YL CLANS & TRIBES Manual. Book 1

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great youth photo a few facts about youth

Young people wish to be the change. What we need is quality information on causes, feasible solutions, and orientation about authorities, allies and media. The questions that drive us: How can we amplify the reach of our action and influence? How can we connect humanity's leading solutions from the full spectrum of sustainability with the young generation? How can we improve recognition and co-laboration with teachers and classroom learning? How can we nurture a changemaking climate in schools? How can we make Youth Leadership a lifestyle? How can we align personal, idealist and professional avenues? How can we have fun doing it? Well - we have found some answers >>

A GLOBAL COMMUNITY OF ACTION On top of the media, services, methods, webcasts and events, there is one more super precious thing for maximum impacts: A Global Community. Not boring. Awesome! Open for everyone interested in being part of positive change, it has fantastic features especially for those who are super passionate about evoking serious changes in the world & making changemaking a lifestyle. We have incredibly powerful solutions in our quivers. Historic stuff. Monthly actions, in cooperation with awesome heroes of today - Yes! - a lot of fun and surprising actions, too, since fun and creativity are an essential part of changemaking + powerful methods for nurturing a changemaking climate at school + top quality expert knowledge and advice. For ultimate fun and value for professional paths, actions earn credits, members ascend warrior levels - yes, like in a roleplaying adventure game. After all, aren't we all in a grand quest for changing the world? ALL THIS MAKES THE YL CLANS COMMUNITY

> a Global Youth Community of Action > a Youth Leadership Training Program > a Reality Game Rule Book + a box of free Media, Tools, Methods & Support + a curriculum for ecoclubs and student projects + with everything you need for setting up studentpowered learning environments at school. + in every aspect: world class USE IT FROM YOUR FAVOURITE ANGLE + SHARE IT

Before we talk, this is the spirit that this is all about.




Would you like to see more of this in the world? Then read on.

Part 2 gives you MAGIC WANDS & SERVICES tools method magic webcasts & jams And Part 3 SECRETS UNVEILED solutions role models youth leadership our new highly gifted informal learning informal learning environments education for sustainable development ESD youth-leadeR and ESD & BONUS: why this is the game changer & BONUS: a message to youth / to teachers / to everyone + for the curious cat

Welcome. Do you carry a deep wish for the well-being of this planet's miraculous nature, its animals, its people? Are you uplifted by a vision of stepping beyond these bugged societies and create a sustainable civilisation? Do you enjoy the company of like-hearted spirits? Are your ready to take actions that make a difference? Then YL may be the most awesome thing for you. Have you ever revelled in Lord of the Rings, Lothlorien, The Matrix, Wizard of Oz, Krishna and Shakti, Harry Potter, the D.A.? Those feelings are the best, right? It's because you sense your inner hero move, in dreams. How about making these feelings part of your daily life? ... of our friendships, learning journeys, professional avenues, yes, even (upcoming) love relationships? The feelings, the challenge, the friendships, the wonders, the blessings, the magic. The sacred. It's all here. And true heroes in our world say 'you can live it: just in a different skin, in the shape of *this* world.' Guess what: The feeling is way more intense, the resolution way better, the adventure full on, - and the cause is urgent. Since this is for Real! This Time asks your Inner Hero to wake up and Unfold.

How about living what truly matters to you to the max? Yeah, it used to be impossible, since there are so few of us and the challenges so great. But times are changing! The solutions are available, support networks are thriving, the spirit of service learning, youth leadership, sustainability and changemaking are spreading throughout school systems, everywhere! And we can make it thrive. Right now, a Bright New World Is Happening- and YouthLeadeR lives at its very Heart, establishing a living bridge between the global changemaking movements, - and You! Youth. Teachers. Citizens. Changemakers. Mediamakers... > Take life-changing action, together, with heroes of today. > Gain YL Warrior status, found Clans, join a global action community of passionate youth and Tribes. > Create incredible memories, make beautiful friends, enter a world of solutions, make life-changing impacts, transform your community, touch countless lives, evolve your changemaking skills, beautify your cv and open up unprecedented professional futures ... by interacting with humanity's leading innovation environments for good futures for all. How much more awesome can it get? Youth-LeadeR is here to help.

