The Slimming Clinic Summer Survival Weight Loss Guide

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to help inspire your journey!





Turn to page 10 to see our healthy, delicious recipe ideas!

Find out how.


WELCOME TO OUR SUMMER SURVIVAL GUIDE We’re guessing that since you have downloaded this amazing free guide, you’re in need of some weight loss and health motivation over the warmer months? Well, you’ve come to the right place! To help support you, we have articles from our weight loss experts in mindset, diet and movement – each of them giving wonderful advice about how you can look after yourself in the coming months. Our pocket guide is designed to help you make the right choices for food and exercise over summer as well as helping you to find the confidence to enjoy the season. If you’ve spent previous summers hiding from cameras, or avoiding social situations due to your weight, make it a thing of the past with help from The Slimming Clinic Summer Survival Guide!


Inside this guide: PAGE 04



KEEPING HEALTHY ON HOLIDAY GOING ON A STAY-CATION? We reveal how to remain healthy on holiday and avoid temptation!



WE SHARE ideas on how to feel fantastic for summer.

WE'VE PUT together out top 5 tips for a healthy summer.



WANT TO drop a dress size? Read on to find out how.

HOW MUCH water do we need to drink? Turn to page 19 for more information.



EATING HEALTHY doesn't have to be boring! We show you how to enjoy a delicious, healthy bbq.

WE'VE ASKED some of our wonderful patients to share their weight loss tips with us.



NEW: The Slimming Clinic have reworked the way you can join our online weight loss programmes.

OUR ONLINE consultations also enable us to provide our services nationwide and offer a wider range of appointment times.










SUMMER EXERCISE TIPS FIND OUT MORE from our Movement Coach, Phil.


How to get past the Summer Body Mindset and enjoy yourself


, Andrea Rose at Mind Coach g The Slimmin Clinic

With the summer season now upon us, there is no better time to get ourselves outside, enjoying the fresh air and soak up some well-deserved vitamin D from the sunshine. But what happens when we aren’t feeling ready and confident enough to take off those extra layers of clothing we’ve had piled on throughout the winter? How do we get past the 'summer body ready’ mindset?

To begin with, let’s look at the phrase ‘summer body ready’. Primarily, it gives the assumption that you *only* need to look good and prepare for the summer months. There is an underlying pressure from social media, implying that you need to look good on the beach, on holiday and in front of others. This draws your attention solely to your appearance, and if it is not in the condition we feel proud of, we find ourselves retreating during summer and ensuring the rest of the year is spent preparing and not necessarily enjoying ourselves in the process. Whilst it’s important to look beyond the pressures of social media, it would also be unrealistic to assume that your appearance is not relevant to your confidence, interactions and self-care.

The question is how do we balance our priorities? We can start by look to raise your confidence. This could be


something like buying something new to wear, focusing on the colours and styles that suit you best for the summer season. A few new items of clothing can work wonders on your selfesteem. You could allocate some time just for you to nurture your body, moisturise your skin, wash your hair and quite simply, give some care and attention back to you and begin loving the skin you are in. It’s one of the simplest forms of selfcare but often one that is neglected. If you have a busy lifestyle or demanding priorities, look into some time management that will enable you to give a little bit of time back to yourself, which in turn will build your confidence and allow self-care to become part of your daily routine. Another way of helping your confidence is to look at incorporating movement into your day. Look at the different types of exercise you can participate in throughout the year; which may change according to mood or weather. Any type of fitness, from walking to hard aerobic exercise will release endorphins, raise moods; help with anxiety, stress and depression whilst also giving you an energy boost. The same applies to what you eat, the healthier the foods, the healthier and better you feel. If you are feeling shy, anxious or selfconscious and are finding yourself being overly self-critical this summer, then spend a few moments considering what the recent pandemic has shown us. Amongst many things it has shown us how quickly life can change. If you were to look back on your life in 1, 10 or 20 years from now, what would your future self advise you on how to live your life during this time?

If a partner, friend or child were having the same feelings as you, or openly criticising themselves, what would you advise them to do? Would you tell

them to stay indoors and hide away from another summer, or to go out and have fun? Perspective is an essential tool in maintaining a happy and healthy mindset. People are often faced with similar situations or problems in life, yet they react differently. What you might see as a flaw, others will see as a reason you are wonderful and unique.

