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An iVf iNDiA special issue


But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you. Deepak Chopra June is Men’s Health Month. Men have this remarkabale ability to ignore warning signs and signals that their bodies give out. Unlike women men are less likely to go in for regular medical check-ups, ignore ‘minor’ issues and push themselves to the limits. Men also have a tendency to binge - be it work or play, which can lead to many problems. Sexual dysfunction is also on the rise in men. In this issue we take a close look at all this and more. The risk factors for adult chronic diseases, like hypertension and type 2 diabetes, are increasingly seen in younger ages, often a result of unhealthy eating habits and increased weight gain. Dietary habits established in childhood often carry into adulthood, so teaching children how to eat healthy at a young age will help

them stay healthy throughout their life. The link between good nutrition and healthy weight, reduced chronic disease risk, and overall health is too important to ignore. By taking steps to eat healthy, you'll be on your way to getting the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy, active, and strong. As with physical activity, making small changes in your diet can go a long way, and it's easier than you think! Our fitness section offers you the best tips to sculpt a body to die for. Team FitLife looks forward to hearing from you to make ourselves better and more responsive to ‘your’ needs. Disclaimer: This information published in He & She is for educational purposes only and should not be used in any other manner. This information is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider.




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Tips, Tricks & Treats


You do a few things you know you shouldn’t - we all do. But some of those bad habits can take a toll on your brain.

You miss out on sleeP Lack of sleep may be a cause of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. it's best to have regular sleeping hours. if you have trouble with sleep, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and electronics in the evening, and start a soothing bedtime ritual.

You still smoke Smoking can shrink your brain. And that’s not good. it makes your memory worse and makes you twice as likely

to get dementia, including Alzheimer’s. it also causes heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure.

You eat too much Junk fooD Parts of the brain linked to learning, memory, and mental health are smaller in people who have lots of junk food in their diet. Berries, whole grains, nuts, and green leafy vegetables, on the other hand, preserve brain function and slow mental decline


You are lonelY Humans are wired for social contact. it’s not about how many facebook friends you have, what matters is a real sense of connection. People who have that with even just a few close friends are happier and more productive. They’re also less likely to suffer from brain decline and Alzheimer’s.

You are lazY The longer you go without regular exercise, the more likely you are to have dementia. You’re also more likely to get diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure - all of which may be linked to Alzheimer’s.

Brain Facts

You blast Your ears With your earbuds at full volume, you can permanently damage your hearing in only 30 minutes. But it’s not just your ears: Hearing loss in older adults is linked to brain problems, such as Alzheimer’s and loss of brain tissue. So turn it down - no louder than 60% of your device’s maximum volume - and try not to listen for more than a couple of hours at a time.

40% of men in their 40s are affected by ED

15% of men with ED also suffer from periodontitis—a severe form of gum disease

75% of men with diabetes will experience at least some degree of erectile dysfunction MOST MEN WITH ED DON’T ACTUALLY HAVE ED: Older men are more likely to suffer from erectile dissatisfaction than erectile dysfunction. This means that getting and keeping an erection has become more difficult and is more frustrating than it once was, but it’s not impossible.



COULD IMPOTENCE BE IN YOUR GENES? Scientists report they have uncovered the first evidence that erectile dysfunction may have genetic underpinnings. In the study, the researchers analyzed data from hundreds of thousands of men. The investigators found gene variations in a specific spot in the human genome near the SIM1 gene that are significantly associated with an increased risk of impotence. "Identifying this SIM1 locus as a risk factor for erectile dysfunction is a big deal because it provides the long sought-after proof that there is a genetic component to the disease," said study author Eric Jorgenson. He's a research scientist at Kaiser Permanente Northern California's division of research. "Identifying the first genetic risk factor for erectile dysfunction is an exciting discovery because it opens the door for investigations into new, genetic-based therapies," he added in a Kaiser news release. Erectile dysfunction is a common condition among older men and is linked to many causes, such as neurological, hormonal and vascular factors. There are treatments that target these factors, but many men don't respond to them. Genetics are believed to play a role in about onethird of erectile dysfunction cases, but this is the first time that researchers have connected a specific genomic location with the disorder. The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. According to study co-author Dr. Hunter Wessells, "This study points to a new research direction for erectile dysfunction that could help us identify other key genetic variants that trigger the disease and lead to investigations to better understand the precise mechanisms by which they operate." Wessells is chair of urology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. "Hopefully, this will translate into better treatments and, importantly, prevention approaches for the men and their partners who often suffer silently with this condition," he added.

75% of men affected by ED do not seek treatment

69% of men affected by sleep apnea experience reduced sexual desire

49% of men affected by sleep apnea experience reduced sexual arousal WOMEN’S TEARS - CAUSE FOR ED In a bizarre experiment, men were instructed to sniff the tears of women. Their sexual interest and arousal were compared with a group of men who had sniffed a salt solution. The tear sniffers were found to be less sexually aroused and to have reduced levels of testosterone.

Older Brains Can Create New Cells Too Contrary to popular thought, older adults' brains can churn out just as many new cells as younger brains do, a new study suggests. Using autopsied brain tissue, researchers found that healthy older adults had the same capacity to create new cells in the brain's hippocampus region as young adults did. The hippocampus is involved in regulating memory and emotions, and it typically shrinks in people with Alzheimer's disease, according to the Alzheimer's Association. In general, old and young brains were capable of making the same number of new neurons from more primitive "progenitor" cells in the hippocampus. "It's good news that these cells are there in older adults' brains," said lead researcher Dr. Maura Boldrini, an associate professor at Columbia University in New York City. That's not to say that the brain of a healthy 79year-old looks exactly like the brain of a healthy 29year-old. For example, the investigators found that older adults' brains had less "angiogenesis" - or new blood vessel growth. Her team examined autopsied brain tissue from 28 people between the ages of 14 and 79 who'd died suddenly, but had previously been healthy. None had been diagnosed with dementia, or any neurological or psychiatric disorder. Overall, the study found, older and younger brains had similar numbers of "intermediate" progenitor cells and "immature" neurons - signaling that older people had a similar capacity for generating new cells as young people. There were differences, however. Besides having less angiogenesis, the older brains also had a smaller pool of progenitor cells in one area of the hippocampus. By comparing healthy older brains and dementia-

affected brains, she said, researchers could gain a better understanding of why some people stay sharp well into old age, while others decline. The study was published in the journal Cell Stem Cell.

Sitting Tied to Risk of Death From 14 Diseases If you sit for six hours a day or more, your risk of dying early jumps 19 percent, compared with people who sit fewer than three hours, an American Cancer Society study suggests. And, the study authors added, sitting may kill you in 14 ways, including: cancer; heart disease; stroke; diabetes; kidney disease; suicide; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); lung disease; liver disease; peptic ulcer and other digestive disease; Parkinson's disease; Alzheimer's disease; nervous disorders; and musculoskeletal disorders.

"The simple message is that we should be moving more," said lead researcher Alpa Patel. She's strategic director of the cancer society's prevention study-3. "The less sitting you do, the better it is for you," she said. "Breaking up an hour of sitting with 2 minutes of standing or light activity can improve cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure." The increased mortality risk differed by disease, ranging from 10 percent for cancer to 60 percent for musculoskeletal disease, Patel said. For the study, Patel's team collected data on nearly 128,000 men and women who were part of an American Cancer Society prevention study. At the start of the study, all were free of major chronic diseases. During 21 years of follow-up, nearly 49,000 people died. The report was published in June in the American Journal of Epidemiology.



The human brain gets smaller as we get older. This usually happens sometime after middle age. Poor Sleep May Heighten Alzheimer's Risk

Older adults who are sleepy during the day might have harmful plaque building in their brain that is a sign of impending Alzheimer's disease, researchers report. A hallmark of Alzheimer's is the accumulation of a protein in the brain called beta-amyloid. It's believed that one benefit of sleep is to clear beta-amyloid, and poor sleep might allow it to build up, the authors of the new study pointed out. "Elderly individuals with excessive daytime sleepiness may be more vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease-related changes," said corresponding author Prashanthi Vemuri, an associate professor of radiology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Vemuri noted that the new study is only observational and as such does not prove that poor sleep causes an increase in beta-amyloid. The association, however, is so strong that a link between sleep and beta-amyloid probably exists, but exactly what that link may be isn't clear, she added. It's also unclear how much poor sleep it takes to increase beta-amyloid accumulation, the researchers said. Although beta-amyloid buildup is a sign of Alzheimer's, it doesn't doom one to the disease, and might only be a sign of other aging processes, Vemuri suggested. Vemuri's team studied nearly 300 people aged 70 and older who didn't suffer from dementia. About 22 percent reported having excessive daytime sleepiness when the study began. Study participants completed a survey about sleep and had at least two brain scans between 2009 and 2016. The researchers compared the scans in search of changes in the brain. They found increased beta-amyloids in key brain areas in participants who reported being very sleepy during the day. The study was published in the journal JAMA Neurology.



The Mediterranean diet also reduces your risk of breast cancer – by 68% – if supplemented with olive oil. Mediterranean Diet Can Help Women's Hearts Women who stick to a Mediterranean diet have a 25 percent lower risk of heart disease - and researchers say they're starting to understand why. "Our study has a strong public health message that modest changes in known cardiovascular disease risk factors, particularly those relating to inflammation, glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, contribute to the long-term benefit of a Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular disease risk," said study lead author Shafqat Ahmad. He is a research fellow at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "This understanding may have important downstream consequences for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease," Ahmad added in a hospital news release. For the study, the researchers followed more than 25,000 U.S. women for up to 12 years. The women were grouped according to low, medium or high adherence to a Mediterranean diet. Compared to those with low adherence, the risk of heart disease was 23 percent lower among those with medium adherence and 28 percent lower among those with high adherence, or 25 percent lower when both groups were combined. The risk reduction is similar to that provided by cholesterol-lowering statin drugs or other medications to prevent heart disease, according to the study authors. Ahmad's team found an association between a Mediterranean diet and reduced inflammation, accounting for 29 percent of heart disease risk reduction. Improvements in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance accounted for about 28 percent, and lower body mass index, about 27 percent, the findings showed. The investigators also found connections between a Mediterranean diet and changes in blood pressure and cholesterol. The findings were published online in the journal JAMA Network Open.



Is Surgery Right For Some Early Same-sex couples can have babies with shared DNA? Prostate Cancers? Study hints it's possible Same-sex couples might one day be able to produce offspring that share genetic traits from both parents – according to a study involving mice – but researchers caution that although it's an important first step, research inanimals doesn't often pan out in humans.

European researchers found that among nearly 700 men with earlier-stage prostate cancer, those who received surgery to remove the gland lived three years longer, on average, than those assigned to watchful waiting. However, experts had major caveats about the study, which followed men who were treated for prostate cancer 20 to 30 years ago. Namely, the patients had tumors that were larger and more aggressive than the norm for men diagnosed with early prostate cancer in recent years. So the results cannot be translated to most men diagnosed today, experts said. "This is an important study with useful information. But it won't change how we manage prostate cancer today," said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, interim chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society. The study authors themselves made the same point. Lead researcher Dr. Anna Bill-Axelson stressed that the patients were different from many men diagnosed with prostate cancer these days - because they all had "clinically detected" cancer. Many were diagnosed, for instance, after they developed symptoms of prostate cancer. In other cases, a doctor felt the tumor while doing a rectal exam for other reasons. In other words, their tumors were advanced enough to cause symptoms or be palpable. That's in sharp contrast to the situation today, Lichtenfeld said. Most men are now diagnosed through PSA screening. Often, those men do not need immediate treatment, because prostate cancer is typically slow-growing and may never progress to the point of being life-threatening. Experts say that surgery to remove the gland - which can cause incontinence and erectile dysfunction - could do more harm than good. Instead, men diagnosed through PSA screening can often take a wait-and-see approach - where their cancer is monitored, and treated only if it progresses. The study appeared in the Dec. 13 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.