At one dark moment in time, when some people lost their wisdom keepers, they forgot that joy, love and abundance lie inside of us, in the Garden of our Hearts. In the search for well-being, love of self and meaning, they turned to compensation from the outside, through status, riches, and finally the stigmatisation and subjugation of others. As their brutal rule led entire populations on the path of greed, they started feeding their own lust for comfort on provinces and colonies. But their celebration of ego would not bear fruits. Over generations, their men, subject to fierce upbringing, would lose all sensitivity. In a lunatic search for well-being, they started enslaving, selling and preying on women, even girls, and their own children. To the point that women themselves forgot their own dreams and wisdom about a sacred life. As all sense of sacred relation to the living Universe unravelled and was outlawed as evil, aggression towards the environment escalated, and led to the collapse of life-systems. The Dark Age of Unsustainability engulfed all Earth, all species, all people, all families, since all is connected in the sea of consciousness.

Yet – although their waters, food and bodies were polluted and falling apart, their lives a breathless run in slavery... even the sight of collapse of civilisation itself, would not break the illusions woven by masters of deception. So afraid are these veiled souls from awakening to facing the truth, ... as they have lost all trust in their inherent powers to end the old suffering and create a world they love. In such days of escalating crisis, apathy and corruption, miracles happen. Thus is the nature of the Universe. Unexpected, unnoticed, a new species of spirits has entered the spheres of this land. Legends would tell of the Change Generation. Spirits from ancient times would return, blessed with an inner wisdom of the Sacred. And others would call them - Heroes. Young people everywhere would have visits in their dreams, awaken to the Sacred Spirit flowing through all things walking, flying, swimming, standing, in rock, water, the air, the fire, in our very selves. Visions for solutions would drive them to live their most noble, awesome selves to overcome the Dark Age and bring Abundance for All. These splendid spirits are rising everywhere, shedding inherited ills, healing themselves, their peers and the Earth. Their lives are filled with passion, love, genius and opportunity, as they follow the call: Warriors, heroes, hobbits and elves, wizards and beautiful beasts – arise and join the Grand Quest of Our Time: The Liberation of Paradise! Since this - is for Real!

"I am so bored of just sitting around talking, talking, talking about problems Positive Change is not about turning off the tap or munching organic muesli bars. that's evident stuff. Positive Change is about big stuff. And there's people doing it. I wanna be with them!"

MISSIONS Take Monthly Missions in direct cooperation with great youth leaders, experts & visionaries of today. We are touching real lives, together! We promote groundbreaking solutions for issues so far considered impossible to solve, and in more than one case, we are making nothing less than history. Use Media and Action Packs created in colaboration with changemakers - for mobilizing community, conquering local media, introducing innovation in your community and generating support for innovative initiatives. Meet Heroes 'live' and at eye level in online sessions, share your experiences, learn and train one another, celebrate achievements! Earn credits and badges of real world value.

// on top of our Missions, every YL Story about model solutions and the heroes behind them culminates in take action tips. You are free to take action on any issue you care for! And we will also credit you for such actions of your choice. YL offers you an abundance of timeless solutions and opportunities for taking action on causes you care for; from direct action to sharing with your community, and forwarding to teachers and practitioners in the field.

