Vista issue #123 March/April 2019

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No. 123 MARCH/APRIL 2019

The Women’s Health Issue

Tantalizing Organic Tofu Ginger Stir-fry pg 44

Protect Your Energy with Personal Boundaries pg 13

A Hormone Disruptor Free Home pg 18

Surprising Stats About Women & Wellness

pg 15

WOMEN & SELF CARE Suzanne Zilkowsky and the art of slowing down


Garden City Essentials’ Jolene Antle P R I N T E D I N C A N A DA

pg 22


Get More ZZZ's With CBD pg 26


Personal Trainer Jenna Pettigrew pg 46

Your purchase

supports WOMEN & GIRLS across Canada



supports more than 100 community programs that help women and girls move out of violence, out of poverty, and into confidence and leadership.



from the sale of each WOMENSENSE Bonus Bottle will be donated to the CANADIAN WOMEN’S FOUNDATION



When it comes to Keto, NOW® has you covered! With Canada’s largest selection of sweeteners recommended for a ketogenic diet, NOW® is your one stop shop for Stevia, Erythritol and Xylitol. Our BetterStevia® uses a whole-leaf extract which ensures a complex, intense sweetness without any bitter aftertaste. Choose from powders, liquids or tablets, organic or conventional, and 13 different natural flavours, including our newest additions – chocolate peppermint cookie, chai tea and maple. Also look for our new organic powdered erythritol, perfect for icing and confectionary use, so you that can diet and still be decadent.

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c h o s e nf o o d s .co m |


Our hectic lifestyles have taken the lead in our lives while our happiness and health have plummeted. But I believe there are three simple things we can do in our daily life to change the way we feel as women. Here are three steps to achieve daily happiness that will also impact our health in a positive way. 1

It’s time to slow down

In this day and age, women are more like busy bubbles as opposed to busy queen bees. We are all stressed about something, in a rush and in our own world with family obligations, work demands, and relationships to manage. It’s time to try and slow down a little bit more.


Put your phone down and take off your headphones. Don’t get me wrong, I love listening to music too and scrolling through my Instagram, but try to be aware of your surroundings a little more. Something as simple as moving for a person on the bus is often ignored due to the bubble we create with our headphones, digital devices and social media. This is feeding into the stress cycle for that other person. By being more aware, and moving for that person, you heighten your chance for positive human interaction: a smile, thank-you, maybe even a small conversation. Vancouver is known as being one of the most snobbiest cities in Canada. Why are we so weirded out by others? We need to be more aware. We need to be polite and more grateful for others. Awareness is key. 2


Nothing is more admirable than a woman with patience who practices some form of self-care. We have all seen these types: they listen, they wait; their nature is so calming and refreshing. Patience and self-care can be achieved. Everyone can do it. By waking up a whopping ten minutes earlier, for example, you can enjoy your coffee or tea, listen to beautiful music, or practice sun salutations, while getting ready and grounded for your day. Patience towards others starts with yourself. Practice little things to begin your day that create excitement and feelings of wellness and joy, rather than stress and anger. 3


Take a moment each day to feel inspired by another person. It should be someone in your daily life, not a social media personality. Although I love following my favourite bloggers for healthy inspiration, it also takes away from the true inspirations in our lives. Pinpoint the reason that you feel so connected to a certain friend, or co-worker. Beyond these three steps, look no further than the pages of this issue for more advice and guidance on nutrition, health and fitness for women. On page 13, you will find some advice on setting personal boundaries, on page 14, some foods to help balance your hormones are highlighted and find some surprising statistics on the health struggles women can face on page 15. So take a moment and slow down, blend up my coconut matcha smoothie (page 38), grab a comfy chair and enjoy this issue focused on your health and the health of the women in your life. SUZANNE ZILKOWSKY is a blogger, health expert, and founder of Vancouver Health Coach. She has over 20 years of experience in the health industry and her philosophy is the same for each individual she works with: holistic wellness involves looking at all areas of health. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A


The freshest, fairest, most future friendly

No. 123





Solomon Islands

Kirsten Buck

South Pacific Ocean











Alpha’s Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is certified Fair Dinkum Fair Trade and is hand-pressed directly from fresh coconuts in the Solomon Islands by island natives on their own family farms. The DME® process uses a manually operated cold-pressing unit to produce raw oil from fresh coconuts in as little as two hours or less.




VISTA MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED SIX TIMES PER YEAR. SUITE 451, 15216 NORTH BLUFF ROAD, WHITE ROCK, BC, V4B 0A7 CANADA TELEPHONE (877) 905-7771 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Vista Magazine publisher, editors, or staff. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking upon any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Contents of Vista Magazine are copyright © 2018, all rights reserved. Vista Magazine may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without written permission of the publisher. Canada Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement # 42898014





ON THE COVER Coconut Matcha Smoothie, photo by Brittney DesRosiers THIS PAGE Photo by Kirsten Buck














6 Foods to Balance Hormones 3 Surprising Statistics About Women & Wellness 22 ORGANIC ENTREPRENEUR

Self-Care: The Ultimate Health Essential

CBD: The Secret to More Sleep? Do What Moves You

Help Regulate your Cycle Naturally, with Food 44 VEGGIE-FRIENDLY RECIPE

Orange Ginger Tofu Finding Her Stir-Fry Purpose 46 35 Q&A

Suzanne Zilkowsky’s journey toward helping others.


Boss Lady Jenna Pettigrew is inspiring women to be the bosses of their own lives.

Jolene Antle: Self-care is showing up for yourself.

The Women’s Health Issue

No. 123 MARCH/APRIL 2019

V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



Citrus Verbena Body Oil is your new all-in-one spring must-have. Ellie Bianca founder, Evelyne Nyairo, tells you why. What makes the ingredients in Ellie Bianca Body Oils so special?

What's the inspiration behind the Simply Beautiful Award finalist Citrus Verbena Body Oil's unique and refreshing scent?

Each of our face and body oils is a blend of organic Africa shea oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, argan nut oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil and rose hip oil to name a few. Always non GMO, fair trade, cruelty free and sustainably sourced. Every ingredient is selected for its specific skin nourishing properties and analyzed at a molecular level. I am a Chemist, so understanding the chemistry of each ingredient is important to me.

My daughter and I spent a summer in Cannes, France. There was one scent that I will never forget and as soon as we came home, I had to recreate it. Using synthetic-free ingredients and a blend of essential oils, our Citrus Verbena Body Oil was born. It is such an invigorating fragrance and a favorite amongst our customers.