The only difference between these people is their perspective. By seeing certain events in a different light and looking at the bigger picture we can reduce our anxiety and remember what is truly important in life. It is important to remember that wherever you are in your weight loss journey - you are on it. You may just be starting, 6 months down the line or nearly finishing but aim to enjoy each and every stage of your journey; learning to embrace the opportunities and be proud of any achievements you have made.

Here at the Slimming Clinic we reinforce that self-care and lifestyle changes are not just to be achieved in the short term with an end goal in sight, but instead, something that meets the needs of the individual. They must be maintainable in the long term ld and so introducing a healthier lifestyle shou n be prioritised over sudden weight loss. Whe we begin to change the direction of our of thoughts, we gain the opportunity to let go n lear any negativity that is holding us back and to enjoy the moments, the fresh air and the sunshine. So, forget being ‘Summer-body-ready’ and start being ‘Summer-mindset-ready’. The only thing holding you back from enjoying your Summer is your own perspective.


find your

sparkle Summer is such fantastic time of the year. The days are longer, brighter and warmer and moods are instantly lifted by the mere sight of the sunshine peering through the curtains in the morning. This year, summer plans may be spent a little differently than we might have thought, with less foreign travel and time away. But with the prospect of more staycations on the cards, the dread we feel when thinking about the social aspects the warmer weather brings can be overbearing. Wearing smaller clothes, trying to get back into last summer’s wardrobe, or even something as small as thinking about heading out for the day in the sun could risk embarrassment and these are very real fears for some, resulting in putting your life on hold, or missing out on things, due to your weight and health.

At The Slimming Clinic, we don’t believe that anyone should feel like they need to shy away from the things they really want to do, simply through embarrassment or not looking the way you want to. No matter where you are with your weight loss, you should be able to live your life, doing the things that bring you joy and happiness.


1. Take a break from social media We’ve all spent a lot more time on social media since being on reduced social contact – but social media can be a negative space and if you’re feeling the stress of looking at hundreds of modellike women on social media as you scroll through, it’s simple, turn it off! We are bombarded by images of slim, beautiful and seemingly perfect specimens constantly and it does nothing for our own self-esteem to compare ourselves to them. And, chances are, those women have body hang-ups too. The best thing you can do is give yourself a break and not compare yourself to them!

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Stop focussing on the negative We can all easily pick out our least favourite parts of our bodies. But have you ever stopped to focus on the parts that you don’t mind, or even, *like*? Maybe you have beautiful eyes, or long limbs, or a nice bottom (!) – whatever you like, focus on that. It’s all too easy to criticise and sometimes, just looking a few things you don’t mind, can break the cycle of negative thoughts you might have about yourself.

Talk to someone Sometimes, a really simple way to get our worries off our chest is to talk to someone about it. When was the last time you spoke to a friend about body confidence? Speaking to others will help you see you’re not alone, or the only one who focusses on their imperfections! Knowing you’re not on your own is a great mental boost. Why not start a support group, send each other pictures of what you’re wearing and offer compliments to each other!

4. 5.

Wear whatever you want! Those feelings and thoughts of being ‘too fat’ to wear something are old news. Don’t think about the size on your label, think about what makes you comfortable and happy. You can be happy no matter what size you are – use your clothing as an extension of your personality and wear something you really feel amazing in.

Move more We’re not saying you need to be a fitness fanatic, but activity and movement can do wonders for your body confidence and mental health. Whether you choose to play garden games, or take yourself off for a walk or jog, or do a home YouTube workout, anything is great for you and getting your feel-good endorphins pumping!

