Women Seeking Wisdom: Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself? SPIRIT (part 3 of 4)

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Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself? SPIRIT (Part 3 of 4) kathryns-blog.com /what-petrol-spirit/ Kathryn

Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself? SPIRIT (Part 3 of 4) Spirituality in Western Culture can be a bit of a tricky subject, with everyone having different ideas about what it means to them. We’re so use to our science based, “if I can’t see it, touch it, measure it (etc), it’s not real” approach that a lot of us neglect this side of ourselves. Actually, most cultures in the world have some form of spiritual acceptance or foundation in them, which technically makes us the weird ones. Ignoring our spirit isn’t going to be healthy in the long run, but it’s so abstract that it’s hard to understand with what limited knowledge is currently out there. So what is the spirit and how do we feed it well?

Let’s Be A Bit Sciencey Okay I know that’s not a word, but I find people can accept things better when it’s more evidence based. Psychology Today gives quite a detailed description of the spirit, “The spirit empowers the soul: it is passion, commitment, conviction, and vision. It is the base for movement of life itself.”(click here). To me the spirit is more linked to the character of a person, sort of tangled with the mind and body. It is the part of us that is connected to those around us and to our environments and the world. If our minds are our personality, thoughts and so forth, then our spirits are more our will power, zest for life, inner peace and that drive to do what is right and become our best selves. Spirituality has been linked in the past to religion. In the past we have turned to religion to explain how the world was made as well as a lot of moral dilemmas. There is so much wisdom to be found in religion, and whether you believe in it or not, keeping an open mind and exploring teachings can certainly trigger in you possibilities of growth. Personally I was raised in a Christian church which focused on

Credit: http://spiritual-artwork.org/2013/03/science-spirituality/

having a personal relationship with God. This might sound a little weird to you, but many cultures emphasise their religious beliefs as a connection to a greater being such as Mother Nature. It’s a concept that can be very tricky so if this is not for you then perhaps start with something else.

Finding Peace Part of feeding your spirit is quenching that little fire or dull ache inside us that can burn and make us feel a need


and sadness. I’m referring to unfulfilment, anger, sadness and all those negative emotions. Since I was a teenager I have often felt a dull ache in my chest, about where my diaphragm is, and I have been told that is an issue with my Fourth Chakra or my emotional core. Chakra’s have more recently been accepted by New Age Believers but it’s been around since Ancient India. Meditating is a very good activity for the mind and the spirit. Credit: http://www.itskatslife.com/2013/06/finding-peace-and-rest/ Clearing your thoughts so that you can take time to be quiet to listen to your body, mind and spirit is something we all should do for a few minutes every day. Kinda like the spiritual version of brushing your teeth haha. Seeking guidance and wisdom of those around us, as well as in books, to address things inside of us that may be stopping us from feeling peaceful – such as unforgiveness – is putting goodness into our spirits.

Living Passionately I always think “there has to be more than this in life” when I’m running around like a twit trying to get all of my jobs done. You don’t Credit: http://www.elev8fit.com/project/livepassionately/ have to do a job that you love, but have something in your life that you are passionate about. Things that we have been told are luxuries, indulgent and time wasters aren’t! It’s good for your mind and your soul to have something you believe in – something that makes you bounce out of bed in the morning – to have that in your life.

Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/421086633887698800/

I find the idea of evolution incomplete and depressing – that we are just here to bide time until our species is extinct (whether that’s in 100 years or 100 million years) and that when we die that’s it. I simply think there is more to learn about our origins and the world as we know it.

Connection With Your Intuition This can be hard and it’s not something we really know a lot about yet, so if you do, let people know! We have inside us a few voices: one being our “ego” or that part of us which can be quite negative Credit: https://consciouslab.wordpress.com/2015/06/21/the-importance-of-intuition/ and focused on self-preservation, and our “intuition” or our gut which can give our “Spidey Senses” a good tingle is something isn’t right (sorry I like Spider Man). This one is really a matter of practice and getting to know yourself. Don’t lie to yourself about your true reasons for not doing something. You don’t have to tell anyone you were scared or anything, but do tell yourself. I’ll be posting further on this topic in the future to give you some tools to help with connecting with your intuition.


Accepting The Past This can be a matter of grieving and it’s something you need to be gentle with yourself for. It’s hard to forgive other’s but I find it can be harder to forgive yourself. Trying to accept injustices and very painful hurts can take years so just try to go with the process but don’t linger. Entertaining thoughts of revenge is okay during that anger stage but don’t stay there and let it fester. I find picturing mental and emotional wounds like physical wounds. Think about the healing process of a deep, horrible gash. You would go to the doctor and get it stitched up. You would have to keep it Credit: https://deborahtindle.wordpress.com/tag/acceptthe-past/page/2/ clean to stop infection (that’s those angry thoughts that don’t go – picture them as pus… charming I know). You might need more help with rehabilitation and exercises to restrengthen something. You may be left with a limp. It may be a matter of managing that old wound for the rest of your life – but you can, I know plenty of elderly people who manage old physical wounds, I’m certain mental ones can be done the same. Holding onto anger – whether it is directed at yourself or someone else – only poisons you. Eventually coming to a point and just saying “it is what it is and I can’t change it” can be empowering when you are ready.

Living with Conviction Yes this is a long post today. I’ll finish with Character and Conviction. There are some genuinely bad people out there who are so desensitised they don’t give a damn, but for most of us, there is that little voice inside us that gives us a jab when we don’t act with what we have been taught as integrity. Being part of a community and doing right by others really hits us deep. Humans are social creatures, and living up to that “ideal self” and values, touches us and gives us that sense of fulfilment and peace whether we are aware of what our intentions are or not.

Soooo…. Spirituality is quite abstract and there is a lot to be learnt about it. What you can do today is spend some time being open to readings and teachings of spiritual leaders – even if you don’t believe everything they say, you should get something good from ancient texts.



https://spiritualmusclehead.wordpress.com/2014/09/04/spirituality-in-flux/ Meditate and take note of feelings of discomfort inside yourself that may be from sadness or anger, seek out their origins and work towards addressing them. Love life and find zest, whether you are passionate about your work, food, hobby or your dog, live life to the fullest in the way that touches you deeply and gets you bouncing out of bed every day. Take time to connect with your intuition and learn to tell the difference between it and your “ego”. Find acceptance for the past and live your life to the values you hold dear. Always remember to love yourself and feed that deepest part of you. Don’t look back on your life with regrets but then don’t find dissatisfaction where there is none… and don’t be like me and over think everything haha. If you like this article please share it on social media using the buttons below my picture Take Care. Digital Marketer and Entrepreneur You can find me on Facebook Email me at: Kathryn@WomenSeekWisdom.com Check out my Home Page


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