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Protect Your Energy With Personal Boundaries

For many women, drawing personal boundaries is difficult—but necessary. Look within to find the wisdom and strength you need to protect your energy.

Does saying “no” make you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or even “not like yourself”? Women are typically raised to meet the needs of others no matter what, even when they’re running on empty. Is this your story? Serving others is a beautiful vocation, but not at the cost of the precious energy you need to lead a life of self-care and self-compassion. This is where personal boundaries come in. They allow you to understand when you will say “yes” and when you will say “no” in order to protect your sense of self. Asserting personal boundaries with others must begin within. Here are three techniques for identifying and setting the boundaries you need to thrive.




Uncover patterns

Affirm yourself

Practice in safety

Schedule some quiet time to journal and reflect. Write about what makes you feel especially tired. Write about situations that make you feel like your needs go unmet. Do you ever feel resentful or “taken advantage of”? Developing this awareness around poor boundaries in your life can help you to become more sensitive. This sensitivity will begin to function like a sixth sense—a gut feeling that something isn’t right and you need to set or maintain a boundary.

Use guided meditations or affirmations to develop the strong sense of self you need to recognize and assert your boundaries. Do you have core fears that come up when you want to say “no” but can’t? Write affirmations that address those fears and post them somewhere where you’ll see them often. For example, if you fear being seen as selfish, write an affirmation like: “Those who love me, will not label me as ‘selfish’ when I take care of myself.”

Of course, knowing what your boundaries should be and having the courage to assert them are two different things. Practice setting boundaries with people who are safe and trustworthy. Start small. Try saying things like, “Actually, would it be ok if I didn’t help you with this task right now? I really need to spend some time meditating.” You can begin to build up your tolerance for advocating for yourself. That way, you’ll have the courage you need when more difficult situations present themselves. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



6 Foods to Balance Hormones Many women suffer from hormonal imbalances that can sap their energy, happiness, mental focus, and well-being, and even cause weight gain, acne, and hair loss. These six foods restore hormonal balance, unlocking a better quality of life for women. 1


Commonly used as a garnish, this dark green herb is packed with liver-cleansing antioxidants. The liver is the body’s detoxification powerhouse, and when it’s not functioning well, hormonal imbalance follows. Parsley and other dark leafy green vegetables flush the liver and keep your metabolism and hormone production working smoothly. Try it in a smoothie!





Salted Almonds

Salted almonds are an excellent source of magnesium and iodine, two nutrients essential for thyroid function. The thyroid regulates metabolism and controls the way your body uses energy. Aside from their thyroid-supporting benefits, almonds are a source of heart-healthy fat and plant-based protein. They’re also incredibly versatile; enjoy them in smoothies, oatmeal, or on their own. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E I S S U E N O . 1 2 3

4 3


Coconut Oil

Fats are critical for maintaining good hormonal health—and coconut oil is one of the best hearthealthy options. In fact, without a good level of fat in your diet, stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline can go into over production. Plus, the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil support the production, processing, and elimination of estrogen and progesterone, balancing these critical hormones. 4

Bone Broth

A balanced gut supports balanced hormones. Keep your gut microbiome populated with the bacteria it needs with probiotic-rich foods like bone broth. Made from animal bones, skin, and other inedible parts that are simmered over time, bone broth is a staple of fine cuisine and paleo diets. It’s a source of healing compounds like collagen, glycine, and glutamine. Plus, its high gelatin content can strengthen the lining of your gut. 5

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is touted for its high prebiotic content and digestive benefits. Those looking to give their digestion a kick start in the morning drink a mixture of ACV and water—or just ACV for the adventurous! This tangy, sour tonic helps your body convert the protein from food into amino acids, which are the building blocks for hormone creation. Try a shot or mix ACV with salad dressings or soups to get that extra dose of hormonal support. 6

Wild Salmon

Salmon is a hormone balancing superstar because it is a high protein food as well as one of the world’s best known sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Once again, heart-healthy fat is key to establishing good hormonal health. And salmon’s omega-3 fatty acids also support brain health, keeping fatigue and fogginess at bay.




Here are a few eye-opening statistics revealing what health struggles women are likely to face.

1 in 4






1 in 4 women die from

Twice as many women as

According to a National

heart disease.

men suffer from depression.

Pain Report survey, 90%

Heart disease is the number one

There are types of depression

chronic pain feel that

cause of death for both men

that are unique to women.

the medical system

The truth is, women have a different

and women, but for too long,

For example, premenstrual

discriminates against them.

experience of illness, wellness, and

we assumed it was primarily a

dysphoric disorder, perinatal

healthcare than men do. And the

problem for men. The “classic”

syndrome, and perimenopausal

Many women are made to

medical system reflects just as much

symptom of a heart attack is

syndrome are related to the

believe that their symptoms

sexism as any other institution.

chest pain. But women are

physical and hormonal changes

are all “in their heads”. Gender

For example, women tend to be

likely to experience different

they experience over a lifetime.

stereotypes, like the belief that

researched less often than men.

symptoms: neck, jaw, shoulder,

If you feel one of these women-

women are “hysterical”, work

As a result, we tend to know less

upper back, or abdominal

specific depressions might apply

against women in the medical

about women and health.

discomfort; shortness of breath;

to you, consult with your doctor

system. If you feel your health

pain in one or both arms;

or care provider.

concerns are being dismissed,

Here are three statistics focused

of women experiencing

on the health struggles impacting

nausea or vomiting; sweating;

women—and what you need to

lightheadedness or dizziness;

know about them right now:

and fatigue.


advocate firmly for yourself.


Dark Chocolate

Chocolate, the ultimate pick-me-up treat, is as medicinal as it is mouth-watering. Whether you choose a high cocoa content (70 percent or higher) chocolate bar or cacao nibs, you’re in for a surprising range of health benefits. So go ahead, indulge your senses—it’s good for you! Fight Free Radicals Disease-causing free radicals appear in the body as a result of exposure to environmental toxins. But dark chocolate is full of the antioxidants—namely, flavonoids and polyphenols—that fight free radicals. In fact, chocolate has more flavonoids and polyphenols than wine or tea!

Potentially Prevent Cancer Certain studies indicate that the free-radical-fighting flavonoids in chocolate might have cancerfighting properties. The American Cancer Institute has stated that the evidence is “suggestive” and more studies are in order, since chocolate provides such “strong antioxidant effects in combination with a pleasurable eating experience.”

