Zocalo Magazine - December 2013

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Z贸calo Tucson arts and culture / ZOCALOMAGAZINE.COM / DECEMBER 2013 / no. 47

index December 2013 06. Arts 19. Events 34. Shopping 38. Community 43. Food&Drink 44. Escape 45. Garden 48. Tunes 56. Life in Tucson on the cover:

“Tucson” mural (incomplete) at Speedway and Stone, by artists Titus Castanza, Donovan White, Rock Martinez, Ed Muren III, Danny Martin and Ruben Moreno. Read the story on page 11.

Zócalo Magazine is a hyper-local independent media organization, focusing on Tucson culture.

PUBLISHER & CREATIVE DIRECTOR David Olsen EDITOR Jamie Manser CONTRIBUTORS Craig Baker, Marisa Bernal, Andrew Brown, Jon D’Auria, Emily Gindlesparger, Alec Laughlin, Jamie Manser, Brandon Merchant, Phoenix Michael, Jade Nunes, Miguel Ortega, Dan Rylander, Herb Stratford, Monica Surfaro Spigelman. LISTINGS Marisa Bernal, listings@zocalotucson.com PRODUCTION ARTISTS Troy Martin, David Olsen


frontdesk@zocalotucson.com P.O. Box 1171, Tucson, AZ 85702-1171 520.955.ZMAG

Zocalo Magazine is printed in Tucson at Sundance Press.

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from the editor Let’s face it; holidays are a pain in the derrière. Between the rampant materialism, stupid ads, the crowds, ugh, the crowds, and the strange expectations, the season can be a bit difficult to navigate. I don’t want to seem totally negative about it, I do love the hot cider, mulled wine, baking, roasting and decorating, and being with friends and family. That’s where it’s at! And, a reasonable amount of gift giving is lovely, but I avoid malls like the plague. Why? Because apparently I have demophobia, but also because the malls’ soulless vibe bums me out, and the very real possibility of getting crushed or witnessing fights over stuff made in China is completely unattractive. Instead of lots and lots of gifts, I say selectively gift. A couple of nice, locally made pieces that are more expensive than the crap at the big box, but mean so much more because heart and soul went into its production – and, you are supporting a Tucson artist. And if you can’t afford that, make a card, a cake, give a hug or a kiss, or volunteer to help out the less fortunate. Whatever you do, be thoughtful about it, mindful that you aren’t letting the corporate prigs tell you how to live. And give yourself a break. Enjoy the events that are happening throughout the month, make family and friends a priority, say goodbye to 2013 and embrace the New Year – the year of the horse! – Jamie Manser

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photo: Craig Baker

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Look to the left as you enter Exploded View to catch a glimpse of their film wall.

Abstract Film

Bursts onto the Downtown Art Scene

by Craig Baker When David Sherman and his wife Rebecca Barten ran their first microcinema in the San Francisco area—really, the first microcinema in existence anywhere—it was in an unattached basement adjacent to the home they were renting. “People could go in without having to go through our house,” says Sherman, “but they did all have to use our bathroom, so it could get pretty messy in there.” Their landlord at the time didn’t know they were using the underground space, says Sherman, so the venture, called Total Mobile Home Cinema, operated rent-free throughout its life the 1990s. The couple moved with their young son to Bisbee in 2005, and, of course, they brought their passion for artistic film with them. Sherman and Barten operated within the experimental film community there for eight years before coming to Tucson in early 2013—a move back to Sherman’s childhood roots. In October the couple nabbed a property on Toole Avenue in the Warehouse Arts District and—BOOM! Exploded View Microcinema was born. Though somewhat tucked away—it would be easy to walk past Exploded View (EV) on a dark night without seeing it—what lies behind the black curtain partition at this rather unusual gallery may well blow your mind. Unlike a traditional movie theater, the downtown microcinema concerns itself more with rare and non-narrative films, that is to say, films with what Sherman calls an “experimental aesthetic.” These films are usually 6 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

relatively short, often bittersweet with respect to production quality and subject matter, and are almost always intensely abstract—we’re talking out there. The real appeal of the place, though, is not just in its large collection of celluloid film or its slant toward the abstract (though EV is unique in both respects in Tucson), but rather the charm of the newest cinephile haven lies primarily in its special events. The artist-in-residence installations, for example, offer an exclusive glimpse into the mind of an artist at work. Stop in on Saturday, Dec. 6 to see visual artist Noah Saterstrom’s interpretation of Theo van Doesberg’s 1921 series of visual poems titled Letterklankbeelden (Lettersoundimages). At their “artists in person” events, anyone is welcome to come and see the walls between artist, gallery space and audience come down. “Animation Explosion” on Saturday, Dec. 14 will feature a rare screening of painter Wayne Thiebaud’s film How to Make a Movie Without a Camera in the original 16mm celluloid format, along with the premiere of artistin-residence Saterstrom’s film, Wastrels. Film not exactly your thing? The event “<)))Audio as Experience>< Conversation” on Wednesday, Dec. 11 will feature local sound artists Glenn Weyant and Aengus Anderson as they share their experimentations in the realm of all things sonic. EV even has something for run-of-the-mill film junkies that may not be so in to the wayfar-out: Carl Hanni, host of KXCI’s “The New World” on Tuesday nights,

photo: Craig Baker

December events as listed at ExplodedViewGallery.org

Dave Sherman outside his cinephile haven.

shows primarily art-based documentaries at his regular Wednesday Cine Club screenings. But don’t mistake this hole-in-the-wall spot for just another small-time movie theater. The goal is to allow EV to function as a sort of “connective tissue” between not only artists and art lovers, but also to bridge the gap between certain artistic mediums, according to Sherman. Today, where most inter-artist and artist-audience dialogue takes place in the digital sphere, bringing artists and the viewing public together in the same space is increasingly difficult. Sherman points out that Tucson is a place without an “extensive film art culture,” meaning that EV essentially aims to build the local mediumspecific art scene from the ground up. Though the obstacles to this plan are bound to be plentiful, if the movement does take hold Tucsonans may find their community ripe for the development of something completely novel in the world of film art. Sherman is also quick to point out, that despite the lack of a film art scene, “there are just so many creative people in Tucson,” so the possibilities for video expression within our community are truly limitless. So, the question, then, is this: is Tucson ready to undertake the development of a scene for a medium that is altogether new to this city? If so, Exploded View is waiting with open arms. And who better to start us off than the people credited with coining the term “microcinema” in the first place? Regardless of whether or not downtown Tucson ever becomes a true film art mecca, Exploded View Microcinema promises to add some funky flavor to the local art community mix. n Exploded View Microcinema is located at 197 E. Toole Ave. and online at ExplodedViewGallery.org. December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 7

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YuYu Shiratori’s leather clutch, hand crafted in a “self-made sweatshop,” will be featured at Art on Tap, December 7 at the Tucson Museum of Art.

On Tap: Arizona Beer & Art by Jade Nunes by Jade Nunes Craft beers are works of art. Brewers are artists in their own right as they experiment with different ingredients and techniques to produce a unique taste. And just as with any art form, sometimes the most interesting and fascinating works of art - or beer in this case - are created by local hands. Art on Tap, a unique art and beer showcase, is a marriage of local art and Arizonan craft beers. Happening at the Tucson Museum of Art (TMA) on Dec. 7, this beer festival features brews from Arizona – and Arizona alone. But it’s not just a chance for beer enthusiasts to sip on some ales, lagers or stouts. The event also brings in local artists who’ve submitted their work for display during this special night. “You’re going to go to a beer festival. You’re going to see nearly 20 local breweries. You’re going to be able to enjoy all of those things they slaved over and created. And hopefully you’ll have something else to appreciate rather then twiddle your thumbs and wait in the next line,” said Shanna Rosing, member of Craft Tucson. “Local art was the answer. We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback and lot of great submissions.” Craft Tucson, the in-town organization dedicated to helping businesses through the art of craft beers, is the host of the event. “It’s a group set to promote local businesses through craft beer, only Arizona beers. That was our goal - to make sure that when you go out, and somebody’s going to sell you a $15 grass-fed hamburger, they’re not selling you a $15 grass-fed hamburger next to a Budweiser,” said Austin Santos, orchestrator of Art on Tap and owner of 1702 Pizza & Beer. “Cause it’s counterproductive to say that, ‘We took the effort to find really expensive beef, but we went to Budweiser to get your beer.’ “The event manifested itself from there being a lack of doing beer festivals that actually showcased Arizona beers of the Arizona breweries,” Santos said. “And to do these festivals as not a way to just walk around and get intoxicated, but to give them something to do. Tucson’s got a very affluent art community.” Volunteers and museum employees have been helping Craft Tucson contact artists, musicians and breweries to make the event a night to remember. “There are going to be a lot of different facets from all over. It’s kind 8 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

of a beautiful thing,” said Graham Thompson, a volunteer and employee of 1702 who is helping to curate the show. “It’s great to have the experience and I’m kind of honored to be doing something like this. This is a big grassroots effort.” Art on Tap marks Craft Tucson’s first attempt at an art-themed beer festival in Tucson. The proceeds from the event will help benefit the Tucson Museum of Art to keep its arts education present and available to Tucson citizens. The event follows Craft Tucson’s Brew at the Zoo event, which took place this past July and helped raise funds for Reid Park Zoo’s new brown bear exhibit. “I’d love to see it become something that becomes annual,” Santos said. “I’m really looking forward to it grow in any way that it can. Definitely super curious to see who comes out for it.” The event also features: live music by Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls, Saint Maybe; demonstrations by Joe Moore, Sonoran Glass Academy, Marianna Pegno, and The Drawing Studio; selections from the UA exhibit Art of Planetary Science; painting with Ben’s Bells; food trucks and vendors alongside the beer and art. “We really want to attract a new audience. We want to reach more of Tucson,” said Morgan Wells, curator of education at TMA. “We’re wanting to be more accessible to the artists and the public. They’ve (the artists) been really excited for this opportunity to display their art.” The event takes place on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 6 to 10 p.m. There will also be an early access segment of the evening from 5 to 6 p.m. And don’t worry, you designated drivers don’t have to pay full price, just $20, and will still have the opportunity to enjoy local art. “I think that Tucson’s definitely been waiting for a beer festival that has this kind of draw and extra added to it,” Rosing said. “For me, beer and art can’t be separated.” n Art on Tap is Saturday, Dec. 7 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Tucson Museum of Art, 140 N. Main Ave. For more information and ticket prices, which range from $20-$65, visit TucsonMuseumofArt.org or call (520) 6242333.

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photo: David Olsen

Titus Castanza, Donovan White, Rock Martinez, Ed Muren III, Danny Martin and Ruben Moreno.

An Artistic Take on Tucson by Alec Laughlin Spirited camaraderie can fuel terrific collaborations. An example of such is the new mural that has taken shape at the northeast corner of Speedway Boulevard and Stone Avenue on the south wall of a warehouse at 1124 N. Stone Ave. Boldly presented is the word TUCSON, each letter a contribution from artists Titus Castanza, Donovan White, Rock Martinez, Ed Muren III, Danny Martin and Ruben Moreno. “These guys are some of the finest people to work with,” shares White over a beer during November’s ARTPHAG - a monthly gathering of artists at the Surly Wench Pub, 424 N. 4th Ave. “Anytime you can work on something that big without getting at each other’s throats… (laughter). These are good people doing good things. I can’t wait to take pictures of my kids in front of it when it is done.” A sense of humor and quick wittedness are prerequisites for sharing company with this group. They clearly have a great time collaborating, poking fun at each other and themselves. It is always casual, always unpretentious. They all have a strong affection for Tucson and its culture, several of them being natives of the city. Rock Martinez organized the painting of the mural to express the love he has for his hometown and to afford himself an opportunity to work with other artists he admires. He asked the artists to bring something to the mural that would represent their feelings about Tucson. “It personally reminds me of my life in Tucson,” says Muren whose ‘S’ presents an iconic desert wildlife scene. “And where I live, rattlesnakes and packrats illustrate the heart of that.” In expressing his take on Tucson, Castanza took a different approach. “I was a little surprised when he (Martinez) invited me to contribute a

letter to the mural,” says Castanza, a portrait artist and Tucson native. “I’ve never done a public mural before, let alone one of such scale. I decided early on to make a more socio-political statement with mine, expressing my frustrations with certain injustices I witness in our community that I would like to see remedied.” The new mural replaces an older one that Martinez created with area teens as part of an after-school project funded by the Tucson Parks and Recreation “Art in Reality” program, which earned honors in 2008 for Outstanding Youth Enrichment. That mural was sadly defaced by someone who felt the depiction of skeletons offended her religious beliefs, according to Martinez. Such can be the temporal nature of public art. Like any art, some will love the mural and some will hate it. This appears to be of little concern to Martinez, though he and his fellow artists devote their entire hearts to their work. Martinez endeavors to broaden accessibility of art and thus chooses to use his environment to express himself - using the urban setting as his canvas to give voice to Tucson’s rich cultural and artistic heritage that can often go otherwise unnoticed. He has hopes that one day Tucson will be recognized as a nerve center of great art. It’s a matter of nurturing a living connectivity between people, art and culture in the real world - outside of the traditional institution of the art gallery. “You don’t have to go to a gallery to see my shit,” says Martinez. “Walk around the dirtiest parts of Tucson and you’ll see my work.” n For examples of Martinez’s work, visit his website at CyfiArt.com. Surely you will see something there you recognize. December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 11

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photos: Patrick Cobb.

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A collage of past BICAS art auction items.

