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Register At The Enschede Municipality

All international students staying at the UT for more than four months must register at the municipal civil registry (BasisRegistratie Personen, BRP).

For more information visit: www.utwente.nl/en/education/student-services/ visa/appointment-formalities.rtd/registermunicipality/ www.utwente.nl/municipal-registration

How To Register At Another Municipality

If you live in another municipality in the Netherlands, please visit the City Hall of your municipality (Gemeente) to register in the BRP. You will receive a certificate of residence.

If you live in Belgium, Luxembourg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, or Bremen, please obtain a certificate of residence (in German: Meldebescheinigung) from your local municipality. Note that VISA students are required to have a permanent residence in the Netherlands.

Citizen Service Number

Once registered you will receive a letter from the municipality stating your citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN). The BSN is your unique personal ID for all Dutch authorities. You will need it as identification for study subsidy forms, rental contracts and bank account forms during your stay in the Netherlands. It will only be distributed once.

Living Costs

Your BSN is required to open a bank account and will often be requested at the doctor or hospital. It is important to make a note of your BSN as it will only be issued once. Please keep this important document on file!

All scholarship students are required to submit their BSN to the University of Twente.

Municipal Taxes

If your rental price doesn’t include costs for utilities, internet and television, it probably doesn’t include municipal taxes either (check your rental contract to find out.) These taxes are charged by your local municipality and include, for example, the taxes for water treatment, sewage treatment and garbage disposal.

If you live with multiple people in your house, the tenant who was registered first in the municipal database at that address (or the oldest in age) is the main user and receives the tax bill. That person has the sole responsibility to pay the tax bill. Of course you can all share the bill, but this must be arranged between yourselves. The person who receives the bill has the obligation to pay it. If you live by yourself, you pay the oneperson rate. If you live with additional people, you pay the multi-person rate.

The following example student budget can help to indicate what budget is required as a student at the University of Twente.

PhD candidates can find more information about the PhD budget estimate in Chapter 7.

Annual Living Costs

(1) If you are unsure if your study programme is considered AlphaGamma or Bèta, visit https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/studentservices/money-matters/tuitionfee/#tuition-fees-for-masters

(2) For detailed costs of other ITC courses, please see page 40

(3) Insurance costs for EU/EEA students depend on the policies of insurance companies in your home country. EU/EEA students can opt for additional insurance of € 10 - € 25 per month. This insurance covers costs of additional medical care. Visa students can make use of the ICS Complete+ insurance, which covers basic health care, travel and liability. ICS Complete Plus costs € 56.70 per month (see pages 12-14.)