Issue 12, Volume 88 - The Lance

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UWindsor Law Students have sparked a number of conversations on campus after posting a petition on a bed sheet outside their moot courtoom.


A significant increase in tuition could allow for a new athletic centre, should the students vote in favour next week.


UWindsor’s Alumni Association took the time to recognize members and mentors during it’s annual general meeting last week.


The holiday season is upon us, and Walkerville kicked off their celebration with a tree lighting ceremony last weekend.



Students Hold Vigil Uniting all Races, Religions and Ethnicities

Students from all backgrounds came out to support the world at the student run candlelit vigil Nov. 19. [Photo by//Caleb Workman] CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________ Students of all backgrounds from the University of Windsor united outside of the CAW to address and fight against the world’s greatest threat – terrorism. The group made clear in their presentation - terrorism is not from one group but is constantly shown to oppress every culture in the world. To them, the night of Nov. 19 was the perfect opportunity

to show the world they know the issue, they know their cause and they are ready to speak out to make a difference and influence those in power to make a difference. Event organizer, Sami Habib, said the candlelit vigil was originally meant to be for the attacks in Lebanon but opened it up for all the devastation they saw in the same time frame. “The message is that we are all victims of terrorism everywhere around the world,” said Habib. “There is no differ-

ence in where you’re from. We’re all human beings and we are all victims.”

– they aren’t even Muslims in our case. Therefore, we feel no burden.”

Habib said they want to show everyone is united here regardless of their backgrounds and they want to send a clear message to the government they are in charge of the protection of their citizens, they need to be the difference and make decisions that will keep Canada safe.

Habib said he wants students to see the backlash and racism that has been happening as a result of the bombings and for students to not be involved in it.

could come out and support the vigil,” said Tarpeh. “It’s important to send a message with all the hate that is going around the world recently and it’s important for the university students to show they are standing with the rest of the world in this time.”

UWSA president, Jaydee Tarpeh, said the vigil was fully supported as an event for all races and people and he was glad to see the involvement from everyone.

Tarpeh said it’s important to show we don’t hate people because of their ethnicity or backgrounds but to support those who need support.

“We all stand in solidarity. We actually put our board meeting on recess so we

Tarpeh said the main thing to take away from the night is to be more accepting.

“We also want to make it clear we are not apologizing for the acts as Muslims or non-Muslims,” said Habib. “They do not represent us, they are not Islam

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Law Banner Sparks Sexual Discrimination Dialogue HANIYASSINE Arts Editor __________________________ A display, which was posted inside the university’s law building last week, drew a reaction from several residing students. Posted up on the wall outside of the law building’s moot court was a banner of section 276 of the Criminal Code of Canada, purposefully written on a bed sheet. Also known as the “rape shield” provision, it states how neither a lawyer nor justice of the court can inquire upon a person’s sexual history unless highly pertinent to the case at hand. The banner comes as a response to recent comments, which came to light from Justice Robin Camp. In a sexual assault trial in June 2014, Camp who was a provincial judge in Alberta at the time, made some troubling remarks by telling a 19-year old woman she should have kept her knees together in the time of her assault. Camp also constantly referred to the woman as the accused throughout the trial, essentially drawing outrage from law students across the country. “The students here really feel strongly that that’s not acceptable behavior,” said second year law student Tasha Donnally. “Judges should never be engaging in that kind of sexually stereotyped thinking.” The banner was met with signatures from over 80 students. The display was put up by third-year law student Lesley Campbell, who was admittedly nervous upon doing so in fears it would turn into a political issue. She believes it shouldn’t be one, but instead a moral issue as it’s a step in the opposite direction when coming to gender equality, on top of being a blatant violation of section 276. “When you have people on the bench who are still engaging in stereotypi-

A banner displaing section 276 of the Criminal Code of Canada was put up Nov. 15 outside the moot court room located within the university’s Law building. The banner is in response to recent comments made by Justice Robin Camp. [Photo by // Hani Yassine] cal reasoning that is not only explicitly prevented and prohibited by the Criminal Code and also social convention, it really undermines the ability of that Criminal Code provision to ring true,” Campbell said. As a result of the exposing comments,

Camp who is now a federal court justice is currently under review by the Canadian Judicial Council and must recuse himself from sexual assault cases in the future. In believing he must be held accountable for his actions, Campbell wishes to send the banner to the judicia-

ry, which would be paired with a letter written by the Windsor Bystander Initiative. Campbell however would rather go over the signatures and mount the banner on a more permanent canvas to ultimately serve as a grand reminder. “I basically wanted to have a student re-

action behind this decision,” Campbell said. “Windsor law students are special and unique and different because we have no hesitation whatsoever in explicitly committing to be lawyers and future judges who will not engage in that reasoning whatsoever.”



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What is Good Life?

CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________

Dr. Jeff Noonan has been working to answer how to live life, what it means to live life and how we can do it. In his first book, “Materialist Ethics and Life-Value,” he examined the idea of what a good and purposed life from the standpoint of one’s “embodied-nature.” His conclusion was that a good life is one that realizes and acts upon its full capacities such as imagination, creation and relation with one another. Another idea examined was what impedes people from realizing this as a good life. He said this is important because we need to not just know the ideas but also live them. “We as human beings only live for a finite amount of time and so a good life has to be livable,” said Noonan. “This means when people exist in a state of society, such as we do now, where there are structural impediments... we have an obligation to struggle against these structural impediments and that is the way in which we create the conditions for good lives.” Noonan said the book was a political attempt to rethink the history of socialism from the philosophical standpoint of what a good life is. When Noonan finished the book, he said he realized there is the argument that in a world where there is no oppression against human life and they are free to choose the course of things that affect them they are still against limitations such as death, disease, aging and loss. The question he had from this was, “Does that mean that a good life is im-

possible for a finite embodied subject?”

There are plenty of people from history, philosophers and poets, who have said life is meaningless and Noonan’s newest untitled book addresses these arguments right off the bat.

“I reject the arguments that life is meaningless and state life is worth living, we just have to accept the frames with which it is lived,” said Noonan. “A lot of people on the left, even some Marxists, say we shouldn’t accept the limits our body forces upon us as we gain scientific advancement.” Noonan said he also fights against the notion to find a way to live forever because he thinks that the “technological transcendence” loses sight of what makes life worth living. He said what makes life good is achievement within uncertain parameters, or within undefined obstacles. Noonan gave the example we could create a sex-bot to have intercourse with as we please, but this would take away from the feelings of having to open up to someone else and create an actual relationship. He said gaining affirmation from an independent person is meaningful whereas a sex-bot would not further advance your state-of-being or morality. “There has to be risk, there has to be the real opening of yourself to possible failure,” said Noonan. “The idea of living forever contradicts itself because its goal for the good of human life to go on forever but the good of human life can’t go on forever and that’s the constitute of what makes it good.” Noonan said everything we value in life has value only because we know it is going to exist or be present for a finite

Dr. Jeff Noonan is working on explaining the value of a good life and how to attain it in his newest book to be released. [Photo by//Caleb Workman] amount of time. The second half of Noonan’s new book explores the ideas of how we make our lives valuable. It concludes the idea by saying people make their lives valuable by making others find value in the way we live our lives. “We make it so that our work is not just a paycheque, or making as much as possible – the work has to be of value and as a real contribution to other’s lives,” said

Noonan. “If this is accepted and practiced, people then contribute to the ongoing human project and we make our lives valuable overall by contributing to a future that involves us all.” Noonan said this in theory would make our lives purposed and good and would include everyone working to make good lives. He said this in turn would create motivation for others to find ways to contribute to the human project and

would satisfy the needs of all. Noonan said although his new book is less political because he feels he’s said everything he needs to about that side of the argument, it backs up what he has said in “Materialist Ethics and Life-Value” and further explains the points he made. Noonan said he does not know when the book will be available but he’s working hard to get it done.

Pro-Choice Forum Aims to Educate on Reproductive Justice

HANIYASSINE Arts Editor __________________________ Students involved in the Women in Protest class recently set up a database for anyone interested in pro-choice options. The “I Choose Choice” reproductive justice forum was held throughout the morning and afternoon at the CAW Centre Nov. 19. The event was set up by Women’s Studies students who chose to perform a personal protest, as part of the curriculum within their Women in Protest class. According to fourth-year student Allison Cadwallader, the idea was presented to them through the recent pro-life presence on campus, ultimately hoping to clear the air by stating pro-choice is not pro-abortion. “In terms of reproductive justice and the understanding of reproductive health is that there’s very little access in information provided to a lot of people,” Cadwallader said. The forum consisted of various work-

shops and activities, from general discussions to creating buttons which carried slogans such as “Pro-choice or no choice” and “Reproductive freedom fighter.” There were also numerous pieces of information regarding abortion facts and statistics, contraceptive options and the emphasis on having rightful agency when it comes to your own body. The students who set up the forum express the event is not meant to oppress other people’s views on the matter in any way. Instead it just wishes to provide all the necessary information, ultimately leaving the decision to utilize said info to fall entirely on the person absorbing it. “It’s meant to create a dialogue, it is not meant to tell anyone what to do with their body or tell anyone about their own personal moral choices,” said thirdyear Woman’s Studies student Shelby Deane. “We try to stay away from the pro-abortion rhetoric because that’s not necessarily where we stand,” Cadwallader said.