Support Heart Health Researchers have observed that flavanols, the main type of flavonoid found in dark chocolate, is linked with positive effects on heart health. Specifically, flavanols lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain and heart. They also reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke.

Boost Brain Function Once again, dark chocolate’s flavanols are linked with yet another extraordinary benefit: improved brain function. The improved blood flow to the brain associated with consuming flavanols boosts cognitive performance. Researchers have found that this is especially true for elderly people.

Control Cholesterol The cocoa butter in dark chocolate is full of oleic acid, the heart-healthy fat that we also find in olive oil. Researchers find that when people consume dark chocolate, it has a positive effect on their lipid profile. That means dark chocolate’s oleic acid helps keep their cholesterol levels in a safe range.


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Start Smart Children’s DHA Xtra is a potent source of Omega-3 DHA, an essential nutrient for proper development and plays a key role in every aspect of health including brain and eye function. These mini soft gels are easy to swallow and tasty to chew, ensuring kids ages 3-6 will love their daily serving of DHA.


Free Your Home From

Hormone Disruptors Home is your safe haven. That’s why hormone-disrupting chemicals should have no place in it. Here are a few ways to reduce your exposure to hormone disruptors that have been linked to everything from cancer to fertility issues.

1 Garden the Clean Way

Don’t forget your yard and garden! If you use weed and pest-killers, please reconsider. Conventional herbicides and pesticides have a large amount of hormone-disrupting chemicals. Instead, choose non-toxic solutions. For example, you can simply pour boiling water on the leaves and stems of weeds you want to eliminate.


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2 Accessories and Appliances to Replace

Next, assessing the safety of your accessories, appliances, and furniture is a must. You want to watch out for items that have been treated with flame retardants—unfortunately, that includes most furniture manufactured before 2005. The same goes for older electronics, like televisions, computers, and printers. Finally, replace vinyl products like shower curtains, which off-gas harmful BPAs.

3 Ditch the Dirt

Manufactured products shouldn’t be your only concern. In fact, household dirt and dust provide one of your most significant sources of daily exposure to hormone disruptors. Fight back with a quality vacuum cleaner, preferably one with a selfsealing HEPA bag that reduces your exposure even further.

4 Products to Avoid

The best way to start your hormone disruptor cleanse is to take an inventory of your household products, and check out their list of ingredients. Look out for dish soaps with triclosan, and personal care products with phthalates or parabens. Unfortunately, any product with “fragrance” as a listed ingredient is suspect as well. Perfume yourself and your spaces with essential oils, which are packed with health and wellness benefits.





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BioSil™ helps you look beautiful, youthful, and healthy – naturally For a store near you go to:


The Keto Diet:

Trials & Tips What is the keto diet?

Tips for the keto diet

The keto diet has become a popular course of action for weight loss. Although there are some variations of this diet, essentially it is a very high fat (75 per cent), moderate protein (20 per cent) and very low carbohydrate (5 per cent) diet. The purpose of this diet is to shift the body into a metabolic state where ketones (derived from burned stored fats) become the main source of energy for the body and the brain. This mimics a fasting state. It also results in very low glucose and insulin levels.

There are some hacks to make the keto experience smoother and more efficient. Ingesting electrolytes during the first week, such as potassium, magnesium or full spectrum minerals, may mitigate “the keto flu”. Or try a bath with magnesium flakes or magnesium topical spray. A fibre supplement (such as acacia fibre or glucomannan) and a good multivitamin can prevent constipation and provide a spectrum of nutrients as insurance. MCT oil may help the shift into ketosis more quickly. Safe natural sweeteners like stevia and erythritol can satisfy your sweet tooth. Some healthy food options for the keto diet are high fat nuts (macadamia, pecan, walnut, coconut) and seeds (flax, sesame, chia), any berries and dark leafy greens.

Who does it benefit? Ketosis has been used for hundreds of years as an effective treatment for epilepsy. Newer evidence suggests it can be of great benefit for those with diabetes and metabolic syndrome and may even help people wean off medications under supervision. A newer and popular use for the keto diet is weight loss. Anecdotally many people benefit, although the long term effects are not well understood.

What can you expect? The keto diet has a number of pros: it is not a low calorie diet, it is not lacking in taste (most people enjoy fat) and for many, it provides feelings of energy, clarity and weight loss. On the other hand, it is not easily followed if vegan or vegetarian, carries a high potential for greater toxic load from factory farmed animal fats, results in a loss of healthy foods such as fruits, legumes and whole grains, and can bring side effects such as “the keto flu”. (The keto flu is a usually short-lived syndrome of muscle cramps, brain fog, etc. in the first few days of transition.) Other challenges can include acne, keto rash, constipation, etc. However everyone is different.


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After years of feeling unwell, Jolene Antle was desperate to feel good in her own body again. She shares with us how her journey back to health led to the creation of her business, Garden City Essentials, and how investing in self-care is the ultimate health “essential”. We understand that you began formulating your products as part of a journey to understand the root cause of your autoimmune disease. Can you tell us more about that journey? What did you learn? Absolutely! After years of feeling unwell, I was finally diagnosed with autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This is a disease in which antibodies directed against the thyroid gland cause chronic inflammation. My antithyroid peroxidase antibodies were off the charts and I quite literally thought I was dying! I was desperate to feel good in my body and became really good at listening to my body. The journey began with detoxing my life and lifestyle and making some really big changes. This involved the typical stuff like eating healthy and exchanging my home and personal care products for more natural options. At the time, there wasn’t nearly the selection of natural products on the market, so I started playing around with making my own. When you give something your attention, it’s amazing how it starts to show up all around you. I was wide open for anything that would help me, and felt such satisfaction from creating my own skincare products. It was also a creative outlet I desperately needed at the time. Since the early days of managing and trying to heal from an autoimmune condition, I’ve become aware of how we can become susceptible to these types of health issues. Lifestyle, toxins and stress can play a huge part in our health and wellness…it’s not all about genetics!

