UFO Encounter #283

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As Chicken Little once said – ‘the sky is falling!’ Witness the mysterious black spheres that are dropping out of the sky onto Spain... And the unidentified object that gouged a twelve-metre crater into the ground outside Nicaragua’s capital... And not forgetting the meteors that have literally been raining down for months across the Middle East... If one was the religious type (which one is not), then one might imagine that this is the start of the Biblical scourges, the raining of fire that (usually) presages the destruction of mankind. And you’d think, wouldn’t you, that if this was indeed the beginning of the end, that somebody would have said something to us about it by now. Even if these events don’t herald the end of humanity, they’re still very dangerous to us as individuals and somebody ought to warn us about going outside, lest a falling sphere or meteor lands on top of our head. But have we heard about any of this on the six o’clock news? No! In a time when the global media has reached saturation point, when satellites are beaming gloom and doom into every television set, when a billion cameras and camera-phones are snapping carelessly away across every square inch of this planet, why is it that we still see nothing? Humanity’s ignorance is a constant frustration for the UFO researcher. As a collective group, humanity is blind to what is going on in our world. Sure – you and I see what is going on around us, but try convincing your neighbours of that. So why is it that one person can see a UFO, but the person standing next to them cannot? At UFORQ we hear this tale time and time again. One memorable report was received some years ago, from a young woman on a train in Brisbane who witnessed a large brown UFO hovering over the city. Her amazement at her experience was less for the UFO she saw than for the fact that not one other person on the entire train could see this object. Forget the Unidentified Flying Object hovering in broad daylight over office buildings – it was the fact that others could not see it that amazed and dumbfounded her the most. So what is it that makes people ‘blind’ to the blinking obvious? Well… we could go on for pages theorising about that. Most wives will have had the frustrating experience of husbands unable to see the jar of Vegemite on the shelf right in front of them. We can use the objective scientific argument that men, being descended from hunters, don’t have good peripheral vision and so can’t see the contents of a whole shelf at a glance (which would explain a hell of a lot). Or we could use the wives’ argument that men are intrinsically lazy and just wanted the woman to make their Vegemite sandwich for them. Whatever the cause, be it psychological or pathological, it’s an unarguable fact that the husband absolutely cannot see that jar of Vegemite. When Christopher Columbus first sailed along the Yucatan


coast, it is said that the natives ‘could not see’ the boats as they drew closer to shore. This is not quite true as messengers to Montezuma reported seeing ‘mountains on the sea,’ so they patently saw something. They just didn’t have any frame of reference to understand what they saw. James Cook’s logs report the exact same phenomenon when first sailing along the coast of Queensland. They were quite close to shore and could see groups of Aboriginals on the beach, but the Aboriginals completely ignored the large sailing ships as they approached. Cook and his crew even called out to them and threw down items of trade, trying to attract their attention, but again they were ignored and the items that fell at the Aboriginals’ feet seemed to be invisible. Either the Aboriginals could not see Cook and his fleet, or they did not want to see them. I think it’s the ‘not wanting to see’ that blights humanity. We don’t want to know that our governments lie to us. We don’t want to know if our kids are taking drugs, or that it’s possible that it’s rabbit in your chicken burger and not chicken after all. We don’t want to know if Yowies lurk in the bush, and we can’t possibly imagine that strange craft are using our atmosphere as their own personal playground. Life, for most people, consists of boundaries - rigid physical and psychological constructs that cannot be trespassed, for to do so would mean the collapse of those walls and the commencement of anarchy. We’re safer in our boxes, where the governments and the global media (and the Illuminati and the Bankers and the Global Elite etc etc) have squarely positioned us. So if ‘they’ decide it’s best that we don’t know the truth about UFOs, and if ‘they’ don’t want to tell us that it’s no longer safe to go outside because unidentified objects are raining down from the sky, perhaps that’s for the best. If the powers that be want to mother us into brain-dead oblivion, who are we to argue? Mother does, after all, know best…


UFO Reports. . . 4 The Broadhaven Triangle . . . 5 UFOs over Poland . . . 7 Benefits of Abduction?. . . 11 NOT the Headlines . . . 13 3

UFO reports Molendinar (Gold Coast), 20 June 2015

Biggera Waters, 22 October 2015, 3.30am

Hi. My wife snapped this pic [image below] one clear afternoon. I tried to clean it in acdsee. To me this looks like the bottom of a UFO. Also my home security camera caught a big shadow -- my neighbour uploaded it to YouTube, called ‘UFO in Molendinar.’

A man woke up to go to the bathroom. He looked out the windows of his apartment in a multilevel building and saw a very large, extremely bright light in the eastern sky while looking from Biggera Waters. He woke his wife and they both watched the object that they described as nearly as large as the Moon, while it hovered in the sky in the same location for 30 minutes. They described the object as quite low in the sky, less than 1000ft, a couple of kilometres from their location with a slightly salmon pink light underneath at either side. The witness described himself as a retired cowhand who had spent many years looking at the night sky while working in country areas. He described the object as definitely not a star or anything else he had seen before. After 30 minutes they stopped watching the object and returned to their bed.

Kin Kin, 14 October 2015, 11.50am A man was on the deck of his house having a coffee looking at the northern sky. Suddenly he saw a dark, almost black, disc-shaped object shoot over his house travelling south to north. It moved much faster than a jet, had an altitude lower than the clouds and made no sound. It then moved into the clouds and “hung around” the clouds, darting in and out. He watched this for a while, then at 12.07pm he saw two more disc-shaped objects, flying in unison, appear from the clouds where he was watching for the first disc. He then observed the three discs moving in and out of the clouds, then they disappeared. At 12.13pm he saw another two discs appear and join the others moving in and out of the clouds. The witness described the five objects as smaller than jets which commonly flew over his area, and at no time did the objects disturb the clouds. The objects disappeared from view when two objects took off, one disappeared and he lost sight of the other two.