Jesse Baker partakes in making buttons carrying pro-choice messages at the I Choose Choice forum Nov. 19. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]

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Artist Commemorates Father’s Demise Through Work

Susan Lapp stands in front of her paintings displayed at Art Galia. [Photo by // Rohan Khanna] ROHANKHANNA The Lance Contributor __________________________ Through music and art, an artist explores the realms of life and death in memory of her father’s passing. “I feel very touched as the paintings are journey about life and death,” said attendee Laura Quenneville. “I am inspired by Susan Lapp’s abstract work. I love how she told me that everyone has a different perception and everyone can look at it a different way and try to see what they see through the art.” Art Galia showcased the work of Susan Lapp, a Guelph based artist, Nov. 21. It was an evening of soulful music, picturesque paintings and the spirit of the few people present was undeniably high, though mother nature tired her best to not let that happen. The scheduled plan for the event did not cultivate because of the weather and the few people gathered at the event had the opportunity to witness the artist’s personal journey through grief and enlightenment.

“My father was a musician and an artist and I sat for four months, didn’t paint and composed and wrote poetry and did the CD, and then when I started painting again everything was white, everything came out white with the black notes and then my music was incorporated so the manuscript are the notes from each piece,” said Lapp, about her paintings. “These are abstract and I am a wilderness painter. These are different for me, but I let them do their thing and see where they helped me go.” Most of her works consisted of acrylic style paintings and expressed the artist’s voyage, her emotions and the music lyrics blending seamlessly, creating a motion on the canvas space intensely and adding symbolism and meaning for the viewers to create their own narration from them. “I expect people to look at the paintings long enough to get something out of it, that you remember something that reminds you of a memory or a feeling or something, because art should touch you,” said Lapp. “If art speaks to you, it should touch you.”

An attendee admires a piece of art displayed at the showcasing of Susan Lapp’s work at Art Galia Nov. 21. [Photo by // Rohan Khanna]



Student Nurses Celebrate by Giving Back CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________ The nursing students of the University of Windsor celebrated themselves last week through events and fundraising for Windsor. The events varied from duct taping people to a wall for Movember, to listening to guest speakers and even playing table tennis. All funds raised throughout the week went towards different groups and causes in Windsor. Nursing student and event coordinator throughout the week, Patrick Frias, said they were able to raise a lot of different things throughout the week and it was good to give back. “We were able to raise toothbrushes and toothpaste for people in the community and also raise money for Movember,” said Frias. “There were a lot of people who came through our events and it’s good to take an escape for a week and focus on other things.” Frias said nursing week gives students the opportunity to get away from the books and socialize and get out there and give to the community. “In nursing, so many people shut out from the outside world and feel they can’t have a social life,” said Frias. “One of the things we learned this week from a guest speaker was keeping a healthy mind is just as important as learning with it.” Frias said he and his friend have been going to the gym as an escape and it has been helping him keep healthy and organized. “One thing I always tell first years is to

Nursing students Nhi Tran and Ore Ayo-Olaniyan helped out and informed students on the RNAO and how to make a difference as a student nurse Nov. 20. [Photo by//Caleb Workman] find a study buddy or study group and work together,” said Frias. “You get a social fill and you can also learn from others.” Ore Ayo-Olaniyan, another nursing student, said the week gave a chance for students to celebrate all their hard work.

“It’s not easy but I try to find a balance in my studies, work and personal life,” said Ayo-Olaniyan. “There’s always a lot to juggle but it’s part of the learning and teaches nurses to adapt and become the best they can be in stressful situations. Ayo-Olaniyan said an initiative they

were working on throughout the week was the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario booth where they tried to get nurses to sign up and become part of an active voice in nurse practioning.

Ayo-Olaniyan. “RNAO likes to speak out against things that are not the best in healthcare practice and make a difference.”

“The bigger the voice, the more the government will listen to you,” said

Ayo-Olaniyan said to balance in life, make a schedule. It will help and go a long way.

ways focused on stealth elements and the Agent’s ability to become one with the shadows and eliminating his enemies one by one. The movie makes sure that the main character fits the part and beyond that is the end of the road. The rest its a gun fest and car chases.

killings that have made the character so popular over the years in the videogames. The movie glamorizes his physical appearances by putting him in over the top actions scenes and you never get the sense that the film has managed to nail the character.

The biggest problem is the fact that the action undermines the true nature of the videogame icon. Apart from being a cold blooded assassin who makes sure that his suite is crease free while he does all the killings, it’s the execution of those

“Hitman: Agent 47” is better than the 2007 version, but that’s as far as it goes. As a reboot, it fails to capture the image of the videogame character and falls into line as another bad movie based on a videogame.

Film Review - Hitman Agent 47

ROHANKHANNA The Lance Contributor __________________________ While video games have come a long way in terms of being taken seriously, sadly the movie adaptations do not stick to that ideology and “Hitman: Agent 47” reconfirms that notion. Not to be confused as a sequel to the 2007 “Hitman” movie that starred Timothy Olyphant (“Sex and the City,” “Gone in 60 Seconds”) as the iconic video game character, this film is a reboot and stars Rupert Friend (Homeland) as the gun wielding assassin in a fancy suite. Directed by Aleksander Bach, the film explains the origins of the Hitman, the perfect assassin who possesses enhanced agility

and strength and who happens to be a master of killing as a one-man army. Agent 47 is on a mission to track down Dr. Piotr Litvenko (Ciarán Hinds), the man behind the operation to create clones devoid of any emotion, but with superhuman abilities. He goes into hiding and for Agent 47 to reach him; he makes contact with the daughter of the scientist, Katia Van Dees (Hannah Ware) in Berlin. Van Dees is exploited by another agent, John Smith (Zachary Quinto) into believing that Agent 47 is set out to kill her. But obviously as per the predictable nature of the plot, it turns out Smith is the bad guy who wants to abduct Van Dees’s father to start the operation again for his own means. There

is a twist in the movie that comes as a little surprise pertaining to Van Dees, but that twist alone can’t help the whole movie as a better attempt to capture the videogame in a film form. Yes the actor has panache and does his best as being the cold, bald assassin with a barcode behind his head. Also, there are scenes where you will have a smile on your face, especially for those who have played the videogames. But no matter how hard the actor tries, the script pulls down his efforts, folds it and trashes it in the bin. The whole movie is a chase from bad guys and killing henchmen in unique ways, but it fails to incorporate the fact that the Hitman video games have al-



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Cartoonist Shares Journey with ‘Two Generals’

CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________

Scott Chantler has written many graphic novels in his life but none as personal as “Two Generals.” The tale of his grandfather and his best friend and their experience through the Second World War is very emotional, depicting a side of the war you may have never heard of. The story of the Allied invasion of Normandy has a close up and personal view through Law Chantler and Jack Chrysler. The book was written through information gathered through Law’s diary and Chrysler’s letters as well as a firsthand account of one of their officers. “I spent a huge amount researching,” said Chantler. “The themes I address in the book are death and friendship. I would never consider writing the book in any other format or addressing any other themes because for my grandfather and Jack, those were the only themes they knew.” The themes of the book are very apparent and show how surrounded they were by either friends or death when they went overseas from the moment they got there. In the book, and also accounted for in Law’s diary, is the first day he arrived in England. On that day, Law and Jack saw a woman get hit by a bus and die – from that moment on, Law and Jack had each other and death. “There’s so many interesting things you come across about the war in research,” said Chantler. “The things people do and how they act. The bus scene is probably one of the most important parts in the book because of how it effects the two and what it reminds them of.”

Scott Chantler, cartoonist and graphic novel writer, presented on his book ‘Two Generals’ and his journey through the writing process Nov. 18. [Photo by//Caleb Workman] Chantler said it’s not so much a war book as it is a book about death. He also said it’s not his story. When he wrote it he put his grandfather and Jack’s voices to the forefront and just wrote it down. “This is always something I wanted to do. I was the one drawing in class not paying attention,” said Chantler. “I got

into writing as an excuse to draw things I liked drawing and that’s kind of how my career began when I was younger. As I grow older, my stories and drawing became more sophisticated. That’s how most cartoonists are born.” Chantler said creative fields are very hard to get into but he is living proof that

it is doable. “It was definitely something very hard to get into and I honestly don’t know what I’d be doing if I wasn’t doing this, I have no back up skills whatsoever,” said Chantler. “Whatever you want to do, especially creatively, you have to want it so bad that being broken and homeless

won’t deter you from it. That’s how you’ll become successful.” Chantler said he is currently finished all of his projects and is working on starting something new. He said there are future fantasy novels coming out as well as more history stories such as “Two Generals.”

Korda Productions Plays Fiddle to Folk

HANIYASSINE Arts Editor __________________________

as several experienced singers took to the stage and performed folksongs and a variation of others.

