Nothing But Nets 2009 Annual Report

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In 2006, the United Nations Foundation created Nothing But Nets, a global, grassroots campaign to prevent malaria in Africa—where 90 percent of deaths caused by malaria occur. A child dies every 30 seconds from this disease, which is transmitted by a single mosquito bite.


The United Nations Foundation, a public charity, was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation builds and implements public/private partnerships to address the world’s most pressing problems, and works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy

Send a Net. Save a Life.

and public outreach. Through its campaigns and partnerships, the UN Foundation connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The campaigns the UN Foundation conducts reduce child mortality, empower women and girls, create a new energy future, secure peace and human rights, and promote technology innovation to improve health outcomes. ...................................




Send a net. Save a life. Visit to donate and learn more.

1 8 0 0 M a s s a c h u s e t t s Av e . N W Fo u r t h F l o o r Wa s h i n g t o n D C 2 0 03 6 T. ( 2 0 2 ) 8 8 7- 9 0 4 0


Malaria Kills.

Nets save lives.

P H OTO C R E D I TS . List going from top to bottom, left to right.


Front Cover: #1 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #2 David Evans, #3 and #4 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #5 David Evans; Page 1: Large photo - David Evans, #1-#3 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #4 Mike Dubose/UMC; Page 2: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 3: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 4 and 5: David Evans; Page 6: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 7: David Evans; Page 8: David Evans; Page 10: David Evans; Page 13: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 14, 15, and 16: 2006: #1 and #2 Mike Dubose/UMC, #3 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; 2007: #1 Mike Dubose/UMC, #2 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; 2008: #1 Heather Weston, #2-#5 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; 2009: all Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 17: #1 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation, #2 David Evans; Page 18: all Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 19: #1 Heather Weston, #2-#5 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation, #6 Marion Curtis/StarPix; Page 20: Left middle: Usher’s New Look, all others: Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 21: #1 David Evans, #2 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 22: Nothing But Nets / UN Foundation; Page 23: Stephanie Bandini/United Against Malaria; Page 24: David Evans; Page 25: UN Truck: David Evans, all others: Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 27: David Evans; Page 29: David Evans; Page 30: #1 Claudio Gallone, #2 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #3 David Evans, #4 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 31: NY: Heather Weston, all others: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Back inside cover: David Evans.

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed

The Issue: Malaria Kills


The Solution: Nothing But Nets Bites Back


The Partners: Mobilizing a Movement


The Impact: Nets Save Lives


Spreading the Buzz


Looking Ahead



3 years $30 million raised 3 million nets distributed NOTHING BUT NETS – UNITED NATIONS FOUNDAT IO N


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3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed LETTER FROM PRESIDENT Dear Partners and Friends: In the three years since the United Nations Foundation created the Nothing But Nets campaign, you have raised $30 million to help the United Nations deliver more than 3 million bed nets to protect families in Africa from malaria. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have joined the Nothing But Nets campaign, sending the message that ending this disease is a global, and very personal, priority. In the last eight years, the issue of malaria has grown from a subject of little focus within the United States to an issue of global importance, illustrating the power of public-private partnerships in addressing the world’s most pressing problems. Today, with a constituency of millions of individuals, a dedicated and diverse group of allies, U.S. government funding of over $600 million a year, and a global action plan for malaria elimination, we are striving to reduce malaria deaths from one million each year toward near zero by 2015. The World Health Organization’s 2009 World Malaria Report confirmed that bed nets and other malaria prevention and treatment tools are working. One-third of the 108 malaria-ravaged countries reduced malaria cases by more than half in 2008 compared to 2000, and the malaria rate continues to fall. There is a unique story to be told of bishops and basketball players coming together to mobilize a movement to combat malaria; a businessman becoming the UN’s Special Envoy for Malaria; and Non Governmental Organizations, faith-based organizations, UN agencies, and corporations uniting to cover a continent with nets.


“Together with the United Nations, we can be the generation that ends malaria.” ......................................

This unconventional approach is helping the UN with eight achievable targets—the Millennium Development Goals—to improve global health, education, and environment in order to rid the world of extreme poverty and preventable illness and deaths. The UN’s goals are the world’s goals, and ending malaria is essential to reaching all of them. With hard work and partnerships, we have made great progress and are on track to achieving the UN’s goal to end malaria deaths by 2015. Among our global partners, the U.S. government, through its President’s Malaria Initiative and funding of the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, has stood out as a key leader in reducing malaria’s impact.

