St Brigid Parish Bulletin for August 20, 2023

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The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH, (St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa. St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.)

-mail: Facebook: St Brigid Parish

Deacon Ronald D. Maida

Deacon Paul J. Brojack

(St. Brigid’s Cross)


Saturday, August 26—4:30PM—St. Francis: Lector Sandy Gardner; Ministers Mike Griffin & Sean Kelly; Server volunteer; Rosary Mary Shaughnessy; Greeter volunteer

Sunday, August 27—8:00AM—St. Francis: Lector—Rosanne Williams; Ministers—Joyce Barnum & Karen Glowa; Servers Marco, Kolbe & Tony Villanella; Rosary Joyce Barnum

Sunday, August 27 10:30AM St. Augustine: Lector Julie Perlick; Ministers Bob Allen &


Please pray for the deceased, especially Joyce McPherson of Brackney, who was known to many in our Community. May she rest in peace. Amen.


Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish & Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers, especially all suffering from cancer, Lyme disease, or Covid-19. Kaitlyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., Ruth King, Kyle Stoddard, Sam Miner, Sophie Padula, Tom Wenman, Toni Colardino, Madigan Gow, Amanda Branning, Daniel Gavin, Tommy Williams, Kathy Holt, Linda Hollenback, Don Zaleski, MaryLou Fahs, Elton Carr, Jim Raftis, Bub Davis, Tyler Fletcher, William Chaney, Joe Grindel, Chelsea Judson, Trisha, Mary Guido, Hallie Brooks, Mark Kovach, Brooke Arnold, Robyn Lawson, Ned Offner, Butch Rosencranz, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, Emily D., Marie Donahue, Barbara Mahoney, Rusty Carmen, Adam Price, Greg Lasgowka, Terry, Cameron & Levi White, Natalie Dawn Abell, Tom Ellison, the Reed Family, Don Higgins, Raub Family, Todd Legg, Ryan Hayes, Sean McMahon, Thomas McWilliams, Marty Mosher, Chad Grindel, Cathy Ballogg, Mary Ann Casterline, Janice Jacobs, Patricia Charpinsky, Diane Holleran, Ethel Reid, Jack Kelly, Kineer Worgen, James Dughi, Peg Broadwater, Christopher Dauber, Jay Gurn, “D”, Frances Murphy, Adrian Stephens, Mike Wilcox, Sophia ILichishin, Alice Walsh, Josh Zaleski, Caleb Scepaniak, Dana Marsh, Lori Rawlins, Mary Joan, Brendan Merritt, R.M., Mark Pasteka, Reilly, Millie, Tim Fruehan, Caesar & Edith Siedlecki, John, Lori Hammerly Coleman, Brendan Kelly, Pat Walsh, Angelo Scarfalloto, Emily Graves, Cathy Albert, Robert Nemcek, Wayne Hibbard, Laura Nelson, Garrett Farr, Mary Keenan, Everly Hausmann, Dr. Silversti, Gloria, George Coleman, Sally Saunders, Dennis Byerly, Linda, Marie Cavalarro, Sully & Patty Cavallaro, Evelyn Ferro, Briana Grisdale, Gregory Diorio, Mike Coleman, Nicholas, Joyce Danielewicz, Alex, Alice, Mike & Pat Stelacio, Jessica Lawrence, Joseph Santora, Carol Garcia, Sophie Holgash, Nellie Manarchuck, Fr. John Victoria, Monica Gibson, Diane Coffee, John Waldron, Millie Chamberlain, Bill Noldy, Jr., Cathy Edsell, Patricia Hutchinson, Chris Mortensen, Clyde & Mary Tims, Louise Darrow, Aaron Fredendall, Louise Eastman, Diane, Kathy Du Duv, Michelle Weiss, Niki Rogers, Shirley Conboy, Joseph Olszewski, Wade Leach, Curtis Edwards, Matthew Gatto, Marge Murphy, Mark, Robert Pratt, Ellen Bieleski, Kylie Keenan, Becky Jenner, Sara Kelly Price, Tucker White, Liam Little, Terri Grindel, Kris Kiesly, Jerry Wells, Fred Brown, Rosa Prieto, Theo Goodrich, Madigan, Genevieve Coleman, Ed Snee, Anita James, Shirley McWilliams, Mary (Jones) Edsell, Carl Whitehead, Peter Strojny, Anthony Siedlecki, Eileen Maruschok, Shirley Rockefeller, Tony McHugh, Val Mosier, Hunter Allen Sapp, A.J. Pass, Beckett & Gavin Shy, Leonard Howell, Sue L., Bryce Histand, Ken Warner, Jay S., George Thrasher, Jay C., Norma Volk, Kathy Conklin, Gary Fisher, Joan Middendorf, Marie Mirabelli, Mike, Louie, Clint Wise, Carol Jarnigan, Ben LaRue, Nathan, Kevin Pierson, and Gary Davis. Please pray for all the needs in our Parish and Community. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.


Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our , Ryan Gormley, Christopher Reichlen, Mike Griffith, Matthew Kramer, Ryan Neville, Shane Kalpokas, Dustin Ryder, Steven Shelp, Ricky Trowbridge, A. Jay Tewksbury, Lukas Crisman, Ryan Newberry, Mark W. Gregg, Andrew Muscarelle, Lisa Phillips, Adam Barziloski, Quinn Gurn, Marty Conboy, Wayne M. Bennett, Joseph Elliott, Bradley J. Bryant, John Baltsley, Mara Redding, Michael Redding, James Hemmerly, Amberlynn Villanella, Jacob Balchikonis, Rip VanWinkle, Jonathan Green, Cameron, Garrett Kiehle, and all who serve with them. May they be protected & safe from harm & return home safely and soon. Amen.

Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away. Please also call us when those in the Armed Forces are no longer serving so their name can be removed.

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 20h, 2023

With the Lord there is mercy!


Sat. Aug. 19 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 20TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

20th Anniv. KATIE SCHULER by Roger & Sandy Gardner

Sun. Aug. 20 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 20TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

JOHN, HELENE, FRAN & DAVID GUITON by the Long & Mack Families

10:30AM St. Augustine Church - ELISABETHA KORBEL by Heidi Jaeger

Mon. Aug. 21 12:00NN St. Francis Church - NO MASS

Tue. Aug. 22 St. Augustine Church - NO MASS

Wed. Aug. 23 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - NO MASS

Thur. Aug. 24 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - NO MASS

Fri. Aug. 25 12:00NN St. Francis Church - NO MASS

Sat. Aug. 26 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JEROME RYAN by Kay Keenan

Sun. Aug. 27 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

10:30AM St. Augustine Church - Anniv. Blessings—BOB & SUSIE REICHLEN by Bill & Barb Pichette


Saturday St. Francis Xavier before 4:30PM Mass 3:30 to 4:15PM

Sunday St. Francis Xavier following 8:00AM Mass 9:00 to 9:30AM

Sunday St. Augustine following 10:30AM Mass 11:30 to 12Noon


Thank you for your generosity in last weeks collection. The collection total was: $ 3,716.00.


“God’s love—individual, real, unchanging—is the true source of our worth, identity, and dignity. It really is not a question of who we are, but rather whose we are. Because his love will never change, nothing can reduce our God-given dignity, and nothing can diminish the immeasurable worth of our lives.”

~ USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, “How to Build a Culture of Life”


We welcome Fr. Andrew Amankwaa who celebrates Masses with us this weekend. Please continue to pray for a Pastor to be appointed soon and for many vocations to the Priesthood in the Diocese of Scranton.


On behalf of the Most Rev. Matthew K. Gyamfi, Catholic Bishop of Sunyani, Ghana, Fr. Andrew is preaching the Mission Cooperative Appeal today. There are 8 priests from Ghana in positions as Pastors or Assistant Pastors in the Scranton Diocese. Please be generous in your donations. The Diocese of Sunyani, Ghana, West Africa, was established in 1973 and covers an area of 19,500 Square km, mostly situated in poor rural areas, where most of the people are peasant farmers. These areas lag behind the rest of the country in education, basic infrastructure, and healthcare delivery. Because of this, the Diocese, when it was created, decided to make social development a major part of and tool for the evangelization of the people living in the diocese. The Faith is relatively young. The faithful are mainly young families. They are mostly first- and second-generation Christians. In many areas, there is the need for primary evangelization. Fortunately, the response to the Faith is tremendously encouraging. The people accept the faith and join our local Church in large numbers. Some people tend to remain in the Traditional Religion, but the young are accepting the faith. Thus, our congregation is mainly composed of young people. We have over 300,000 baptized in the Diocese. This number represents a third of those who attend the Church, but do not receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for one reason or another.

The Diocese believes in the holistic development of the human person. Therefore, it has made it part of its mission to provide some basic social development projects in areas where public socio-economic services are found wanting. Thus, it focuses on the following areas: primary evangelization, provision of safe drinking water, quality healthcare delivery, and education. In addition to preaching the gospel, we try to:

• Drill water wells to provide clean safe drinking water in our rural communities.

• Establish schools at the grade, high school, and tertiary levels to provide quality Catholic education.