Bike Parts

by Jade Nunes

There are innumerous mediums of art – paint, clay, photos, metal, paper – the list goes on and on. Annually, bicycle parts collide with these various elements in a spectacular display of talent and skill at BICAS’ annual art auction. For nearly 25 years, BICAS – Bicycle Inter-Community Art and Salvage – has provided Tucsonans with a place to recycle, learn about, and build bicycles. Their efforts in and around the community help people find affordable transportation and stay healthy. And they don't throw away anything. “BICAS exists to show people what they are capable of, empowering people to try to new skills,” said Kylie Walzak, BICAS’ administrative coordinator. “Learning to reuse things that could be considered trash and giving those items a second life.” This year marks the organization's eighteenth annual auction and is its largest fundraiser. According to Walzak, last year's auction brought in a record breaking $21,000. A large portion of the artwork up for auction has been crafted out of used bike parts. Artists use the bike parts as a medium for sculptures and even jewelry crafting. “I’m always amazed at what people come up with and the things that people can make out of bike parts,” said Troy Neiman, shop coordinator and artist. “The art work is great because it is so unique.” Neiman added that BICAS recycles and uses as much material as they can, whether it be in the form of refurbishing older bikes or creating amazing bike art. “We keep tons of stuff from going into the landfills every year,” he said. But it’s not just recycled bike parts that have made their way into the auction. There will be prints, paintings and even fiber works such as a blanket that was specially made for the event. “It’s bicycle themed artwork and art made from bicycles,” said Tanya Rich, BICAS art coordinator. “This year, we’re pulling out all the stops.” The art auction helps BICAS continue its mission to “promote education, art and a healthy environment while providing service and opportunity for those in need.” The event will also have music, activities, food and libations. All proceeds from the art auction will benefit BICAS' continuous community-centered efforts. “It is not just about artists,” Kylie Walzak said about the auction. “It’s about standing up to the BICAS mission.”

This year’s art auction will also serve as the kickoff to BICAS’ twentyfifth anniversary, which will be a year of fun events celebrating BICAS’ community involvement. The auction also serves as a way to raise funds for BICAS to find a new home in the future. “We want to make it another 25 years,” said Tanya Rich. “The space we're in is fantastic. I think we want to be in a place we can grow into. We would like to solidify our place in the community by becoming building owners.” If you can’t make it to the art auction, BICAS has art on display and for sale in their gallery, or “bike-tique” as it has more appropriately been dubbed. Small bicycle jewelry pieces are sold alongside t-shirts and other artworks. Early submissions for the upcoming art auction are also on display. “It’s really cute and beautiful and we have some great stuff for sale,” Rich said. In addition to the auction, this upcoming February will see BICAS hosting the fifth annual Tucson Sculpture Festival. “It kind of aligns with our twenty-fifth anniversary,” Rich said. “It won’t be limited to just bicycle inspired artwork.” BICAS welcomes people from all walks of life to their art auction, events and classes. They continue to work on projects with a variety of organizations such as the Pima County Library, schools and local neighborhoods. Some of their public work can be seen around town such as the bike racks along the Fourth Avenue entertainment district. Classes offered at BICAS include, but are not limited to, bike rebuilding, riding and maintenance. They also offer shop time exclusively for women and transgender identified persons. Art classes are also offered along with the opportunity for people to use the art area of BICAS during open shop hours. n The BICAS Art Auction is from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7 at the Whistle Stop Depot, 127 W. 5th St. and is free to the public. Early bidding takes place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the silent auction will follow from 6 to 9 p.m. A preview party is on Friday, Dec. 6 from 6 to 10 p.m. All proceeds benefit BICAS. For more information, call (520) 6287950 or visit Bicas.org. BICAS is located at 44 W. 6th St. December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 13

Photo: David Esmoer

"Family, Psyche and Society" continues through Sat, Dec 28 at Davis Dominguez Gallery. “Trappings of Ease” by Sam Esmoer is featured as part of the exhibit “Circus Show” that continues through Tue, Dec 31 at Yikes Toys and Gift O-Rama.


Charles Harbutt, Departures and Arrivals continues through January. Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm; Sat-Sun, 1pm4pm. 1030 N. Olive Rd. 621-7968, CreativePhotography.org

CONRAD WILDE GALLERY Chromatic Reasoning by Joanne Mattera, Relative Geometries and High Fiber all open Sat, Dec 7 with a reception from 6pm-9pm. Tue-Sat, 11am-5pm. 101 W. 6th St. 622-8997, ConradWildeGallery.com


Love, Quietly Waiting opens Sat, Dec 7 with an opening reception from 6pm-9pm. Tues-Fri, 11am-5pm; Sat, 11am-4pm. 110 E. 6th St. 398-6557, ContrerasHouseFineArt.com

Photo courtesy of Davis Dominguez Gallery

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OBSIDIAN GALLERY See the website for information. Wed-Sat, 11am-6pm. 410 N. Toole Ave. 577-3598, Obsidian-Gallery.com

PHILABAUM GLASS GALLERY & STUDIO Holiday Studio Sale takes place Fri, Dec 6-Sat, Dec 7, 10am-5pm. Tue-Sat, 10am-5pm. 711 S. 6th Ave. 8847404, PhilabaumGlass.com


Comings and Goings, the work of Julie Freshwater, Dan Chavez, Carol Lucas and Kathy Robbins, continues through Wed, Dec 18. Barbara Brandel and Karen Bellamy display art beginning Sat, Dec 21. Daily, 8:30am-4:30pm. $13, adults; $12, student/senior/military, $7.50, children 4-12; Free, children 3 and younger. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 326-9686, TucsonBotanical.org


Andy Polk and sculpture by Barbara Jo McLaughlin continue through Sat, Dec 28. Family, Psyche and Society continues through Sat, Dec 28. Tue-Fri, 11am-5pm; Sat, 11am-4pm. 154 E. 6th St. 629-9759, DavisDominguez.com

La Morenita, an exhibition of art reflection interpretations of the Virgen de Guadalupe, Navidad, Hanukkah. Las Posadas and Kwanzaa, continues through Sat, Dec 28. Free. Fri-Sat, 1pm-5pm & by appointment. 218 E. 6th St. 881-5335, RaicesTaller222.webs.com

DEGRAZIA GALLERY IN THE SUN The Little Gallery: Colorful Abstracts

SACRED MACHINE Wild West exhibition continues through Sat, Dec 21. Wed-

by Kathryn Gastelum shows Sun, Dec 1-Fri, Dec 13. Photography by Tessa Davis shows Sun, Dec 15-Fri, Dec 27. Vibrant colors of children and everyday life by Francisco Romero opens Sun, Dec 29. Holiday Fantasies opens Mon, Dec 2. Daily, 10am-4pm. 6300 N. Swan Rd. 299-9191, DeGrazia.org


DAVIS DOMINGUEZ GALLERY Installation by Albert Kogel, paintings by


Small Wonders continues through Sat, Dec 14. Open every Saturday night throughout exhibit, 6pm-9pm. Tue-Sun, 12pm-4pm. 33 S. 6th Ave. 620-0947, TheDrawingStudio.org


Spill: Bailey Doogan, Ann Simmons-Myers and Luis Alfonso Jimenez, continues through February 2014. Tue-Sat, 11am-5pm. 135 S. 6th Ave. 624-7370, EthertonGallery.com


Culture Cache continues through February. Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm. 1031 N. Olive Rd. 626-4215, CFA.arizona.edu/galleries

LIONEL ROMBACH GALLERY Bachelor of Fine Arts Annual Fall Exhibition continues through Wed, Dec 11. Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm. 1031 N. Olive Rd. 6244215, CFA.arizona.edu/galleries

LOUIS CARLOS BERNAL GALLERY Construct: Putting it Together continues through Fri, Dec 13. Mon-Thu, 10am-5pm; Fri, 10am-3pm. 2202 W. Anklam Rd. 206-6942, Pima.Edu/cfa


Currently showing: Untitled (Basin & Range) by Alois Kronschlaeger and Dave Sayre’s How to Kill a Marvin Gaye Song. Wed-Sun, noon-5pm. $8 adult, free for children under 12. 265 S. Church Ave. 624-5019, MOCA-Tucson.org

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Fri, 5pm-8pm; Sat, 4pm-9pm. 245 E. Congress St. 777-7403, SacredMachine.com

Show continues through Sun, Dec 8. Holiday Show 200 under $100 runs Tue, Dec 10-Sun, Jan 5. Opening reception Thu, Dec 12; 5pm-7pm. Tue-Sun, 11am-4pm. Free. SAWG Gallery, 5605 E. River Rd. 299-7294, SouthernAzWatercolorGuild.com


Modern Master Prints: Selections From The Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Glickman Gift opens Fri, Dec 6. Luminous Moments: Selections From The George Gregson Gift opens Fri, Dec 13. Tue-Fri, 9am-5pm; Sat-Sun, noon-4pm. $5 adults; children/students/faculty, free. 1031 N. Olive Rd. ArtMuseum.arizona.edu


Cristina Cárdenas Show takes place Sat, Dec 7-Sat, Dec 28. Thu-Sat, 11am-6pm. 439 N. 6th Ave Suite #171. 360-6024, GalleryWee.com


Southwest Fiestas and In Spirit all open on Thu, Dec 5. Lo Mejor de Wilde Meyer opens Thu, Dec 12. Mon-Fri, 10am-5:30pm. Wilde Meyer Gallery, 3001 E. Skyline Dr. WildeMeyer.com


27th Annual Holiday Bazaar continues through Sat, Dec 21. Reception Sat, Dec 7, 7pm-10pm. Wed-Sat, 1pm-5pm. 388 S. Stone Ave. 629-9976, WomanKraft.org


Circus Show continues through Tue, Dec 31 and features new works by Mel Dominguez, Melissa Daye, Valerie Galloway, Sam Esmoer, Catherine Eyde, Vicki Lázaro, Nadia Walsh, and Mykl Wells. Mon-Sat, 10am-5:30pm. Yikes Toys and Gift O-Rama, 2930 E. Broadway Blvd. 320-5669, YikesToys.com

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Photo by Ed Flores

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Ballet Tucson holds their 13th annual Sugar Plum Tea on Sun, Dec 8. Scenes from a narration of the Nutcracker will be shown. Abigail Pye as “Clara” and Wyatt Pendleton as the prince.


Fry Street Quartet performs Wed, Dec 11. TCC’s Leo Rich Theatre, 260 S. Church Ave. 577-3769, ArizonaChamberMusic.org

ARIZONA REPERTORY SINGERS 30th anniversary holiday performances on Sun, Dec 8, 2pm and Sun, Dec 15, 3pm & 7:30pm at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 5150 N. Valley View Rd. Fri, Dec 13, 7:30pm at Benedictine Monastary, 800 N. Country Club Rd. $15. 792-8141, ARSingers.org


Xanadu, a comedy based on a Greek muse, continues through Sat, Dec 21. Temple of Music and Art, 330 S. Scott Ave. 622-2823, ArizonaTheatre.org


Holiday Memories continues through Sun, Dec 29. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree: A Christmas Sing-A-Long shows Sun, Dec 1- Sun, Dec 22. See website for prices and times. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 3274242, LiveTheatreWorkshop.org

ODYSSEY STORYTELLING SERIES Big Bad Words: The B*itch Show takes place Thu, Dec 5. 7pm, $7. Fluxx Studios and Gallery, 416 E. 9th St. 7304112, OdysseyStoryTelling.com

PCC THEATRE ARTS Jazz Ensemble performs Tue, Dec 3. Wind Ensemble performs Thu, Dec 5. Chorale and College Singers perform Fri, Dec 6. Orchestra performs Sat, Dec 7. Musical Theatre Workshop performs Wed, Dec 11. Signature Selections, a contemporary dance concert, takes place Fri, Dec 13-Sat, Dec 14. $6$10. Proscenium Theatre, 2202 W. Anklam Rd. 206-6670, Pima.edu/cfa




SEA OF GLASS CENTER FOR THE ARTS Holiday Celebration Fri, Dec

The Nutcracker shows Sat, Dec 14-Sun, Dec 15. Tickets vary. Centennial Hall, University of Arizona, 1020 E. Univeristy Blvd. 621-3341, BalletTucson.org

Sun, Dec 8, 3pm and 7pm. 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. 770-3762, ASDB.State.AZ.US/ Berger/

BLACK CHERRY BURLESQUE/RAW Tantalizing burlesque performance on Fri, Dec 6 and Fri, Dec 20; 8pm and 10pm. Surly Wench Pub, 424 N. 4th Ave. 882-0009, TucsonBurlesque.com


A Tucson Pastorela shows Thu, Dec 19-Sun, Dec 22. TCC Leo Rich Theater, 260 S. Church Ave. 882-7406, BorderlandsTheater.org


American Idiot shows Sat, Dec 7-Sun, Dec 8. Mamma Mia shows Fri, Dec 27-Sun, Dec 29. Tickets vary. Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd. 903-2929, BroadwayInTucson.com

CARNIVAL OF ILLUSION Continues its 5th season through December. Tucson Double Tree Hotel, 445 S. Alvernon Way. 615-5299, CarnivalOfIllusion.com

CHAMBER MUSIC PLUS Sister Mozart shows Sun, Dec 1, 3pm at Berger Performing Arts Center, 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Viennese Verve shows Sun, Dec 29, 3pm at Grace St. Paul Episcopal Church, 2331 E. Adams St. 400-5439, ChamberMusicPlus.org


Tedeschi Trucks Band performs Tue, Dec 3. The Klezmatics perform Thu, Dec 5. Wynonna & The Big Noise: A Simpler Christmas takes place Tue, Dec 10. El Cascanueces: The Nutcracker Ballet takes place Sat, Dec 14-Sun, Dec 15. A Swingin’ Christmas takes place Thu, Dec 19. Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker takes place Sat, Dec 21. Prices and times vary. 17 W. Congress St. 624-1515, FoxTucsonTheatre.org