Nothing But Nets provides a unique opportunity for individual Americans to get involved in the fight against malaria. Our philosophy is simple: “Send a net. Save a Life.” The enthusiasm and determination of our supporters has helped the UN save millions of lives. We need to maintain the momentum. Together with the UN, we can be the generation that ends malaria. On behalf of Adrianna Logalbo, Elizabeth Gore, and the Nothing But Nets team, thank you for sending nets and saving lives! With Best Wishes,

Timothy E. Wirth President, United Nations Foundation



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The Issue: Malaria Kills In 2006, the United Nations Foundation created Nothing But Nets, a global, grassroots campaign to prevent malaria in Africa—where 90 percent of deaths caused by malaria occur. A child dies every 30 seconds from this disease, which is transmitted by a single mosquito bite. The UN Foundation works with the United Nations to distribute anti-malaria nets to protect families in Africa.

One child is too many. In fact, malaria causes nearly 500 million illnesses each year and kills nearly one million of those who become infected—most of them children under the age of


And every day, 25 million pregnant women in Africa risk severe illness and harm to their unborn children from a malaria infection. The numbers don’t stop there. 40

percent of the world’s population lives

in countries where malaria is prevalent, and its treatment consumes nearly

40 percent of these countries’ public health resources. In addition to the burden on local healthcare systems, malaria illness and death costs Africa approximately $12

billion per year in lost productivity.

These are big numbers. But we’re tackling them head on. The good news is that malaria is preventable. Hundreds of thousands of people have joined the Nothing But Nets campaign since its inception, with that simple fact in mind.

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed



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“I think if we work really, really, really hard we could end malaria by 2014 instead of 2015.�

-Katherine Commale, nine-year-old Nothing But Nets Champion


3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed

The Solution: Nothing But Nets Bites Back In three years, Nothing But Nets has successfully provided individuals—from CEOs to youth, professional athletes to faith leaders—an opportunity to join the movement to help the UN end malaria by sending a net and saving a life. All with a simple $10 contribution. A donation of

$10 to Nothing But Nets covers the cost of purchasing a long-lasting,

insecticide-treated bed net, distributing it, and educating communities on its use. One of the most cost-effective and simple approaches to combat malaria is the use of these insecticide-treated bed nets, which can reduce malaria transmission by and up to

50 percent

90 percent in areas with high coverage rates. They create a protective

barrier against mosquitoes at night, when the vast majority of malaria transmissions occur. One bed net can protect a family of four, and lasts up to five years. We’ve taken huge steps already. Since 2006, Nothing But Nets , its partners, and more than 140,000 supporters have raised more than $30 million to distribute more than 3 million nets.

This is progress to be proud of, and we’re just getting started.



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We’re winning the fight against malaria: the World Health Organization’s 2009 World Malaria Report found “dramatic reductions in the numbers of childhood deaths from malaria and all causes” in areas that have achieved high coverage of bed nets. The World Health Organization also reports that one-third of the 108 malaria-ravaged countries reduced malaria cases by more than 50 percent in 2008 compared to 2000.

Nothing But Nets is helping the UN reach its goal to provide malaria prevention and

end of 2010 . This is an important step toward achieving the global goal to end malaria deaths by 2015 . That’s right: we can end malaria deaths. treatment to African countries by the

But it’s not just malaria that we’re impacting: malaria prevention and treatment are critical to achieving the UN’s Millennium Development Goals—eight targets, agreed upon by all UN member-states, to improve health, education, and the environment. Malaria threatens child and maternal health, keeps kids out of school, and keeps adults from working while they recover or take care of sick children. Malaria prevention and treatment are critical to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed

Goal 1: Eradicate

extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women ............................................................................................

“At this unique moment in history, when dedicated leadership, proven interventions, available resources, and collective will have converged to turn the tide against this scourge, we cannot permit complacency to dull our resolve. We have witnessed notable returns and sit poised to complete an undertaking previously viewed as impossible.”