Greenbank, 2010, 1.00am A man was living on an acreage property and during the night he let his dog out in the yard. As soon as the dog ran outside it ran back inside, frightened. As the man took one step outside his door, to his surprise, just 60 metres from where he stood, he saw a large, deep orange, perfectly spherical object in the sky just above his neighbour’s house, the size of five or six four-wheeldrive vehicles. The sphere had no illumination and he described it as looking at the sun with no glare. It remained stationery and it hovered silently in the air. He ran inside the house to get his partner to come outside to also see the sphere, then both ran back outside but the object had disappeared, but his neighbours alarm had been activated. He was very frightened by what he had seen and gathered his partner and children together in front of the fireplace. They eventually went to sleep but he remained vigilant for some time, feeling they were being watched. At the time of the sighting it was quite dark and there were no street lights in the area.


MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OFFICIALS ‘DID investigate mass UFO sightings in West Wales’

http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/ ministry-defence-officials-did-investigate-10133926

New details have emerged shedding light on a spate of mysterious UFO and alien sightings which gripped a West Wales community almost 40 years ago. Dubbed the 1977 Broad Haven Triangle mystery, conspiracy theories went into overdrive when reports emerged that 14 pupils from Broad Haven primary school had seen a UFO landing in Pembrokeshire. The head teacher at the time backed up their claims, saying they had all drawn similar pictures of the craft. Many others reported being petrified by a strange silver alien. Now a new novel claims to have revealed details of a declassified MoD document which suggests top-ranking officials carried out a covert inquiry into the mysterious activities. ‘The Watchers’ by Neil Spring is said to be based on “true events” and promises to reveal the truth about what really happened at Broad Haven. According to the Express, Mr Spring researched the case through documents sent to the National Archives 30 years after the bizarre happenings and after a new witness came forward. “I visited Broad Haven a sceptic, and came away convinced that some of the locals knew far more about the mysterious occurrences of 1977 than they are willing to reveal,” he said. According to documents held at the National Archive in Kew, the story began one night in April 1977 at 2.30am when Rosa Granville, who ran the Haven Fort Hotel in Little


Haven, was awoken by strange noise and lights. Looking out of her window, she described seeing an object which looked like an “upside-down saucer” in the field next to the hotel and two “faceless humanoid” creatures with pointed heads. The incident, she said in a subsequent letter she wrote to her MP Nicholas Edwards, left her “agitated and disturbed and not the least bit desirous of another encounter”. On receiving Mrs Granville’s letter back in 1977, Mr Edwards contacted the Ministry of Defence and Flight Lieutenant Cowan, an officer from RAF Brawdy, then visited the hotel. The MP said at the time: “I am being inundated at the present time with representations about UFOs said to have been seen in Pembrokeshire.” Other incidents reported in the Broad Haven area at the time included a class of schoolchildren who claimed to have seen a spacecraft near their playground. Then a family said they saw several UFOs in the space of a week, as well as several sightings of s i l v e r- s u i t e d creatures. MoD officials expressed no interest, saying there was no threat to national security. However, among the documents was a letter from the head of the MoD’s S4 wing to the Provost Security Service, the RAF’s internal police force. The S4 chief wrote: ”I have not even told the Minister I am Above: Broadhaven School children – drawings of UFOs, February 1977


consulting you” and called for a “discreet enquiry” after expressing bewilderment at the number of apparently “level-headed” witnesses to the strange activity.

Below: A school pupil’s drawing of a UFO in February 1977

Mr Spring said: “(The new witnesses’) testimony rocked the very foundations of the British Government.”

air traffic controllers - remain unexplained and unidentified. There needs to be further examination of these issues in the hope of learning something new.”

Nick Pope, who worked as UFO investigator for the MOD, said: “This bombshell document shows how the MoD’s UFO project asked the RAF Police to conduct a secret investigation into these mysterious events, while Parliament, the media and the public were being told the subject was of no defence significance. The disclosures have prompted Tory peer Lord Black of Brentwood to call for a full explanation from the MoD of what it uncovered. Lord Black said: “A number of recently released MoD files leave little doubt that a small number of sightings of aerial phenomena - particularly by military personnel, pilots and


The sightings in Broad Haven took place near a military base, leading some observers to suggest the crafts had actually been Harrier jump jets and the aliens were just men wearing fireproof flying outfits. Two years ago a former US Navy sailor came forward to say that the cause of the silver-suited being was in fact a US military personal wearing their standard fireproof uniform and the UFOs were new Harrier jets being flown. The MoD has not commented.



Disc-shaped craft “escorted” a police car in Poland Piotr Cielebiaś

In early January 2013 a pair of police officers from Opole region spotted a strange, morphing aerial light that, as it turned out, emanated from luminous disc-shaped object. The exotic craft accompanied their car all the way back to the station. Frightened and disoriented officers reported the close encounter to their principals but soon learned that “they must be exhausted and hallucinating”. Polish policemen rarely report their UFO encounters but when they do, their reports are astonishing ones. On January 8th a pair of Police officers from Opole region (southwestern Poland) were returning from a night intervention. Their task was to calm down an aggressive drunkard in one of the villages lost amongst forested farmlands. When the job was done, they began to head back to their station located a dozen kilometers away. It was about 4 am when their Kia Ceed was calmly running down a lone road. All of a sudden they noticed some bright lights in the distance that hovered over a nearby forest. This prologue may sound prosaic but the rest of the story is much more extraordinary… and complicated.