While usually a place thriving with theatre, the KordaZone decided to provide something a bit more unique to its audiences.

“It gives people a chance to do something different and for a different audience,” Atin said. “It’s the music of the people.”

The theatre held its second annual folk concert on the evening of Nov. 20, under the moniker Folkin’ Divas. Hosted by Tracey Atin, it was a laid back event

Nearly a dozen musicians performed at the two-hour event, which was attended by roughly 30 people. Many of the singers know each other through prior

collaborations, versed in genres such as classical and opera. The heart of the evening was simply a joyful way to sing to one another. “This is a really sappy 70s song,” said Karen Tompkins as she took the stage to perform a capella. “It’s a story. I kind of wanted to be this person when I was 15, singing this song.” Seventy per cent of the ticket proceeds will go towards the production of the

children’s opera ‘Brundibar’, which was written by Jewish composer Hans Krasa in 1939. With Atin serving as a director for the production, the children are part of opera singer Erin Armstrong’s private class. Ever since seeing a production of it during her residency at the University of British Columbia, she’s wanted to bring the story to local audiences and even reform a dialogue when coming to Jewish remembrance. “I was blown away I didn’t even know

how to speak properly anymore,” Armstrong said. “I was just so excited about it, so when this came about I thought to myself these kids can absolutely, without a doubt in my mind handle this opera.” The production of ‘Brundibar’ will make its debut on April 4 at the Jewish Community Centre, where it will run for two weekends. Armstrong and Atin are also looking to bring it to the Edenborough Fringe Festival in Scotland come August of next year.


Walking Around the Christmas Tree HANIYASSINE Arts Editor __________________________ Santa Claus is in town, or perhaps more specifically he was in the gift shop Ten Thousand Villages, where many children lined up with their parents to go and see him. “This year seems to be particularly busy,” said Gail Rock, the owner of Ten Thousand Villages. “He’s getting quite a following, must be a lot of good kids this Christmas.” The store was one of many in the Walkerville area, which dressed itself in the seasonal cheer as the Holiday Walk officially went underway Nov. 20 and 21. For many, the chilly Friday night was a way to delve into the festive spirit as Christmas draws gleefully closer by the day. But it was essentially an evening were people could enjoy themselves by doing things a bit differently. “We were just interested in doing something different, so here we are,” said John Youssef who attended with his wife, children and parents. “But I’m also feeling festive, especially now since I’ve got kids.”

The night was keen to a couple of features as people were allowed to take trolley rides around the area to get a passing view of the lights and décor. There was also a tree-lighting ceremony at Jubilee Park, which followed with carolers singing classics like ‘Silent Night,’ which the crowd sung along to. The greater part of the event however was the walk itself, where family, friends and couples alike participated. With free coffee and hot chocolates at hand, many took to the stroll in the cold, but peaceful climate where it was easy to take in the sights and sounds. While it all contributes to just one day within late December, some would believe in this case the journey is more important than the destination. “I think the buildup to Christmas is probably the best part, which I think is why we choose to expand it year after year,” said Becky Badder-Hammond, who was serving hot chocolate and coffee to anyone walking by. “But it’s not a bad thing because the Christmas season tends to bring out the better in a lot of people. So to me the longer we can keep that going the better it is.”

Lines were long for Santa Claus as he parked his sleigh outside of Ten Thousand Villages Nov. 20. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]

Teresa Bollard speaks to a customer inside the gift shop Ten Thousand Villages during the Walkerville Holiday Walk Nov. 20. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]

Many attend the tree lighting ceremony at Jubilee Park, which was part of the Walkerville Holiday Walk Nov. 20. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]

The Olde Walkerville Pharmacy was one of many stores in the area embracing the festivities as the Walkerville Holiday Walk went underway Nov. 20. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]

Two ladies stand outside the Twisted Apron, which was all jingled up during the Walkerville Holiday Walk Nov. 20. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]


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Open Mic Draws Large International Student Crowd

Debanjan Bajik and Nadirshah Vasaya perform at the coffee house and open mic at the International Student Centre Nov. 19. [Photo by // Hani Yassine] HANIYASSINE Arts Editor __________________________ It was a casual, relaxing evening filled with coffee and music. Room 204 of the International Student Centre served as the first venue for the premiere of the Volunteer International Student Centre’s (VISA) first coffee

house and open mic Nov. 19, where roughly 60 students attended. A previous coffee night was held at the nearby Café Teaory, but hosting it on familiar turf proved to be a bit more welcoming. “This is the first time it’s here in the International Centre,” said student proctor Amy Bui. “They know where to go and they feel a lot more comfortable about coming here.”

Those who attended were able to help themselves in making a cup of coffee with some baked goods on the side. The evening began with a few musical performances, which followed with an open mic where anyone was allowed to express their talents if they wished to do so. If nothing else, it served as a break between the great workload typically placed upon students.

A student enjoys a cup of coffee with friends at an open mic night Nov. 19 at the International Student Centre. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]

“It’s around midterms and exam week, so everybody just kind of wants to relax,” said VISA Executive Events manager Hadeel El-Zubeidi The group aims to promote social events for international students. The open mic is the most recent example. However they also plan outside of the campus, such as making a trip Dec. 6 to see a basketball game between the

Detroit Pistons and Los Angeles Lakers. The volunteer group ultimately looks to accommodate for internationals by making them feel more at home. “Most of the students, even international students, they are shy,” said VISA marketing and promotions associate Mohammed Abdulwahab. “We’d like to show that we are here for them.”

Approximately 60 students attended the coffee house and open mic at the International Student Centre Nov. 19. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]



Author of Popular Title Launches Latest Work at the Capitol Theatre

Lawrence Hill’s ‘The Illegal’ was initially launched in Sept. 8 of this year and is currently available at numerous stores including Chapters and Amazon. [Photo by // Hani Yassine] HANIYASSINE Arts Editor __________________________ While this year’s Bookfest Windsor ended just over a month ago, it decided to make one special accommodation for the literary crowd. It was a packed room within the Capitol’s Kelly Theatre when acclaimed Canadian author Lawrence Hill was pres-

ent to launch his latest book ‘The Illegal’ Nov. 18. Part of his fall 2015 tour, Hill’s latest novel contends with the deeply prevalent themes and issues behind immigration. The launch came with a moderated discussion with CBC Windsor’s Bob Steele, where Hill also read excerpts from his book and held signings following the panel. “The timing of Lawrence Hill’s latest novel couldn’t be more accurate,” said

Bob Steele as he took the podium. ‘The Illegal’ tells the story of a marathon runner who must leave his country in the wake of his father’s murder by the government. He hopes to remain silent all while competing in big races in order to get money to pay for his sister’s ransom. Hill’s inspiration to write this novel hails back to his years as a teenager working at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, and seeing many Ugan-

dan immigrants who were attempting to escape the nation’s brutal dictatorship at the time. “It got me thinking about what it took, and what it was like to have your life completely uprooted,” Hill said. “These are landed immigrants, refugees who are fleeing crisis.” The launch officially marks the end of Bookfest Windsor 2015, which was primarily held from Oct. 15 to 18. Accord-

ing to planning committee head Sarah Jarvis, they accommodated the festival to fit in with Hill’s schedule due to his impact within Windsor’s literary and African-Canadian community. It also helps he happens to be a gifted writer. “Lawrence writes with a great kind of passion and humanity, and he’s just a really good writer,” Jarvis said. “He puts words together on the page very well and in a very engaging way.”

Film Review - Transporter Refueled

ROHANKHANNA The Lance Contributor __________________________ “Transporter Refueled” is the fourth film in the franchise and directed by Camille Delamarre. The film stars Ed Skrein (“Game of Thrones”) as the main protagonist, Frank Martin. This is the first film in the series in which Jason Statham has been replaced in the main role. The transporter series is known for high-octane action with acceptable plotlines. This film does just that, but with

the audacity to produce a wafer thin plotline and a non-charismatic protagonist who emits emotion comparable to a stationary piece of wood. The plot is simple. Frank Martin is a courier for hire, but he is not a usual messenger. He comes across dangerous clients who expect him to transport packages anywhere, no questions asked. This time around Frank gets hired by a mysterious woman, Anna (Loan Chabanol), but she along with her accomplices trick him into abducting his father (Ray Stevenson) and force him to

help her seek revenge on those who sold them into the sex trade years earlier. The leading man tries hard to act, but his lackluster performance cannot save the film from certain doom. Like Statham, Skrein looks the part: a no-nonsense tight lipped guy who does his job and follows three strict rules; never change the deal, no names and never open the package. The mediocre script is only bearable because of the action scenes. Throughout the film you see cars chasing planes,

cars defying gravity and tumbling on the streets of France, Frank dispatching henchmen in interesting ways, all staple ingredients to the Transporter formula. But, because of the narration being so predictable and corny, you realize that a film cannot solely rely on action itself. Even for an action flick the plot should seem a bit interesting, if not showcasing

complexity. “Transporter Refueled” is a film that tries to navigate through your mind with high intensity action then explodes in your face by reaching a dead end. It is a film devoid of Statham’s personality and is something you will forget instantly once you’re done watching it, for watching it is an audacity in itself.



