and regions are listed (see Acts 2). The issue is so real and earthy that the tension between Jews and Gentiles continues as a major theme in the New Testament. A deep biblical principle emerges: Jews do not cease to be Jews; Gentiles do not cease to be Gentiles. Ethnic differences, however, are to be no barrier to fellowship in Christ. This is not easily realized. Paul—a Jew and Roman citizen called to serve Gentiles—later has to convince the Jerusalem Council of the validity of his Gentile converts (see Acts 15). He prevails, and this ethnic inclusiveness becomes formally sanctioned, one of the most significant decisions in all of Scripture. Without it, Christianity would

have undoubtedly remained an obscure Jewish sect. The template is set for resolution—a panta ta ethne vision of the kingdom of heaven. Citizens of Heaven The scattering of the nations (see Genesis 10) and the Abrahamic promise (see Genesis 12) represent a theme that permeates all of Scripture—the global, multi-ethnic reconciliation plan of God. It is quite certain that in a mysterious way we shall retain our ethnic identities in heaven. The Revelation image is one where John sees a multitude “from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne” (Revelation 7:9). This is the consummation of history and continues the same unity Paul exhorts in his epistles; as such it provides a model for us to strive toward now. Given our broken human tendency toward national mistrust and tribal conflict, this biblical view of ethnic unity stands sharply distinct. Followers of Jesus Christ now find essential unity in him, rather than in culture and ethnicity. Such a way of thinking and relating is a powerful force for good. Fighting Racism Racism negatively affects everyone. The recipients experience fundamental rejection and disempowerment. Perpetrators function from fear and ignorance and experience the natural self-loathing that comes from spreading hatred. Wider society experiences hostilities and reduced productivity. Oppressed people groups invariably experience poor health and housing services, reduced life expectancy, lower employment opportunities, lower high school graduation rates, increased homelessness and more incidents of violence. The Salvation Army, not unaware of internal susceptibilities, desires to make and encourage efforts to challenge and overcome racism wherever it exists. This is for individual Salvationists, to respect ethnic and racial diversity; and for the worldwide Army, seeking to influence broader societies. Thank you, Bramwell. Every land is our fatherland, for all lands are our Father’s. Colonel Richard Munn is the secretary for ethics and theology in the U.S.A. Eastern Territory. Salvationist  January 2018  23


Helping Others For Shawn Perkins, soldiership is a means to two ends—being there for those less fortunate and honouring God. BY KEN RAMSTEAD


hawn Perkins couldn’t contain himself after hearing the sermon preached by Lieutenant Mark Young that morning at The Salvation Army’s Weetamah Corps in Winnipeg. “I went up to Lieutenant Mark and I said, ‘Others.’ ” Perkins was referring to the famous one-word Christmas telegram that General William Booth sent out just before his death. Lieutenant Young looked back at him and repeated the word, as if in confirmation: “Others.” “I want to help others,” continues Perkins. “Wearing my uniform as a soldier means that I am there for those ‘others’ that need help, those less fortunate than myself.”

Right at Home Perkins and his wife, Bonita, made contact with The Salvation Army through Community Venture, which provides developmental day programming, residential care, transportation, outreach and respite services to adults living with intellectual disabilities. “The couple were living in very poor conditions, and their social worker contacted us to see if we could find someplace suitable for them,” says Major Shelley Kerr, Community Venture’s coordinator of spiritual care. “We facilitated their move into a healthier location.” Eventually, they began attending Community Venture’s day programming at the Weetamah Corps location. One of Major Kerr’s responsibilities is to ensure that those in residential care have the opportunity to attend the church of their choice, and so she asked the Perkinses if they would be interested in going to a church service atWeetamah along with some of the other residents. “I was aware that The Salvation Army was a church,” says Perkins. “So when 24  January 2018  Salvationist

“I love Jesus, and I want everyone to know,” says Shawn Perkins

Major Shelley asked me if I would be interested, I said, ‘yes.’ “I loved it,” he continues. “Everyone there was friendly, uplifting and caring. I felt at home right away.” Jesus First Perkins soon became a regular attendee at Weetamah. “He entered into worship with a passion,” says Lieutenant Young, who is now planting a new Salvation Army corps in Winnipeg. “On many occasions, he would come back to ask me questions about a message I had preached weeks before; he just wanted clarification and encouragement that he was putting it into practice.” Within weeks, he approached the lieutenant to inquire about becoming a soldier. “It was something I needed to do,” explains Perkins. “I wanted to be a part of the Army because they help so many