Lesbian and gay couples might one day be able to produce offspring that share genetic traits from both parents, a study in mice has determined. Researchers with the Chinese Academy of Sciences produced 29 healthy mouse pups from two mothers using stem cells and targeted gene editing, according to a new report. "Not only were they born, the reassuring part was that these pups went ahead and had offspring of their own later on," said Dr Tomer Singer, director of reproductive endocrinology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. "They were healthy enough to reproduce, which is important," added Singer, who was not involved in the experiment. The Chinese research team also produced 12 live offspring from two genetic fathers, but the process was more complicated and the offspring lived only a few days. Nevertheless, "this study is a very important first step to prove the concept that in mammals, you may not need a male and a female parent," Singer said. Still, experts note that research in animals often doesn't pan out in humans. The research was published in the journal Cell Stem Cell.


World's First Baby Born From Deceased Donor's Transplanted Uterus The world's first baby born to a woman who had a uterus transplant from a deceased donor shows that such transplants can be successful, Brazilian doctors say. The 6-pound baby girl was delivered by C-section to an unidentified young woman who had been born without a uterus. The birth shows that pregnancies involving a uterus from a deceased donor are viable, said study leader Dr. Dani Ejzenberg. "The first uterus transplants from live donors were a medical milestone, creating the possibility of childbirth for many infertile women with access to suitable donors and the needed medical facilities," said Ejzenberg, who practices at the University of Sao Paolo. The Brazilian team reported the case Dec. 4 in The Lancet. Ejzenberg stressed that it's rare that living women are willing and eligible to donate a uterus to a family member or close friend. That's why the new report is so important, he said. "The use of deceased donors could greatly broaden access to this treatment, and our results provide proof-of-concept for a new option for women with uterine infertility," Ejzenberg said in a journal news release. There have been 10 other uterus transplants from deceased donors performed in the United States, the Czech Republic and Turkey, but this one in Brazil is the first to result in a live birth. Ten attempts were made – in the United States, the Czech Republic, and Turkey – before this success.

The 32-year-old recipient was born without a uterus as a result of a rare syndrome. Four months before the transplant, she had in vitro fertilisation resulting in eight fertilised eggs, which were preserved through freezing. The donor was a 45-year-old woman who died from a stroke. Her uterus was removed and transplanted in surgery that lasted more than 10 hours. The surgical team had to connect the donor’s uterus with the veins, arteries, ligaments, and vaginal canal of the recipient. To prevent her body from rejecting the new organ, the woman was given five different drugs, along with antimicrobials, anti-blood clotting treatments, and aspirin. After five months, the uterus showed no sign of rejection, ultrasound scans were normal, and the woman was menstruating regularly. The fertilised eggs were implanted after seven months. Ten days later, doctors delivered the good news: she was pregnant. Besides a minor kidney infection – treated with antibiotics – during the 32nd week, the pregnancy was normal. After nearly 36 weeks a baby girl weighing 2.5kg (about six pounds) was delivered via caesarean section. Mother and baby left the hospital three days later. The transplanted uterus was removed during the C-section, allowing the woman to stop taking the immunosuppressive drugs. The baby was born on 5 December 2017, but the case study has only recently been published.

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female babies born have MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome).Girls with MRKH have normal ovaries and fallopian tubes. Most often the uterus is absent or tiny. The vaginal canal is typically shorter and narrower than usual or it may be absent.



Hot Weather & You Intense heat has scorched the country for more than 30 consecutive days, primarily in northern and central India. Temperatures have crossed 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit) in some places. This kind of heat can wreak havoc on your body. Find out all that can happen... sweating It’s your natural cooling system. Your body pushes sweat out onto the surface of your skin. As the air absorbs it (evaporation), it draws heat away and cools you down. This works better in drier climates where humidity is low. You might get very tired and sometimes seriously ill if it doesn’t work quickly enough. heatstroke This is heat at its most dangerous. You can’t control your body temperature, which can go above 104 degrees. Your skin gets warm and dry. You might get confused or agitated, and have a fast pulse, nausea, and a headache. Call emergency right away. Left untreated, it may cause seizures, coma, and can be life-threatening. Get to a cool area, sip something (if you can), and pack ice under your arms and between your legs.

heat exhaustion It happens in extreme heat when your body can’t get cool enough and sweats away too much water and salt. You get pale and clammy, and your temperature often goes over 100 degrees. You also may feel tired, weak, lightheaded, and nauseated, and have a headache. Get to a cool shaded area, lie down, and drink something with salt and sugar. Sip water if that’s all you have. If you ignore it, it could lead to heatstroke, which is an emergency. DehyDration When it’s very hot, you can sweat away too much fluid, along with essential minerals like sodium and potassium. You may be thirsty and pee less than usual, and your mouth and tongue might feel dry. You could even feel dizzy, lightheaded, and confused. Head for a cool place and drink something shikanji. Serious cases need emergency care, including IV fluids.

heat rash It happens, often in hot humid weather, when you sweat so much that your sweat glands get blocked and you break out in tiny red bumps. It’s more likely at your armpits, groin, neck, elbows, and under the breasts. Wear light, loose, absorbent clothing like cotton. Try to stay as cool and dry as possible.

sunBurn Bare skin burns if it’s in the sun too long. It may get reddish, itchy, painful, and warm to the touch. If serious, you could have blisters, headache, fever, and nausea. Get inside, drink plenty of water, and don’t pop any blisters. A cold, damp cloth and aloe vera lotions may help soothe the pain. Prevent sunburn with clothes, hats, and broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least 30 SPF.

heat eDema Heat can cause your fingers, toes, or ankles to swell and make your skin feel tight. It's not serious and usually goes away when you cool down and elevate your legs. Talk to your doctor if it causes pain, keeps happening, or doesn't get better. higher heart rate When you get hot, your heart may beat faster. It does that in order to pump more blood to your skin, where it can release some of that extra heat. As a result, other parts of your body may not get enough blood.

Lower BLooD Pressure When you’re hot, you sweat. That makes you lose fluids and electrolytes. Together, these things might drop your blood pressure, sometimes enough to make you dizzy or even pass out. It could be even worse if your heart doesn’t pump normally and isn’t able to adjust to the greater demand. confusion You may find it harder to concentrate and do hard tasks as things heat up. It’s usually nothing to worry about, and you can fix it with a rest in a cool place and something to drink. But if you’re already sick from the heat and you become seriously confused about where you are or what you’re doing, it could be a sign of heatstroke, which needs immediate medical care.

fainting It’s more likely when you’re new to a hot place, so take care to stay hydrated. Heat can dehydrate you and make it harder for your brain to get enough blood. That may make you dizzy and pass out. It might be worse if you stand for a long time or get up suddenly. Getting used to a hotter place can take up to 2 weeks. If you feel faint, lie down and raise your legs above your head. Go to a cool area and drink fluids as soon as possible.

Precautions in a heat wave • Drink lots of water, even if you’re not thirsty. • avoid caffeine and alcohol, which dehydrate you. • eat lighter meals, more often. • wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. • stay inside as much as possible and avoid outdoor chores. • never leave a child or pet alone in a car, even if it’s not that hot outside.


of eggs frozen using vitrification survive the freezing & thawing process

'Panic Parenting' Fear Drives Many Women to Freeze Eggs Trying to avoid "panic parenting" is the reason why many single women freeze their eggs for non-medical reasons, a small new study suggests.

Sperm count 50% lower in sons of fathers who smoke Panic parenting refers to having a relationship just to have a baby. "Whilst the number of women freezing their eggs remains small, many more are now considering this option as a way of extending the window of time they have to pursue genetic motherhood," said researcher Kylie Baldwin, from the Center for Reproduction Research at De Montfort University in Leicester, England. "Clinics providing this technology have a responsibility to support informed decision-making by providing women who inquire about egg freezing with detailed information about the likelihood of achieving a live birth specific to their age at freezing," Baldwin added. In the study, Baldwin's team interviewed 31 women, 84 percent of whom were single, who had their eggs frozen for "social" reasons. The women's average age was 37. The group included 23 women from the United Kingdom, seven from the United States, and one from Norway. The most common reason for egg freezing was not having a partner or having a partner who wouldn't commit to fatherhood, the findings showed. Some of the women said they wanted to relieve the pressure of trying to find a suitable partner. Many said they hoped never to have to use their frozen eggs because they would conceive naturally with a future partner. Several said that freezing their eggs was emotionally difficult because they wanted to become mothers with a committed partner. The researchers also found that the information available to women considering freezing their eggs was inadequate. For example, nearly all of the women said the clinics they talked with couldn't provide an estimate of the chances of a live birth with the frozen eggs. There was also little in-depth discussion with doctors about processes and outcomes after egg freezing. The study was published online in the journal Human Fertility.



Studies have repeatedly linked maternal smoking during pregnancy with reduced sperm counts in male offspring. Now a research team at Lund University in Sweden has discovered that, independently of nicotine exposure from the mother, men whose fathers smoked at the time of pregnancy had half as many sperm as those with non-smoking fathers. The study was conducted on 104 Swedish men aged between 17 and 20. Once the researchers had adjusted for the mother's own exposure to nicotine, socioeconomic factors, and the sons' own smoking, men with fathers who smoked had a 41 per cent lower sperm concentration and 51 per cent fewer sperm than men with non-smoking fathers. The research team at Lund University is the first to have reported this finding. "I was very surprised that, regardless of the mother's level of exposure to nicotine, the sperm count of the men whose fathers smoked was so much lower," says Jonatan Axelsson, specialist physician in occupational and environmental medicine. The biomarker cotinine is a metabolite from nicotine which can be measured in the blood. By measuring the level of cotinine, researchers can see whether the parents themselves smoke or whether they have been exposed to passive smoking. Many previous studies have shown that it is harmful to the fetus if the mother smokes but, in this study, the link between the father's smoking habit and the son's sperm count is even clearer.

Your Apple Watch Can Spot Dangerous A-Fib

That shiny new Apple Watch you got this holiday could potentially alert you to heart trouble you didn't know you had. The watch contains a simple electrocardiogram (ECG) that tracks your heart rhythm and can detect the presence of atrial fibrillation ("A-fib"), an irregular heartbeat that increases your risk for stroke and heart failure. More than 400,000 Apple Watch wearers have enrolled in a Stanford University-led study to determine how accurately the wearable technology detects the condition. "It's a unique study that is driven by consumers," said Dr. Matthew Martinez, chair of the American College of Cardiology's Sports and Exercise Cardiology Council. "I think it's going to give us a lot of great information." One person says the Apple Watch already has alerted him to the potentially dangerous irregular heartbeat. Ed Dentel, a 46-year-old man from Richmond, Va., updated the software on his Apple Watch earlier this month and was shocked when its ECG app immediately pinged him. "The application on the launch sounded off right away with atrial fibrillation - not something I've ever heard of, but since I'm in pretty decent health

and never had a problem before, I didn't give it much thought," Dentel said. "I figured something was glitchy, so I set everything down and turned in for the night." The watch pinged again when Dentel put it on over breakfast the next morning. He drove to a nearby urgent care center, where doctors confirmed the watch's report. "I was dealing with a case of atrial fibrillation that I never knew I had and probably wouldn't have known anytime soon," Dentel said. A-fib occurs when abnormal electrical impulses causes the top chambers of the heart, the atria, to quiver and spasm. Blood can pool in heart chambers affected by a-fib, increasing the risk of stroke-causing blood clots. People with a-fib often are prescribed blood thinners. Apple says its watch contains optical sensors and built-in electrodes that measure your blood flow and the electrical signals from your heart. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in September announced that it had cleared two medical apps created by Apple to work on the watch. But the device is not sophisticated enough to detect more complex heart problems.