Principals became concerned Both witnesses serve in a regional police station in one of the cities in the Opole area. The main witness, Mr. M., requested anonymity fearing that his openness toward the strange incident might influence his career. His concerns weren’t baseless. When on January 8th both witnesses arrived at their home station, they were immediately interrogated about the long time of their intervention. It turned out that the way back took them about two hours. Stunned by the strange occurrence, without hesitation they reported the encounter with a strange aerial device to the staff officer. This honest step induced some strange behaviors in their principals. Mr. M. remembers that after arriving at the station his patrol partner, Mrs. J., felt dizzy. Though he was alright he could remember that just after the appearance of the strange craft his body also reacted in a strange way. For a moment his sight became blurry. It was about 4 am when along with Mrs. J. he noticed some light in

Artist’s interpretation of the event by Sebastian “Yoszko” Woszczyk, inspired by Mr. M.’s witness drawings.



the sky. At first they took it for a mobile tower, but the luminous object was apparently approaching their car. Soon it was stationed over a grove of trees located about a kilometer from the road. The orange-yellowish “thing” was morphing and changing colors. Mr. M. said that the arrival of the UFO fulfilled his partner words. Just several minutes before seeing the light the woman had told him that “something is in the air.” Mrs. J. was anxious-excited: “She had repeated this sentence several times before the light appeared,” the policeman recounts. “When the object appeared on the horizon, we decided to stop and get out of the car to examine it. From the distance it looked like a ball and then changed shape into crescent-like.” He added that just a while before he could feel as if time slowed for a moment. But it was a matter of seconds. During the next stage of the encounter Mr. M. and his partner were totally conscious. Dropping orbs and the video The officers stopped and watched the light maneuvering over a nearby field. The sight was strange: “It was moving soundlessly, with no noise that should be generated by engine or rotor of the flying machine. At some point the object began ejecting something resembling ‘balls of light’. Some were disappearing on their way down to the ground, others were returning to the UFO. Suddenly from the bottom of the craft there emanated a ‘flash’ resembling that of a stroboscope,” the witness said, adding that for a second a patch of land was illuminated. According to Mr. M. it was possible to distinguish the shape of the craft’s hull. But darkness, strange feelings and the appearance of the exotic object forced the witnesses to drive away from the scene. To their amazement, after a while the UFO began to move in parallel with their car, staying at a constant distance of about a kilometer. Despite strong concerns and an unnatural fear, Mr. M. stopped the car in the next village trying to record the object with his cell phone camera.

Still frame from Mr. M. video showing the disc-shaped craft in the distance. The full material (with witnesses’ dialogue transcript) available at: http://youtu.be/9x4i-ismXLo


“The UFO was in shape of a disc, with a kind of small ‘dome’ on the top. It was emitting blinding, yellow light (occasionally turning orange). At the bottom, three smaller white-bluish ‘balls’ could be seen. In my opinion they were ‘engines’ but there were no sounds at all” - the witness reported. It was 4:32am when Mr. M. took a short video showing a dim light in the distance. It’s the only visual documentation of the incident. Strongly agitated, Mrs. J. tried frantically to catch the disc with her phone camera but nothing interesting appears on her photos. The evidence seems unsatisfying for such a spectacular case and Mr. M. is aware of this fact: “That situation was totally unexpected and we weren’t prepared for a UFO encounter. I wish I could go closer to that object. It is clear to me now, when all the emotions ceased.” The UFO recording of Mr. M. was made public but in a muted version due to the witnesses’ request. In the original material we can hear the excited voices of both officers commenting the “UFOs” appearance. They also tried to open the car window to check whether the object emitted any noticeable sounds but only dog barking can be heard in the distance. In the video Mr. M. stresses that the quality of the recording is weak. The material reveals only a bright lump of light hovering in the distance, against the dark sky background. On some still frames one can see an outline of an elongated, bright object. Time confusion Mr. M. said that during the incident he thought about alerting the staff officer as well other patrol cars about the strange object. “After a short discussion with my partner we decided to stay calm. Too many units could hear our report so everyone can imagine the consequences… People are rather skeptical and we don’t want more problems,” he added. It was another instance of the tabooing of UFO encounters made by the

Fragment of magnified still frame from the witness video showing the object hovering over the field.


Photo with the witness sketch shows the place where the UFO revealed itself as a disc, emanated a smaller orb-like object and then emitted a stroboscopic flash.

staff of the emergency services, the Police and the Polish Army. Mr. M. is a very rare case of a public servant who decided to reveal his experiences, despite his concern about the consequences. Therefore we decided not to reveal his name and the exact place of the sighting in this case report. It’s also interesting that Mr. M. claims that during the three stops when the witnesses decided to inspect the object closer, the UFO seemed to withdraw deeper over the fields. In his opinion the object hovered about 60 meters over the ground but the exact size of the craft was hard to estimate. Mr. M. said it was at least a dozen metres in length but it was hard to find any reference points. In the whole affair there is another mystery -- the witness stated that they observed the craft for about 90 minutes, but that seemed too long compared with the time necessary for them to travel the distance to their home station. Mr. M. added that he also was somewhat confused realizing that the incident lasted for about two hours. This shortening of time might be a result of highly stressing situation or the curious onlookers might get lost in their observation. Another possible scenario is that the driver became disoriented and chose a wrong way, causing the patrol car to wander along some deserted village roads (Mr. M. stated that this may be the point). But it’s also tempting to propound another hypothesis that links the mentioned “time confusion” with Mrs. J.’s dizziness after the encounter. Anyway, for now there are no direct clues for the policemen involvement in a “missing time” episode.