REMEMBER...There is no such thing as a ‘summer ‘winter body ’ or an y other season body! body ’,

You don’t have to be a cer tain size or shape to enjoy any activity. Your body is unique and wonderful and has navigated you through to where you are in life no You have about 80 summe w. rs to enjoy in life – make the most of them, however you can, make wonderful, lastin g memories and be kind to yourself! us on 0800 917 9334


Drop a Dress Size in Summer! As the seasons hot up, we hear a lot about ‘dropping a dress size for summer’- but if we don’t lose weight for summer, does that mean we’re a failure and that we should just admit defeat? That we will never achieve our weight loss dreams? Obviously not! Weight loss can be achieved any season and at any time in the year. There is no such thing as a ‘summer body’ or being ‘beach body ready’ and no matter where you are with your health and weight loss, you should not spend your summer hidden away as you’re too worried what people might think about your weight, body shape or otherwise. However, if you want to continue your health and weight loss journey during the summer, how can you go about dropping a dress size over the hottest months? Summer is the perfect time to get back in control of your weight loss journey and can mean that by the time the cooler months come back around, you’re easily fitting into a smaller size! There are lots of so-called ‘quick fixes’ on the internet that claim you can lose a dress size or more in just a couple of weeks, but don’t be fooled! These quick fixes often involve dangerous calorie deficits and openly admit that their diet and exercise plans aren’t sustainable and can mean that you’ll gain your weight back almost as quickly as you lost it.


On average, it takes about 10 to 15 lbs in weight to drop a dress size. Exactly how many you need to lose to get in that next clothing size bracket will depend on the amount of muscle and fat you have and how much you weigh.

So what can you do to drop a dress size and keep it off? You can get advice from the experts at The Slimming Clinic, of course! Our tailor-made weight loss programmes are designed around you and your weight loss goals. We talk to you about your reasons for losing weight, how much you want to lose and how we can help you achieve it. At The Slimming Clinic, we are always realistic about your weight loss. We recommend that you lose approximately 1 -2 lbs per week using our weight loss programmes, which means it could take as little as six weeks to lower the number in the back of your clothes! Some weeks you may lose more than that and other weeks your weight loss might appear to be slowing but it could be that your measurements are dropping instead. The scales can’t show you all your successes and what could be water retention that is showing up on the scales and making it seem like you’ve lost no weight this week, could be reflected in inches lost on your waist, bust or hips!

If you’re not already taking your measurements, make sure you check them every time you weigh in. When you feel like your weight loss is stalling, measurements could be significantly dropping, and it will show just how far you’ve come! It’s a really good way to measure your progress off the scales! Remember, with our help and the right diet, movement and mindset, it’s completely possible that you will be buying your autumn and winter wardrobe in a brand-new size bracket! For more information on our weight loss programmes and how we are now offering appointments without you having to come to clinic on page 21!


Healthy BBQ eating in Summer Over the summer, there is nothing nicer than getting into your garden, or at a designated site and cooking on a BBQ. Using no electricity to cook as well means you can keep out of the kitchen and enjoy the lovely summer evenings outside. But with BBQs, not all foods are made equal and their ‘buffet’ style serving system often leads to us over-eating on our recommended calorie intake. So what should you cook at a BBQ and still stay on track with your healthier lifestyle plan? Many of us will opt for a burger or a sausage to cook, so when selecting your choice, check the quality of your meat. When you look at the ingredients list of your burger or sausage you should always look at how much meat it has, this will give you an idea of the quality. You are looking for a product to be made from at least 80% meat. This way you know there is a higher percentage of meat and fewer added products.


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Fish is a lovely addition to a BBQ too as it takes very well to being grilled. Some good types of fish to cook on a grill are tuna steak, mackerel, fresh sardines and salmon. Again these taste wonderful when they are marinated or served with a simple salsa of chopped red onion, tomato, cucumber and avocado, mixed with lemon juice salt and a little olive oil. (The secret to a good salsa is having the veggies chopped to the same small 1cm size).

When thinking about sides to accompany your choice of protein, think about incorporating ones that top up your 5-a-day quota. Traditionally, sides served at a BBQ can be quite high in fat, especially if they are made with mayo i.e. creamy coleslaw, potato salad. It is super easy to make your own coleslaw with shredded red cabbage, carrot and onion mixed with low fat yoghurt, crushed garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Also why not try a quinoa/ rice/ cous cous salad with edamame beans, chopped cucumber, tomatoes, olives, red onion, herbs, lemon juice, olive oil, seeds and fresh herbs! (We recommend mint as it really lifts a salad).

