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Bringing real-world assets into the metaverse

As metaverse adoption scales, banks can also leverage customer recognition and trust to develop metaverse marketplaces for non-metaverse assets (for example, buying and selling real-world property in the metaverse). Such a hybrid marketplace might include a digital overlay of owned real estate – a sort of metaverse digital twin – while blockchain would legitimize transactions and eliminate the need for a laborious property verification and validation process.

Solving security and regulatory hurdles


While it is tempting to envision all sorts of wild possibilities for metaverse banking, there will be little progress without a robust framework for security and identity management and for addressing various regulatory concerns. Banks need to bridge metaverse avatars with verifiable digital identity credentials, emphasize know-your-customer compliance, and work to prevent activities like money laundering in the metaverse. As trusted consumer brands, banks are well-positioned to become the architects of interoperable metaverse identity frameworks.


Increasingly, banks will need to work with top Metaverse banking development company to refine the deep infrastructure layer of the metaverse. As the metaverse marketplace matures, engagement with regulators will be critical, to enable bold experimentation while also protecting consumers. Amid the growing regulatory scrutiny of cryptocurrency markets, in particular, banks need to be prepared to robustly prove the soundness of innovative approaches to digital financial services in the metaverse.

So talk to the experts from the best Metaverse banking development company to Create metaverse banking service app or Develop metaverse banking website completely customised as per your needs at your budget.