“You’re dog-tired!” The patrol lost the UFO from view in the vicinity of K. village. According to Mr. M.’s report, the disc withdrew over nearby fields and then disappeared over the horizon. About 6.00am, when both policemen returned to their station, they decided to report their experience to principals but as Mr. M. said, the duty officer at first burst out with laugh and then neglected their story. “He said that I’m dog-tired and hallucinating. The same was with other high officers. They tried to persuade us that we saw balloons or birds…” Nevertheless, the strange report about the exotic “thing” probably induced some concern amongst higher officials since Mr. M. was informed that chief officer needed to talk with him. But after some time the case was hushed up as if nothing had happened on January 8th! Moreover, the personal situation of the female witness, Mrs. J., whose husband worked in the same station, prompted her to keep silent over the incident. But what’s interesting, after the gossip about the UFO encounter dissipated, Mr. M. was contacted by other officers who also saw strange things on their night duties. Mr. M. stated that on January 8th he didn’t meet on the deserted village road with any other cars. But it’s quite possible that some inhabitants of the region (ie.farmers waking up early to tend their animals or people on their way to work) might also catch a glimpse of the strange aerial device. But six moths after the incident we still have no confirming reports (although the case was covered by


a big local newspaper in the Opole region). We are well aware that the case might remain unsolved but it’s good to know that officers such as Mr. M. are always on the alert in reporting every suspected thing, even things with no right to existence according to his principals’ opinion.

sky. Temperature oscillated around -5 degrees. […] I was standing on the roadside when my attention was drawn to my dog’s strange behavior. […] Automatically I looked up hearing also some unfamiliar sound. Then I perceived something completely out-of-place.”

Addendum: Polish Policemen see UFOs

The officer reported that he saw a black, oblong object with some “windows”. He also got the feeling that someone was staring at him: “It wasn’t a plane. It looked like a hull of An-22 but without wings. There were no sounds at all, despite slight ‘whirring’. […] Then I saw it against the sky background, from different perspective. The object looked like a dark ring. Afraid that it could be a damaged plane that is going to crash, I rushed to the local bakery to phone the duty officer from Gierałtowice.”

Polish national media and web portals usually don’t report UFO incidents although it is a very popular topic. UFO reports from Polish police officers are also rare but the case from the Opole region showed that many other encounters may be not disclosed due to witnesses’ fear of ridicule. But the real cause of the tabooing of UFO reports amongst policemen is that there is no official procedure concerning unidentified objects and phenomena. In other words, an ordinary officer who sees a UFO doesn’t know how to react. Mr. M. said that he talked with some colleagues who also had unusual experiences. One of them wrote a report concerning his UFO sighting in vicinity of Otmuchowskie Lake in 2008. He recounts: “At about 2 am, over Sarnowice, I saw a row of about 15 red lights. Along with my partner I decided to hide our car in darker spot [for the object not to see us]. But then some of the lights went off and other ones changed their positions and began to move away in various directions.” Another interesting story from a Police officer was reported to us several years ago. It also took place in the Opole region, in the Daniec area. The witness, Mr. Z., wrote: “Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact date. It was June or July 1997. From the duty officer we got a call that some drunken man was sticking people with an axe in a village in Opole area. It was an emergency, so we rushed with the siren going.” Mr. Z. reported that just before their destination, his partner heard a call of nature so they stopped the car on the side of the road: “I also went out to straighten my neck. Suddenly I saw those objects and in the same moment my colleague screamed: ‘UFO!” I saw two bright orbs flying in the air 300 meters away from the car. They weren’t discotheque lights or lanterns. They were flying with high speed, stopping, accelerating and making sharp turns. We stood there in awe! I was glad I wasn’t there alone. During the sighting one of the orbs neared us and stayed dozen of meters away. The other one remained over the field and then - as if by command both of them departed in just a second. I know that they were intelligent.” An earlier but equally spectacular report comes from Mr. Jerzy M., a former officer of the Citizens Militia (the state police institution in Poland before 1989): “It was winter 1978 but the exact date got lost in my mind. It was about 2 am. […] I was patrolling the area between Ornontowice and Chudów checking if the stores were properly shut down. I was on the way from Ornontowice to Chudów. The night was beautiful, with no clouds in the


As in other cases, the witness soon learned from his chief that he must be kidding: “After returning to Gierałtowice police station, I even phoned the night guard at Gliwice airport asking if there were any night landings scheduled. But he also scoffed me saying that I must be drunk!” _________________ The case was registered by INFRA group. More information at: www.infra.org.pl. The case is still under investigation so some conclusions may change in the future.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Piotr Cielebiaś is a writer, publisher and journalist dealing with fringe science and paranormal phenomena. He is a regular contributor for “Nieznany Świat” magazine and Onet.pl - the biggest Polish web portal. With Michał Kuśnierz he runs INFRA group registering UFO reports and paranormal phenomena from Poland. Contact: infra@epoczta.pl.

Piotr’s new book, and his first in English, is published by Flying Disk Press. UFOS OVER POLAND – The Land of High Strangeness, is out now on Amazon.



http://www.themorningnews.org/article/the-economic-benefits-of-alien-abduction According to economists, if intelligent life elsewhere wants to kidnap earthlings, there must be a reason—and a business model. Popular culture has long imagined that aliens exist, and that they travel to Earth with a specific goal in mind, one that offers their species an economic, cultural or survival advantage. E.T. was a botanist who came in search of plant forms. Predator, a professional predator, came to fight Earth’s most valiant foes, namely Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, and Jesse Ventura. Kal-El, aka Clark Kent, came to the blue planet when his parents were trying to hide him from interstellar baby killers. A perusal of alien case files suggests modern abduction narratives are incentive driven. The abductees, who generally reside in rural areas, are frequently seized while traveling along secluded roads. From there, they are subjected to experiments, probes, brain scans, telepathic mind control, alleged sexual encounters, and a litany of medical procedures—all of which result in some benefit to the alien abductors. Similar to their fictional counterparts, there must be motivating principles for presumed aliens to visit Earth in the first place. Otherwise, what is the economic impetus to travel millions of miles through the galaxy, risk being shot out of the sky by trigger-happy governments, just to spend hours probing and scanning innocent earthlings? Taken just from the perspective of survivors of such encounters, it would seem this business model is no way to run an intergalactic syndicate, based either on kidnapping or scientific research, or more nefarious ambitions. If alien species are anything like us —creatures with the desire to survive in a harsh and infinite universe—then their dealings likely involve some form of economic principle. “I haven’t thought hard about aliens from an economics perspective. And I am less confident than you seem to be that aliens would be like us,” says economics professor Lawrence J. White, with New York University’s Stern School of Business. “But suppose that you are right. Then you are in the world of ‘the economics of crime’. The operative concept would be that of a benefit-cost analysis. And, in turn, that would initially require the specification of a goal.” A cost-benefit analysis, in a nutshell, is how a business gauges its use of manpower and spending to produce the most worthwhile results. According to Mark L. Weinstock,