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40% is the odds of male infertility increase for every 9 Kgs a man is overweight.

Could bariatric surgery make men more virile? Researchers find that weight loss surgery may boost levels of testosterone in men, but has no positive effect on sperm quality

Male virgins can still acquire HPV, study finds Researchers emphasize importance of vaccination before sexual debut Men who have never engaged in sexual intercourse are still at risk for acquiring HPV, according to a study published recently in the Journal of Infectious Diseases by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health. The study included 87 male virgins between the ages of 18 and 70 from Brazil, Mexico and the U.S. The participants were followed every six months for up to 10 visits between 2005 and 2009. Male virgins who did not have sex during the research period acquired HPV despite never having engaged in penetrative sexual intercourse, although they acquired the virus at about half the rate as those who began having sex during the study period. Researchers believe that HPV was transmitted to male virgins enrolled in the study through nonpenetrative sexual behavior such as hand-togenital contact or genital-to-genital contact.



Men who have undergone bariatric surgery as a long-term way of losing weight might also benefit from increased testosterone levels postsurgery. However, there is no evidence that the sperm quality of a patient improves. These are the findings of a comprehensive review in the Springer journal Obesity Surgery, which is the official publication of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO). The research was led by Shahzeer Karmali and was a collaborative effort between Yung Lee of McMaster University and Jerry Dang of the University of Alberta in Canada. In all, 28 studies carried out between 1998 and 2018 drawing on data from more than 1000 patients were included in the review. The studies all examined the effect of bariatric surgery on male sex hormones or sperm characteristics in patients with obesity. Lee and his colleagues found that patients' testosterone levels significantly increased after they had undergone bariatric surgery. Consistent with an increase in testosterone, levels of the hormones LH, FSH, and SHBG were also boosted. The amount of the female sex hormones estradiol and prolactin also notably dropped. These hormonal changes meant that erectile function also significantly increased after bariatric surgery. However, sperm characteristics such as volume, concentration, ability to move and build did not change much after bariatric surgery. In fact, several cases reported the worsening of such sperm parameters. "This may be because any positive hormonal changes after bariatric surgery are counterbalanced by nutritional malabsorption and insufficiencies," explains Lee. "Bariatric surgery appears to be effective in increasing male sex hormones and decreasing female sex hormones in obese male patients. However, our review also suggests that bariatric surgery has no benefits on sperm parameters," explains Lee. "Long-term comparative studies or adequately powered randomized controlled trials are warranted to further examine the impact of bariatric surgery on male sex hormones and sperm quality."

A Fish Diet Boosts Sex and Fertility Adding more seafood to the diet could help get couples' sex lives, and even their fertility, back in the swim of things, new research shows. The study couldn't prove cause and effect, but couples who ate more fish each week were more likely to conceive children during the year of the study. "Our study suggests seafood can have many reproductive benefits, including shorter time to pregnancy and more frequent sexual activity," said study author Audrey Gaskins, from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. The new research was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. For the study, Harvard researchers tracked outcomes for 500 couples in Michigan and Texas for one year. All of the couples were planning a pregnancy, and the couples recorded the amount of seafood they ate and kept daily journals of their sexual activity.

Think Sex, Sneeze More? Sexual Thoughts, Orgasms Are Among the "Unusual Triggers of Sneezing," Doctors Report Sure, you sneeze when you've got a cold. But some sneezes may happen just by thinking about sex or having an orgasm, British doctors report. Mahmood Bhutta, a specialist in ear-nose-and-throat surgery at England's Wexham Park Hospital, writes of a colleague who once had a patient who "described uncontrollable fits of sneezing" immediately after having any sexual thought. That patient, who was a middle-aged man, had no other symptoms. He said he'd had those sneezing fits immediately after thinking sexual thoughts throughout his adult life. Bhutta and his colleague decided to do a little research, and they figured that since the condition might be embarrassing, it might not get reported - except in Internet chat rooms. So the researchers googled "sex, sneeze, OR sneezing" twice in 2007, and came up with reports by 17 people men and women - who reported sneezing right after thinking sexual thoughts, and reports by three people of sneezing after orgasm. Long before the Internet - back in the 19th century - there

were reports of rare people who sneezed when sexually excited, but "there was no credible reason given for the phenomenon," Bhutta's team writes. Bhutta's paper doesn't settle why some people sneeze when they think sexual thoughts or when they have an orgasm. But the researchers suggest that sexual thoughts or orgasm might trigger the body's subconscious nervous system, which could lead to sneezing in some people. The report appears in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.



Benefits of Lemon Water Digestive aiD Had a long night of tossing and turning as a result of acid reflux or indigestion? Have a hard time digesting certain breakfast foods (oats, cereal, eggs, tomatoes, etc.)? Want to ensure you have healthier digestive function all day long? Down a glass of lemon water to kick the day off right! The acid in lemon juice will also help to break down your food more efficiently, making it easier for your body to extract maximum nutrients from every meal. It slows down the absorption rate and prevents blood sugar spikes. As a bonus, lemon juice helps to loosen the toxins floating around in your GI tract, relieve the painful symptoms that accompany indigestion, and even reduce the risk of burping and bloating resulting from excess gas production in your gut. immune Booster Lemons are one of the best sources of ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C. Your immune system relies on Vitamin C to function properly. Without enough Vitamin C, it is unable to defend against certain bacteria, viruses, germs, fungi, and parasites. Getting more Vitamin C can essentially improve your body’s natural immunity and defenses against pathogens.

Breath-frienDLy Bad breath is primarily caused by bacteria, either in the mouth, throat, or digestive tract. If you’ve got bad breath, it’s a sign that there are too many bacteria flourishing in your body. To deal with the problem, drink a few glasses of lemon water throughout the day, and swish each mouthful around before swallowing. The acid in the lemon juice will kill off the bacteria, leaving your mouth free of the bad smell. fights infLammation Lemon water is one of the best inflammation-fighting foods. The antioxidants in lemons are also powerful anti-inflammatory agents. They can help to reduce swelling (even minor internal swelling), thereby enabling your body to repair any damaged tissue. For those with inflammatory diseases (such as arthritis), lemon water can be a simple yet highly effective method for combatting the swelling. weight Loss Lemon does offer a few benefits that can make weight loss easier: • It suppresses your appetite. • It stimulates your metabolism. • It limits calories.

reDuces BLoating Bloating is a problem that is fairly common in this modern day and age, thanks to the wide range of gooD source of Potassium chemicals and additives used in Potassium is one of the most vital the manufacturing of the food minerals, for some reasons: and drinks we eat. Lemon is a di• It plays a role in regulating fluid uretic, meaning it encourages the balance. healthy elimination of water via • It keeps your brain healthy. your urine. • It is vital for healthy bones. • It is vital for heart function.



how to make your own Lemon water The real benefits of lemon water come from EVERY part of the lemon, not just the juice. This includes the oil and the fiber in the pulp. To make proper lemon water takes a bit more time than you’d expect. here is how it’s done: step 1: Cut the lemon into thin slices. You’ll use 2-3 lemons per pitcher. step 2: Place the lemon slices in a 2-quart pitcher. (It’s best to make a large quantity at once) step 3: Fill the pitcher with water, and place it in the fridge. step 4: Let it sit in the fridge for 3-4 hours to ensure that the maximum nutrients are extracted from the fruit. step 5: Serve and enjoy! The beauty of this is that you can use the same lemon slices for at least 2-3 pitchers of lemon water before they lose their flavor and nutrients. Photography: Neelendra Singh

58% of smartphone users have downloaded a fitness or health app Health and fitness app usage grew 330% in just 3 years 96% users are loyal to only one health and fitness app. Over 75% of active users open their app at least twice a week, and more than 25% access their apps RunKeepeR more than 10 times a week Workout and weight loss apps account for nearly 75% of all health and fitness app sessions. This can be attributed to wearables which encourage users to track their weight or exercises daily

RunKeeper is your personal trainer in your pocket. It tracks your workout so that you can improve your fitness. This mobile app is available on Android and iOS both platforms. With this app, you can track your running, walking, cycling, hiking, biking and more using the GPS in your Android phone. You will be able to see detailed stats around your pace, distance, time, and calories burned.Create targets and goals, then measure your performance over time. It also comes with Twitter and Facebook integration, so, you can also share your fitness progress with friends. HealtHtap HealthTap is another nice mobile app that is full health care solution. Users can write their health related questions here and get answers from real doctors. Doctors are verified and they need to show the proof while registering on the service. So, you do not need to worry. You are always getting right solution from qualified persons. You can also see questions asked by other people in the community and expert advises. The


app boasts to have over 108,000 top docs available to help you live healthier life. My Fitness pal My Fitness Pal app is basically a calorie counter app. This health app also allows users to keep track their calories and their exercises. With this app, users can connect with other people to get motivation and stay focused on their goal. After installing this app, you will get access to more than 1 million food database and a large community of people. The service is free with no hidden costs. liFesuM Lifesum is an interesting app that combines diet and exercise. You can put your diet details and follow the guidelines. It asks you several questions like weight, height, gender, and your fitness goals to give you better personalized recommendations from that info. After few basic features, you need to buy subscript for better service.

Health MyTrainer Dasi

Wearable Tech

Boltt Men's Smart Grey Running Shoes Rs 1099/-

SAFER Smart JewelleryPendant with White Safer V1.0 • SAFER is a safety device for women in form a pendant • Send SOS Alerts to guardians with a double press of the button on back side of the pendant • Share live location with friends when feeling unsafe while travelling. $ 40

MyTrainer Dasi is also a health app similar to Lifesum. It also asks for your age, height, and weight. Then it recommends your diet and exercise routines. It doesn’t do much more but offers good features considering it doesn’t ask any subscription of in-app purchase. It automatically adjusts the difficulty and volume of the workout depending on the body type and body fat percentage. This app is only available for Android.

Apps that Help

Tech For

Happify Happify helps you overcome stress and negative thoughts. It offers evidence-based solutions for better emotional health and wellbeing. It has effective tools and programs to help you control your feelings and thoughts. If negativity is keeping you in depression, you should not miss this app. pockeT yoga

Pocket Yoga is a free app to learn niix yoga withNiix is the fitout going ness app deto a dedisigned for cated center. It comes with 27 different seswomen apsions of varying durations and difficulties. It proaching 40 features over 200 beautifully illustrated imand beyond. ages with correct posture and alignment It has 8 week along with detailed voice and visual instructargeted programmes for all levels of fitness. tion guides. You choose your program, learn the moves and workout. The app is free to download but argus with membership fees. Argus is a fitness app HeaDspace that moniHeadspace is a tors your meditation app sleep, heart that helps you rate, caloin keeping your ries, & more. You can create your custom mind calm. The workout plan and follow it to maintain your app teaches you how to meditate There are health. You can even track how much calories exercises on everything from managing anxi- you consume in a day and how much you ety and stress to breathing, sleep, happiness, have burnt. calm and focus.



eat SlowlY This gives your brain the chance to get the signal that you’re full, so you’re less likely to overeat.