people and they’re so caring and loving. “And it was God’s calling for me,” he continues. “It was a spiritual thing.” Lieutenant Young and Major Kerr took Perkins’ request as seriously as he did. “We worked out a preparation class for Shawn,” says Major Kerr, “posing questions in language he’d understand, and he also viewed some Salvation Army history videos. We asked if he understood the Soldier’s Covenant, and we both felt he had a firm grasp of it.” “I have never sat with someone who articulated a more convincing testimony about their love and commitment to Jesus,” says Lieutenant Young. “I knew from that moment he was more than ready to be a uniformed soldier of The Salvation Army.” Perkins was enrolled this past June by Lieutenant Young. “You could see how proud Shawn was to become a soldier,” he says. “He assured everyone in the congregation Jesus was first in his life and that he was going to serve him in The Salvation Army.” Part of Something Bigger “Shawn is so proud of his new Salvation Army uniform,” reports Major Kerr. “He knows that wearing it is a responsibility because people are watching him.” “I always want to have my uniform on,” says Perkins, smiling. “It means I am respecting God, and that I am here to help people who need help.” Perkins loves to serve others, says Major Kerr. Every week, he helps unload food for family services and he is often the greeter at Weetamah Corps. He also proudly manned the kettle this past Christmas, and intends to do so in the years to come. “I feel a part of The Salvation Army now. I love Jesus, and I want everyone to know.”


A Great Fall What a nursery rhyme can teach us about brokenness and healing.


few years ago, I had the privilege of walking my children to school every day. At the time, I often overlooked the beauty in this simple act. In my defence, it’s hard to see the positive when you’re simultaneously pushing a stroller and dragging a toddler through wet snow, down unpaved sidewalks. But I’ve come to miss those days. Mostly, it’s the conversations that I miss. On one particular journey, Elliot spontaneously recited a rather imprecise version of “Humpty Dumpty.” While his creation lacked the usual rhythm and rhyme, he had captured the basic gist. After a few moments he looked up at me and asked a simple question: “Mommy, what is ‘Humpty Dumpty’ about?” Excited at the chance to glean nuggets of wisdom from this familiar rhyme and pass them along to my curious child, I explained that a man named Humpty Dumpty, who also happened to be an egg, sat on the top of a very high wall. For no particular reason—except that perhaps eggs are wobbly by nature—he fell off the wall and shattered on the ground. He shattered so much that no one—not even the king’s men (who we assume are skilled at everything)—could fix him. My curious child was not satisfied with this answer and persisted: “But what is it ABOOOOUT, Mommy?” Digging deeper, I said that perhaps it was a story about choices. Humpty Dumpty made a choice to sit on top of a high wall even though he was extremely breakable and wobbly. And when he fell, he was so broken that he couldn’t be fixed.

In his innocent and profoundly naive way, Elliot responded with, “Or maybe it’s a story about how you shouldn’t fall off the wall.” It was, of course, a silly conversation about the consequences of a fragile egg man falling off a wall. However, I find myself returning to this conversation as I contemplate grace and my experience with a loving and powerful God. Time and time again we make a choice to climb onto “the wall”—fragile as we are—and climb higher and higher. Maybe our wall is addiction. Maybe our wall is lust. Maybe it’s love of money, or another brand of idol worship. Maybe it’s pride, or perhaps the sin of thinking we are enough on our own. Whatever our wall, we make a choice to climb up, foolish as it may be. Like Humpty Dumpty, we often choose to do things that will inevitably hurt us. I imagine that Humpty Dumpty had a need to push the envelope—a need to see how far he could go. In the end, he came crashing down … and we crash down, too. When we allow sin to dictate what choices we make, we inevitably fracture into a million little pieces on the ground. No one—not even the king’s men, with all their hidden magical heal-

ing powers—can put us back together when we hit rock bottom, broken and shattered. No one, that is, but Jesus. Jesus can take all our broken and jagged pieces and put us back together again. And the beautiful and almost absurd thing about grace is that it doesn’t matter how many times we mess up and choose to be foolish—how many times we find ourselves sitting on top of a wall only to come crashing down—Jesus waits with arms open wide, waiting and wanting to take all those broken pieces and fix us and make us whole again. That’s what grace does—it fixes the unfixable. Grace mends the most fractured and broken pieces of our lives. If Humpty Dumpty can teach us anything, it’s that we will be tempted to sit atop a high wall and come crashing down at some point, and when this happens (because it will happen), we need someone to put us back together. Jesus is the only one who can make us whole again. And the good news for us is that it has already been accomplished in the brokenness of Christ, his death on the cross. 1 Peter 2:24 says, “ ‘He himself bore our sins’ in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.’ ” By his wounds we have been healed. That’s the beauty of grace—a Saviour, broken for our sins, loves us enough to fix our brokenness again and again. Lieutenant Erin Metcalf is the corps officer at Niagara Orchard Community Church, in Niagara Falls, Ont.