THE GASLIGHT THEATRE A Smalltown Christmas continues through Sun,

Winterland, A Puppet Musical shows Sat, Dec 14Sun, Dec 15 & Sat, Dec 21- Sun, Dec 22, 7:30pm. $6, kids; $8, adults. The Playhouse, 657 W. St. Mary’s Rd. 444-5538, PuppetsAmongUs.com

20. Featuring live music by TaliasVan’s Bright and Morning Star Choir & Orchestra, and the CosmoKids choir. 7pm. Ages 12+; $7. Children; Free. 330 E. 7th St. 3982542, TheSeaofGlass.org


Improv Throwdown on Saturdays, Dec 7-Dec 21. 5pm. Cage Matches begin at 6:30pm. $3-$5. Red Barn Theater, 948 N. Main Street. 314-7299, TucsonImprov.com

TUCSON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Hot, Hot, Hot! takes place Sun, Dec 1, 2pm. Gerald McBoing-Boing takes place Sat, Dec 7, 10am & 11:15am. Bach, Bees & Beethoven takes place Fri, Dec 6, 8pm, and Sat, Dec 7, 2pm. Messiah, holiday special, takes place Sat, Dec 14, 8pm & Sun, Dec 15, 2pm. The Magic of Christmas takes place Sat, Dec 21, 8pm & Sun, Dec 22, 2pm. New Year’s Eve with the TSO takes place Tue, Dec 31, 6:30pm. See website for times and prices. TCC’s Music Hall, 260 S. Church Ave. 882-8585, TucsonSymphony.org

UA’S ARIZONA REPERTORY THEATRE The Man Who Came To Dinner continues through Sun, Dec 8. Marroney Theatre, 1025 N. Olive Rd. 621-1162, TFTV.Arizona.Edu

UA PRESENTS Interpreti Veneziani performs Sun, Dec 8, 5:30pm. Prices vary. Westin La Paloma, 3800 E. Sunrise Drive. 621-3341, UAPresents.org


Cabaret shows Thu, Dec 5-Sun, Dec 22. $20-$22. Temple of Music and Art, 330 S. Scott Ave. 749-3800, WindingRoadTheater.org


The Poetry of Water - 16th Annual Solstice Celebration shows Thu, Dec 19-Sat, Dec 21. $13-$20. Zuzi’s Little Theater, 738 N. 5th Ave. 629-0237, ZUZIMoveIt.org

Jan 5. 7010 E. Broadway Blvd. 886-9428, TheGaslightTheatre.com

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photos: Scott Griessel. Courtesy Downtown Tucson Partnership

Z events

A Light Parade, Old Pueblo Style by Jamie Manser

It is crazily popular. Tucsonans love this parade. It’s an eclectic, Old Pueblo eccentric glorious mishmash of goofy to serious entries - storm troopers meeting dog groups meeting accordion players meeting high school marching bands meeting church groups. There are local dignitaries in convertibles; car clubs, scooter clubs, motorcycle clubs; dance troupes, mariachi and folklorico groups. All of these various Tucsonans coming together Downtown, dancing and laughing and singing and showing off lights and song and joy and the inner and outer glow of the season’s spirit. Meander along the parade route, sit and stare and soak in the ambiance of community. As a previous employee of the organization that pulls it together, and as a freelance contributor for the same organization - the Downtown Tucson Partnership (DTP) - I am always amazed by the crowds that consistently come out in droves for the annual Downtown Parade of Lights (POL). Over the last several years, the parade has featured 70 to 80 groups 18 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

with over 500 participants. The crowds are even more impressive – easily 30,000 attendees gather along the parade’s footprint. This wasn’t always the case. As City of Tucson’s Events Coordinator Chris Leighton remembers – on good authority as he was one of the event’s founders – the first parade in 1995 had 15 entries with perhaps 1,500 to 2,000 people showing up to watch. The five-person committee that ignited the annual holiday parade, says Leighton, included “Sheila King from the [now defunct] Downtown Arts & Business Alliance, someone from TPD, myself, and Sarah Clements from the [now defunct] Tucson Arts District Partnership, Inc. And Beth Walkup we dragged in too, she was head of the Children’s Museum then, before Bob became mayor.” That committee thought it was important to have a local holiday parade as, Leighton says, it seemed like “a tradition that most other cities have that we were missing. We still had some retail Downtown at that point that was struggling, so it was a way to compete against the mall and get crowds

events Z down there on Black Friday.” It was a daytime event that year, explains Leighton, “and boy did it piss off the malls; we were getting calls complaining about it!” The next year, Leighton recalls, the parade was on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and moved to nighttime with the name eventually morphing to Holiday Parade of Lights “because then we made everyone light everything.” Since 1996, POL has been an evening event. In more recent history, it was generally on the second Saturday of December and coincided with the 4th Avenue Street Fair. This year, however, the event is moving to the third Saturday, on Dec. 21. Leighton thinks the date shift is a good idea. “I’m excited to see what the late date is going to do; I have a feeling it may get even more people out because by late December, there is less to do other than Christmas coming up and Christmas shopping, so I’m thinking we may get a bigger crowd this year.” Brandi Haga, Downtown Parade of Lights Coordinator and DTP’s admin extraordinaire, further elucidates that the date was chosen based on “so many other events happening every other weekend in December, so we decided on Dec. 21 – we didn’t want to compete with other events and wanted to give the public a more holiday feel,” since that date chronologically brings the parade closer to Christmas. Haga, who has been coordinating the POL since 2008, (Zócalo publisher David Olsen - who is also a previous employee of DTP - ran it from 2003 to 2007), takes a hands-on approach when it comes to managing entries and placing parade participants. “A lot of parades have online registration these days, but we get entries mailed in,” Haga explains as we sit together at her desk. She pulls out a purple folder, stylized with white flowers, and extracts some applications. “It makes it more personable, and I like that, having that communication.” As she is talking, Haga is handed mail that includes another application - which punctuates the point. “And, seeing the envelopes come in!” There is certainly something to having tactile experiences in an ever increasingly digital world. She demonstrates the physical process of separating the applicants into four piles – float, vehicle, walking, and musical. Haga pours over the applications, making sure to not put musical groups next to each other, respecting request of walking groups to not be behind big diesel floats. Haga says some of the most rewarding aspects of the hard work include meeting new people and working with different Tucson organizations. The various participants, long term and newbies, are also stoked to

be a part of the parade and work with Haga and the DTP. Coming into their sophomore year, Cher Conklin of Peppermint Jim says via email that they enjoy interacting with the parade’s enthusiastic crowds, meeting Santa in the line-up and “getting the display/float ready, making it better and nicer each year.” Their groovy shtick last year was a mock mint distillery with “steam” and mint coming out on all ends. Conklin says they appreciate that “the organization/management is solid and there seems to be a very loyal following for it in Tucson, which makes it all the more fun.” Both Carondelet St. Mary’s and the Tucson GLBT Chamber of Commerce are first year participants, and are looking forward to the event. Amy Beiter, M.D., president and CEO of Carondelet St. Mary’s Hospital (the parade’s presenting sponsor) says via email: “We enjoy supporting organizations and events that are also uniquely Tucson and that promote good health and a strong sense of community. I’ve heard it described as fun and eclectic and a true representation of Tucson’s character. We love the fact that so many volunteers rally to put on a festive holiday parade in Downtown Tucson.” Timothy Brown, with the Tucson GLBT Chamber of Commerce, says, “Many people in Tucson do not know that we exist as a chamber so this will be great publicity for us and way to let people know that there are other options for networking and meeting other business people in the Tucson area.” Debra Jackson, Tucson Parks and Recreation Recreation Supervisor, wrote through email that they’ve been involved since the beginning and always look forward to it. “The excitement starts months ahead when we sit down and brainstorm the theme for the year. Then the construction, and finally the night of the event when all 200+ kids from our after-school program come out and see what has been created, and how they fit in to the overall theme. It’s a great time for sharing the joy to those lined along the streets of Downtown.” The 19th Annual Parade of Lights is Saturday, Dec. 21 and starts at 6:30 p.m. The Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony happens before the parade at Armory Park, 221 S. Sixth Ave. at 5:45 p.m. More information on the festivities, along with a route map, is available at DowntownTucson.org/ visit/parade-of-lights/. Entry forms are also available on the website and are accepted through Dec. 9. Email brandi@downtowntucson.org with inquiries.

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photo: Dov Frazier/courtesy Mariachi Luz De Luna

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A pared down version of Mariachi Luz De Luna performs at Christmas Carnivále.

A Solstice Celebration by Jamie Manser

photo: Puspa Lohmeyer

Kate Becker, organizer of Christmas Carnivále, also performs the event with her band.

“I think of that time of the year, the solstice, as a time to celebrate the year and send it off,” says songstress Kate Becker. We’re sitting on the back porch of Kate’s Magik, Becker’s essential oils - blended with intent - business in Iron Horse Neighborhood, talking about Christmas Carnivále. Between bites of delectable roasted veggies and soul-infusing honey-sweetened hot tea, Becker shares some background along with the vision of the event and the musicians she has brought together for the Wednesday, Dec. 18 show at Club Congress. “The format is based on shows I did in New York at Collective: Unconscious on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. I was just starting out, and I started putting together monthly shows with other artists – poets, dancers, performance artists… but mainly musicians, songwriters, cowboy poets.” Becker, who hosted those shows from 1999-2001, further explains that the goal was to attract more audience members and share the audience, as “there is only so many people any one band or performer can bring out. “I did that for a couple of years until I moved out here and then I did a listening series at The Hut every second Wednesday of the month. I did (a series) in Bisbee too, at Elmo’s and Hot Licks, so, it became a tradition.” When the singer/lyricist moved to Tucson in 2002 (“after 9/11,” Becker explains), she was seeing a lot of live music, “hoping to share the stage with some of them someday.” That time has come. When Becker approached Hotel Congress’ entertainment director David Slutes with the idea, he was supportive and had a date open. “And it came together – whoosh – like nothing,” she shares, smiling. Becker chose the bands and musicians by inviting “people who meant a lot to me, and most of them said yes.” Along with The Kate Becker Band, the line-up includes: Al Perry, Annie Hawkins, Leila Lopez, Joe Peña, Stuart Oliver & The Desert Angels, Combo Westside, and Mariachi Luz De Luna with Salvador Duran. With her warm brown eyes as bright as the afternoon sun, Kate shines as she recalls seeing Mariachi Luz de Luna performing with Calexico in the past at Club Congress, and recounts her pleasure of the group joining the show. “When he (Ruben) said yes, it was exciting for me because they are the best mariachi group. To see Mariachi Luz de Luna in a club is rare these days.” Becker does a brief roundup of a few of the artists she picked and why: “Al Perry represented the desert to me, I had never heard music like that before I came here. That’s going to be special; he will be playing the oud. Also really special is Annie Hawkins playing with a band, something she hasn’t done in a long time. And Joe Peña, of course, he’s the bomb.” And swapping the slots in-between the 25 minute sets are performers Donna Khil and hip-hop beat poet, Brian Haskins (aka Suchamc). “Donna is going to be playing the accordion. That will add to the carnival feel! “Every artist is doing at least one holiday song of their understanding, whatever that means for them. It should be very festive and celebratory!” n For a mere $5, fans of live local music really can’t go wrong with this Wednesday, Dec. 18 show. It runs from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. with, in order of appearance: Al Perry, Annie Hawkins, Joe Peña, Leila Lopez, Stuart Oliver & The Desert Angels, The Kate Becker Band, Combo Westside, and Mariachi Luz de Luna with Salvador Duran. Visit HotelCongress.com/club for more info. December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 23

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photo: Tim Fuller

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'Tis The Season by Phoenix Michael

Luminaria Nights at Tucson Botanical Gardens 2012.

Are your halls decked? Jolly or not, the holly days are indeed upon us. This final month of the calendar year can feel surreal in sunny Southern Arizona where “winter has no snow,” as Tucson’s unofficial mayor Al Perry warbled on the anthemic “We Got Cactus.” Coldness isn’t a mandatory Christmas or Kwanzaa requirement, though! Although the white stuff may be in short supply, opportunities for revelry are abundant. Gay apparel = donned. Zoo Lights at Reid Park Zoo returns to put you in the spirit from 6 p.m.8 p.m. nightly Dec. 6-23. On those dates the zoo’s pathways will transform into a wonderland of flickering bulbs, jingling bells, animal-shaped light sculptures and noshing of free cookies. Admission is $6 for adults and $4 for children; zoo members pay half price. The zoo can be found at 3400 Zoo Court in the physical realm and at ReidParkZoo.org online. Call (520) 791-4022 for more information. Dec. 6-8 from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. each evening, the Tucson Botanical Gardens welcomes all to its 27th annual Luminaria Nights featuring live music, food trucks and a ho-ho-hoing Santa at the garden grounds, 2150 N. Alvernon Way. Performances over the course of the weekend include appearances by the Tucson Women’s Chorus, Maguire Academy of Irish Dance and the Tucson Flute Club, among others; for a full entertainment schedule, visit TucsonBotanical.org. Hermanos Hot Dogs and Planet of the Crepes are among the many food vendors scheduled to be on hand. Admission is $11 for adults and $5 for children; members pay $9 and $3 respectively. What’s a luminaria, you say? It’s a small twinkling paper lantern; expect to see hundreds lining the garden’s walkways. Any other questions? Call (520) 326-9686. DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun, 6300 N. Swan Rd., hosts its yearly La Fiesta de Guadalupe on Sunday, Dec. 15 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free to all, this event honors the “Queen of Mexico” with stylish yet sacred dance, music and song. Yaqui Deer Dancers, mariachi bands and folklorico dancers will all pay tribute to Our Lady. The Gallery itself is the ideal location for such a celebration. Having originally been built in the 1950s by Arizona artist Ettore “Ted” DeGrazia, as Tucson grew and developed around it this 10-acre slice of heavenly desert retained its authentic Old Pueblo properties. Learn more at DeGrazia.org or by calling (520) 299-9191. Tohono Chul Park presents its popular Holiday Nights program Dec. 6-7 and 13-14 from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. at 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. The idea here is to stroll the park grounds with beverage in hand, making vegetative discoveries and canoodling under the Sonoran sky. Musical and dance performances are of course included as well. The first weekend of the month spotlights Yaqui guitarist Gabriel Ayala and bluegrass outfit The Sonoran Dogs; musical cowboy storytelling act Way Out West and magical mentalists/madmen The Brothers Macabre perform the second weekend.