Manage Your StreSS Do something that calms you.

SocialiZe It’s not about how many people you know or how often you see them. What matters is a real connection with others. It can make you happier, more productive, and less likely to have health problems.

DitcH tHe Juice, eat tHe fruit If you like orange juice, have an orange instead.

taKe tiMe off It’s a time when you can bond with family and friends, which is good for your mental & physical health.

get Your ZZZS A lack of sleep can lead to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression.

Have a DrinK A little alcohol can be good for your heart health, your stress level, and even your sex life.

Have Sex It’s linked to heart health, brain health, a long life, a strong relationship, and even happiness. Just keep it safe.


Be active Exercise is a proven way to improve your health, your mental wellbeing, and even your libido. You don’t have to sign up for the Mumbai Marathon - just get your heart rate up for 30 minutes or so a few times a week.

Keep Moving If you work in an office, get up and walk around every hour or so, or try a standing desk for part of the day.

Dance It keeps your mind sharp because it’s a skill that involves body movement

Do This For A Healthy You fitlife

Why Your Heart Needs A Good Night's Sleep Six hours: That's the minimum amount of sleep per night you need to help your heart stay healthy, new research suggests. The study found that chronic lack of sleep and poor sleep quality raise the odds of fatty plaque accumulation in arteries - a condition known as atherosclerosis, which increases the odds of heart attack and stroke. There are many ways to fight heart disease, including "pharmaceuticals, physical activity and diet," said lead researcher Jose Ordovas, at the National Center for Cardiovascular Research in Madrid, Spain. "But this study emphasizes we have to include sleep as one of the weapons we use to fight heart disease - a factor we are compromising every day." In the new research, his team used coronary ultrasound and CT scans to track the artery health of nearly 4,000 Spanish adults. The study participants, average age 46, did not have heart disease at the beginning of the study. The study couldn't prove cause and effect, but people who slept less than six hours a night were 27 percent more likely to have body-wide atherosclerosis than those who slept seven to eight hours a night, Ordovas and his colleagues reported. Participants with "poor-quality" sleep - frequent awakenings or difficulty getting to sleep - were also 34 percent more likely to have atherosclerosis, compared to those with good-quality sleep.

Stem Cell Transplant May Help Some Aggressive MS A stem cell transplant may help some people with multiple sclerosis (MS) when standard drugs fail. The study focused on 110 patients with aggressive cases of MS: Their symptoms had flared up at least twice in the past year despite taking standard medication, and they'd already tried an average of three of those drugs. Researchers randomly assigned the patients to either keep trying other medications or have a stem cell transplant using cells taken from their own blood. Over an average of three years, MS progressed in 34 of 55 patients on medication. That compared with only three of 55 patients given a stem cell transplant. "Any treatment that is powerful can also be dangerous," said Burt, who is chief of immunotherapy and autoimmune diseases at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. "You don't want to use it too soon, or too late. And you don't want to overuse it." Those precautions were echoed by Bruce Bebo, executive director of research for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. "This study should be celebrated," said Bebo. But, he stressed, the treatment is still experimental and can only be done safely at a handful of centers around the world. Stem cell transplants are done at many hospitals to treat cancer. But, Bebo said, there's an "art and science" to using them for MS.

MS is a neurological disorder caused by a misguided immune system attack on the body's own myelin - the protective sheath around nerve fibers in the spine and brain. Depending on where the damage occurs, symptoms include vision problems, muscle weakness, numbness and difficulty with balance and coordination.


Supplements, products, stuff for a healthier you

low gi Sugar OneLife Low GI white Sugar contains a combination of natural herbal extracts that reduce the Glycemic index (GI) of Sugar. The GI value of Onelife Low GI White Sugar is 43, which is considered as a Low GI food. Replace your sugar with Onelife Low GI White Sugar in all your favourite recipes and treat your sweet tooth guiltlessly. rs 166 for 500 gms

Glycemic index (GI) is a measurement of how much sugar (glucose) is absorbed into the blood in a fixed time period, after eating a portion of the food with a fixed quantity of carbohydrate. Lower the glycemic index of carbohydrates, less will be the rise of sugar after meal in an individual’s blood glucose levels. GI <55 = Low GI 55-70 = Medium GI >70 = High Our sugar achieves low GI from the Glycemic action of the natural herbal extracts used.

cHarcoal & claY luxurY BatHing Bar 100 % Handmade using the finest Natural ingredients using cold process method. Each bar is handmade and takes approximately 4 weeks. This bathing bar has properties of activated bamboo charcoal. Just a bit of charcoal can absorb and trap so many toxins from our skin.

organic eucalYptuS HoneY ORGANIC EUCALYPTUS HONEY comprises of nectar collected from the flowers of the Eucalyptus tree, famous for its unique medicinal properties. As the name suggests, Eucalyptus Honey contains a mild flavor of the Eucalyptus flower. The health benefits of One Life’s Eucalyptus Honey are many- anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and stimulant. Taking eucalyptus honey either with milk or tea treats constipation. To treat gastric disorders, one tablespoon of eucalyptus honey can be consumed daily on an empty stomach. Regular consumption of Eucalyptus Honey can help get you rid of all stomach related ailments while maintaining the gut ecology.



colD preSSeD virgin olive oil ONE LIFE ™ virgin olive oil is 100% pure and processed by cold pressing of raw olive fruit. The olives have been grown without any use of synthetic chemicals or pesticides and organically certified by CAAE & JAS. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). It helps support heart health, manage cholesterol, improves skin health and immunity. rs 551 for 500 ml apple ciDer vinegar is 100 % natural and is made from the juice of delicious Himalayan apples known for its wholesome and lasting relief. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used for its broad spectrum health condition benefits. rs 424

grape SeeDex for antioxiDant Support Grape seed extract antioxidant tablet (GRAPE SEEDEX ™) is a potent antioxidant and it is known to protect organs from free radical damage caused by oxidative stress, environmental pollution and may help induce beneficial effect on human health.

HiMalaYan pinK Salt luxurY BatHing Bar 00 % Handmade using the finest Natural ingredients using cold process method. Each bar is handmade and takes approximately 4 weeks. This bathing bar has properties of shea butter, pine, olives and calamine powder. Pure Himalayan bath salt is pink colour because it’s rich in 84 essential minerals and vitamins including natural iodine. Himalayan salt offers detoxifying benefits, stimulates circulation and soothes sore muscles.

All products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. People with known medical conditions and or taking medications, should consult medical professional before consuming the product. The result may vary from person to person.

100% Natural Zodiac based Essential Oils Scorpio – eSSential oilS Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil & Geranium Oil are essential oils that will help encourage adventuring and the free spirit. Lavender Oil, Frankincense Oil helps with stress and tension. Basil Oil and Bergamot Oil helps support the addictive nature. DIRECTIONS FOR USE • Add 5-6 drops in your diffuser and allow the aroma to fill your room. • Put 2-3 drops in your handkerchief and inhale. • Put 4-5 drops around your pillow while sleeping. • Put 4-5 drops in your bathtub before taking bath.

tauruS – eSSential oilS Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil & Geranium Oil are essential oils that will help encourage adventuring and the free spirit. Lavender Oil, Frankincense Oil helps with stress and tension. Basil Oil and Bergamot Oil helps support the addictive nature. DIRECTIONS FOR USE • Add 5-6 drops in your diffuser and allow the aroma to fill your room. • Put 2-3 drops in your handkerchief and inhale. • Put 4-5 drops around your pillow while sleeping. • Put 4-5 drops in your bathtub before taking bath.

ABOUT ONELIFE Incepted in 2017, OneLife is a product of Lasons India’s many years of expert insights into the global health and nutrition industry. A product born purely out of passion, OneLife is built on the vision of enabling all to live their one life, right. To ensure the best nutrition, wellness and beauty available for all, OneLife, backed by expert insights and through extensive research, has introduced vitamins and nutritional supplements addressing various health and lifestyle needs amongst other products

garcilean ™ is a blend of natural plant extracts which may help in achieving weight loss. Garcinia cambogia contains a key active constituent hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which prevents fat deposition and may help in weight management. Green coffee bean extract may help reduce body fat and body weight. Green Tea acts as a fat burner and may help burn more calories. rs 849




Supplements, products, stuff for a healthier you

NEW SEASON NEW REASON EXCLUSIVE QUENCHERS FROM BARISTA Barista has launched the season two of the much liked summer delights with Quenchers 2.0. Bigger than the previous season, seven new flavours are added to the Quencher menu which is a mix of smoothies, shakes, iced teas, mojitos etc thus, announcing the arrival of summers at Barista outlets across India.

Banoffee pie A crunchy creamy banoee pie in a bottle. Price: Rs 699/ onwards Availability: At all Barista retail outlets. Time: 11:30 AM to 11:30 PM

So rush to your nearest Barista outlet and grab your favorite Quenchers range this Summer Season.

BerrY frappe Fresh picked berries bottled up with love. Availability: At all Barista retail outlets. Time: 11:30 AM to 11:30 PM



Kaffir liMe An icy soul refreshing KaďŹƒr experience with mint waves Availability: At all Barista retail outlets. Time: 11:30 AM to 11:30 PM

JacK froSt A rarest of rare combination of coconut, pineapple and jack frost. Availability: At all Barista retail outlets. Time: 11:30 AM to 11:30 PM


Supplements, products, stuff for a healthier you

HEALTHY SNACKS FOR KIDS Kids are notoriously picky when it comes to food. Finding healthy snacks for kids, day in and day out usually seems like an impossible task. Too Yumm, seems to solve the problem. The brand offers an extensive range of snacking options – Fox Nuts, Veggie Sticks, Quinoa Puffs, Multigrain Chips and the newly launched Karare. Available in irresistible flavor combinations, Too Yumm! offerings make for a wholesome snack.

foxnutS Foxnuts aka Too Yumm!’s yummy version of Makhana available in unique flavors like Tandoori, Chatpata Masala and Homestyle Classic have the richness of protein and natural oxidants. Kids can snack on it guiltlessly without affecting their health.

Multigrain cHipS Most health conscious households have made a shift to multigrain – be it bread or atta as a healthier option. Too Yumm!’s multigrain chips has all the goodness of proteins and is non-fried with zero trans-fat. The burst of Dahi Papdi Chat, Tangy Tomato & Chinese Hot & Sour flavors will make the kids savour every bite. A unique combination of this product mixed with Poha or homemade oats makes for an interesting health recipe for kids.

Quinoa puffS Quinoa is blessed with a plethora of health benefits. No single source of food (in the plant or animal kingdom), apart from quinoa, can provide all the essential life-sustaining nutrients. It contains all nine of the essential amino acids, thus making it a ‘complete protein’. Also available in Tikka Masala and Khatta Meetha options.

veggie Stix Incorporates real vegetables providing for a guilt-free snack binge. This wholesome snack available in irresistible flavors like Cheese & Herbs and Sour Cream & Onion makes for the perfect quick snack, catering to the needs of the kids’ palate.

These snacks contain 40% less fat and are available in 25 flavors.




figHtS gerMS Certain chemical compounds in fresh ginger help your body ward off germs. They’re especially good at halting growth of bacteria like E.coli and shigella,and they may also keep viruses like RSV at bay.