-Ray Chambers, United Nations’ Special Envoy for Malaria


Reduce child mortality Goal 5: Improve maternal health Goal 4:

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development



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These are achievable, re a l i st i c g o a l s — a n d we ’re delivering results . Nothing But Nets and its UN partners—UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the UN Refugee Agency—work together to determine where the nets are needed most, purchase the nets, transport them, and deliver them to families across Africa. In 2009, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) helped us deliver bed nets to protect refugees across Africa—where malaria is the leading killer of refugees. Through the UN Refugee Agency we distributed nets to 1.4 million refugees in 15 African countries: Burundi, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Djibouti, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Over the past three years we’ve drawn on the success and wide reach of the Measles Initiative—a partnership led by the UN Foundation, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Red Cross—that is committed to reducing measles deaths globally. In addition to distributing more than 31 million insecticide-treated bed nets, the Measles Initiative has helped deliver more than 500 million vaccinations and other health services to children in hard-to-reach areas of Africa. IMPLEMENTIN G PA RT N E RS

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed

The Partners: Mobilizing a Movement FOUNDING PART N E RS

Partners are the key to our success. Only through partnerships can Nothing But Nets build the buzz to help the UN deliver more nets and save more lives. When sports columnist Rick Reilly wrote the article “Nothing But Nets” in 2006, he inspired thousands of people to act. The United Nations Foundation built on the momentum of the column to create the Nothing But Nets campaign with the help of founding partners including NBA Cares, The people of The United Methodist Church, and Sports Illustrated. In 2009, these partners reached out to their employees, members, fans, and NETworks to

build a

grassroots movement to end malaria : The United Nations Foundation Powers the campaign, offering staff, resources, and creativity to make Nothing But Nets the premier grassroots campaign to end malaria. The National Basketball Association’s NBA Cares Brought NBA and WNBA teams, players, and fans together as part of its 2009 Season of Giving promotion and gave two complimentary NBA game tickets for each $10 donation to Nothing But Nets. The people of The United Methodist Church Mobilized its millions of members around the world and raised an additional $3 million.

Boy Scouts of America Launched a partnership around its 100-year anniversary to educate Scouts about malaria prevention. Major League Soccer’s MLS W.O.R.K.S. Engaged MLS clubs, players, and fans across the country to join the fight against malaria. 2 PMS coated: 293 blue, 186 red



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Junior Chamber International Mobilized its members in 115 countries to raise nearly $125,000 for life-saving bed nets. Orkin, Inc. Donated a bed net for every mosquito service purchased by consumers, and engaged its 8,000 employees to get involved through its Fight the Bite campaign. Orkin raised more than $218,000 in 2009. Union for Reform Judaism Reached its goal of sending 50,000 life-saving bed nets to Africa.

Usher’s New Look Inspired 130 youths to pledge to send 40,000 bed nets to refugees in Ethiopia. The UN Foundation is also inviting youth leaders to apply for mini-grants (up to $500), through Powered By Service, as seed funding to carry out Nothing But Nets service projects.

vh1 Featured Nothing But Nets and its champions on its news channel.

And they do so much more. Other companies and organizations that have generously supported Nothing But Nets in 2009 include: MTV, Time, Inc., United Airlines, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, CDW, and Creative Artists Agency. Our funding partners make it possible for Nothing But Nets to use every cent of your $10 donations to send nets and save lives. FUNDING PARTNE RS

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed ...............................................................................................

“It has been my privilege to speak about malaria in countless places across the United States. Regardless of age, religion, profession, or location, people everywhere are opening their hearts, minds, and doors to the possibility of coming together to save lives from malaria.”

—Bishop Thomas Bickerton, United Methodist Church




Campaign Timeline

January 2007: Global launch of Nothing But Nets. January 2007: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation goes net for net with Nothing But Nets supporters, spurring them to raise $3 million in eight months.

May 2006: Columnist Rick Reilly writes an article called “Nothing But Nets” in Sports Illustrated—asking sports fans to donate $10 to send a net and save a life in Africa.

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April 2007: First National Malaria Day and first Nothing But Nets City Tour, in Miami.

April 2007: American Idol spreads the buzz to more than 30 million Americans and raises $6 million for Nothing But Nets .


November 2006: The UN Foundation, NBA Cares, The people of The United Methodist Church, and Sports Illustrated launch the Nothing But Nets campaign.

May 2007: Nothing But Nets wins a Webby—the People’s Voice Award for Best Charitable Organization’s Nonprofit Website.

December 2006: After distributing bed nets to children in Nigeria in October, Rick Reilly writes a follow-up article in Sports Illustrated called “Nothing But Thanks” to thank his readers for raising more than $1.2 million to send more than 150,000 life-saving nets.

July and August 2007: Nothing But Nets launches the first emergency appeal to send more than 40,000 insecticide-treated nets to protect 200,000 refugees and internally displaced persons. The appeal was fulfilled in one month.

