about YL: The POWER of Youth Leadership

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This BONUS section to the about YL brochure gives concrete examples of YOUTH LEADERSHIP and how it can thrive and generate tremendous impacts through SCHOOLS. Only when this is present in each and every school around us, can we speak of a Change Generation. The potentials exist and YL serves to amplify them. Read about YL http://bit.ly/11Uzcm9 to discover some essential success factors for nurturing a youth leadership culture and changemaking climate at schools for a true Change Generation.

You have seen what is possible (solutions) what is happening (heroes) what's important (80% behaviour via role models) what's necessary (role models) and how we can weave youth leadership and changemaking into schools 1. taking action as 'informal learning' 2. informal learning environments, 'wall displays' 3. image change 'our new highly gifted' #1 The Change Generation has shown a few brief examples of what young people can achieve. but this deserves better explanation. This part shows you Youth Leadership in Action See how two teen sisters, age 12 and 14, are mobiliszing schools for actions, alliances and outcomes that seem simple but are in fact > historic

Of course, the high end is to have youth leaders appear in school. But we cannot always do that. And we don't need to. A passionate student or teacher can present about a cause and include stories of real initiatives that one can support or even replicate locally. These stories need to vivid, are well illustrated, have can-do feel and action opportunities. YL SERVES TO DO PRECISELY THIS.

"The posters were a smash hit with the students. They wish to contribute and ask how they can help. Also the teachers wish to know more about Youth-LeadeR Magazine. You should have been there, it was so exciting!" For full poster view click http://bit.ly/10H64f9 Note how the poster links to videos, article, their facebook page, interview and electronic worksheet through the qr codes and the bottom right link to the entire theme collection "Children & Youth Leaders".

Young people inspire differently. How? That's a secret. But here are some magic tricks yet little tapped. We wish to change this. (1) Young people have access to a community of hundreds, their school. (2) When they take an action, and do it well, they conquer the media in no time. (3) Which sparks more contributions, more partners, requests for speeches etc. It all starts with this:

"Find a cause you are passionate about, and then take small steps of action." Craig Kielburger


Emma and Julia, 12 and 14, are both avid readers and record hour volunteers,. They know what difference it makes to have read through the entire Harry Potter series ;-) When the sisters learned about weak literacy, high poverty and high suicide rates among First Nations youth of the NISHNAWBE ASKI nation in Northern Ontario + that reading can be a ticket out of poverty + that many First Nation households and schools have only a handful of books, they decided to help. They started the book drive Books With No Bounds to collect 1,000 new and like-new used books. THE NEXT PAGES SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENED NEXT For their short story poster view click http://bit.ly/10H64f9. For their facebook stream click https://www.facebook.com/bookswithnobounds?fref=ts

After one year of collecting like / new books to send to all 49 communitiy schools of the NISHNAWBE ASKI NATION First Nation communities, Julia and Emma came close to their goal of 1,000 books. When researching ways to actually send the books to the fly-in communities, they got in touch with first nation representatives, like Grand Chief Stan Beardy - who was surprised to see that the activists delivering skyrocketing numbers of quality books, from the complete Harry Potter series to everything imaginable, coming for the appointment are - that young! Julia Mogus, Grand Chief Stan Beardy, Emma Mogus, Councillor Pam Damoff

Sending off the shipments for the airport and their partner airline...

... is always a good opportunity for media coverage. From local news to national...

... to morning television shows ... the interview is a must-see: http://bit.ly/XyYcQ "You tweeted us, and we responded we need to have you on the show!" You will learn things about Oprah Winfrey, and about how many books make a difference to a child's education career.

... and children programs.

And when people hear of such bright youth and good deeds, they invite them. To schools...

... and when sunshine comes to speak, students of all ages just love to help :-)

... from the very young to teen-agers. Who are way more awesome than media show

And with so much love pouring in, it doesn't take long for love to stream back!

... which again, gives rise to more attention, and invitations to honours, awards and events...

... which again, creates more media coverage, school invitations (news popping up daily in their page), invitations by Wasaya Airlines for a free flyin visit to the Thunder Bay community to meet some of the children they have been serving, and the school, which is not even a school but just a few portables. And if they don't get eaten up by icebears and wolves, because there's loads there, also roaming through town for a good, late night trashbin snack.... we'll see many more of these photo updates.