KeepS Your MoutH HealtHY Ginger’s antibacterial power may also brighten your smile. Active compounds in ginger called gingerols keep oral bacteria from growing. These bacteria are the same ones that can cause periodontal disease, a serious gum infection.

calMS nauSea The old wives’ tale may be true: Ginger helps if you’re trying to ease a queasy stomach, especially during pregnancy. It may work by breaking up and getting rid of builtup gas in your intestines. It might also help settle seasickness or nausea caused by chemotherapy.

Health Benefits Of

eaSeS perioD painS Got menstrual cramps? Ginger powder may help. In studies, women who took 1,500 milligrams of ginger powder once a day for 3 days during their cycle felt less pain than women who didn’t.

lowerS BlooD Sugar One recent small study suggested that ginger may help your body use insulin better. Larger studies are needed to see if ginger could help improve blood sugar levels.

curBS cancer growtH Some studies show that bioactive molecules in ginger may slow down the growth of some cancers like colorectal, gastric, ovarian, liver, skin, breast, and prostate cancer. But much more research is needed to see if this is true.



eaSeS artHritiS SYMptoMS Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, which means it reduces swelling. That may be especially helpful for treating symptoms of both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. You might get relief from pain and swelling either by taking ginger by mouth or by using a ginger compress or patch on your skin.

SootHeS Sore MuScleS Ginger won’t whisk away muscle pain on the spot, but it may tame soreness over time. In some studies, people with muscle aches from exercise who took ginger had less pain the next day than those who didn’t.

ginger lowerS cHoleSterol A daily dose of ginger may help you battle your “bad” or LDL cholesterol levels. In a recent study, taking 5 grams of ginger a day for 3 months lowered people’s LDL cholesterol an average of 30 points.

relieveS inDigeStion If you live with chronic indigestion, also called dyspepsia, ginger could bring some relief. Ginger before meals may make your system empty faster, leaving less time for food to sit and cause problems.

protectS againSt DiSeaSe Ginger is loaded with antioxidants, compounds that prevent stress and damage to your body’s DNA. They may help your body fight off chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diseases of the lungs, plus promote healthy aging.

fitness fundas


Triceps A step-by-step guide to maximize your workout. tricepS rope caBle puSH Down execution: Stand with an upright posture closer to the cable, lean your upper body slightly forward and grab the rope . this becomes your starting position. exhale and push the rope down extending in your elbows and contracting the triceps muscles. inhale and return back to starting position. perform 3 sets and 20 reps.

DuMBBell tricepS KicK BacK execution: grab the dumbbells and drop your body almost at parallel to the oor and dumbbells hanging with elbows making right angle. this becomes your starting position. exhale and push the dumbbells backward extending in elbows and contracting the triceps muscle. inhale and return back to starting position. perform 3 sets and 20 reps.

BotH arM overHeaD tricepS extenSion execution: grab the dumbbells between your palms and extend both the arms overhead. this becomes your starting position. inhale and drop the dumbbells backward behind the neck , see to it the elbows stay closer to the ears. exhale and push the dumbbells upwards extending in elbows and contracting the triceps muscles. perform 3 sets and 20 reps.

cloSe grip puSH up or DiaMonD puSH upS execution: go down on the floor into a push up position with palms closer to each other , elbows locked tight and body stretched out flat parallel to the floor. this becomes your starting position. inhale and drop your body down such that the chest touching almost to the floor and elbows moving slightly outwards. exhale and push the body up back to the starting position extending in your elbows and contracting the triceps muscles. perform 3 sets & 20 reps. fitlife


SKull cruSH execution: lie down on a flat bench and grab an eZ barbell. Balance the barbell straight over fore head with locked elbows. this becomes your starting position. inhale and drop the barbell closer to your fore head such that elbows making right angle. exhale and push the barbell up extending in your elbows back to the starting position. perform 3 sets & 20 reps.

Location Courtesy: Gold’s Gym, Bandra, Mumbai. Training Text: Mr. Sagar Pednekar Sr. Pan India Technical Head Gold’s Gym India Fitness expert, Gold’s Gym. Model: Priyannkka Sharma Photographer: Nilendra Singh





The longest walk around the world was completed by a former neon-sign salesman, Jean Beliveau. He walked 46,600 miles around 64 countries. The trip took him 11 years.

Brisk walking helps reduce body fat, lower blood pressure, and increase highdensity lipoprotein.

It would take, on average, 1 hour and 43 minutes of walking to burn off a 540calorie Big Mac.

Experts suggest walking 6,000 steps a day to improve health and 10,000 steps a day to lose weight

Walking can help decrease the risk of heart attack, decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and can even reduce the risk of bone fracture. Additionally, brisk walking can reduce stress and depression levels as well as improve cancer survival rates.




MEN With inputs from

Heart HealtH Heart disease comes in many forms. All of its forms can lead to serious, fatal complications if undetected. One in three adult men have some form of cardiovascular disease. Stroke targets more than 3 million men. High blood pressure is common in males under the age of 45. Routine checkups are essential to keep that heart beating. Your doctor can calculate your risk for cardiovascular disease based on several risk factors, including your cholesterol, blood pressure, and smoking habits.



reSPiratory DiSeaSeS Many respiratory diseases start with an innocent “smoker’s cough.� Over time, that cough can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as lung cancer, emphysema, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). All of these conditions interfere with your ability to breathe. According to the American Lung Association, each year more men are diagnosed with and develop lung cancer than in years past. While exposure to occupational hazards like asbestos increases your risk, smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer. If you have smoked for more than 30 years, a low-dose CT scan maybe prudent to screen for lung cancer.

alcoHol according to the centers for Disease control and Prevention (cDc)trusted Source, men face higher rates of alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations than women do. Men binge drink twice as much as women. they are also prone to increased aggression and sexual assault against women. alcohol consumption increases your risk for cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon. alcohol also interferes with testicular function and hormone production. this can result in impotence and infertility. according to the cDc trusted Source, men are more likely than women to commit suicide. they also are more likely to have been drinking prior to doing so.

DePreSSion anD SUiciDe More than 300 million people worldwide are suffering from depression. Depression and bad mental health have been ignored as a serious issue since ages. But, do you know, depression can also lead to death if it gets worse? a study reported in WHo, conducted for the ncMH (national care of Medical Health), states that at least 6.5 per cent of the indian population suffers from some form of the serious mental disorder, with no discernible rural-urban differences. the average suicide rate in india is 10.9 for every lakh people and the majority of people who commit suicide are below 44 years of age.

Unintentional injUrieS anD acciDentS The CDC Trusted Source lists unintentional injury as a leading cause of death for men in 2006. This includes drowning, traumatic brain injuries, and fireworks-related mishaps. Motor vehicle death rates for male drivers and passengers ages 15 to 19 were almost twice that of females in 2006. In India, more than 150,000 people are killed each year in traffic accidents. That's about 400 fatalities a day and far higher than developed auto markets like the US, which in 2016 logged about 40,000. Remember, safety first.



liver DiSeaSe Your liver is the size of a football. It helps you digest food and absorb nutrients. It also rids your body of toxic substances. • Around 10 lakh patients of liver cirrhosis are newly diagnosed every year in India. • Liver disease is the tenth most common cause of death in India as per the World Health Organization. • Liver disease may affect every one in 5 Indians. • Liver Cirrhosis is the 14th leading cause of deaths in the world and could be the 12th leading cause of deaths in the world by 2020. • Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), or a cancer in the liver, is the second most common cause of death due to malignancy in the world. Liver disease includes conditions such as: • cirrhosis • viral hepatitis • autoimmune or genetic liver diseases • bile duct cancer • liver cancer • alcoholic liver disease According to the American Cancer Society, alcohol and tobacco use increases your chance of developing liver disease.



If left untreated, diabetes can lead to nerve and kidney damage, heart disease and stroke, and even vision problems or blindness. Men with diabetes face a risk of lower testosterone levels and sexual impotence. This can lead to increased depression or anxiety. Diabetes currently affects more than 62 million Indians, which is more than 7.1% of the adult population. The average age on onset is 42.5 years. According to the Indian Heart Association, India is projected to be home to 109 million individuals with diabetes by 2035. Kerala has the largest number of diabetes patients followed by Tamil Nadu and Punjab, according to endocrinologists and diabetologists in the state. People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to suffer a stroke. Each year 12,000 to 24,000 people lose their sight because of diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of new blindness in people 20 to 74 years of age. Statistically diabetes results in lower life expectancy than people without diabetes. However, it is not all doom and gloom and there are steps you can take which can help to increase your likelihood of living longer. People with type 1 diabetes, on average, have shorter life expectancy by about 20 years. No cure for diabetes currently exists, but the disease can go into remission. ... Complete remission: When the blood glucose level returns to normal levels completely outside of the range of diabetes or prediabetes and stays there for at least 1 year without any medications.


A painless lump or swelling in a testicle

Pain or discomfort in a testicle or in the scrotum

A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum

A dull ache in the lower abdomen, back, or groin

Any enlargement of a testicle or change in the way it feels

A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum

teSticUlar cancer

ProStrate cancer Globally, prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the ďŹ fth most common cause of cancer death among men with an estimated 1.1 million new cases (15% of all cancer in men) and 0.3 million cancer deaths (7% of all cancer deaths) in men in 2012. In India, there were 19,095 incidences and 12,231 death cases in 2012. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and the second leading cause of cancer death among men. Eighty percent of men who reach age 80 have prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that usually begins in the outer part of the prostate. In most men, the cancer grows very slowly. In fact, many men with the disease will never know they had the condition. Early prostate cancer is limited to the prostate gland itself, and most patients with this type of cancer can live for years with no problems. Several treatment options are available for men with prostate cancer. One of the most common treatments for prostate cancer is the complete removal of the prostate (open radical prostatectomy), which can be performed robotically. Another treatment is radiation therapy, which can be either external beam radiation or brachytherapy (involving the insertion of radioactive pellets). Other treatment methods include cryotherapy (freezing) and hormone therapy.

Testicular cancer (cancer of the testes) is the most common form of cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 34. Although the cause of testicular cancer is not known, it most commonly affects younger men or those having an undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) or other congenital abnormalities of the testicles. Fortunately, testicular cancer has a very high probability of cure when diagnosed and treated in its early stages. Performing monthly testicular self-exams is recommended for all males after reaching puberty. The best time to perform the self-exam is during or after a bath or shower, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed. To perform the exam, men should examine each testicle separately by rolling it gently between the thumb and fingers. They should look and feel for hard lumps or masses or changes in size, shape, or consistency of the testes. Men should always visit their doctor if they note changes in their testicular self-exam, have doubts about their testicular self-exam, or have any of the symptoms of testicular cancer.

BlaDDer cancer There are dierent types of bladder cancer. The cancer can be transitional cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or adenocarcinoma -- each named for the types of cells that line the wall of the bladder where the cancer originates.Some symptoms of bladder cancer are also symptoms of other conditions, and should prompt a visit to your physician. Blood in the urine is the most important warning sign. Pain during urination, frequent urination, or diďŹƒculty urinating are other symptoms.