If you’re still fancying something sweet after dinner, in this heat, a refreshing ice cream or lolly is a pleasure to enjoy. If you’re opting for ice cream, try serving your ice cream as one scoop on a light wafer cone. This way you get round 70kcals per scoop instead of having 3 ice cream scoops in a bowl (240kcals). If you want to be really lean, you can easily cook chicken and fish on the BBQ too. An idea is to try your own marinade mix to add to lean chicken breasts. When you marinade, cut your chicken into strips (this makes it easier for the marinade to penetrate the meat) and add to a mixture of natural yoghurt and mixed spices e.g. tikka, fajita mix and leave for 1-2 hours in the fridge before cooking. You can add the chicken strips to skewers too, so you don’t lose them between the grill on the BBQ!

There are many tasty lower fat/energy ice cream options out there too – which come with a fraction of the calories and saturated fat.

Alternatively, why not try cooking some fruit on the BBQ as the embers die out? Banana and pineapple work particularly well, when wrapped in foil and left to cook for 5 minutes on the BBQ. These can be served with low fat yoghurt or crème fraiche. us on 0800 917 9334



Initial Video Consultation

So, with patient care at the forefront, and ensuring that you will still be appropriately assessed before commencing any weight loss treatments or programmes with us, The Slimming Clinic introduced our Initial Video Consultations.

IF YOU ARE NEW PATIENT, OR YOU HAVE NOT HAD AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE SLIMMING CLINIC FOR OVER 12 MONTHS, YOUR JOURNEY TO BETTER HEALTH AND WEIGHT LOSS BEGINS WITH AN INITIAL VIDEO CONSULTATION. Having heard that patients were struggling to get to physical health assessments and wanting to ensure everyone has the chance to change their life and health, The Slimming Clinic have reworked the way you can join our online weight loss programmes. 12

Our Initial Video Consultations are the most convenient and comprehensive way to start a weight loss programme you can find and for £50 includes:

A thorough health and weight loss video consultation Your Initial Video Consultation is a chance for you to have a thorough and comprehensive 1-to-1 conversation with the doctor about your health, weight and aims for weight loss with The Slimming Clinic. During your video consultation the doctor will take the time to discuss your lifestyle and health goals, as well as take your blood pressure and weight readings. They will go through your history and discuss how The Slimming Clinic and our weight loss programmes can be tailored to your lifestyle and requirements. The doctor will take the time to get to know you and together, design a programme that works for you!

itself with patients and there are numerous fantastic benefits that our patients are already feeding back on.

A Blood Pressure Monitor To take your reading ready for your initial video consultation.

Immediate access to two weeks of exclusive weight loss advice

We are hearing that our video consultations are convenient, thorough and easy to access for everyone. Just like our online weight loss programmes, you can have your Initial Video Consultation wherever you are, as long as you have Wi-Fi or signal, can be stationary for approximately 50 minutes and have access to a device with camera and video call capabilities.

Delivered in modules and written exclusively for patients of The Slimming Clinic by our experts in diet, mindset and movement, the best part of our weight loss advice is that, as soon as your consultation is booked, you will get access to it, meaning you can start your weight loss right now!

Start your weight loss from home, in private, whenever you are ready to with our Video Consultations.

For more information

A £50 refund And, when you join a weight loss programme with us at The Slimming Clinic, you will get your initial video consultation fee refunded off the cost of your new weight loss programme. The convenience of our new Initial Video Consultation is proving

about how The Slimming Clinic will support you to achieving your weight loss goals, call us today on

0800 917 9334 13


Phil Calvert, oach Movement C ing at The Slimm Clinic

Summer Exercise Tips Want to be outside and moving more during the hotter months? Summer sees so many more of us crawling out from hibernation to enjoy the great outdoors. But exercising outside can have its perils in the heat, so we spoke to Phil, our Movement Coach, and asked him for his best advice for exercising over the coming months. Summer is a wonderful time of year - Thank heavens for bright skies, clean fresh air, and time to get outside. With the UK opening up more and us being allowed out to exercise in unlimited amounts – it’s the perfect time to start dusting off your exercise gear and enjoying the wonderful weather of the warmest season. When it comes to exercising in the summer, we do start feeling stronger heat from the sun, so we need to remember that! The strength of the sun in the summer months is much more dramatic and it doesn’t take long for you to burn, or dehydrate, if you are exposed and active outside during the day. One of the best times to exercise during the summer is before 9am and after 6pm. During this time, the sun is hottest and can cause extreme heat exhaustion if you are exercising outside between these times. The advice is to exercise outside of these hours, when the day is cooler, and the heat isn’t as intense. Early morning exercise, before the sun has had a chance to heat up and evening and sunset exercising will ensure you are minimising the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and burning. However, if you’re choosing to exercise between 9am and 6pm, two very crucial things to remember are sunscreen and water. Ensuring your skin is adequately protected from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays with the right sunscreen factor is really important and making sure you are sufficiently hydrated before, during and exercise with water. On hot days, it might seem more refreshing to cool down with an electrolyte, energy drink or sugary, fizzy drink, but these will not hydrate you enough to replace your lost fluids through exercise and sweating. Conversely, they can often contain caffeine, which can dehydrate you!