Tohono Chul’s Garden Bistro will be open during Holiday Nights; call (520) 742-6455 x501 for reservations. Tickets are $15 for general public, $10 for members and $2 for children under 13 years of age. Visit TohonoChulPark. org for more details. Still missing that snow? Check out La Encantada Shopping Center’s Enchanted Snowfall on Friday and Saturday nights at 6 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. through Dec. 21. Taking place in the Tucson Lifestyle Courtyard at 2905 E. Skyline Dr., the event does indeed include a white substance falling from the sky as well as live music and hot chocolate sampling from Blanco Taco + Tequila. You won’t need chains on the tires, although you’ll want to bring your wallet to cross names off your gift-giving list. Visit LaEncantadaShoppingCenter.com for directions and a store directory. The grandfather of all Tucson holiday celebrations, the Winterhaven Festival of Lights, is now in its 63rd year of good cheer and going strong. From Dec. 14-28 (drive-through nights are the 17, 27 and 28), this neighborhood puts on its best face and invites the public to bask in the glow. You may even want to wear your sunglasses at night. See WinterhavenFestival.org to plan a hayride, find out how it all started and offer support for this longstanding nonprofit, community-funded event. Also bring nonperishable food items for the Community Food Bank. Last year, the event raised $20,753 and 33,905 pounds of food were donated - you can help increase these numbers!

Also awesome: Dec. 13-21: Zuzi! Dance Company’s “The Poetry of Water” 16th Annual Solstice Celebration at The Historic Y, 738 N. 5th Ave. Visit ZuziMoveIt.org. Dec. 13-15: Waypoint Theatre Company’s “The Gift of the Magi” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” at the Scottish Rite Cathedral’s Campbell Hall, 160 S. Scott Ave. See Waypoint-Theatre.org. Dec. 14-15: Ballet Tucson’s “The Nutcracker” at Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd. Visit BalletTucson.org. Dec. 19-22: Borderlands Theater’s “A Tucson Pastorela” at the Tucson Convention Center’s Leo Rich Theater, 260 S. Church Ave. See BorderlandsTheater.org. Dec. 21: Moscow Ballet’s “Great Russian Nutcracker” at the Fox Tucson Theatre, 17 W. Congress St. Visit FoxTucsonTheatre.org. Dec. 21-22: Tucson Symphony Orchestra’s “The Magic of Christmas” at TCC’s Tucson Music Hall, 260 S. Church Ave. Visit TucsonSymphony.org. n Happy safe and fun holly-daze from all of us at Zócalo Magazine! December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 25


Z events

Fri 6

Tue 10

TEDX TUCSON Chuk Shon To Tucson will feature


TED videos, artists, live music and seven speakers. $21. Rialto Theater, 318 E. Congress St. 740-0071, TedXTucson.com

TUCSON FESTIVAL OF TREES A celebration for the holiday season and benefit for the Arizona Oncology Foundation. Twelve elegantly designed holiday trees, wreaths and arrangements will be displayed. 6:15pm. $75. Savory Opera House, 6541 E. Tanque Verde Rd. 870-6060, ArizonaOncologyFoundation.org

Fri 6-Sat 7 BICAS ART AUCTION Art, music, bikes, libations, food trucks, kids activities and more. Fri, 6pm10pm. Sat, 11am-5pm & 6pm-9pm. Whistle Stop Depot, 127 W. 5th St. 628-7950, Bicas.org

Sat 7 TAMAL & HERITAGE FESTIVAL Experience the rich flavors of the tamale in a fun-filled day of art, culture and entertainment. Free. 10am-5pm. Ava Amphitheater, 5655 W. Valencia Rd. CasinoDelSol.com

ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S ANNUAL HOLIDAY FESTIVAL Musical performances by The Tucson Junior Strings, The Tucson Boys Chorus, a magic show by Chris Wright, Story Telling and crafts by Ben’s Bells. $5. 10am-4pm. AHS Arizona History Museum, 949 E. 2nd Street. 628-5774, ArizonaHistoricalSociety.org


Walking tour of Central Tucson Gallery Association’s participation galleries and museums. Free, 6pm-9pm. Downtown art galleries along 6th Street, 6th Avenue, Congress Street, Toole Avenue and 4th Avenue. FirstSaturdayArtWalks.com

ART ON TAP Craft beer festival presenting sixteen Arizona craft breweries, food trucks and musical performances by Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls and Saint Maybe. $20-$65. 6pm-10pm. Tucson Museum of Art, 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333, TucsonMuseumOfArt.org

Sun 8 13TH ANNUAL SUGAR PLUM TEA Features a festive holiday boutique, silent auction and a narration of the Nutcracker story with characters from the ballet. 11am and 3pm. $75 per person. Marriott Tucson University Park, 880 E. 2nd St. 745-3000, BalletTucson.org

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celebration featuring live and silent auctions and food to benefit the National Association of Women Business Owners. 3:30pm-6:30pm. The Historic Scottish Rite Cathedral, 160 S. Scott Ave. 326-3926, NawboTucson.org

Fri, Dec 13-Sun, Dec 15 4TH AVENUE STREET FAIR

400 arts and crafts booths, 35 food vendors, performance stages, street musicians, food, jugglers, kids entertainment, face painting, balloons, more. 10am-6pm. Free. 6245004, FourthAvenue.org

Sat 14 SANTA


Breakfast buffet, crafts for kids, and Santa flying in by helicopter! Adults;$12.25-$15.50. Children, $9. Under 6, free. 8:30am-2pm. Pima Air & Space Museum, 6000 E. Valencia Rd. 618-4850, PimaAir.org

STUFF THE HUMMERS FOR CHILDREN IN TUCSON Toy Drive and Car Show being put on by Sullivan’s Steakhouse. 9:30am-noon. Sullivan’s Steakhouse,1785 E. River Rd. StuffTheHummers.com


A living history celebration to welcome the holiday season. Free. 5pm-9pm. Presidio San Agustín del Tucson, 133 W. Washington St. 837-8119, TucsonPresidioTrust.org

2ND SATURDAYS A monthly downtown festival with live music, performers, and vendors! 3pm-7pm. Free. Scott Ave Stage: Payphone Mafia, Tesoro, The Long Wait, and more TBA. Santa at MEB Management, 120 E. Congress St., 4pm-7pm. 2ndSaturdays.com


The annual family festival celebrates Our Lady of Guadalupe with spirited outdoor performances by youthful mariachi and ballet folklorico groups. 10am-4pm. Free Degrazia Gallery in the Sun, 6300 N. Swan Rd. 299-9191, Degrazia.org


Write letters to the North Pole, listen to a reading of The Polar Express, watch a screening of The Polar Express, and take a photo with Santa in front of Locomotive 1673. Bring a can of food for the community food bank. Free. 2pm-4pm. 414 N. Toole Ave. 623-2223, TucsonHistoricDepot.org

19TH ANNUAL PARADE OF LIGHTS Young and old bask in the warmth of shimmering, lighted floats, vehicles and musical groups winding through Downtown, includes Santa Claus himself! Free. 6:30pm-8pm. Armory Park, 221 S. 6th Ave. 837-6504, DowntownTucson.org

Mon 31 TUCSON JAZZ SOCIETY 8TH ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE GALA Join The Tucson Jazz Orchestra, The Jim McCullum Jazz Band and George Howard’s Motown and Rhythm & Blues Show to celebrate the Tucson Jazz Society’s 8th Annual New Year’s Eve Spectacular. 6:30pm. Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa, 3800 E. Sunrise Dr. 903-1265, TucsonJazz. org


Tucson’s only walking food tour. Combination of foods and a little history of downtown Tucson. Takes you through the historic downtown and 4th Avenue districts of Tucson. See website for dates. 477-7986, FoodToursTucson.com


Wildcats take to the ice at the TCC Fri, Dec 6 and Sat, Dec 7 against Arizona State. Tucson Convention Center, 260 S. Church Ave. 7:30pm. Prices vary. ArizonaWildcatHockey.org

Sat, Dec 14-Sat, Dec 28 WINTERHAVEN FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 63rd Annual Festival of Lights. Central Tucson neighborhood adorned with holiday decorations, using LED lights. Walk through every night. Drive-through on Dec 17, 27, 28. Free. 6pm-10pm. Winterhaven Neighborhood, in between Fort Lowell Road, Prince Road, Country Club, Tucson Boulevard. 881-4483, WinterhavenFestival.org

Mondays MEET ME AT MAYNARDS (@Hotel Congress) Southern Arizona Roadrunners’ Monday evening, noncompetitive, social 3-mile run/walk, that begins and ends downtown at Hotel Congress, rain/shine/holidays included! 311 E. Congress St. 991-0733, MeetMeAtMaynards.com

December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 27

Z locally owned by Miguel Ortega

Invite Sonoran Visitors to Shop Locally Already! by Miguel Ortega

Right now, my huge, extended family in Sonoroa, Mexico is gearing up to do some Christmas shopping in Tucson. Soon they will be hitting our shopping malls and buying a bunch of stuff. And soon you will join them, driving your car in those full lots as you notice all those Sonoran license plates and - because I know you are smart and you get it - you will smile knowing that these Mexican tourists are pumping millions into our local economy. Some local tourism leaders, however, think that my relatives are obsessed with chains. They think the only way to keep my cousins coming back to Tucson is by emphasizing corporate shops. These tourism experts use social media to showcase Golden Corral, Best Buy, Starbucks, etc. Why? Well, they say that is just how Sonoran visitors are and it's the only way to get them here to shop. Really? When is the last time the Italians said you would not visit Rome if they did not first entice you with a visit to their Olive Garden? When is the last time you saw Mexico City tourism experts promote Taco Bell as a great place to get a bite to eat while visiting their great city? News flash: Mexicans attend colleges and read books. They have things called museums. And, in big cities like Hermosillo, local business owners understand how sales taxes work and how that revenue stream helps their local economies. Maybe a better approach would be to entice Sonoran visitors to shop locally owned businesses because, by doing so, more of their money stays here in Tucson to support the schools, roads and public safety that many of their Tucson relatives depend on. Do our tourism experts truly believe that Mexican visitors can't understand that? Besides, our local shops rock! Sonoran visitors would love The Sunshine Mile, 4th Avenue, Campbell Avenue or the Furniture District if they were simply informed of their existence. Sonoran visitors are no different than tourists from all over the world that crave authenticity when they travel. What's our problem, anyway? Let's put away the tupperware and break out with the good stuff already! n Miguel Ortega is an independent business development consultant. His radio program, "Locally Owned with Miguel Ortega", airs on KVOI 1030AM every Saturday at 11 a.m. You can also listen to his radio columns on KXCI 91.3FM and follow his blog at LocallyOwnedAZ.com. 30 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

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Z shopping

Seven Stars a-Shopping The Holiday Everything Guide by Monica Sufaro Spigelman

What will your true love give to you in this month of holiday everything? These suggestions from local taste makers help expand definitions of holiday and get everyone in the zone. Here’s the deal: Because style is so individual, what matters most in holiday gifting is staying mindful of your own flair, at the same time thinking outside the box for that special something. So it is with these seven local notables from a long list who have climbed into the ranks of Tucson taste makers without trying. It takes a little digging to unearth treasures, but these masters of local style have done the hard work for us, curating a delectable collection of good stuff that goes to the edge of what’s on fire now. Because savoring tradition is one of the best gifts to give this season, our taste makers also share tidbits about creating their own traditions and personal sense of holiday meaning. From locally-distilled whiskey to hand-sewn leather bags, you can totally feel the love that went into this tasty list. It will be hard to decide which you prefer — the joy of starting a tradition, receiving a locally-sourced curio, or giving one of these fabulous finds.

Anne-Marie Russell

Anne-Marie Russell Executive Director, Museum of Contemporary Art-Tucson Russell’s list is plucked from a mix of high style sleek to lushly traditional. She likes gifts that support local endeavors and also have value yearround - thus she suggests a membership to Tucson Community Supported Agriculture (TucsonCSA.org) or any of our local museums. Desert-folk rocker Howe Gelb (HoweGelb.com) has just released “The Coincidentalist” album, and Russell recommends a vinyl version of this low-key indie Americana classic. Order it from Gelb’s website. Shelve the sangria....for winter imbibing, Russell suggests that you shake up the season’s alchemy with a Tucson-distilled Whiskey del Bac from Hamilton Distillery (HamiltonDistillers.com). It seems everyone is talking about the latest project of Arroyo Design furniture maker Stephen Paul, who is crafting mesquite-smoked whiskey and un-aged raw whiskey from his micro-distillery on North Hoff Avenue. The whiskey will be offered soon at downtown hot spots, so the suggestion is to get on the website’s mailing list to learn about availability before the holidays. Perfect Picks from MOCA: If pressed for a MOCA gift shop (MOCATucson.com) gem she suggests a piece of Nick Tranmer’s celadon pottery, Dave Sayre artist t-shirts, Nicki Adler jewelry and Alexander Girard dolls. Call the museum if you want a heads up on what’s in stock at the gift shop before you visit (520) 624-5019. CONTINUED ON PAGE 36 34 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

photo courtesy Cheryl Copperstone

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This necklace is waiting to be bought at the VLP 4th annual holiday sale/fund-raiser on Dec. 13.