SexUal DySfUnction

• Temporary depression Male sexual dysfunction is a common health problem affect- • History of sexual repression • Low self-confidence ing men of all ages, but is more common with increasing • Lack of communication or unresolved conflict with partage. Treatment can often help men suffering from sexual ner dysfunction. Studies suggest that the breakdown of serotonin (a natural types of male sexual dysfunction: chemical that affects mood) may play a role in PE. Certain • Erectile dysfunction (difficulty getting/keeping an erecdrugs, including some antidepressants, may affect ejaculation) tion, as can nerve damage to the back or spinal cord. • Premature ejaculation (reaching orgasm too quickly) Physical causes for inhibited or delayed ejaculation may in• Delayed or inhibited ejaculation (reaching orgasm too clude chronic (long-term) health problems, medication side slowly or not at all) effects, alcohol abuse, or surgeries. The problem can also be • Low libido (reduced interest in sex) caused by psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, causes: stress, or relationship problems. Physical causes of overall sexual dysfunction may be: retrograde ejaculation is most common in males with dia• Low testosterone levels betes who suffer from diabetic nerve damage. Problems • Prescription drugs (antidepressants, high blood pressure with the nerves in the bladder and the bladder neck force medicine) • Blood vessel disorders such as atherosclerosis (hardening the ejaculate to flow backward. In other men, retrograde ejaculation may be a side effect of some medications, or of the arteries) and high blood pressure happen after an operation on the bladder neck or prostate. • Stroke or nerve damage from diabetes or surgery • Smoking erectile DySfUnction (eD) • Alcoholism and drug abuse Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and keep an Psychological causes might include: erection for sexual intercourse. ED is quite common, with • Concern about sexual performance studies showing that about one half of men over age 40 are • Marital or relationship problems affected. Causes of ED include: • Depression, feelings of guilt • Diseases affecting blood flow such as hardening of the ar• Effects of past sexual trauma teries • Work-related stress and anxiety • Nerve disorders tyPeS of SexUal DySfUnction: The most common problems men face with sexual dysfunc- • Stress, relationship conflicts, depression, and performance anxiety tion are troubles with ejaculation, getting and keeping an • Injury to the penis erection, and reduced sexual desire. • Chronic illness such as diabetes and high blood pressure ejaculation disorders • Unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, Problems with ejaculation are: • Premature ejaculation (PE) — ejaculation that occurs be- overeating, and lack of exercise • Low libido (reduced sexual desire) fore or too soon after penetration Low libido means your desire or interest in sex has de• Inhibited or delayed ejaculation — ejaculation does not creased. The condition is often linked with low levels of the happen or takes a very long time male hormone testosterone. Testosterone maintains sex • Retrograde ejaculation — at orgasm, the ejaculate is forced back into the bladder rather than through the end of drive, sperm production, muscle, hair, and bone. Low testosterone can affect your body and mood. the penis Reduced sexual desire may also be caused by depression, The exact cause of premature ejaculation (Pe) is not known. While in many cases PE is due to performance anxi- anxiety, or relationship difficulties. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain medications like antidepressants may ety during sex, other factors may be: also contribute to a low libido. • Stress





Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION BASICS Erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to maintain an erection, is a problem that occurs in many men for many reasons. It’s often caused by physical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and low testosterone. Other causes may include psychological issues, blood flow problems, hormonal fluctuations, and nerve damage. A study from the University of the West in the United Kingdom found that pelvic exercises helped 40 percent of men with ED regain normal erectile function. They also helped an additional 33.5 percent significantly improve erectile function. Additional research suggests pelvic muscle training may be helpful for treating ED as well as other pelvic health issues. Pelvic floor exercises improve the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises are more commonly known as Kegel exercises. Women perform Kegels in preparation for and to regain muscle tone after childbirth. Kegels also promote urinary continence and sexual health. These exercises in particular help to strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle. This important muscle does three jobs: It allows the penis to engorge with blood during erection, it pumps during ejaculation, and it helps empty the urethra after urination.

ach, buttocks, or thigh muscles. Remember to relax after each count of five. Alternate between short and long squeezes to challenge yourself. Another way to think about Kegels is to squeeze the muscles of your anus, like you are holding a bowel movement. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds while breathing, then relax all muscles. Pelvic floor exercises help to relieve erectile dysfunction. They can also help: • reduce urinary or bowel incontinence • stop dribble after urination • improve overall sexual experience

AEROBICS Working the muscles beyond the pelvic floor may also help combat erectile dysfunction. A study published in The American Journal of Cardiology indicates that aerobic exercise may help improve ED. ED is often caused by blood flow problems to the penis. Obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and vascular disease can affect blood flow and result in ED. Adding aerobic exercise to your routine can improve your overall health and may lead to improvements in ED. Even brisk walking 30 minutes a day, three to four times a week, may be enough to change your cardiovascular health and impact your ED. Pelvic floor exercises and aerobic exercises are a BASIC KEGEL EXERCISE great first step in dealing with ED. Chances are, The best method for locating the muscles of the you’ll see improvements without having to take pelvic floor (the lower pelvis) is to stop your ED medications. Drugs like sildenafil can prevent stream several times in the middle of urination. you from dealing with the underlying health isThe muscles you clench to do this are the ones sues that caused ED. According to Mayo Clinic, you need to exercise. ED might be an early sign of heart problems. To perform a rep of Kegel exercises, squeeze those Also, you may have a condition that makes ED muscles, hold for five seconds, then relax. Repeat medications unsafe to take. For example, you this 10 to 20 times, two or three times a day. You shouldn’t take many ED medications if you have may want to try this in different positions, includ- heart disease or are taking nitrate drugs or blood ing lying down with your knees up, sitting in a thinners. In these cases, penile pumps, implants, chair, and standing. or blood vessel surgery may be options. You may not be able to finish a complete series of Dealing with the underlying cause of ED is a 10 Kegels when you first try. Do what you can, and much more effective way to improve your sexual eventually work up to 10 to 20 Kegels, three times health. Talk with your doctor about your ED to a day. find out which treatment methods are right for Don’t hold your breath or push with your stomyou.





Foods For Erectile Dysfunction WaterMelon This sweet, refreshing fruit has a compound that can have effects similar to ED meds on your blood vessels. It may even rev up your sex drive, studies say.

oySterS These shellfish may boost your testosterone levels, and that can help with sex drive. They're also chockfull of zinc, a nutrient your body needs.

Dark cHocolate This treat may have perks below the belt. Chocolate is rich in flavanols, plant nutrients that can increase blood flow and lower blood pressure. It also helps your body make more of nitric oxide, which can help with erections and is in many ED medications.



coffee Your morning cup of joe is more than a satisfying pick-me-up. It may give your love life a boost, too. Men who drank two or three cups' worth of caffeine a day were less likely to have erectile dysfunction, one study found

nUtS Walnuts have lots of arginine, an amino acid your body uses to make nitric oxide.

GraPe jUice Nutrients in Concord grape juice also increase the amount of nitric oxide in your body. If you’re not wild about drinking grape juice, try pomegranate juice. It appears to have the same effect.

GreenS Kale is also a nitric-oxide booster. Aside from the possible benefits to your sex life, leafy greens are nutritional powerhouses. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals and omega3s.

PePPerS You might spice up your love life by adding some chili peppers to your diet. The stuff in cayennes, jalapenos, habaneros, and other peppers that give them their heat relaxes the arteries - and that helps blood flow to the heart and other organs, including the penis.

Garlic Garlic in your diet may help keep your arteries healthy and clear as you age.

fiSH Salmon and other fatty fish are great sources of hearthealthy omega-3 fatty acids, which may boost nitric oxide in your body.



1. Foreskins can be used to make skin grafts for burn victims. One foreskin can actually provide four acres worth of grafted skin. 2. The world's largest penis is 13.5 inches. 3. According to a study by the University of Ulster-Northern Ireland, men in the Republic of Congo have the biggest average penis size in the world. 4. Humans are the only primates that do not have have bones in their penises. 5. Babies can get erections in the womb... 6. ... So can corpses. 7. There is a condition known as Koro, which is an irrational fear of retraction of a penis back into the body. 8. There is a rare condition known as diphallia where a person can have two functional penises. 9. Circumcision gained popularity in the United States during the 19th century to help stop masturbation. 10. All penises actually start off as clitorises. 11. Penises can actually break.



Phallic Facts


ike everything in nature, your penis goes through a series of changes over your lifetime. each phase is controlled mostly by your testosterone levels. Somewhere between the ages of 9 and 15, your pituitary gland releases hormones that tell your body to start making testosterone. Puberty begins and brings changes. your testes (testicles), scrotum, penis, and pubic hair all begin to grow. testosterone levels peak in your late teens to early 20s. the amount of testosterone in your body may drop slightly in your late 20s through your 40s, but the change is minimal. after 40, your total levels may drop only a small amount. But your body slowly begins to make more of a protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). this sticks to the testosterone in your blood and lowers the amount your body has available to use. as testosterone levels fall, you’ll notice other changes, to your: Pubic hair: like the hair on the rest of your body, it will thin and may turn gray. Penis size: you may notice that it doesn’t seem as large as it used to. the actual size probably hasn’t changed at all. But if you have more fat on the pubic bone just above your penis, that area can sag and make it look smaller. Penis shape: for a small number of men, it may curve with age. this can affect its length, girth, and function. the condition, called Peyronie’s disease, is caused by physical trauma - usually because the shaft gets bent during sex. as it heals, scar tissue forms along the tunica albuginea - a tough sheath around the spongy tissue that fills with blood to create an erection. the scarred portion can’t expand, causing a curved erection. the condition can often be corrected surgically or treated with medications. testicles: the small organs inside

your scrotum mostly exist to make sperm. as your testosterone levels fall, sperm production slows and they shrink. if you get hormone replacement therapy, your pituitary gland will stop sending signals to your testes to make testosterone, and they will shrink more. Scrotum: its job is to manage the temperature of your testes. it’s lined with smooth muscle that contracts and relaxes to pull your testicles close to your body to keep them warm or let them drop away and cool off. as you get older, the muscles don’t work as well, and your scrotum stays in a more slackened position. combine that with your skin’s natural decline in elasticity, and the sagging gets worse. if you’re over 40, a hydrocele can also make your scrotum sag. it happens when fluid builds up around one or both testicles. Maybe your body makes too much liquid, or perhaps it can’t drain well. it’s generally painless. if you notice swelling or feel any discomfort, see your doctor. Penis function: the nerves in your penis get less sensitive as you age. this can lead to trouble with arousal and having an orgasm. as testosterone levels drop, erectile dysfunction becomes more likely. you may lose rigidity, but not necessarily your ability to have intercourse. Perhaps the most common culprit is the body’s inability to hold blood in the penis. When this happens, you may be able to get an erection but not keep it. Blood flows in, but the aging muscle that surrounds your erectile tissue can’t hold it there. the result: lost hardness. changes in your sex organs and sexuality are a normal part of aging. talk to your doctor if age-related changes are affecting your life and relationships. effective treatment is available.