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Classical Tunes Grace Mackenzie Hall As Part of Artist Unmasked Series

ROHANKHANNA The Lance Contributor __________________________

As part of an attempt to bring a permanent Windsor-based chamber music experience to the city, a collective delved into the works of Beethoven over the weekend, filling Mackenzie Hall with the rich sounds of classical music. The fourth Wall Music chamber collective is a group made of Windsor Symphony players and has a strong affiliation for orchestral scores. As part of their Artist Unmasked series, fourth Wall Music delved into the works of classical composer and pianist Beethoven Nov. 22 at Mackenzie Hall. “It is slightly different from your typical classical music concert and that we do have the multimedia facet that’s family friendly and casual and we do have audience participation in our concerts,” said Amy Ley, the organizer of the event. Talented performances by cellist Andrew McIntosh and pianist Rob Con-

way enthralled the audience with their representation of some of the symphonies of Beethoven and also some of their favourite contemporary scores. The histrionics of the iconic singer was not just performed by the artists, but also talked about by the guest speaker and musicologist Mary Paquette-Abt of the University of Windsor.

“Here we are listening to some of Beethoven’s chamber music,” said PaquetteAbt. “Sometimes he is best known for his big symphonies and this is more of his intimate music. Also I think if people would feel a little more comfortable with the range of music that Beethoven composed, as he was a man of his age and somehow he touched humanity in such a way that it still speaks to us.” The event covered a mix of the classical tunes which gave an insight to who the iconic musician was and how his personality came to be. This was a unique part of the affair, giving the artist’s background through music and history talk without making it sound boring.

Cellist Andrew McIntosh performs at Mackenzie Hall Nov. 22. [Photo by // Rohan Khanna] “This kind of an event is a great experience for anybody who wants to learn more about music and seeing the per-

formance and plus getting the historical background,” said Austin Di Pietro, a second year music student at the uni-

versity and attendee of the event. “It gives you a better understanding of the whole thing.”

TOAST Holds Another Successful Performance At Phog

Hearts were poured out and feelings were intensified Nov. 17 as Phog Lounge played host to yet another night of TOAST Open Mic Poetry. Occurring on the third Thursday of every month, November played to the theme of suffering. Over a dozen poets, new and experienced alike took to the stage and delved deep into the art of the spoken word. Some kept to the sombre theme while others were a bit brighter on the tonal spectrum. The next open mic night will be held on Dec. 15. [Photo by // Hani Yassine]



St. Clair Public Relations Group Fights for the Less Fortunate

The St. Clair public relations team worked hard to raise money and awareness for youth in Windsor Nov. 17. From left: Jenna Seguin, Lincoln McKesey, Chelsea Ndlovu, Cierra Bray, Amanda Moffat. [Photo by//Caleb Workman] CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________

kids,” said Bray. “It’s important to help out because we’re all one big community and we need to support each other whether we’re financially secure or not.”

Students have stepped up and decided it’s time to make a difference for the age group they represent in a big way.

One of the founders of WYC and Windsor local said the WYC’s recent move to better facilities has helped them expand and grow their ministry.

St. Clair College’s public relations class of 2016 took their school project and made it something much more for those in need. They held a pasta dinner fundraiser at Rock Bottom where funds from the event would go to the Windsor Youth Centre to encourage and help the youth there pursue their education Nov. 17. Public relations student and organizer of the event, Cierra Bray, said all the money raised would go towards bus tickets, school supplies and other things to help in work or school settings. “It is hard to be a student and you can imagine struggling financially, with family, addiction or anything on top of that,” said Bray. “We wanted to help directly, that and is the reason we decided to work with the Windsor Youth Centre.” Bray said there are so many ways you can help youth in the area, especially volunteering with WYC. “They do events with a lot of other organizations and are always looking for food, bus tickets and gift cards for the

“We offer a lot of programs and serve many youth including serving 1,400 meals a month,” said founder George Bozanich. “We’re helping the future of these kids with postsecondary education and also helping explore other creative things. There’s also a relapse prevention program called Up to You that’s been very successful in doing this and helping out the youth.” Bozanich said Windsor is his hometown and loves the place. He said he wants to see it grow and part of that is helping out the youth and getting them in positions to succeed. “Everybody has this idea of Christmas where everyone’s by the fireside, happy and loving life, when really, no one has that,” said Bozanich. “We want to try and create that for our youth during the holiday season and it’s something we’ll be pushing for.” Bozanich said any volunteers are more than welcome to come at any time and even come eat during their meals at night.

Public relations student, Cierra Bray, addressed the audience at Rock Bottom Bar and Grill and let them know why they were advocating for the less fortunate Nov. 17. [Photo by//Caleb Workman]

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Alumni Association Holds Awards Night to Honor Outstanding Alumni Members CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________

times the best way to promote a university is to promote what the graduates have gone on to do and this was a good way to do that.

The University of Windsor Alumni Association held its annual general meeting and awards presentation last week.

“Every year I’m surprised and impressed with the amount of success our grads have had throughout all of our faculties,” said Renaud. “It’s awesome to step back and see the stories of these people and how they got to where they are.”

The awards presentation honored members of the alumni association who have made differences for their university and their community Nov. 19. John Renaud, president of the Alumni Association, said the Odyssey Awards all go out to alumni who have graduated within the last 10 years. He said some-

Renaud said the university is underappreciated on a global scale but with all the things are graduates are going on to do he said it’s sure to change, especially with these events.

University of Windsor alumni gathered for a general meeting and the awards presentation for outstanding alumni Nov. 19. [Photo by//Caleb Workman]


Omar Raza works as the chief of staff to government administrator May Charles who is in charge of children and youth and woman’s issues. Raza said one thing he is currently working on through the office is advocating for ending violence against women. “I think a lot of the reason I was accepted for this award was because of my involvement in the university as well as my current involvement in main stream issues in the area,” said Raza. “The work has never been about the attribution though, it’s all about the contribution.” He said he is very humbled people thought his contributions have been put up for recognition. “That’s my biggest advice – do what you love and do it for what you can give to the project, not from what you can get,” said Raza. “From that, if you’re doing it humbly and bringing forth real change, recognition will come although it is unneeded.”

Jeff Renaud, Alumni Association president, headed the general meeting and coordinated the awards presentation Nov. 19. [Photo by//Caleb Workman]


Fabio Costante is a law grad and current lawyer. While at UWindsor he was part of a group who initiated Enactus Windsor, which focuses on creating economic opportunities in entrepreneurship as well as Our West End which focuses on citizen engagement and empowerment in Windsor. “The experience was and has been great here at Windsor,” said Costante. “It’s not only a top-notch educational experience, but it’s also been a great experience and culture with other students, professors, staff and faculty – so much that the relationships I built were very personal, even to today.” Costante said staff and faculty treated him like a person rather than a student and it helped him grow to where he is today. “It’s a very humbling experience but the coolest part is catching up with people from my schooling experience and seeing how they are doing,” said Costante. “It’s a true privilege.”


Adam Vasey is currently a director with Pathway to Potential, a poverty reduction strategy for Windsor and Essex County and teaches as a sessional instructor in the faculty of law and social work. “I was not expecting to get this by any means so it was definitely a surprise,” said Vasey. “I think a big part of the reason they would have chosen me is because of the work I do with Pathway to Potential. I’ve managed to stay involved with the university and give back whatever way I can.” Vasey said winning an award is never the goal and it should never be. “The end goal should never be about individual accolades,” said Vasey. “For me it’s always been the issue – in this case, the issue of poverty. I would say do your passion because it’s ultimately going to keep your career going. It will inspire you and keep you going to new levels.”



University Business Group Shaves for a Cause

CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________

The University of Windsor’s Odette Commerce Society put on a Movember event to raise money for men with prostate cancer. The Nov. 22 event, held at the Bull N’Barrel downtown, included a raffle 50/50 draw and other attractions throughout the night. “It went really well and we raised some money for a good cause,” said Tina Benotto. “We had a really great time all together.” Every year the group holds the event called Guys’ Night Out and they help out with the money raised. “It all goes to a great cause and there are a lot of people who suffer from this in need,” said Benotto. “There are a lot of guys in this situation and we really want to do our best to do what we can.” Benotto said it’s very important to help out around the community.

The Odette Commerce Society held their annual Guys’ Night Out event at the Bull n’ Barrel Nov. 22. All proceeds went towards prostate cancer awareness and research. [Photo by//Caleb Workman]

“You never know when something bad is going to happen to you or someone

you care about,” said Benotto. “When some type of cancer affects your life it

affects everyone’s life around you. It’s all about supporting as much as you can.”

Benotto, who is also the current Miss Tecumseh said they will continue to do

the yearly event and hope to see more and more out each year.

BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________

Drive ran throughout this past week

to those in our very own communities

were donated.

the Niagara Ice Dogs Nov. 22. The re-

and culminated at the varsity basketball

living in poverty.