Holiday Shopping to Lift Up the Less Fortunate by Dan Rylander

The lack of affordable legal services for poor and working class Pima County residents is well known to anyone working in the legal and social services communities. The Volunteer Lawyers Program of Southern Arizona Legal Aid, which is one of the few organizations dedicated to this monumental affordable legal services problem, works tirelessly through volunteer legal assistants, volunteer attorneys, and self-help clinics, to bridge that chasm. Attorneys take assigned cases, such as domestic/divorce and child support and custody matters, for greatly reduced or generally no fee. Legal assistants - through their employers’ generous gift of their time - are available and also provide invaluable assistance to Pima County residents facing such brutal choices of either paying rent or filing that child support petition, or filing a response to that eviction lawsuit versus paying the electricity bill. The mission statement of the Volunteer Lawyers Program (VLP) is to foster self-sufficiency, equal access to justice and hope by matching volunteer lawyers and legal assistants with Arizonans who have insufficient income to pay for legal work and solvable legal problems. Over 1,000 Pima County attorneys are dedicated members of VLP. A great example of the individuals providing this needed help to this under-served community is Hector Campoy. Mr. Campoy, a Pima County attorney and formerly a Pima County Judge with 20 years of distinguished service, was honored by VLP recently with its October 2013 “Outstanding Attorney of the Month” award.

Asked what drove him to volunteer with VLP, Mr. Campoy stated for the VLP website that “I would have to be living in a bubble to not recognize the widening drift in our country and our community, between the haves and the have-nots. The need has never been greater.” Mr. Campoy leads domestic relations clinics and assists unrepresented people in preparing their documents for filing. He encourages other attorneys to volunteer, opining that “the people you are serving are extremely appreciative of your willingness to help. You can help bring a little legitimacy to an otherwise questionably imbalanced relationship between the client and the legal system.” Now holiday shoppers can help this under-served community as well. On Friday, Dec. 13, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., affordable handcrafted jewelry, pottery, wearable knit art, purses, hand bags, and other accessories, will be offered for sale, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting Southern Arizona Legal Aid’s VLP program. This 4th annual holiday sale is on the first floor, in the Pima County Bar Association Conference Room, located in Downtown’s Transamerica Building at 177 N. Church Ave. The holiday sale organizer, VLP volunteer and local attorney Cheryl Copperstone is excited about the options awaiting the shoppers, saying, “The line-up is fluid, but we have a lot of variety… one lady makes Ukrainian eggs!” More information is available at VLPArizona.org. December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 35


years hunting for an affordable copy of Sophie Calle’s “Exquisite Pain.” To anyone who likes to read, Nelson recommends “Troubling the Line,” a transgender and genderqueer poetry anthology co-edited by TC Tolbert, and “The Sin Eater,” a short story collection by Elizabeth Frankie Rollins. Both of these books should grace everyone’s bookshelves and you can find copies at Antigone Books (AntigoneBooks.com). Because Casa Libre, CasaLibre.org, is on Fourth Avenue, Nelson says she is surrounded by the best local places to find Kristen E. Nelson unique holiday gifts. Beyond longing for a bottle of Stephen Paul’s mesquite-smoked Whiskey Del Bac her favorite shop these days is Pop-Cycle (PopCycleShop.com), with its assortment of recycled artwork from local artists. Nelson particularly likes the vintage leather cuffs they carry and the succulents planted in dinosaur toys. Old Timey Traditions to Treasure This is the first time in about a decade Nelson will be in Tucson for the winter holidays, and she’s looking forward to spending time with her partner and some good friends to start new Tucson traditions: “Perhaps a trip to the trampoline park Get Air (GetAirTucson.com), sitting on the beautiful new outdoor patio at Che’s Lounge (ChesLounge.com) on a Sunday and listening to their acoustic musicians, or hiking Pima Canyon early in the morning on New Year’s Day.” Nelson also is looking forward to spoiling her brand new honorary niece, Vivian Charlotte Saterstrom, will piles and piles of presents. Don’t tell, but Vivian will be getting books, clothes and toy trains.

Patricia Schwabe

Patricia Schwabe

Kristen E. Nelson Executive Director, Casa Libre en la Solana This Tucson poetess and Casa Libre founder channels her literati instincts into a few suggestions for the book lovers among us. At least one of Nelson’s picks may be hard to come by, but she suggests anyone searching for rare, out-of-print books head to The Book Stop (BookStopTucson.com) or Bookman’s (Bookmans.com). Nelson’s spent 36 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

Patricia Katchur

photo: Valerie Gallowa

Owner, Penca The holiday visions that dance in Patricia Schwabe’s head are definitely of the family kind – rich with tradition and filled with the spice of local and handmade goods. Like other taste makers, Schwabe heads to Bon, MAST and MOCA for favorite gifting. But she also recommends University Avenue’s Ooo! Outside of Ordinary (OooOutsideofOrdinary.com) for its eclectic and stylish collection of gifts, fashion, home décor and jewelry. If you have not shopped at the utilitarian and awesome Too Strong (TooStrongUSA.com), Schwabe says you should. The guys with the sewing studio downtown on South Sixth Avenue make jeans, shirts and jackets sourced with Pima cotton and Arizona copper rivets, but Schwabe’s most favorite item is the Too Strong chunky leather messenger bag. Perfect Pick from Penca: Since food is a gift that always delights, Penca (PencaRestaurante.com) creates a chef’s dinner as a holiday food gift above-the-ordinary, with good wishes folded into every course. Old Timey Traditions to Treasure With five children, Schwabe and her husband Ron still follow the tradition of a family shopping night the evening before Christmas Eve: “Each kid suggests something they would like to receive for Christmas... the others have to listen! Later we divide ourselves in groups. It’s big yet fun logistics. When we get home, each kids gets a chance to wrap their gifts and each year they look forward to surprising each other.” And of course they cook, affirms Schwabe, who also recommends families hear the Boys Chorus at Sabino Canyon. “My mom and I try to cook everything possible, from Bacalao a la Vizcaina, bunuelos, tamales de mole and capirotada (Mexican bread pudding, kind of). We then celebrate Christmas Eve, following my Mexican tradition and on Christmas Day.”

Proprietress, Yikes Toys & Gift-O-Rama As expected, the Yikes proprietress’ brand of gifting runs on the curious side, and Tucson certainly offers her a banquet of the unusual for her shopping. Katchur encountered an intriguing, mysterious animal treasure last year from Broadway Village’s Bon Boutique (Bon-Boutique.com) and has been dreaming of it ever since. Not necessarily a holiday decoration, the Wolf Head ornament can grace a corner or shelf year-round as an object of conversation. Of course, everything at Bon is exquisitely beautiful for gifting, says Katchur. Katchur also recommends a visit to Etherton Gallery (EthertonGallery. com) for amazing works of art. Her favorites: Mayme Kratz (of Phoenix) or Kate Breakey (of Tucson) Memberships to Loft Cinema (LoftCinema.com), MOCA or Tucson Museum of Art also make much appreciated gifts. Perfect Picks from Yikes (YikesToys.com): For some endearing, pop culture gifting, the shop offers hand-tooled and painted wallets by Tucson artisan Allegiant Brand Leather/Tony Pickup. There’s Patricia Katchur also the super-cute and French

Photo by Sarah Dalby

Old Timey Traditions to Treasure Growing up, holidays for Russell were spent in the woods in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. But now she associates this time of the year with the desert, and most of the fun and pleasure revolves around cooking and eating: “My fiancé and I have a new holiday tradition that we’ve established over the last few years. We make a country pate with pork shoulder and chicken thigh, tons of garlic, sage and thyme. We bought a hand-turn meat grinder at a junk store and we make enough to give to all of our favorite people... our favorite vegans get wine.” Playing pool at The District also is part of Russell’s tradition, as is celebrating the solstice by pulling out the telescope for what she calls “perspective and grandeur.”

shopping Z Neko Wood Pull Along Toy, Watercolor Collages by Tucson artist Valerie Galloway, and Vegetable Candy (in a tin, in carrot, green bean and corn flavors) for stocking stuffers. Old Timey Traditions to Treasure Hanging out with her family of friends is Katchur’s most treasured tradition. “Friends are the best gift in the world, and I am so lucky to have such wonderful and embracing beings in my life. My friend Sharon Holnback invites me every season to her Triangle L Ranch in Oracle. It is wintery and cold, and the main house is heated by an old, adobe fireplace. We play Yahtzee and Scrabble; tell tall tales and true tales; and merry-make among our group of oddball friends. I stay for a few days and commune in the high desert. A fantastic way to end the year and kick start the new one.”

Erin Cox Master seamstress, Southwestern Belle Alterations and Design Re-purpose, restore is the mantra of Tucson seamstress Erin Cox, formerly of Preen and now proprietress of her own alterations shop. Food is on Erin Cox her mind for memorable, one-of-a-kind gifting. With so many delicious restaurants popping up all over downtown, Cox believes anyone (including herself) would be thrilled to receive a gift certificate to any of these establishments. New favorites at the moment are Proper (ProperTucson.com), Reilly’s (ReillyPizza.com), and Penca (PencaRestaurante.com), although her long-standing darlings are Little Poca Cosa (LittlePocaCosa.com) and 47 Scott (47Scott.com). One gift that that she never tires of is a good candle, and Cox recommends the naturally-scented, 100 percent vegetable wax candles made by Izola and found at MAST (iLoveMAST.com) Vintage-loving Cox also recommends a trip to Desert Vintage (ShopDesertVintage.com), particularly to source a lovely selection of Native American jewelry. Cox recommends the collection of Fred Harvey sterling and turquoise cuffs at the Fourth Avenue shop. Perfect Picks from Southwestern Belle (Facebook.com/SouthwesternBelle76): If a friend has out-dated garments that deserve remaking into new fashion, Cox is offering gift certificates. For ornaments or bookcase baubles, Cox also hand-beads old horseshoes with Czech and vintage glass, mixed with sterling and African beads. Call (520) 955-3719 for an appointment. Old Timey Tradition to Treasure Erin’s holiday ritual involves preparing three or more dishes that she and her husband have never cooked before. “We wake up in the morning and start prepping immediately. Once the dishes have been completed we graze throughout the evening while opening up a gift or two in between courses. Last year’s dinner was perfectly roasted lamb ribs with rosemary, French mussel bisque with lavender baguette, and an asparagus salad.”

Joe Pagac Muralist, portrait and performance artist Much acclaimed muralist Joe Pagac shows fans a series of personas via his large-scale art - it’s no wonder that there’s a bit of freestyle funk and local love thrown into his holiday gift-giving. For one-of-a-kind booty Pagac says there is great gift fodder in Fourth Avenue’s Pop-Cycle. “My friend Ashley recently gave me a glittered-up

photo of a child holding a chicken and smoking a cigarette mounted on a tiny cabinet door. Perfect!” Although not a man who craves many material things (Pagac says he has all the fur pillows he needs), Pagac has had his eye on a “Keep Tucson Shitty” shirt for a while now. You may have heard of the KTS movement (with origins of the phrase traced per Tucson Weekly reporting to 1990s graffiti in the Fourth Avenue tunnel.) Local artJoe Pagac, right. ist Donovan White (Facebook.com/ Donovan.White.75) has most recently pressed the phrase on oh-so-Tucson t-shirts he sells around town and direct from his Facebook page. Old Timey Traditions to Treasure You’ll often chance upon a Pagac mural by just wandering downtown, and a similar meander is what Pagac says is his holiday tradition: “I really enjoy filling a thermos with spiked apple cider and wandering Winterhaven, or running it when they do the organized runs through it. I also always ‘plant’ my dead tree in an empty lot at the end of the season. A lone pine really spices things up when driving around town. More people should do this.”

Gabriel Ayala


This is the time of year when wish lists magically appear. If there’s a Kris Kringle out there, Native American Artist-of-the -Year and local guitarist Gabriel Ayala wants you to buy him a saxophone. In return he has some suggestions for your holiday gifting. Finding worthwhile holiday gifts is easy, says Ayala, and you skip the malls and give Fourth Avenue love instead. Ayala, without wanting to single out one shop, feels the avenue is the city’s best option for holiday bazaar in terms of artisan eats, home decor and vintage threads. You’ll find your perfect functional pieces of art and worthy gift options here, where Ayala shops often: “I’ve bought small, random home decor inexpensively. Nothing like supporting our own entrepreneurs…buy local and make sure our community is thriving.” Perfect Pick from Gabriel Ayala: Ayala (AyalaGuitarist.com) is offering a boxed gift set of five CDs at a special discount. His “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” was released in 2007 and can be purchased via the website or directly through Ayala (ayalaguitarist@ yahoo.com). Old Timey Traditions to Treasure If you’re looking to stroll among thousands of holiday lights with your hot cocoa and sugar cookie, Tohono Chul Park offers one of Ayala’s favorite traditions. Holiday Nights at the Park are held the weekends of Dec. 6-7 and Dec. 13-14, from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Ayala loves the holiday season for the mood that it puts people in: “I’m very fortunate to perform at Tohono Chul Park for the past 5 years now, and this year I’ll be performing there on Dec. 6 and 7. Seems like people just tend to be a little nicer around the holiGabriel Ayala days ‘cause of the holiday spirit.” December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 37

Charles Strauss, the first Jewish mayor of Tucson, with his son as displayed at the Jewish History Museum. Photo courtesy Jewish History Museum.

