The Dove-The Holy Spirit A Symbol of Peace

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The Dove-The Holy Spirit A Symbol of Peace Matthew 3:16-17; John 1:32-34; 14:27 If one should ask the question, Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the third person in the Godhead. Many times I have heard people refer to the Holy Spirit as it, let me assure you He is God. His divine attributes as part of the Godhead: He is eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Being part of the Godhead, He operates coequally, coeternally, and coextistently with God the Father and God the Son-Jesus Christ. It was during Christ's baptism that all members of the Godhead were witnessed by John the Baptist and others. Jesus God's Son came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came down from heaven as a dove and rested on Christ and the voice of God the Father spoke authenticating that Jesus Christ is His Son. There are several symbols that represent the Holy Spirit which are: (a) Wind, (b) fire, (c) water (d) oil, (e) a seal and (f) a dove which symbolizes peace. For today's discussion our focus will be the dove symbol which represents the Holy Spirit. A dove represents peace, honesty, purity as the bird itself is clean, faithful to its mate, peaceful, gentle and innocent. The Holy Spirit produces dove like qualities in all believers who yield to His teachings. God is faithful to His people and desires all to live in peace. John 14:27 speaks of the peace of God as only He can give. This is because God's peace is lasting unlike that of the world. The peace of God surpasses all other. Comments are welcome Author's contact: Follow me on Twitter, Facebook,,, and,, Author's books are on, all major book stores, Christian book stores and author's website

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