2 minute read


Boards and Panels ƒ Advisory Board meeting to be conducted bi-annually

ƒ International Advisory Panel to be conducted bi-annually (with one face to face meeting in July)

COEMinerals Administration ƒ Yearly review of COEMinerals Plans

ƒ Collate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) throughout the year

ƒ Review and update KPI database

Committees ƒ Future Leaders Committee (FLC), involving PhDs and ECRs

ƒ Monthly Gender Equity Diversity & Inclusion (GEDI) Committee

ƒ Stakeholder Committee meeting to be conducted bi-annually

Engagement ƒ Continue industry engagement

Events ƒ Engage in at least 25 international and national conferences

ƒ COEMinerals annual face-to-face conference in July

ƒ Centre Organised - deliver workshops/symposiums throughout the year for industry and academia

Inter-collaborations and industry site visits ƒ Visits from Director and Centre Chief Operations Officer to all nodes in 2023

ƒ Continuation of inter-collaborations with lab visits across various nodes

ƒ Industry site visits

Meetings ƒ Weekly Executive Committee meeting

ƒ Research Program Committee meetings

ƒ Research Program Review Committee bi-annual meeting

ƒ COEMinerals Townhall meetings

ƒ Monthly (on average) GEDI and Future Leaders committee meetings

Media and Communications

ƒ Align COEMinerals key messages and content across all communications materials, social channels and website

ƒ Promote and support the success of the Centre (discoveries, events, achievements, sector impact and Centre culture) through Centre channels (social media + website) and external media outlets to grow Centre awareness and METS advocacy

ƒ Leverage node Universities and partner resources to amplify the reach and awareness of COEMinerals news

ƒ Create briefing materials and/or ‘scientific explainers’ for media, leaders and corporate affairs/government audiences

Mentoring ƒ Organise Future Leaders Program mentoring sessions with industry and academia

Mid-Term Review


ƒ Prepare and participate in ARC Mid-Term Review


ƒ Move from testing (Phase 2) to implementation (Phase 3) for the roll out of the ‘Science Kits for Schools’ Project (i.e,.‘Science Kitchen’)

ƒ Create professional videos to support Minerals Kitchen and ensure content is widely accessible via COEMinerals website

ƒ Continued development and testing of the Science & Engineering Challenge games by the Centre’s ‘Rock Star’ team, with a third activity to be added in 2023 (relating to lab testing protocols)

ƒ Start initial pilot draft program for the ‘Diversity of Thought’ module for 1st year undergraduates at UON Public

ƒ Participate in outreach events at local and/or state level; in particular exploring GEDI and Science related forums reaching wide and/or niche audiences

ƒ Elevate Centre GEDI inclusiveness with attendance at International Women’s Day (IWD) events

ƒ Participate in talks and liaison opportunities to government and industry audiences re: research capabilities and potential positive impact of the Centre


ƒ Continue national and international PhD recruitment

Reporting ƒ Project reports due quarterly

Training ƒ GEDI training

ƒ Future Leaders (training) Program - Organise technical, professional and academic training

ƒ Deliver Media readiness training (whole Centre), and 1:1 media training to media interviewees (ad hoc)

ƒ Other ad hoc training as required

Webinar Series

ƒ Hold the monthly online Signature Lecture Series, with eminent scientists or industrialists invited from around the globe to speak

ƒ Continue delivering the Internal Seminar Series on scientific or technical content by Centre researchers