QUESTS are the great thematic Challenges of our Era... Biodiversity, Safe Food, Human Rights, Liberty and Security for Girls and Women, Peace... Do you have favourite quests? Certainly. That's good, and you can focus on them in your choice of missions and adventures. But – the Liberation of Paradise requires full-spectrum Warriors! So open up to learning solutions for all sorts of issues. It's exciting! TIP: 'Solutions' in part 2: 'Behind the Scenes' shows how approaches from different angles can help solving seemingly unsolvable crisis. It's all connected... On your journey to the higher Warrior ranks, you learn about many facets of social change and top level solutions in easy, fun ways. from articles in casual tone, inspirational clips, straight from the experts, always with focus on action. There's plenty of boredom, scepticism and chickenshit, elsewhere. We choose the stuff of legends!

// This knowledge of model solutions is not only for ourselves, information, a brief feelgood moment or instant action. Think further! In years to come, countless opportunities will cross your path for sharing this knowledge with people, media, practitioners and communities. Imagine: „I know of a solution for this – and I have an idea where to find it, online, even with consultation from the experts.“ This is big!

HEROES As you journey in the YL Universe, you meet magnificient creatures. Our Lands abound with warriors, elves, hobbits, healers, magicians, even ghouls! All sorts of spirits are uniting in this Quest. You may even cross the path of angels. Make sure to visit the Gallery of Heroes at the end of this booklet! They are giants, like Polly >

// These are ordinary people doing extraordinary things, simply because they put their minds, hearts and hands to it. Still, for good reason, we have called them heroes throughout history. What differs Our view at heroes, is that we say it's not about talking but doing, not dashing and slashing but about loving endurance and passion. And that the inspiration you feel is in fact the stirring of Your Own Inner HeroIne as s/he mirrors him / herself in these kindred spirits, and wants to wake up and livel! This is the natural effect of role models! Check out how your hero feels about this splendid company.

„What we need is a global community of passionate young people, ready to be the change, and of service to the greater higher good Learning with the greatest changemakers of our time, the Einsteins, Gandhis and Nightingales of today. Studying avantgarde thinking and putting it to practice Not ambitious people, driven by awards, recognition and careers. Not people joining and never to be seen again This is about an active community, ready to experiment and thrive, trust and help, a global generation of the finest spirits, a community of kindred spirits and friends, meeting and interacting in service to what they hold most sacred sharing and uplifting one another throughout their lives. Something beautiful and unprecedented in human history With genuine Warrior Spirit like in the old days."

WARRIOR STATUS Everyone can be a Friend to the YL Clans, follow our stream of stories and contribute to missions. Official Warrior Status, however, requires an initiation through Action! TAKE 3 MISSIONS no1. A YL POSTER EXHIBIT of Children & Youth Leaders at your school, or another sphere of influence no.2 A FUNDRAISER in support of a YL Hero no.3 A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT for your personal upgrade and document your experience to ascend to Warrior level 0 „Aspirant.“ Congratulations! You have proven your commitment. You have also earned the attention of a YL Avatar. Are you ready to proceed towards full warrior status? // At this stage, already, you'll have made unexpected discoveries about the world and yourself, touched many lives and made a difference to real people.

YL CLANS are our 'groups' or 'teams'. They take YL Missions together, radiate the spirit of change, build community, interact, and share photos and brief reports of their adventures in our news streams, - and in local media. What are the Advantages?

Advantages include group status, team, sharing of tasks, awesome photos, spirit, fun, enhanced creativity, impact, visibility and recognition in your community, membership and interaction with the global YL Clans community, a fun twist in your communication with youth, the public and the media...

Does it mean creating a formal organization?

No. Clan status is 'informal'. It does not come with anything 'official' recognized by authorities. But it comes with fun, spirit and the above. On top, if you are an active group of fine YL warriors, why not consider joining a YL Tribe? This can get you official charity status! It also means local respect and allows for receiving donations.

Who can found a clan?

Clans can be formed from 3 Warriors. It's informal, a group of friends, an ecoclub, a local chapter of a youth organization like Greenpeace, even colleagues in a company can form a clan.

Founding a Clan

Founding a Clan requires 3 or more Warriors. Your group takes a special initiation to become a Clan. Also, you need a most awesome Clan name worth of Griffindor and Lothlorien! It's a reason for celebration among our global community!