Lancers, Spitfires Hold Clothing and Food Drives As Holidays Approach

A pair of local athletic programs showed their support for local families and those living in poverty throughout Windsor and Essex County by holding their own respective clothing and non-perishable food drives this past weekend. Thanks to the charitable efforts of the Lancer athletic department and the Windsor Spitfires, many local families will now be able to keep their families warm and fed as the 2015 calendar continues through November and rolls into the holiday season. The annual Lancer Holiday Clothing

double-header against the Toronto Var-

Although they were unsuccessful on

spective attendances were 4,640 and 3,994 during this past weekend’s games

As of 2006 over 38,000 people in Wind-

the ice this past weekend, the Windsor

sor and Essex County were living in

Spitfires continued to solidify their role

poverty with an estimated 16,000 of

in our community as they quickly re-

them being children and youth. Fast

sponded to the reported closing of the

forward to 2015 and Windsor still leads

Windsor Homes Coalition Food Bank

all of Canada with an unemployment

and the dire need for donations ex-

Association at a pair weekend contests

rate that hovers at 10 per cent.

pressed by the Welcome Centre Shelter

at the WFCU Centre.

This year, children’s winter coats were in

Both women’s and men’s Lancer varsity

especially high demand and throughout

Fans were asked to bring any canned-

basketball squads scored big wins on the

the week, dozens of coats and all items

good, non-perishable food items or

hard court over the Blues but those who

in good condition were accepted to local

monetary contributions they could

Cantelon Drive in Windsor. Donation

donated their winter coats and other

families throughout the Windsor-Essex

spare to one of two games at the WFCU

suggestions include peanut butter, jam,

clothing items at the game and through-

County community in need this hol-

Centre during OHL action against

cereal, tuna, rice, beans, bread, Kraft

out the week were the real winners,

iday season. At the end of the drive, it

the Owen Sound Attack Nov. 21 as

Dinner, juice boxes, baby formula, pasta

bringing comfort and peace of mind

was estimated almost 100 clothing items

well as the following afternoon against

and sauce.

sity Blues at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 21. In an effort to fuel reported shortages in local food banks the Spitfires hockey community kindly asked fans attending to bring canned-good donations in support of the Windsor-Essex Food Bank

for Women.

against the Attack and Ice Dogs, a strong indication of the support the team and the community received for this initiative. Those who were unable to attend this weekend’s games or any community members who are interested in helping those in need are encouraged to drop off donations directly to the Food Bank association’s headquarters at 6955

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Workshop Focuses on Anatomy of a Singer HANIYASSINE Arts Editor __________________________ A recent workshop within the university’s music building placed a focal point on the fitness behind one’s vocal talents. Inside room 126 was the Singers Body Workshop, which occurred Nov. 21. More than 20 students attended the workshop in gym apparel where exercises were done to strengthen physical aspects such as their posture, exhalation and general muscle groups. Certified fitness instructor Diane Ryda helmed the workshop, in collaboration with retired UWindsor voice professor Elsie Inselman, who believed Ryda was a near perfect fit to deal with this particular subject matter. “The voice and musicianship has to be ready to go and then one has to have correct teaching,” Inselman said. “I know immediately she was streets ahead as far as teaching to singers.” While being a fitness professional for over 20 years, Ryda said this is the first time she has taught a class on how to be better singers. She engaged in extensive research in preparation for the course, all while trying to find ways to strengthen vocals with the help of muscle exercises, stabilization procedures as well as learning proper posturing. She said while most singers practice their vocal chords and breathing, they tend to not pay attention to the rest of the body, citing how most performers are often not stationary, as they move around the

About 20 students attended the singers body workshop at the university’s music building on Nov. 21. Fitness instructor Diane Ryda helms a singers body workshop at the UWindsor music building Nov. 21. [Photo by // Hani Yassine] stage while they sing. She believes understanding this aspect plays a big part in becoming a stronger vocalist through

and through.

Emily Ibbotson opened the match with a kill and Claire Mackenzie rattled off four straight points at the service line. Lancers head coach Lucas Hodgson and the battle-tested Windsor women would claw their way back to even the set at seven each gaining momentum throughout the match.

non Dean led the Lancers offense down the stretch. The Lancers came out blazing in the second and third set and won both in convincing fashion. Stirling finished the game with 23 assists while Dean had eight kills and three blocks. Emily McCloskey had another strong effort for Windsor in the middle and finished the match with seven kills.

“It’s important for singers to have a good cardiovascular system, because they

need to be able to utilize oxygen well,” Ryda said. “When you’re up on stage, it takes up the whole body.”

Ryda said depending on the success of the class, she would like to build upon this workshop in the near future.

Queen’s to their name already in 2015, the Windsor Lancers posed a definite challenge to ninth-ranked McMaster.

while Jade Ziebarth had five kills to go along with nine digs.

Women’s Volleyball Win Streak Ends At McMaster

BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________

The Windsor Lancer women’s volleyball team went on the road this past weekend and split a pair of matches against the Waterloo Warriors and McMaster Marauders. Windsor won their fourth consecutive match when they swept the host Warriors in three straight sets with scores of 26-24, 25-14 and 25-13 Nov. 20. However, the next day would see the Lancers get swept by the ninth-ranked Marauders, falling 3-0 by scores of 25-19, 25-14 and 25-13.

Strong serving from the Warriors throughout the set allowed the hosts to jump out and grab a 24-22 lead. The hard-nosed Lancers refused to give up, however, and some ill-timed hitting errors by Waterloo and two setter dumps by fifth year setter Lauren Stirling were crucial in Windsor’s four point push which allowed them to take the opening set 26-24.

In the opening set against Waterloo, the Warriors jumped out to a 5-0 lead after

Windsor took control from that point on as Stirling and middle blocker Shan-

For Waterloo, Alyson Colpitts tallied the most points with 10 on her nine kills and two assisted blocks. Mackenzie finished with six kills and three service aces while Kayla Wierts and Ibbotson also had six kills each. Warrior’s setter Emily Needles was consistent on offense and defense as she contributed 25 assists and 12 digs in the losing effort. With a four-match win with some high-profile victories over Ottawa and

Against the Marauders, Windsor fell behind early in the first set, and although they fought hard to battle back they were unable to overcome the lead the hosts had built, falling 25-19. The Marauders hit efficiently and challenged the Lancers constantly from the service line and completed convincing straight sets with a 25-14 victory in the second before closing out the Lancers in the third, 25-13. Joanna Jedrzejewska was a bright spot for McMaster, finishing the match with 12 kills while adding two aces and two blocks. Windsor had a balanced offensive effort with middles Dean and McCloskey both registering seven kills

The victory was McMaster’s fifth straight, as the Marauders moved to 6-1 overall and solidified their hold on the top spot in the OUA West standings. The weekend split gives the Lancers a 5-3 record on the season, which is good enough to put them into a tie for second place in the OUA West division with the Western Mustangs. Windsor will wrap up their final weekend of regular season competition before the exam and holiday break when they host the Mustangs at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 28. First serve is scheduled for 6 p.m.



Big Road Trip For Men’s Hockey After Weekend Split With Lakehead BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________ The Windsor Lancer men’s hockey team have found themselves with a 7-52 record after splitting a pair of games against the Lakehead Thunderwolves this past weekend. Head coach Kevin Hamlin and the Windsor men’s hockey team opened up the weekend with a hard-earned two points in the standings with a 2-0 victory over the visiting Thunderwolves from Thunder Bay at South Windsor Arena Nov. 20. However, the next night would prove to be a much different story as Lakehead picked up their first win of the season with a 5-2 decision over the hometown Lancers. Despite the weekend split, Windsor still sits in third place of the OUA West division while Lakehead improves to 1-10-1. The game got off to a quick start with both teams trading chances early. But both Blake Richard and Lakehead’s Devin Green shut the door through the first period. The second period was much of the same, with Richard and Green both standing tall in net. Many chances were traded back and forth but it was a goalies game. At 17:21 of the period, Dylan Seguin finally broke the dead lock on a pretty play set up by Mike Christou and Blake Blondeel. The Lancers extended their lead at 4:28 of the third period to make the game 2-0. Dylan Denomme scored on the power play after being set up by Seguin and Steve Anthony. Richard made 28 saves to earn the shutout for the Lancers while Green also registered 28 saves for Lakehead in the loss. Much like the historic movie, “The Godfather”, the sequel hockey game against the Thunderwolves would prove to be much different than the first for Windsor. The first period was very back and forth with both teams trading chances early. Lakehead opened the scoring on a power play goal by E.J. Faust and was assisted by Justin Sefton and Carson Dubchak. The Lakehead lead would not last long, as the Lancers tied it up less than one minute later on a tip-in goal from Tyson Ness with assists going to Scott Prier and Eric Noel. In the second period the Lancers came out firing on cylinders and were rewarded when Mike Cristou put the puck into the back of the net to put the Lancers up 2-1 just seven minutes into the frame. Lakehead started to press once they fell