Toxins and stressors can also include toxic relationships. There are so many things that we’re exposed to on a daily basis that are beyond our control, so it is very important to make good decisions about what you choose to expose yourself to, whenever you can. Above all, I’ve learned it’s ok to say no. I’ve learned to respect my body when I need rest. I’m still learning how to let go of the guilt that comes with slowing down sometimes. Our society glorifies being stressed and busy and equates these things with success and everyone is talking about hustling day and night! Of course I want to be successful, but I’m not willing to pay the price with my health anymore. If things take a little longer, that’s ok. I like this organic approach for myself and my business. Also, the journey continues! I’m not perfect, but I try to maintain balance as I enjoy my life and do my best. How does your background as a certified nutritional practitioner influence your business? Holistic nutrition is a whole-life approach to health that incorporates the mind, body and spirit. My background as a CNP influences my business daily. It’s present in how we work with customers. It’s present in how we align with other natural wellness practitioners to host workshops. It’s present in how we stand behind our products with the knowledge our customers need to make important product choices for themselves. A holistic approach to wellness is my inspiration as I formulate and curate the products to bring to my boutique and online shop. Your business sells “essentials”. What aspects of a person’s lifestyle should they consider when they’re trying to practice holistic health. What is truly essential? Sometimes less is more. Eliminating the “should” is very important; we don’t need more things to feel anxious about! Often, it’s important to assess your lifestyle to discover not only what’s missing, but what could be eliminated. We also need to consider the fact that progress and meaningful change takes time. Everyone is on their own journey and a complete switch to a totally holistic lifestyle overnight just wouldn’t be sustainable in so many ways. We need to welcome new practices into our lives when we’re ready for them, not because we should, or because something is super trendy right now. We need to set ourselves up for success and take things one V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A


step at a time. There’s information overload and it can be completely overwhelming. What’s essential is very subjective, but I believe that everyone needs to invest in their own self-care as they define it. Self-care is whatever will make you feel good and whole and resilient. For me, yes, I 100 percent enjoy my nightly routine and products, but self- care is way more complex than just a bunch of baths and facials. It’s living in alignment with your nature and creating space for you to be good to yourself. It’s showing up for yourself. To determine what’s truly essential, you need to discover what’s non-negotiable for you. (Laughing) I guess that’s my non-answer answer! You formulate your own products and curate other natural products as well. What criteria does a product need to meet in order for you to carry it? My goal is to offer natural, effective, and sustainable products for a holistic lifestyle. This includes a range of nutritional, skincare, make-up, and bath and body products, as well as household items, and items for conscious gifting. I want to support Canadian-made, eco-conscious and innovative products that perform well. I also listen to what our customers are asking for. The companies we support are pretty incredible and often have amazing environmental and social initiatives of their own. Tell us more about your “zero waste” products. What makes a product “zero waste”? To me, zero waste means little to no packaging, and if there is packaging, it should be biodegradable. Zero waste


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products are typically reusable items that enable people to opt out of single use items like plastic bags, take-out containers, coffee cups, plastic cutlery, or drinking straws that end up in landfills or waterways. We carry a variety of zero waste lifestyle products, like stainless steel food containers, metal straws, water bottles, travel utensils, reusable menstrual products, shampoo and conditioner bars, biodegradable toothbrushes and re-fillable dental floss. Re-usable market bags and produce bags have also become very popular. I’m so thrilled to see the increase in awareness of, and demand for, zero waste products. What’s your vision for the future of Garden City Essentials? What do you hope to accomplish? My vision for Garden City Essentials is a big community united in wellness! We launched our community room last year and hosted some phenomenal brands, local wellness entrepreneurs and makers for workshops and events. I also started hosting my own skincare classes. This is definitely something I want to continue to explore and develop.

The near future includes plans to expand our GCE small batch offerings and curated goods, and add more bulk, refill and zero waste options at the shop. I hope to see continued expansion and growth of the GCE community as we continue to develop and curate amazing natural products and promote holistic wellness and lifestyle. I want GCE to be an inclusive, trusted and well-known destination locally and beyond. It’s hard to say exactly what I want to accomplish in the long run other than continuing to focus my energy where it feels right in a quickly changing world. I want to keep on trying to be my best, be authentic and provide valuable products and services to our community.

“My vision for Garden City Essentials is a big community united in wellness! ”

Catch More ZZZ’s

with the Help of CBD Sleep is one of the three pillars of health and wellness, yet many of us aren’t getting enough quality shut eye. CBD can help. BY DR. ANDREW KERKLAAN

Sleep has a surprisingly mixed reputation. A good number of people resent the need for their body and mind to shut down and recharge; of particular annoyance is how much time it takes. Many in this category feel that humans would be twice as productive if we didn’t need to sleep. In the other camp, there are those who hold an appreciative understanding of the physical and mental value of sleep. These people cherish every second of comfort and rest they can get. However you feel about sleep, it is undoubtedly necessary. Yet, sleep problems, whether in the form of medical disorders or related to work schedules or other external factors, are rampant in our modern society. Roughly 40 per cent of Canadians will experience a sleep disorder during their lifetime, which can lead to serious health risks over time. In order to get the sleep they need, Canadians, in general, are consuming more and more prescription and over-the-counter sleeping medication. Others have turned to more natural options like cannabidiol, also known as CBD, a non-intoxicating cannabinoid that can be derived from cannabis or hemp.


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Just how important is a good night’s rest? Sleep, as well as diet and exercise, are the three pillars of physical health and wellness. Most doctors and sleep specialists agree that for an adult, about eight hours of sleep is ideal to feel not just well rested, but actually energized throughout the day. But the amount of time spent asleep is not everything. You need to make sure you’re having good quality sleep. A proper sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes and during that time, we move through five stages of sleep. The average adult has five to six cycles in a night. The first four stages make up our non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. During the later of the four stages, the body takes the opportunity to repair muscles and tissues, boost immune function, and build energy for future use. The fifth stage in the sleep cycle is when rapid eye movement (REM) sleep occurs. During this final stage, you are deeply asleep and your brain can get to work on consolidating and processing information from the day. Whatever gets through the brain’s filter can be stored in your memories. Sleep hygiene is a term describing the various practices and habits that are necessary to ensuring quality sleep with healthy cycles. These are generally straightforward practices and include prime room and bed temperatures, physical comfort, darkness, and a positive, non-stressed, mental state.


