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opinion 2

September 14, 2011




“rearview mirror” by eduardo alvarez | Valley Star

Valley View | does america still care about terrorism?

“Yes, they still do. I heard on the news that people were still scared of flying this week and didn’t like the extra security checks. ” -asha upadhyay Physical therapy

Overall, I think more people care about the economy on those big issues.

They still do, but I can’t explain it. They care about terrorism, like security at the airports.

Nope, not anymore because Osama is dead.

-phillip arriaga business admin.

-juan bautista undecided

-Romina Chuatico Business mgmt.

People are still scared because you never know if there is a terrorist out there to finish want Osama bin Laden was doing. -diana vega undecided

compiled by courtney bassler and diana ortega | Valley Star

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