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e summer, th in ng si ci er ex to es m co it n Whe exercise to st be e th is t ha w d ke as t ge n te I of do in the summer for me? The truth of the answer is exercise and movement is absolutely down to the patient. What works for some, may not work for others. The hardest part of any exercise regime is finding something you enjoy, and when you’re comfortable, increasing the intensity. You may love walking, so you can start with a short, slow walk and gradually increase it until you are either walking quicker, or further. Then, when you’re confident, trying to do both. When it comes to exercise, there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, so really think about what you enjoy when it comes to movement, and do more of it!

Try this: •

Make yourself a list and ask yourself what you want to achiev e and do this week, when it comes to movement. Water helps build muscle tone

the joints in the body and also helps lower your stress levels.

as it lubricates

Planning is always underrated, particularly when it comes to exercise and movement not very many people do create a movement plan for the week ahead. I have found that by making an intentional plan for what you want to

do for the week, it makes it much easier to stick to. Ever heard the phrase ‘Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail’? Planning makes your activities much more structured and you are more likely to do them! (The tip is not to scold yourself if you don’t do it all).

Why not try

making the plan with a loved-one or friend? Keep each other accountable by sticking to the same plan and doing the exercises together at home? If you don’t live together – try it over video call and encourage each other!

So, with that in mind, grab a pen and paper and get planning how you’ll walk, run, cycle, push a pram, dance in the garden your way to a healthier, happier summer! us on 0800 917 9334


KEEPING HEALTHY ON HOLIDAY It looks like a lot of us will be taking ‘stay-cations’ this summer in the UK instead of being able to head somewhere further afield. But who can honestly say that they keep up their health and weight loss programme whilst away?

Do you go away and have a blow-out as you’re on holiday, with the promise to get straight back to it when you’re home? How many times have you got back to your healthy living as soon as you have returned? For most of us, we let our healthy lifestyles slip on holiday and then find it really difficult to regain control of what we are consuming once we are back in our normal daily routine. Disheartened by putting on weight while we were away, it is hard to focus again when we think we’ve done irreparable damage to our diet.


This year, trying approaching your holiday differently. See it not as ‘damage limitation’ when you come home, but rather, a chance to enjoy yourself and still keep on track with your weight loss programme. If you’re headed to the beach this summer, there are lots of fun things you can do to keep you on your feet and moving!

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Here are some great beachy activities ideas to get you energetic on the sand: •

Bat and ball

Beach volleyball


Kite Flying


And when it all gets a bit too hot, why not get in the sea and cool off with some swimming, a fantastic aerobic exercise!

Staying somewhere new? Get exploring in the local area. Wandering and touring is the perfect way to get your activity levels and step count up. Ask locals, or at your hotel, if they know a good walking or jogging route – somewhere you can take in the scenery, so you don’t realise you’re even exercising!