How can CBD help me sleep? One of the most frequent reasons people give for consuming cannabis is as a relaxation and sleep aid in the evening. People have been using it throughout history precisely because they find it helps them achieve physical comfort and a positive mental state (the two non-environmental factors out of the four listed above). CBD, or cannabidiol, and THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, are the primary cannabinoid molecules (out of hundreds) found in the cannabis plant. Both have been found to have a wide range of medical applications - including inducing sleep. However, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that THC and CBD work differently in the way they affect your sleep. THC has strong sedative properties and can be an effective aid for falling asleep fast. However, the way it interacts with cell receptors in the brain has a profound effect on the body’s sleep/wake cycle (i.e. it can make you drowsy and groggy, and unwilling to wake up again). THC is also the psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” associated with cannabis. This means there is always going to be a risk – particularly for inexperienced users – of taking too much. As an example, cannabis edibles have many associated reports of anxiety and paranoia when accidentally ingested in too high a quantity. When this occurs, these feelings are not exactly conducive to getting a good night’s sleep. On the other hand, CBD, which is non-intoxicating, meaning it produces no “high” and does not impede you, actually has anti-anxiety properties. CBD is also a physical relaxant with incredible soothing, tensionrelieving, and pain-relieving properties, thus it can work very well for addressing symptoms associated with other health conditions that make it hard to fall asleep. Not only is CBD incredibly powerful at combatting pain, alleviating inflammation, and reducing anxiety, it can also help regulate your sleep patterns. It is good for physical comfort and keeping your mind quiet while you fall asleep.

How do I know which product is for me? How do I dose it? Topical products - like skin creams, salves, and balms are a fantastic starting point for people who are looking to use CBD for sleep purposes. However, seeing as topicals typically only have a few milligrams of CBD per “dose” when you put some on your skin, they may have less impact as tolerance to the cannabinoid grows. Eventually, if using CBD regularly for sleep hygiene purposes, you may want to move from topicals to something more concentrated like a tincture, oil, or edible product.

“With sleep accounting for one third of our entire lives and playing such an integral part in our wellbeing, why not consider CBD as a healthy and natural tool to get those eight hours we all need?” I always recommend choosing a product that is “full spectrum” or “broad spectrum” that can create an “entourage effect”. A full spectrum product has many different cannabinoids and terpenes combining together for optimum effect. An isolate product, whether it be CBD or THC, will never have the same effects as when all cannabinoids are working together. Terpenes also make a huge difference in full spectrum products. Terpenes are molecules in cannabis and hemp that create the unique smell and taste. They work with the hundreds of cannabinoids in the plant to make different strains cause different effects when consumed. Terpenes aren’t only found in cannabis—they’re found in many plants, fruits and flowers. There are more than 150 different terpenes that have been identified. As far as dosage is concerned, it certainly varies body-to-body, but I always recommend starting low and increasing slow. Some may build tolerance, so I recommend a schedule where you use a product for a few weeks and then take a few days off. No weaning off needed though. As CBD becomes more popularized and normalized, beware that not all products are of the same quality; the industry has seen everything from dosage not being labelled correctly, if at all, to there being no CBD present in some products labelled otherwise. Wherever you get your product, make sure that it is properly tested and sourced. Parents with children suffering from trouble sleeping will ask if CBD is a safe and effective treatment for all ages. I urge parents to get informed and educated. Parents, as well as people with complex or multiple prescriptions should discuss using CBD with their doctor. It is true that CBD is a natural plant-derived product with extremely low risks and minimal side effects, but there is interesting information coming out all the time and it’s important to keep informed. Ultimately, staying knowledgeable is the best way to make a decision on whether or not to try CBD products. But with sleep accounting for one third of our entire lives and playing such an integral part in our wellbeing, why not consider CBD as a healthy and natural tool to get those eight hours we all need? V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A


Do What Moves You

The best exercise routine is the one that you absolutely love doing, the one that moves you. BY SABRINA VIRDEE CPT, RHN


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It’s no secret that we as women are built differently than men. It’s imperative that these differences between us not limit our exercise routine to those we excel in, or even to those that we have been told to stick to by the health and fitness industry. We as women tend to have greater flexibility and balance, we tend to fatigue slower, and we recover much faster - thank you estrogen. At a genetic level, women tend to have larger slowtwitch muscle fibres. These fibres are used in endurance-related activities such as high-repetition resistance training, long distance running, swimming and yoga. Although we tend to have higher body fat, and a lower baseline muscle mass, our overall increase in muscle mass in response to strength training may not be that different from that of a man. We also tend to see greater increase in strength in comparison to our male counterparts. So since we are built differently and tend to perform differently than men, does that mean we need to train differently than men? Sure, we have biological differences, but by no means should women or men for that matter stick to certain exercises over others. It does however mean that adjusting our training may allow us to release our full potential and take greater advantage of our strengths. If you


want to get strong or toned, you need to lift heavy weights. If you want to compete in a marathon, you need to run. If you love the feeling you get after sprints, do them. And if yoga centres you, continue that practice. In regards to our genetic advantage: with greater slowtwitch muscles, slower time to fatigue and a faster recovery time, women can handle higher repetitions and high volume when it comes to strength training. However, this doesn’t mean that every one of our workouts should be high rep and high volume. I believe it is equally important to incorporate heavier weight, lower repetition days to see significant improvements and gains. If lifting weights is not your jam, this is still very applicable to you. I believe as women, we need to do what serves us; we need to do what moves us. We need to be able to find joy in our physical activity, whatever that may be. “Exercise” shouldn’t be a punishment for eating that extra cookie, or enjoying a meal with our family. It should bring us a bit closer to loving ourselves every time we move. It should allow us to breathe deeper, love greater and really feed our joy. Seeing as we excel at high repetition, high volume workouts, these same adaptations allow us to excel at aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming and spinning.

“Most importantly, remember no matter your genetic makeup, mindset is powerful and whatever the exercise is, it must come from what moves you.” The best part about this type of activity is that women tend to display greater improvements in their mood compared to men. And we can all use a mood boost from time to time. In addition to our advantage in aerobic exercise, our tendency to have greater flexibility translates into activities like yoga and pilates. You don’t need to break a sweat to say you “exercised”. There is something to be said about slowing things down and listening to our breath. You may also find that incorporating such routines will increase your awareness in strength training and aerobic exercises. Being aware of our unlocked potential gives us the upper hand at strengthening other

weaknesses, even if the improvements don’t come as quickly as we’d like. While being aware of our genetic potential is advantageous, doing what we love consistently each day is what really matters most, and what will outweigh any predisposition to be exceptional at any activity. Training for your goals is good, but doing what moves us trumps all. If you have been thinking you aren’t good at “this” and feel you are far better at “that”, keep this all in mind to hone in on your strengths, but also improve on your weaknesses. Most importantly, remember no matter your genetic makeup, mindset is powerful and whatever the exercise is, it must come from what moves you.

