13 07 22 Tiang translates for teachers

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Tiang translates for teachers July 22, 2013 – Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea – Catherine Rivard with Tim Scott “This is an important work of God. And thus, it will not be fruitless. You and I must give glory and praise to Him!” –Elisabeth Shelley, Tiang language group, Djaul Island. It was the last day of a two-week Sunday School Book Production Workshop in New Ireland. Fourteen members from the Tiang community, a language group located on Djaul Island had gathered in Kavieng for an intense schedule of pondering, discussing, translating, formatting, and producing over a hundred Sunday School books following the life of Christ. The challenges facing the group at the start of the workshop were numerous—no power, no food, no water, no production supplies, and lots of work to do in a limited time! But, God provides for His children, and within the first two days, generous donations came in from local business owners more than covering all their needs! Together, they worked hard discussing the best way to translate the stories and create meaningful activities to help Tiang children understand the Word of God. “Before this workshop, I didn’t read Tiang well or have Tiang resources. But now I feel confident in teaching children Bible stories in Tiang,” Delilah, a teacher, commented. All the intense study also impacted the participants deeply, as many of them read the stories of Christ for the first time in their language. “I have never read the Bible so much before! We read the Bible from morning until evening in the workshop. We read it in English. We read it in Tok Pisin. We read it in Tiang. And when I read the Bible in English or Tok Pisin, I get this much.” Solomon spread his thumb and forefinger apart. “But, when I read it in Tiang, then I get this much.” He stretched one arm above his head and the other below his waist. “Em i bikpela tumas long mi!” It’s very important to me! At times, fictitious names are substituted for the real names. For more information on this release, contact,The PNG Experience, PO BOX 413, EHP 444, Papua New Guinea Phone: 011 + 675 + 537-4431 or Email: ThePNGexperience@gmail.com “Yumi Stori” is the PNG “Tok Pisin” term for “Let’s talk” or “Let’s have a conversation”

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