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Behrouz Boochani In Conversation

Sunday 3 December 4pm - 5.15pm

Award-winning Kurdish-Iranian journalist, writer, filmmaker, and human rights activist Behrouz Boochani will speak to Fiona Kelly McGregor about his most recent book Freedom,OnlyFreedom. Boochani will share his stories of resilience and shed light on Australian refugee policies. There will be a book signing after the event thanks to MacLean's Booksellers. You can buy tickets here.

I2n Accelerator Demo Night

Thursday 9 November 5pm – 8pm

The I2N Accelerator is a launchpad for founders based in the Newcastle region, to validate their pathway to market and hit go on their business model. After an intensive 10-week journey of customer interviews, market analysis, and business model validation, these founders have risen to the challenge and are ready to share what they have learned and where to next. Event is free but registration essential. You can find more information here.


24 – 27 November – Horseshoe Beach, Newcastle

A peaceful protest involving thousands of people uniting to demand urgent action to address the climate crisis. There are lots of ways to get involved! You can find more information here. Saturday & Sunday will be the big action days with the flotilla blockade, speakers & live music.


1 – 5 November – UON city campus

CHROMATIC Festival is an annual celebration of creativity, critical thinking, culture, and student life across the School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Science at the University of Newcastle. CHROMATIC Festival’s focal point is a Grad Showcase of the practice and outcomes of graduating students across design, communication, media, liberal arts, music, and performance. You can find the full program of activities here.

In Conversation With Professor The Honourable Gareth Evans

Wednesday 6 December – Newcastle Conservatorium of Music

Australia’sRegionalSecurity:KeepingourBalance- In this edition of the Asia Pacific Centre-Newcastle Institute Lecture series, Professor Evans will explore the everintensifying contest for primacy between the United States and China that has created an Indo-Pacific regional security environment more fraught and fragile than it has been for decades. With discussions centered around how Australia can avoid becoming further hostage to American political and military decision-making and use such middle power influence to encourage diplomacy, dialogue, and restraint and balance in the way all of us conduct our relationships. Gareth Evans was a Cabinet Minister throughout the Hawke-Keating governments, including as Foreign Minister from 1988-96, led the Brussels-based Crisis Group and has held senior roles at ANU, including as Chancellor: this is an incredible opportunity to build your global awareness! You can register here for this free event.