a professor of economics at Pace University, it’s reasonable to assume alien businesspersons would be similar to us in that they would have goals for such abductions. “One thing that we would have in common, since we are talking about other species and not about organisms that are immortal, is the fact they have to operate in time,” Weinstock says. “This means they have to make choices and have to use resources so they have to prioritize their time. We assume that any kind of extraterrestrial that reached the Earth has some form of rationality in its thought process.” According to popular abduction narratives, certain economic intentions—or thought processes of alien abductors—seem to be fairly clear. “One possibility is that it is research related. This might be a scientific team engaged in the study of galactic species, such as our own,” Weinstock says. “We don’t have a problem interfering in the life cycle of animals, such as dolphins, whales, and tigers in order to understand them. So why would an alien species have a problem interfering in our life cycle if they perceive us as a lower form of life?” A second economic benefit to abducting humans might be that it’s part of a long-term project, where the aliens are visiting our planet to further improve their already advanced society in directions we can’t possibly comprehend. Or maybe, Weinstock philosophizes, we are a hobby, reality television-like entertainment that aliens poke and prod for sport. “Abductions could result in a defined benefit to the alien race,” Weinstock says. “We have medications that we test on animals. The argument of pharmaceutical companies is that they operate for the greater good.” Being the laboratory meat of some technologically advanced, intellectually pragmatic civilization might not be the worst scenario. According to nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman, the economic benefits associated with abduction might have less to do with benefiting alien society, and more with preventing their society’s destruction by a sinister foe. Namely, us. “I consider us a primitive society obsessed with tribal warfare,” Friedman says. “We are a planet where $1 trillion is spent on military warfare each year.”


Friedman says it’s possible Earth once served as a colony for extraterrestrial felons, similar to how Georgia and Australia operated as penal colonies in the 18th century. That would make us descendants of those prisoners, a possible explanation for how cruel our society behaves toward one another, according to Friedman, the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and a renowned lecturer on unidentified flying objects. Perhaps the economic benefit of abductions is not to study us for scientific purposes, but rather to understand us from the perspective of continued incarceration. “We have become the epitome of a threat to the neighborhood. Perhaps we are being watched, or quarantined,” Friedman says. “They’re sending us a message—stop developing weapons of mass destruction. Don’t let those idiots off their planet to bother the rest of us.” Regardless of the economic benefits—to study, exploit earthlings as laboratory specimens, or prevent us from destroying the galaxy—the abduction methods so-called intelligent life use often inspires distrust among the masses. A valid point is that most abductions occur without credible witnesses, an aspect with which even abductees would agree. And according to the abductees, they are kidnapped by alien spaceships, one at a time, which doesn’t seem economically viable. Wouldn’t it be more cost-efficient to abduct a small village, or a cruise ship, or a Boeing 777 flying over an ocean at night? That’s what many thought happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that disappeared on March 8, 2014. It wasn’t just conspiracy theorists hypothesizing that aliens might have been responsible. Several media organizations, including New York magazine and CNN, reported on the scenario, if only as filler to aid the 24-hour news cycle. But economics might shed some light as well on the nighttime nature of abductions. If most alien abductions occur in the dark, Weinstock says that may be the case because it’s the most economically efficient model.


If aliens abducted an airplane, “all these people have friends or families who will investigate this disappearance, and suddenly it’s a major ordeal,” Weinstock says. “Aliens would operate in the least observable way. Otherwise, it creates too many headaches for them. They would prefer not to endure higher costs if their motives are more obvious and well known. More awareness on our part might increase the costs of conducting their missions.” Intelligent visitors could be operating under economic principles, though a philosophy completely foreign to our understanding. Instead, their principles are based on a society much more advanced than our own. In the same way we hope to one day mine asteroids for commercial application, Weinstock believes alien technology is so progressive that it costs very little to travel to Earth. “We’re speculating based on our own cultural perspective,” Weinstock says. “It’s possible they are using modes of transportation that are not linear, that could involve the use of space structures, wormholes, which make travel much more efficient.” “It may be no more of a big deal than flying from New York to London in a few hours,” Friedman speculates. “That would have been incredible 120 years ago. The space station orbits the Earth every 92 minutes. It took Magellan’s ship three years in 1523. Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers can operate for 18 years without refuelling.” There may not be one reason that intelligent life forms observe us. Friedman believes we’re not being watched by just a single entity, but rather scores of extraterrestrials operating without our knowledge. “I think there are loads of civilizations in the local neighborhood sending loads of vehicles to visit, study, destroy, enjoy,” says Friedman. There’s a thought. Maybe intelligent life forms come here not to study or quarantine us, but to vacation, relax, and enjoy themselves. Maybe the economic advantage is similar to our own sinful proclivities: What happens on Earth, stays on Earth.


what didn’t make it to...