Windsor Lancers defensemen Kyle Haas clears the front of net for goaltender Blake Richard during OUA men’s hockey action against the Lakehead Thunderwolves at South Windsor Arena Nov. 21. Windsor split a two-game set with Lakehead, shutting out the visitors 2-0 Nov. 20 before dropping a 5-2 decision to the Thunderwolves in their first victory of the season. [Photo by // Gerry Marentette] behind and it paid off at 13:23 in the second when Dylan Butler was all alone in the slot and fired a shot into the top of the net and tying the game once again. The third period went back and forth for the first half of the final frame. It wasn’t until 9:26 when Lakehead’s Cody Alcock scored to give them the lead. From that point on, it was all Thunderwolves. Lakehead would continue to extend their lead throughout the third period, scoring two goals within 52 seconds of each other. The first came from Jake Ringuette at 13:58 and Sam Schutt scored the second at 14:50. Windsor would pull Richard for an extra attacker but were unable to stage a comeback and fell 5-2. Once again, both goaltenders were the busiest men at the rink that night as Richard made 44 saves in net for the Lancers in the loss while Green picked up Lakehead’s first win of the OUA regular season and made 42 saves in the process. Windsor is in third place of the OUA West division despite dropping five of their last six games and only accumulating three points over the past three weeks of competition. The Lancers now hit the road for a pair of important road games against the Waterloo Warriors and Laurier Golden Hawks,who sit in

Windsor Lancers forward Dylan Denomme looks to pass the puck away from a Lakehead during OUA men’s hockey action at South Windsor Arena Nov. 21. Windsor opened the weekend with a 2-0 shutout victory over the Thunderwolves Nov. 20 but would get bit the next night, dropping a 5-2 decision to the visitors from Thunder Bay Nov. 21. [Photo by // Gerry Marentette] seventh and eighth place in the division, respectively. First, Windsor battles with the 5-8 Warriors at Columbia Icefield with a 7 p.m. puck drop Nov. 27. The next night the

Lancers square off with the 5-7 Golden Hawks at SunLife Financial Arena with puck drop at 7:30 p.m. Both games can be viewed live online at Windsor will then close out the first half

of the regular season prior to exams and holiday break when they return home for a midweek battle against their rivals, the visiting Western Mustangs Dec. 2. Puck drop is scheduled for 7:30 p.m.

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Campbell’s Final Minute Flurry Pushes Lancers Past Varsity Blues

BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________ Head coach Ryan Steer and the Lancer men’s basketball team are flying high after taking two big victories over Toronto-based opponents at home this past week. In act one, the Lancer men’s basketball team upset the fifth-ranked Ryerson Rams 81-67 in a mid-week matchup at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 18. Later in the week, Windsor used a big push in the final two minutes of the fourth quarter to come from behind and nip the Toronto Varsity Blues 89-88 Nov. 21. “Huge wins for us, especially after coming off of the loss to Western,” Steer said. “We’re really happy with our effort this week. We set ourselves up to where we want to be going into the break.” Against the previously unbeaten Rams, Windsor was led by fifth-year guard Alex Campbell who registered his second double-double of the season with a game high 25 points and 14 rebounds.

mere 20.5% from the field compared to the Rams 21.2%. After the low scoring first half, the Rams led 25-21 heading into the break. Windsor rebounded in the third and fourth quarters, outscoring their visitors 26-20 and 30-26, respectively to earn the win. The Lancers finished the game with a 32.9% shooting percentage, while Ryerson finished with an almost identical 32.3%. Defensively, Windsor held a narrow edge on the board, out-rebounding the Rams 51-45. Three days later the Lancer men’s basketball team narrowly edged the Toronto Varsity Blues 89-88 at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 21. Campbell led the Lancers with 26 points, six assists and five boards while Marko Kovac had 16 points and Osborne chipped in 14 points prior to fouling out midway through the fourth quarter. After the Lancers took a 50-43 lead at the half, the Blues opened the third quarter on a 17-10 streak evening the score at 60-60 midway through the

A trio of rookies were instrumental in

frame. Toronto kept their momentum

the Lancers upset over the Rams begin-

going and led by as many as nine points

ning with Isiah Osborne who had an-

but the Lancers rallied with six straight

other impressive performance with 16

points to cut the deficit to three heading

points. Equally as impressive was gritty

into the fourth.

first year forward Randy Oriakhi, who put up 12 points and 11 rebounds for the first double-double of his OUA career. Micah Kirubel’s consistency off of the bench for Windsor was key, scoring four points on consecutive possessions in the fourth quarter and dishing out four assists throughout the contest. “It’s good to see our rookies are not afraid to fight back,” Steer said. “It’s go-

The Blues led at multiple times throughout the fourth quarter and were ahead 88-84 before Campbell put the team on his back and scored five straight points, giving the home team a one-point lead with under 10 seconds to go. Toronto would call timeout and inbound the ball to their lead scorer Devin Johnson - who finished the game with 34 points - but Windsor’s defense was stout on the

Windsor Lancers forward Marko Kovac battles for position underneat the basket with a Toronto Varsity Blues rebounder during OUA men’s basketball action at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 21. Down four points in the final minute, Windsor’s Alex Campbell scored five points in succession and blocked the attempted game-winning shot to lead the Lancers in a 89-88 victory. [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] did a great job of keeping him in front,”

the OUA West division with the Laurier

thrilling Wilson Cup OUA semifinal

Steer said. “Tyler came over and helped

Golden Hawks with identical 4-1 re-

game which Windsor won on the road

out, everyone did their job, didn’t leave

cords while the Blues fall to 1-3 and sit in

any open shooters and we took care of

fourth place in the East division.

85-80 on route to claiming the OUA silver medal.

ing to be up and down with us playing

game’s final possession.

the possession.”

so many first year guys but we need to

“We had a feeling they were going go

Windsor would secure the loose ball

ter with a pair of road games in the na-

to Johnson, he was their man all game,”

and claim another big victory early in

tion’s capital against the two top-ranked

Steer said. “Once it was late and [John-

the OUA regular season.

teams in the CIS.

son] was in the post we decided we

“That’s a good character win,” Steer said.

“We have to get back to the drawing

credit, the Lancers have the most regular

“We kind of went to sleep in the third

board because we have a tough pair of

season wins over the Ravens since their historic run at the CIS national champi-

learn how to put away a team when they are on the ropes.” Roshane Roberts had a team high 21

The Lancers will close out the fall semes-

points to lead the visiting Rams while

would send someone at him.”

Adika Peter-McNeilly had 13 points

Campbell would get some help from

but we fought back in the fourth and

games against Ottawa and Carleton this

and Aaron Best scored 12 points com-

forward Tyler Persaud to alter Johnson’s

pulled it out. Alex Campbell came up

weekend,” Steer said. “Now it’s time to

ing off the bench for interim head coach

shot but it was ultimately the hand of

big when we needed him to, some guys

see what we can do.”

Windsor’s lead scorer, which blocked

made some big shots and we got defen-

the attempted game-winning basket.

sive stops when we needed them.”

“We switched off on the screen and Alex

Windsor is now tied for first place in

Patrick Tatham’s squad. The first half was a struggle offensively for both teams as the Lancers shot a

The next night Windsor will take on the Carleton Ravens, who have won the last five CIS men’s basketball championships and 10 of the last 11. To their

onships began. Most recently Windsor defeated Carleton by a 74-71 victory at

First, the Lancers will head to Monpe-

the St. Denis Centre Jan. 7, 2015 but the

tit Hall to battle the first-ranked Otta-

Ravens would defeat Windsor in the

wa Gee Gees Nov. 27 in a rematch of a

OUA gold medal game.



Future Of UWindsor Campus Recreation Hinges On Student Vote BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________ The University of Windsor is days away from a student-led referendum vote regarding whether or not there should be a new student fee to fund the proposed Lancer Sports and Recreation Centre project, which would include a $55 million investment from the students. The referendum vote will take place online Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 and the entire student body is encouraged to vote and voice their opinion on the LSRC fee and their role in the future of UWindsor’s campus recreation and athletic infrastructure. Fourth year Human Kinetics student Greg Bolger is leading the “Vote Yes 2015” campaign and said regardless of what they vote, students should take a couple minutes and perform their right to vote. “Quite literally, every vote matters,” Bolger said. “With a few minutes of your time you could potentially leave a legacy for the University.” Bolger said by voting yes to the LSRC fee, future UWindsor students will get access to a new athletic facility that will benefit the greater good of future Windsor Lancers and the entire Windsor and Essex County community. “You could vote for a building that will still be here on an alumni weekend or homecoming event 30 years from now,” Bolger said. “You can look back and say you were a part of that, I voted yes for that and now look at all of these students who are able to enjoy the facilities we put

the hard work in for and create the reality of this new facility.” The LSRC fee will be a $62.50 base fee applied to all full-time students each term for a maximum of two terms per year for a total of $125 per year. The LSRC will be implemented in fall 2019 or when the new athletic facility is ready to open. “The students have to provide the capital for the building but the University will assume 100 per cent of the maintenance and operating costs once the facility is opened,” Bolger said. “The yearly operational costs a 40-year lifetime of the facility is estimated to total $40 million. For the University of Windsor is to assume 100 per cent of the operational costs is unheard of with other facilities across Ontario.” Among the upgrades UWindsor students would get to enjoy include 16,000 additional square feet of fitness space, new cardio and resistance training equipment as well as specialty fitness rooms and women’s only fitness spaces and subsequent programming. A proposed upgrade of the current St. Denis Centre includes the installing of three new courts for indoor sports such basketball, volleyball and badminton. This added space will open up recreation court time and will allow for increased prime time availability for student use. Chelsey Mathieu is a fourth year Human Kinetics - Sports Management student and is heavily involved in the recreation programs at the St. Denis Centre. Mathieu is also the manager of a co-ed basketball team and said court

