October 2016 TCNN

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Published by the Comanche Nation Public Information Office, Lawton, OK www.comanchenation.com

Superintendent Roberson Approves Comanche Nation’s Fee-to-Trust Application

October 2016

Owens Files Protest on Run Off Election Results By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

Tribal Member Reflects Her Battle with Cancer in New Book Mindfulness in October Submitted by Apryl Allen/Breast Cancer Survivor

Cancer is terrifying and intimidating—Healthcare shouldn’t be. In 2013 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After the initial shock of the diagnosis, I was determined to get through whatever protocol and treatments I’d require in efforts to return to the life I love and adore. Unbeknownst to me, it wasn’t going to be that simple. You see, I was willing to fight cancer, what I wasn’t prepared for was the fight for my ability to heal. Conjured from all the media hype—Breast Cancer Awareness Month—in my mind there would be an army of individuals cheering me on to the finish line. Yes, I had my family and friends, but there wasn’t a group or entity that reached out. I guess I was supposed to contact them, but when your inundated with all the nuances of cancer, time becomes a sacred commodity. Of course there were those individuals, employed by my doctors, whose responsibility was to help prepare me for what inevitably would be my future. Instead, using vivid detail, they took me into the nightmares of their experience with breast cancer. One even predicted the treatments I would require. (Thankfully, this was a misdiagnosis.) I couldn’t stomach hearing another worst-case-scenario, so I didn’t attempt to contact any of the foundations often seen in the media. Yes, publicity during the month of October has brought this disease to the forefront, but it almost appears as if it’s now being glamorized on some levels. We all can visualize the women in pink at a finish line—having won the battle of their life. Truthfully, I think some people believe the fight comes from within, which it does, so long as its detected early. But sadly, that’s not always the case. What about those individuals who are given a terminal diagnosis? My mom was one of them. I feel some See CANCER AWARENESS. Page 2