38 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

community Z

Where L’Chaim Illuminates Head to Downtown's Jewish History Museum to learn local Jewish lore that goes beyond this month’s Hanukkah candles and Christmas-Day Chinese dinners. Monica Surfaro Spigelman To delve into the sometimes-odd-but-always-fascinating corners of Southwest Jewish history, you need to turn onto the road less traveled: Go south on Stone Avenue, past the police station and the cathedral, to the simple, classical revival structure that was the original synagogue in the Arizona Territory, in fact the first house of worship for Jews throughout the Southwest. There’s lots of what you might call the stranger side of Tucson Jewish folklore there to be discovered. Before 564 S. Stone Ave. was re-opened as the Jewish History Museum in 2001, iterations as a Mexican radio station and a flophouse collected in the 1910 building’s long and storied history. Abandoned after Temple Emanu-El moved further east from Downtown in the 1940s, the building thankfully survived and is now a restored showcase of one-offs and collections depicting a rich regional Jewish history. The museum specializes in found objects — amazing stuff that somehow made its way out of owners’ hands and into this house of treasures. Take, for example, one of the first 48-star flags flown in Tucson (February 14, 1912). Mercantile businessman Charlie Gold flew the flag over his shop on Congress Street, just west of Church Avenue. There’s also a Tucsonan-owned pocket watch with a Hebrew-inscribed time-face that was given to Jewish soldiers who served the Kaiser during World War I. And there’s an 1897 centavo Mexican coin, which was in the time capsule placed in the cornerstone laid at the synagogue in 1910. A timeline of western Jewish lore and the personalities who shaped it surround the meticulously-preserved original woodwork and pews as well as the cases of memorabilia. The Jews of the late 19th and early 20th century territorial Tucson were an interesting mix of miners, bankers, merchants and businessmen prominent in the entertainment business. Some of these Jewish pioneers include Drachman (earliest Tucson Jewish businessman), merchandiser Zeckendorf (and nephew Steinfeld), Mansfeld (founded first public library and helped found UofA), Levin (founded first entertainment district, whose descendants include Linda Ronstadt), and Strauss (Tucson’s first Jewish mayor). Gabby Giffords and her family also are highlighted (Gabby’s dad Spencer became a bar-mitzvah at Temple Emanu-El, when it was still on Stone Avenue, and just last month Gabby, a member of Congregation Chaverim, was honored with the Museum’s 2013 Jewish Heritage Award.) Local volunteers conduct enthusiastic, informative tours, regaling visitors with tales of territorial Jewish oddities. One story worth listening to involves Southern Arizona mine owner Mark Lulley, the scrappy proprietor of Wandering Jew Mine who captured bear cubs in the Santa Rita mountains. Lulley apparently made a saloon wager which called for him to walk the bears down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House if McKinley was re-elected in 1900. The January 1901 newspaper clip of McKinley’s inau-

guration, and also Lulley’s presentation of the Southern Arizona bears to the National Zoo, are on display through December at the museum. Because you can’t look at memorabilia all the time, the museum also is ringleader of a number of quirky Tucson happenings, including trivia and Brooklyn nights. It also masterminds the annual Christmas Day Chinese Dinner; however, this year the overworked and tiny volunteer museum staff has decided to give the formalized Chinese-food-for-Christmas dinner a rest. Would-be yentls, however, are encouraged to continue the tradition via their own serendipitous gatherings at Chinese restaurants across the city on Dec. 25. And instead of Christmas day sesame chicken, museum staffers hope you’ll join them New Year’s Day, when a museum gathering will offer 2014 New Year refreshments, a fashion show and the kick-off of a new exhibition. Combining Judaism and art, the Jewish History Museum's exhibition will feature Ketubahs, beautifully-decorated Jewish marriage contracts written in Aramaic, and wedding dresses. Even Tucson has a long tradition of creation and signing these formal contracts that are ceremonial works of Jewish art and the January exhibition, with its collection of dresses and related items dating back to the late 1800s, should be perpetually absorbing. “You don’t have to be religious to enjoy it,” promises Dr. Barry Friedman, the hardy Jewish History Museum president and all-around advocate. “The museum is a carefully-preserved collection-turned-public treasure that’s relevant, incredibly diverse and phenomenal fun.” In October, in collaboration with the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, the museum opened The Holocaust History Center – a walk-in, floorto-ceiling installation that’s a poignant yet ultimately inspirational depiction of over 130 Holocaust survivors who made Southern Arizona their home. Photos and digital displays immerse the visitor in a tiny space, opened adjacent to the Jewish History Museum in a portion of a partially-restored 1880s territorial purchased by the museum. There is a Jewish custom of placing stones rather than short-lived flowers on graves as a sign of permanence. A bowl of small stones sits at the entrance to the museum’s Holocaust center, for all who wish to leave such an offering for the survivors. Open to the public Wednesday-Thursday, Saturday-Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m., and Friday from noon to 3pm, the small museum (JewishHistoryMuseum.org) and its carefully-curated homage to Tucson Jewish lore helps you travel back in time. There’s everything to surprise you, with displays that treat Tucson history with respect and thorough documentation. A visit here also will make you laugh. Your eyes will be opened and so will your heart. n

December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 39

photo: Dan Perino

photo: Charlotte Gillis

Z community

Herman the monitor lizard.

African sulcata tortoise, Dozer, was recently adopted through Tucson Reptile Rescue.

Rescuing Abandoned Reptiles by Jon D Auria

Every year in the U.S. millions of pets are abandoned, discarded or dumped due to neglectful pet owners or those who lack the ability to raise and maintain the animals once they’re fully grown. While the most common pets in the U.S. are dogs are and cats, many of these deserted creatures are reptiles. But thanks to the efforts of Tucson Reptile Rescue (TRR), abandoned reptiles are given new homes and a second chance at a happy life. “Our main goal is to encourage long-term pet companionship. We want people to consider these animals' needs for life,” shares TRR co-founder Charlotte Gillis. “A lot of times people can’t provide the proper housing for a reptile once it becomes an adult. Pet stores don’t typically carry enclosures for large reptiles when they grow full size. So when animals get over 6 feet long, a lot of times they get abandoned. It’s just not fair to the animals.” Founded by Gillis and Doug Barreto in late January of this year, Tucson Reptile Rescue is the only non-profit organization that rehabilitates and finds homes for exotic reptiles in Tucson. TRR takes in animals with no surrender fee and provides them with a temporary home, food and medical care while locating a loving new household for a variety of snakes, lizards and turtles. Having only been in service for less than a year, many reptiles have already been rescued due to the tireless work by TRR's staff and volunteers. “A lot of times we’re the only option that people have to go to. We just got a recent call about a Boa constrictor from its owner who was saying that if we didn’t pick up the animal right away she was going to put it out into the desert to get rid of it. It was heavy bodied boa from Madagascar around 4 feet long,” Gillis shares. “We had to go out and get her immediately. If exotic animals are released into a foreign ecosystem they will either fail to adapt and die or adapt too well and become a threat to the local wildlife.” Another major goal of TRR is to educate the community on reptiles and how to care for them. To achieve this they host gatherings, seminars and open houses for youth groups and the general public on a regular basis. On the third Saturday of each month, TRR holds a gathering at Bookmans, 6230 E. Speedway Blvd., where they bring in some of the animals up for adoption and answer questions from the crowd who get a chance to ob40 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

serve and interact with the reptiles. Monthly events are also held at Petco and the TRR facilities. “We’ve gotten just a wonderful response from our community events. Tons of people have been coming out and they love to see the animals and ask us a ton of questions,” says Gillis. “One of our big goals is to further the education on reptiles and how to be an owner and properly keep one as a pet.” And to help aid their efforts, TRR has just recently moved into a larger downtown location, 844 S. Sixth Ave., that is now open to the public. This will allow the organization to have more space to rehabilitate sick and injured reptiles while having room to expand their educational outreach program. Now school classrooms, scout troops, families and other groups will be welcome to enjoy their learning experience while also getting to observe the new enclosures for the reptiles. “We’re thrilled to be in our new building which is a really large space and a big improvement for us. So far we have an enclosure for monitor lizards, an enclosure for our tortoises, multiple iguana enclosures and we’re adding other spaces for the rest of the boas and reptiles. We have space now for the public to come in and learn about the animals. The central location is great for the community to rally around and learn a lot about these animals.” Driven by their passion of aiding animals in need - Gillis has worked in animal rescue for over two decades - TRR is quickly growing in popularity in the Tucson community as more and more people are realizing that reptiles are truly remarkable pets to own. And thanks to the efforts of Charlotte and her staff, hopefully these beautifully unique creatures will continue to find permanent homes with caring owners. “A big misconception is that reptiles are dangerous pets. There are some reptiles that can be purchased that have potential to be dangerous, but for the most part reptiles are safer than the average cat or dog. They have smaller teeth and smaller claws and they don’t have any fur, so they don’t cause people to have allergies. They don’t make a whole lot of noise either and they are very beautiful to live with and enjoy.” n Tucson Reptile Rescue is located at 844 S. Sixth Ave. and online at TucsonReptileRescue.com. Call (520) 991-9553 with inquires.

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Maynards' Food-Forward Remodel by Jade Nunes

Say goodbye to the aisles and shelves, Maynards Market & Kitchen has taken on a whole new look and taste. What once was a hub for specialty goods and products - wines, jams, food - is still a hub for specialty goods and products, just revamped with some added flare. “We've moved away from the retail business of the market. We’ve focused more on food-forward, chef-assembled and prepared food in the market," said Frank Kose, Maynards Market & Kitchen general manager. "It's a true market-deli for everyone.” Following the remodel of Marynards, the kitchen stopped serving lunch early last month. But don't fret. Stop by the market and you can still grab fresh, quality delicatessen morsels to satisfy any craving. “The concept now is people can do the best of both worlds – they can still come in and get their beer and wine, they can sit at the bar and have a quick beer, and order sandwiches and stuff too," said Addam Buzzalini, Maynards' executive chef. "It’s kind of what the market was – just deluxe.” Wide-open and bright, the new Maynards has a new feel and a new draw - fresh foods, bar and community area and still retains the appeal of a unique dining, "market" experience. “The build-out is gorgeous. It’s a great use of the space. It opened up the market. It’s made the market feel larger. It’s more food-focused. That’s what Maynards is known for – the great food," Kose said. "We've gotten a lot of 'ooos' and 'ahhs'." Maynards opened in 2008 and originally offered their kitchen as a lunch and dinner restaurant and their market as a place for people to buy quality goods from the shelves. Now, the market and kitchen offer two distinctly different experiences. "The kitchen is identified as French-inspired American food. And the

market is fast casual-prepared foods to-go,” Kose said. “It’s really defined the identities and the visions for each separate business under the same roof.” During the renovation, Maynards closed for only about eight weeks, according to Buzzalini. In the interim, a pop-up market served regular guests, the wine shop remained open and the kitchen served lunch and dinner. "It’s kind of cool. It’s fresh. It’s definitely different for downtown. We’re already seeing a really pretty massive difference from what it used to be like,” he said. “I’m just happy to see people coming and smiling and grabbing a quick beer and eating off butcher paper.” Some of the tasty finds that have made a home at Maynards include Isabella’s Ice cream, Caffe Luce, Lusby’s Honey, and Margie’s Jams. Kose said that the vision for all of the foods at Maynards is "local and organic when we can and responsible when we can’t.” “It’s giving people options – different choices of what they can do,” Buzzalini said. “You might come in for a salad, you might come in for a bite of ice cream, for a beer, and you might decide to stay for a sandwich or take a chicken home.” With the classic, big city feel of some of America's famous markets New York, Los Angeles, Nappa - Maynards Market & Kitchen has brought downtown a unique place to dine, wine and socialize. “You never know who you might be sitting next to at the bar or community table. It kind of creates a really hip environment I guess," Buzzalini said. "It’s definitely different than the restaurant.” n Maynards Market & Kitchen is located at 400 N. Toole Ave. For more information and to see the full menu, visit MaynardsTucson.com or call (520) 545-0577. December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 43

Z escape

The Speakeasy Sisters Escape to Sonoita’s Renegade Winery by Emily Gindlesparger

Sonoita is nothing if not idyllic. With waving Chiricahua grassland and purple mountain majesty on every horizon, it's the poster child for picturesque silence. But the raucous sisters of Arizona Hops and Vines are changing that, at least a few nights a year. Case in point: Arizona Hops and Vines houses not just a vineyard, but a little petting zoo with their goat, donkey, pig, goose, chickens, turtle, dog and cat. And for the kids and designated drivers, there's the Sober Shack vending homemade sodas. True to their name, the winemakers spiked their white wine with hops grown on the property last spring to create a powerful hybrid called the Drag Queen, which Tucson drag queens came out to celebrate. That was when they could only make wine. Now that a new Arizona law will allow sisters Shannon Austin Haller and Megan Zouzoulas to brew beer and serve it in their tasting room, the party is full on. “I think a lot of people checked their beer at the door, thinking this was a wine region and they'll make wine,” says Zouzoulas of the struggle to change the law that restricted stacking a brewery license on top of a winery one. But with collaboration from lobbyist Mark Barnes and Senator Don Shooter, the sisters made it happen. Now, Zouzoulas says, “if that's their passion, this opens it up for them to go do it.” Since opening their winery in the spring of 2012, Zouzoulas and Haller have thrown bashes including beer with a special permit. “And it's really cool because when you do that you're required to work with a nonprofit,” explains Haller, “so we're building our karma. Every single event that we have here that has beer, legally it's 25% that goes to the nonprofit, but we give 100% of our beer profits to the organization because we feel like it keeps our karma good and we're believers in karma.” Their Bad Decisions night over the summer paired bacon, chocolate and booze under the me44 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

photos: Emily Gindlesparger

Arizona Hops and Vines proprietors Shannon Austin Zouzoulas, left, and Megan Austin Haller, right.

teor shower to benefit the 100 Club of Arizona, supporting police officers and firefighters. The winter holds equally tantalizing events. Dec. 7 marks their Deck the Halls holiday market with Santa Clause for the nice and mulled wine for the naughty. Attendees can bottle their own wine and add extra spice, and Hops and Vines vintages will be paired with Christmas cookies. The sisters will be collecting toys for charity and inviting local artisans to peddle their gift-worthy wares. It's the Speakeasy on Jan. 18 that will pull out all the stops. They'll be releasing the Lobbyist, a “very persuasive� Zinfandel that's a nod to Mark Barnes who helped them change the liquor law. Fingers crossed, they also hope to have their Shooter IPA ready by then, in honor of the senator. The Prohibition-style shindig will be complete with guests in costume, food and a live band, and it'll have one thing apart from its historic roots: this one will be legal.