• Open new parishes, which involves building new churches and rectories.

• Organize vocation rallies to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

• Support the seminary education of our college seminarians; and

• Organize workshops on awareness and prevention of diseases such as breast cancer and screening, typhoid fever, HIV Aids, and many other communicable diseases through our health institutions across the diocese/region.

The coronavirus pandemic and the challenging economic conditions of the country has destroyed and halted almost all economic activities. The diocese has been affected financially so much that we count on friends like you for support. Some of the funds we raise in your parish would be used to support the mission of the Diocese including the training of Priests and Religious. Currently the diocese has over 80 Major Seminarians at various stages of Priestly formation in different Seminaries in Ghana and abroad.


Thank you to everyone that gave of their time & talent weeks before the picnic, the day before, the day of, and the day after to get ready and clean up after the Picnic. We had an awesome number of volunteers. Thank you to the prize donors, mailing helpers, ticket sellers, dinner sellers, set up crew, clean up crew, kitchen help, cookie/brownie bakers, and especially the BBQ Pit workers and the Basket Raffle Donors and workers. (The Basket Raffle continues to be one of our biggest money makers.) Thank you also to Jim McNerney for his donation of Night at the Lake. This is a great prize to win! We couldn’t do the Picnic without the help of all of you!

Thank you very, very, much!! God Bless you all and thank you for another successful year.

We will get final numbers when all the bills are in. Prize winners are listed on the bulletin insert.


Deacon’s NOTE

This is not the first biblical figure to argue with the Lord: Genesis and Exodus tell of mes when Abraham and Moses gave out to God. This woman is different from the scribes who o!en tried to trap Jesus with arguments. She is begging for her daughter. There is something teasing and humorous about Jesus' first reply to her. His first response is what we o!en experience in prayer: no give. But a mother seeking health for her child is not easily deterred, and Jesus rewards her persistence -- I imagine him smiling as he blesses her………………………….

God Bless. Deacon Ron Maida


On Saturday, September 2nd, we observe the Fatima First Saturday Devotions in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary as our Lord and Lady requested of Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the three shepherd visionaries of Fatima. Please consider participating as we seek to fulfill our Savior's & Blessed Mother's request for prayer and penance in reparation to her most Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart. All are invited.

Devotions are held at Saint Augustine Church with the following UPDATED schedule:

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 9:00am

Recitation of Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:15am

Adoration and Meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:45am-10:00am

Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 10:00am-10:10am

Communion Service: 10:15am


Please consider spending an hour with Our Lord. New volunteers (fill-ins & permanent) are needed. Many hours are available. Call Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212) to volunteer. Adoration is being held in the Church.


If you would like to respond to prayer requests, or if you have a prayer request, please contact Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212) or Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618). Many prayers will be offered for your intentions. Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away.


~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention offered by Joe Purr.

~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for peace in Ukraine.

~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention. A Devotional Candle at St. Augustine burns for the return to health of all the sick in our Parish & Community offered by St. Brigid Altar & Rosary Society.


To provide flowers for St. Francis Church, call the Rectory (570-553-2288); for St. Augustine Church, call Heidi Jaeger (570-663-2459). For both Churches, please call the Rectory with the “Intention” so it can be in the bulletin. Dates are available thru November.

~ St. Francis Flowers are in memory of deceased family and friends offered by Kay Keenan.


St. Augustine: August 21 to 27 Cott DeMaree; August 28 to September 3 volunteers needed; September 4 to 10 Cott DeMaree; September 11 to 17 Cott DeMaree; September 18 to 24 Mary Homan; September 25 to October 1 Mary Homan

(Please remember Adoration is being held in the Church for the summer. Please clean on Saturday.)

St. Francis cleaners for the month of August are Bub and Dawn Davis.


Our Parishioner Kylie Keenan is recovering from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a rare condition in which a person's immune system attacks the peripheral nerves. A benefit is being held for Kylie in September. The Kevin Class Memorial Golf Tournament, which this year benefits Kylie, is being held at Tall Pines in Friendsville on Sunday, September 10th. There is now a waiting list of teams to play cost is $ 500.00 a team/ $ 125.00 each, which includes lunch and dinner. (Payment is due by August 23rd to reserve your spot.) Call Tall Pines 553-4653 to register your team. There are Hole sponsorships available for $ 100.00 each and Baskets are being accepted for the Basket Raffle. If you can donate a basket or would like to sponsor a hole, or for more information, please contact Sue Blaisure (570-2504520); Carrie Allen (570-396-1621) or Bill Blaisure (570-677-4839). Presale 50/50 Tickets are being sold for $ 20.00 each or 3 for $ 50.00. Both the Basket Raffles and 50/50 are open to the public. If you can’t donate a basket, perhaps you can stop at Tall Pines on September 10th and take some chances on the 50/50 or Basket Raffles.




