14 01 14 Suau starts scripture program

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Suau starts Scripture program 14 January, 2014 – Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea – Written by Missy Damon with Tim Scott Denis and Marcela Vargas arrived in Papua New Guinea after an extensive journey from Heredia, Costa Rica. Despite the lengthy flights, their two young sons had traveled well. Once again God had smoothed the way to their new assignment with the Bible Translation Association of PNG. The Vargas’ journey to PNG actually began when Denis and Marcela were young children. Both grew up in Christian families and were exposed to missions through their churches and summer Bible programs. Marcela’s parents worked as church planters and Marcela planned to be a missionary one day, too. Ministries in Africa or among Muslims didn’t fit the desires and abilities God had given Denis and Marcela. While waiting for God’s leading, they worked in their respective jobs as an engineer and a nurse. When a friend gave them a copy of Cameron Townsend’s biography, their eyes were opened to the need for Bible translation for the very first time. Soon afterwards, they contacted Rumbo a las Naciones (RALN)—a Wycliffe International initiative designed to place Latin Americans in specific fields and ministry in Bible translation. RALN partners with organizations in several countries, including Mexico and PNG. Despite Mexico’s closer proximity to Costa Rica, the Vargases could not ignore the vast number of people groups in PNG that still don’t have God’s Word in their heart language. Completing the Intensive Course in Linguistics, Translation, and Literacy (CILTA) in Peru, sharing their vision with churches and friends in Costa Rica, and acquiring PNG work permits and visas were all accomplished before their arrival in Papua New Guinea. After attending the Pacific Orientation Course this January to April, they hope to go to the language area where they will serve as translators. They will be working in Milne Bay province among the Suau people—located a six-hour boat ride along the coast from the town of Alotau. God orchestrated the many details of the Vargas’ journey to PNG— helping them through the rigorous linguistic studies, and providing a steady home in Ukarumpa. Now Denis and Marcela look forward to helping see the Suau transformed by the translated Word of God. For more information on this release, contact ThePNGexperience, PO BOX 413, Ukarumpa, EHP 444, Papua New Guinea Phone: 011 + 675 + 537-3544 ext. 4431 or Email: thePNGexperience@gmail.com

Pictures do not always depict actual event, activities or people. “Tok Save” is the PNG “Tok Pisin” term for announcement or “For your information”. The English spelling conforms to Commonwealth English spelling.

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