Nipah Virus (NiV) THE BAT-BORNE PANDEMIC Nipah virus (NiV) is a member of the family Paramyxoviridae, genus Henipavirus. NiV was initially isolated and identified in 1998 during an outbreak of encephalitis and respiratory illness among pig farmers and people with close contact with pigs in Malaysia and Singapore. Its name originated from Sungai Nipah, a village in the Malaysian Peninsula where pig farmers became ill with encephalitis. Given the relatedness of NiV to Hendra virus, bat species were quickly singled out for investigation and flying foxes of the genus Pteropus were subsequently identified as the reservoir for NiV. In the 1998 outbreak, Nipah virus caused a relatively mild disease in pigs, but nearly 300 human cases with over 100 deaths were reported. In order to stop the outbreak, more than a million pigs were euthanized, causing tremendous trade loss for Malaysia. Since this outbreak, no subsequent cases (in neither swine nor human) have been reported in either Malaysia or Singapore. In 2001, NiV was again identified as the causative agent in an outbreak of human disease occurring in Bangladesh. Genetic sequencing confirmed this virus as Nipah virus, but a strain different from the one identified in 1998. In the same year, another outbreak was identified retrospectively in Siliguri, India with reports of person-to-person transmission in hospital settings (nosocomial transmission). Unlike the Malaysian NiV outbreak, outbreaks occur almost annually in Bangladesh and have been reported several times in India. TRANSMISSION Transmission of Nipah virus to humans may occur after



direct contact with infected bats, infected pigs, or from other NiV infected people. In Malaysia and Singapore, humans were apparently infected with Nipah virus only through close contact with infected pigs. The NiV strain identified in this outbreak appeared to have been transmitted initially from bats to pigs, with subsequent spread within pig populations. Incidental human infections resulted after exposure to infected pigs. No occurrence of person-to-person transmission was reported in this outbreak. Conversely, person-to-person transmission of Nipah virus in Bangladesh and India is regularly reported. This is most commonly seen in the family and caregivers of Nipah virus-infected patients. Transmission also occurs from direct exposure to infected bats. A common example is consumption of raw date palm sap contaminated with infectious bat excretions. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Infection with Nipah virus is associated with encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). After exposure and an incubation period of 5 to 14 days, illness presents with 3-14 days of fever and headache, followed by drowsiness, disorientation and mental confusion. These signs and symptoms can progress to coma within 24-48 hours. Some patients have a respiratory illness during the early part of their infections, and half of the patients showing severe neurological signs showed also pulmonary signs. During the Nipah virus disease outbreak in 1998-99, 265 patients were infected with the virus. About 40% of those patients who entered hospitals with serious nervous disease died from the illness.

All About

Nipah Virus Nipah virus (NiV) infection is a newly emerging zoonosis that causes severe disease in both animals and humans. The natural host of the virus are fruit bats. The first outbreak of NiV was recognized in Malaysia in 1998 But 8 outbreaks have been reported from Bangladesh since 2001 In India, the first outbreak was in Siliguri in 2001 followed by Nadia, West Bengal in 2007


Natural Host - Fruit Bats Animals get infected by consuming half eaten fruits of infected bats or bat droppings in their food.

Through person to person contact. Transmission of NiV to humans may occur after direct contact with infected animals or by eating fruits infected by bats or by consuming infected date palm sap (Tadi).



Symptoms • Fever • Headache • Drowsiness • Disorientation • Mental Confusion • Coma • Potentially death

After exposure and incubation period of 5-14 days, illness manifests with 3-14 days of fever and headache followed by other symptoms.

Cure • No specific treatment for Nipah Virus • Only treatment is intensive support care Long-term sequelae following Nipah virus infection have been noted, including persistent convulsions and personality changes. Latent infections with subsequent reactivation of Nipah virus and death have also been reported months and even years after exposure. RISK OF EXPOSURE In the Malaysia and Singapore outbreak, Nipah virus infection was associated with close contact with Nipah virus-infected pigs. In Bangladesh and India, where Nipah virus infection is more frequent, exposure has been linked to consumption of raw date palm sap and contact with bats. Importantly, human-to-human transmission has been documented and exposure to other Nipah virus infected individuals is also a risk factor. DIAGNOSIS Laboratory diagnosis of a patient with a clinical history of NiV can be made during the acute and convalescent phases of the disease by using a combination of tests. Virus isolation attempts and real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from throat and nasal swabs, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, and blood should be performed in



the early stages of disease. Antibody detection by ELISA (IgG and IgM) can be used later on. TREATMENT Treatment is limited to supportive care. Because Nipah virus encephalitis can be transmitted person-to-person, standard infection control practices and proper barrier nursing techniques are important in preventing hospitalacquired infections (nosocomial transmission). The drug ribavirin has been shown to be effective against the viruses in vitro, but human investigations to date have been inconclusive and the clinical usefulness of ribavirin remains uncertain. PREVENTION Nipah virus infection can be prevented by avoiding exposure to sick pigs and bats in endemic areas and not drinking raw date palm sap. Additional efforts focused on surveillance and awareness will help prevent future outbreaks. Research is needed to better understand the ecology of bats and Nipah virus, investigating questions such as the seasonality of disease within reproductive cycles of bats.

Fitness Fundas

Let Us Begin Your step by step guide to a gym workout



SEatED CabLE RowS Muscles targeted: Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid. Exercise technique: Sit down, lean forward and grab the V-bar/ straight bar handle with arms extended. This is the start point of the exercise. Keep your back slightly arched and pull the handle towards your torso and squeeze your back muscles. This is the end point of the exercise. Breathe out when you pull the handle towards abdomen. (Positive Phase) Breathe in when you release the handle. (Negative Phase) Lat PuLL Down: Muscles targeted: Latissimus Dorsi. Exercise technique: Grab the handle and sit. This is the start point of the exercise. Pull the handle down till your upper chest and squeeze your lats Your elbow joint should point straight down and should go below your shoulder joint. This is the end point of the exercise. Breathe out when you pull down the handle. (Positive Phase) Breathe in when you release the handle upwards. (Negative Phase)


SEatED CabLE FLyS Muscles targeted: Pectoralis Major (Sternal head) Exercise technique: be seated on the machine and grab the pulleys from both the sides. Keep a slight bend in your elbows and keep your back straight. this is the start point of the exercise. Squeeze your chest and bring the pulley handles in front of you in a controlled manner. use the full range of motion and do not lean forward. breathe out when you bring the pulleys in front. (Positive Phase) breathe in when you release the pulleys. (negative Phase)

baRbELL biCEP CuRLS Muscles targeted: bicep brachii Exercise technique: Stand up with your torso upright while holding a barbell at a shoulder width grip. the palms should be facing forward and the elbows should be close to the torso. this is the start point of the exercise. Hold the upper arms and curl the weights upwards while contracting the biceps. Continue the movement until the bar reaches your shoulder level. this is the end point of the exercise. breathe out when you curl the bar upwards. (Positive Phase) breathe in when you bring the bar down. (negative Phase)

Hanging KnEE RaiSE Muscles targeted: Rectus abdominis Exercise technique: Hang from a pull-up bar with your body straight, using an overhand (Prone) grip. this is the start point of the exercise. bend your knees and use your lower abs to raise your legs until your thighs are parallel with the ground. this is the end point of the exercise. breathe out when you raise the legs upwards. (Positive Phase) breathe in when you bring the legs down. (negative Phase)

Location Courtesy: Gold’s Gym Maharani Bagh, Delhi Training and Training Text: Mr. Sandeep Gautam – Asst. Technical Training Head (Delhi) and Mr. Hitesh Chhabria - Asst. Technical Training Head (Mumbai) - Gold’s Gym India. Model: Raj Moury – Member – Gold’s Gym Maharani Bagh, Delhi Photographer: Mandeep Lamba

Dr Haresh Dodeja Consultant Nephrologist & Transplant Physician, Fortis Hospital Mulund & Kalyan, Mumbai

Eating disorders are often conceptualized as a result of lifestyle related facts; however they are serious, fatal illnesses that cause distress and impact the overall health of an individual. Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa are classified as a severe psychological eating disorders which can rapidly turn life threatening. Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by binge eating or consuming large portions of food & then purging (vomiting) to be rid of calories and escape weight gain. Anorexia Nervosa on the other hand is characterized by extreme fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin, resulting in extreme food restriction, excessive exercise; this is followed by induced vomiting, or abuse of laxatives to promote weight loss. Unfortunately, both Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa significantly impact the Kidneys. A person diagnosed with Bulimia is highly susceptible to develop painful Kidney Stones and suffer long term Kidney damage. Anorexia on the other hand increases the risk of acute Kidney injury and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Both starvation and cycles of binging & purging can lead to extreme vitamin deficiencies and electrolyte imbalance, this in turn disables the kidneys, thus reducing their ability to remove toxins from the body. Also, decreased fluid consumption leads to dehydration; when dehydration sets in, kidneys begin to malfunction. This can trigger increase Blood Pressure, off-set the electrolyte balance, and allow toxins to build up in the blood stream. Continuous and severe dehydration along with malnutrition associated with the disorder, takes a

Eating Disorders and Kidney Hea lth


Million people suffer from eating disorders worldwide

serious toll on the Kidneys. In some serious cases, this could be extremely dangerous and the person could require a Kidney Transplant or have to be put on Dialysis.

tension are at an increased risk of developing Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Blood Pressure if not controlled can cause the Arteries around the Kidneys to harden. If the blood sugar levels are high, they damage the blood Some of the other reasons of vessels in the Kidneys, and Kidney Damage may include: hence limit kidney function. OVERUSE OF MEDICATION: Even though the issue is a seriMany medical issues that are re- ous concern, there is hope and lated to Bulimia and Anorexia people suffering from these dismay occur from the overuse and orders should be open to seekabuse of medications. Easily ac- ing help and getting appropriate cessible over-the-counter (OTC) treatment. Many problems assomedication that many people ciated with Bulimia and consume to induce vomiting, re- Anorexia are reversible through strict the blood flow to the kidtimely intervention. Once diagneys. Diuretic or ‘water pills’ aid nosed your doctor, a Mental in Kidney damage as they inHealth expert, a Nutritionist, duce dehydration and increase along with a close family memvitamin deficiencies. Most peo- ber will come together to initiate ple who suffer from Anorexia treatment. Mental Health exNervosa are also addicted to perts play a significant role in Caffeine, Tobacco, Laxatives and tackling Bulimia & Anorexia, Diuretics. Overall, un-prescribed they help you deal with your medications and ruthless abuse emotional needs and can also of laxatives & diuretics not only help you take control of your deplete Kidney health but also eating. However, if one does not aid weakening of the Heart mus- seek medical help in time, in cles. some cases the damage maybe CO-MORBIDITIES: It has been permanent. clinically proven that individuals showcasing diabetes and hyper-



minutes at least one person dies because of an eating disorder

20 Percent of all anorexia deaths is by suicide



Dr R Muthusamy Consultant Cardiologist, Westminster Healthcare, Chennai

Coronary Heart Disease Symptoms, Treatments and Costs


eart disease (CHD) is the number one killer around the world and also in India. In the Western world, CHD incidence and the related mortalities are declining but in India it’s increasing. Literature search confirmed increasing prevalence, and related deaths are more common in the urban than in rural areas. The risk factors contributing to CHD are due to increasing urbanisation, increasing middle class, reduced physical activity, increased work and family related stress and deviation from our ancestral diet. Important modifiable risk factors for CHD are lipids, smoking (22.8%), high blood pressure (BP 25.9%), diabetes mellitus (DM 9.7%), abdominal obesity (6.7%), physical inactivity, low fruit and vegetables consumption and mental stress However, risk factors like sex of person, aging, and genetics cannot be changed and also still many risk factors for vascular disease are unknown to the scientific world. SYMPTOMS: The typical cardiac pain (angina pectoris) happens mainly during physical activities like walking uphill, against wind especially after a heavy meal, while carrying heavy weights. The character of the pain is like crushing in nature or placing a heavy weight on the top of chest. Often these pain travels (radiation) to neck, jaws, left upper limbs especially over the inner aspect towards little finger. Classical angina will be relieved by resting and after using a nitrate spray or tablet under the tongue. However, if this pain persists continuously, then urgent medical help must be sought immediately. Often elderly and diabetics (approximately 25%) may not experience any pain at all.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG). The rest can be treated with medicine alone due to either normal/minimal coronary artery diseases or diseases which are not amenable for any type of interventional procedures. The initial medical treatment for established CHD is Aspirin (to thin the blood), beta blocker (Atenolol, Bisoprolol, Metoprolol, Nebivolol which reduce the oxygen consumption of the heart, reduce the heart rate, prevent rhythm problems and sudden death), cholesterol lowering drugs (Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin) and short acting nitrates to be used under the tongue or check. There are other medications to add on to these regimes if the above medications fail to control the anginal symptoms which are long acting Nitrates, Diltiazem, Verapamil, Amlodipine, Isosorbide mono nitrates, Nicorandil, Ranolazine and Ivabradine. Often many people end up in taking several medications due to significant symptoms. However, medications fail to control the symptoms then PCI or CABG will be considered and the PCI vs CABG option depends upon the coronary anatomy. Apart from treating these patients with medications or interventions like PCI and CABG, their modifiable risk factors should be addressed since the disease is still exists and may progress. It is very important that all the patients must adhere to the medications prescribed by the Cardiologist and should not stop or change without consultation with their personnel cardiologist. Also, patients should look after their health by as per their doctors advise including daily 30 minutes long exercise and rehabilitate themselves. The cost of the procedures various depending upon the hospital and the doctor whom he/she consult. Again, the fees structure is different for different type of accommodation patient choose. For example, the cost of cardiac catheterisation in Rs 15,000 – 27,000, PCI 1,10,000 – 1,50,000 plus cost of the stents, permanent pacemaker insertion Rupees 1,10,000 – 1,50,000 plus cost of the pacemaker unit and implantable cardioverter defibrillator Rupees 7,00,000 – 8,00,000. Cost of CABG cost Rupees 4,00,000 – 5,00,000. Also, there may unexpected charges which will be difficult predict.