For anyone who would like to send Fr. Kevin sympathy cards or Mass cards, his mailing address is: Annunciation Parish, 122 South Wyoming St., Hazleton, Pa. 18201.


The families of the St. Brigid Parish Youth Group invite you to attend on Saturday, September 30th, at Neumann Hall in Choconut. Doors open at 5PM and Bingo starts at 6PM. Tickets are $ 50.00 each. There will be 20 regular games, 50/50, special buy-in games, and food for sale. All winners must be 18 years old for long guns and 21 for hand guns and pass the PA background check and pick up prizes at Montrose Sporting Good within 30 days. (New York state residents must have hand guns shipped to a NY dealer.) You must have a ticket for admittance to the event. You must be present to win all prizes. Any “No Shows” are considered a donation to the Youth Group. Pre-sale tickets and information are available at Montrose Sporting Goods (570-278-3154); St. Brigid Office or from Kay at Mass (570 553 2288); and Renee Coy (570-396-6797).

Helpers are needed for the Gun Bingo as well as donations of food or for food. If you can help or donate, please call or text Renee Coy (570-396-6797).


Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is September. Bishop Bambera will celebrate a Mass for Suicide Healing & Remembrance on Sunday, September 17th at 12:15pm at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton. Mass will serve to remember loved ones lost to suicide, and to promote healing for those grieving their passing. Those attending Mass will be invited to offer a flower in memory of a loved one who died from suicide. All are welcome. Mass will livestream on the Diocesan website, YouTube channel and Facebook. For more info contact the Office for Parish Life 570-207-2213 or


CCD Classes will begin on Sunday, September 17th, and are held from 9:15 to 10:15AM at Neumann Hall in Choconut. This allows families to attend either the 8:00AM Mass at St. Francis or the 10:30AM Mass at St. Augustine. Registration forms have been emailed to families who have been attending classes in past years and are also available in the back of the Churches for new families who would like to register.

PICNIC PRIZE WINNERS 50/50—Jackie Meehan $ 500.00 Joyce Barnum Blackstone Grill Debbie Purtell Fire Pit Helen Gardella Tall Pines Golf Tickets Debbie Belknap Adirondack Chair—Jodi Daniels Night at the Lake Mary Louise Keenan 1. Wine Lovers & Lottery Kitty DeRiancho 24. It’s Movie Night Cheryl Cherundolo 2. Margarita Fun Marcia Stewart 25. Squish Mallow Dennis Corwin 3. Rustic Serving Tray Barbara Gurney 26. Mosaic Flower Pot Katie Blow 4. Handyman Kit Debbie Bush 27. Bees & Trees Mary Curley 5. Apple Harvest Joyce Barnum 28. Blend It Up Rosalynd Perlick 6. Thanksgiving Blessings—Manda Bullins 29. Tie Dye Carolyn Finch 7. Country Tea Set Meg Egitto 30. Betty Boop Michele Silviera 8. Instapot Barb Pichette 31. Hydrangea Set Mary Homan 9. Wine Lovers Wendy DeRiancho 32. Wine & Dark Chocolate Tracy Traver 10. Pamper Me Chris Ayers 33. Crocheted Blanket Rita DeRiancho 11. Ice Cream Maker Rita Eddy 34. Teddy Bear MaryAnn Haefner 12. Money Under Glass - Kelly Bush 35. Lavender & Vanilla Katy Rosenkrans 13. Limoncello Janet Kelly 36. Charcuterie Board Rita DeRiancho 14. Pickle Ball Louise Baker 37. Have A Cold One Kitty DeRiancho 15. Family Game Night Gary Newman 38. St. Joe Winery Cathy O’Reilly 16. Garden Bag Chris Ayers 39. Last Supper Judy Adams 17. Vera Bradley Mary Homan 40. Wet Your Whistle Janet Kelly 18. Golf Jeff Williams 41. Food Processor Debbie Bush 19. Deer Picture Kay Keenan 42. Lottery Barb Gurney 20. Thirty One Bag Mary Shaughnessy 43. Basket of Cheer # 1 Mary Ann Jorgenson 21. Thirty One Bag Mary Shaughnessy 44. Basket of Cheer # 2 Matt Holleran 22. Movie Night Janet Brown 45. ASP Expressway Mary Shaughnessy 23. BBQ Basket Kate Ford 46. Stroll ‘n Trike Mary Lou Martin
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