SABRINA VIRDEE is a registered holistic nutritionist, personal trainer and mom of two little ones. She specializes in pre and postnatal care and family health, helping mothers and families stay healthy, happy and well.  SABRINAVIRDEE

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If you’re looking to improve your health and create a balanced, positive life, our Vista Brand Ambassadors this issue have you covered. These amazing IGers are passionate about health and helping others live their best life. Connect with them on Instagram. Just follow @VistaMagCanada, #VistaMagCanada,#VistaAmbassador for some daily inspiration.

DIANA ANCONA is the founder and owner of Ancona Wellness, a specialized wellness content creation and management company with a vision and mission to help take other health brands content to the next level. Her company works with wellness entrepreneurs, healthcare companies, wellness resorts, the food industry, and media companies. Diana has a degree in nutrition and food science as well as a master’s degree in science, focused on global health, from the University of Glasgow in Scotland. “The places I have seen, my interaction with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, and the flavours of the world, have all deeply influenced me and fueled my professional career as a health, marketing, and food specialist,” says Diana. FUN FACT “I am a 29 year old Mexican, a wanderer and adventurer at heart. Over the years, I have lived in eight places, in five different countries and travelled to over 45 destinations to explore the beautiful world that we all call home. Today, I am happy to call Toronto my home.”  ANCONAWELLNESS


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JENNA LAVASSANI is the blogger behind The Nourished Blonde blog. She created the blog as an outlet to share her passion, inspire others, and connect with the community through nutrition, wellness and lifestyle posts. Jenna is currently working through her undergrad in food, nutrition and health, with goals to major in the field of nutrition. “I have seen and personally experienced the impact nutrition has on overall health, and through my own experiences, I have become very passionate about this field of study,” says Jenna. “I only hope I can impact others to lead a positive life that encourages health and wellness.” Jenna lives with her husband in their cozy apartment in Coquitlam, B.C., where they both love to cook, laugh and dream together. In between going to school during the week and working on the weekends at The Green Moustache in Port Moody, you can find Jenna spending time with loved ones, creating healthy recipes, blogging, and collaborating with amazing people in the wellness community. She also loves checking out healthy food spots, breaking a sweat and having the ultimate self-care day. FUN FACT “I am part Italian and part English. I am in love with homemade gnocchi. My dad makes the best homemade gnocchi!”  NOURISHEDBLONDE

DR. SYLVIA SANTOS is a naturopathic doctor, clinic director and founder of NatCan Integrative Medical & Wellness Centre located in Vaughan ON. She is passionate about health promotion and integrative medicine and has always believed in leading by example to inspire and educate others to live active and healthy lives. Dr. Santos has a clinical focus in reproductive care, infertility, skin health, thyroid disorders, stress management, digestive issues, autoimmune disease and healthy weight loss. She is is also certified in facial rejuvenation acupuncture, OxyGeneo™ facial treatment and microneedling by eDermaStamp®. “Holistic alternatives to modern cosmetic procedures promote a more youthful, rejuvenated and glowing appearance to your skin,” says Dr. Santos. In addition to her work at NatCan, Dr. Santos is also actively involved in educating the public about health and naturopathic medicine through speaking engagements and media appearances. In her down time, Dr. Santos likes to spend time out in nature, especially with her friends and family. FUN FACT “I’m first generation Canadian. Both my parents were born and raised in Portugal, which in many ways has given me my adventurous food palate and love for cooking!”  DRSANTOSND  NATCANTEAM V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



CARLEY NADINE is a Toronto-based certified holistic nutritionist, recipe developer, and wellness educator. Her goal is to educate, empower and create community through workshops, retreats and public speaking. She uses a realistic approach to help you understand your own body and simplifies the complex world of nutrition, giving you the tools you need to improve your health for a balanced, happy and abundant life. Carley believes in the healing power of food and that each individual is unique in their journey to optimal health.

DANIELLE LINDSAY is a Vancouver-based certified nutritional practitioner, blogger, and recipe developer. After working as a counsellor for a few years, Danielle started experiencing her own challenges with mental health, burn out and thyroid dysfunction. “I decided that there had to be more to life than this,” says Danielle. “So I moved to Vancouver to study nutrition and later combined my passion for food, mental health, and wellness.” Danielle works with women whose anxiety and depression are holding them back from achieving their health goals and living the life of their dreams. She also specializes in balancing the adrenals and thyroid by ditching the “diet” mentality and bringing the body back into balance through stress reduction. FUN FACT Danielle’s love for cooking and food began at a young age while growing up in rural Alberta. Her earliest memories were when she would help her mother and grandmother tend to the garden, harvest fruit, and use all the goodness in the kitchen to provide delicious meals for the family.  THYME_TO_NOURISH


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FUN FACT “In my early 20’s, I bought a one-way ticket to Australia. I ended up working and travelled abroad for two years before coming back home to Canada. I also used to be a bit of a wild child. Now my ideal night is spent quietly at home cooking a delicious meal.”  TRUENORTH.WELLNESS



Former Vancouver city police officer turned Vancouver-based health coach, Suzanne Zilkowsky shares with us her mission to help empower others to live the healthy life they always imagined, no matter what their dreams and aspirations. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



What made you decide to become a health and wellness expert? After graduating from Simon Fraser University with a degree in criminology, I worked with the Vancouver Police Department (VPD). A short while into my work with the VPD, I realized this career choice would negatively impact my longevity and health and my ability to grow as an individual in a healthy capacity. So it was because of this that I made the difficult decision to leave the VPD and launch on a journey towards helping others with their health. Throughout the years, I have gained expert knowledge in physical movement and strengthening, nutrition, ayurvedic medicine, mindfulnessbased stress reduction (MBSR); all of which I use to coach my clients in achieving their health goals. Describe yourself in three words. Compassionate, curious and grateful. You have worked with Grammy award winner Diana Krall? Yes! In 2000, I was hired by Grammy award-winning jazz singer Diana Krall as her exclusive health coach. I travelled with


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Diana extensively on her world tour from 1999 to 2001. I helped her stay healthy through proper nutrition, regular exercise and stress management. I cannot say enough positive words about this very talented and amazing Canadian jazz pianist and singer. It was one of my greatest experiences in life!

told me it’s however the practice works for you around meditation. It could be five minutes or hours of practicing, and it could be moving meditation or transcendental meditation. I would and do share this with all my clients and anyone interested in starting a practice.

What brings you the greatest joy?

Now at the age of 48, probably too much Netflix and Coconut Bliss ice cream!