July 2007: MLS W.O.R.K.S. joins Nothing But Nets.

August 2007: The Union for Reform Judaism joins Nothing But Nets. November 2007: vh1 premieres the Public Service Announcement created for Nothing But Nets . The PSA puts Nothing But Nets in front of millions, and introduces supporters to Nothing But Nets’ life-size mosquito, Mozzie.

December 2007: Nothing But Nets Champions Ruth Riley, Diego Gutierrez and Dwayne De Rosario travel to Mali to help us deliver 2.2 million bed nets. December 2007: By the end of 2007, more than 60,000 donors raise nearly $18 million for Nothing But Nets.

March 2008: Orkin, Inc. partners with Nothing But Nets to Fight the Bite of mosquitoes in Africa through consumer and employee-giving campaigns. March 2008: Junior Chamber International joins Nothing But Nets to mobilize its members in 115 countries to send 1,000,000 bed nets by 2015. April 2008: Nothing But Nets celebrates the First World Malaria Day through activities with partners, supporters, and President Bush.

June 2008: The New York Times features Nothing But Nets on its front page.

September 2008: Rick Reilly goes on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report to talk about Nothing But Nets, triggering a huge spike in donations.

September 2008: At the Clinton Global Initiative, Nothing But Nets signs on to help the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) protect refugees from malaria, and sets a goal to meet the needs of four countries with 275,000 bed nets by World Malaria Day 2009.

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3 year s , $3 0 m i l l i o n ra i s e d , 3 m illion November 2008: The United Methodist Church travels with us to Cote d’Ivoire to help distribute 855,000 bed nets. December 2008: Nothing But Nets and its growing list of partners raised more than $20 million and distributed nearly 2 million nets in 2008.

March 2009: Actor Tom Cavanagh and platinum recording artist Gavin DeGraw travel with us to Uganda to distribute bed nets. April 2009: On World Malaria Day, Nothing But Nets reaches its goal to send 275,000 bed nets to refugees in 4 countries in 2009—seven months early— and sets a new goal for 2009: cover more than one million refugees in 15 African countries with life-saving nets by the end of the year.

2009 H IG H L IG H TS

n ets dist r i b u te d April 2009: Supporters begin to write Messages of Hope to send a personal note with bed nets.

July 2009: R&B star Usher Raymond IV joins Nothing But Nets and engages youth networks through his Camp New Look.

August 2009: Boy Scouts of America joins Nothing But Nets at the launch of their 100 Year Celebration.

October 2009: ABC’s hit show “Ugly Betty” features Nothing But Nets on its season premiere.

December 2009: Nothing But Nets brings its family together for our first Partner Summit.

December 2009: Nothing But Nets, NBA Cares, and hp launch “Send a net. Save a life. See a game.,” offering two free NBA tickets for every $10 donation for a bed net. This promotion, coupled with Rick Reilly’s matching grant, reached thousands within weeks and sent Nothing But Nets soaring past its goal of protecting more than one million refugees from malaria.


“The term ‘nothing but net’ now carries a new meaning to us at the National Basketball Association. Over the past three years, Nothing But Nets has become a model platform to engage our teams, players, and fans to make a global impact.” -Kathy Behrens, Executive Vice President, Social Responsibility and Player Programs, National Basketball Association ..........................................................................................

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Nothing But Nets is privileged to work with a diverse group of champions who use their voices to get their NETworks to act. Our champions include athletes, entertainers, faith leaders, politicians, and supporters who encourage their fans and friends to join the movement to help the UN end malaria. Pop sensation The Jonas Brothers, NBA legend Sam Perkins, and all-star athletes Diego Gutierrez, Dwayne DeRosario, Luol Deng, and DeSagana Diop have all teamed up with us to end malaria. Our champions went above and beyond in 2009: Bishop Thomas Bickerton United Methodist Bishop Thomas Bickerton championed Nothing But Nets to millions across the country.

Tom Cavanagh Television star Tom Cavanagh traveled to Uganda with Nothing But Nets in March to distribute nets and raise awareness.

Lynda and Katherine Commale Mother-daughter team who started fundraising in 2006, when Katherine was five years old. Katherine has raised more than $145,000, and in October, Lynda traveled to Uganda with Nothing But Nets to help deliver bed nets to refugee camps and see firsthand the beneficiaries of her hard work.


