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Attitude of Gratitude by Robin O’Neal Smith

Things to Do: Developing An Attitude of Gratitude

{“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” }

- Cynthia Ozick

November is when we stop and think about what we are grateful for. And while it is wonderful to count our blessings around the Thanksgiving holiday, it would be even better if we had an “attitude of gratitude” every day of the year.

I know that many people go through life feeling unloved or unwelcome. And with the challenges of day-to-day living, it is easy to feel down, misunderstood, and like we don’t have enough of something or other.

When you adopt an “attitude of gratitude,” it is much easier to deal with your challenges and bounce back from difficulties.

Let’s face it, no matter who you are, there will be down times, things go wrong, nothing works

Developing An Attitude of Gratitude

out as planned, illness, divorce, your kids talk back, and the list goes on. With an “attitude of gratitude,” even in the darkest times, you realize there is something to be thankful for.

Why You Should Develop an “Attitude of Gratitude”

A better tomorrow could start with something as simple as your attitude. Our perspectives have a significant effect on our overall level of happiness. They can affect our success as well.

For many, an alteration of attitudes alone can bring transformative life experiences. Check out some of the possibilities. ● Help you reach your goals. ● Improve your self-esteem ● Better communication skills ● Increase family and relationship harmony ● Set a better example for your children or grandchildren. Remember, they are watching to see how you handle things so they can follow your example. ● Be a role model for others who feel hopeless in their own circumstances. When you overcome challenges with a positive attitude, you create a lesson in perseverance amid obstacles.

What Can You Be Thankful For

Having an “attitude of gratitude” isn’t just being thankful for our material blessings. Each person has a unique list of things that bring simple pleasure, feelings of pure joy, or just a sense of comfort each day. You can be grateful for physical blessings like where you live, your climate, or even your residence.

You might be thankful for certain people being in your life. This may include your kids, your spouse, or your best friend. The most important function of thankfulness is opening your heart, mind, and soul to goodness, gratitude, and light. Think about the opportunities you are given, the people in your past that helped you become the person you are today, and someone who taught you skills like cooking, typing, hunting, reading, writing, and so on. Was there someone who set a positive example, took an interest in your life and believed in you when you didn’t believe in yourself?

There is always something to be thankful for. You sometimes just have to take the time to stop and think about them. Take the time to count your blessings daily, and you will notice a huge difference in your life.

Tips to Develop Attitude of Gratitude

If you’re unsure how to cultivate gratitude, consider these suggestions:

Gratitude: Continued. . .

1. Focus on Five. Allow yourself five minutes each morning or evening to experience thankfulness. Take these moments to think about the past day. Answer the question, “One thing I’m thankful for is___.” Even better, list five things you are grateful for each day. 2. Appreciate your world openly. Share your gratitude with others. Remember to say Thank You and show your appreciation. Share things you appreciate with others. For example, if you’re chatting on the phone with a friend, you could say, “I went shopping with my sister yesterday and she was so helpful when I wanted to pick out a new outfit.” Another example is, “Did you see the beautiful sunset? Mother Nature certainly painted a pretty picture for us.” When your verbal acknowledgments to others demonstrate the gratitude you feel, you’ll develop a habit of recognizing what you’re thankful for. 3. Notice the small stuff. Promise yourself you won’t take little things for granted. We often become too busy to notice tiny bits of wonder in our day. But if you put your mind to it, you’ll be astounded at what you see. A sunset, something in nature, a warm cup of hot cocoa, or a family member doing one of your chores can be great reasons to feel gratitude. The smell of lilacs as you walk by the bush or your son’s goofy grin are also things that might remind you of your blessings. 4 Keep a gratitude journal. If you’re having difficulty remembering to notice the things that stir your inner thankfulness, starting a gratitude journal may help. A journal is a tangible visual aid that will trigger you to think about what you’re grateful for. Try putting the date on the page and jotting down what you’re thankful for at that time. You can write as much or as little as you wish. (I bought a special journal for this, but I have to admit, I wasn’t good at writing things down. I always have a long list to be thankful for, but I don’t write it down daily.) 5. Show gratitude every day. Showing appreciation to others may seem like a selfless act, but it’s something that you also benefit from. When you show your gratitude daily, you change how you think. 6. Sign up for a Daily Gratitude Burst. Receive a daily message via email reminding you of things to be grateful for each day. You can sign up free of charge at All About Gratitude. 7. Fall or Thanksgiving Activity. This is a great way to include all family members and help everyone develop an attitude of gratitude. Write on paper leaves what you are thankful for. Place the leaves on a twig or fake tree or pin them to a bulletin board. When you remove the leaves, put them in an envelope, and then in January or February, when everyone is bored, bring out the leaves to remember all everyone has to be thankful for.

Each time you consciously decide to experience your thankfulness, you’ll feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Over time, attitudes become habitual, and before you know it, you will have an “attitude of gratitude.” Having an “attitude of gratitude” is one thing that makes life worth living! Open your eyes and mind to the people, places, things, and experiences you’re grateful for.