There are many things that bring me joy. My top ones would be helping others to improve their health, spending quality time with loved ones and loved animals and reconnecting with myself on my yoga mat, in my yoga community. Mindfulness and meditation practices are very important to you. What advice would you give anyone starting the art of meditation? The greatest advice I ever received was speaking with Moby. He

What is your greatest indulgence?

by that choice; instead base it on whether or not you will disappoint yourself. What advice would you give others to live the life they have always imagined? Never stop being curious, always ask questions, explore the unknown and try new things. Life is about discoveries; it doesn’t serve anyone to be stuck.  VANCOUVERHEALTHCOACH

So you’re a Vista Brand Ambassador? I love being a Vista Brand Ambassador! I love representing this magazine as I share very similar values around healthy, organic living. What is the best advice you’ve been given? Don’t make choices based on those who will be disappointed


“Don’t make choices based on those who will be disappointed by that choice; instead base it on whether or not you will disappoint yourself.” V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



Coconut Matcha Smoothie This is a power packed smoothie that I enjoy drinking for breakfast, or as a healthy pick-me-up! It’s easy to drink and does not leave you feeling heavy, so you’re energized for a busy work day ahead. Serves 1 What’s great about this smoothie: MATCHA As far as its health benefits go, matcha is a powerful antioxidant. It’s being used as a pre-workout supplement to increase energy and focus in the gym. Studies have also shown drinking matcha before a workout increases fat loss. So, it’s a win-win. Matcha’s vibrant green comes from high amounts of chlorophyll. This aids the body’s natural cleansing, detoxifying and circulation processes. By cleansing the blood and increasing its pH, the body has a better chance to get more oxygen and nutrients to cells for healing, helping your skin look clearer, more radiant and revitalized. COCONUT It is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium, all vital for the proper functioning of the nervous system. When you eat coconut meat, the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) it contains are transported from the intestinal tract to the liver and immediately transformed into fuel. The MCTs in coconut are converted into ketone bodies as well which show potential as a replacement energy substrate for the brain. PROTEIN It is the key nutrient for ageless, beautiful skin. Your skin, hair and nails are made up of protein, so it’s important to include it in your diet to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

Ingredients • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk • 1 scoop non-GMO protein powder (vanilla for those wanting a sweeter smoothie, otherwise use a natural flavour) • 1 frozen banana, or a small handful of raw cashews • 1 handful of baby spinach leaves, or 1/4 tsp chlorella powder • cup shredded or flaked coconut • 2 tsp matcha tea powder • 1 tsp tahini, or your favourite nut butter

Directions 1 Combine ingredients in a high-powered blender. 2 Blend until smooth and creamy. 3 Serve immediately and enjoy!


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Some of our favourite game changing products for your health

SPREAD’EM KITCHEN makes soft cheezes from cashew nuts that are cultured like traditional cheese! With a short list of simple, whole food ingredients, they’re prepared with care and nutrition in mind. These flavour bombs are dairy, gluten, soy and coconut oil free and suitable for vegan, paleo and keto diets. For recipe ideas, check out SPREADEMKITCHEN.COM or  SPREADEM_KITCHEN

Introducing Cuisinart’s most powerful blender ever. THE HURRICANE PRO has a 3.5 Peak HP motor and professional features that let it outperform every blender in its class. Innovative BlendLogix technology ensures consistent blending speeds regardless of density or volume of ingredients. A variable speed control, a 30,000RPM Turbo Boost feature, and the 6-prong stainless steel blade ensure everything that goes into the extra-large, 64-ounce, BPA-free Tritan jar is blended to perfection. CUISINART.CA  CUISINARTCANADA


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MegaFood WOMEN’S ONE DAILY delivers FoodState Vitamins C, D and folic acid that your body needs, plus 9 mg of FoodState iron to replenish levels lost during menstruation, trace minerals, and a Nourishing Food and Herb Blend for energy and nervous system health. All in a once-a-day tablet that’s easy to digest, even on an empty stomach. MEGAFOODCANADA.COM  MEGAFOODCANADA

DOM’S DEODORANT is passionate about health. Crafted with love and integrity on Canada’s west coast, DOM’S is committed to using 100% plant-based and organic ingredients to create a deodorant cream that is amazingly effective while being kind to the body and the planet. DOMSDEODORANT.COM  DOMSDEODORANT


Have a Healthy & Happy Cycle Help regulate your menstrual cycle naturally, with food KIRSTEN BUCK, HN

Every month, many women suffer from the symptoms of menstruation: painful cramps, bloating, headaches, and the list goes on. Thousands of women also have difficulty menstruating and do not have a regular period each month. There are many processes in our bodies that

depend on hormonal balance such as fertility, mood, weight, energy, as well as skin, nail and hair health. Any issues regarding your period should be discussed with a certified practitioner. Consuming certain types of food before and during your period may help to make period symptoms less severe. One question to ask yourself is “Am I providing my body with enough minerals and nutrients to promote balanced hormones and a healthy menstrual cycle?” Healthy fats and iron are both very important when regulating your menstrual cycle. Fats help your body absorb certain vitamins that give your body the support to build healthy hormones. During the menstruation phase, iron is released and needs to be restored. My lamb meatballs with peppery arugula, served with a smooth avocado-cilantro cashew cream, provide a delicious dose of iron and plenty of healthy fats to nourish your body. These meatballs are easy to make and will make a great appetizer that everyone in the family will love! If meatballs aren’t for you, try my red raspberry leaf iced tea. Although mostly recognized for helping with fertility, red raspberry leaf tea does much more. Drinking it on a regular basis has also been known to help relax the uterus, resulting in less painful menstrual cramps. It also helps with overall hormone balancing. Keep a pitcher in the fridge for an easily accessible and thirst quenching drink option your body and cycle will love.


Red Raspberry Leaf Iced Tea (previous page) Makes: 6 cups

Ingredients • 6 cups of water • 4 red raspberry leaf tea bags • Juice of 1 lemon • 1-2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries • Small handful of fresh mint

Directions 1 In a large pot, bring the water to a boil. Remove the pot from heat and place the tea bags in the pot. Let brew for at least 10-15 minutes. 2 While the tea is brewing, add the remaining ingredients to a large pitcher and muddle the ingredients together to bring out the flavours. 3 Once brewed and slightly cooled down, transfer the tea to the pitcher. Stir together. Store in the fridge until completely cooled before pouring over ice to serve.

