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Explore a mutantinfested America, make your own Mario world and conquer an almost endless universe… you’ll do all of this and more in the best 12 games of the next 12 months



This hails from the studio behind 2010’s marvellous side-scroller Limbo, which is enough to get usinterested. The mysterious teaser trailer oozesbothstyle and a sense of dread. And what’s inside that vat at the end? It should be a memorable journey. 42

The Witness

Braid remains one of the gold standard indies of the past few years, and creator Jonathan Blow has since been crafting this miraculously beautiful firstperson puzzler. TheWitnessfinds you exploring a stunning island covered with puzzles, mazes, and audio bits for you to decipher.

Mighty No.9

It looks like Mega Man, plays like Mega Man, and comes from the creator of Mega Man, but Mighty No.9 isn’t Mega Man – it’s made by a different studio. Capcom has abandoned the Blue Bomber so his designer Kickstarted this spiritual successor, a reimagining of the formula.


PS4, Xbox One, PC / 2016


No Man’s Sky

hen you stop and think about it, it can be difficult to comprehend the size of our universe. It’s always bigger than that big thing you’ve just imagined. Yep, even that. So is indie cosmos-’em-up No Man’s Sky. Its procedurally generated planets make The Witcher 3’s Northern Kingdoms look as cramped as a sumo match in a phonebox – before you even consider thateachoneexistswithinitsownsolar system, within its own galaxy. You can go wherever you want, though sometimes you’ll be restricted

by your equipment. Your ship or suit may need to be upgraded to visit toxic or radioactive planets, which you can do by collecting credits through mining materials, discovering new species or attacking and looting other ships and outposts. What’s the eventual aim? The makers won’t say, but there will be a reason for you to aim for the centre of the universe. What you’ll find there is anyone’s guess. God? The meaning of life? Or an old man with a monolith at the end of his bed? It won’t be long until you can find out…


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