A proposed rendering of the new athletic facility being voted upon by UWindsor students online Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 2015. [Photo courtesy of Vote Yes 2015 campaign] availability is always an issue. “The current space at the St. Denis Centre is not satisfactory for the amount of students it supports,” Mathieu said. “I know that a lot of our intramural teams would like to have games that don’t end at 11 p.m. or midnight. The increased court space would allow us to start earlier than 7 p.m., it would be a lot easier on the students. We currently have over 6,000 students in registered programs. We need the increased space for all the students to use the facility, not just for athletics.”

courts for recreation use and will also feature a walking or running trail. The LSRC fee would also fund a new state of the art pool with increased recreational swim hours of operation. Students who do not partake in athletics can simply use one of the multi-purpose rooms for student clubs and academia while enjoying the other amenities such as safe and secure locker rooms, social areas and food venues. The facility will be fully accessible those who are disabled and will include family and universal change room facilities.

The outdoor facilities will get a facelift with a new turf field, cricket pitch as well as ball hockey and beach volleyball

“We’re hoping we can get a lot of students to participate online and vote yes to get the facilities we need,” Bolger

and Shawn Reaume each contributed with eight.

After dropping the first set, the Lancers played the Marauders in a tightly-contested battle for much of the second but McMaster’s fire power would prove to be too hot to handle, using their skill and experience to take the second and third sets in succession, and eventually the match.

said. “The increased room for studying will give people another place to go. We know Leddy library is always busy and the CAW building is a busy place and is loud so this is an option to come and study in a quiet, well-lit area.” One concern of those with opposing views lies with the fact that once the facility is open, the LSRC fee will increase by five per cent for the first seven years and is estimated to total $175.86 or almost $87.93 per semester at that time. Once UWindsor’s current sports and rec fee expires in 2029, the LSRC fee is set to increase again by the amount of the previous fee, and will add $57 to the yearly total which will last for an additional 30 years.

Men’s Volleyball Falls On The Road To McMaster and Waterloo

BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________

top-ranked Marauders at the Burridge Gym in Hamilton and was swept in straight sets 3-0 by scores of 18-25, 1725 and 15-25.

The Lancer men’s volleyball team dropped a pair of road games this weekend with consecutive losses to the Waterloo Warriors and to the defending OUA champions and CIS bronze medalists, the McMaster Marauders.

Against the Warriors, the Lancers would two teams split the first two sets before the Warriors came out on top in the third. Former Lancer Greg Simone ended the match on a service ace in the fourth set to give Waterloo a 3-1 victory.

Windsor started off the weekend with a gritty effort on the road against the Warriors but eventually fell 3-1 by scores of 16-25, 25-21, 17-25 and 23-25 at the Physical Activities Complex in Waterloo. The next night, the young Lancer men’s squad faced off against the CIS’s

The Lancers were led by fifth year middle-hitter Josh Edwards who finished the match with 15 kills while rookie outside-hitter John Moate followed with nine. Defensively, rookie Matthew De Benito led the Lancers with nine digs while fifth year seniors Blasé Wasser

The two biggest differences in the match were the 18 blocks Waterloo had compared to Windsor’s 11 and the Warrior’s 52 kills compared to Windsor’s 42. Waterloo’s Braden Cok was an offensive force once again this season with a game high 19 kills and adding four blocks. Aidan Simone and Jordan McConkey also finished with double-digits kills, putting away 10 and 11 kills each. Trevor Coathup had two service aces and led his team in blocks with five. The next day, Windsor would get on the bus and travel to Hamilton for a tilt with the defending OUA champions.

McMaster is now 9-0 and has only dropped two sets in OUA regular season competition this year. The Marauder men’s program has won five of the past seven OUA championships and took home the CIS bronze medal at the 2015 championships hosted by the Sakastchewan Huskies. Fifth-year senior Reaume led the Lanc-

ers offense against the Marauders with seven total kills. With the pair of losses Windsor now currently holds a 1-7 record and now sits in second last place in the OUA standings. Head coach James Gravelle and the Lancers will now try to close out the first half of their regular season competition on a high note with a pair of weekend home games at the St. Denis Centre. Windsor will host the Toronto Varsity Blues and the Ryerson Rams on consecutive nights, beginning with the Blues Nov. 27 with first serve scheduled for 7 p.m. The men will square off against the Rams after the conclusion of the women’s match against Western Nov. 28.

18 //


Women’s Hoops Bounce Back With Big Wins Over Ryerson, Toronto BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________ Head coach Chantal Vallee and the Windsor Lancer women’s basketball team needed a big effort against the Ryserson Rams and Toronto Varsity Blues after falling to the Western Mustangs last week. Vallee certainly got the full-game efforts she had anticipated from her team but it has been the level of play and the leadership provided from her three veterans - Andrea Kiss, Emily Prevost and Cheyanne Roger - led the Lancers to a pair of well-earned victories after a disappointing loss to the Western Mustangs Nov. 13. “All three girls have different personalities and they all come out and lead in different ways but I’m very proud of them,” Vallee said. “The loss to Western was very hard to take ... I’m a demanding coach and I’m happy to see where we are headed right now. I’ve made the call to them in practice and they have responded.” After trailing by double-digits at various points of the game, a 31-11 fourth quarter propelled the tenth-ranked Windsor Lancer women’s basketball team to a 95-79 come from behind victory over the third-ranked Rams at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 18. Three days later, the Blues put up a fight in the opening half but were blown away in the second and were defeated by a 96-60 score. “Coming back to make sure we got two wins is very important,” Vallee said. “Not just to Ryerson, who was ranked higher than us, but to not have a let down the following game requires a lot of mental strength and focus. In that sense, I think we have learned a lot about my players.” After trailing from the game’s opening tip-off, the Lancers went on a 19-0 run to begin the fourth quarter and outscored the Rams 31-11 in the final 10 minutes to take a 16 point win which is almost guaranteed to shake up the CIS Top-10 rankings. Kiss, a fourth year Lancer forward, dominated at both ends of the floor and led all scorers with 29 points to go along with a her game-high 17 rebounds in her second double-double of the regular season but showed humility as she pointed out the lone free throw she missed in the win. “It always feels great to contribute to a win,” Kiss said. “No matter how many points I score, it doesn’t matter. I just want to do what I need to do in order to help my team win. Ryerson is a good team; it was a great effort by us overall. We stepped on the gas in the fourth quarter and we really seized the opportunity.” Prevost also registered a double-double with 20 points and 11 rebounds while Roger scored 12 points and grabbed 10

rebounds in the win. “We knew it had to be a team win today,” Prevost said. “We had a very focused week of practice coming off the loss to Western and we knew this was a huge game. Not that we care for rankings, but Ryerson was third and we had to avenge our loss and come out strong. We had some ups and downs but the point is we played with heart and we got it done.” In their lone loss of OUA regular season, Keneca Pingue-Giles led the visiting Rams with 27 points while Silvana Jez put up 20 points and Sofia Paska scored 15 points to go along with her teamhigh eight rebounds. Three days later, longtime head coach Michele Belanger and the Blues would visit Lancer territory but were thoroughly dominated by the Lancers to the tune of a 96-60 drubbing at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 21. With the loss, the Blues fall to 1-3 and sit in third in the OUA’s East division. With the Lancers leading 26-14 after the first quarter of play, the Blues went on a 7-0 run to open the second and make it a five-point game. The visitors outscored the Lancers 20-16 in the second quarter and played a strong defensive game. Windsor led 42-34 at the break and blew the doors off of Toronto in the second half to take the decisive victory. Although the Blues applied some heavy backcourt pressure to open the second half, the Lancers fought back and held the Blues to just eight points. From there, the Lancers dominated the floor building a 38 point lead with just over a minute to go in regulation, en route to their dominating win.