If the gym in your hotel is shut, or there isn’t one available to use, why not try a YouTube HIIT work out to really get your heart rate up and blood pumping? Even body weight exercises such as squats, lunges, press ups and dips in your hotel room are simple to do, but super effective! You can also incorporate resistance bands or cables, which take up no room in a suitcase but act like dumbbells during exercise. When it comes to eating on holiday, this is where it can really undo all our hard work and activity. Ever heard the phrase ‘you can’t out-train a bad diet?’ Well – it’s true! If you spend the day doing lots of activities but then over-indulge at the hotel buffet a couple of times a day, it can really undo any efforts you have put in. If you’re cooking for yourself in selfcatering, try and eat as you would at home when you are on your weight loss programme and if there is a buffet or you are eating off a restaurant menu, opt for lean meats, fish or vegetarian options, with lots of vegetables. Try and reduce the amount of fried or battered items you eat and remember to keep a variety of colour on your plate! However, if you’re choosing to relax your fitness and healthy-eating over your holiday – don’t worry! us on 0800 917 9334



Healthy Tips 1. “It’s too hot to sleep!” The warmer weather makes it harder to sleep and sleep deprivation can have a detrimental effect on your weight. If you are sleep deprived, you make worse food choices and your brain craves unhealthy, comfort foods that can cause your weight to increase. It’s recommended that you get approximately 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night in order to be well rested. If it’s warm in your bedroom and causing you to have broken sleep, try using a fan to add some cool air to the room or sleep under a lighter blanket, which should keep you from over-heating and waking up lots of times in the night.

Feel your health slipping in the summer? We’ve addressed some of the common complaints we get at The Slimming Clinic in summer in a bid to help you overcome them. Are any of these true for you?

2. “It’s far too hot to be in

the kitchen making home cooked food.” In the heat or after a long, hot day out, taking to the kitchen and rustling up a hot meal can seem like a big task. Why not swap out your hot dinners, for cold ones? When you next go shopping, make sure to stock up on ready-cooked lean meats and fill your plate with fresh salad and cold cuts of lean meat instead of cooking. Protein and salads are both very satiating foods so will fill you up and keep you fuller for longer!

3. “I just can’t avoid ice creams on a hot day.” Summer and ice creams go hand-in-hand, and whilst it’s perfectly ok to indulge in the odd 99 or Magnum every now and again, try opting for lower calorie iced treats that are just as refreshing and cooling. If you find you’re reaching for the freezer or heading to the ice cream van more than a few times this summer, look for fruity ice lollies instead of heavy, cream-based frozen snacks. Whilst ice lollies still contain a lot of sugar, they are much better for you than their ice cream counterparts and mean you can have them on more occasions.

4. “I’m craving sweet

snacks – but I don’t know what to eat.” Fruit in the summer is incredible! There are so many wonderful choices in supermarkets, grocers and markets at this time of year. Make sure you stock up on seasonal, refreshing options such as watermelon, pineapple and oranges to keep you quenched and hydrated on hot days. Or as they start opening up, if you’re local to a strawberry or pick your own farm, why not get some activity in too and go fruit picking with the family!


5. “We want to go on a picnic, but

my family want to eat beige, highcalorie foods. What can I do?” With the kids off school, some for the foreseeable future and day trips becoming more frequent as we are allowed out more, picnics are the perfect day out. Taking things like a healthy rice or pasta salad, or just a good old-fashioned salad with some lean protein such as chicken or turkey can make all the difference to your healthy eating. Go steady on the sauces, but a couple of tablespoons of low calorie mayo, or low-fat salad dressings are great to ensure your food isn’t dry. By taking your own and not buying packed, processed foods on-the-go, you could save bags of calories. Taking healthy snacks and salads with you on your days will also save you money!

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Keeping Hydrated As the weather gets hotter – it becomes more important than ever to keep your water intake up and ensure you are not getting dehydrated.

Your body relies on water and other fluids to function properly. In fact, most of the body’s processes that happen need water in order to take place.

How much water do we need to drink? We lose fluid through breathing, sweating and urinating so to stay healthy it’s important to replace this. The European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 litres of fluid per day. That’s about eight 200ml glasses for a woman and 10 200ml glasses for a man.However, the amount a person needs to drink to avoid getting dehydrated will vary depending on a range of factors, including their size, the temperature and how active they are. So, for example, if you’re exercising hard in hot weather you’ll need to drink more. Keeping to clear, decaffeinated drinks such as water and low-sugar squashes are best for re-hydrating.

Benefits of drinking water: •

Water speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel full. This means drinking water and remaining hydrated is key to losing weight!

Water helps build muscle tone as it lubricates the joints in the body and also helps lower your stress levels.

Drinking water nourished your skin as it hydrates skin cells and plumps them up making your face appear younger. Water also flushes out any impurities leaving your face clean, clear and glowing.