More mysterious extragalactic signals detected https://www.sciencenews.org/article/more-mysteriousextragalactic-signals-detected Just in time for the holiday shopping season, astronomers snagged a two-for-one deal on mysterious blasts of radio waves from other galaxies. An unprecedented double burst recently showed up along with four more of these flashes, researchers report online November 25 at arXiv.org. Fast radio bursts, first detected in 2007, are bright blasts of radio energy that last for just a few milliseconds and are never seen again (SN: 8/9/14, p. 22). Until now, astronomers had catalogued nine bursts that appeared to originate well outside the Milky Way. Yet, follow-up searches with non-radio telescopes for anything that might be pulsing or exploding keep coming up empty (SN Online: 12/8/14). The five newcomers, detected at the Parkes radio telescope in Australia, follow the same pattern as all previous detected bursts with one exception — one flashed twice. Twin blasts separated by just 2.4 milliseconds came out of some sort of eruption that happened roughly 9 billion years ago in the constellation Octans, David Champion, an astronomer at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, and colleagues report. A double flash rules out some ideas about what causes fast radio bursts. For instance, two neutron stars, dense cores left behind by dead massive stars, can collide only once. Rare vigorous blasts from pulsars might fit the bill, as would hyperflares from haphazard sources of gamma rays and X-rays known as “soft gamma repeaters,” possibly triggered by starquakes on highly magnetic neutron stars.

Unidentified Black Spheres Show Up in Fields on Three Different Times in Recent Weeks: ‘It Is a More Serious Issue than It Seems’ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/11/13/ unidentified-black-spheres-show-up-in-fields-on-threedifferent-times-in-recent-weeks-it-is-a-more-serious-issuethan-it-seems/ At least three strange black balls have appeared out of nowhere in fields near rural villages in Spain, prompting concern from residents about what the objects could be. Spain’s Civil Guard first tweeted a news story about an orb being found at the beginning of the month. The story from La Verdad (translated via an unofficial translation) reported the first one being spotted a few kilometers from Mula. The Spanish news site described the object as “a kind of sphere, consisting of a black material, entirely hollow, weighing between 15 and 20 kilos and had a diameter of about 70 centimetres.” The locals who found the black sphere said they didn’t see any footprints in the muddy field around it, suggesting it had fallen from the sky. Other sightings followed a few days later in the nearby town of Calasparra and most recently Villavieja. 20 Minutos (translated via an unofficial translation) carried a story by the Europa Press, which reported that the country’s Civil Guard had a team test the objects for any threat of biological, radiological, nuclear or chemical contamination potential. Thus far, the civil guard told the Press they believe the orbs to be space junk. La Verdad reported someone speculating that the object could be a “pressure vessel for gas (COPV), possibly a



space station. These objects are made of a material as strong survive almost intact reentry into the earth and even catastrophic explosions.” A somewhat similar looking object, though not black, was discovered in Nambia a few years ago. At the time, it was identified as likely a fuel tank to supply unmanned rockets. The mayor of Calaspara though told the Press he’s still disturbed by the “lack of information” from the authorities on the case. “I think it is a more serious issue than it seems, and citizens are concerned about what is happening and deserve an explanation,” Jose Velez said, according to the Europa Press.

UFO sighting? NASA live camera cuts after zooming in on bright spot https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-buzz/buzz-issnasa-live-cam-cuts-after-suddenly-192110224.html There are renewed claims of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sighting after a live stream from a camera on-board the International Space Station zoomed in on a bright spot in space before cutting off mid-stream. Footage from the feed shows the camera panning towards a bright circle off in the distance before zooming in on the ball of light.


“The object had matched its speed with the space station,” Scott Waring, editor of the website UFO Sightings Daily says in his commentary on the stream. “The camera then continued to zoom closer and closer, but all we could see was a glowing white oval.” “The vibrant light from the UFO was so powerful that even NASA’s new seven million dollar HD cameras could not focus on it,” according to Waring. Waring describes the object as being similar to a foo fighter, saying there’s a luminescent cross that can be seen coming from it. “It almost looks like it has a cross and a bright halo around it. Very unusual and NASA keeps an eye on it until they go to blue screen,” Waring says before the video cuts to a blue screen. “If the astronauts on board the space station are concerned with this glowing object near them, don’t you think you should be too?” he asks. (Video: https://youtu.be/dRVfuL2hDhU)


With a dish the size of 30 football pitches, the telescope will scan for signs of life as far as tens of billions of light years away. It will be able to pick up radio signals distant galaxies and solar systems, and also hunt for future sources of energy like natural hydrogen. “A radio telescope is like a sensitive ear, listening to tell meaningful radio messages from white noise in the universe,” said Nan Rendong, the chief scientist at the project, known officially as the 500 Metre Aperture Spherical Telescope. “It is like identifying the sound of cicadas in a thunderstorm.”

Huge crop circle ‘is a warning about asteroid hitting Earth,’ UFO fans claim http://metro.co.uk/2015/11/18/huge-crop-circle-is-awarning-about-asteroid-hitting-earth-ufo-fans-claim5510111/#ixzz3rul43Q94 Is this a diagram of an asteroid hitting Earth? (Picture Bruno Zorzon) Most crop circles are made by weirdos walking around fields in the middle of the night – but not this one, UFO fans claim. This one is actually made by aliens – to warn us about an asteroid hitting Earth, according to the tireless alien-hunters at UFO Sightings Daily. Why they couldn’t just send us an email, or take over all the TV channels at once, like they do in Mars Attacks, is anyone’s guess. The crop circle, seen in Argentina this month, is actually a diagram, warning about a huge meteor hitting Earth, according to Scott C Waring. Waring – the man behind Mars sightings such as the baby polar bear – says, ‘Crop circles have been around for thousands of years, recorded in ancient literature, paintings and walls. Its been long believed that the circles are messages sent from the heavens to humans. Today we believe they are messages sent from aliens. Not all crop formations are real, only about 10-15% are real. This one looks real, and seems to contain a message. To me, it looks like a warning about a meteor impact coming. Its showing an orbit around Earth, and then it shows the location where it will hit in the north western hemisphere…but no date.