Making Your Escape From Tucson, take I-10 east to scenic Highway 83. Turn left onto Highway 82 at the stop sign in Sonoita, and Hops and Vines is just 2.1 miles later on the north side of the road. n Deck the Halls Christmas Market is Dec 7, noon-5 p.m. $20, $15 with a toy donation, includes wine glasses and tastings. Speakeasy happens Jan. 18, 6 p.m.-midnight, featuring the release of the Lobbyist Zin. $25 includes food, wine tastings, and a live music. Arizona Hops and Vines is located at 3450 Highway 82, online at AZHopsandVines.com and via phone at 1-888-569-1642. December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 45

photo: David Olsen

Z garden

Attract Beneficial Insects with Cool Season Herbs by Brandon Merchant One of the most frequently asked questions I get from organic gardeners in Tucson is whether or not they should purchase beneficial insects to help combat pests in their garden. Praying mantis, ladybugs and many other insects available at garden centers or from specialty retailers are often touted as miracle cures for pest insects like aphids, but are they really worth the cost? The short answer is maybe. Putting aside the costs for a moment, there are some other potential downsides to purchasing insects for home garden use. The most concerning problem is their tendency to disperse once released. Even if attractants or baits are used and other precautions are taken, most of the insects you purchase will not stick around long enough to provide noticeable pest control. A far better option for the home organic gardener is to think long term and plan for an area in your garden that will act as a food and breeding site for beneficial insects. It needn't be more than a few square feet. The key here is not space but the particular types of plants that you choose to attract beneficial insects to your yard or garden. Some of the best plants for attracting these wonderful garden companions also happen to be some of the most commonly used vegetables and herbs. Carrots, cilantro, dill, fennel, and parsley are just a few of the many plants in the family Apiaceae and they all can play a dual role in home gardens by acting as a food source for both humans and insects. The reason these plants provide such an enticing residence for beneficial insects has to do with both their scent and the shapes of their flowers. The intoxicating aromas which these plants produce are what makes them useful in the kitchen, it's also what attracts lady bugs, predatory flies and parasitic wasps to your garden. 46 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

The shape of their flowers is also one of the key reasons beneficial insects prefer plants in the carrot family. Because many beneficial insects feed on nectar for part of their life cycle, it is important to have blooming flowers year round to provide a constant food source. Not all flowers are created equal however and some are not as appealing to beneficials as others. The umbrella shaped flower that is a defining characteristic of members of the carrot family is the perfect landing site for tiny wasps and flies that are not visible to the naked eye but play an important role in reducing pest insect numbers. Cilantro, dill and parsley are some of the most easily grown cool season herbs, and can be planted from seed or transplant throughout the winter in Tucson. By inter-planting throughout your garden, you can utilize the strong fragrance of these plants to deter pest insects from establishing residence in your garden; and come spring when the plants begin to mature and send out flowers, like magic they will become inundated with naturally occurring native lady bugs. If you have the space to dedicate full time to a beneficial insect garden, I strongly suggest you do so. Having a variety of plants blooming all year ensures that beneficials will be available when you need them. Many retailers offer a pre-packaged seed mix containing a variety of cool and warm season beneficial attracting plants which takes the guessing game out of things. One of my favorites, "Good Bug Blend" is available online and is relatively inexpensive. Good luck and happy gardening! n Brandon Merchant is the proprietor of Southwest Victory Gardens. Visit his website at SouthwestVictoryGardens.com.

December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 47

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Lead Guitar Brings Music Back to Tucson Classrooms by Jon D Auria It’s no secret that children who study music at a young age receive significant advantages that help them excel in the classroom and in life thanks to the cerebral gifts music education provides. Studies have proven that kids who are taught music have larger vocabularies, enhanced problem solving skills, boosted critical thinking, are better at math, English and science, have less of a chance of falling into drugs and alcohol abuse, have higher graduation rates and achieve better social development, among many other things. The problem with severe government budget cuts to schools over the past decade is the arts and music departments seem to be the first to go, leaving music programs near extinction for this generation. Luckily, one group is taking a stand in Southern Arizona to bring music back to the classrooms. Thanks to Brad Richter and his non-profit program Lead Guitar, Tucson's children are getting a chance to reap the abounding benefits of music education. “What we do is provide guitar programs for public schools with a focus on districts that have a lot of at-risk kids from areas of disadvantaged neighborhoods,” says Richter. “We are the worst state in the nation as far as per capita spending on public schools. The principals and teachers that we work with really believe in the arts and its ability to enhance the lives of the students and help them in their other subjects, but their hands are tied due to constant budget cuts. Part of our mission is to sneak arts back into the school through the back door.” Richter’s curriculum includes the principles of classical guitar technique, fundamentals of reading music and notation, performing ensemble music, following a conductor and working as a team, to name just a few. And to help Richter’s mission of bringing music back into Tucson's classrooms, Lead Guitar recently merged with UApresents in an effort to reinforce the program. Richter now holds the title of director of arts education 48 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

photo: Joe P. Smith

Brad Richter on stage at the World Youth Guitar Festival in England.

where he will train teachers on how to execute the four-year progressive curriculum that is currently being carried out in classrooms for more than 10,000 students. “Teaming with UApresents does a lot of great things for this program and is really helping to expand it. It gets our students onto the university campus over and over again,” says Richter. “We have a program called Lead Guitar All Stars that meet every Monday night, and they meet at the university and they go to all of the concerts for free and can take master classes at the university. A lot of kids in our program don’t have parents who have attended a university, so it’s a way to let them know that they’re welcomed and encouraged there.” The results of the program have been astounding for the participating students, some of which have already gone on to accomplish amazing things post-high school. One example is 20-year-old Jose Espinoza who was a freshman at Amphitheatre High School in 2008. His grades were poor and he often skipped class until he entered the Lead Guitar program where he excelled at classical guitar. His grades immediately improved and as he neared graduation he received scholarship offers (including the Presidential Scholarship to Boston’s renowned Berklee College of Music) for his skill at performance. He now plans to attend college to pursue a career in music therapy. “Lead Guitar instilled in me the discipline of studying and practicing in order to get better at something. I started to figure out that if I applied myself to other things like I was applying myself to music that I would see the same effects,” says Espinoza. “I was never good at reading textbooks or studying, but after having to read pages and pages of music and memorizing and reacting to it, it started making my classes seem easy. Becoming

a better musician, by following the disciplined classical guitar approach, made me realize that I could do a lot of things after high school and then doors started opening up for me.” Richter himself found music as a calling at a young age when he taught himself how to play guitar as a boy and began to see how powerful of an influence it had on his life. He started to take his studies seriously, which led him to receive the Presidential Scholarship to the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. From there he was granted a scholarship to the Royal College of Music in London where he became the first guitarist in the college’s history to receive the Thomas Morherr Prize. He toured the world gaining high acclaim for his talents as a master guitarist and decided to make Tucson his home in 1997. “I was a bright enough kid, but I was really unmotivated in school and was a bad student. I loved music at a young age but I didn’t have access to any guitar teachers or classes, so I taught myself the guitar. Something about studying guitar so intensely spread into the rest of my academic life. I could feel my brain changing,” says Richter. “I could remember numbers and formulas better, I could add and subtract better. Because I was spending so much time memorizing music, my memory was also better and sharper. There were many tangible changes in my life that only came from learning music and it is my goal now to spread that to the next generation.” n For more information on Lead Guitar's programs, and how to support it, visit LeadGuitar.org and follow them on Facebook by searching "Lead Guitar." December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 49

Z tunes

KXCI Turns Up the Wattage In 2002, with Tom Petty’s searing stab at corporate radio (“The Last DJ”) ringing in my ears, I was super glad that I had recently become a member of KXCI, Tucson’s community radio station. I liked that KXCI had live, mostly volunteer DJs Left of the Dial (‘Mats, anyone?) at 91.3FM, playing local music and national independent artists; living, breathing humans that made mistakes, laughed about it, turned vinyl - oh the warm hiss and pop - and seemed to really care about this community. Sometimes it was unpolished, but it was much better than listening to the super slick commercial radio stations spinning the same scheisse could you even call in a request? - and, ah geez, the screaming car sales ads. I was impressed that KXCI had in-studio DJs 24/7, still does, with a schedule of shows that offer tunes for seemingly every demographic. Not to mention that the station keeps its lights on via grants, underwriters and memberships while still providing prime air time to non-profits via public service announcements. In 2009, I was appointed to the board of directors and served for three years. Zócalo’s publisher David Olsen served on the board for five years previous to me joining it. All of this is to say, with full disclosure, I’ve had a relationship with the station for over a decade, and I’ve broken bread and clinked glasses with the staff. 50 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

by Jamie Manser

The station has had major issues and there were many tumultuous years. But it has persevered and is only getting stronger. As KXCI enters its third decade of broadcasting this month, it is hosting a series of events to celebrate its 30th (pearl!) anniversary, along with pushing its capital campaign, “Amplify KXCI.” The fund-raising effort focuses on four components with the first priority on funding the northwest booster transmitter. As any regular listener knows, the signal breaks up as one moves north and west of the town’s center. Talking with The Home Stretch Host and Special Projects Director Cathy Rivers, the broadcast starts to get lost around River Road, she says, “and there’s nothing by the time you reach Orange Grove.” It’s been a complaint for years, but there were so many regulatory, engineering and geologic issues - Pusch Ridge blocks the signal emanating from the Santa Catalinas’ Mt. Bigelow - that had to be sorted through; details that have taken a lot of time and energy to figure out. “Anecdotally, it was what most people brought up with us at events, ‘We’d listen more if we could get the station.’,’” Community Engagement Director Amanda Schauger shares. “It took a ground swell of will to analyze the problem and find solutions. “There was a time when it seemed no amount of money could solve the broadcast problem,” Schauger adds. Finding a solution to the broadcasting issue began in earnest in 2011

when Schauger, Mary Beth Haralovich, board president, and General Manager Randy Peterson sat down with an engineer from Oregon at the National Federation of Community Broadcasters conference in San Francisco. “He showed us our FCC (Federal Communications Commission) file and looked at the various things KXCI tried before. Some of it was not having the capacity or will. It is a testament to our ability and financial stability to have the time to figure it out,” explains Schauger. As the quest to find FCC and engineering broadcast solutions to provide a signal to the foothills and northwest Tucson carried on, a capital campaign feasibility study for the station was being undertaken by Smith & Dale, a local development consulting firm. “They conducted more than 50 in-person interviews and hundreds more in an online survey. It determined the priorities of the campaign and the financial goals,” Schauger says. The Smith & Dale study set the fundraising bar for Amplify KXCI at $900,000: $350,000 to fund the northwest booster transmitter, $225,000 to rehabilitate the station’s century-old Downtown headquarters, $175,000 to upgrade technology and $150,000 as an endowment.

Proposed KXCI signal booster coverage. Courtesy: Stanley Broadcast Engineering.