“It’s not such an impossible thing for someone to take time out, a little bit of time out of their life and be there to help.� Gavin DeGraw Platinum singer, songwriter, and producer Gavin DeGraw joined Nothing But Nets to help distribute bed nets in Uganda, and promoted the campaign to his fans who raised more than $8,000.


3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed Rick Reilly Inspiration behind Nothing But Nets and campaign spokesperson. Rick Reilly’s $25,000 matching grant and column on helped get us to our goal of covering one million refugees.

Ruth Riley WNBA All-Star took Nothing But Nets international by hosting a series of fundraisers in Spain.

Usher Raymond IV Recording artist and philanthropist Usher Raymond IV linked his Camp New Look with Nothing But Nets to empower youth to lead the global fight against malaria.

Ambassador Susan Rice U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan Rice joined Nothing But Nets to host an anti-malaria workshop as part of President Obama’s United We Serve initiative and the official September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance activities.

Kevin Vernimb 15-year old supporter Kevin Vernimb raised more than $15,000 for Nothing But Nets—by doing everything from selling golf balls to hosting basketball tournaments—and aims to raise $50,000 before starting college.

Ugly Betty ABC’s Ugly Betty show featured Nothing But Nets in its two-hour season premiere in 2009—and spread the buzz to its millions of viewers. Cast members Ana Ortiz, Judith Light, and Tony Plana touted the campaign during a press conference at UN headquarters.



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GRASSROOTS SUPPORTERS Our supporters are at the heart of the Nothing But Nets campaign. We know we can act locally to make an impact globally.

Anyone, at any age, from any background can send a net and save a life. Nothing But Nets supporters do it all. They hold bake sales, speak at their schools and churches, host basketball tournaments, and put on benefit concerts. They are even spreading the buzz online—supporters create NETraiser teams to encourage their friends and family to send nets and save lives, follow our progress on facebook, and reach out to their NETworks by retweeting our news.

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed



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3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed UNITING WITH THE MALARIA COMMUNITY In the spring of 2009, the UN Foundation and its Nothing But Nets campaign joined forces with several malariafocused organizations and the UN for a one-year campaign called United Against Malaria. In 2010, the World Cup will be held in Africa for the first time. United Against Malaria is leveraging the enthusiasm and events leading up to the World Cup to bring celebrities, soccer teams, corporations, governments, and organizations together to educate the public on malaria. United Against Malaria’s founding partners include the UN Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Comic Relief, Johns Hopkins University, ONE, Malaria No More, PATH, PSI, and Roll Back Malaria.

Nothing But Nets’ partners Vestergaard-Frandsen, Major League Soccer’s MLS W.O.R.K.S., the Wasserman Foundation, and ESPN are helping us build our team to beat malaria.

United around the World Cup for a world free of malaria.



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3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed

The Impact: Nets Save Lives We’re increasing awareness and raising funds to help reduce the number of malaria cases every year.







$1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000 JAN











Supporter donates $10 to send a net... families in Africa can sleep safely.

The UN Foundation works with the UN to purchase nets...

Distribute them, and educate communities on their use... NOTHING BUT NETS – UNITED NATIONS FOUNDAT IO N


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CHAD (East and South) 128,300 nets delivered


GUINEA SIERRA LEONE 9,200 nets delivered


39,000 nets delivered

48,000 nets delivered

10,000 nets delivered



6,000 nets delivered

3,500 nets delivered

2,300 nets delivered


40,000 nets delivered


22,400 nets delivered


42,100 nets delivered


128,000 nets delivered

46,600 nets delivered


22,000 nets delivered


52,300 nets delivered


10,000 nets delivered


Together we can cover a continent...

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed A SAFETY NET FOR REFUGEES Consider these three important facts: 1. Malaria is the number one killer of refugees in Africa. 2. There are more than 33 million refugees and internally displaced people in refugee camps throughout Africa. 3. Refugee camps are typically located in areas ideal for malaria-carrying mosquitoes to multiply. In 2008, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) identified an urgent need for long-lasting, insecticide-treated bed nets in refugee camps across Africa. Nothing But Nets announced a public appeal to send more than 275,000 bed nets for refugees at the Clinton Global Initiative in September 2008. On World Malaria Day, Nothing But Nets reached its goal—seven months early—and set a new goal for 2009: cover more than one million refugees in 15 African countries with life-saving nets by the end of the year. With a dedicated push at the end of 2009, the Nothing But Nets campaign supported UNHCR with more than 600,000 bed nets needed to protect 1.4 million refugees living in 15 African countries.