Windsor Lancers guard Carly Steer dribbles up the floor against the Ryerson Rams during OUA women’s basketball action at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 21. Steer scored a game-high 16 points for the Lancers in a 96-60 blowout over the Blues. [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold]

Second year guard Carly Steer led the Lancers with 16 points, as Prevost registered yet another double-double with 14 points, 12 rebounds. Kiss was solid once again and scored 14 points to go along with nine rebounds. “We have been focusing working harder and playing harder and I feel Carly is one of the players who has responded to that,” Vallee said. “I appreciate it from my players when they respond to the leadership we are asking from them and it makes me feel like I can coach a team and build them into champions.” With the win, Windsor’s women’s hoops squad is now 4-1 on the season and holds on to first place in the OUA West division thanks to Ryerson’s 84-70 victory over Western Nov. 20. Head coach Vallee and the Lancers now look to close out the first half of their season next week in the nation’s capital when they face the Ottawa Gee Gees and the Carleton Ravens on consecutive nights. “The road trip is going to be very, very tough. Two physical teams,” Vallee said. “We’d like to leave there with two wins so we need to have a good week of practice.”

Windsor Lancers forward Emily Prevost backs down a Toronto Varsity Blues defender during OUA women’s basketball action at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 21 in a 96-60 blowout. Three days earlier the tenthranked Lancers needed a big fourth quarter to come back and defeat the third-ranked Ryerson Rams 95-79. [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold]



Women’s Hockey Falls To Queen’s, UOIT On Weekend Road Trip BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________ The Lancer women’s hockey team continues to battle for their first win in regulation after dropping a pair of games over the weekend to the Queen’s Gaels and UOIT Ridgebacks. To begin the weekend, the Lancers scored to make it a 2-1 game but two quick goals against in the third period led to a 4-1 loss to the Gaels at campus Athletics and Recreation Centre in Kingston Nov 20. The next night, the Lancers led 2-1 over UOIT at the second intermission but gave up four goals in the third period en route to dropping a 5-3 decision to the Ridgebacks at the Campus Ice Centre in Oshawa Nov. 21. With the pair of losses, head coach Jim Hunter and the Lancer women continue to work for their first win in regulation this season and remain in last place in the OUA women’s hockey standings with a 0-1-8-1 record. In Windsor’s opening matchup of the weekend the Gaels started off strong

Windsor Lancer forward Erinn Noseworthy puts a shot on net against the Queen’s Gaels in OUA women’s hockey action last season. This past weekend the Lancers dropped a 4-1 decision to the Gaels on the road in Kingston. [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold]

and applied pressure in the first frame.

spond quickly.

Queen’s would come up with a few scor-

Just one minute after Borowiec’s goal,

ing chances but third-year goaltender

Addi Halladay struck back for Queen’s

Ingrid Sandven stood tall for the Lanc-

to restore their two-goal lead. Halladay

ers. Windsor wouldn’t get to test Gaels

took a feed from Pilon and scoring her

goaltender Caitlyn Lahonen too much

third of the season and collected her

in the opening frame but she came up

second point on the night. The Gaels

with a big save in the period’s final min-

would not be done there as Nadia Laro-

ute to keep the game scoreless after the

cca scored her sixth goal of the year with

first period.

an assist coming from Queen’s rookie

The game’s pace really picked up in the

Kaylie Dennis.

opening minute of the second period.

The next night against the Ridgebacks,

The Gaels’ Clare McKellar scored her

the hosts scored four goals on Lancer

first goal of the year to give the home

goaltender Marissa Kozovski in the final

team that critical first goal and a 1-0 lead.

twenty minutes to earn a 5-3 victory.

Each team continued to have chances as

The Lancers held a 2-1 lead heading

the game opened up a lot more in the middle frame. Big saves by both Lahonen and Sandven kept the game tight at 1-0 heading into the final period. In the opening minutes of the third pe-

into the third period with goals from Shailyn Waites and Krystin Lawrence. After the Ridgebacks took a 3-2 lead just four minutes into the final period, captain Erinn Noseworthy tied the game

riod, the Gaels pushed their lead to 2-0

up with a short handed goal at 5:15.

on a goal from Taryn Pilon. Windsor

The Ridgebacks then scored two back to

was able to capitalize on some sustained

back goals at 6:07 and 6:37 of the frame

pressure half-way through the third

to take a two goal lead, and although the

frame as Larissa Borowiec cut the Gaels

Lancers applied consistent pressure to

lead in half 2-1 but Queen’s would re-

Ridgeback goaltender Cassie Charette,

Erinn Noseworthy of the Windsor Lancers battles for position in front of the Queen’s Gaels net during OUA women’s hockey action at South Windsor Arena last season. The 2015-16 Lancer women are still looking for their first win in regulation after a pair of losses on the road this weekend pushed their record to 0-1-8-1. [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] they were unable to find the back of the

to close out the first half of their season

on Saturday. The puck will drop at 7:30


with a pair of games against the Brock

p.m. on both nights and can be seen live

Windsor returns home next weekend

Badgers on Friday night and the Gaels


20 //


Spitfires Suffer First Back-ToBack Losses Of The Season

BRETTHEDGES Sports Editor __________________________

A string of lackluster performances has finally caught up to the Windsor Spitfires in the form of consecutive losses at the WFCU Centre this past weekend. First year head coach Rocky Thompson and the Spits squeaked out a 3-2 victory over the Guelph Storm Nov. 19 before dropping back-to-back contests at home to the Owen Sound Attack and Niagara Ice Dogs within less than 24 hours, losing 3-1 and 3-0 respectively. “We got humbled this weekend, we got booed in our own building,” Thompson said. “We were undisciplined and we didn’t capitalize on the individual opportunities we were given. It didn’t happen tonight and it hasn’t happened in our last five games.” Against the Storm, Christian Fischer scored two goals - his first coming just 23 seconds into the game on Windsor’s first shot - as well as the game winner as the Spitfires edged Guelph 3-2 in front of the 4,443 fans in attendance. Garrett McFadden registering the Storm’s lone tally and forward Logan Brown scored his fifth of the season for the Spitfires and Cristiano DiGiacinto extended his point streak to seven games with an assist on Brown’s goal. Goaltender Garrett Hughson won his fifth game in as many starts, finishing with 23 saves. The win completed a four-game season sweep of the Storm with Windsor outscoring Guelph 14-4 in the process. Two nights later, Bryson Cianfrone scored twice to lead the Owen Sound Attack to a 3-1 win over Windsor Nov. 21. Owen Sound scored twice on the power play including Cianfrone’s opening goal in the second period. Spits defensemen Liam Murray scored his first of the season to tie the game up at one. Owen Sound scored twice in the third period and Attack goaltender Daniel Dekoning made 35 saves on the evening to hand the Spitfires their first home regulation loss of the season. Windsor came back to the rink the next morning with an opportunity to redeem themselves, but Niagara goalie Brent Moran had other plans. The fourth-round pick of the NHL’s Dallas Stars in 2014 stopped all 23 shots he faced to pick up his first shutout of the season in a 3-0 win for the Ice Dogs over the Spitfires. Not to be outshone or outworked, Windsor’s rookie goaltender Mike DiPietro matched Moran save for save, finishing with 28 saves on 31 shots and kept the Spitfires competitive throughout the contest. Trailing 2-0 after two periods and 25-13 in shots, the Spitfires came out with vigor in the third and fired nine shots on goal but to no avail.

Windsor Spitfires forward Dan Beaudoin fights for the puck with a Niagara Ice Dogs defender during OHL action at the WFCU Centre Nov. 21. The Spitfires dropped two of three home games this week, defeating the Guelph Storm 3-2 before dropping a 3-1 decision to the Owen Sound Attack and getting shutout 3-0 by the Ice Dogs. [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] An ill-timed fight led to the ejection of DiGiacinto at 8:23 of the third and snuffed any fire Windsor had built up. “If there is any positive in this game it is how good DiPietro played,” Thompson said. “Mikey gave us an opportunity to win. Up to the point of DiGiacinto’s penalty, we were out-shooting them nine to one and we were able to get power plays too but those wouldn’t have been there if he hadn’t played the way he did.” The parade to the penalty box continued throughout the third and the Ice Dogs were able to put the game out of reach when Dunn registered his second goal of the game to give Niagara a threegoal cushion with under three minutes to play. Dunn’s eight goals lead all OHL defensemen while his 20 points rank him second. The Spitfires have another challenge for themselves in a weekend-heavy OHL regular season schedule and will attempt to win three games within a mere 48 hours. First, Windsor faces off against the Saginaw Spirit in a West division home-and-home set beginning at the WFCU Centre Nov. 27 with puck drop at 7:05 p.m.

Aaron Luchuk of the Windsor Spitfires fights for the puck between four members of the Owen Sound Attack during OHL action at the WFCU Centre Nov. 20. Windsor lost two straight consecutive games in regulation for the first time this season thanks to a 3-1 loss to the Attack and a 3-0 shutout loss to the Niagara Ice Dogs. [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold]

“It’s going to be a tough weekend without a doubt,” Thompson said. “Saginaw’s Greg Gilbert does a great job there. They always comes hard and we are going to need to be at the top of our game.”

The Spitfires will then visit Wendler Arena at the Dow Event Centre in Saginaw, MI. for act two against the Spirit before traveling back across the border

to the City of Roses for a matinee meeting with the London Knights Nov. 29. “It’s three games in less than 48 hours, so it’s never easy,” Thompson said. “Home

and home’s are always tough no matter what and then we’re coming home to face one of the best teams in the league in London.”

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