YL TRIBES are awesome youth networks we colaborate with. Each of them has a Special Magic that makes them unique! You will hear of YL Tribes People on a regular basis. They share their magic, tools, wisdom and actions with us. They also spread YL Activities in their community, and may join your Action Ideas! We all thrive together! It's a great win-win! We encourage you to join their facebook streams, take actions and even form local chapters!

LEVELS & CREDITS You take action and grow to be awesome... the world shall know! As you proceed through levels, you take simple steps for uplifting people, sparking change, building a community with awesome local people, make headlines, and learn magic skills. On ever bigger Missions, you walk a path that no adult has walked before, ever, and you will still be in your teen days. Take extra Adventures of your choice to earn extra credits. This can be your ideas, Tribes actions, taking action on YL articles etc. Your personal 'Warrior Chronicles' tell your personal story of actions and real impacts. Only you, and accomplished warriors know of the many magical moments associated with achieving such levels. Your Chronicles stand for remarkable action. They have powerful value for 'real' CVs. Inner treasures – skills, memories, resilience, self-exploration and vision are beyond words. You will be able to tell, as you perceive your growth, compared to the Muggles around you. Worldly treasures include encounters, alliance and friendships with heroes, teachers, activists, media people and entrepreneurs. People will know and respect you for your actions and presence. Turn Mission Credits into real world value by making arrangements with sponsors. Organic food, candy baskets, movie tickets and canoeing vouchers are classics. Dream up your personal favourites. You'll have deserved them! ;-) Will you grow to be one of The Great Ones?

LEVELS The Awakening: Register free to receive your Start Kit, with your personal Chronicle, advanced myth, secrets, infos about tools and assignments. Your registration involves a quick questionnaire checking basic knowledge of game rules listed in this Manual. Take your Initiation: 3 Missions! Chronicle your achievements and submit them. Have you unleashed your brightest potential? Congratulations! Is it the path you wish to live? Welcome! Then you are ready to advance on the Path of Legend! Each level takes 3 missions of your choice, unless - surprise, surprise - there is an urgent *call to action.* That's a current priority action to join. Do I hear murmurs? Hey, - and adventure comes with unexpected challenges. It may come with additional credits. Nice? Level 0: ASPIRANT has proven commitment, embarks on 3 bigger missions. Level 1: YL WARRIOR is an accomplished changemaker. More power to you! Level 2: LOCAL HERO has made local headlines. Gee! Level 3: CLAN FOUNDER has founded a clan and Base Camp at school. Whuuu. This is huge! Level 4: YL MESSENGER is a veteran warrior, able to represent YL. Level of Awesome. Level 5: YL AMBASSADOR should be ready to forge alliances with civil society, media & more. Level 6: YL AVATAR should have achieved mastery for giving Youth Leadership trainings. As the constellations change in the sky, these levels may change, too.

Getting started means Action: Every aspiring young warrior accomplishes 3 missions representing central aspects of our journey. MISSION Number 1 SPREAD YOUR ENLIGHTENMENT, your newly found vision, spirit and opportunities to create an awesome civilisation, by setting up a YL Exhibit, using posters, and if possible: videos, as well. TIP: This is a powerful energy space to evolve into your Base Camp. See Methods & Magic in part 2: Behind the Scenes MISSION Number 2 CONTRIBUTE TO A HERO'S MISSION through a fundraiser, spreading awareness, maybe even taking local action. Choose your favourite mission, but, attention: Is there a current priority mission to join?! MISSION Number 3 EXPLORE LIFESTYLES. TAKE A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT An awesome society exists, when its citizens qualify as Inhabitants of Paradise. Strengthen your inner warrior by exploring aspects of 100% Sustainable Lifestyle. Pick your challenge, and document your discoveries, hilarious breakdowns and breakthroughs with a daily post in our Social Experiment media stream. Enjoy the thrill! TIP: Will you get your friends and school involved for extra credits? Sign up and get your starter kit at www.youth-leader.org/clans

// Just two weeks later, the world will not be the same. You will have brought inspiration to many, made life-changing impacts, upgraded your own perception of 'reality', lived through thrills, breakthroughs, discovery and celebration. You have laid a foundation. Congratulations! Is this the path you wish to live? Then you are ready to step up to full Warrior Status.