Work on the telescope began in 2011 and is to be finished by September 2016. It will be substantially larger than the world’s existing biggest star-gazer, the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico, which was the setting for a secret electro-magnetic weapon in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. The telescope’s home is in a rock basin in Pingtang County in south-west China’s Guizhou Province, specially chosen for the natural recess it provides to protect the telescope from the elements. The basin’s porous rock drains rainwater away quickly, while its distance from nearby towns ensures a high degree of “radio silence”. In recent days, scientists behind the project have been installing panels of what will eventually be its “retina”, each one a giant triangle 33 feet long. Special cables fixed to each one will allow the panels to be precision adjusted during the operation of the telescope to within 10 millimetres. “It will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the galaxy and explore the origins of the universe,” said Wu Xiangping, director-general of the Chinese Astronomical Society. Li Di, a chief scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences told China Daily: “So far, one of the most important steps has been completed. “We will finish installing all the panels by June 2016, and strive to debug the whole system by the end of September.” He added that the design of the telescope is not difficult to understand, very similar to a TV antenna: “FAST is similar to any television antenna on a roof, but it is so much larger than that. With a larger signal receiving area and

China joins hunt for extra-terrestrials with FAST - the world’s biggest-ever telescope Colin Freeman, and Helena Horton China is in the final stages of building the world’s largestever radio telescope, which will give Beijing a leading role in space research and the hunt for extra-terrestrials.



more flexibility, FAST will be able to scan two times more sky area than Arecibo, with three to five times higher sensitivity,” he said. It would take a full 40 minutes for the average person to walk around the telescope. The enormous dish is made up of over 4,500 mostly triangular panels and its side panels measure 11 metres long. Astronomers have said that many new discoveries about space could be made using this piece of equipment. Lister Staveley-Smith, an astronomer at the University of Western Australia, expects it to find unknown stars in the Milky Way other more distant galaxies. “FAST’s sensitivity and resolution will allow an extremely comprehensive study of thousands of galaxies in different environments in the local universe,” he said. The prospect of the discovering other life in space gained fresh scientific credence earlier this year, when NASA discovered an ‘earth-like’ planet named Kepler-452b. It was located about 1,400 light-years away from the solar system, and at the speed of a typical modern space craft, would take around 26 million years to reach from Earth. Nasa identified Kepler-452b as a rare example of a so-called “Goldilocks planet” - one that is capable of supporting human-style life because it is neither too close to the Sun nor too distant. China is now on track to become a world leader in the space race, which its leaders view as confirmation of Beijing’s growing superpower status. In 2003, it became only the third nation in history to put a human into orbit. Since then, Chinese astronauts have walked in space, launched an orbital space lab and sent a lunar probe to the moon. Should aliens ever choose to respond to any of the new telescope’s radio signals, they might hear the phrase “Youren ma?” It translates roughly as “Is anybody out there?”

‘UFO Drone’ Found on Mars is Proof of Ancient Civilization on Red Planet http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/11/05/ufo-dronefound-on-mars-is-proof-of-ancient-civilization-on-redplanet/ Aliens exist, UFO hunters claimed after a new set of pictures of an identified object, which some said was none other than a UFO drone, were published on YouTube last Sunday, according to Inquisitr.com. Although the pictures were first made a few years ago, the new set of pictures is enhanced to provide a more clear view of the unidentified object. The pictures, snapped by a NASA Mars rover, show an object that resembles a metallic piece of machinery lying in one of the craters in the Gale Crater region of Mars.


The photographic evidence shows that the object has an “intelligent design” and is a UFO drone, according to UFO hunter Paranormal Crucible. “In my opinion this object is an extraterrestrial drone possibly built by the Indigenous Martian populace or perhaps it was deployed by an off world alien species who were exploring the Martian surface,” Paranormal Crucible said, as cited by Inquisitr.com. Alright, so Mars was quite possibly home to “Indigenous” aliens or some other aliens sent a reconnaissance drone to scout around the planet. Go on and take a minute to settle these thoughts into your head, because from here theories get even more interesting. Other UFO hunters argue that the object isn’t a UFO drone, but a piece of a much bigger alien spacecraft. Although UFO hunters might disagree on the origin of the unknown object lying on the surface of Mars, they all agree that a long time ago ancient Martians had their own civilization that was destroyed by other hostile aliens who were even more technologically advanced. The hostile aliens showed up to Mars and wiped out the “Indigenous” Martians by bombing the entire planet with a series of powerful thermonuclear devices, according to US physicist Dr. John Brandenburg from the University of California, Inquisitr.com said.

The Unlikely Struggle Of The Family Whose Neighbor Is Area 51 http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/the-unlikely-struggleof-the-family-whose-neighbor-is-a-1741346156 Plenty of landowners have fought the government over plans to seize their property. But the Sheahan family of Nevada have not spent decades defending some mundane corner of farmland from being covered by a proposed interstate. The Sheahans’ ancestral mining land is getting seized over its very unique next-door neighbor: America’s top secret flight test facility, known to most as Area 51. It’s remarkable the Sheahans wanted to save this place at all. It is a place where the family claims they were strafed by machine gun fire. Where cancer and burns came as a likely result of nuclear detonations mere miles


Photo taken from a airliner flying along the western edge of restricted airspace shows the location of the Nevada Test Site in relation to Groom Mine and what is now Area 51. Photo credit cia Doc Searls/Flickr CC BY 2.0

Foxtrot Alpha interviewed three members of the Sheahan family: Joe, 55, Ben, 56, and Barbara, 60, who are some of the co-owners of the family’s property overlooking Area 51 and are leading the fight to save it—or at least get compensated to a level they feel is appropriate for it by the Air Force. The Air Force’s final offer was made in August for $5.2 million, with a deadline attached, which the family outright declined. But now that the deadline for the Sheahans to accept the Air Force’s offer has passed, the property will go through the condemnation process.

away. Where they have faced invasive, terrifying security measures from men in uniform. Now, after years of trying to maintain a grasp on their beloved property, the Sheahans are getting the boot once and for all by the United States Air Force. The military is acting to condemn the family’s property, and they are seeking in court what they hope will be adequate compensation for their land and for their struggles. But how do you appraise a property that exists under such strange circumstances? How do you get the fair value of a place whose biggest resource is its bizarre view? And how does one family prevail over a titan as big as the United States military? Dreamland, The Box, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake, Paradise Ranch or most famously, Area 51. Whatever you want to call it, it’s a place bordered by a nuclear testing and bombing range, very much in the middle of nowhere, and deeply shrouded in mystery. Not even military pilots flying exercises in the area are allowed to cross over, or even to venture near it.

