The Lion's Den Vol. 16

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Sports Fair 2023-24

Our annual Sports Fair provided a great opportunity to launch the sporting calendar and also get to meet new families and reconnect with those rejoining after the summer break. As well as lots of sporting action, parents took the opportunity learn more about this year’s programme. This promises to be an exciting year of sport and you can learn more about what’s on offer, including our new IMPACT programme, through our online brochure here.

SPORTS NEWS Vol.16 @tanglinlions
31 August 2023


Nutrition for Training and Performance

Parents are invited to join us on September 14th, when our guest speaker, Amanda Lim, will be discussing valuable strategies aimed at assisting young athletes in enhancing their athletic performance. Secure your spot by registering through the QR code provided below.

SPORTS NEWS Vol.16 @tanglinlions
31 August 2023
Coming Up @tanglinlions NEWS 29 September Merlions Relay ROAR 4 September Start of ACSIS Season 1 TANGLIN LIONS 14 September Nutrition for Training and Performance Talk
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