MUSIC Voice of Youth SONGS ' Young and Positive ' ' The Hope is in Our Hands ' ' Live as if Our Future Matters '


Xiuhtezcatl Martinez has grown up in the Aztec tradition. He was six years old, when he committed his life to protect the Earth for future generations in a sacred ceremony. His tribe of 3rdgeneration Earth Guardians is thriving around the globe, in North and South America, Australia and Africa. Their members commit to fifty ways of sustainable lifestyleand mobilize communities from tree plantings and ending pesticide use in parks to sueing the government for wrecking the future. At home in Boulder, Colorado, Xiuh and friends have focussed their efforts on banning fracking, an environmentally destructive gas extraction method with horrid effects on public health. After months of campaigning, experiencing personal attacks from the oil industry, these 9 to 12 year olds witnessed the city council permit fracking! But the Earth Guardians kept taking public space in outrage, national news networks and television came to visit, and like a miracle, another two year ban on frackinghas been announced! As we compose these lines, Earth Guardians are lobbying politicians and citizen groups for a statewide ban in Colorado. The challenge is global, and coming to your country, also.

This Tribe teaches you how to safeguard your health, peace and prosperity for the future.

Lulu aka Boo-Lu Cerone and her Tribe of LemonAID Warriors make fun actions for positive change a lifestyle. Have you ever thought about setting up a LemonAID stand for a Water project? Lulu didn't. She called out a water war between girls and boys, conquering the public over weeks and sparking 400 stands from coast to coast! Philanthro-Parties: 'Parties With a Purpose' is the guiding principle of LemonAID Warriors for birthday parties, overnighters, backyard carnivals, wild concerts, water walks, there's no limit to your imagination! Add adventure and action to raise funds and awareness for your favourite cause and charity. The latest flick of lemonmagic is Lulu's alter ego Boo-Lu Cerone, the Ghoul Who Gives Back. She rallies fellow ghouls of Mattel's Monster High to submit their Philanthro-Party idea and documentation - to win $1,000 for their favourite charity! Lulu is determined for more & there's no stopping her!

This Tribe turns having fun with our friends into doing good things for others - with crazy creative twists. Laughs and memories guaranteed!

Gabrielle Posard is fixing and important part of the food industry. Donate Don't Dump collects still good to eat fresh foods from grocers and supermarkets to donate to food banks and homeless shelters. People are super grateful, many moved to tears. For some it's the first bagful of real, fresh food in years. Just like Harry Potter's inventrix, J.K Rowlings, she sketched her logo on a napkin during a lunch discussion. Adopted by major partner organizations, the spoon, knife & fork symbol is spreading nationwide! As her team of 4,000 volunteers continues to grow, and spread their impact beyond San Diego County, so does their message!

„Over 96 billion pounds of good food is dumped into landfills each year. 40% of all food grown goes from farm to landfill. Yet 1 in 4 kids go hungry in the US.“ What about your country?

This Mission is ending hunger by putting Good Food where it belongs: On People's Plates!

Olivia Taylor shifts your worldview of the wild in an instant. She's the ordinary school girl, whose excursion to the parc to look at neat green birds led on to discovering the beauty and magnificience of vultures, getting close to white lions, protecting rhinos and diving with sharks in the open ocean. Discover the truth about our awesome, free and untamed relatives – and that our fears are mostly based on myth, or stupid movies. Widespread ignorance has led to the extinction of many species, already and countless more are threatened, including Olivia's largesized but harmless friends in South Africa. Let go off fears, learn the rules, open your heart to admiration and respect. You may fall in love and transform into a shark angel. These fabulous animals need our help – NOW!