Water speeds up digestion as it helps pass bowel motions and removes waste toxins.

Dehydration: During the summer months, it’s important to keep your eye out for the signs of dehydration. One of the first signs is really simple – you feel thirsty! If you’ve not drunk enough fluids, you’ll start to notice some of these signs:

Dark urine and not passing much urine when you go to the toilet. •

Lack of energy. •

ce these, If you experien lf from remove yourse e shade the sun, sit in th ssible, and or inside, if po water to drink plenty of elf. rehydrate yours hydrated Have you kept today? us on 0800 917 9334

Headaches. Feeling lightheaded.


r u o m o r f Top Tips



There is no better motivator than seeing how fantastically others have done on their weight loss journey. It means they have been in your shoes before and are well on their way, or have already reached their weight loss goals! Here we’ve asked some of our wonderful patients to share their weight loss tips with us – to help inspire your journey.


1. Eat everything you want, but in moderation. 2. Try and get regular exercise and activity, I like to swim!

Linda "I lost 3st 9lbs”

3. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. After Before

1. Eat less carbs where you can.

Charlene "I lost 2st 1lbs”

2. Eat less in the evenings and have a bigger lunch or breakfast. 3. It’s OK to indulge in junk food, but only in moderation and once in a while.



1. Patience. Losing weight takes time, there is no quick fix. Every loss is another step closer whether it be big or small.



"I lost 2st 7bs”

2. Be strong. Don’t give in, keep positive. You will only feel worse if you do and at the end you will see the best reward.


3. Don’t starve yourself. Starving yourself really won’t work. You will end up tired and reaching for the snacks. 3 meals, water, fruit, portion control.

"I lost 1st 3lbs” After





"I lost 1st 8lbs”


1. Stay focused on your goal weight. 1. Think of this as a good thing, not deprivation, and give it time for any side effects to rectify themselves.

2. Increase your daily activity - even if it is just a brisk walk at lunch time. 3. Drink loads of water!

2. Fall in love with cooking from scratch. 3. Accept that there will be times you plateau.


Online Weight Loss Programmes Our aim at The Slimming Clinic is to help as many people with their health and weight loss goals as possible. That is why all the medical weight loss programmes we offer at The Slimming Clinic are designed around the individual you are and what you want to achieve – to see you reaching your weight loss goals and maintain your weight loss when you get there.

How You Can Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Reaching your weight loss goals with The Slimming Clinic is now easier than ever. Working with your weight loss doctor, you will devise the best weight loss programme for you. Each programme begins with your weight loss medication – carefully selected with your weight loss doctor at your Initial Video Consultation. After your thorough consultation, your doctor will make recommendations on how we can improve your weight loss and your health, with our additional supportive elements, based on your goals for weight loss. All our online weight loss programmes include regular remote appointments with our specialist team of medical practitioners, to ensure you get the support you need, when you need it and to ensure we are offering you the most tailored weight loss programme for you.


Book your Initial Video Consultation today!

Build Your Bespoke Online Weight Loss Programme Building your bespoke weight loss programme is simple. Starting with the best weight loss medication for you, you can then add on the best additional supportive elements to suit your lifestyle and weight loss goals. You can choose all, or some, of the following:

• Chromium Supportive Supplement • Zinzino Zinobiotic




• Zinzino Balance Oil • Zinzino Xtend


per m and re onth m to ask ember our cu us about rrent offers !

• Zinzino Xtend+ • Zinzino Zinoshine+ • Zinzino Lean Shake • Zinzino Lean Bars • Zinzino Skin Serum • Thriva Blood Test • The Slimming Clinic App

How You Start Your Weight Loss Journey Your weight loss journey with The Slimming Clinic begins with your Initial Video Consultation with a weight loss doctor. We know you are ready to design your bespoke weight loss programme with us, so take the next step and contact us. You can call us now on 0800 917 9334 or use the Book Appointment button below to get a call back from a member of the team!


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Get weight loss support through every season with The Slimming Clinic online weight loss programmes. Make The Slimming Clinic the last diet you’ll ever have to do. Contact us today to see how our doctor led programmes will help you lose weight and improve your health for the long term.

0800 917 9334

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