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WORLD MALARIA DAY April 25, 2009 marked the second World Malaria Day, and we saw partners and supporters get creative in support of Nothing But Nets’ “World Malaria Day Fundraising Challenge.” Supporters registered their events online with the campaign’s interactive World Malaria Day map, which tracked the variety of events around the world—from soccer tournaments to car washes, walk-a-thons to school presentations—to help protect refugees in Africa from malaria.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) ultimately delivered 275,000 life-saving nets to refugees in Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, and Kenya through the funds raised from the challenge.

HOLIDAY GIVING In the final months of 2009, we needed 160,000 nets to fulfill our promise to help UNHCR protect refugees. In November, we asked our partners and supporters to help us through our online mini-campaign, “Drop the New Year’s Eve ball on malaria,” to reach our goal before New Year’s Day. Our partners readily offered their help. In tandem with the NBA Cares Season of Giving, NBA Cares, league sponsor hp, and Nothing But Nets launched “Send a Net. Save a Life. See a Game.” Supporters received two complimentary NBA game tickets for every $10 donation to Nothing But Nets . The promotion was coupled with matching grants from ESPN columnist Rick Reilly, and a generous anonymous donor who turned every life-saving bed net into two. The result? In a single day, nearly 18,000 supporters visited, within weeks we raised more than $300,000 online, and in one month we raised nearly $1 million.

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed



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Seeing it up front, in person, brings it all home. The Nothing But Nets campaign has traveled with the UN, campaign partners, and champions to help distribute bed nets and ensure nets are reaching those who need them most. In 2009, we focused on protecting refugees in partnership with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Several Nothing But Nets partners, champions, and supporters had the opportunity to travel to Africa to observe net distributions and the work of UNHCR firsthand.

p with representatives Kenya – Dadaab Refugee Cam Judaism. from the Union for Reform 128,000 bed nets needed to Nothing But Nets provided the refugees in Dadaab. cover the more than 250,000

ing But Uganda – Kiryandogo Refugee Camp with Noth and , Kelly n Mega ale, Nets supporters: Lynda Comm David Maestri. see both the Three Nothing But Nets supporters were able to and the unities comm ced displa among need for life-saving nets had. have nets impact the bed

Ethiopia – Ma-Ani and Shimelba Refugee Camps with UN Foundation leadership and prospective partners. Nothing But Nets delivered 14,000 nets to refugees.

Uganda – Nakivale and Oruchingo Refugee Camps with Grammy award-winning reco rding artist Gavin DeGraw and actor Tom Cavanagh.

Nothing But Nets provided the 17,50 0 nets to cover Nakivale and 1,000 nets to cover Oruchingo.

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed

Spreading the Buzz CITY TOURS We love visiting our partners in their hometowns, and spreading the buzz to turn strangers into supporters. Plus, we get to make great memories while sending nets and saving lives. Since our first city tour in 2007, we’ve travelled to 16 cities across the United States and introduced tens of thousands of Americans to Nothing But Nets and our work to help the UN end malaria.

Seeing is believing.














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NOTHING BUT NETS IN THE NEWS AND ON THE NET Nothing But Nets is no stranger to headlines, and 2009 was no exception. Newspapers, TV, radio, blogs, twitter feeds, and everything in between helped us spread the buzz about malaria and inspire people to join the movement. Sharing

our story helps us save more lives. Since the beginning, Nothing But Nets has

made a splash in the headlines, and in 2009 our campaign popped up in more than 1,000 stories. Gavin DeGraw sang our praises on The Today Show, Usher empowered us on CNN, and Ugly Betty’s season premiere made nets fashion’s favorite fabric. Some other big mentions from 2009:

America Ferrera talks about the Nothing But Nets ‘Ugly Betty’ special on Good Morning America.

Best scoring American player Landon Donovan supports ‘United Against Malaria’ in the Seattle Times. Singer-songwriter Gavin DeGraw talks about his trip to Uganda with Nothing But Nets on MSNBC’s The Today Show.

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof talks with Bill Gates about sending aid to developing countries, mentioning Nothing But Nets. Usher talks to CNN about his dedication to the fight against malaria.

Nothing But Nets champion Katherine Commale talks about saving lives in Africa on CBS3 Philadelphia, “Brotherly Love.”

‘Ugly Betty’ actress Ana Ortíz promotes Nothing But Nets in OK! Magazine.