(The Air Force did not respond to Foxtrot Alpha’s repeated request for comment, citing the pending litigation. They instead directed questions to the Justice Department, which also did not respond for comment.) As for the Sheahans, they say all they have wanted is one of two things. The first is to be left alone on their property, without the ever tightening security noose around their necks. The other option, and now possibly the only option, would be to negotiate sale of the property for what the family sees as a fair price. Since the Air Force has moved forward with condemnation, the family’s attorney has asked formally for a jury trial to resolve the issue for good. It’s a David vs. Goliath fight, but the Sheahan family is used to those by now. (To read the rest of this story please visit the website http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/the-unlikely-struggleof-the-family-whose-neighbor-is-a-1741346156)

Antarctic UFO mystery deepens after researchers ‘find tanks guarding alien crash site’

It is quite literally the place where the government goes to hide.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/618769/ Antarctic-UFO-mystery-deepens-after-researchers-findtanks-guarding-alien-crash-site

The Sheahan family has long existed just six miles from this shadowy base, at a mine nestled on a mountainside overlooking a desolate, long-dry lake bed. Their ancestors originally settled on the site more than a century ago.

Express.co.uk revealed earlier this year the claims of another UFO hunter that he had ‘found the crash site and wreckage of an alien craft” that he believes may have been downed in the Antarctic.

Make no mistake that they were there first. Long before Lockheed and the CIA showed up in the 1950s to build a secret flight test base at what is now Area 51, there was Groom Mine. Founded by Patrick Sheahan in 1889, the site included 400 acres and a handful of mining claims. The Sheahan family worked the mine for decades, extracting silver, lead, zinc and copper. Eventually a second generation, Dan and Martha Sheahan, also called the mine home from the early part of of the 20th Century on, with their secluded operation churning away successfully. Then the U.S. government came.



machine amongst the frozen ice.” He estimated the size of it at 204 feet wide and 40 feet tall, making it a monster-sized ship, if he were correct. But Nina Lavrova posted in response to him: “It is clearly just a massive indent in the snow.” But Savely Kruglov thought he could be spot on, adding: “You might be onto something here. The Antarctic is pretty desolate and would be a good place to land without being noticed.”

Mind-controlled car unveiled in China Valentin Degterev from the city of Nizhny Tagil in central Russia, says he found the UGO (unidentified ground object) online using Google Earth. But now fellow researchers have dug out satellite images of the same site, just off Willy Field Road, which were taken in April and December 2011. The channel says it found the pictures which they believe show four tanks in a line facing the strange crack in the snow on Google Earth – as if a UFO has skidded to a halt after an emergency landing. YouTube channel Third Phase of Moon has posted an online video of the finding of the images, the latest of which were taken just two months before the previously released picture, which shows the “crash site” but no tanks. The channel has previously been accused of uploading allegedly hoaxed or misleading footage, which is something it denies. Not all viewers of their new video were convinced, with one poster saying from the scale of the map the tanks would be 70 feet long - bigger than any known military tank. But speaking on the video representatives of the channel said: “Why do they have tanks around it? It is something on Google maps, not something created by us.” Mr Degterev, who says he is a “researcher of the unknown” had earlier this summer posted the images and co-ordinates online before they went viral. He was convinced the huge unidentified object must have been caused by a UFO crash at least three years ago with the “flying saucer” still half buried there in the iceland wastes of Antarctica. He wrote on social media: “In among the endless ice desert, it is the most genuine UFO in its most classic shape.” The satellite image used by Google Earth was taken on February 15 2012, but has just been made more widely available. He said: “I think there is very large disc-shaped flying


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/ news/12040216/Mind-controlled-cars-unveiled-inChina.html Chinese engineers from Nankai University in Tianjin have developed a system that can read brain signals and control a car accordingly. Currently, the technology can drive a car forward, in reverse, brake, and lock or unlock doors without the need for any physical controls, according to Reuters. The researchers told Reuters they had spent two years developing the technology, which consists of a headset with 16 sensors that read EEG signals in the driver’s brain and translate them into instructions via software. The idea is not just a “Look ma, no hands” gimmick - it was originally developed for paralysed or elderly drivers who may not have full control of their physical faculties. “There are two starting points of this project. The first one is to provide a driving method without using hands or feet for the disabled who are unable to move freely; and secondly, to provide healthy people with a new and more intellectualized driving mode,” researcher Zhang Zhao told Reuters. While it might seem that controlling a vehicle on a busy traffic-filled road just with your mind sounds like a very dangerous idea, the researchers made it clear that wandering focus would not cause a car crash. You would only need to concentrate on the thought when you want to actually change the status of your vehicle something you do unconsciously anyway. According to the researchers, the ultimate plan could be to integrate this technology with driverless cars, so it is more of a complementary service than an alternative to physical driving. Professor Duan Feng, who led the project, told Reuters, “In the end, cars, whether driverless or not, and machines are serving for people. Under such circumstances, people’s intentions must be recognized. In our project, it makes the cars better serve human beings.”


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