Discover your Earth Family: all beings swimming, flying and walking the Earth!

Raabia Hawa's love for every living being has opened doors to magical encounters in the realm of wild animals. She spends every free minute volunteering in the pristine National Parcs of Kenya and Tanzania. She joins rangers on their missions, from marking sea turtle nests and diving with octopus to armed tracking of poachers, who are gunning down tens of thousands of animals every year, threatening these gentle giants with extinction. Her tears have moved many audiences, and she has many reasons to cry - as elephants make their last breaths in her arms, lions lay their paws on her hands, their eyes conscious of the end of their life, leopard and hyena children lie dead on the roadside. Raabia's voice sounds strong for governments to at last enforce the law and pursue these crimes with all force, especially to close the lines to Asia, where men's ego and foolish superstition are source to heinous and escalating organized crime massacring and bereaving Africa of its splendid and sacred wildlife. Raabia rejects the idea of possible extinction, and will do what is necessary to protect the Big Five and their millions of kin. She is now leaving the world of radio and television to dedicate her full time to protecting the lives of those she loves. Follow her Journey in YL and social media. It will make a beautiful mark on you, and open very special doors.

Enter your wildest dreams!

John D. Liu documents and promotes Large-scale Ecosystem Restoration around the globe. Bare rocks stretching to the horizon can turn back into splendid landscapes of trees, water, full of life – and a home for people. Waking up to the value of ecosystems enables us to create miracles in restoration, and stop unnecessary catastrophes from happening. Simple accounting shows us that ecosystems' value for regional populations is incredibly higher than the profit that special interest groups from outside the community get from invading, destroying and selling them. Yes, also in monetary terms! In fact, it's so much bigger, that every kid and citizen sees that business as usual makes no sense. It's stupid. Now, we need to learn this, as a generation,so we don't make the silly mistakes of our parent generations. Learn with John about restoration wonders, the connection between ecology and economy. On top, together, we document examples and needs of ecosystem restorationin your region on IUCN's groundbreaking What If We Change platform.

The Grand Quest of Healing the Wounds of the Earth.

orkish brutish toxic assault also occurs

through words and creepy behaviour: that's *sexual* *harassment*, and it makes men very ugly.

Today, anywhere on Earth, 30-70% of women experience sexual violence in their life, up to 50% of men have committed rape or sexual abuse of children. In North America, a catastrophic nunmber of 50% of college boys states they would rape a woman if there were no legal consequences. This, however, doesn't keep countless men from commiting rape. Even on university campus, 30% of women experience rape. Studies have shown that the acceptance of harassment leads to a 3x increase of rape. >> Clean yourself from harassing habits. Who wishes to see more men preying on women like demons? Do you plan to get raped? Or to become a rapist in your life? If not, we have work to do on society. The silent support by the community, from family to colleagues, army units and schools to pseudoreligious authorities, leads to an estimated numbers of 300 victims per sexual predator. Sexual predators are repeat offenders who get a kick from violence and abuse. They observe their victim and environment, plan for the assault. Their repetitive acts are an addiction and a crime of intent with lifelong impacts on their victims. >> It must not be tolerated. As people start understanding shifts from considering this kind of masculine behaviour as natural (based on myths about machismo and men's inability to control and direct their sensual sexual impulses in healthy way) to clearly psychopathic, destroying lives and eroding communities, time has come to heal men, and women, from inherited ills, to convey sound, enriching visions for uplifting gender union and re-creating safe spaces for women in public, institutions, and - their homes.