“Am I providing my body with enough minerals and nutrients to promote balanced hormones and a healthy menstrual cycle?” 42

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Lamb Meatballs with Avocado-Cilantro Cashew Cream Makes: 16-18 meatballs

Ingredients FOR THE LAMB MEATBALLS • 1 lb ground lamb • 1 egg • ½ cup finely chopped arugula • ¼ cup finely diced onion • 2 garlic cloves, minced • ¼ cup almond flour • 1 tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp smoked paprika • 1 tsp salt • ½ tsp black pepper

FOR THE AVOCADO-CILANTRO CASHEW CREAM • ¾ cup raw cashews • ½ avocado • ½ cup fresh cilantro leaves • 1 garlic clove, minced • ¼ cup + 2 tbsp water • Juice of 1 lemon • ½ tsp fine sea salt • ¼ tsp black pepper

Directions FOR THE LAMB MEATBALLS 1 Place meatball ingredients in a bowl. Mix until all ingredients are combined very well. 2 Scoop into portions that are approximately 1 heaping tablespoon, then roll into balls. You should end up having 16-18 meatballs. 3 Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a skillet, over medium heat. Add half the meatballs and cook, turning to brown all over, for 7-8 minutes, or until cooked through. Transfer to plate, then cook the remaining meatballs.

FOR THE AVOCADO-CILANTRO CASHEW CREAM: 1 Add the cashews into a small bowl and cover with boiling water. Soak for 30 minutes. (Alternatively, you can also soak the cashews overnight in room temperature water.) 2 Drain and rinse the soaked cashews. 3 Add all of the avocado-cashew cream ingredients into a high-speed blender or food processor. Blend on high until a super smooth sauce forms. Add a splash more water if needed.

KIRSTEN BUCK is a Winnipeg-based holistic nutritionist, food lover, and founder of the popular blog and social media platform Buck Naked Kitchen. She focuses on a nutrient dense, paleo approach to eating. Her contributions can also be seen on popular websites such as The FeedFeed, Joyous Health, and The Food Network Canada. She is passionate about creating delicious recipes using fresh seasonal food that inspire others to make healthy choices and find confidence in the kitchen.  BUCKNAKEDKITCHEN

Mineral Rich: Orange Ginger Tofu Stir-Fry This orange ginger tofu stir-fry is a great vegan meal that is rich in calcium. It’s also quick to make – less than 30 minutes so you will have plenty of time to take the kids to soccer, or head to your workout class!

Orange Ginger Tofu Stir-fry Serves 2-3

Ingredients ORANGE GINGER DRESSING • ¾ cup organic orange juice (fortified with calcium) • 2 tbsp coconut aminos (or soy sauce) • 2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp arrowroot powder (or organic corn starch) • 1 tsp ginger, grated


As we know, minerals play an important role in our bodies, especially calcium! Calcium helps build and maintain our bones and teeth, which is a vital part of our health. When we think of calcium sources, most of us probably think of cow’s milk. However, there are many dairy-free calcium rich food sources too! Organic tofu and orange juice are normally fortified with calcium. When fortified, tofu has just as much calcium as a cup of dairy milk, making it a great vegan alternative. Many of these fortified products will also be fortified with vitamin D as this helps with the absorption of calcium in our body. In this recipe, tofu is not only rich in calcium but also a great source of protein. We’ve added loads of vegetables to this dish which contain calcium; spinach is an excellent source of it (even when cooked). This orange ginger dressing pulls everything together by creating a delicious zesty flavour.

BRITTNEY DESROSIERS is a health food blogger from Winnipeg, who is dedicated to sharing quick and easy recipes. Her interest in food and science led her to pursue a degree in Human Nutritional Sciences at the University of Manitoba. During her last semester, she created an Instagram account, EXPLORINGHEALTHYFOODS, to share her passion for nutrition and recipe creation. This quickly evolved into a blog where you will find many healthy recipes, videos and nutrition resources.


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• 2 packages of extra-firm tofu, cut into 1 inch cubes • 2 cups carrots, shredded • 2 cups organic mushrooms, sliced • 2 cups broccoli, chopped • 1 cup spinach • Garnish with black and white sesame seeds, cashews and green onion.

Directions 1 Begin by whisking together dressing ingredients. 2 Sauté tofu with half the dressing. Once tofu has browned slightly (about 10 minutes), add carrots, mushrooms, broccoli and remaining dressing and sauté for another 10 minutes. Then add spinach and cook for 5 more minutes or until spinach has wilted. 3 Garnish stir-fry with sesame seeds, cashews and green onion.


“Tofu is not only rich in calcium but also a great source of protein.”


Jenna Pettigrew

Jenna Pettigrew is a fitness professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. Her goal was to become her own boss and almost four years ago, JennaFIT was born. Over the years, her business has grown and expanded into a community of strong, driven women. She has a strong passion for health, fitness and continual learning. She enjoys reading, sports, going to concerts, and inspiring other women to be bosses of their own lives.

Why do you choose to train people using the boot camp format? How is a boot camp particularly effective for helping people get in shape? Boot camp-style classes offer a combination of weight training and cardio. Weight training is a great way to lose inches and build muscle and the fun group setting encourages my girls to keep coming back. With this class format, there are so many different ways to change up the classes each week, which is essential for reaching new goals. What is the number one thing you do to help a woman love her body? I provide a safe, judgement-free environment for women of all fitness levels. The classes are not about what others can do, or comparing yourself but what you can do. I focus on being positive and encouraging. What’s your approach to nutrition? Generally, I go by the 80/20 rule for nutrition. I don’t believe in dieting, I believe in living a balanced lifestyle eating 80 per cent healthy, and 20 per cent what I want. I don’t deprive myself of any foods because when you do, it often leads to overindulging! When someone is as conditioned as you are, do they still have fitness goals? It’s always important to have goals, big or small! Whether it’s to lift more weight, add more reps or lose inches, it’s good to have something to work towards. Right now, I am focusing on building a bigger booty and maintaining for my wedding day in June! To accomplish this, I am training legs two to three times a week and adding a hot yoga session. What exercises or approaches would you recommend for a woman who is totally new to the gym? The first thing I would recommend is to talk to a fitness professional. They will help you choose the right goals, classes and routines for you and your fitness level. Find something that you enjoy doing. Fitness should not be a chore, it should be enjoyable. Start out small, don’t rush into anything— begin with body weight exercises or light weights. It takes time to build up your body and pushing yourself too hard can cause injury or discourage you from continuing.



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The next generation of vegan proteins



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