Actor Tom Cavanagh talks about his trip to Uganda with Nothing But Nets on the Bonnie Hunt Show.

3 years, $30 million raised, 3 million nets distributed Our online community put even more power behind these stories by re-tweeting, blogging, and urging facebook friends to become fans. At the end of 2009, Nothing But Nets had close to 7,000 facebook fans, and nearly 3,000 followers on twitter.

Our supporters give the campaign its strength, and we love reading about your successes in sending nets and saving lives.

Stay in touch!



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Looking Ahead Nothing But Nets continues to provide individuals the opportunity to save lives by sending nets. Malaria rates are dropping in countries around the world and we are closer than ever to ending malaria deaths. Nothing But Nets dedicated 2009 to helping the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) provide life-saving bed nets to refugees in Africa. The bed nets we sent covered 1.4 million refugees, and drew us closer to reaching the 2010 target of universal coverage of malaria prevention and treatment tools in Africa.

This is just the beginning. In 2010, the FIFA World Cup in South Africa will put all eyes on Africa, and provide a unique opportunity to raise awareness about malaria to a forum of millions of fans. To leverage the enthusiasm around the World Cup, the UN Foundation and Nothing But Nets have teamed up with other malaria-focused organizations for a one-year campaign called United Against Malaria.

Nothing But Nets is taking a new step into advocating for greater U.S. Government funding for the President’s Malaria Initiative and The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. By rallying more supporters in the fight against malaria, our collective voice will have the power to resonate with world leaders, as we call on them to support malaria prevention and treatment. We will continue to help the UN provide bed nets to families throughout Africa, and work toward the global goal of ending malaria deaths by 2015. We are honored to work with partners and supporters who continue to inspire us with their creativity and dedication. With each new student project, employee donation, and church event, we move closer to attaining the UN’s goal.

Thank you for joining the movement to end malaria. —The Nothing But Nets Team ...............................................................................................

“When I decided to write my column called “Nothing But Nets,” I was hoping it would have a huge impact, but I never could have imagined how the article could spark a global movement to help end malaria in Africa. I’m amazed that in just three years, we’ve been able save millions of lives. And I know we can save millions more.”

—Rick Reilly, sports columnist and inspiration behind Nothing But Nets


Malaria Kills.

Nets save lives.

P H OTO C R E D I TS . List going from top to bottom, left to right.


Front Cover: #1 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #2 David Evans, #3 and #4 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #5 David Evans; Page 1: Large photo - David Evans, #1-#3 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #4 Mike Dubose/UMC; Page 2: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 3: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 4 and 5: David Evans; Page 6: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 7: David Evans; Page 8: David Evans; Page 10: David Evans; Page 13: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 14, 15, and 16: 2006: #1 and #2 Mike Dubose/UMC, #3 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; 2007: #1 Mike Dubose/UMC, #2 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; 2008: #1 Heather Weston, #2-#5 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; 2009: all Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 17: #1 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation, #2 David Evans; Page 18: all Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 19: #1 Heather Weston, #2-#5 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation, #6 Marion Curtis/StarPix; Page 20: Left middle: Usher’s New Look, all others: Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 21: #1 David Evans, #2 Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 22: Nothing But Nets / UN Foundation; Page 23: Stephanie Bandini/United Against Malaria; Page 24: David Evans; Page 25: UN Truck: David Evans, all others: Nothing But Nets /UN Foundation; Page 27: David Evans; Page 29: David Evans; Page 30: #1 Claudio Gallone, #2 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation, #3 David Evans, #4 Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Page 31: NY: Heather Weston, all others: Nothing But Nets/UN Foundation; Back inside cover: David Evans.

20 0 9 A N N UA L R E P O RT

In 2006, the United Nations Foundation created Nothing But Nets, a global, grassroots campaign to prevent malaria in Africa—where 90 percent of deaths caused by malaria occur. A child dies every 30 seconds from this disease, which is transmitted by a single mosquito bite.


The United Nations Foundation, a public charity, was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation builds and implements public/private partnerships to address the world’s most pressing problems, and works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy

Send a Net. Save a Life.

and public outreach. Through its campaigns and partnerships, the UN Foundation connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The campaigns the UN Foundation conducts reduce child mortality, empower women and girls, create a new energy future, secure peace and human rights, and promote technology innovation to improve health outcomes. ...................................




Send a net. Save a life. Visit to donate and learn more.

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