Change can come quickly, especially when children and youth learn to trust their personal feelings, focus on their dreams and say no to sickening 'orkish' influences appearing in their lives and nurturing their nobel selves.. We can grow up as a healthy generation! This Quest includes resisting to inflicting orkish impulses appearing in ourselves on others. Instead of releasing these energies in directions we are 'in the mood for', we can do so in directions we love. Many of us are growing up in environments filled with memesets from the past. There is no guilt in this. But responsibility for healing oneself. Seeking friendly, supportive environments to share, find the sources of these traits and move beyond them, can be part of it. Wise cultures call this an Inside Battle.Be strong, courageous and proud. It's a big deal and it has many rewards. Just like Violence is Learned Behaviour, from violent role models (80% of our behaviour is shaped by role models, subconsciously, copy-paste) so are these dysfunctional behaviour patterns. They are not universal. They are like a local 'virus', transmitted by PEOPLE and MEDIA. This means we can heal ourselves by cleaning up our environment, avoiding exposure to this 'virus', and engaging in healthy activities :-) healthy forms of sensual experience. Gentle Social Experiments for this purpose exist. Are you ready to rise and stand with a strong back for this Quest? It is one of the most profound Quests of our time. Indeed, some wisdom keepers see it as a reflection of how humans treat the Earth, the Great Feminine. The Journey of Healing may even guide you to paths of healing the balance of masculine and feminine in each of you - and this is the great alchemy of the soul, one of the highest paths of spiritual enlightenment. Yes, - there's more than u can imagine. But isn't this natural, if you have grown up in societies where sensuality-sexuality are so messed up? It's a lifelong journey. Take it EASY. For now, let's start with making PEACE: MEET TWO GREAT HEROINES >>

Holly Kearl leads a powerful global campaign for ending Street Harassment. A generation of women is rising to heal our home cities and make public spaces welcoming and safe for girls and women, once again. The vibrant SSH social media streams abound with genius artwork, cartoons, powerful stories, events, print outs and posters. As Girls and Women share their stories, they take a stand, repel harassment, reappropriate spaces, pull ads and re-educate the media! SSH is a Learning Environment by itself. Also, we harvest powerful stories, cartoons and posters for use in your local community.

Spark awareness, open a conversation, change the climate at schools, so we overcome old patterns of violence, suffering and murder. The prize is a life of joy for all of us, our kids and grandkids.

The Red Brigade trains girls and young women in martial arts to protect themselves from rape and abuse. It happens that harassers who don't instantly change their behaviour get a group beating. Many women who hear of this get a wide smile on their face and say „yeaaay.“ Do you? Like many places in the world, India's rural regions suffer from widespread rape culture. Baby girls, teens, young women, wives fall victim to men's shameful behaviour, - but instead of the putting the perpetrators to jail for their crime, policemen and judges tell the victims to marry their rapists, so their family may not be shamed. Sick? Crazy? Yes. And against Indian law! But it can take a long time for inherited meme and behaviour patterns to dissolve. In big cities around the globe, girls learn self-defense at school. The Red Brigade has to take it further: They patrol the streets, give trainings, protect survivors, provide sex education, and basic schooling for girls. Their founder, Usha Vishwakarmareceives national awards, but the local situation is dramatic, and no one finances them. We will!

Help our elven warrior sisters protect, and train each other, and ultimately - create peace.

That's Twelve. Awesome? Are you ready to walk with them and join their missions?

There are more...

These are people we love, admire and learn from. WE get surprised all the time, as we encounter Heroes with solutions for grave challenges so dear to our Hearts, leading massive campaigns that we did not even imagine existed! OUR most exciting moments are when these awesome leaders respond with friendship and recognition, join our ranks in alliance under the Grand Banner of Light, share their powers and wisdom, and that our work of connecting with a global Young Generation benefits the reach of their Quests. That's sacred. And that's why WE LOVE when young people are fired up by the Bright New World Happening, decide to take action, share their passion and achievements with us, found Clans, join the global community of warriors – and rediscover themselves as Heroes. With fun!

ENJOY! http://bit.ly/13RhDY6

Adventurers, Part 2 is a candy box full of magic wands and spells! Wield them well!

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