Salvationist  January 2018  25

Photo: © Matt_Gibson/



Museum of the Bible Opens in Washington, D.C. inspire confidence in the absolute authority and reliability of the Bible.” Since then, the museum has emphasized the “rigorous process” undertaken by a “panel of diverse, independent scholars” to create the museum’s content. “We only have one mission: that’s to invite all people to engage in the history, narrative and impact of the Bible,” says Cary Summers, president of Museum of the Bible. “It’s a nonsectarian approach, and you draw your own conclusions after visiting here.”

Photo: Alan Karchmer/Museum of the Bible


ans of the Good Book may want to book a trip to Washington, D.C., to visit the city’s newest attraction: the Museum of the Bible. Spanning eight floors and 430,000 square feet, the museum opened to the public in November, after three years of construction. The three central exhibit floors focus on the history, narrative and impact of the Bible. The 472-seat World Theater Stage occupies a floor by itself, with 17 floor-to-ceiling, stateof-the-art 4K projectors that turn the entire venue into a digital canvas. The museum will display around 1,600 items in its permanent exhibits, about three-quarters of them Bibles and biblical manuscripts. The museum claims that it would take nine days to read every placard, see every artifact and experience every activity, if you spent eight hours per day there. It’s not hard to see why it cost more than $500 million to build. Admission is free, but the museum suggests a donation of $15. Though the museum opened to enthusiasm, its development has not been without controversy. Most of the funds for its construction were provided by the family that owns Hobby Lobby, which recently reached a settlement with respect to its acquisition of some artifacts, paying $3 million and returning 5,500 items that were illegally imported from Iraq. The intentions of the museum have also been called into question. Early in its development, its stated goal was “to

The Museum of the Bible opened to the public in November

IN REVIEW Be the Gift

Let your broken be turned into abundance BY ANN VOSKAMP “You have only one decision every day: how will you use your time?” It’s a powerful question, posed by Ann Voskamp in her new book, Be the Gift, a practical guide that will challenge readers to bless those around them each day of the year. The central idea of Voskamp’s work is that God can use each of us to be a gift to someone else, not in spite of our brokenness but through our brokenness. That being the case, Voskamp does not shy away from writing about suffering and loss, while emphasizing the grace and love of God that carry us through. When we live that grace, offering our gifts to others, our lives become more abundant.

26  January 2018  Salvationist

The Choice

Understanding Your Teen

BY EDITH EVA EGER T he Choice i s a powerful memoir by Dr. Edith Eva Eger, an eminent psychologist whose ow n experiences as a Holocaust survivor help her treat patients. Eger was 16 years old when the Nazis came to her hometown in Hungary and took her Jewish family to an internment centre and then to Auschwitz. Her parents were sent to the gas chamber, but Eger and her sister survived, eventually being liberated by American troops in 1945. Despite her suffering, Eger chose to forgive her captors and become a psychologist who specializes in healing from trauma. The Choice weaves Eger’s personal story with case studies from her work as a psychologist, showing how people can choose to escape the prisons they construct in their minds and find freedom, regardless of circumstance.

BY JIM BURNS Parenting teenagers is one of the biggest challenges parents face. Un d e r s t an ding Your Teen is a handy guide to help parents help their teens attain a healthy self-identity, establish good relationships, make wise decisions and grow in their relationship with God. The first part of the book comes at the subject from a proactive stance, including chapters on creating a media-safe home, energizing your teen’s spiritual life, and so on. The second part looks at common issues teens face and what parents can do—for example, cyberbullying, eating disorders, dating violence and drug and alcohol abuse. The book provides useful insights for parents, whether they’re facing serious troubles or need simple tips for a better family life.

Embrace the possible

Shaping their character, facing their realities

LONDON, ONT.—Members of the National Advisory Board (NAB) were in London for their fall meeting and to see how the Army is mobilizing in the Ont. GL Div to meet needs in the name of Jesus. From left, Colonel Deborah Graves, TSWM; Colonel Lee Graves, chief secretary; Harold Usher, city councillor, London; Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander; the Hon. Deb Matthews, deputy premier of Ontario, chair of Cabinet, minister of advanced education and skills development, minister responsible for digital government and MPP for London North Centre; Andrew Lennox, NAB chair; Mjr Violet Barrow, DDWM and divisional secretary for spiritual life development, Ont. GL Div; and Mjr Everett Barrow, DC, Ont. GL Div.

