Cooperating Communities

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Cooperating communities April 23, 2013 – Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea – Catherine Rivard with Tim Scott Pastor Roy had been struggling for years to translate the Scriptures into the Kapin language, but he found himself challenged by a lack of advice and guidance. And, he wasn’t alone—eight other languages in the Huon Gulf region of Morobe province were without translated Scripture too. Elsewhere in Morobe, the Malei New Testament translation neared completion. But Elisa, the primary translator, felt restless. He knew that the Malei Scriptures were already impacting people, such as Pastor Jacob who was excited that he could now prepare sermons and preach in Malei rather than in Tok Pisin, PNG’s trade language. But Elisa couldn’t stop thinking about the surrounding language groups. What about his brothers and sisters there who were still waiting for translation help? Burdened by their need, in 2010 Elisa and the Malei translation advisors, John and Amy Lindström, began the Huon Gulf Cluster Project. Now, three years on, translators from four of those languages gather regularly in Lae city for two-week workshops where they work together, guided by experienced translators and linguists from the PNG Bible Translation Association and SIL. After each workshop participants take copies of their work home to get feedback in the village. Recently, Pastor Roy took translated portions of Exodus to Kapin speakers living near Lae, including the story of how God protected the Israelites from the Egyptians by parting the Red Sea. When Kapin speaker Mack, a magistrate whose job often puts him into dangerous situations, read the story, he was amazed. He told Pastor Roy, “I’ve read that story in Tok Pisin and English, but reading it in Kapin makes me realize in a new way what a mighty work God did for his people. It makes me confident that if God looks after his people like that, then He will look after me too when I do my work.”

For more information on this release, contact, The PNG Experience, PO BOX 413, EHP 444, Papua New Guinea Phone: 011 + 675 + 537-4431 or Email:

“Tok Save” is the PNG “Tok Pisin” term for “For your information”

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