... since "We are Sisters On A Mission, And We Have Just begun." There are so many children, underserved, behind in reading, and these books might make that very difference to opening up curiosity for reading, weaving ideas, balancing worlds and circling up to dreaming, to playing, to surf through school, becoming a lawyer, a social entrepreneur , an educator and healer protecting their landrights, re-animating their culture, sparking sustainable incomes, developing fair and friendly ties with the world, uplifting their people - and sharing their inherited, connected worldview with those deprived of it - the urban populations - to experiencing real life - off screen. What Julia and Emma are doing is evident, down to earth, and still, an unprecedented act in the history of Canada, maybe North America, maybe Planet Earth, failed by adult generations for a century, and changing worldview on both sides, with a rare message of "WE CARE". And this is still very, very rare.

****It's official 17,500 books shipped!**** ...to all 49 communities! Value... PRICELESS. Book value to-date... $ 150,000 And the drive is accelerating! If you're ready to write a chapter in history, you start the same thing for tribal schools in YOUR NATION. There is plenty of opportunity!

Could an adult achieve the same? Do you sense the power in youth leadership? And the massive power in school community? Of vibrant real-feel, informal documentation? Of not waiting and grumbling, but "Giving all that we are - on behalf of everything we love?" Emma and Julia keep going. Step by step, level to level. What will happen next?

To illustrate the ever scaling ripple effect impacts, here is another example. Many people have heard of his story. But have they understood that this is a model to replicate? Unless such policy- and culture changing models are happening in every nation, how can their societies step towards a new, sustainable civilisation?

One day, a 12 year old boy flipped through the newspaper, looking for comic-strips. He was struck by the image of a boy, Iqbal, who had spoken out against child labour in the carpet industry and at the age of 12, had been murdered. On this day, Craig spoke to his classmates that something had to be done. Who would help? 12 hands went up, Free The Children was born. Since, they have liberated hundreds of children, built more than 750 schools, hundreds of water and alternative income programs in more in 40 countries through adopt-a-village partnerships. But you should meet Craig in person: http://bit.ly/WInGFP

Craig and his brother Marc haven't stopped there. See what is happening on Planet Earth, today: http://bit.ly/WInyWX Have you been aware of it? Have your media reported? This has been around since 2009. The past WeDay season involved ten cities! It reminds of the early Sixties, when HIPs rocked culture forward towards libertarianism, the world was lingering in the Fifties' doom and gloom; much of it still does. Today is the next step. Not twens asking for political changes but teens taking action for sustainability and full scale positive change, BEING THE CHANGE themSelves. Is you country up to date? Are you? You are if you are > participating.

Free The Children, MeToWe and WeDay take the spirit of youth action and youth leadership to a great scale and into the mainstream and the education system. More than 120,000 active youth from 4,000 schools in Canada are already involved. And the numbers are growing fast. The first WeDay in the USA has been met with great enthusiasm, summer take action camps and more are thriving. BUT - youth leadership goes beyond participation in actions. It means taking projects to scale, and dreaming up one's own projects and making ever bigger impacts. The above are the best training environments for teens growing into twen youth leadership embodied by YES!, Youth for Environmental Sanity, who pursue the most complex and holistic approach: http://bit.ly/WInM0e.

Youth-LeadeR serves to take the genuine heartcore spirit of Youth Leadership to the people + the best from the grown-up visionary changemaking world. This time, HIP shall not be misinterpreted and mislabeled to hippie or hip. This time, Youth Leadership and active citizenship shall not be misunderstood as a petty petition, a jazz dance in front of the town hall or choosing an organic candy bar. > This would not help achieving what matters < Youth Leadership is the stepping stone towards a global, peaceful, just, thriving and sustainable civilisation of abundance for all, proof of the only sure quality seal: A Sacred Civilisation. Created and inhabited by humans living their most noble aspects. Nothing less needs to be spread to empower the Change Generation

YL shows the people, the passion, the actions that make Youth Leadership. YL shows their genius media and methods for transmitting the genuine spirit. YL develops media, methods and initiatives, builds community and offers training and support for amplifying initiatives. There is more to find out in brochures linked on the next pages. But now it's time to take action. ARE YOU JOINING?



This is YL is a more vivid overview of YL elements. YL for Investors shows history, impacts, numbers we aim to reach and staff costs for global and national editions. YL in Action shows how using YL rocks your impacts at schools etc The YL Handbook parts #1-3 is a lush overview of model solutions for anchoring youth leadership and global changemaking in schools, the ignored 'intangible aspects' that have led to the failure of all movements to this day, future sciences and models for co-creating awesome societies of abundance for all, advanced understanding of how to unfold the inner hero for true societal change, the proper role of media, elements of a positive change media culture transmitting the meme patterns of a Sacred Civilisation, and YL Tools & Services.


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