SMITHERS, B.C.—When staff at the Army’s food bank in Smithers realized one third of their clients are children, they decided to expand their services to better meet their needs. Thanks to a grant from the Army’s integrated mission Feed My Lambs initiative and a donation from the Lakeview Foundation in Smithers, lunches are provided from Monday to Friday at two local elementary schools. On Fridays, backpacks full of food are distributed to children in need to help fill the weekend hunger gap experienced by many families. Standing with some of the backpacks are Kelly Spurway, Salvation Army staff member, and Tim Sharp, executive director, Bulkley Valley Ministries.

BURLINGTON, ONT.—Burlington CC celebrates as Rodger and Heather McGugan are enrolled as senior soldiers. Supporting them are Cpts Ron and Judi Wickens, COs.

OTTAWA—Salvation Army leaders met new Governor General Julie Payette while attending the presentation of the symbolic first poppy at Rideau Hall in Ottawa. This ceremony officially marked the beginning of the 2017 National Poppy Campaign. From left, Lt-Col Jim Champ, secretary for communications; Colonel Lee Graves, chief secretary; Governor General Julie Payette; Lt-Col Sandra Rice, DC, Ont. CE Div; and Mjr Grant Effer, DC, Que. Div.

HAMILTON, ONT.—During a visit of the Canadian Staff Songsters to Meadowlands Corps, members take a moment with the Canada and Bermuda Tty’s The Whole World Mobilizing flag, demonstrating that the group is mobilized in spreading the gospel message in song. From left, Neesha Dunkley, Don Lodge, Lindsay Guy, Aidan Turley, Amanda Caruk, Kent Russell, Rachel Schofield, Ron Hustins, Janette Brown, Karen Gross, Judy Way, Heather Robertson, Melanie Pond, Alexandria Gerard and Dara-Lynn Gerard.

TORONTO—The Canadian Staff Band and Crazy For Jesus, a Salvationist singing group that began in the Democratic Republic of Congo and is now based in Raleigh, North Carolina, join forces to perform at the Basakoli Music Jazz Festival, a fundraiser for the Army’s work in Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Members of Crazy For Jesus are brothers, cousins and friends who grew up in the heart of Africa and then immigrated to the United States. The group also ministered at North Toronto CC during their visit to Canada. Salvationist  January 2018  27

Photo: MCpl Vincent Carbonneau, Rideau Hall © OSGG, 2017



SARNIA, ONT.—Five adherents and three senior soldiers are enrolled at Sarnia CC. From left, Cpt Nancy Braye, CO; Paul Dunk, colour sergeant; Stephen Baker, Michelle Reppard, Robert Fletcher, Leslie Thompson and Alyssa Reppard, adherents; Keith Vincent, Mike Street and Doris Fernandes, senior soldiers; and Cpt Mark Braye, CO.

CRANBROOK, B.C.—Mjr Kirk Green, CO, Kootenay Valley CC and Fernie, B.C., receives the Health and Wellness Game Changer Award honouring his efforts to eliminate poverty and child hunger to improve health and wellness in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia. With the support of Salvation Army staff in Cranbrook and Fernie, Mjr Green formed fundraising partnerships with non-Army groups, including Cranbrook and District Community Foundation Endowment Fund, Our Hometown for Hunger and the 2015 Miracle on Baker Street, to help establish a homeless shelter in Cranbrook. Making the presentation are representatives of Peak Family Dental Services who sponsored the award.

VERNON, B.C.—Vernon CC rejoices as junior and senior soldiers are enrolled, the first time junior soldiers have been enrolled at the corps in more than 10 years. The enrolment took place during 111th anniversary celebrations, with special guests Cols Jamie and Ann Braund, secretary for personnel and territorial secretary for spiritual life development. Front, from left, Col Ann Braund, Aiden Thompson, Mackenzee Lopez, Kathy Kortzman, Tran Nham, Savanna Lopez and Rachel Hubley. Back, from left, Col Jamie Braund; Lt-Cols Brian and Anne Venables, DC and DDWM, B.C. Div; Mjrs Les and Tiffany Marshall, ACs, B.C. Div; and Lts Tinisha and Stefan Reid, COs.

CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C.—Michael Winter displays his Soldier’s Covenant as he is enrolled as a senior soldier at Ocean Crest CC. With him are, front, from left, Mjrs David and Brenda Allen, principal and director of spiritual formation, CFOT, and guests for the corps’ 25th anniversary celebrations; Lts Keith and Violet Hopkins, COs; and Mjrs Tiffany and Les Marshall, ACs, B.C. Div. Back, Willie Hart, holding the flag.

Stay Informed! Visit for more Army news and information 28  January 2018  Salvationist

CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C.—Salvationists and friends gather to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Ocean Crest CC. Joining in the cutting of the anniversary cake are, front, from left, Lt Keith Hopkins, CO, holding Maverick; Sarah Meads, holding Adam; Bernice Cavan, oldest member of the church; Mjr Brenda Allen, director of spiritual formation, CFOT, and guest leader; Lt Violet Hopkins, CO; and Mjr David Allen, principal, CFOT and guest leader. Back, Mark Taylor, holding Rory.


TRIBUTES MUSGRAVE HARBOUR, N.L.—Watson Mouland retires following 31 years of faithful service as the corps secretary at Musgrave Harbour Corps. With him are Mjrs William and Barbara Pearce, COs.

GAZETTE INTERNATIONAL Appointments: Comr Lalngaihawmi, TC/TPWM, India Central Tty (pro tem); Comrs Donald/Berit Ødegaard, CS/TSWM, Eastern Europe Tty (pro tem); Mjr Lennie Suave, TSWM, Papua New Guinea Tty TERRITORIAL Marriage: Lt Stephanie Sawchuk/Mr. Paul Melchiorre, Oct 6 Appointments: Cpt Graciela Arkell, community ministries officer and CO, Ottawa Citadel, Ont. CE Div (designation change); Mjrs Harold/Marion Bungay, Saint John Hope CC, N.B., Maritime Div; Lt-Col Anne Venables, assistant director of internal audit, THQ (additional responsibility) Retirements: Mjrs David/Edith Dean, Mjr Sharon Giles Promoted to glory: Lt-Col David Luginbuhl, from Toronto, Oct 18; Lt-Col Marilynn St-Onge, from Lachine, Que., Oct 21; Mjr Mrs. Jean Williams, from Toronto, Oct 30; Lt-Col Norman Coles, from Toronto, Nov 12; Mjr Robert French, from Carbonear, N.L., Nov 14; Mrs. Lt-Col Gertrude Oystryk, from Abbotsford, B.C., Nov 15

CALENDAR Commissioner Susan McMillan: Jan 18-19 NAB, Toronto; Jan 28-Feb 1 Fairview Citadel, Halifax, and divisional retreat, Maritime Div Colonels Lee and Deborah Graves: Jan 13-14 Ottawa Citadel; Jan 18 NAB, Toronto; Jan 19 NAB, Toronto*; Jan 21-22 CFOT; Jan 22-25 divisional retreat, Prairie Div; Jan 26-27 Booth UC board of trustees meeting, Toronto*; Jan 27 Take Time to Be Holy event, Cobourg, Ont. CE Div; Jan 28 Cobourg CC, Ont. (*Colonel Lee Graves only)