Comanche Nation Chairman Candidate, William Owens, filed a petition against the Sept. 24 Run-Off Election Results, through the Comanche Nation Election Board before the 5 p.m. deadline, Sept. 27. The Comanche Nation Election Board briefly met the evening of Sept. 27, and scheduled a Petition Hearing with Owens 5:30 p.m. Sept. 28. During the meeting, Owens Photos by Stacey Heminokeky/News Staff pointed out accusations of bribery to Pictured Top Left to Right; Stephen Lee, Realty Specialist; Jennifer Hill, Realty Specialist; Jalaine Aitson, influence a vote, coercion to influence Realty Clerk; Dennis Woommavovah, Director; Milton Sovo, Secretary of Agriculture. Bottom Left to Right; a vote, electioneering, and interferTommy Pewo, Realty Clerk; Rose L. Roberson, Superintendent; Susan Cothren, Interim Chairperson; Clyde ence with the conduct of the election. Narcomey, CBC No. 4; Julie Anderson, Realty Officer. A newspaper was mailed out to members of the Comanche Nation before By Jolene Schonchin/ News Staff the Run-Off election called Numu Nabi Tuh Kuh, (The Comanche War On Sept. 23, Superintendent ered to the Department of Interior in Cry/Comanche Pride), which conRose L. Roberson and the Anadarko Washington D.C. by former tribal oftained financial articles and edited Agency Realty Staff met with Co- ficials that Woommavovah took part photographs of some of the run-off manche Nation officials Susan Co- in. The officials were there on sepacandidates. thren, Interim Chairperson, Clyde rate business and decided to advo“It contained false accusaNarcomey, Committeeman No. 4, cate. This valid attempt did not result tions and defame the character of two and the tribes Land Office employees in a passed application. of the candidates vying for office,” at the tribes Realty office in Lawton “I was tasked by Mr. Woomwas stated in the complaint that was to finalize the tribes Fee-to-Trust ap- mavovah with fee-to-trust applicapresented. plication of Apache Community Cen- tion submissions and maintenance It was also pointed out about ter. and challenged to complete this cliques of people setting up within “This is a historic event and seemingly never ending application 300 feet of the voting area at both the symbolizes what our office was re-es- process,” said Stephen Lee, Realty Lawton and Comanche Nation Comtablished to do” said Realty Director, Specialist. plex areas, which Owens stated, vioDennis Woommavovah. The tribe’s “It was a challenge I took to lates the Election Board Ordinance. realty department was re-established heart, and one I wouldn’t stop at until Clyde Narcomey, CBC No. 4, signs the After all allegations were presented to in 2013 with the hiring of Woomma- I found a way. Today we all celebrate Apache Community Center into Trust. the Comanche Nation Election Board, my Pewo, Realty Clerk, and Jalaine vovah. Before this, tribal leaders used this combined effort. This is the first they went into Executive Session to Aitson, Realty Clerk at the Anadarko various departments to handle differ- fee-to-trust application successfully ponder it all and make a decision. Agency changed everything. The ent land management aspects. completed by the Comanche Nation. After much deliberation, the Election lines of communication were open The Fee-to-Trust applica- The College is next; we are shooting Board voted unanimously to uphold and meetings were scheduled. They tion process for the Apache Com- for December.” the protest filed by Owens. tirelessly worked at completing the All former and current ofmunity Center began more than a “I am happy with the Elecapplication, and several others, are to decade ago. A handful of applications ficials support this process and want tion Board’s decision,” said Owens. follow. Land in trust is fundamental were submitted but did not pass. One this land in Trust. A meeting with “Hopefully, this will bring reform to to tribal sovereignty. particular application was hand deliv- Realty Officer, Julie Anderson, Tomthe future elections, and will keep slander out of the election process.” The Election Board announced another run-off election will By Paula Karty/News Staff be held December 3, but Vice-Chairlish her letter a college degree, helped developed During President Barrack woman, Susan Cothren said the date and President a tribal assisted-living facility and Obama’s campaign, he spoke in and the run-off election are pending. Obama’s re- joined Teach for America. She now Texas and made a promise to Na“There are a lot of issues that sponse. Early teaches kindergarten by day and tive Peoples across the United States, has to be reviewed,” said Cothren. “I was also invited American Indian History at a tribal pledging that he would do his best to feel the Election Board overstepped to be a special college by night.” represent Native Americans. their bounds, and circumvented the guest at the President Obama had quotTribal member, Lindsay authority of the CBC and the peoWhite House ed what Early wrote in her letter. “It Early, was at the campaign rally for ple.” Early Tribal Nation was not ‘going off’ that would make President Obama and when she heard Comanche Nation ChairC o n f e r e n c e . Indian Country better, but returning his promise. She screamed as loud man Candidate, William Nelson, had with education and with the insight as she could. President Obama an- Sept. 26 no response to the Election Board’s swered back and said, “I hear you and While President Obama was education brings…my students have decision, but had a quote to share, when I’m elected I won’t forget you.” speaking at his final White House a sense of pride in them about who “We need an impartial court immediEight years later, Early had Tribal Nation Conference, he spoke they are as indigenous individuals… ately. “ written a letter to President Barack about a young Comanche woman more than anything, they realize they Comanche Nation legal Obama, thanking him for his Indian from Oklahoma, who proved that are in control of their own destiniescouncilor, Richard Grellner, who was Country policies. American Indians can shape their and that’s such a powerful thing to accused of having a part in the makEarly wanted President own destinies. experience.” ing of the newspaper, Numu Nabi Obama to know how those policies In his speech, President “Here is a woman who unTuh Kuh, denies the accusations. actually work to tribal members. Obama said, “Lindsay Early, of the derstands that meaning of giving His administration contacted Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, the back,” said President Obama. Early, and asked if they could pub- child of a single mother, has earned See PROTEST DECISION, Page 3

Tribal Member Gets Presidential Recognition

Comanche Nation’s

Annual Halloween Safehouse

6:30 p.m.- 9 p.m. October 28 at Watchetaker Hall, Comanche Nation Complex

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