Distraction Techniques Weight Loss Booklet

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Distraction Techniques


Ever feel like the more you try to not think of something, the more it intrudes into your thoughts?

When it comes to weight loss, trying to distract ourselves from cravings, or feeling like we need to eat when we don’t can be one of the hardest obstacles to overcome.

In this handy booklet, we’re showing you techniques to adopt to try and keep yourself distracted when you start getting the nibbles!

1. Write down your intrusive thoughts

When a craving or need to eat crops up, tackle it head on by writing it down.

By noting when you feel these urges, you’ll begin to see patterns and WHY you’re needing to eat.

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2. Take deep breaths/ meditate

Heading outside is one of the best distractions you can do when you feel the unnecessary need to nibble.

By getting out in the fresh air, it not only distracts you, but takes you physically away from the temptations at home in the kitchen.

By taking our focus away from the need to snack or eat and focussing on our breathing for 5-10 minutes, it can take away the feeling of hunger or peckish-ness.

In a quiet room, try taking deep breaths in for 4 seconds and deep breaths out for 4 seconds for 5 minutes and see if it stops your cravings.

3. Get outside

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4. Drink some water

Sometimes, when we think we are experiencing hunger, we are actually just thirsty. Before reaching for the snacks, try drinking a glass of water or two and see if it satiates your appetite.

5. Eat something healthy

If you still can’t shake the need to eat something, when you do reach for the snacks, opt for something healthy. Chances are, just the act of eating something could reduce your need to have something larger, or unhealthy.

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6. Review your weight loss goals

What do you want to achieve with your weight loss?

Where do you want to be?

Will giving in to your cravings or need to eat help you get there?

Write down what your goals are and put them somewhere you can see them, so it helps focus your willpower!

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A weight loss programme which includes weight loss medication can also help you reduce your appetite.

If you have three stone or more to lose, then The Slimming Clinic could help you.

For more information visit www.theslimmingclinc.com

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