TORONTO—Brigadier Sybil Mutton was born in Bowmanville, Ont., in 1917. She was commissioned in 1941 in the Crusaders Session and appointed to Winnipeg Grace Hospital. This was followed by appointments in the men’s social department at territorial headquarters in Toronto, as corps officer in Napanee and Campbellford, Ont., at divisional headquarters in the former Newfoundland, Manitoba and North-West Ontario and Metropolitan Toronto divisions, and in the finance department at territorial headquarters. Sybil was very active in the guiding and scouting movements, as well as many other corps activities. Many years were spent in service at Mimico Corps and Lakeshore Community Church in Toronto. Sybil is lovingly remembered by sisters Gwen Farthing (Thomas) and Joan Richards; brother, Ted Bartlett (Jackalin); nieces and nephews; great-nieces and greatnephews; and many friends across Canada. MISSISSAUGA, ONT.—Kimberley Anne Horton (Paul) was born in 1959 and grew up in Hamilton, Ont., where she attended Hamilton Temple (now Meadowlands Corps). Kim served as a songster, corps cadet counsellor and Sunday school teacher. In 1984, while working at the Army’s William Osler Home in Dundas, Ont., she met her husband-to-be, Douglas Horton. They were married in 1985 and moved to Mississauga in 1989, where Doug was employed. Together they attended Mississauga Temple where Kim was active in the Sunday school. She faithfully served as community care ministries secretary until she was diagnosed with ALS in 2016. Kim is remembered for her caring spirit and bright smile, and with great love by her husband, Doug, and children Christopher, Kevin, Emily and Phillip. TORONTO—Born in Huntsville, Ont., to Major and Mrs. John and Isabel Bond, Major Mrs. Jean Williams (nee Bond) was promoted to glory at the age of 92 after a life of service and dedication. Jean ministered in various corps appointments with her husband, Captain Cliff Williams. Following his promotion to glory in 1968, she served at the training colleges in Toronto and St. John’s, N.L., as chaplain at the Grace Hospital in St. John’s, as executive director of Ottawa’s Bethany Hope Centre and Broadview Village in Toronto, from where she retired. Jean was a godly woman of conviction who lived with a strong faith and a strong work ethic. One of her favourite sayings was, “A job worth doing is worth doing well.” Her children are grateful for her love, prayer support, continuous encouragement and vibrant Christian witness. Predeceased by her parents, husband and sister, Mrs. Brigadier Eleanor Dyck, Jean left a lasting legacy for daughters Major Donna (Major Eric) Bond, Carol (Ed) Fisher and Joy Groulx; dear friend and caregiver, Lt-Colonel Betty Barnum; eight grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.

Salvationist  January 2018  29


Weathering the Storms Through life’s ups and down, my faith grew stronger. BY JOAN BANFIELD


y youngest daughter, Jackie, had decided to enrol as a junior soldier. As she knelt to sign her pledge, I knew what I needed to do. I walked up and joined my daughter at the altar. After many years away from my faith, I recommitted my life to Christ. A New Life I was born and raised in Garnish, N.L. As a young girl, I attended church with my family and loved it. But at 16, I left home to work. Out on my own, I wandered away from God. I got in with a group of people who didn’t Joan Banfield is thankful for God’s faithfulness attend church, so I didn’t, either. Wandering away didn’t seem so she married my father, so I had Army bad at first, but my life turned in ways roots. it shouldn’t have. When Jackie was nine, she made the I married and had a daughter, but decision to become a junior soldier, and the marriage didn’t last and I became that’s when I chose to rededicate my life a single mom. I learned to pray a lot in to the Lord. those days. I’d ask God for the strength As I knelt at the altar, I felt like a just to get through the day. burden was lifted from my shoulders. A few years later, I was living in St. That day turned my whole life around. John’s, N.L., where I met a man named It was as if I was given a whole new life Horatio Banfield. We spent time together when I went back to God. and grew close. After a few years of dating, we got married and I was blessed Heartbreak and Faith with five more children. I got involved in many activities at In 1969, our family moved to church. I sang in the choir, became a Conception Bay South, N.L. In 1977, member of the home league and volunsomeone invited my then-five-year-old teered with community care ministries. daughter, Jackie, to attend church. They I became a soldier myself in 1984. picked her up and took her to church, My mom lived to be a hundred, and it but I felt terrible because I knew I should was a wonderful blessing to share our be going, too. So I started attending faith and experiences in the Army with as well. one another. Best of all, my mother lived Although I was raised in another long enough to see her daughter enrol denomination, going to an Army church as a senior soldier. felt right. My mother grew up in The But in 1982, just a year after I recomSalvation Army and was a soldier before mitted my life to God, my husband 30  January 2018  Salvationist

passed away after a long battle with cancer. I was just 47 and my three youngest children were still living at home. It was very difficult, but my church family was supportive. Four years later, in 1986, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My children were terrified because they’d lost their father to cancer a few years before. But with God’s strength and the support of my family and church friends, I made it through. My middle son, Terry, was born with special needs and required extra care. He married eventually, but his wife became sick and passed away. Six years ago, he was diagnosed with bone cancer and died peacefully just 10 months later. I was heartbroken and devastated. I didn’t understand why this had to happen, but later on, I realized that God saw the bigger picture. I’d always worried what would happen to Terry when I was no longer here to help him. Now, instead of worrying, I know he is safe in the arms of Jesus. Today, I enjoy spending time with my children, 10 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. I attend weekly prayer meetings and Bible studies, which encourage and uplift me. I have a group of ladies from church who are also widowed, and we go out to dinner and keep one another company. My life hasn’t been easy, but I’ve been blessed through the storms of life. My faith grew stronger every time something happened to me. I just believed that God would help me—and he did! I kept going to church and serving God the best I could, and he’s helped me through everything.


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