INVESTIGATIONS: It is important that all types of chest pain should be assessed by specialist, especially a cardiologist. Initial investigations are various blood tests, electrocardiogram (12 Lead ECG), treadmill test (TMT) and echocardiogram. If these tests are normal or inconclusive, then further tests are needed at specialist heart centres which are myocardial perfusion scan (MPS) and CT coronary angiogram (CTCA) and selective diagnostic coronary angiogram. These tests help to confirm or exclude CHD and guide the therapy. Normally around 1040% of the people do have normal coronary arter- CONCLUSION: ies, more often seen in women. In summary, one should aim to prevent the development of heart disease by leading a healthy life TREATMENTS: style and address their risk factors. However, once Aim of the treatment is to relieve the patient’s developed, then it must be investigated by spesymptoms and to enable them to live longer. If cialist cardiologist and treatment should be taiyou take 100 patients after angiogram, need Per- lored according to the individual’s cardiac disease cutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), and and needs. Health is our wealth.



Antiaging treatment Popular procedures & their cost When we talk about anti-aging treatments, nonsurgical anti-aging procedures are the latest in trend. Also known as office based procedures, these are conducted using the most recent technology which allows for maximum results without the least amount of invasiveness. When a patient walks in for cosmetic procedure, we as doctors give the patient an individualised treatment plan based on his or her skin and body. Our recommendations for each patient are usually as per the problem he or she wants to resolve and there are several methods available to help them.

response to wounding. It can help reduce fine lines, small scars, discolorisation and sun damaged skin, thereby giving a more youthful look. It can be done for the face, neck and hands as well. Chemical peeling has to be done on regular interval until the desired results are achieved. Another procedure that is widely used is derma roller or micro-needling therapy. It involves rolling a cylinder covered in multiple tiny needles over the skin. The damage caused by the needle stimulates collagen production and has been successfully used for treating scars, especially acne scars, fine line and wrinkles. It can be combined with Platelet For facial anti-aging, placenta based cosmetic Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy or radiofrequency (RF) products are being widely used as they treat for a greater effect. Micro-needling RF is the latest everything, starting from fine lines and wrinkles in trend where radiofrequency along with microto hyperpigmentation to loss of skin elasticity and needling is used for skin resurfacing, skin tightenskin tone. Dermal fillers are also being extensively ing, pore reduction and also for treating fine lines used specially to correct deep lines and wrinkles and wrinkles. on the face. It is also used to give a fuller lips and volume for hollow cheeks and eyes. Instead of Lasers are being widely used for various indicasmoothening and tightening the skin, they actutions in cosmetology, ranging from hair reduction ally change the facial contouring to a more youth- to body contouring, scar reduction, skin resurfacful one. Although collagen used to be a standard ing and anti-other aging treatments. Many nondermal filler, hyaluronic acid is now more comsurgical skin tightening procedures work using monly used for the same purpose. Brands like heat to create controlled injury in the epidermis Restylane and Juvederm have become popular. and dermal layers of the skin inducing the body to The hyaluronic acid lasts for about six months to respond by producing more collagen in the one year and the average cost ranges from Rs treated area. The increased collagen plumps 20,000 to Rs 40,000 per session. Another inthicken the skin, reducing the appearance of fine jectable that we commonly use is Botulimum lines, acne scarring and stretch marks.Laser are toxin and brand names like Botox are more famil- used for moderate skin lines and wrinkles, to imiar among users. What it does is temporarily prove skin tone, texture and tightness of the skin. paralysing muscle when injected preventing the skin form creasing and causing wrinkles. It works Everyone dreams of youthful skin and hair deon expression lines such as frown lines on the spite growing age numbers. With the advent of forehead. The average cost of Botox ranges from latest technology and breakthroughs in cosmetolabout Rs 10,000 and above. ogy, these antiaging treatments go a long way in helping people maintain their youthful glow. Chemical peels such as glycolic acid, lactic acid There has been a remarkable increase in demands and trichloroacetic acid also have an anti-aging for anti-aging treatments based on their effectiveeffect when it is done regularly as the peeling ness to tackle aging. causes collagen production which is stimulated in



Dr Ashiq Mohamed Consultant dermatologist and cosmetologist at Westminster Healthcare, Chennai.

PRP Therapy Platelet Rich Plasm (PRP) therapy, a kind of stem cell therapy is used for a variety of purpose.Apart from being used for hair restoration and reduce fine line, wrinkle and scars, it is also used to give glow to the skin. It is a process by which patient’s own cells and platelets are used. Prior to the session, 10 to 20 ml of blood is withdrawn from the patient. The different components of blood are separated using a centrifuge and only the platelet rich fluid is used. Once the fluid is collected, a derma roller, mesogun or insulin syringe is used to create micro holes on the skin. These controlled micro injuries to the skin triggers the skin’s repair process by stimulating collagen and elastin. These micro channels also aid in quick absorption of the platelets on to the skin.



Hea ring impa ir ment 68


DR ANUPAMA ANNAM Consultant ENT and Skull Base Surgeon at Westminster Healthcare, Chennai.

Hearing impairment is a serious health problem significantly affecting the quality of life of those affected. It can be caused by several factors. Hearing loss can be broadly classified into conductive and sensorineural. Those factors that cause a block in the conduction of sound from the external environment to the inner ear cause a conductive hearing loss and are completely curable. Factors affecting the inner ear and the auditory nerve however cause a sensorineural hearing loss and are only preventable. Treatment for such disorders is expensive and sometimes unsatisfactory. Hearing loss can be congenital or acquired. Acquired causes of hearing loss are completely preventable. The common causes are ear infections, exposure to loud noise, effect of toxins, and head trauma. It is important to understand the causes and the many remedies to hearing problems and one can do a lot on one’s own to prevent the onset of hearing-loss. Let us examine a few causes and solutions to common hearing problems. Infections of the middle ear can occur at all age, but start mostly in childhood. Neglected ear infections tend to be the leading cause of hearing morbidity in our country. They can be cured by simple surgery. Untreated middle ear infections can lead to sudden life threatening complications and sometimes permanent hearing loss. Attention should be paid to childhood ear infections and treated before it becomes a chronic health hazard. Excessive noise at workplace can cause hearing problems if noise levels go beyond 85 dB and can result in a permanent sensorineural hearing loss. Those working in industries with loud noises can protect their ear by wearing ear plugs and screen for hearing loss at frequent intervals. The volume controls on electronics should be handled carefully and the people must ensure that the volume of TV, radio and personal electronics is kept as low as possible. Head injury leads to varying degrees of hearing loss depending on the nature of the fracture to the temporal bone. They are preventable by wearing helmets. Foreign bodies in the ear can cause hearing loss as well. The use of cotton buds could lead to trauma and injury to the tympanic membrane and the middle earossicles and cause significant hearing impairment contrary to popular belief. The cotton buds in children would not remove ear wax but push the wax deep into the ear canal in front of the ear drum. This can cause significant hearing loss and discomfort. Home remedies like hot oil, garlic and onion inserted into the ear are very harmful and must not be attempted. Home ear wax removal suction equipment must never be used as tympanic membrane and middle ear ossicles are very minute delicate structures and can be damaged when there is no knowledge of the anatomy involved. It's the responsibility of every human being to take care of their senses. It is important to be aware of the impact of our everyday activities on our sensory systems and seek professional help when needed.



Pet Care

Prevent Outdoor Pet Hazards StavE oFF SunbuRn The dog days of summer pose danger for our faithful friends. Short-haired, close-shaven, and light-colored pets are prone to sunburns. The tender skin of snouts, noses, ears, and tails is also exposed to the UV rays. Rub on doggie sunblock (at least SPF 15 in strength) about 15 minutes before a long stretch in the sun. Make sure your pet has a shady spot to hang out, too.

KEEP Hot DogS CooL Heat can be hazardous to your pet’s health. Be sure she has plenty of water. Choose outside bowls that won’t tip, and fill them often. On walks, bring a water bowl and spray bottle for cooling drinks and showers along the way. Never leave pets alone in a vehicle during summer. Temperatures can climb above 100 degrees in a matter of moments.

PiCK PEt-SaFE PRoDuCtS The things that make your yard and garden healthy, like fertilizers and weed killers, can make your four-legged friend sick. Look for non-toxic options and use them as directed. Make sure spray-on chemicals have dried before you let your dog roam the yard. Keep bags and bottles tightly sealed where he can’t get to them.

FigHt FLying FoES You’ll hear a yelp or yowl if your dog is attacked by a bee, yellow jacket, wasp, or hornet. If your dog gets stung, scrape out the stinger. Apply a paste of baking soda and water, then ice the area. But go straight to the vet if she has trouble breathing or lots of swelling.

PatRoL tHE PooL anD PonD Wading pools can offer relief from the heat, but deeper waters are danger zones. Whether beachside or poolside, train your dog to climb to dry land. Never leave her alone in the water. Salt and chlorine aren’t good for your dog’s fur, skin, eyes, nose, or stomach, so don’t let her drink the water, either. After a swim, give her a good rinse. Talk to your vet about products that clean ears and dry them out after a swim.



Know tHE SyMPtoMS oF HEatStRoKE Humans cool down when we sweat. Dogs chill when they pant. But if your pet can’t stop panting, has labored breathing, his gums turn white or blue, or he becomes lethargic, get to a vet right away. These are warning signs of heatstroke, which can cause serious illness or even death.

StEER CLEaR oF PuDDLES Train your pooch to be a puddle jumper, or at least steer him around them. Standing water is a perfect place for bacteria and parasites to breed. If your pet swallows them when he takes a drink, he could get seriously ill. Puddles can also contain antifreeze - which is deadly if animals drink it.

ContRoL tHE CRittERS Whether it’s a collar, a pill, or a medication you put on his skin, it's important to keep your pet flea- and tick-free. These bugs feast on his blood, and yours. Plus they carry nasty ailments. Talk to your vet about the best choice. If you live in a place where ticks thrive, check your pet after every trip outside. If he has fleas, chances are they’re in your house and yard, too. The vet can tell you how to treat them.

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