Review of Mindful Emotion: A Short Course in Kindness

Page 1 Book review in Journal of Mental Health Published online: 07 Jul 2017

Mindful emotion: a short course in kindness by Sarah Bargiela

Mindful Emotion: A Short Course in Kindness is an 8-session guide in kindness behaviour training (KBT) that combines ideas from positive psychology, compassion-focussed therapy and the increasingly popular Buddhist-derived practice of mindfulness meditation. Written in an accessible tone and pitched at a broad audience, the book introduces the subject to the uninitiated whilst at the same time aiming to supplement the practice of those with an established meditation practice. The first two chapters neatly introduce mindfulness practice. The remaining six each focus on a particular topic, for example, the role of mindful acceptance and how one makes use of the imagination when meditating. All of the topics are aimed at increasing the readers’ confidence in nurturing kindness behaviours, making them habitual in how they relate to themselves and others around them, both at home and at work. The relationship between stress and mental ill health is well evidenced; as is the positive effect of mindfulness practice for reducing feelings of stress. The authors recognise the tension between the demands of modern life and making space for one’s emotional wellbeing, and emphasise an inclusive message: everyone can benefit from practising kindness behaviour, it is not reserved for those in mental distress. The free online audio exercises accompanying each chapter provide 5 to 10 min windows of guided reflections and practices. They are reminiscent of the many popular mindfulness apps that enable those with frenetic routines to pause and reflect: ideal for readers who may not be ready to commit to the full 8-week course, but are curious and willing to try. In sum, a heartfelt, thoughtful guide to self-awareness that builds on the existing mindfulness literature and is easily adapted for use both in personal and therapeutic settings.

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