The $350,000 will cover purchasing and installing the booster transmitter equipment on the Good News Radio Broadcasting tower at First Avenue and Grant Road, along with three years of tower rental and utility costs. Beyond the first three years of funding, the hope is that new memberships from the expanded signal reach will come in and carry the costs of the station’s booster. Peterson, known for his dry wit, jokes when asked if there is a back-up plan if new membership projections do not come to fruition to sustain the added equipment costs at the mid-town tower. “Harakiri?” The staff has done its research, so there shan’t be a need for ritual suicide. “Annual rent and utilities should fall in the $18,000 to $20,000 range. The first three years are included in the campaign so that we are not increasing operational expenses. Based on our own experience and public radio and television research, the average listener takes about three years to become a member. At the high end of $20,000, the increased operating costs require only about 200 more members; we’re expecting to have won the support of closer to 1,000 new members in the next three years.” Current membership is at 2,705, according to Membership Director Michelle Boulet-Stephenson. “The station is on solid ground in our regular operating expenses,” Peterson adds. CONTINUED ON PAGE 52 December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 51


KXCI is well on its way to reaching the campaign’s first tier goal of meeting the $350,000 benchmark for the booster. As of late November, the capital campaign was already at $290,000. The success of Amplify KXCI will determine when the transmitter is installed. “We are putting ‘first dollars’ to the transmitter, so we don’t need to get all the way to [the goal], just far enough to feel confident in executing the equipment purchase,” says Peterson. “From that day (purchase) through installation and testing we are probably looking at four to six months. We have already done all necessary engineering, surveying and legal work, and we have the authorization from the FCC.” Beyond filling out its signal coverage, increasing the number of potential listeners “will help our underwriters and the non-profits we serve through the public service announcements,” says Rivers. She is passionate about the fact KXCI leads the pack when it comes to offering PSAs. Each week, four PSAs are chosen and they run eight times a day in both prime- and off-times. “No one else is doing that volume, or during those times,” Rivers states. In fact, according to Peterson, KXCI runs 12,000 PSAs a year, “at a value of almost $125,000 split between approximately 150 non-profit groups.” Mainly a music station, KXCI supports local musicians in a way that no other Tucson station does. Annually, hundreds of local and regional bands receive airplay thanks to the tireless work of Music Director Duncan Hudson. To continue to connect listeners with these musicians, and the national independents the station spins, the $175,000 for technology upgrades is imperative. “The era of CDs as our predominant medium for playing music is coming to an end, and KXCI is not currently equipped to do a sufficient job with digital media. Right now digital downloads are burned to CD, which is inefficient and expensive. Other technological improvements will include the ability to have multiple web streams and an archive of programs, so if you miss your favorite show live, you can listen to it at your convenience later. We already have the mechanism to do that, we just don’t have the staff and volunteer resources to make it a reality,” explains Peterson. While the $225,000 number to rehabilitate the station’s historic Armory Park property may seem steep, the fact is that figure includes retiring the building’s mortgage (which is approximately $45,000), along with crucial upgrades. “Most pressing needs are energy efficiency - attic insulation, better windows - and the roof, which has developed a few small leaks,” Peterson details. “We’d like to be pro-active on the roof now rather than spend more money later... [it will] become a more expensive albatross down the road.” To keep the capital campaign donations manageable for donors, there are several levels (ranging from $600 to $100,000, but no amount will be turned away) that can be spread out over three years via installment payments. The current effort runs through February 2014, at which point, Peterson says, they will reassess strategies. In further disclosure, I personally gave to this campaign as did my husband’s bankruptcy law firm. It is the love the staff and the volunteers put into crafting a most excellent station that wins our support. It really is about the people. As Rivers says with genuine affection, “I’m really grateful to the people who started this radio station and I’m constantly amazed that we are on the air 24/7, and it’s due to the stellar job our volunteers do.” n Information on the capital campaign is at KXCI.org or by calling (520) 623-1000 x13. Find complete details on the 30th anniversary celebrations via the website or by tuning in to 91.3FM. 52 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

photo: bigstarstory.com/press.html

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Big Star is set to be performed during The Great Cover Up.

Covering the Greats This month, local musicians are paying homage to an array of legendary musical acts by recreating their music for the 15th annual Great Cover Up. The wildly popular charitable event will feature 30 bands performing selections from famous groups, and maybe dressing the part, from all generations and genres. It spans three nights and three locales: Thursday, Dec. 12 at Plush, 340 E. Sixth St., Friday, Dec. 13 at Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St., and Saturday, Dec. 14 at Rialto Theatre, 318 E. Congress St. “I love the sense of community fostered by the event,” says event coorganizer and KXCI's Locals Only! DJ Matt Milner. “The collective effort of the bands requires literally thousands of hours of time, but no one is paid. From the organizing committee to the performers, everyone involved is willing to donate their time in service of a memorable weekend and muchneeded financial assistance for our charitable beneficiary. There are very few events on the annual cultural calendar that bring together so many local artists.” The hardworking committee of Milner, Mel Mason (Tucson Weekly contributor), Kris Kerry (Rialto Theatre), Curtis McCrary (Rialto Theatre), Stephen Seigel (Tucson Weekly Music Editor) and David Slutes (Hotel Congress) spent countless hours organizing the event and all of the proceeds of the Great Cover Up go to the Southern Arizona Artists and Musicians Healthcare Alliance. The non-profit organization (better known as

by Jon D Auria

S.A.A.M.H.A., and originally established as Tucson Artists and Musicians Healthcare Alliance/TAMHA) is an alliance of artists and art advocates who are dedicated to the sustainability and vitality of the local arts community by helping to provide them with affordable healthcare. And while the event only lasts one weekend a year, the work for the Great Cover Up spans many months for the organizers. “It's a lengthy process, but we don't need to reinvent the wheel because we have a long history with this event and we have an established structure in place,” says Milner. “We always have some tough decisions to make when sorting through the applications, but our past experience informs the process. As a result, we take into consideration the popularity of the band being covered, the skill/professionalism of the applicant band, and any other x-factors that excite us.” While the lineups and list of who’s covering who is typically kept a secret until show time, it has been revealed that this year local bands will be performing the music of The Clash, The Killers, Foo Fighters, Spy Songs, Quincy Jones, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Joni Mitchell, Jethro Tull, Tears For Fears, The Pixies, Led Zeppelin, Hall & Oats, Blondie, Prince, Nick Cave, Bjork, Old School Hip-Hop, The Bird and the Bee, Big Star, Beastie Boys, The Beach Boys, No Doubt, Heart, Aerosmith, The Cars, Bruce Springsteen, Prisencolinensinainciusol, Velvet Underground, and Joe Walsh. CONTINUED ON PAGE 53 December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 53

Photo courtesy of Exeromai.com

Photo by Lily House-Peters

Z tunes

Black Joe Lewis performs at Club Congress on Sat, Dec 7.

Aztral Folk performs at Borderlands Brewery Dec. 20.

LIVE MUSIC 2ND SATURDAYS DOWNTOWN Congress Street, 2ndSaturdaysDowntown.com Sat 14: Payphone Mafia, Tesoro

BORDERLANDS BREWING 119 E. Toole Ave. 261-8773, BorderlandsBrewing.com Wed 4: Stephanie Meryl Jensen Thu 5: Andy See & His Swingin’ Jamboree Fri 6: Tortolita Gutpluckers Sat 7: Mustang Corners Fri 13: Holmes-Levinson Group Sat 14: Tommy Tucker Thu 19: Al Foul Fri 20: Aztral Folk Sat 21: Stefan George Fri 27: Hank Topless

BOONDOCKS LOUNGE 3306 N. 1st Ave. 690-0991, BoondocksLounge.com Mondays: The Bryan Dean Trio Tuesdays: Lonny’s Lucky Poker Night Sundays: Lonny’s Lucky Poker Night Fri 6: Neon Prophet Sat 7: Equinox Sat 14: The Coolers Sun 15: Last Call Girls

Wed 18: Titan Valley Warheads Thu 19: Ed Delucia Trio Fri 20: Neon Prophet Sat 21: Heather Hardy & the Lil’ Mama Band Thu 26: Ed Delucia Trio Mon 30: Mitzi & The Valiants Tue 31: Heather Hardy & the Lil’ Mama Band New Year’s Eve

CAFE DESTA 758 S. Stone Ave, cafedesta.com 1st Saturday: Maranga 1st and 3rd Sundays: Tango music

CAFE PASSE 415 N. 4th Ave. 624-4411, CafePasse.com Wednesdays: Jazz Wednesday Thursdays: Songwriter Thursdays Fridays: Blues Fridays Saturdays: Country Saturdays

CLUB CONGRESS 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848, HotelCongress.com/club Sat 7: Black Joe Lewis Sat 14: Tucson Young Musicians Winter Showcase (plaza), Retro Game Show Night (club) Wed 18: Christmas Carnivale Tue 31: NYC/NYE at Congress

54 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | December 2013

DELECTABLES 533 N 4th Ave, 884-9289, Delectables.com Fridays: Live Music Saturdays: LLive Music Sat 14: Saturnalia with Carl Hanni

LA COCINA 201 N. Court Ave. 622-0351, LaCocinaTucson.com Sat 7: The Hollands

FOX TUCSON THEATRE 17 W. Congress St. 624-1515, FoxTucsonTheatre.org Tue 3: Tedeschi Trucks Band Thu 5: The Klezmatics Sun 8: Wynonna & The Big Noise Tue 10: Merle Haggard Thu 19: A Swingin’ Christmas

HACIENDA DEL SOL 5501 N. Hacienda Del Sol. 2991501, HaciendaDelSol.com Sun 8: The Kings of Pleasure Sun 15: Heather Lil Mama Hardy & Michael P. Sun 22: Stefan George & Tom Walbank Sun 29: The Ed Delucia Band

MONTEREY COURT 505 W. Miracle Mile. 207-2429, MontereyCourtAZ.com Wed 4: Peter McLaughlin & Alvin Blaine

PLAYGROUND BAR AND LOUNGE 278 E. Congress. 396-3691. PlaygroundTucson.com Tuesdays: Dinner & A Movie Wednesdays: REWIND: Old School Hip Hop Fridays: Merry Go Round :: 4 rotating DJs

PLUSH 340 E. 6th St. 798-1298, PlushTucson.com Tue 3: My Jerusalem Sat 7: Steff and The Articles

RIALTO THEATRE 318 E. Congress St. 740-1000, RialtoTheatre.com Tue 3: Jonathan Richman featuring Tommy Larkins Wed 4: Margaret Cho Fri 6: Tedx Tucson: Chuk Shon to Tucson Thu 12: Dan Hicks & The Hot Licks Sat 14: The 2013 Great Cover Up, Tucson Girls Chorus Fri 20: The Cult - Electric 13 World Tour Tue 31: Lucha Libre Año Nuevo w/ Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta featuring Salvador Duran


SOLAR CULTURE 31 E. Toole Ave. 884-0874, SolarCulture.org Sat 14: African Night

SURLY WENCH PUB 424 N. 4th Ave., 882-0009, SurlyWenchPub.com Tue 3: Artphag Fri 6: Black Cherry Burlesque Sat 7: Blackout Fri 13: Switchblade Parade Sat 14: Fineline Revisited Fri 20: Black Cherry Raw Sat 21: Club Sanctuary Sat 28: Fineline Revisited Tue 31: New Years Eve

Tickets will be available at the venues, or at HotelCongress.com, for $8 for one night, $12 for a two night pass and $15 for all three nights. For more information on the Great Cover Up visit GreatCoverUpTucson.com.

What You Can Learn From Children Dan Roam has a new book Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don’t Work. His blurb says, “Ever been to so many meetings that you couldn’t get your work done? ... Ever watched the news and ended up knowing less? ... The Problem: powerful as words are, we fool ourselves when we think our words alone can detect, describe, and defuse the multifaceted problems of today. Words have become our default thinking tool. So here are a couple of puzzles created to confound you with words....

PUZZLE #21 QUESTION A man is looking at a photo and he says, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man’s father is my father’s son?” Who is the person in the photo? answer below

PUZZLE #22 QUESTION What are the “four men” doing?” Four men sat down to play. They played all night; ‘til break of day. They played for gold and not for fun, with separate scores for everyone. When they came to square accounts, they all had made quite fair amounts. Can you the paradox explain: if no-one lost how could all gain? (Thanks to Eve Strange) answer below

misterpaulfisher is a consultant-teacher-lecturer-artist who has been puzzling for many decades. Find out more about Paul, his work and puzzles at: www.misterpaulfisher.com


536 N. 4th Ave. 622-4300, SkyBarTucson.com Mondays: Team Trivia Tuesdays: Jazz Wednesdays: Open Mic Thursdays: Live Music

by misterpaulfisher

PUZZLE #21 The person in the photograph is the speaker’s son. The speaker has no brothers and sisters. The speaker says that the father of the man in the photo is “my father’s son”. He is his father’s son, so “this man’s father”, in the photo, is himself. He is the father of his son in the photo.


Found Puzzles

PUZZLE #22 They are professional musicians who split the fee equally at the end of the gig.

photo: Elisabeth Dunn Calmes

LeeAnne Savage performs at The Great Cover Up on Saturday, December 14, at The Rialto Theatre.

“The bands are given a tall order, and every year the audience (as well as the organizers) are blown away by the creativity and passion shown by Tucson's incredible musical talent,” says co-organizer Mel Mason. “People talk about what happens at this event years later. Personally, some of my favorite local music moments take place at the Great Cover Up, which is why I wanted to get involved with it behind the scenes in the first place.” The local bands are encouraged to dress the part of these iconic bands, which typically leads to some outlandish attire that makes the performances all the more memorable. Each performance will last approximately 20 minutes and the sets will run from 8 p.m. to midnight on Thursday and 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Among the local bands who are participating this year are The Cordials, Garboski, Sugar Stains, The David Clark Band, Hank Topless, Spacefish, Chris Black, Gat Rot, The Tryst, Cathy Rivers, LeeAnne Savage and many more. “There’s so much musical talent in Tucson and it’s really impressive to see bands take on this challenge of covering a wide scope of artists and a lot of the music can be really technically difficult,” says local musician and 2013 Great Cover Up participant Mark Williamson of The David Clark Band. “More than anything it’s a great weekend to come out and celebrate Tucson’s local music scene while observing more than a few tight jump suits, gratuitous wigs and musical debauchery.” “The Great Cover Up combines everything I love; music, a huge amount of local talent, loads of creativity, hard work, and fundraising for a stellar cause,” says Mason. “The results always astound me, and it's worth every second of organizing behind the scenes to facilitate making the magic happen.” n

December 2013 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 55

Z lifeintucson by Andrew Brown

Left to right top to bottom: Ben Schneider and Leann Cornelius at Night of the Living Fest; Nobunny at Night of the Living Fest; Night of the Living Fest; Ernesto Vega at Night of the Living Fest; ‘Dios de la Adrenalina’; ‘Dios de la Adrenalina’; Lucas Rodasper performing with Hojarasca from Columbia; ‘Dios de la Adrenalina’.

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